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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 19-Nov-2021
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2022年手风琴研讨会和手风琴日 - 瑞士
第四届全俄比赛"巴洛克手风琴音乐",莫斯科 - 俄罗斯
Free Postage, Super Value Christmas Gifts Books - France
第 4 届 Aris del Puerto 比赛 - 西班牙
NOVAM 交响乐音乐节 – 荷兰
无痛演奏 手风琴, 作者 John Bonica PT CMP NZRP (获美国与新西兰资历认证)


第一届“Ozornye Harmoniki”线上国际比赛 – 白俄罗斯
2022年 Musikmesse - 明年重启 - 德国
2022 年爱丁堡音乐比赛节 - 苏格兰
Wiesław Ochwat 和 Maciej Zimka 的全新 CD “AccoChameleon” - 波兰
“Manran”发行新专辑 “Ùrar” - 苏格兰
活动已延期:Andreas & Naoko Nebl 慈善音乐会 - 德国


“Granny’s Attic”音乐会和专辑发布会 – 英国
第 42 届省会嘉年华 - 阿根廷
John Kirkpatrick 的“Carrolling & Crumpets”圣诞秀 - 英国
手风琴家在 HKB 大学音乐会上演出 - 瑞士
基督城手风琴乐队参加圣诞音乐会 – 新西兰
Ambre Vuillermoz Raffin 在圣皮埃尔蒙马特教堂演出 - 法国
Martynas Levickis “Piazzolla 100”音乐会 - 立陶宛


视频:Daniil Dashukevich 获奖表演 - 白俄罗斯

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2022年手风琴研讨会和手风琴日 - 瑞士

Ian WatsonLionel Chapuis2022年手风琴研讨会和瑞士手风琴日活动将于 2022 年 1 月 21 日至 23 日在瑞士 Sursee 的 Campus Sursee 举行。


Ian Watson(左上图)将举办一场名为“Movie Music & 4 Sea Sketches”的管弦乐课,重点讲解电影“星球大战”和“E.T外星人”中的音乐。


Lionel Chapuis (右上图) 将举办一节名为“蓝色狂想曲——手风琴和钢琴家乐队”的乐队课程,与会者将有幸欣赏手风琴和钢琴乐队版本的 George Gershwin 的著名作品“蓝色狂想曲”!

其他课程导师包括 Silke D'Inka - “Surprise”、Roger Gisler - “Motely”、Stefan Hippe - 指挥课程和 Anne-Maria Hölscher - 大师班。



第四届全俄比赛"巴洛克手风琴音乐",莫斯科 - 俄罗斯

Organ Hall

第一轮:1. 前奏曲与赋格(巴赫),17 至 18 世纪的作品(Scarlatti、Cimarosa、Couperin、Ramo、Daken 等)


比赛获胜者将受邀参加一场纪念键钮式手风琴、手风琴和口琴的全俄罗斯日节日音乐会,该音乐会将于 2022 年 3 月 19 日在莫斯科格涅辛俄罗斯音乐学院大厅举行 .

比赛报名将于 2022 年 3 月 10 日截止。




MusicForAccordion.com header
Christmas gifts送给朋友和家人的圣诞礼物创意:2021 Xmas Gift Ideas .


感谢您支持手风琴艺术,并从 2400 多张电子表格、310 张 CD/DVD、2,000 条电子曲目、1,000 多部印刷作品和众多书籍(文本)中挑选出您的圣诞礼物。 2021 Xmas Gift Ideas


Free Postage, Super Value Christmas Gifts Books - France

Benetoux books
Merry Christmas logoFree Postage Special:
The Ins and Outs of the Accordion by Thierry Benetoux (catalog benetouxen00). A quality book about accordion repairs, tuning etc. that is very popular indeed. In English

In French. Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon (catalog benetouxfr00).

Free Postage Special:
Sounding Out The Accordion by Thierry Benetoux (catalog bthierryen). A very quality book that cares of the sounding and tuning up your accordion. In English.

In French. L’Accordeon & SA Diversite Sonore (catalog bthierryfr).
Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon, L’Accordeon & SA Diversite Sonore


第 4 届 Aris del Puerto 比赛 - 西班牙

Aris poster
Aris trophy2021年11月13日,第四届手风琴“Aris del Puerto”演绎比赛在西班牙 彭费拉达 的 León 举行。

这场比赛是由 Aris del Puerto 的家人发起的,借此以向她、她所传递的教育价值以及她学习手风琴的愿望表达敬意和认可。

The family together with the support of the Institute of Bercian Studies (IEB) and the support of the Ponferrada City Council initiated this competition in 2018.

The jury was composed of Raúl Álvarez Martín, Daniel Bombín Val, Jesús Peñaranda Portilla, Cristina Falagán and Víctor Vigo Villar.

Results at: 2021Aris.pdf

Special prize Comarca de El Bierzo: Irene Fernández Arias (Escuela Municipal de Música de Bembibre - León), Prize: Trophy - picture right.

The day before the competition began, a conference and concert was held entitled "Accordion and Jazz" by Jesús Peñaranda.

All these activities were carried out in collaboration with the musical association of accordionists "El Sámbano", located in Ponferrada, and formed by students, teachers and families who love the accordion.



NOVAM 交响乐音乐节 – 荷兰

NOVAM header
NOVAM festivalNOVAM (Nederlandse Organisatie Voor Accordeon en Mondharmonica) 将在荷兰 Hilversum 的 Muziekcentrum van de Omroep 举办他们的第四届交响乐音乐节,时间为 2021 年 11 月 27 日上午 9 点至下午 6 点。

该音乐节由 Novam 工作组管弦乐队组织,该工作组负责处理手风琴管弦乐队的曲目列表和作曲任务请求。

The Working Group consists of: Christa Groeneveld, Tim Fletcher, Leo van Lierop and Evert van Amsterdam.

Because orchestras have not been able to rehearse recently, an adapted festival will take place this year, which will mainly be about participating and performing for each other.

The day’s program will include three concerts: one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. In each program, a limited number of orchestras play their 20-minute program. A maximum of twelve to fifteen orchestras can participate (depending on the size).

The festival is an invitation and a challenge for all orchestras who want to come out again. Each orchestra receives a memento and a jury report from three independent jury members.

Organisers hope that many orchestras will register for this special 2021 edition.

For details email: christa.novam@gmail.com


无痛演奏 手风琴, 作者 John Bonica PT CMP NZRP (获美国与新西兰资历认证)

Chinese Bonica book cover
John BonicaPlay Your Accordion Without Pain鉴于广大读者对于本书是喜爱,由John Bonica所作的电子书“无痛演奏手风琴”现已推出中文版.


译者:Sean Max

定价:$12 美元 (或等值欧元). 这是一本电子书,因此我们会以 Acrobat pdf 的格式通过电子邮件将它发送给您。




第一届“Ozornye Harmoniki”线上国际比赛 – 白俄罗斯

Comp logo
第一届"Ozornye Harmoniki" (调皮手风琴) 线上国际比赛将于 2022 年 3 月和 4 月在白俄罗斯 Grodno 举行。


The competition aims to support the creativity of young musicians, promoting the development of their creative abilities and increasing the level of performing skills as well as the preservation and development of national traditions of performance on accordion, accordion and harmonica, the exchange of pedagogical and performing experience among teachers and students, the realization of creative potential among amateurs, the popularization of performance on accordion, accordion and harmony in the media and promoting communication between children and young people from different countries.


“观众赞同奖”的投票将于 2022 年 5 月 1 日至 5 月 7 日开始。





2022年 Musikmesse - 明年重启 - 德国

MM在因受新冠疫情影响而暂停后,Musikmesse 团队再次出发。 2022 音乐节将于 2022 年 4 月 28 日至 5 月 1 日在德国法兰克福举行。

A number of Musikmesse spin-offs will be taking place at the same time, some forming part of the supporting programme: the Musikmesse Festival (28th April to 1st May), the Musikmesse Congress (28th to 29th April), Musikmesse Education (29th April to 1st May) and the B2C event Musikmesse Plaza (30th April to 1st May).

The schedule will also overlap with that of its sister event Prolight + Sound (26th to 29th April).


2022 年爱丁堡音乐比赛节 - 苏格兰

Edinburgh poster
Fest logo2022年爱丁堡音乐比赛节将于2022年3月1日至13日在苏格兰爱丁堡的圣卡斯伯特教堂举行。

The Festival, which includes classes for accordionists, will be launched with the first round of the Concerto Competition on January 21st and 22nd, 2022. This class is a unique and special part of the Festival, as it provides the opportunity for four finalists to perform a movement from a concerto with a full orchestral accompaniment during the final evening concert.

The Festival is a friendly and supportive annual event, where amateur musicians of all ages can take to the stage alongside performers of a similar ability. It includes a programme of over 100 competitive and non-competitive classes and positively encourages musicians of all abilities to take part.

闭幕音乐会将于 3 月 13 日在女王音乐厅举行,届时将举办协奏曲比赛决赛等节日亮点活动。 15 分钟独奏课程的获胜者将受邀于 3 月 27 日在圣吉尔斯表演。

报名截止日期为 2021 年 11 月 30 日。



Wiesław Ochwat 和 Maciej Zimka 的全新 CD “AccoChameleon” - 波兰

Wiesław Ochwat & Maciej Zimka CD coverVideo: Wieslaw Ochwat & Maciej Zimka interview this week on "Mistrzowie i Uczniowie" (Masters and Students) led by Mateusz Borkowski on Radio Kraków. Video includes information about the new CD “AccoChameleon” as well as performances by the duo.

手风琴家 Wieslaw Ochwat 和 Maciej Zimka (克拉科夫 K. Penderecki 音乐学院的讲师) 的全新首张 CD "AccoChameleon" 于 2021 年 11 月 4 日在波兰华沙的 Requiem Records 唱片公司发行。

The event featured a “sneak peek” and photo shoot by photographer Adam Golec.

The CD includes works by Bach (Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 - Allegro, Adagio), Grieg (Suite No. 1 Peer Gynt Op. 46) and Mussorgsky (Pictures at an Exhibition - ver. M. Ravel).


“Manran”发行新专辑 “Ùrar” - 苏格兰

Manran CD cover视频:Manran 演奏了他们新专辑“Ùrar”中名为“Ailean”的第 1 首曲子。

包括手风琴家 Gary Innes 在内的苏格兰流行乐队“Manran”发行了他们的新专辑“Ùrar”。

The album includes 11 tracks such as “Crow Flies”, “Black Tower”, “The Loop” and “Foghar” etc.

For details email: info@manran.co.uk


活动已延期:Andreas & Naoko Nebl 慈善音乐会 - 德国

postponedAccordionist Andreas Nebl and Naoko Nebl (harmonica) regret to advise that their benefit concert at the St. Theresia Church in Trossingen, Germany on November 21st, 2021 must be postponed due to the current Corona situation.

They plan to reschedule in March 2022.

For details email: AndiNebl@gmx.de



“Granny’s Attic”音乐会和专辑发布会 – 英国

GRanny's Attic
CD cover视频:“Granny’s Attic”在表演他们新专辑中的“Devil's Arch”一曲。 这首乐曲由 Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne (六角琴) 创作。

三人流行乐队“Granny's Attic”将于 11 月 20 日晚上 7 点在英国利兹的 HEART(Headingley Enterprise and Arts Centre)举行在线“现场”专辑发布会。 该活动将包括 HEART 的现场观众以及通过社交媒体进行的在线演示。

The group, which includes Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne (Anglo concertina) are currently performing in the UK with their Brickfields concert tour which features pieces from their new album “The Brickfields” (CD cover picture left).

Album tracks include Cruds & Cream Jig, Odd Thoughts, Watt’s Reel and Devil’s Arch etc.

For details email: band@grannysattic.org.uk


第 42 届省会嘉年华 - 阿根廷

Fiesta poster
第42届 Grand Province Fiesta Cayastá 将于11 月21 日在阿根廷 Santa Fe 的Cayastá 举行。

The event will showcase a variety of performers including accordionists Antonio Figueroa and his trio and Miguel Figueroa and his Conjunto ensemble.

Monchito Merlo will entertain at 7pm in San Martin de Las Escobas, Santa Fe.

Monchito Merlo


John Kirkpatrick 的“Carrolling & Crumpets”圣诞秀 - 英国

John Kirkpatrick, Xmas poster
John Kirkpatrick 将于本周末开始他的“Carolling & Crumpets”个人圣诞表演。

2021 年 11 月 21 日下午 3 点,从位于萨默塞特东北部浸信会教堂的 Chew Valley 艺术中心开始,John 将在以下各种场所进行表演:

• November 26th: Guildford Folk Club, The Institute, Guildford, Surrey
• December 3rd: Leigh Village Hall, Leigh, Sherborne, Dorset
• December 6th: White Horse Folk Club, Beverley, North Yorkshire
• December 8th: The Phoenix Arts Centre, Exeter, Devon
• December 9th: Halsway Manor, Crowcombe, Taunton, Somerset
• December 10th: The Town Hall, Trowbridge, Wiltshire
• December 11th: Holybourne Theatre, Holybourne, Alton, Hampshire
• December 14th: Tigerfolk, Falcon Inn, Long Whatton, Leicestershire
• December 15th: Harrogate Folk Club, Henshaw's Arts Centre, Harrogate, North Yorkshire

For details email: squeezer@johnkirkpatrick.co.uk


手风琴家在 HKB 大学音乐会上演出 - 瑞士

HKB header
Dannong Wu在因疫情影响而取消了一年之后,位于瑞士伯尔尼的 HKB 音乐艺术大学将于 11 月 25 日晚上 7 点 30 在 Kammermusiksaal(室内音乐厅)举办一场音乐会。

手风琴表演者包括 Dannong Wu (中国- 左图),他将献上 Haydn 的第38号奏鸣曲的专业表演,Inga Piwowarska 将演奏 Harri Suilamo 的手风琴和吉他版 Ciaccona a Spirale。

详情电话:+41 31 848 39 99


基督城手风琴乐队参加圣诞音乐会 – 新西兰

CAA xmas posterCAA基督城手风琴乐队 (由 David Thorne 指挥 - 上图) 已受邀作为客座艺术家在 2021 年 11 月 28 日下午 5 点在基督城圣保罗教区教堂举行的“Christmas Bells are Ringing”户外音乐会上演出。

Other performers include the St Alban’s Community Choir directed by accordionist Heather Gladstone QSM and the New Brighton Silver Band.

Their program will include a variety of Christmas Carols from around the world.

Attendees are invited to bring their own chairs, masks and refreshments with them due to Covid-19 regulations in New Zealand.

For further details phone: 021 1038334


Ambre Vuillermoz Raffin 在圣皮埃尔蒙马特教堂演出 - 法国

Ambre Vuillermoz RaffinSt Pierre视频:Ambre Vuillermoz Raffin 演奏 Jacques Duphly 的 Les Grâces。

手风琴家 Ambre Vuillermoz Raffin (左图) 将于 2021 年 12 月 5 日下午 6 点在法国巴黎的 St Pierre de Montmartre 教堂 (上图) 举行独奏音乐会。

Her program will include Baroque works and original music for accordion (Duphly, Rameau, Aho, Gubaidulina).

For details email: ambrevuillermoz@gmail.com


Martynas Levickis “Piazzolla 100”音乐会 - 立陶宛

Martynas Levickis视频:Martynas Levickis 在现场音乐会上表演 Piazzolla 的作品。

Martynas Levickis(左图)将于 2021 年 12 月 10 日晚上 7 点在立陶宛维尔纽斯的 Compensa 音乐厅与室内乐团“Mikroorkestra”一起在他的“Piazzolla 100”音乐会上表演。

The event is to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of tango innovator Ástor Piazzolla.

For details email: info@martynasmusic.com



视频:Daniil Dashukevich 获奖表演 - 白俄罗斯

视频:来自白俄罗斯明斯克市第17儿童音乐学院的 Daniil Dashukevich (教师 - Lilia Viktorovna)在第一届国际“Ozornye Harmoniki”在线比赛的第8至9年学位提名部分中表演了他的获奖节目,该比赛将于明年在白俄罗斯格罗德诺举行。


1. L. Malinovsky - "Merry City"
2. R.N. P. "Kalina moya", mod. G. Shendereva


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