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Weekly News from Around the World - 20-Dec-2013
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Особенности Highlights

Happy New Year 2014
Наилучшие пожелания от Accordions Worldwide
Заметка редактора
XXV международный московский фестиваль «Баян и баянисты», Москва
Фабрики области Кастельфидардо выпускают 16.000 инструментов в год, 95% из них экспортируются – Италия
Рождественское видео: Дэнни Маландо (Danny Malando – аккордеон) и Карола Смит (Carola Smit – вокал) – Нидерланы
Проспект аккордеонного конкурса и фестиваля Южнотихоокеанского региона “South Pacific 2014” – Новая Зеландия
Accordion-YellowPages.com – бесплатный список баянных и аккордеонных мероприятий – Интернет-пространство
15-летний Кайл Шилен (Kyle Schielen) стал обладателем награды "d`r Sjeng" в Маастрихте – Нидерланды
Video: Grayson Masefield & HEMU String Quintet at Lausanne Bach Festival - Switzerland
Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide
National Accordion Organisation of the UK (NAO) North West Area Festival - UK

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas from Steve Albini - USA
Harry Hussey @ Leyland Accordion Club, Lancashire – UK
Video: Linda Videos - Portugal
Video: Alexander Hrustevich Concert, Vilnius 2013 - Lithuania
‘Music for Old Time Dancing, Volume 6’ Freeland Barbour CD, Edinburgh – UK
Video: Instrumental Subtilu-Z - Lithuania
Schlüchttal Akkordeon Orchester Gurtweil Year End Concert - Germany
Video: Emanuele Rastelli (accordion) & Karsten Braghittoni (flute) - Italy
Video: Julie Blocher Performs Flambee Montalbanaise by G. Viseur - France
‘14 Years Ago’: 1999: end of the 20th Century Concert

Будущие события

Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide
Holiday Hi-Jinx With The Christmas Jug Band, California‏ - USA
Accordeon Vrienden Concert, Varrsveld – Netherlands
Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis
João Gentil and the Quartet de Cordas de Cantanhede - Portugal
Tony Kearney Gigs, London – UK
Armando Rizzo Lecture/Concert, Olevano sul Tusciano – Italy
Cabaret Show, London – UK
Erika & Jean-Marie Dance, Incourt – Belgium
Fintan Stanley’s New Year Gigs, Massachusetts – USA
Zoltan Orosz Concert, Pecs – Hungary
‘An Afternoon With Angelo di Pippo’ @ NHAA, New Hampshire – USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

New Book, ‘Accordion: A Pictorial History’ Available from MusicForAccordion.com
Franco Cambareri release music
Charnwood Publications release music
Karen Fremar releases music
6th Gary Dahl "Easy Listening Variety" eBook, Now Released - USA
Gary Dahl Updates eBooks Music Cover - USA
Dockit Pontoons: inflatable rigid pontoons are lightweight and roll up.

CD Отзывы

Have Yourself a MARY Merry Christmas CD by Mary Tokarski, Accordion

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Особенности Highlights

Happy New Year 2014

To all our readers, enthusiats, clients, artists and supporters from around the world - HAPPY NEW YEAR from all the staff of ACCORDIONS WORLDWIDE!

Please keep us sending your news, your events, your concert details in order that all accordion interested friends can follow you wherever you are!

Have a great and successful NEW YEAR!


Наилучшие пожелания от Accordions Worldwide

Best wishes graphic
Best Wishes from Accordions Worldwide


Заметка редактора

Rob HowardКоманда Accordions Worldwide хотела бы пожелать всем нашим читателям Веселого Рождества и счастливого Нового года. Мы надеемся, что вы читали наши новости в уходящем году, и планируем продолжать держать вас в курсе событий из мира аккордеона, где бы они ни происходили.

Первый выпуск новостей 2014 выйдет 10 января.

Пожалуйста, держите нас в курсе ваших аккордеонных мероприятий, таких, как концерты, фестивали, выпуск компакт-дисков или DVD, и всего, что касается аккордеона, баяна и гармоник – присылайте нам информацию, фото и видео. Публикация ваших новостей на нашем сайте бесплатна.

Желаю всем Счастливого Рождества!

Роб Ховард


XXV международный московский фестиваль «Баян и баянисты», Москва

Friedrich Lips Opening Speech
Poster Friedrich LipsС 11 по 15 декабря в Москве в в Концертном зале РАМ им. Гнесиных прошел XXV Международный фестиваль «Баян и Баянисты». Художественный руководитель фестиваля Фридрих Липс; директор фестиваля Александр Гатауллин.

Репортаж о фестивале на английском и немецком языках можно прочитать на сайте: 2013Moscow

На фото вверху: Фридрих Липс открывает фестиваль.

Афиша слева: творческий вечер Фридриха Липса, посвященный празднованию его 65-летия.

Фото внизу: Вячеслав Семенов и Юрий Шишкин принимают аплодисменты зрителей после исполнения нового сочинения В. Семенова Сонаты № 3.
Viatcheslav Semionov and Yuri Shishkin


Фабрики области Кастельфидардо выпускают 16.000 инструментов в год, 95% из них экспортируются – Италия

Castelfidardo logo
Castelfidardo 150th logoПроизводство музыкальных инструментов – древняя традиция города Кастельфидардо, расположенного в итальянском регионе Марке, где более 150 лет производятся аккордеоны, баяны, гитары, фортепиано и другие клавишные инструменты.

Согласно данным Итальянской Ассоциации Мастеров, каждый год в этой области производится порядка 16 000 аккордеонов, баянов и гармоник, 95% из которых уходят на экспорт, в частности в Европейский Союз, Россию, Китай, а также в Южную Америку, Японию и арабские страны.

Музыкальная продукция, производимая в Кастельфидардо, является важнейшим направлением производства Италии, известным во всем мире. Производство различных видов гармоник является вторым по величине экспортным производством музыкальных инструментов Италии.

Производство аккордеонов, баянов и гармоник стало основополагающим для развития не только Кастельфидардо, но и соседних городов Озимо и Камерано. В сфере изготовления музыкальных инструментов в городах к югу от Анконы функционируют 58 профильных компаний (в том числе 25, способных изготовить полностью готовый продукт), 77% этих компаний сосредоточены в Кастельфидардо.

Кроме того есть компании, занимающиеся производством деталей или сборкой и отделкой готовой продукции. Вместе с этими компаниями число производителей превышает сотню предприятий.


Рождественское видео: Дэнни Маландо (Danny Malando – аккордеон) и Карола Смит (Carola Smit – вокал) – Нидерланы

Дэнни Маландо (аккордеон), Карола Смит (вокал) и «Оркестр Маландо» исполняют свою версию праздничной песенки «Санта Клаус приходит в город». Желаем вам приятного прослушивания замечательного исполнения, звучания аккордеона и профессиональной аранжировки.


Проспект аккордеонного конкурса и фестиваля Южнотихоокеанского региона “South Pacific 2014” – Новая Зеландия

NZAA header
Sonja Palinich, Mirco PatariniПроспект, содержащий правила и условия аккордеонного конкурса и фестиваля Южнотихоокеанского региона “South Pacific 2014”, который состоится в Окленде в субботу 31 мая и в воскресенье 1 июня 2014 года, можно скачать на: 2014 NZ Prospectus

В 2014 году правила для международных категорий соответствуют правилам международного конкурса «Кубок мира». Эти правила были введены для поощрения участников из других стран. Дата окончания приема заявок 20 апреля 2014 года.

Президент Новозеландской Аккордеонной Ассоциации (NZAA) Соня Палинич (Sonja Palinich – фото слева) пишет: «NZAA рада сообщить об участии в фестивале Мирко Патарини (фото слева) из Италии в качестве приглашенного артиста, а также о том, что фестиваль в очередной раз состоится в Центре Искусств “Raye Feedman Arts Centre”, который идеально подходит для проведения подобных мероприятий».

Репортажи с предыдущих фестивалей можно посмотреть на: South Pacific Daily Reports

Полная информация и проспект фестиваля на: 2014 NZ Prospectus

Конкурс Австралийской Ассоциации Преподавателей Аккордеона (AATA) пройдет 1 неделей позже в Сиднее по схожим правилам для международных категорий.


Accordion-YellowPages.com – бесплатный список баянных и аккордеонных мероприятий – Интернет-пространство

Accordion-YellowPages.com header
Напоминаем, что информацию обо всех концертах, конкурсах и фестивалях на 2014 год можно разместить на сайте Accordion-YellowPages.com в разделе Future Events. Вы можете это сделать самостоятельно. Размещение информации бесплатно. Вы также можете самостоятельно изменять и обновлять свою информацию по мере необходимости.

Календарь Future Events располагается в правой верхней части новостной страницы accordions.com на 7 языках, а также на страницах национальных новостей США и России и в разделе Diatonic News.

Огромное количество читателей, более 50.000 в неделю, регулярно просматривает этот календарь событий, поэтому рекомендуем всем организаторам в полной мере воспользоваться этой бесплатной услугой, чтобы держать аккордеонное сообщество в курсе своих мероприятий.

Также любая информация о предстоящих событиях может быть отправлена на почту Харли Джонсу: harleyjones.nz@yahoo.com


15-летний Кайл Шилен (Kyle Schielen) стал обладателем награды "d`r Sjeng" в Маастрихте – Нидерланды

Kyle SchielenКайл Шилен (15 лет) начал играть на баяне в возрасте 9 лет в музыкальной школе в Маастрихте.

Каждый год в ноябре проходит конкурс на специальную премию для аккордеонистов/баянистов "d`r Sjeng". В один год для музыканта, много лет играющего в каком-либо знаменитом оркестре или группе, в следующем году – для молодых талантов. Обладателями премии всегда становились музыканты 19 лет и старше, и никогда премия не вручалась такому молодому исполнителю, как Кайл.

Премия включает бронзовую статую известного аккордеониста из Лимбурга Сьенга Крафта (Sjeng Kraft), денежный приз и выступление в Маастрихте перед 25.000 зрителей с трансляцией в прямом эфире по TV L1 и радио.

В сентябре Кайл представил свой первый компакт-диск, состоящий из 10 композиций, а в канун Нового года принял участие в программе «Победители 2013 года», которая транслируется на голландском ТВ.


Video: Grayson Masefield & HEMU String Quintet at Lausanne Bach Festival - Switzerland

Video 1: Concerto in F minor for Harpsichord and Orchestra, soloist Grayson Masefield
Video 2: Passacaglia & Fugue in C minor by J.S. Bach (Solo) by Grayson Masefield
Video 1: is from the last day of the Lausanne Bach Festival on the 27th November 2013. Performing is the HEMU (University of Music Lausanne) String Quintet from Sion with soloist Grayson Masefield. HEMU accordion tutor is Prof. Stéphane Chapuis.

The Lausanne Bach Festival concert program was:
1. HEMU Quintet playing from the Art of Fugue by J.S. Bach.
2. Passacaglia & Fugue in C minor by J.S. Bach (Solo) by Grayson Masefield (Video 2), filmed from the winning peformance by Grayson Masefield of the 2010 CMA Trophee Mondial.
3. Concerto in F minor for Harpsichord and Orchestra, soloist Grayson Masefield (Video 1).


Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide

Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide


National Accordion Organisation of the UK (NAO) North West Area Festival - UK

NAO 2014 banner
NAO North West Festival 2014 posterNational Accordion Organisation of the UK (NAO) Area Festival season 2013/2014 continues its season with the North West Area Festival to be held at St Matthew’s Church, Stretford, Manchester on Sunday 23rd Feb organised by Marika Pronyszyn. The adjudicators will include CIA President Raymond Bodell.

The festival is one of the series held until early March throughout England, Scotland and Northern Ireland and are qualifying competitions for the NAO UK Championships 2014 – others include the West of Scotland and Northern Ireland both to be held on Saturday 22nd February as well as the Thames Area to be held on Sunday 9th February.

The NAO UK Championships 2014 which in 2013 attracted over 300 entries, are to be held from 25th – 27th April 2014 at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, where as well as the National Finals, it will host International Solo categories in both Classical and Variety and an International Orchestral Category.

For full details of the Area Festival season and UK Championships see the NAO website or the email: naouk@btinternet.com


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas from Steve Albini - USA

Steve Albini sings and plays a Christmas message with this song - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.


Harry Hussey @ Leyland Accordion Club, Lancashire – UK

Harry HusseyLeyland Accordion Club’s November guest artist was the amazing Harry Hussey. Harry started the evening playing ‘Wheels’, ‘12th Street Rag’, ‘Come to the Cabaret’, ‘Sunday Monday and Always’, and ‘Blue Tango’. The audience requests continued with ‘Play to me Gypsy’, ‘Whistling Rufus’, ‘Stardust’, ‘Fascination’, ‘A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square’, ‘Alexander’s Rag Time Band’, ‘Black and White Rag’, ‘Tangerine’, ‘Chattanooga Choo Choo’, and ‘Brazil’.

A request for World War 2 songs was rewarded with ‘Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler?’, ‘Kiss Me Goodnight Sgt Major’, ‘Siegfried Line’, ‘Dambusters’, and ‘Blaze Away’. Harry then continued with ‘The Bluebell Polka’, ‘Midnight in Moscow’, ‘Whispering’, ‘Take Five’, ‘Red Sails in the Sunset’, ‘Amarillo’, and ‘Copa Cobana’ (which was not the Barry Manilow version). The music continued with ‘Just You Just Me’, ‘Stormy Weather’, ‘C'est Si Bon’, and ‘Muskrat Ramble’. It was now time for the break and plenty of chat.

After the break our first local player of the night was Ann Parker playing ‘Memories Are Made Of This’ and ‘Frog Chorus’. Sara Daly played a tune I missed the title of, and I sat down to play ‘Black Mask Waltz’ and was joined by Harry. After I left the stage Harry started the second half with ‘Dark Island’ and ‘If You Knew Susie’. The audience was now getting used to requesting tunes and continued calling out titles for Harry to play.

The next request was for a Glenn Miller Medley. Harry then played ‘Don't Sit Under The Apple Tree’, ‘Skylark’, ‘Autumn Leaves’, ‘O Sole Mio’, ‘Laura’, and ‘As Time Goes By’. The requests then continued with ‘Les Bicycettes de Belsize’, ‘Sailing By’, ‘Chicago’, ‘Liberty Bell’, ‘The Harry Lime Theme’, ‘All of Me’, ‘Teddy Bear's Picnic’, ‘Under Paris Skies’, ‘Calling All Workers’, ‘Arriverderci Roma’, ‘La Cumparsita’, ‘Hear My Song Violetta’, ‘La Mer’, ‘Charmaine’, ‘Under the Bridges of Paris’, ‘Pigalle’, ‘Baby Face’, ‘Wish Me Luck’, ‘There'll Always be an England’, and ‘Now Is The Hour’. If you decided to stay in and miss this concert then you really missed out.

We had heard 60 tunes from Harry who had played for 75 minutes in the first half and 60 minutes in the second half. Thanks have to go to Harry for such a great night of music and we look forward to booking him again in 2014?.


Video: Linda Videos - Portugal

This popular singer Linda (Cantora) features the accordion which she plays in many songs, in her music and on her CD covers.
Video 1: Um amor e uma cabana
Video 2: Performing "Portugal Minha Alegria", Termas de Monfortinho, Somo, Portugal.
Video 3. Promotional video


Video: Alexander Hrustevich Concert, Vilnius 2013 - Lithuania

Concert of Alexander Hrustevich, Vilnius 2013. Published on Aug 19, 2013.
1. F.Angelis. On the theme of song by A.Piazzolla "Chiquilin de Bachin"
2. J.Brahms - I.Yachkevich. "Hungarian Dance ?5"
3. V.Chernikov "Jazz - Waltz"
4. V.Chernikov. "Waltz Impromptu"
5. V.Chernikov. "The Lonely Harmonica"
6. V.Zubitsky. Omaggio ad Astor Piazzolla"
7. J.Brahms - I.Yachkevich. " Czardas"
8. E.Derbenko, "The song of Moscow cabman"


‘Music for Old Time Dancing, Volume 6’ Freeland Barbour CD, Edinburgh – UK

Freeland Barbour‘Music for Old Time Dancing, Volume 6’ Freeland Barbour CD coverMusic for Old Time Dancing, Volume 6’ is the sixth in is a series of CDs for Old Time Dancing by leading Scottish accordionist Freeland Barbour.

The tracks include The Bradford Barn Dance, Waltz Camay, Mabel Besant's Two Step, The St. Bernard's Waltz, The Raw Recruit, The Oriental Mazurka, Sindy Swing, The Lammermuir Waltz, The Party Polka, The Glenburn Waltz, Strip The Willow Square, The Phyllis Waltz, The Victorian Gavotte, White Heather Parade, The Guaracha Waltz, The North Walls Quadrille, The Queen Elizabeth Waltz, The Square Tango, The Marine Four Step, The Marie Mazurka, The Alsatian Polka, The Blue Danube, The Jacky Tar Two Step, The Hesitation Waltz

For further information email: jiml@musicinscotland.com


Video: Instrumental Subtilu-Z - Lithuania

The instrumental music group ‘Subtilu-Z’ are from Vilnius, Lithuania.

‘Subtilu-Z’ group members are: Laurynas Vaitkus (birbyne), Dmitrijs Mihailovs (accordion - I am from Daugavpils, Latvia. I have graduated at Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, learned in prof. Eduardas Gabnys class), Povilas Velikis (accordion - Siauliai musical school, then in Siauliai conservatory and later in the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre), Vytautas Švažas (drums).


Schlüchttal Akkordeon Orchester Gurtweil Year End Concert - Germany

Schlüchttal Akkordeon Orchester
Uli Ebner PresentationThe Schlüchttal Akkordeon Orchester Gurtweil held a very successful Jahreskonzert (year end concert) on the 14th December. At the concert, the orchestra honored 7 musicians for 10 to 40 years membership.

Conductor Roland Schaaf for 20 years conducting activities with the accordion orchestra and Uli Ebner (picture left) received his honorary badge for his 20-year tenure as Chairman. Tribute was paid to the efforts of Uli Ebner - "Uli Ebner is to blame in large measure because of the important role the orchestra now plays in Gurtweil."


Video: Emanuele Rastelli (accordion) & Karsten Braghittoni (flute) - Italy

Video 1: Hava Nagila - KE-Klez, Recorded live 30th September 2013 at the Teatro Titano, San Marino Repubblic. Published 16 December 2013.

Video 2: Medley - Giro D'Italia recorded live in Wolfsburg. Published 17 December 2013.


Video: Julie Blocher Performs Flambee Montalbanaise by G. Viseur - France

Julie Blocher Performs Flambee Montalbanaise by G. Viseur. Extract from CD and DVD Julie Blocher 'Seulement Quelqes Notes" (Only a Few Notes) available on www.cdaccordeon.com
Video released 30 November 2013.


‘14 Years Ago’: 1999: end of the 20th Century Concert

The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending December 24th 1999 was the final news of the 20th Century. Included was an article from Germany about a concert in Germany featuring well known music composed in each decade of the century, all performed by the accordion orchestra Akkordeonclub Hirschau e.V. Great tunes, one and all, and a timely reminder that the last century produced a lot of wonderful melodies and composers.

Music from the 20th Century – Germany
Contributed by Constanze Krause

The Akkordeonclub Hirschau e.V. performed a variety of 20th century music in Tübingen on December 11th. Their program was "a time trip through this century" beginning with a piece from the movie "Star trek", followed by music from every decade such as 1910 (The Entertainer), 1920 (Charlston), 1930 (American Patrol), 1950 (Perfidia), 1960 (The Twist) and 1970 (songs from Bert Kämpfert, Spanish eyes, Swinging Safari and California Dreaming). Their finale was a 1980 Disco-Medley with "YMCA", "D-I-S-C-O" and "I will survive".


Будущие события

Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide

Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide


Holiday Hi-Jinx With The Christmas Jug Band, California‏ - USA

The Christmas Jug Band
The Christmas Jug Band, the seasonal version of Those Darn Accordions, will be performing this weekend at the Sweetwater Music Hall, Mill Valley, CA

December 20th, 7pm - Family-friendy night with discounted youth & grandparent tickets!,
Sweetwater Music Hall, 19 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley, CA
December 21st, 8pm - Closing Night Party!, Sweetwater Music Hall, Mill Valley, CA

For further information email: tda@thosedarnaccordions.com


Accordeon Vrienden Concert, Varrsveld – Netherlands

Accordeon Vrienden Concert posterThe Accordeon Vrienden, of Varrsveld, present a concert on December 21st, 7.30pm, at Laurientiuskerk, Varrsveld, Netherlands.


Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis



João Gentil and the Quartet de Cordas de Cantanhede - Portugal

João Gentil e Quarteto de Cordas de Cantanhede

Promoted by the Municipality of de Cantanhede, with the support of the Parish of St. Peter and the Parish of Cantanhede, the concert will take place in the auditorium of the Social Centre and Parish of St. Peter, on the 22nd of December at 17h00.

Quartet players are: Rodrigo Queirós (1st violin, Diretor Artístico), Marta Eufrázio (2nd violin), Dírio Alves (Viola) and Katerina Mikusova (cello). The addition of accordion and bandoneon player João Gentil, opened a new repertoire including tango and other traditional genres of music.


Tony Kearney Gigs, London – UK

Tony KearneyLondon-based Irish Shand Morino player Tony Kearney has two gigs this weekend, as follows:

December 21st – Botwell Club, Hayes, Middlesex
December 22nd – ceili at the Irish Centre, Camden Town, London


Armando Rizzo Lecture/Concert, Olevano sul Tusciano – Italy

Armando RizzoOn Sunday December 22nd, 4.30pm, there will be a short lecture and concert by Armando Rizzo on accordion/bayan and its performance possibilities at the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie’, Olevano sul Tusciano, Salerno, Italy. The event is organized by the Associazione Culturale Musicale "Olympia" of Olevano Romano.


Cabaret Show, London – UK

Romano ViazzaniThe singers Joanna Strand and Jacqueline Tate in cabaret at The Pheasantry, 152 Kings Road, Chelsea, on Sunday December 22nd, 8pm, accompanied by Romano Viazzani (accordion), along with Nick Pini (bass) and John Bailey (piano).  Romano Viazzani promises that “we have some great new arrangements and some very funny new numbers”.

For further information email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk


Erika & Jean-Marie Dance, Incourt – Belgium

Erika & Jean-Marie Dance poster
On Sunday December 29th, 3pm, Erika, known as ‘The Princess of the Accordion’ and her keyboard accompanist Jean-Marie, play for dancing at la salle Esperance, Pondrome, Belgium.


Fintan Stanley’s New Year Gigs, Massachusetts – USA

Fintan StanleyBoston-based Irish accordionist Fintan Stanley performs at Cape Cod Irish Village, 512 Main Street, W. Yarmouth, Massachusetts, on December 29th, 30th and 31st. Also appearing on the New Year’s Eve gig will be the band Irish Express.

Fintan Stanley (born 1941) became an All-Ireland Champion in 1955, and was the first to win using a Continental button accordion. After playing in the Gallowglass Ceili Band and several show bands, he has since performed mainly as a solo accordion entertainer and singer.

In early January Fintan Stanley travels to Florida for some playing engagements.


Zoltan Orosz Concert, Pecs – Hungary

Zoltan Orosz Concert posterAccordionist Zoltan Orosz performs a concert for the New Year on Thursday January 2nd, 7pm, at Kodaly Kozpoint, Pecs, Hungary.

The program includes music by Astor Piazzola, Johann Strauss, Johannes Brahms, and George Bizet’s ‘Carmen’.


‘An Afternoon With Angelo di Pippo’ @ NHAA, New Hampshire – USA

Angelo di Pippo CD coverAngelo di Pippo is the guest at the New Hampshire Accordion Association meeting on Saturday January 18th, 12.30pm until 4pm. Angelo di Pippo is well known as an accordionist, arranger, composer, producer, and conductor. He has appeared in movies, most notably in The Godfather.

At the January NHAA meeting, Angelo will not perform, but he will present a master class with a few volunteer accordionists who would like to have their playing evaluated in front of the class. Following a break for refreshments, Angelo will talk about his remarkable career and take some questions from the audience.
At the conclusion of Angelo's presentation, NHAA members and guests will honor him at the first annual NHAA Membership Kickoff Dinner, to be held at a local restaurant.

NHAA meets at Accordion Connection, LLC, 136 Route 106, Gilmanton, NH 03237.

For further information email: regisdonna@yahoo.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

New Book, ‘Accordion: A Pictorial History’ Available from MusicForAccordion.com

Rob Howard new book cover 'Accordion: A Pictorial History'Available online with secure server credit card purchase in Euro or US$

Catalog No: robaccord06
‘Accordion: A Pictorial History’


Franco Cambareri release music

Franco Cambareri eSheet sampleFranco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, release a new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Salsa Fusion', catalog:cfranco185

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Charnwood Publications release music

Charnwood eSheetCharnwood Publications releases 3 new eSheet pieces for accordion available for purchase online.

'Chocolation', catalog:DW924E,
'Coming Home', catalog:DW510E,
'Emancipation ', catalog:M375E,

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Karen Fremar releases music

Karen Fremar eSheet sampleKaren Fremar - accordionist, composer, release 1 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'One Hundred and One Green Goblins', catalog:kfremar309

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card


6th Gary Dahl "Easy Listening Variety" eBook, Now Released - USA

Gary Dahl eBooks
Gary DahlFollowing on the very successful Gary Dahl arranged eSheet music (able to be sent to you by email), Gary Dahl has now released the 6th of his music eBooks.

Cat No: DH06-eB Collection #6 Easy Listening Variety

26 Titles: You Belong To My Heart, Walk On By, Tumbling Tumbleweeds, Ebb Tide, Time To Say Goodbye, Baby Face, Rocky Top, Lara's Theme, Impossible Dream, Danny Boy, It's All In The Game, Can't Help Falling In Love, California Dreaming, Adagio, Music Of The Night, Port Orchard Blues (Cajun Blues), Eloise (A Cajun Waltz), It Had Better Be Tonight, Hello My Baby, The Godfather, What A Friend We Have In Jesus, The Baby Elephant Walk, Abide With Me, Rockin' The Blues, Lyin' Eyes, Perdido.

65 pages of music for only US$40.00 or Euro equivalent. Click the link to see music samples and see why Gary Dahl arrangements are very popular. These eBooks make excellent gifts for Christmas.

The previous eBooks recently released are:
Cat No: DH01-eB Collection #1 Latin Spectacular (click link to see music samples)
Cat No: DH02-eB Collection #2 Favorite French Standards (click link to see music samples)
Cat No: DH03-eB Collection #3 The American Songbook (click link to see music samples)
Cat No: DH04-eB Collection #4 Favorite Waltzes & Polkas (click link to see music samples)
Cat No: DH05-eB Collection #5 Easy Listening Jazz (click link to see music samples)

There are over 200 Gary Dahl arrangements available online at:


Gary Dahl Updates eBooks Music Cover - USA

Gary Dahl eBook coverGary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following updated eBooks music cover for purchase on-line.

'Latin Spectacular!', catalog:DH01-eB,
'Favourite French Standards', catalog:DH02-eB,
'The American Songbook', catalog:DH03-eB,
'Favorite Waltzez Polkas', catalog:DH04-eB,
'Easy Listening Variety', catalog:DH05-eB,
'Easy Listening Variety', catalog:DH06-eB

Samples for these eBooks are now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The eBooks music are in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


Dockit Pontoons: inflatable rigid pontoons are lightweight and roll up.

Dockit Pontoons: inflatable rigid pontoons are lightweight and roll up. http://www.dockitjet.com


CD Отзывы

Have Yourself a MARY Merry Christmas CD by Mary Tokarski, Accordion

Have Yourself a MARY Merry Christmas  CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Have Yourself a MARY Merry Christmas CD by Mary Tokarski, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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