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Weekly News from Around the World - 20-Jul-2018
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Paolo Soprani – “su vida” por Beniamino Bugiolacchi y Eugenio Paolini – Castelfidardo – Italia
Festival del gremio de acordeonistas y docentes, Illinois – USA
Seminarios de Acordeón 2018 del Dr. William Schimmel: "Thinking Inside the Box", Nueva York - USA
Convergencia de ejecutivos de la CIA en A World of Accordions Museum, WI - EE.UU.
Reportes diarios: 80º Aniversario del Festival de la AAA, Washington - USA

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: AAA Festival Orchestra Conducted by Joan C Sommers - USA
Video: Stas Venglevski & Tatyana Krasnobaeva at Kennedy Center - USA
Video: Mary Tokarski, Concert AAA 80th Anniversary - USA
Nathan Chapeton To Represent the USA at 2018 Coupe Mondiale - Lithuania
Workshop by Rita Barnea: The Life and Music of Eugene Ettore - USA

Future events

Petar Maric’s ‘World Tour’ – USA, China, France, Portugal, Netherlands
PSMA All Star Concert, Tarcento – Italy
5th Annual Gala D’Accordeon, Saint Girons - France
Festival of Russian Music, Philadelphia - USA
Leonard Brown Concert, Scotland – UK
Dovile Kazonaite and Tadas Motiecius Concert, Vilnius – Lithuania
Classic Kyiv Duo @ Stockport Accordion Club, Cheshire – UK
Roman Jbanov and Marie-Noelle Cros Concert, Auvergne – France
Mazaika ‘Evening of Russian and Gypsy Music’, London - UK
Catalonia Accordion Festival, Arseguel – Spain

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: SqueezinArt – USA

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Paolo Soprani – “su vida” por Beniamino Bugiolacchi y Eugenio Paolini – Castelfidardo – Italia

Beniamino Bugiolacchi
El 18 de julio, Eugenio Paolini y el historiador de Castelfidardo, Beniamino Bugiolacchi (Chronology of Italian Accordions - Cronología de los Acordeones italianos y muchas otras publicaciones) en colaboración con el Circolo Culturale Filatelico Numismatico "F. Matassoli" y el Proloco y el Ayuntamiento de Castelfidardo, dieron una visión muy interesante de la historia y vida de Paolo Soprani.

Paolo Soprani fue el hombre que dio a luz a la producción de acordeones en la pequeña ciudad de Castelfidardo y fue una personalidad inolvidable, no sólo para Castelfidardo, sino también para todo el mundo del acordeón.

Roberto Ascani, el alcalde de la ciudad de Castelfidardo estuvo presente en esta conferencia que atrajo a una gran audiencia y se llevó a cabo en los hermosos alrededores del Palazzo Mordini.

El estudiante Alessandro Governatori de la Escuela de Música local Paolo Soprani y Carlo Bugiolacchi hicieron un evento animado con su música y letra.

Más eventos para honrar a este memorable ciudadano de Castelfidardo están por venir.


Festival del gremio de acordeonistas y docentes, Illinois – USA

ATG header
2018 ATG posterEl 78º Festival Anual de Acordeonistas y docentes, (Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International - ATG) se lleva a cabo desde el miércoles 25 al sábado 28 de julio en el Hyatt Regency Hotel, Lisle, cerca de Chicago, Illinois. El festival contará con la participación de más de 100 acordeonistas, y presenta una gama de conciertos, concursos, talleres, exhibiciones, etc. Todos abiertos al público.

Los pases de un día están disponibles por $20; las entradas para el concierto nocturno cuestan $15. Los billetes se pueden comprar en la puerta. Los eventos se realizan todos los días de 9AM a 9.30PM. Un almuerzo buffet está disponible todos los días de 12 a 1PM con entretenimiento por $25.

Los artistas invitados de este año incluyen Matthias Matzke (Alemania), Petar Maric (Serbia), Stas Venglevski (Moldavia), Cory Pesaturo, Mike Alongi, Donna Dee y Dennis Ray, Mixed Ensemble (MD Murl Allen Sanders), The ATG Festival Accordion Orchestra ( MD Joan Cochran Sommers), y el Quinteto del Presidente (Joseph Natoli, Amy Jo Sawyer, Kenn Baert, Murl Sanders y Liz Finch). El invitado de honor especial es Harley Jones, de Accordions Worldwide.

Fundado en 1940, el Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) fue creado para apoyar y promover el acordeón, el desarrollo de la composición musical y los arreglos específicamente para acordeones y para apoyar acordeonistas y maestros.

Para más información vista: www.accordions.com/atg
ATG Executive 2018


Seminarios de Acordeón 2018 del Dr. William Schimmel: "Thinking Inside the Box", Nueva York - USA

AAA header
Bill Schimmeltendrá lugar los días 27, 28 y 29 de julio en el Tenri Cultural Institute, 43A West 13th Street, en la ciudad de Nueva York. Las clases magistrales son a las 3PM y los conciertos a las 7PM. El Dr. William Schimmel (imagen a la derecha) volverá a ser moderador y conservador.

Los Seminarios 2018 cubrirán una amplia gama de temas y se enfocarán en nuevos métodos de enseñanza: aprendizaje 'Earteach', 'Eyeteach' y 'Duplex', así como el estudio de varios libros de métodos que han desaparecido del mercado.

El objetivo es redescubrir algunas de las ricas tradiciones y culturas que pueden haberse perdido o descartado. También habrá un segmento 'Accordio/Dalcrose' usando 'Movimiento' y 'Eurythmics'. Además, un seminario sobre "Lo que se necesita para sobrevivir como un acordeonista de Nueva York", aplicable a cualquier plan de carrera en cualquier lugar.

El Dr. Schimmel ha actuado con la mayoría de las principales orquestas sinfónicas de América, y muchos grupos de música de cámara en Nueva York. Estrellas del pop como Sting o Tom Waits, quien comentó: "Bill Schimmel no toca el acordeón, él es el acordeón". Sus muchos logros incluyen la fundación del 'Proyecto de Tango', la enseñanza, dirigir clases magistrales, componer, grabar y actuar en bandas sonoras de películas.

Descargue el formulario y la información en el sitio AAA en: http://www.ameraccord.com/annualmasterclass.php

Se enumeran los artistas intérpretes o ejecutantes, los presentadores, los temas de la clase magistral y los conciertos. 2018MC-Schedule.pdf y 2018MC-Concerts.pdf


Convergencia de ejecutivos de la CIA en A World of Accordions Museum, WI - EE.UU.

World of Accordions Museum
Helmi Harrington, Kevin FriedrichEl 30 de julio, tres miembros ejecutivos de la Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) se reunirán con los miembros de la junta de A World of Accordions Museum en el Harrington ARTS Center, Wisconsin, para conversar sobre intereses conjuntos y acciones de apoyo.

El grupo internacional incluirá a Kevin Friedrich (EE. UU.), Harley Jones y su hermana Heather Masefield (Nueva Zelanda), Herbert Scheibenreif (Austria), así como Kenneth Baert, David Beer, el curador Helmi Harrington (imagen superior derecha) y la Junta Directiva de AWAM . Los líderes comunitarios, incluido el alcalde Jim Paine, han programado asistencia. Representantes de personas del Consejo Municipal, Cámara de Comercio, UWS, WITC, entre otros, también se esperan.

La CIA (secretaría en Finlandia) y el Comité de la Alianza Mundial de Acordeón de la CIA (WAMA), presidente Kevin Friedrich (imagen derecha), desean promover los museos internacionales de acordeón como parte del desarrollo general del acordeón y la membresía de la CIA de la Internacional Music Council, una ONG miembro de la UNESCO.

La agenda planificada para la reunión de las 2PM incluirá:
1) Recorrido por los instrumentos del museo, la sala de conciertos y las bibliotecas.
2) Lanzamiento de recaudación de fondos de "Visión Superior" para AWAM.
3) Discutir la preservación de documentos y artefactos históricos a través de afiliaciones de museos.
4) Día Mundial del Acordeón, 2019.


Reportes diarios: 80º Aniversario del Festival de la AAA, Washington - USA

AAA Header
La destacada alineación de artistas invitados al festival se incluye en los Informes Diarios con el Festival del 80º Aniversario de la AAA que presenta una multitud de conciertos, talleres, actividades y una feria comercial. Enlace al 80° Aniversario Festival de la AAA.

Informes diarios de imágenes y videos: 2018AAA80th


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: AAA Festival Orchestra Conducted by Joan C Sommers - USA

2018 AAA Festival Orchestra
Video of the 14th July AAA Festival Orchestra under the direction of Joan Cochran Sommers.

View pictures and the complete program of the AAA Festival Orchesttra at: 2018AAA80th (14th July).


Video: Stas Venglevski & Tatyana Krasnobaeva at Kennedy Center - USA

Kennedy Center Poster
Video: Complete concert at Kennedy Center Millenium Stage, concert by Stas Venglevski & Tatyana Krasnobaeva, introduction by AAA Historian Joan Grauman, © 2018 John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.


Video: Mary Tokarski, Concert AAA 80th Anniversary - USA

AAA Header
Video: Dark Eyes

Video: Whatever You Do by Karen Fremar
Mary TokarskiVideo of AAA President Mary Tokarski performing on the Friday evening concert of the AAA 80th Anniversary in Washington DC.

Her program was:
1. Visum et Impetus by Massimo De Lillo - Video in Daily Reports 2018AAA80th (13th July)
2. Dark Eyes (traditional Russian folk) arranged by AAA founding member Charles Magnante - video above.
3. Whatever You Do by Karen Fremar - video above.


Nathan Chapeton To Represent the USA at 2018 Coupe Mondiale - Lithuania

AAA Header
Nathan ChapetonVideos at: 2018AAA80th (11th July).
Video 1: “Sonata in Fm K386” by Scarlatti
Video 2: “4th mvt, Zolatariev Sonata”
Video 3: “Tango pour Janet” composed by Nathan Chapeton.

17 year old Nathan Chapeton from Middletown, Connecticut is the winner in two prestigious categories at the 2018 AAA 80th Anniversary Festival held last week.

Nathan also qualified to represent the USA at the 2018 71st Coupe Mondiale to be held from September 24-30, 2018 in Kaunas, Lithuania. His qualifications are Videos 1 and 2 above, performed before Grayson Masefield and Linda Solely Reed.

Nathan is also the winner of the Elsie Bennett Junior Composition Competition. You can hear him performing his composition in Video 3 above.

Nathan Chapeton is a young musician who became interested in playing the accordion at the age of eight when he heard his teacher, Mary Tokarski perform in concert.

His plans for the future include teaching the accordion and piano, improving his composition skills and ultimately wants to bring the accordion to the youth of the United States.


Workshop by Rita Barnea: The Life and Music of Eugene Ettore - USA

AAA Header
Video: Rhapsodie Espagnole composed by Eugene Ettore and performed by USA News Editor Rita Barnea.

Rita writes: I am posting the link to the Eugene Ettore website internationally -
Eugene Ettore
to educate all about a unique, versatile and talented individual who made great contributions to the accordion world and musical world in general. I encourage you to visit this page.

If you are interested in learning his music, please contact me at Ritabelll@aol.com and
I will provide you with the music and also recordings free of charge, to assist you.


Future events

Petar Maric’s ‘World Tour’ – USA, China, France, Portugal, Netherlands

Petar MaricVirtuoso accordionist Petar Maric, from Serbia, is currently performing in the USA. His future international touring plans include:

May to August 2nd – USA
August 2nd to 12th – China
August 12th to September 23rd – USA
September 27th to 30th – Paris, France
October 3rd to 8th – Portugal
October 9th to 13th - China
October 14th to 16th – Netherlands
October 18th to 22nd – Portugal
October 29th to November 5th – China

Petar Maric studied at the Belgrade State Music Conservatory ‘Vuckovic’ under Aleksandar Nikolic. He spent a year in Paris, to improve his ‘variete’ style with Frederic Deschamps and Franck Angelis, and later also studied in Bratislava, Slovakia. His competitive successes include winning the CIA Coupe Mondiale, CMA Trophée Mondiale, Klingenthal and Castelfidardo competitions.

For further information email: maestromaric@gmail.com


PSMA All Star Concert, Tarcento – Italy

PSMA All StarOn Saturday July 21st, 9pm, at the Sala Margherita, Tarcento, there is a concert featuring accordionists Ralf Bethke, Damir Bužleta, Nicolas Gabaron, Lev Lavrov, Eddie Monteiro (Brazil), Massimo Pividori, Viatcheslav Semionov (Russia), and Peter & Mady Soave. Tarcento is a town and comune in the province of Udine, in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region of north-eastern Italy.

This concert is the first in a series of PSMA events between July 22nd and August 5th that includes concerts, chamber music, workshops and master classes organised by the Peter Soave Music Academy

For further information email: petersoavemusicacademy@gmail.com


5th Annual Gala D’Accordeon, Saint Girons - France

The 5th Annual Gala D’AccordeonThe 5th Annual Gala D’Accordeon takes place on Saturday July 21st, 9.30pm, at the Baléjou, Saint Girons, a commune in the Ariège department in southwestern France. There will also be a concert on Sunday morning at 11.30am and dancing on Sunday afternoon at 4.30pm.

The guest accordionists include Didier Laurent, Stéphanie Rodriguez (Champion of France), Nathalie Bernat (La Belle d’Auvergne), Gilles Saby, and Jérôme Baudou.


Festival of Russian Music, Philadelphia - USA

The Balalaika and Domra Association of America presents their Russian Festival Concert at Temple Performing Arts Center, 1837 N Broad St, Philadelphia on Saturday July 21st at 7.30pm. The concert brings together musicians from around the world performing Russian, Eastern European and Gypsy folk music, song and dance, and is the culmination of the BDAA’s 40th annual convention taking place in King of Prussia, PA, July 15th-22nd.

The performance will feature virtuoso of the balalaika, Elina Karokhina, and virtuoso of the domra, Peter Omelchenko, performing in duos, ensembles and with an 80-piece Russian folk orchestra, featuring two accordionists, conducted by David Cooper.


Leonard Brown Concert, Scotland – UK

Leonard Brown Concert posterOn Sunday July 22nd, 2pm – 5.30pm, accordionist Leonard Brown and his band performs in concert and for dancing at the Locharbriggs Social Club, Dumfries DG1 1XB. The event is to recognise the long career and achievements of the well-known accordionist John Douglas, bandleader and accordion retailer and technician.

Englishman Leonard Brown, an All Scotland accordion champion and a pianist, has become well-known for promoting concerts in Scotland, including lifetime achievement tribute concerts for the accordionists Tom Alexander and Davie Stewart. He has many CDs and DVDs to his credit, most notably ‘A Toast to Scotland’, a double DVD celebrating the music of some of Scotland’s accordion legends such as Jimmy Shand and Will Starr.

For further information email: leonardbrownaccordion@gmail.com


Dovile Kazonaite and Tadas Motiecius Concert, Vilnius – Lithuania

Dovile Kazonaite and Tadas Motiecius Concert posterOn Tuesday July 24th, 8pm, operatic soprano Dovile Kazonaite and accordionist Tadas Motiecius perform together in concert at the Sakmiu Siuita, Palangos Gintaro Muziejuje, Vilnius. The concert is part of the Pasaulio Balsai music festival.

Tadas Motiecius began learning the accordion when he was ten years old, when he enrolled in the School of Music at the Šiauliai Saulius Sondeckis art school with Professor Maryte Markeviciene. In 2012 Tadas Motiecius entered the Lithuanian Music and Theater Academy in the class of Raimondas Sviackevicius, then in 2014 studied at the Royal Danish Academy of Music with Professor Geir Draugsvoll.


Classic Kyiv Duo @ Stockport Accordion Club, Cheshire – UK

Classic Kyiv DuoOn Wednesday July 25th, 7.30pm, the Classic Kyiv Duo – accordionists Igor Sayenko and Oleksiy Kolomoiets - on tour from the Kiev in the Ukraine, perform as guests at Stockport Accordion Club.

The venue is Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel St (off the A560), Stockport SK5 1NF. Admission is £5. The duo has toured the UK annually since 2006, using their talents to raise money for the Chernobyl Nuclear Appeal whilst building up a large following in the process.

Their concert programme includes: Widor – ‘Toccata’ (from ‘Organ Symphony No 5’), S. Prokofiev – ‘Dance of Knights and March’, T. Bor – ‘McMozart's Eine Kleine Bricht Moonlicht Nicht Musik’, P. Heidrich – ‘Happy Birthday variations’, G. Bizet/F. Waxman – ‘Carmen-Fantasy’, A. Gaidenko – ‘Under the River Seine’, Khachaturian – ‘Sabre Dance’, A. Babadjanyan – ‘Elegy’ (in commemoration of Khachaturian), V. Novikov – ‘Rozpryagayte khlopcy koney’ (variation based on Ukrainian folk song), and N. Rimsky-Korsakov/V. Zubitsky – ‘Flight of the Bumblebee’.

The Stockport Accordion Band, Helen Rich, Accordion Spice, and Harry Hussey will perform short supporting spots.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Roman Jbanov and Marie-Noelle Cros Concert, Auvergne – France

Roman Jbanov and Marie-Noelle Cros Concert posterThe soprano Marie-Noelle Cros and accordionist Roman Jbanov perform together in concert on Wednesday July 25th, 5pm, at the Saint-Amable Basilica of St. Amabilis Riom, Puy-de-Dôme, Auvergne, France.

Ukrainian-born Roman Jbanov’s achievements include Grand Prize Beloborodov in Tula (Russia), Scholarship of the President of the Russian Republic, and in 1997 winning the CMA Trophée Mondiale. He is also well-known for his Paris-Moscow Duo work with Domi Emorine.

For further information email: duopm@sfr.fr


Mazaika ‘Evening of Russian and Gypsy Music’, London - UK

The duo Mazaika – Igor Outkine (digital button accordion and vocals) and Elizabeth Harrison (violin) – perform authentic Russian folk music, gypsy, romance, tango, etc, on Wednesday July 25th, 8pm - !0.30pm, at the Pasha Central Asian Restaurant, 58 Camberwell Road, London SE5 0EE. The Restaurant has a reasonably priced menu of delicious Central Asian and Russian food.

For further information email: igor.outkine@yahoo.com


Catalonia Accordion Festival, Arseguel – Spain

posterThis year’s annual Catalonia Accordion Festival in Arseguel, near the Pyrenees in northern Spain, takes place from July 27th to 30th.

The national and international accordionists at this year’s festival, founded in the 1970s, includes Cati Plana (diatonic accordion, Catalonia), Jogui Walliman (diatonic accordion, Switzerland), Pilar Planavila (diatonic accordion, Catalonia), Gary Blair (piano accordion, Scotland), Elies Ferna´ndez Sabate´ (diatonic accordion, Catalonia), Raynald Ouellet (diatonic accordion, Quebec, Canada), Liv Hallum (diatonic accordion, Catalonia), Enrique Telleri´a (bandoneon, Uruguay), Pari´s-Moscow Duo (Roman Jvanov and Domi Emorine, chromatic accordions, Russia/France), Alina and Mikhai¨l Khlebnov (chromatic accordions, Sibe`ria, Russia), E`rika Weigend and Josep “Pepo´n” Vilarrubla (diatonic accordions, Catalonia), Trio Lopes - Yohann and Yannick (diatonic and chromatic accordions, Portugal), Grup Ne´ixer (harmonica trio) - Ramon Closa, Jaume March and Joan Roca (Catalonia), Vladimir Denissenkov (chromatic accordion, Ukraine), Anatol Eremciuc (chromatic accordion, Moldova), Antonio Rivas (diatonic accordion, Colombia), and Joaqui´n Di´az (diatonic accordion, Dominican Republic).


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: SqueezinArt – USA

SqueezinArt logoSqueezinArt, home of unique gifts for accordionists and accordion enthusiasts, now has a downloadable price list and colorful catalogues in PDF format: http://squeezinart.com/catalogues.html

SqueezinArt will be exhibiting at the American Accordionists’ Association’s 80th anniversary Festival in Alexandria, Virginia, July 11-15. New items, such as the accordion trivet (picture below) made of Corian®, as well as a variety of t-shirts, pins, and many other gift items will be available for purchase.
accordion trivet


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