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Weekly News from Around the World - 19-Jul-2019
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Clases magistrales y conciertos nocturnos de Osimo, del 9 al 13 de julio - Italia
Exitoso 1er Concurso Internacional de Acordeón en Montceau-les-Mines - Francia
XXVII Concurso Internacional de Acordeón "Arrasate-Hiria" - España
42º Festival Anual de Música Folklórica de Vancouver - Canadá

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New Jazz CD “Warm-Up” - Flute and Accordion - UK
Yvette Horner (1922-2018), Paris – France

Future events

24th International Accordion Festival – Italy
23rd Festival de Chaillol – France
Four Seasons at Drostdy Theatre – South Africa
Alex Meixner at Milwaukee Accordion Club - USA
Summer Camp & Masterclass “Akkordeon Plus” - Italy
Music of the World Concert – Argentina
Zydeco Playboys Live in Grossbottwar – Germany
Beltuna Accordion Festival - Italy
Video: Matias Rubino (accordion) and Dario Barozzi (guitar) - Argentina

New and Updated Sites

XIII Festival de Música del Mundo, Innsbruck - Austria
New Book by Karthause-Schmülling Music - Germany
New and Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer (1925 - 2012) Music Updated - Israel

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Clases magistrales y conciertos nocturnos de Osimo, del 9 al 13 de julio - Italia

Osimo pictures
PosterIl Comune di Osimo ha sido la primera edición de Master Musical de Alta Mejora por alrededor de 25 alumnos de la Academia de Arte Internacional del 9 al 13 de julio de 2009, en la dirección artística de Dario Flammini y Mirco Patarini.

Le Masterclass si sono svolte in quattro sezioni:

- “Acordeón clásico” incorporó un curso avanzado y un curso de nivel medio impartido por Friedrich Lips (Rusia), Mirco Patarini (Italia), Dario Flammini (Italia), Vojin Vasovic (Serbia) y Germano Scurti (Italia).

- "Jazz / Acordeón Moderno" de Antonio Spaccarotella (Italia).

- "Bandoneon" di Fabio Furia (Italia) y Gianni Iorio (Italia)

- "Interpretazione stilistica del Tango" de Gianni Iorio (Italia).

Si sono en una gran variedad de conciertos en el dúo Gabriele Mirabassi (clarinete) y Simone Zanchini, Jef De Haes, Andrea di Giacomo, Bandoneón, Fernando Gabriele Mangifesta, Walter di Girolamo y Fuccelli Fisarmony.

Para informar a su tutor e intérprete de masterclass, scaricare: 2019OsimoMasterclass.pdf

Questi workshop, giunti alla seconda edizione, soni stati fortemente sostenuti dall'amministrazione comunale di Osimo che, va ricordato, ha publicado el año 2017 y en 70 ° edizione della Coupe Mondiale (CIA).

La gran final fue en la Piazza Boccolino con el Fuccelly Fisarmony cerrando un evento muy apreciado por los ciudadanos locales. El evento fue realizado por la asociación italiana de Cultura del Acordeón con el apoyo del Municipio de Osimo y la Región de Marche, las empresas Scandalli y Pigini, el Instituto Campana, la Accademia d'Arte Lirica y Strumenti & Musica.
Osimo Bandoneon concert


Exitoso 1er Concurso Internacional de Acordeón en Montceau-les-Mines - Francia

Competition poster
Vladimir StupnikovAngélique LaporteEl 1er Concurso Internacional de Acordeón Montceau-les-Mines se celebró del 11 al 14 de julio en el Ayuntamiento de Montceau-les-Mines en la ciudad de Montceau-les-Mines, Francia.

El evento comenzó con un concierto de apertura con Renzo Ruggieri (foto arriba a la izquierda) en el Auditorio Jean Maillot. Durante los días siguientes, los conciertos nocturnos fueron ofrecidos por Duo Xamp (Jean-Etienne Sotty y Fanny Vicens), y Dmitry Khodanovich, con un concierto final con ganadores de la competencia.

Los miembros del jurado fueron Olivier Douyez (Belguim), Domi Emorine (Francia), Roman Jbanov (Francia - arriba a la derecha de la imagen), Jean-Étienne Sotty (Francia), Pascale Martinez (Francia), Renzo Ruggieri (Italia), Nemanja Potparic (Montenegro) , Anibal Freire (Portugal), Aleksandr Gataullin (Rusia) y Zoran Rakic ​​(Serbia).

Resultados de la competición:
“Premio Ciudad de Montceau-Les-Mines” Solo Clásico: 1º - Vladimir Stupnikov (Rusia - imagen arriba a la izquierda)
“Premio Ciudad de Montceau-Les-Mines” Variedad Solo: 1º - Angélique Laporte (Francia - imagen arriba a la derecha)
Música de cámara de acordeón y otros instrumentos: 1º - Sibduo (Rusia) Andrei Bitiutskikh & Alexandr Sirotkin - piano y acordeón


XXVII Concurso Internacional de Acordeón "Arrasate-Hiria" - España

Competition posterEl XXVII Concurso Internacional de Acordeón "Arrasate-Hiria" se celebrará del 5 al 8 de diciembre de 2019 en Arrasate-Mondragon, País Vasco, organizado por el Ayuntamiento de Arraste y el Consejo del Condado de Gipuzkoa.

El concurso está abierto a solistas de cualquier edad y nacionalidad, y la prueba se proporcionará a todos los participantes de forma gratuita previa solicitud. El ganador del concurso será invitado por los organizadores para dar una serie de conciertos en el XXVIII Concurso Internacional de Acordeón "Arrasate Hiria". Todos los gastos serán cubiertos por el "HAUS-POZ" Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea.

La fecha límite de inscripción es el 30 de septiembre de 2019.

Descargar las reglas del concurso y la información de entrada: 2019Arrasate-HiriaRules.pdf


42º Festival Anual de Música Folklórica de Vancouver - Canadá

Festival banner
Dwayne DopsieVideo: Dwayne Dopsie y Zydeco Hellraisers "Soy tu hombre" en las noticias, WGNO-TV, enero de 2018

Se espera que más de 40,000 personas asistan al 42º Festival anual de música folclórica de Vancouver, que se llevará a cabo en Jericho Beach Park, Vancouver, Columbia Británica, del 19 al 21 de julio. El festival es reconocido internacionalmente por presentar la mejor música tradicional y contemporánea, folk y raíces de todo el mundo y es uno de los eventos más queridos, disfrutados y respetados de la ciudad.

Los artistas y grupos de acordeón incluyen The Dardanelles, Dwayne Dopsie (imagen a la derecha) y Zydeco Hellraisers, David Hildago, Illiteratty, Kirchen, Cox y McRae, Le Vent du Nord (imagen a continuación), Oktopus y Riit.

Para más detalles, escribir a: info@thefestival.bc.ca
Le Vent du Nord


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New Jazz CD “Warm-Up” - Flute and Accordion - UK

Warm Up CD coverA new jazz improvisation CD entitled “Warm-Up’ by accordionist Thomas Sinigaglia and Stefano Benini (flutes) is now available. In this album the two musicians wanted to explore both the more traditional sounds of jazz along with the more experimental and mainstream ones, where pure improvisation and interplay are the masters.

They also wanted to include a very sweet theme by Caetano Veloso (Lindeza) and two tributes to Lennie Tristano (Out but Where? and Turkish Mambo) whom they both admire very much.

The album is available on Amazon.
Thomas Sinigaglia and Stefano Benini


Yvette Horner (1922-2018), Paris – France

Yvette Horner
Free mp3 file download available in honor of Yvette Horner.
Pearls of Crystal A piece that Yvette Horner was famous for recording.
Recorded by Harley Jones in 1975. Enjoy.
Yvette HornerDuring her life, Yvette Horner was one of the most famous accordionists in France. Even since her passing last year, publications are still making major feature articles about Yvette Horner.

On the 9th July, Rouleur published a major editorial written by Isabel Best titled: "Yvette Horner: Dancing queen of the caravan"
Download printable article: YvetteHorner.pdf
Link to online article:

Obituary by Rob Howard for Yvette Horner.


Future events

24th International Accordion Festival – Italy

24th festival poster
The 24th International Accordion Festival will be held from July 19th to 21st in Dolomiti, Italy. Performers include Duo Paris Moscow (Roman Jbanov and Domi Emorine) who will play a program of works by Franck Angelis, Vivaldi and Shalev among others.

In addition the Fisorchestra “G.Rossini” (directed by Ernesto Bellus) and Fisorchestra Aquilana (directed by Sergio Petronio) will both perform a mix and classical and modern works.

See poster above for concert dates and venues.


23rd Festival de Chaillol – France

Chaillol Festival Banner
The 23rd Festival de Chaillol began on July 17th and will run until August 12th, 2019 in Ancelle, France. As part of the festival, Louise Jallu (Argentine Bandoneon) will perform at the Salle des Fetes in Ancelle on July 22nd.

This will be followed by performances at the Gap Museum on July 23rd and 24th, which will include Louise (picture below) walking through the Museum, a musical walk designed with the complicity of the museum team. This has been designed to mimic walking in the forest, stopping in front of a work as one does in front of a landscape and letting the gaze unfold in a delicate dialogue with the music.

The concerts are free. For details and reservations phone: 04 92 51 01 58
Louise Jallu


Four Seasons at Drostdy Theatre – South Africa

Cafe Trio
World Café Trio, which includes accordionist Stanislav Angelov, Petrus de Beer (violin) and Schalk Joubert (bass) will perform “Vivaldi 4 Seasons Plus” at Drostdy Theatre in Stellenbosch, Western Cape on July 25th at 8.15pm.

Vivaldi`s Four Seasons is a popular and much loved classical masterpiece, enjoyed by young and old music lovers. This group of 4 violin concerti was composed in 1723 and published in 1725 in Amsterdam. It is to this day one of Vivaldi`s most famous works.

For concert information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Alex Meixner at Milwaukee Accordion Club - USA

Alex MeixnerVideo: "Road Dawgz Polka" performed live by the Alex Meixner Band for the 2019 edition of NPR's Tiny Desk Concert Series contest. The song features Alex Meixner on accordion, Tom Haller on washboard, Chris Heslop on saxophone, Jim Meyer on banjo, and Paddy King on fiddle.

Popular accordionist Alex Meixner will be performing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin this month. Firstly he will entertain visitors to the Milwaukee Germanfest at Henry Maier Festival Park (Summerfest Grounds), from July 26th to 28th.

From there he will perform at the Milwaukee Accordion Club, Root River Center in Franklin on July 29th. The last time Alex entertained at the club was in 2011 so they are very happy to have him back this month.

Alex has been performing on stage since he was 6 years old and has a unique ability to combine playing styles through pop music, funk, jazz and polka.

For concert information email: info@alexmeixner.com


Summer Camp & Masterclass “Akkordeon Plus” - Italy

Andreas Nebl
Manuela GlockA Summer Camp and Masterclass entitled “Akkordeon Plus” will be held at the Vinzentinum Boarding School in the South Tyrolean mountains, Brixen, Italy from July 28th to August 2nd. Tutors include Andreas Nebl (picture above), Matteo Facchin, Michael Lauenstein, Margarete Glock and Manuela Glock (picture left).

Course Manager Harald Pröckl is expecting over 40 participants from Italy, Austria and Germany who will have an exciting week of music.

The event will include a Professors Opening Concert, Daily Lunch Concerts by the participants and a Final Students Concert.

For further details email: AndiNebl@gmx.de


Music of the World Concert – Argentina

Facundo Quiroga
Solo accordionist Facundo Quiroga will perform a concert entitled “Music of the World” on August 1st from 9pm to 12 midnight at Al Escenario, Plaza Matheu - Gral A de Lamadrid, La Boca in Buenos Aires.

Facundo's proposal for this concert is to take the audience on a musical tour, to places where it is not common to listen to an accordion. The melodies will be performed in an orchestral way, as well as other styles that represent this instrument more, thus demonstrating the adaptability that the accordion can achieve.

For concert details email: alescenarioreserva@gmail.com


Zydeco Playboys Live in Grossbottwar – Germany

The Zydeco Playboys will perform at the Klingenden Vineyard in Grossbottwar on August 3rd. The popular band, which includes Oliver Kraus (accordion and vocals) enjoy entertaining with a mix of Zydeco, Cajun, Rhythm & Blues, Latin and TexMex music.

For further details email: info@zydeco.de
Zydeco Playboys


Beltuna Accordion Festival - Italy

Beltuna festival poster
An accordion festival entitled “Gran Galla della Fisarmonica” will be held at Parco v.zo Renda Vita on August 3rd, organised by Beltuna Accordions. The festival will include accordion entertainment and dancing.

Performances will be given by Pasquale di Marco, Mario Gatto, Diapason, Emanuale Pouzzi, Gianpiero Amato and Sergio Monacelu.

For details see poster above.


Video: Matias Rubino (accordion) and Dario Barozzi (guitar) - Argentina

Un Dia Mas - Matias Rubino (accordion) and Dario Barozzi (guitar)
Concert at Café Vinilo in Buenos Aires at the official presentation of the album Savia.


New and Updated Sites

XIII Festival de Música del Mundo, Innsbruck - Austria

Video 1: Akkordeonensemble TastSinn der Musikschule Mittelsachsen

Video 2: Nurenberger Akkordion-Ensemble
PosterCelebrado cada tres años, el 13º Festival Mundial de Música organizado por el Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV) celebrada en Innsbruck entre el 30 de mayo y el 2 de junio.

Este festival atrae a orquestas y conjuntos de acordeón de toda Europa central y otros países, además de presentar a los mejores artistas y grupos solistas en concierto.

Reporte en línea de resultados, fotos y videos en: 2019Innsbruck


New Book by Karthause-Schmülling Music - Germany

Front book coverUlrich SchmüllingA new book entitled “Summer Accordion Music Seminars and Associated Illustrious Media Stars” by Ulrich Schmülling (pictured) has just been released, published by Karthause-Schmülling Music, Book and Art Publishing in Kamen, Germany.

The book has been translated into English by Willoughby Ann Walshe, with cover and layout designed by Lukas Stanionis.

This multi-faceted guide book for pupils, students, teachers, stage performers, amateur players, professional musicians and especially for music lovers of all ages, provides a vivid report about two outstanding music seminars and festivals of the international accordion scene:
• Peter Soave Music Academy in Sauris (Italy)
• International Accordion Festival and Seminar in Palanga (Lithuania)
and Celebrated Media Stars “Made in” the Baltics:
• Martynas Levickis
• Ksenija Sidorova

52 pages · Format: 23 x 32.5 cm · four-colors throughout · hard cover · thread stitching · 700 grams · 90 photos · ISBN 978-3-925572-19-7 · Euro 22.50

Purchase the book online with credit card - Catalog No: 572-19


New and Updated Site: Yehuda Oppenheimer (1925 - 2012) Music Updated - Israel

Yehuda OppenheimerFollowing the sad death of Yehuda Oppenheimer in 2012, further music has been added to his site.

OY614 Omaggio A Bach - Cheerio, Mr. Bach! (Solo) composed by Yehuda Oppenheimer € 4,00
OY617 Lullaby (Solo) Mozart, arranged by Yehuda Oppenheimer € 2,00

More music will be added to his site in the coming weeks.


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