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Weekly News from Around the World - 19-Jul-2013
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Особенности Highlights

Гастроли Марко Ло Руссо (Marco Lo Russo) – Мексика, Канада
Категории Аккордеонного конкурса Южнотихоокеанского региона 2014 – Новая Зеландия
Американские опросы о наполнении интернет сайтов – США
Видео: Мика Вяйрюнен (Mika Väyrynen) исполняет «Пляску Смерти» К. Сен-Санса – Финляндия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Lácides Romero @ 9th Pan African Festival of Music, Brazzaville – Congo
Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) Concert, Takapuna - New Zealand
Estou Além by Cerquido - Portugal
Accordion Teachers’ Association, London – UK
Nikola Pekovic with String Orchestra 'Crvcanin' - Serbia
‘14 Years Ago’ – German Accordion Orchestra tours New Zealand in 1999

Будущие события

Alex Meixner Concerts - USA
Roman Jbanov and Anna Jbanova Concert, Auvergne – France
Paul Chamberlain Concerts, Kent, Peterborough, Edinburgh - UK
Festa Della Fisarmonica/Fête De L’Accordeon, Paris – France
Igor Outkine Accompanies Silent Movie, London - UK
Pineto Accordion Jazz Festival, Teramo - Italy
CT Tango Ensemble Milonga, Cape Town – South Africa
Akkordeon Festival, Kärnten, Gorenjska – Austria, Slovenia
Accordion Concert, Giswil – Switzerland
Duo Metro Perform Vivaldi and Piazzolla, Sermonetta – Italy
Raymond Chuchuk Ceilidh, Scotland – UK
IV International Festival ‘Acordeão em Espectáculo’, Santa Cruz - Portugal

Новые и обновленные сайты

Franco Cambareri Releases Two New Compositions
John Raczka release 4 new music
Don Grzanna release new music
New Celebrity Interview with Mika Väyrynen Online - Finland

CD Отзывы

Dragonfly CD by Klaus Paier Trio

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Особенности Highlights

Гастроли Марко Ло Руссо (Marco Lo Russo) – Мексика, Канада

Marco Lo RussoПопулярный итальянский аккордеонист Марко Ло Руссо (Marco Lo Russo) из Рима (на фото слева Марко на Ниагарском водопаде) в течение месяца гастролировал в Мексике, где произвел на местную публику превосходное впечатление серией аншлаговых концертов и других выступлений. Он дал часовое интервью на радио Radio C7 Jalisco – самой популярной радиостанции на западном побережье Мексики.

Одно из его самых впечатляющих выступлений состоялось 15 июля , в Музыкальной Академии Orquestra Escuela Puerto Vallarta, спонсируемой известным композитором Майклом Найманом (Michael Nyman). Марко провел мастер-класс по аккордеону и композиции, а после дал сольный концерт.

18 июля Марко Ло Руссо совместно с дуэтом ‘La Boquita’ дал концерт под названием «Современный Аккордеон» (‘Modern Accordion’) зале театра Teatro Vallerta на 1500 мест. Концерт также прошел с аншлагом.

Перед возвращением в Италию Марко Ло Руссо отправился в Канаду, где в воскресенье 21 июля дал концерт в Янг-стрит, Торонто.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Категории Аккордеонного конкурса Южнотихоокеанского региона 2014 – Новая Зеландия

Аккордеоный конкурс и фестиваль Южнотихоокеанского региона South Pacific 2014 пройдет с 30 мая по 1 июня 2014 года в зале центра Raye Freedman Centre, Эпсом, Окленд, Новая Зеландия.

Требования международных конкурсных категорий (открытых для участников из всех стран) соответствуют правилам категорий конкурса «Кубок мира». Среди них:

- SP252 South Pacific Accordion Solo Championship – категория солистов до 32 лет
- SP258 South Pacific Virtuoso Entertainment Solo Championship – категория солистов-исполнителей эстрадной музыки до 32 лет
- SP259 South Pacific Junior Solo Championship – категория юниоров до 18 лет (в 1 тур)
- SP257 South Pacific Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Championship – категория юниоров-исполнителей эстрадной музыки до 18 лет
- SP251 South Pacific Accordion Solo Championship – категория солистов до 15 лет, свободная программа
- SP250 South Pacific Accordion Solo Championship – категория солистов до 12 лет, свободная программа

Буклет с полной информацией и условиями появится в Интернете 1 декабря 2013 года по адресу: New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA)

Участникам из других стран напоминаем, что неделей позже проходит австралийский международный конкурс AATA по тем же категориям в Сиднее.

Для получения дополнительной информации свяжитесь с Секретарем конкурса Меган Дженнингс (Megan Jennings) по e-mail: meganjennings@xtra.co.nz


Американские опросы о наполнении интернет сайтов – США

Digital Advertising Alliance
В опросе, проведенном по заказу Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) и опубликованном 19 апреля 2013 года , 92 процента из 1000 опрошенных американцев согласились, что бесплатный доступ к новостям, прогнозу погоды, электронной почте, блогам и видео-контенту весьма ценная часть услуг, предоставляемых Всемирной Сетью.

Менее 10 процентов опрошенных предпочли бы свободный от рекламы Интернет, где пользователи оплачивали бы доступ к блогам, развлекательным сайтам, видео и социальным сетям, в то время как 75 процентов опрошенных заявили, что они предпочитают существующую модель Интернета, где большая часть контента бесплатна, но включает в себя рекламу.


Видео: Мика Вяйрюнен (Mika Väyrynen) исполняет «Пляску Смерти» К. Сен-Санса – Финляндия

Mika VäyrynenВ опубликованном 12 июля 2013 года видеоролике известный финский баянист Мика Вяйрюнен исполняет «Пляску смерти» К. Сен-Санса. Исполнение состоялось в рамках концерта в Лахти, Финляндия, 4 апреля 2013 года. Мика исполнил эту пьесу на бис.

Также читайте недавнее интервью с Микой, опубликованное в рамках серии «Интервью со знаменитостями» на: http://accordions.com/interviews/mika/13_interview1.htm
В интервью Мика также рассказал о своей статье «Технические стратегии игры на аккордеоне».

Мика Вяйрюнен имеет впечатляющую дискографию – им были выпущены 19 компакт-дисков. Его последний компакт-диск "Duo Works For Two Accordion" был записан совместно с известным испанским баянистом Анхелем Луисом Кастаньо (Angel Luis Castaño) и доступен в Интернете наряду с другими дисками Мики, выпущенными организацией Finnish Accordeon Institute.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Lácides Romero @ 9th Pan African Festival of Music, Brazzaville – Congo

Lácides Romero with the Group Colombia Caribbean
Colombian accordionist Lácides Romero was one of the ‘Group Colombia Caribbean’, who performed at the 9th Pan African Festival of Music, held in the city of Brazzaville, in the Republic of the Congo, July 16th to 19th.

With Lácides Romero were Xiomara Henao (voice), Francisco Rivera (clarinet), Mauricio Sichaca (bass), and Mauricio Sierra (percussion).


Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) Concert, Takapuna - New Zealand

Video 1: AAS conducted by Lionel Reekie performing 'A Jazz Burlesque' composed by Gary Daverne.
Video 2: 'Summer' by Vivaldi, arranged by soloist Edward Giffney, lead accordionist of the AAS and 2013 South Pacific Accordion Champion.
Video 3: Patrick Liu, 2013 South Pacific under 18 years Solo Champion performing Dance of the Maple Leaf as performed by Tan Jia Liang when winning the 2012 Primus Ikaalinen TV competition.
Music of the Masters Concert posterThe Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (AAS) conducted by Lionel Reekie presented "Music of the Masters" concert on the 13th July in Takapuna. Guests were the Greater Auckland Chorus who have won national competitions and represented New Zealand internationally.

Video 1: AAS performing 'A Jazz Burlesque' composed by Gary  Daverne. The music for this work is available online at: Gary  Daverne
Video 2: 'Summer' by Vivaldi, arranged by soloist Edward Giffney, lead accordionist of the AAS and 2013 South Pacific Accordion Champion.
Video 3: Patrick Liu, 2013 South Pacific under 18 years Solo Champion performing Dance of the Maple Leaf as performed by Tan Jia Liang when winning the 2012 Primus Ikaalinen TV competition.

Lionel Reekie will be featured at the 7th AAA Anniversary and as vocalist with the 2013 Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Orchestra next month.

The AAS was formed in 2013 and have already been invited performers at the Dargaville Museum in March and at the New Zealand Accordion Championships and Festival in June of this year.

This was the first full concert by the AAS, and will become a regular series of concerts each year. The AAS is one of New Zealand's largest accordion orchestras, building on the tradition established by the well-known North Shore and Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestras.


Estou Além by Cerquido - Portugal

Published on 17 Jul 2013, is Estou Além by Cerquido. Estou Além is a Portuguese song by António Variações 'who gave Portuguese folk music a new life was never done before.'

This video features Cerquido multi tracked. The diatonic accordion, bass, piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, strings and sax were recorded using Roland FR-18. Drums were synthesized.


Accordion Teachers’ Association, London – UK

Romano ViazzaniThe UK Accordion Teachers’ Association (UKAAT) announce their recent elections:

Romano Viazzani - President (picture right); Ian Watson - Vice-President; Julie North – Secretary; Janet Viazzani - Treasurer. President Viazzani writes, ““We also have a committee of eager teachers .... More about this in the autumn".

For further information email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk


Nikola Pekovic with String Orchestra 'Crvcanin' - Serbia

Nikola Pekovic (accordion) performing Astor Piazzolla "Fear" (with orchestra), published on 17 Jul 2013. The string orchestra named "Crvcanin" is from Kraljevo. Serbia.

Conductor is Aleksandar Jakovljevic. Music production and sound engineering - Obradovic Miodrag


‘14 Years Ago’ – German Accordion Orchestra tours New Zealand in 1999

Akkordeon Orchester Hof
The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending July 16th 1999 included news on an impending visit to New Zealand by the Akkordeon Orchester Hof, from Bavaria in southern Germany. No doubt all concerned were looking forward to this adventure, involving long distance travel and five concerts.

One of the great things about the accordion is that it is played all around the world, and those lucky enough to be visit other countries to perform are inevitably enriched by the experience.

Akkordeonorchester Hof continue today and achieved 5th place in the highest category at the recent World Music Festival in Innsbruck, conducted by Torsten Petzold: 2013InsbrReport


The Akkordeonorchester Hof (Germany), conducted by Günther Zeilinger, will tour New Zealand from August 17th to 27th, organised by Harley Jones. The 32 member orchestra will enjoy sightseeing in the North and South Islands and performing concerts in Christchurch, Wellington, Hawera, Dargaville and Auckland.

Their program will include the ‘Fledermaus Overture’ (Strauss), ‘The Moldau’ (Smetana), ‘Starlight Express’ (Andrew Lloyd Webber), and many German and Bavarian folk songs.

New Zealand composer Gary Daverne has arranged four popular pop songs for the orchestra which they will perform in New Zealand for the first time.

The Hof Orchestra won the Youth Accordion Orchestra section in the Bavarian Championships held recently and their Quintet won the Ensemble section.


Будущие события

Alex Meixner Concerts - USA

Alex MeixnerAccordionist Alex Meixner will be performing as follows:

July 20th, 3pm - Bavarian Blast, New Ulm, Minnesota
July 21st, 6pm - Bavarian Blast, New Ulm, Minnesota
August 2nd, 8pm - Evergreen Heimatbund, Fleetwood, PA
August 3rd, 8pm - German-American Club, Pawtucket, RI
August 4th, 8pm - Waldorf Park, Scranton, PA
August 7th, 9pm – The Bell House, Brooklyn, NY
August 8th, 7pm - St Lawrence Club, Steelton, PA
August 9th, 6.30pm – Plattdeutsche Park Restaurant, Franklin Square, NY
August 10th, 12pm – Hunter Mountain, Hunter, NY

For further information email: alex@alexmeixner.com


Roman Jbanov and Anna Jbanova Concert, Auvergne – France

Roman JbanovVideo: Tango (hommage to Piazzolla) composed by Eugeny Derbenko and performed by Russian brother and sister duo Roman Jbanov (accordion) and Anna Jbanova (piano). Published on Mar 8, 2013 and recorded at a concert in " Bateau Daphné" 3 December2012.

The duo will perform the music of Yevgeni Derbenko, Piazzola, Vivaldi, Mozart, and Richard Galliano in concert on July 21st, 7.30pm, at Chemin de l'Eglise, Pierrefitte-sur-Loire, Allier department, Auvergne.

For further information email: duopm@sfr.fr


Paul Chamberlain Concerts, Kent, Peterborough, Edinburgh - UK

Paul ChamberlainThe highly accomplished concert accordionist Paul Chamberlain performs as follows:

Sunday July 21st, 7.30pm - Recital in the Arden Theatre, Faversham, Kent (a joint concert with The Kyiv Duo, from the Ukraine)
Wednesday July 31st, 1pm - Lunchtime Recital in Peterborough Cathedral
Tuesday August 6th and Friday 9th - 'Classical Accordion at the Fringe' - Paul will be performing in the world-famous Edinburgh Fringe Festival at the Royal Overseas League in Princes Street. The recitals take place at 3pm on each of the days.

Music compositions and CD available online at: Paul Chamberlain


Festa Della Fisarmonica/Fête De L’Accordeon, Paris – France

The Festa Della Fisarmonica/Fête De L’Accordeon, an event celebrating the diatonic accordion, takes place on Sunday July 21st, 12noon, in Paris. The Orchestra Castellina, from Italy, will perform as guests.


Igor Outkine Accompanies Silent Movie, London - UK

Igor OutkineRussian accordionist Igor Outkine accompanies the 1928 silent movie ‘Underground’ on Sunday July 21st, 7.30pm, at Hackney Attic, Hackney Picturehouse, 270 Mare Street, Hackney, London E8 1HE.

‘Underground’ is a beautifully shot working-class love story set in and around the London Underground of the 1920s. Two men - gentle Bill and brash Bert - meet and are attracted to the same woman on the same day at the same Underground station. But the lady chooses Bill, and Bert isn't the type to take rejection lightly.

The film will be accompanied by an original improvised score from Igor Outkine on a midi accordion.

For further information email: igor.outkine@yahoo.com


Pineto Accordion Jazz Festival, Teramo - Italy

Pineto Accordion Jazz bannerThe Pineto Accordion Jazz Festival takes place in Pineto, a town in the province of Teramo, Abruzzo, central Italy, from July 26th to 28th.

Highlights include:
July 26th, 9.45pm – tangos from Naples and Buenos Aires, Giuliana Soscia and Pino Jodice (accordion/piano duo), Villia Filliani
July 27th, 9.45pm – Marcel Loffler (France) – accordion, with rhythm accompaniment, at Villia Filliani
July 28th, 9.45pm - Renzo Ruggieri with accompaniment, Villia Filliani

The Artistic Director is Renzo Ruggieri.

For further information email: info@pinetoaccordionjazzfestival.com


CT Tango Ensemble Milonga, Cape Town – South Africa

CT Tango Ensemble
The CT Tango Ensemble perform for a Milonga dance at iKhaya Lodge, Cape Town, on Friday July 26th, 7.30pm.

The CT Tango Ensemble line-up is Stanislav Angelov - bandoneon and accordion, Willie van Zyl - clarinet and saxophones, Albert Combrink – piano, Dave Ridgway - double bass


Akkordeon Festival, Kärnten, Gorenjska – Austria, Slovenia

Jure Tori Trio
Video above: Jure Tori Trio (Jure Tori – accordion, Eduardo Contizanetti – guitar, Ewald Oberletiner – double bass) perform Stihovizija 2. Music by Jure Tori, poetry by Rudi Medved.

The Akkordeon Festival Kärnten, a cross border event, takes place in Kärnten (Austria) and Castle Bled, Gorenjska (Slovenia), July 26th to August 2nd. Concert details include:

The Duo Ovocutters (Sonja Leipold – harpsichord and Christoph Hofer – accordion) perform concerts of music ranging from Baroque to contemporary composers.
July 26th, 7pm - Burg Hochosterwitz 
July 27th, 8.30pm – Bled Castle

The Jure Tori Trio perform jazz, as follows:
August 1st, 8.30pm - Bled Castle
August 2nd, 7pm - Burg Hochosterwitz


Accordion Concert, Giswil – Switzerland

An accordion concert involving players from France, Luxembourg, Germany, Slovenia, and Switzerland takes place on July 26th, 8pm, at the Berghaus Mörlialp, Mörlialp, Giswil, Switzerland. Accordionists include Ina Hofmann, Marie-Andrée Joerger, Klemen Leben, Vincent LHermet, and Sylvain Tissot. Admission is free.

For further information email: sylvain77@bluewin.ch


Duo Metro Perform Vivaldi and Piazzolla, Sermonetta – Italy

Duo Metro posterThe Duo Metro - Cristiano Lui (accordion) and Stefano Ciotola (guitar) – accompanied by a string quartet perform the music of Vivaldi and Piazzolla at the Church of St Nicola, Sermonetta, Italy, on July 27th, 9pm.

Cristiano Lui and Stefano Ciotola will be appearing at the ‘Accordions International’ festival, Mundesley, Norfolk, UK, October 7th to 11th.


Raymond Chuchuk Ceilidh, Scotland – UK

Raymond Chuchuk Ceilidh posterRaymond ChuchukA Charity Ceilidh takes place on July 27th, 7.30pm, at Croy Village Hall, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, featuring the Raymond Chuchuk Scottish Dance Band plus guests.

The highly accomplished accordionist Raymond Chuchuk has a new CD, ‘Raising the Bar’, released on July 26th, available via his website.

For further information email: raymond@raymondchuchuk.co.uk


IV International Festival ‘Acordeão em Espectáculo’, Santa Cruz - Portugal

4th International Festival ‘Acordeão em Espectáculo’ posterThe 4th International Festival ‘Acordeão em Espectáculo’, organized by Rodrigo Mauricio, takes place from August 7th until August 18th at Santa Cruz, Portugal.

Returning as special international guest is Petar Maric, from Serbia.

Portuguese accordionists performing include Mário Paulo & Joao Francisco Costa, Teresa Maurício, Andreia Sofia Rodrigues, Bruno Gomes, João Paulico, Manuel Luís Anastácio, Nuno Fonseca, Tiago Inácio, Rita, Vitor Apolo & Rodrigo Maurício.


Новые и обновленные сайты

Franco Cambareri Releases Two New Compositions

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 2 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Slippery Slide', catalog: cfranco178,
'Spring Fantasy', catalog: cfranco179

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


John Raczka release 4 new music

John Raczka - accordionist, performer, arranger, releases 4 new music for accordion available for purchase online.

'Santa Lucia', catalog:raczka237,
'Scarborough Fair', catalog:raczka238,
'Sous Le Ciel De Paris', catalog:raczka239,
'Spinningwheel Song', catalog:raczka240

The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Don Grzanna release new music

Don Grzanna - accordionist, composer, performer, release 1 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'The Romantic Waltz', catalog: grza179

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


New Celebrity Interview with Mika Väyrynen Online - Finland

Mika VäyrynenAccordions Worldwide is proud to publish its latest feature in the Celebrity Interviews series, updating readers on the extraordinary career of Finnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen.


Mika is undoubtedly one of the most outstanding accordion artists today. He has performed all over the world both as a soloist, and in concert with other internationally acclaimed artists, conductors and orchestras. He has an impressive list of recordings and World Premieres, and is responsible for commissioning many new works for accordion.

Mika has an impressive discography, having already released 19 CDs, with more on the way. His most recent CD is "For Duo Works For Two Accordion" CD by Mika Väyrynen and Angel Luis Castaño, which is available online along with other CD's by Mika, from the Finnish Accordeon Institute. Just prior to this, he released his first 'all Bach' series CD Vol. 1, and now Vol. 2 has been recorded and being prepared for publication.

During the Interview Mika talks about his recording and concert work, his work as a teacher, and some insights into his career working alongside the elite of the musical world.

We invite you to enjoy this fascinating publication, our second Celebrity Interview we have published with Mika Väyrynen: http://accordions.com/interviews/mika/13_interview1.htm
As part of the Interview, Mika has also published an article 'The Technical Strategies of Playing the Accordion.


CD Отзывы

Dragonfly CD by Klaus Paier Trio

Dragonfly CD by Klaus Paier TrioCD Reviews Index for the Review of Dragonfly CD by Klaus Paier Trio, in Italian language, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz.


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