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Weekly News from Around the World - 20-Feb-2009
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XI Festival de Invierno de Kokkola-Finlandia
Visita Posterior a la Coupe Mondiale-Nueva Zelanda
Mat Mathews (1924-2009), Rotterdam-Holanda
Acordeonista Buscado para un Tour por el Adriático-Grecia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Akkonsonanz, Vienna – Austria
Ksenija Sidorova Wins Prestigious Competition – UK
Coupe Jeunesse Concert – Bratislava

Future events

Masterclasses at the RAM, London – UK
New Accordion Course, St Louis – France
Chango Spasiuk Quartet, Leeds – UK
Alexander Poeluev Concert Dedicated to World Accordion Day - Russia
Le Duo Concerts, Brussels – Belgium
CD Launch at NYAH Festival, Cavan – Irish Republic

New and Updated Sites

Charnwood Publications New Accordion Compositions
Bernard Marly new CD
Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 3 arrangements for Acccordion
H S Production New Music Releases
Eugenia Marini new CD

CD Reviews

"La Cumparsita" by Friedrich Lips & his PIAZZOLLA-Studio
¡BUENOS DIAS, ASTORǃ by Friedrich Lips & his PIAZZOLLA – Studio

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XI Festival de Invierno de Kokkola-Finlandia

Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival logo
La próxima edición del “Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival” se celebró desde el 15 al 22 de Febrero. Este festival incluye variedad de conciertos, bailes, workshops y otros eventos, con estilos musicales tales como la música clásica, Folk, música contemporánea, música ligera y música sacra. Por otra parte, hubo bailes y eventos al aire libre, sin olvidar la oportunidad que tuvieron los amantes del esquí para practicar su deporte favorito.

Los artistas invitados fueron: Tango Queen Kaija Pohjola y su orquesta, Guardia Nueva, The Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra, Antti Sarpila Swing Band, Cajun Comets, Kokkola Region Accordion Club, Petri Ikkelä , y los acordeonistas Antti Paalanen, Pedro Hietanen, Janne Rättyä, João Frade, Petri Ikkelä, Jarno Kuusisto y Seppo Hovi.

Para más información: raimo.vertainen@pp.inet.fi


Visita Posterior a la Coupe Mondiale-Nueva Zelanda

2009 Coupe Mondiale posterLos acordeonistas espectadores que se den lugar en la 2009 Coupe Mondiale en Nueva Zelanda (25-29 de Agosto), tendrán también la oportunidad de disfrutar excursiones y conciertos extra.

Esta opción ha sido requerida por las personas que han decidido desplazarse ha Nueva Zelanda dada la lejanía y belleza del país.

Ha sido organizado un día de viaje a Dargaville, que incluye un concierto, la visita al Maori Marae, Bayly´s beach, el Museo del Acordeón y una recepción con cena por parte de las instituciones. El concierto en Dargaville incluirá los tres directores de la World Accordion Orquestra III, la Akkordeononrchester (Alemania) y competidores invitados de la Coupe Mondiale.

Comenzando al día siguiente, hay un tour de 6 días de duración en la isla norte de Nueva Zelanda que incluye 3 conciertos. En los conciertos tomará parte la orquesta compuesta por los intérpretes de la World Accordion Orchestra III, dirigida por Joan Cochran Sommers (USA).

Los entusiastas del acordeón participantes en la "World Accordion Orchestra III", pueden tocar en 4 conciertos extra y disfrutar viajando alrededor de la North Island de Nueva Zelanda. El coste de estos viajes es muy atractivo dada el bajo valor del dólar neozelandés.

Para más información: Additional Sightseeing en internet

Aproximadamente, para el 15 de Marzo es necesario saber el total de personas interesadas en esta idea para asegurar todo lo necesario para realizar el tour.


Mat Mathews (1924-2009), Rotterdam-Holanda

Mat MathewsEl acordeonista Holandés Mat Mathews (nacido con el nombre de Mathieu Schwartz) falleció el pasado 12 de Febrero en Rotterdam a la edad de 84 años.

Mathews nació en la Haya y aprendió a tocar el acordeón mientras Holanda era ocupada por el ejecito Nazi durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Después de escuchar Joe Mooney a través de la radio al terminar la guerra, Mathews decidió comenzar a tocar Jazz. Desde 1947 a 1950, Mathews toco con The Millers en Holanda, trasladándose posteriormente a Nueva York en 1952. Allí, formó un cuarteto y también actuó con numerosos músicos de Jazz. Mathew descubrió a la cantante de Jazz Carmen McCrae en 1954, actuando con ella posteriormente como acompañante. En 1956 tocó con The 4 Most with Al Cohn, Gener Quill, Hank Jones y Mundell Lowe.

Después de los años 50 y ya inmerso en los 60, Mathew trabajó principalmente como músico de sesión y en el Conservatorio de Filadelfia como profesor. Ya en 1964 regresó a Holanda. En su país de origen continuó su trabajo en estudios de grabación como arreglista y productor, reduciendo su actividad como intérprete.

Varios temas en los que intervino Mat Mathews fueron incluidos en el 2007 en el trabajo de recopilación The Jazz and Swing Story.


Acordeonista Buscado para un Tour por el Adriático-Grecia

Caravan Stage logoThe Caravan, es una compañía profesional Canadiense que desarrolla su trabajo en un Crucero. Caravan esta preparando ya su quinta temporada de su European Water Tour. Actualmente están atracados en Galaxidi (Grecia), organizando una nueva gira, comenzando los ensayos en Grecia el 1 de Mayo.

La compañía esta buscando un acordeonista para unirse al show, el cual se llevará a cabo desde el 10 de Junio al 14 de Septiembre, en Grecia, Albania, Montenegro y sur de Croacia.

The Caravan crea performances experimentales, con temas ambientales y contemporáneos, incorporando historias, personalidades, poesía, canciones, música, movimiento y efectos especiales. Los shows son llevados acabo desde la cubierta del barco mientras que el público disfruta de la actuación desde la orilla. El show de esta temporada, es una obra vanguardista llamada Utopian Floes… La obra esta basada en el calentamiento global y la devastación cultural, en un tiempo no muy lejano, cuando la tierra es un planeta consumido y solo un puñado de seres humanos sobreviven relatándonos sus vidas.

The Caravan pagará todas las costas del viaje. Además de actuar, los actores y músicos serán una parte más de la tripulación del barco, siendo enseñados a navegar, dirigir el barco y actuar de acuerdo con las reglas de navegación.

Para más información: caravanstage@yahoo.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Akkonsonanz, Vienna – Austria

Akkonsonanz, a concert project of the conservatory of Vienna private university, has as a goal the promotion of talented accordion pupils of the Viennese schools of music.

By participating in the students' concert of the accordion class, it offers to them a view of the current requirements of accordion studies at the university of music.

The idea of the project was developed by Kathrin Thorack, accordion teacher at the music school N° 5 in Vienna and Grzegorz Stopa, director of the international accordion class at the conservatoire of Vienna private university, and takes place annually since the opening of the first accordion class at university level in Vienna in 2005.

Akkonsonanz enjoys a constantly growing interest of the young accordionists and the public.

The program of the recent concert included works by J.S. Bach, T. Schlunck, I. Stravinsky, L. Saglie, F. Schubert, C. Norton, A. Piazzolla, A. Nordheim, I. Kuusisto, Viatcheslav Semionov and E. Lecuona.

For further information email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


Ksenija Sidorova Wins Prestigious Competition – UK

Ksenija Sidorova wins 'Friends of the Royal Academy of Music Wigmore Award' CompetitionKsenija Sidorova, a student of the Royal Academy of Music, London, won the 'Friends of the Royal Academy of Music Wigmore Award' competition on February 5th in the Wigmore Hall. Ksenija Sidorova was also awarded the audience prize.

It is significant to note that this was a competition of the highest level involving all instruments and voice, with a professional jury that included maestro Yan Pascal Tortelier.

That accordionists are having such success in competitions of this level open to all instruments and voice, is extremely exciting and moves the accordion another step closer to being fully integrated into the classical music culture in the UK. For that, we can all be happy!

Ksenija Sidorova will play in a prize winners concert at the Wigmore Hall on May 18th. Please check the Wigmore Hall website for details nearer the date.

For further information email: o.murray@ram.ac.uk


Coupe Jeunesse Concert – Bratislava

Grayson Masefield, Alexander Nikolic, Petar Maric, Frédéric Deschamps,  Julien Gonzales
Following the CIA Winter Congress in Bratislava at the beginning of February, Frédéric Deschamps was invited to the jury of the Coupe Jeunesse competition organized by Tibor Racz, Dunajka Streda.

Two of Fred Deschamp's brightest students were invited to perform: Julien Gonzales (France), 6 times winners of international competitions in classical and variété, Grayson Masefield (New Zealand), CMA Variete Champion 2008 and winner Castelfidardo 2008 category D, classical senior.

In the first part of concert, the two artists performed classic pieces by Franck Angelis, transcriptions of Mozart, the piece of Viatcheslav Semionov "Aurores Bauréales" which won the award for best composition in the 2008 Coupe Mondiale. The second part of the concert was of French Variété music which really appealed to the audience.

Also performing was Petar Maric of Belgrade, a student of the great teacher and master of the Tango Alexander Nikolic, leader of the group Beltango, who took advantage of the presence of specialist in Variété tuition Frédéric Deschamps' to learn more of this repertoire, under the watchful eyes of his teacher.

A report of the Coupe Jeunesse competition including results is expected from the organiser Tibor Racz next week.


Future events

Masterclasses at the RAM, London – UK

RAM logoFriedrich Lips & Matti RantanenFriday February 20th - Accordion Masterclass, 10am - 1pm, and 2.30 - 6.00pm, Room 107, Royal Academy of Music. Free, no tickets required. Tutor will be Matti Rantanen, Head of Accordion at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, who has worked with and premiered works by leading composers in Finland including Magnus Lindberg.

Wednesday March 4th, 7.30 pm - Accordion Showcase, David Josefowitz Recital Hall. Works for solo accordion and chamber music with accordion and strings, including pieces by Bach, Scarlatti, Sofia Gubaidulina, Piazzolla, Jurgen Ganzer and Piazzolla.

Friday 6th March 6th, 10am - 1pm, and 2.30 - 6pm - Accordion Masterclass, York Gate 150, Royal Academy of Music. Free, no tickets required. Tutor is visiting professor Friedrich Lips, Head of Accordion at the Russian Academy of Music in Moscow.

For further information email: K.INGRAM@ram.ac.uk


New Accordion Course, St Louis – France

Jean-Marc MarroniAnxious to contribute to the development and practice of quality accordion education, Robert Colombo and his son Laurent took the initiative to organize an accordion course in St. Louis, in the Upper Rhine, with the support of the City Council.

This will take place from July 20th to 29th 2009. This course is aimed at musicians, minimum age 14 years and with over 5 years of practice. The individual and group activities will include such topics as maintenance, recording sessions and harmony. A booklet of information is already available, and places will be limited to 18 participants.

The teaching team consists of Jean-Marc Marroni, Lawrence and Robert Colombo.

St Louis is located in eastern France, and close to the borders with Germany and Switzerland.

For further information email: info@uea68.fr


Chango Spasiuk Quartet, Leeds – UK

Chango SpasiukChango Spasiuk, the 2005 BBC world music award-winning accordionist and composer, leads his quartet in a performance of Chamamé, the folk music of the North East of Argentina at The Wardrobe, St Peter’s Square, Cross Green, Leeds, West Yorkshire on February 25th, 8.45pm.

Chango's revitalizing of the lesser-known Chamamé native folk music tradition draws on and paints a rich melting pot sound picture of dances from his ancestral Ukraine, life in his beloved Misiones Province homeland (bordering Brazil and Paraguay) along with the technique , touch and tradition of Spanish classical music.


Alexander Poeluev Concert Dedicated to World Accordion Day - Russia

Alexander PoeluevWorld Accordion Day logoOn February 24, the International Music Foundation "Harmony", has organised a solo concert by Alexander Poeluev at the Museum of Modern Art in Rostov-on-Don.

The concert is dedicated to the upcoming World Accordion Day. This date was when the accordion was patented in 1829, and will be a unified global crusade to promote the diversity of the accordion and the outstanding artists that play it. Accordionists around the world are invited to join this international tribute to the accordion by holding an accordion event in honor of World Accordion Day on or close to May 6th. Please register your event on the World Accordion Day site.

At the concert February 24, Alexander Poeluev will be perform a classical program of: Bach, Tchaikovsky, Mendelssohn, Viatcheslav Semionov, Holminov.

For further information email: accordiondon@pochta.ru


Le Duo Concerts, Brussels – Belgium

Thibaut Dille – accordion, and Alexis Therain guitar, perform at the Théâtre Biekof, Kuipersstraat, 3-8000, Brussels, from February 23rd to 26th.

On April 1st, the duo performs at the jazz club De Werf in Bruges.

For further information email: communication@wazemmeslaccordeon.com


CD Launch at NYAH Festival, Cavan – Irish Republic

Preparations are well in place for the Nyah County Cavan Festival 2009 (March 11th-20th) which will see hundreds of musicians and artists descend on the Breffni territory throughout the month of March to take part in a packed programme of events. The NYAH Festival celebrates the traditional music song, dance and culture of County Cavan.

Now in the 6th year, this year’s festival includes a CD launch by piano accordionist Dean Warner. Dean Warner, from Leeds, England, was an All Ireland Champion in 2005. The launch takes place at a concert on March 13th, 8.30pm, at the Ramor Theatre, Virginia, Cavan.

The following evening, March 14th, 8.30pm, a concert at the Ramor Theatre features button accordionists Joe Burke & Ann Conroy, and melodeon player Johnny Connolly.

For further information email: cavanmusiclive@gmail.com


New and Updated Sites

Charnwood Publications New Accordion Compositions

Charnwood Publications releases 6 new pieces by composer Douglas Ward titled, 'Hymn for Her Too', 'Early Morning Rising', 'Clouds Passing', 'Crackpot', 'Four Candles' and 'Applecore'. Purchase with credit card.


Bernard Marly new CD

A new site selling a CD titled "Bernard Marly - Fait Son Cinema" with sound samples. Music performed by Bernard Marly. Purchase online.


Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 3 arrangements for Acccordion

Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 3 arrangements for acccordion - 'Dolores', 'Picnic Arrangement' and 'Mazurka Arrangement'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


H S Production New Music Releases

H S Production releases 5 new pieces, 'Raindrops Arrangement', 'Song 1', 'Talking Arrangement', 'Song 2' and 'Children’s Song'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Eugenia Marini new CD

A new site selling a CD titled "Water-Colours for Accordion" with sound samples. Music performed by Eugenia Marini. Purchase online.


CD Reviews

"La Cumparsita" by Friedrich Lips & his PIAZZOLLA-Studio

CD Reviews Index for the Review of "La Cumparsita" by Friedrich Lips & his PIAZZOLLA-Studio


¡BUENOS DIAS, ASTORǃ by Friedrich Lips & his PIAZZOLLA – Studio

¡BUENOS DIAS CD Cover, Friedrich Lips & his PIAZZOLLA – StudioCD Reviews Index for the Review of ¡BUENOS DIAS, ASTOR! by Friedrich Lips & his PIAZZOLLA – Studio


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