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Weekly News from Around the World - 20-Feb-2015
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Особенности Highlights

BREAKING NEWS: Young Basque Country Performer Oroitz Maiz Passed Away - Spain
BREAKING NEWS: Tulio Gasperini Passed Away - USA
75 годовщина фестиваля преподавательской гильдии ATG, 22-25 июля, Лайл, Иллинойс – США
Расписание концертов Мартинаса Левикиса – Ирландия, Дания, Германия, Бельгия, Украина, Венгрия, Франция, Литва, Турция
В Консерватории Амстердама с 2015 года открывается класс аккордеона – Нидерланды
Видео: Бьяджо Антоначчи (Biagio Antonacci) с квартетом аккордеонистов/бандонеонистов – Италия
Майкл Бридж (Michael Bridge) один из четырех победителей конкурса ‘Concerto’, Торонто – Канада

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Yuri Medianik and Emotion-orchestra Group Perform Campo Afuera - Russia
The Most Accordion Shaped Camper Ever - Netherlands
Igor Zobin, Accordionist and Conductor, Pesaro – Italy
Video: Lucy Alves, Presenter Voltamos and Her Group on Sala de Reboco - Brazil
Video: Ksenija Sidorova at the Arte Lounge, Berlin - Germany
Video: Gina Reis Performing for a Dance - Portugal
‘14 Years Ago’: Documentary ‘Accordion Dreams’ premiered in March 2001
Video: Andrej Hraško Performs Gorka Hermosa Guernica 26/4/1937

Будущие события

Trio Akk:zent Concert Tour - Austria, Germany, Belgium, Ukraine, Hungary, Lithuania, Turkey
Marco Lo Russo Solo Recital, Fondi - Italy
Gradam Ceoil TG4, Trad Irish Music Awards Concert Live on TG4 – Irish Republic
Zoltan Orosz Trio Concert, Budapest – Hungary
Tony Kearney Gigs, Slough, London, Luton – UK
Giorgio Felicetti Concert, Civitanova - Italy
‘The Brandon McPhee Show’, Inverness – UK
‘The Day of the Accordion’, Washington - USA
Chapter House Ensemble Concerts, Edinburgh – UK
Vincent LHermet In Rameau Recital, Paris – France
X International Competition "Cittá di Greci" - Italy
Weird Al Yankovic ‘Mandatory World Tour’ gigs – USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: Guardia Nueva Tangokonzert Berlin Philharmonie Double CD
Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer Composition Released - Israel
Updated Site: Gary Dahl Update eBooks Collection Special Price
Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer Arrangement Released - Israel
Updated Site: Franco Cambareri New Work Danza Guapa

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Особенности Highlights

BREAKING NEWS: Young Basque Country Performer Oroitz Maiz Passed Away - Spain

OROITZ MAIZThe accordionist Oroitz Maiz, born in Gabiria in 1983, passed away this Thursday in Barcelona. According to the report of the television channel Euskal Telebista, on Saturday evening he choked while eating dinner and since then had been in a coma.

Oroitz Maiz (Gabiria, Basque Country, 1983) began his musical studies age 7 and continues his studies in classical accordion at the "International Studies Center Acordeonísticos" with teachers Carlos Iturralde and Miren Iñarga.

He studied harmony and counterpoint with the composer Jesús Torres, in Madrid and later still perfecting his accordion studies in Barcelona with Professor Iñaki Alberdi, and chamber music with Harry Sparnnay and Charles Tunnell. Later he moved to Germany to deepen their acordeonística training with the renowned Professor Stefan Hussong.

He has given recitals and concerts throughout the Spanish geography, Portugal, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, Egypt ... in auditoriums and concert halls as The Palace of Catalan Music, the venue, Gran Teatre del Liceu, National Auditorium, Auditori de Barcelona ... and has performed as a soloist with the Orchestra and Chorus of the Gran Teatre del Liceu, National Chamber Orchestra of Andorra, Barcelona Symphony Orchestra i Nacional de Catalunya (OBC), Symphony Orchestra of Bilbao, Barcelona 216, Granollers Chamber Orchestra under the baton of directors like Fabien Gabel, Sebastian Weigle, Yasuaki Itakura, Ernest Martinez Izquierdo, among others.

He has been awarded numerous competitions at state and worldwide as the Iberian Accordion Competition (Alcobaça, Portugal); International Competition of Les Corts, Guipuzcoano Accordion Competition, the International Accordion Competition (Andorra), music Youth of Spain, among others.

He has recorded for various media how: BTV, Catalunya Radio, National Radio of Spain, Com Radio, ETB.

He has also collaborated with several composers premiering their works for accordion: Joan Riera, German Moreno, Xao Ching ...


BREAKING NEWS: Tulio Gasperini Passed Away - USA

A name synonymous with the accordion, Tulio Gasperini passed away on Friday, February 20, 2015, at the age of 92. He was the beloved husband of Dolores (Brogi) Gasperini for 66 years and resided in Lincoln for 61 years. A full obituary article is on the USA News.


75 годовщина фестиваля преподавательской гильдии ATG, 22-25 июля, Лайл, Иллинойс – США

ATG 2015 banner
Betty Jo Simon, ATG PresidentJoan SommersЮбилейный 75 фестиваль Гильдии Аккордеонистов и Преподавателей (ATG) начнется вечером среду 22 июля 2015 года и продлится до вечера субботы 25 июля в Лайле, Иллинойс (Чикаго). В рамках фестиваля состоятся концерты, выставки, семинары, демонстрации, джем-сейшны и конкурсы для участников всех уровней.

ATG с гордостью представляет выдающихся виртуозов, которые выступят на фестивале в качестве приглашенных артистов:

- Юрий Шишкин, Россия, специальный гость фестиваля.
- Фрэнк Петрилли и его квартет
- Стас Венглевски сыграет соло, а также исполнит с Фестивальным оркестром одну из своих новейших композиций «Рондо-фантазию», написанную специально для этого события.
- Кори Пезатуро ("C Pez") – один из четырех аккордеонистов – победителей Чемпионата мира одновременно на акустическом и цифровом инструментах
- Гари Блэр из Шотландии откроет Фестиваль ATG в среду вечером, организовав забавный вечер кельтской танцевальной музыки (Ceilidh) и научит гостей танцевальным шагам, чтобы все смогли принять участие в танцевальном вечере
- Фестивальный оркестр под руководством профессора Джоан Соммерс постарается привлечь по крайней мере по одному участников из возможно большего числа стран. Давайте посмотрим, сколько государств мы сможем объединить в этом популярном оркестре!
- Доктор Хельми Харрингтон проведет лекцию/показ своей коллекции редких инструментов

Кроме того в пятницу днем состоится концерт оригинальных композиций. А конкурсные прослушивания в категориях солистов, дуэтов и ансамблей категории. Победители некоторых категорий даже получат денежные призы.

Для получения полной информации относительно юбилейного фестиваля ATG посетите сайт гильдии: Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG)


Расписание концертов Мартинаса Левикиса – Ирландия, Дания, Германия, Бельгия, Украина, Венгрия, Франция, Литва, Турция

Click left to start soundtrack.
MartynasВидео выше: Мартинас Левикис (Martynas Levickis) на недавнем телешоу ‘Litewskim Mam Talent’ («Литва ищет таланты») исполняет медленно начинающееся попурри, которые развивается к концу.

У литовского аккордеониста-виртуоза Мартинаса Левикиса очень плотный концертный график международных гастролей в ближайшие три месяца:

24 февраля, 19.30 – Jenisch Haus, Гамбург, Германия
4 марта, 18.30 – концертный зал И. Менухина, Европейский Парламент, Брюссель, Бельгия
10 марта, 18.00 – театр Национальной Академической Оперетты, Киев, Украина
11марта, 17.00 – «Звуки Европы в Министерстве Финансов», Берлин, Германия
12 марта, 19.00 – Будапешт, Венгрия
17 марта, 19.00 – Международная Дипломатическая Академия, Париж, Франция
21 марта – Филармоническое общество Каунаса, Литва
8 апреля, 18.00 – концерт с Литовским Камерным Оркестром, концертный зал Клайпеда, Литва
11 апреля – концерт в TEDx, Вильнюс, Литва
14 апреля – концерт с оркестром ‘Geneva Camerata’, Стамбул, Турция
30 апреля – концерт с камерным оркестром Св. Кристофера, проект «Танго Пьяццоллы», церковь Св. Катерины, Вильнюс

Мартинас Левикис родился в Литве, окончил Лондонскую Королевскую Академию Музыки. Мартинас завоевал несколько наград, в том числе «Кубок Мира» в категории ‘Piano Accordion’ (исполнители на клавишном аккордеоне), а также стал победителем популярного телепроекта "Литва Ищет Таланты", став популярной телезвездой.

Признанный в Литве местным героем, Мартинас также был назначен правительством своей страны туристическим послом.


В Консерватории Амстердама с 2015 года открывается класс аккордеона – Нидерланды

Marieke Grotenhuis and Marko KasslConservatorium van Amsterdam logoНачиная с сентября 2015 года Консерватория Амстердама открывает специальный класс аккордеона. Два видных аккордеониста – Марике Гротенхаус (Marieke Grotenhuis) и Марко Кассль (Marko Kassl, на фото слева) – войдут в преподавательский состав, чтобы разработать программу обучения международного уровня.

Амстердамская консерватория (CvA) является крупнейшей и наиболее диверсифицированной консерваторией в Нидерландах. Расположенная в одном из самых оживленных музыкальных центров Европы и имеющая в своем распоряжении выдающийся преподавательский состав, Консерватория в полной мере охватывает многоплановый музыкальный климат Амстердама. Поэтому Консерватория является отличным местом для помощи студентам в их развитии в универсальных музыкантов самого высокого уровня.

CvA предлагает курсы по различным направлениям: классическая музыка, джаз, старинная музыка, опера, латиноамериканская музыка, популярная музыка и музыка в образовании. И теперь наконец в CvA есть и класс аккордеона! Скачать информацию можно здесь: 2015CvA.pdf

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: markokassl@hotmail.com


Видео: Бьяджо Антоначчи (Biagio Antonacci) с квартетом аккордеонистов/бандонеонистов – Италия

Massimo Tagliata, Daniele Donadelli, Antonio Rimedio and Marco Fabbri on bandoneon and Massimo Varini (guitar)
Видео: недавнее выступление знаменитого итальянского певца Бьяджо Антоначчи на большой сцене театра Аристон в Сан-Ремо. Бьяджо Антоначчи представил публике свои знаменитые песни в свежей аранжировке совместно с аккордеонистами Массимо Тальята, Даниэле Донаделли, Антонио Римедио, бандонеонистом Марко Фаббри и гитаристом Массимо Варини.

Спасибо ‘MusicTech’ за предоставленное видео


Майкл Бридж (Michael Bridge) один из четырех победителей конкурса ‘Concerto’, Торонто – Канада

Michael BridgeУниверситет Торонто каждый год проводит концертный конкурс (‘Concerto Competition’) с целью отобрать солистов, которые будут играть с оркестром в предстоящем концертном сезоне. В выходные 10 и 11 января канадский баянист Майкл Бридж успешно преодолел оба тура конкурса и был выбран в качестве одного из четырех победителей, которые выступят в качестве солистов с оркестром в сезоне 2015/16 года.

Майкл исполнил «Концерт для аккордеона с оркестром» итало-американского композитора Пола Крестона (Paul Creston) в авторской версии переложения для баяна с фортепиано. Партию фортепиано исполнила д-р Хе Вон Сесилия Ли (Dr. Hye Won Cecilia Lee). Дата выступления с оркестром будет объявлена в ближайшие месяцы.

Интересы Майкла, широко известного в аккордеонных кругах как канадского победителя конкурса исполнителей на цифровых аккордеонах ‘Roland Digital’ и энергичного исполнителя развлекательной музыки в стиле полька-рок, в настоящее время находятся в области классической, современной и камерной музыкой и признания аккордеона/баяна как серьезного концертного инструмента.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Yuri Medianik and Emotion-orchestra Group Perform Campo Afuera - Russia

Popular accordionist, violinist and conductor Yuri Medianik and a group from the Emotion-orchestra performing Campo Afuera (Rodolfo Biagi) in a live performance at ZIL culture center in Moscow. Release 16th February 2015.


The Most Accordion Shaped Camper Ever - Netherlands

De Markis Camper
De Markis CamperDe Markis is a camper that unfolds like an accordion. Contemporary architect and design connoisseur, Eduard Böhtlingk, created this amazing mobile camper. His company, Architectenbureau Böhtlingk is located in Maasland, the Netherlands.

In the right situation, you can go fishing from the deck! It might even double as a portable concert stage with dressing rooms!!!

Featuring a bedroom with privacy canvas, a sitting room with transparent canvas for an excellent view, and an interior room with stove, sink, table, and multiple storage places, this camper would be a wonderful talking point for any accordion enthusiast to own.


Igor Zobin, Accordionist and Conductor, Pesaro – Italy

Igor Zobin
Igor Zobin was born in Trieste in 1983 and studied the accordion at the Slovene Music Institute in Trieste and at the State Music Conservatory in Pesaro. He was awarded a degree at the Conservatory Gioacchino Rossini in Pesaro and was selected to represent Italy at the 52nd CMA Trophée Mondiale.

For the first time in Italy and in the history of the famous Accademia Musicale Pescarese, accordionist Igor Zobin also gained his degree in conducting.

Igor Zobin, had already decided which style he would like to follow for his career. He spoke about it in an interview for “Musica Colta” where he declared:
“Accordion, or the bayan in my personal case, is a extraordinary instrument, that allows you to explore music in each single dimension. Accordion is a young instrument that has a great future, but that also gives to the musician an instrument to understand and perform many different music styles from the past to the present.

Accordion put your musicianship to the test. Accordion has always been my personal orchestra, but I always desired to grow as musician, to pursuit the art of music.

Conducting and directing an orchestra is an art, hard to merely describe. It’s great and complex, and it demands a lot of energy from you. I am very happy to get this degree at the Academy and I am proud of this path!”.

Igor Zobin intends his career to combine orchestra director together with the accordion performance. We wish Igor Zobin all the best for a shining future with these goals for his life.


Video: Lucy Alves, Presenter Voltamos and Her Group on Sala de Reboco - Brazil

Lucy AlvesAccordionist Lucy Alves, singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, presenter Voltamos plus group were broadcast on TV Tambaú program Sala de Reboco on the 8th February 2015.

At 5:50 Lucy picks up the accordion. Published on Feb 11, 2015 TV Tambaú.

The other accordionist in the band is Giordano Mahatma Costa who won 3rd place at the 2014 Coupe Mondiale Senior Virtuoso Entertainment category.


Video: Ksenija Sidorova at the Arte Lounge, Berlin - Germany

Ksenija Sidorova performing Revelation by Sergey Voitenko at the Arte Lounge, Berlin. Published on Feb 10, 2015


Video: Gina Reis Performing for a Dance - Portugal

Accordionist Gina Reis playing and singing at a recent dance in Portugal.


‘14 Years Ago’: Documentary ‘Accordion Dreams’ premiered in March 2001

Accordion Dreams
The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending February 23rd 2001 included an item about the premiere of a documentary film titled ‘Accordion Dreams’, which was soon to be screened at a festival in Texas. The documentary focused on conjunto, the accordion-driven music of the Tex-Mex community. This genre has thrived though the years, and in last week’s Accordions Worldwide news we reported that accordionist Flaco Jimenez, conjunto’s most successful player, has recently received a Lifetime Grammy award. Well done, Flaco!

Documentary ‘Accordion Dreams’ at Film Festival – USA
Contributed by Evy Ledesma

‘Accordion Dreams’, the newest film by Hector Galan will premiere at the SXSW Film Festival in Austin, Texas, during March. ‘Accordion Dreams’ is an exciting journey into the heart and soul of conjunto music. The documentary explores the historical and cultural impact that accordion based conjunto music has had while revealing how a younger generation of squeezebox trailblazers are keeping the music alive.

Accordion Dreams will be broadcast nationally in the United States on PBS.


Video: Andrej Hraško Performs Gorka Hermosa Guernica 26/4/1937

Andrej Hraško Performs the Gorka Hermosa composition Guernica 26/4/1937. Gorka Hermosa wrote, "Bravo!! Really nice interpretation!" Video published on Oct 14, 2014 by Andrej Hraško.


Будущие события

Trio Akk:zent Concert Tour - Austria, Germany, Belgium, Ukraine, Hungary, Lithuania, Turkey

Trio Akk:zentVideo above: The Trio Akk:zent of Austria consisting of Paul Schuberth (accordion), Johannes Münzner (accordion), Victoria Pfeil (saxophone) were recently featured at the 2014 Coupe Mondiale in Austria.

Trio Akk:zent perform in concert as follows:
20 February, 8.30pm – Jazzclub STEP, Volkermarkt, Austria
21 February, 8.30pm – Kammerlichtspiele, Klagenfurt, Austria
22 February, 11am – Schloss Wolfsberg, Austria
8 March, 8pm - Schwarzberg, Austria
4 March 6.30 pm European Parliament, Y. Menuhin concert hall, Brussels, Belgium.
10th March 6 pm National Academic Operetta theatre, Kiev, Ukraine.
11th March 5 pm, The sound of Europe at the Ministry of Finance in Berlin, Germany.
12 March 7 pm Budapest, Hungary.
17 March 7 pm The Académie Diplomatique Internationale, Paris, France.
21 March Kaunas Philharmonic society, Lithuania.
8 April 6 pm Concert with Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra in Klaipeda Concert hall, Lithuania.
11 April Performance in TEDx Vilnius, Lithuania.
14 April Concert with Geneva Camerata in Istanbul, Turkey.
30 April Concert with St. Christopher's Chamber Orchestra - Piazzolla Tango project at St. Catherine's Church, Vilnius, Lithuania.


Marco Lo Russo Solo Recital, Fondi - Italy

Marco Lo RussoAccordionist Marco Lo Russo performs a solo recital in the second ‘Folk a Meta’ festival at the Sala Grande di Palazzo Caetan, Fondi, on Saturday February 21st, 9.30pm.

Marco Lo Russo is currently making some recordings and doing an interview with Benedetta Rinaldi for Rai Community, a programme for Italians abroad, on the TV station RAI World.

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Gradam Ceoil TG4, Trad Irish Music Awards Concert Live on TG4 – Irish Republic

Gradam Ceoil TG4Bobby GardinerVideo: Bobby Gardiner - Gradam Saol - TG4 Lifetime Achievement Award 2015 Promo.

A concert titled "Gradam Ceoil TG4 – The Traditional Irish Music Awards 2015" takes place at Cork Opera House on Sunday February 22nd at 9.30pm.

Gradam Ceoil TG4 returns to Cork after an absence of more than 10 years. The Traditional Irish Music Awards 2015 will be broadcast live for the very first time ever from Cork Opera House on Sunday, February 22nd 2015.

Featuring the very best of Irish music and song, the night will also recognise the outstanding achievements of the 2015 recipients across six various strands of Irish Traditional Music. Dáithí Ó Sé and Aoife Ní Thuairisg will present the show and will be joined on stage by a host of well known personalities.

The main award, Gradam Ceoil TG4 goes to Galway virtuoso Máirtín O’Connor whose accordion-playing wizardry and range of compositions have been dazzling audiences for over thirty years.

The Lifetime Achievement Award goes to legendary player Bobby Gardiner (picture right), a Clare native now exiled in Tipperary but well-known throughout the land for well over a half-century for his warm and gentle style of playing and teaching.


Zoltan Orosz Trio Concert, Budapest – Hungary

Zoltan OroszZoltan Orosz accordion, Zoltán Balogh (guitar), and Béla Lattmann (bass guitar) perform together in concert on Monday February 23rd, 7pm, at Obudai Tarsaskor, Kiskorona, Budapest, Hungary.

Zoltan Orosz (born 1966) studied both the accordion and the organ at the Bela Bartok Conservatory in Budapest, then at the Franz Liszt College, Budapest. He has since pursued a very successful international career as an accordionist, with several recordings to his credit.


Tony Kearney Gigs, Slough, London, Luton – UK

Tony KearneyAccordionist Tony Kearney performs this weekend as follows:

February 20th – private function, Irish Centre, Slough
February 21st – Irish Club, Eastleigh
February 22nd - Ceili, Irish Centre, Camden Town, London
February 24th – English Martyrs Hall, Elephant & Castle, London
February 27th – Maznod Club, Quex Rd, Kilburn, London
March 1st - Ceili, Irish Centre, Camden Town, London
March 6th - Ceili, Irish Club, Wimbledon, London
March 7th – St Margaret’s Club, Luton
March 8th - Ceili, Irish Centre, Camden Town, London

Tony Kearney, from Inchigeela in County Cork, plays the Shand Morino and is highly regarded in Irish communities as a solo accordionist. He has three CDs to his credit, and is also a singer.

For further information email: starr63@gmail.com


Giorgio Felicetti Concert, Civitanova - Italy


‘The Brandon McPhee Show’, Inverness – UK

McPheeTeenager Brandon McPhee, 2014 Senior All Scotland Champion, headlines a show at the Eden Court Theatre, Inverness, Scotland, on Saturday February 28th, 7.30pm. Brandon leads his four piece band, and also will sing and play guitar on some C & W songs. Also appearing is the comedian Eddie Rose.

Brandon McPhee, from Caithness in the north of Scotland, burst on the accordion scene in 2008 with his first CD, ‘A 'Starr' Is Born’. Brandon plays the Shand Morino 3-row British chromatic button accordion, and the CD title pays homage to the memory of the late Will Starr, one of Scotland’s button accordion legends and a great influence on Brandon. Brandon has since made two more CDs and two DVDs, and has won many competitions in Scotland.


‘The Day of the Accordion’, Washington - USA

‘The Day of the Accordion’ takes place on Saturday February 28th at Crossroads Mall, 15600 NE 8th St, Bellevue, WA.

The event includes performances by Lenny Luzzi, David Locke, Rod Miller and Einar Tapio, the Ken Olendorf Tribute Band, NWAS Members Showcase, Murl Allen Sanders, the Northwest Accordionaires, the Folk Voice Band, the Smilin’ Scandinavians, Bonnie Birch Trio, and the Lyle Schaefer Band. There will be free accordion lessons and a Young Students Showcase as part of the proceedings.

For further information email: dorisosgood@frontier.com


Chapter House Ensemble Concerts, Edinburgh – UK

DancingThe Chapter House Ensemble, featuring accordionist Shane Brogan, perform as follows:

Thursday February 26th, 7pm – The Constitution Bar, Edinburgh
Wednesday March 4th, 2.45pm - Palmerston Place Church, Edinburgh
Saturday March 7th, 4.30pm - St. Cuthbert's Church, Edinburgh
Friday March 13th, 4pm – St Mark’s Church, Edinburgh
Friday March 13th, 8pm – St Cuthbert’s Church, Edinburgh
Friday 13th March 2015, both at St. Mark's Church, Edinburgh at 4pm and St. Cuthbert's Church, Edinburgh at 8pm.

The Chapter House Ensemble members are Shane Brogan (accordion) and Jörn Pfaff (piano) with special guests. Their music is an eclectic repertoire of Argentine tango, classical, ethnic, jazz and popular music.

For further information email: shane@shanebrogan.com


Vincent LHermet In Rameau Recital, Paris – France

Vincent LHermetAccordionist Vincent LHermet performs in a concert titled ‘Rameau, hier et aujourd'hui’ (‘Rameau, yesterday and today’) at the Paris Conservatoire on Wednesday March 4th at 7pm.

The concert is a celebration of the life and music of Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764), one of the most important French composers and music theorists of the Baroque era.

Vincent LHermet (born 1987) is one of the most accomplished French accordionists of his generation. He graduated from the Sibelius Academy of Helsinki, Finland, and was the first ever accordionist to be admitted to the Doctorate of Music Performance (PhD) at the Paris Conservatoire, Sorbonne University, Paris.

He has won first prize in the Arrasate-Hiria International Competition in Spain (2006), and regularly performs as a soloist with orchestras, ensembles and chamber groups. He is currently teaching accordion at the Boulogne-Billancourt Conservatoire and the Higher Arts Education Centers of Lille and Paris/Boulogne-Billancourt.

For further information email: lhermet.vincent@gmail.com


X International Competition "Cittá di Greci" - Italy

Citta di Greci
The musical association "Art Muzikor” with the patronage of the town of Greci (AV) organizes the 10th International Music Competition, which takes place in Greci, southern Italy, from March 22nd to 29th.

The competition includes the following categories: Classical Guitar, Guitar ensemble (two or more persons), Accordion, String instruments (with or without accompaniment), Wind instruments (with or without accompaniment), Vocal, Piano, Piano 4 hands, Piano interpretation, and Chamber music.

Full details are now available in Italian and English at: 2015Greci.pdf
The closing date for entries is Saturday March 14th.

For further information email: info@angelomiele.com


Weird Al Yankovic ‘Mandatory World Tour’ gigs – USA

Weird AlWeird Al Yankovic (born 1959) is an American singer-songwriter, comedian, accordionist, parody artist, record producer, satirist, music video director, film producer, actor, and author. Yankovic is known for his humorous songs that make light of popular culture and often parody specific songs by contemporary musical acts.

Since his first-aired comedy song in 1976, he has sold more than 12 million albums, recorded more than 150 parody and original songs. He is not related to the late polka accordionist Frank Yankovic, though they have performed together.

Weird Al begins his ‘Mandatory World Tour’ in May, with a total of 88 concert dates in the USA, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, UK and Ireland. The first of these dates include:

May 12th to 16th – Planet Hollywood, Las Vegas, Nevada
May 19th – Brady Theater, Tulsa, Oklahoma
May 20th – Hudson Performance Hall, Oklahoma City
May 22nd – Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Biloxi, MS
May 23rd – Ryman Auditorium, Nashville, Tennessee
May 24th – Horseshoe-Tunica Bluesville, MS
May 26th – Center for the Performing Arts, Bloomington, Illinois
May 28th – Murat Theatre at Old National Centre, Indianapolis, Illinois
May 29th – Soaring Casino and Resort, Mount Pleasant, Michigan
May 30th – Jacobs Pavilion at Nautica, Cleveland, Ohio
May 31st – Palace Theatre, Greensburg, PA


Новые и обновленные сайты

Updated Site: Guardia Nueva Tangokonzert Berlin Philharmonie Double CD

Guardia Nueva Tangokonzert CD coverThe double CD was recorded live at the Berlin Philharmonie Tangokonzert by Guardia Nueva in 2014 and features 21 tracks that are headlined as "Latin and Finnish Tango with Passion".

The popular Guardia Neuva, founded and conducted by Raimo Vertainen (picture right) has enjoyed popular success in Finland and internationally. This double CD costs Euro 20 plus postage or you can download the eTracks mp3 files double album at: gnueva03


Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer Composition Released - Israel

OY630 music sampleoybook coverAdina Oppenheimer has released the following work: Quadri D'israele 1 - Caravan To The Dead Sea (Solo), composed by the late Yehuda Oppenheimer which is now released in eSheet .pdf format, able to be sent to you by email. Catalog: OY630

This work was previously only published in the book about Yehuda Oppenheimer titled: The Man The Accordion And The Legend Catalog oybook


Updated Site: Gary Dahl Update eBooks Collection Special Price

Gary DahlUpdated site. Gary Dahl eBook (sent to you by email) collections. Each of the 7 books saves more than 50% off sheet music purchased individually. Updated, you can also purchase the Complete Gary Dahl eBooks Collection of 7 eBook's (value US$262), for a special price of only US$190 or the € equivalent. Cat: DH01-07eB

Individual eBooks:
DH01-eB - Latin Spectacular! Collection #1- eBook
DH02-eB - Favourite French Standards Collection #2 - eBook
DH03-eB - The American Songbook Collection #3- eBook
DH04-eB - Favourite Waltzes and Polkas Collection #4 - eBook
DH05-eB - Easy Listening Variety Collection #5 - eBook
DH06-eB - Easy Listening Variety Collection #6 - eBook
DH07-eB - Traditional Polish Carols Collection #7 - eBook


Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer Arrangement Released - Israel

OY608 sample pageoybook coverAdina Oppenheimer has released the following work: Toy Symphony by Joseph Hadyn arranged by the late Yehuda Oppenheimer which is now released in eSheet .pdf format, able to be sent to you by email. Catalog: OY608

This work was previously only published in the book about Yehuda Oppenheimer titled: "The Man The Accordion And The Legend" Catalog oybook


Updated Site: Franco Cambareri New Work Danza Guapa

Danza Guapa musicFranco Cambareri has released a new work:
Catalog No: cfranco192 Danza Guapa (solo)
as an eSheet, able to be purchased online with credit card and sent to you by email.

Danza Guapa is a Happy Paso Doble Dance.


CD Отзывы

CD Review: Let Me Tell You A Story CD by Random Encounter

Let Me Tell You A Story CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Let Me Tell You A Story CD by Random Encounter, in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers


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