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Weekly News from Around the World - 19-Feb-2021
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Inscripciones abiertas para Tag der Harmonika 2021 - Austria
Antonio Spaccarotella Director Artístico para 2021 PIF Castelfidardo - Italia
Concurso de Música Piazzolla 2021, New Hampshire - USA
Éxito del XXXIII Festival de Acordeón de Invierno de Kokkola - Finlandia
Martynas Levickis actúa en el concierto de celebración de Piazzolla - Alemania
Concierto de Kevin Friedrich "An American Journey" en Dargaville - Nueva Zelanda

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Wu Qiong on CCTV Spring Festival Gala Concert - China
Video: Exciting Renzo Ruggieri New Releases - Italy
Online: VI Odin International Music Competition 2021 Results
Ricardo Llanos Pitch Bending Paper - Spain
Online: Uruguay Tropical Festival - Uruguay
Historical Video: K Trio Performance in 2005 - USA

Future events

Alex Meixner Band Entertainment in Florida - USA
Concert "Europe Dances: Music of Palaces and Cabaret", Moscow - Russia
Accordionists Entertain at Benefit Concert - Brazil
Vardos Trio “Cookbook” Concert, Melbourne - Australia
Online: Tiina Kiik and Tuulikki Bartosik Perform at Music Week - Estonia
Online: Day of the Accordion - USA
Online: John Kirkpatrick “Morris Music Special” - UK
Tracey Collins Entertains at Auckland Fringe Festival - New Zealand
Online: Talisk Features in CCM Live Music Festival - Scotland
Online: Ian Lowthian “Eastern European Tunes” Music Weekends – UK
Online: Music From Before the Accordion was Invented - USA
1st International Conducting Festival - Italy

Childrens Corner

Kokkola Childrens Concert - Finland

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Jeff Lisenby

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Inscripciones abiertas para Tag der Harmonika 2021 - Austria

Ya están abiertas las inscripciones para el concurso Tag der Harmonika 2021 (Día del Acordeón), que se celebrará en Perg, Austria, del 3 al 6 de junio de 2021, organizado por HVO - Harmonica Verband Osterreichs (Asociación de Acordeón de Austria).

El concurso de Steirische harmonika, diatonic y buttonbox, etc. incluirá categorías para solistas, dúos, conjuntos y orquestas, así como clases de música de entretenimiento, música de cámara y músicas del mundo. Las categorías de grupos de edad van desde los 6 años hasta los adultos (máximo 32 años).

Este año habrá una nueva categoría para la Steirische Harmonika (tipo Estiria): ¡el Premio Cyrill Demian para candidatos internacionales!

La fecha límite para inscripciones es el 23 de abril de 2021.
Descargue las Reglas aquí en alemán e inglés: 2021TagHarmonikaRules.pdf


Antonio Spaccarotella Director Artístico para 2021 PIF Castelfidardo - Italia

PIF Castelfidardo header
Castelfidardo logoRoberto Ascani, Ruben CittadiniVideo: Tango Revenga compuesto por Antonio Spaccarotella e interpretado por la Orquesta Filarmónica de Calabria de la OFC dirigida por Volodymyr Runchak, solista Grayson Masefield.

El Ayuntamiento de Castelfidardo (región de Las Marcas, Italia), en colaboración con la Asociación de Turismo Castelfidardo Pro Loco, organiza el Concurso Internacional PIF “Città di Castelfidardo” para acordeón solistas y grupos, de música clásica y otros géneros.

La Administración Municipal de Castelfidardo está dirigida por el alcalde Roberto Ascani, el Castelfidardo Pro Loco encabezado por Ruben Cittadini, y recién nombrado, el 15 de febrero de 2021, director artístico del PIF Antonio Spaccarotella.

El PIF Castelfidardo 2021 se desarrollará del 22 al 26 de septiembre, y Antonio Spaccarotella será el director artístico más joven de la historia. Sus calificaciones incluyen, director de producción de eventos, maestro de gran éxito con muchos éxitos internacionales, arreglista musical y recientemente compositor exitoso.

Anotonio Spaccarotella es titular de la Cátedra de Acordeón en el Conservatorio Superior de Música de Catanzaro P.I. Tchaikovsky y también Director de Producción de la Orquesta Filarmónica de Calabria de la OFC, una de las orquestas emergentes más populares del panorama internacional.

Spaccarotella siente un gran respeto y gratitud por las muchas ediciones anteriores de PIF Castelfiidardo que lo han convertido en lo que es hoy. Por eso tiene en mente dar una impronta innovadora que sea, al mismo tiempo, respetuosa de la visión tradicional, convencido de que el equilibrio entre las dos almas del acordeón es muy importante para el futuro.

Las reglas y más información para PIF 2021 se publicarán más adelante en: 2021Castelfidardo
Antonio Spaccarotella


Concurso de Música Piazzolla 2021, New Hampshire - USA

Piazzolla poster
Promo video of Piazzolla Music Competition.

Marking Astor Piazzolla’s 100th anniversary, the Fundacion Astor Piazzolla is launching the first edition of the Piazzolla Music Competition.

The competition, aimed at both soloists and ensembles, seeks to find musicians of any instrument or voice type, with an affinity for Piazzolla’s work, who will be able to add to the composer’s catalog.

Applicants can include pre-professional or professional soloists or ensembles of no more than six. They can be of any nationality, and must be at least 13 years of age to send in video submissions performing the music of Piazzolla.

The grand prize includes a cash reward, a recording and release deal with PARMA Recordings Navona Records, as well as a concert tour throughout China arranged and funded by PARMA.

Other prizes include a masterclass from Pablo Zeigler, and an invitation to perform with a leading overseas orchestra.

The competition jury, headed by Pablo Ziegler (former member of Piazzolla’s quintet), will include bandoneonists Hector del Curto (Argentina), Daniel Binelli (Argentina/Spain), Walther Castro (Argentina) and accordionist, bandoneonist & composer Cesare Chiacchiaretta (Italy).

Competition entries close on April 18th, 2021. The winners will be announced on 15th June 2021.


Éxito del XXXIII Festival de Acordeón de Invierno de Kokkola - Finlandia

Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival header
El XXXIII Festival de Acordeón de Invierno de Kokkola se llevó a cabo con gran éxito en línea del 6 al 14 de febrero de 2021 en Kokkola, Finlandia.

El Festival de Invierno de Kokkola ha puesto generosamente todos los conciertos principales a disposición del mundo de forma gratuita en: 2021Kokkola
Ver informes de años anteriores.

El Director Artístico del Evento desde el inicio, Raimo Vertainen, desea agradecer a todos los seguidores, al Comité Organizador y a los patrocinadores por hacer posible el Festival de Invierno de Kokkola 2021 XXXIII en medio de una pandemia.


Martynas Levickis actúa en el concierto de celebración de Piazzolla - Alemania

Martynas LevickisMartynas Levickis actuará con Arabella Steinbacher (violín) y la Orquesta Aurora dirigida por Nicholas Collon en un evento especial en Tonhalle, Düsseldorf, Alemania el 12 de marzo de 2021 para celebrar el centenario de Astor Piazzolla.

La Orquesta Aurora prefiere presentar sus actuaciones de forma un poco diferente, subiendo al escenario y tocando de memoria, ya que creen que liberan más energía con estos pequeños cambios.

El programa de conciertos con Martynas Levickis incluirá "Libertango" de Piazzolla.

Para más detalles, envíe un correo electrónico a: info@martynasmusic.com
Aurora orchestra


Concierto de Kevin Friedrich "An American Journey" en Dargaville - Nueva Zelanda

Kevin poster
Kevin with ExcelsiorKevin Friedrich ofrecerá un concierto "An American Journey", el 28 de marzo de 2021 a las 13:00 horas. Presentada por el Museo Dargaville - Te Whare Taonga o Tunatahi, la 14ª Tarde anual de música con Kevin Friedrich y sus amigos contará con una variedad de música estadounidense y terminará con un canto con temática estadounidense.

La música estadounidense cubre una amplia gama de géneros, que incluyen Vaudeville a Vegas, Ragtime to Rock n 'Roll, Cajun to Country, Broadway to Bluegrass, Golden Oldies to Gospel, música inspirada en American y mucho más. Tras mudarse a los Estados Unidos en 1980 para estudiar acordeón en la Universidad de Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) con la reconocida profesora de acordeón Joan Cochran Sommers, el concierto de Kevin mostrará una variedad de estilos musicales y algunas de las piezas populares que pertenecen a su país de residencia, EE. UU.

Imagen de arriba a la izquierda: Kevin con un acordeón fabricado en Nueva York, EE. UU. En 1930 por Excelsior

Los artistas invitados incluirán una Orquesta de Acordeón compuesta por miembros de varios grupos diferentes de Auckland, Roslyn Gilmour, Jone Yelcich, Colin Horsefall y su conjunto de acordeón de Keri Keri, el popular acordeonista y vocalista Lionel Reekie, el pianista Thomas Koloi, Maurice Jones y su hija Alanah Jones, Los cantantes de Dargaville, Rivertown y Take 6 Singers, los jóvenes vocalistas Abbey e Isaac Skelton y Cindy y Mark Vincent en el violín y la guitarra.

El concierto será un espectáculo de variedades maravilloso para todas las edades, que reunirá a la comunidad y los invitados para una tarde de música y amistad. Todas las ganancias se donarán al Museo Dargaville en apoyo de sus esfuerzos por mostrar la historia de la comunidad para que la disfruten las generaciones futuras.

El Museo Dargaville alberga la única exhibición pública de acordeones en el hemisferio sur, “Gemas de acordeón, una colección maestra de acordeones a través del tiempo”. Establecidos y comisariados por Kevin Friedrich, los 140 instrumentos en exhibición muestran la fascinante evolución del instrumento a lo largo de sus casi 200 años de historia.

Disponibles en el Museo Dargaville, los boletos cuestan $ 25 para adultos y $ 10 para niños e incluyen el té de la tarde. Para obtener información, llame al: (09) 439-7555.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Wu Qiong on CCTV Spring Festival Gala Concert - China

Video: Excerpt featuring accordionist Wu Qiong, CCTV 2021 Spring Festival Gala Concert.

Accordionist Wu Qiong has been a member of the China Oriental Performing Arts Group since 2010. At 13, Wu was admitted to study the accordion at Tianjin Conservatory of Music and graduated from the school with a master's degree in 2009.

Music is a family tradition. Her grandfather was a keyboard player, her father was a pianist and accordion player and her mother a violinist. Wu started learning piano when she was 3 years old, and at 9, she played her father's accordion recreationally and was drawn to the sound of the musical instrument. She decided to learn playing accordion with her father.

During the third season of I Am a Singer, Wu collaborated with Chinese singer-songwriter Li Jian on the song, Baikal Lake, which Li wrote and performed in 2011. The song not only won Li positive reviews from the audience and music critics but also led to TV performances on various shows, including The Voice of China by Zhejiang Satellite TV Station.

"The accordion is an amazing instrument," says the now 35-year-old musician, who was born and grew up in Tianjin. "It's powerful yet delicate and sensitive." "I want to display the versatility of the musical instrument, melody, chords and accompaniment," says Wu. "I hope more young composers will write original music pieces for the musical instrument."


Video: Exciting Renzo Ruggieri New Releases - Italy

Renzo RuggieriVideo: Renzo Ruggieri has released his new work "Il Bosco Incantato" for accordion and string orchestra. The accordion soloist is Claudio Azzaro.

Catalog: rrenzo517 - Il Bosco Incantato for free bass accordion
Catalog: rrenzo524 - Il Bosco Incantato for free bass accordion and string orchestra (full score and individual parts).

Renzo Ruggieri is pictured right with his new accordion by Bugari Armando, has also published an update of his very popular composition "Tango Italian" (ver. 1.3) for solo virtuoso accordion. Real value for only Euro 10 and ideal for competitions and concerts.
Catalog: rrenzo503

Tango Italiano is also released in 5 versions:
accordion & orchestra and
accordion & string orchestra
accordion & strings, rhythmic section
accordion & rhythmic section
added piano
(full score and individual parts). Catalog: rrenzo522
Il Bosco Incantato score


Online: VI Odin International Music Competition 2021 Results

Odin poster
Odin logoMargherita BerlandaVideo: Odin International Music Online Competition, 1st prize winner 17 – 18 years Sofia Ros Gonzalez (Spain). Sofia's prize included an Online Masterclass with Jury member Margherita Berlanda.

The VI Odin International Music Competition was held online in January 2021, organized by the European Academic Artists Association, a non-profit organization with the aim to promote worldwide cultural and educational exchange.

The international jury included Margherita Berlanda (accordion, Italy - picture right).


• Accordion 11 - 12 years: 2nd place - Maksymilian Sztabinski (Poland)
• Accordion 15 – 16 years: 1st place - Žygimantas Vyšniauskas (Lithuania)
• Accordion 17 – 18 years: 1st place - Sofia Ros Gonzalez (Spain)
• Accordion 17 – 18 years: 2nd place - Martin Kot (Czech Republic)
• Accordion 19 – 22 years: 1st place - Marek Mikác (Slovakia)


Ricardo Llanos Pitch Bending Paper - Spain

A paper has been released entitled “Accordion acoustics: A study on pitch bending”, written by M. Jesús Elejalde-García, Erica Macho-Stadler and Ricardo Llanos - Vázquez.

The paper is published by Acoustics in Practice (AiP) which is an open access electronic journal (free to read, no submission fees but contributions are limited to EAA - European Acoustics Association society members).

Download the paper to read at:

Thank you to the three authors for their generosity in making the paper freely available.


Online: Uruguay Tropical Festival - Uruguay

Uruguay Tropical fest
The online event “Uruguay Tropical Festival” was held on February 12th, 2021.

Over 30 artists from Uruguay took part in the event including popular group “Fuelles Salteños”.

You can see their performance in the video above.


Historical Video: K Trio Performance in 2005 - USA

Video: Connecticut Accordion Association - The K Trio perform at Seven Angels Theater on January 30, 2005. This video is from Marilyn O'Neil’s collection.

Sadly, Julie Kasprzyk Cardona, 72, of North Haven, USA passed away unexpectedly on January 15th, 2021 at her home. She was a member of the K Trio, AAA, American Accordionists' Association and the Connecticut Accordion Association.

The K Trio performed all over the United States and were truly a trio of champions. Siblings Mary Kasprzyk Tokarski, Julie Kasprzyk Cardona and Walter Kasprzyk performed nationwide in competitions and concerts as youngsters. As young adults, life moved them to different areas of the United States! After 25 years apart, they all relocated to Connecticut again, and soon after began performing as The "K" Trio.

You can read more about her at: http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=22-Jan-2021&lang=en#art17215


Future events

Alex Meixner Band Entertainment in Florida - USA

Meixner poster
The Alex Meixner Band will be making its premiere performance at the Martin County Fair in Stuart, Florida on February 20th at 4pm. The band will play a “90 minute power set”. They will also be joined by Polka Hall of Fame and multi-instrumentalist Wally Dombrowski, who plays concertina, trumpet, and vocals!

The following day, (February 21st) the band will perform at the Summer Crush Vineyard and Winery in Fort Pierce, Florida from 1pm to 4pm. This concert will be in a Covid safe outdoor setting under the pavilion where everyone can spread out. For this performance the band will be joined by Rick Piotrowski on sax, clarinet, trumpet, and vocals and their repertoire will include lots of Polish-style polkas.

For details email: info@alexmeixner.com


Concert "Europe Dances: Music of Palaces and Cabaret", Moscow - Russia

Russia poster
A concert entitled "Europe Dances: Music of Palaces and Cabaret” will be held on February 21st at 2pm, in the Musical Lounge "Watercolour Salons" in Moscow, Russia.

Performers include Maksim Fedorov (bayan & bandoneon), winner of international competitions and artistic director of the ensemble "Fandango" along with Vladislav Domogatsky (guitar).

Their program will include works by J. S. Bach, A. Vivaldi, J. Rodrigo, A. Piazzolla, K. Gardel and L. Bakalov.

See poster for details.


Accordionists Entertain at Benefit Concert - Brazil

Brazil poster
Accordionists will entertain at a special benefit concert for music friends on February 21st, 2021 at 4pm in Santa Bárbara d’Oeste, Brazil.

Popular trio “Catuaba Com Red Bull” (picture below) will perform. Everyone is encouraged to attend to show their support for these musicians.

See poster for details.
Catuaba Com Red Bull


Vardos Trio “Cookbook” Concert, Melbourne - Australia

Vardos cookbook poster
The Vardos Trio (which includes accordionist Sophia Chapman) will perform a “Cookbook” concert at the Melbourne Recital Centre, Southbank, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on February 26th 2021 at 9pm UTC+13.

“Vardos delves into the great melting pot of music from Hungary, Romania and their neighbours, stirring up many delicious discoveries to savour. Original arrangements of rarely heard songs about cooking and food provide a glimpse into the region’s wonderful culture”.

The concert is part of a series entitled “Local Heroes 2021”.

Due to Covid-19 safety regulations a range of public health, hygiene and physical distancing measures will be in place.

For details email: vardos@hotmail.com


Online: Tiina Kiik and Tuulikki Bartosik Perform at Music Week - Estonia

Estonia banner
Accordionists Tiina Kiik (Canada) and Tuulikki Bartosik (Estonia) will perform an online concert entitled “Memories of Home” on February 25th at 8pm, (February 26th at 2pm UTC+13) to kick off the Estonian Music Week celebrations

The event is free of charge and donations are gratefully appreciated.

The Memories of Home Online Concert Series embraces the duality of having roots in one country while starting afresh in another. Organisers asked artists to show what memories of home mean to them.

Tiina Kiik reimagines contemporary classical compositions for the accordion bringing unexpected textures to the instrument.

Estonian accordionist and composer Tuulikki Bartosik is slated to record a special performance for the concert, a series of her original compositions. She will be performing from the ancient St Catherine's Monastery which is one of Tallinn's oldest buildings in Estonia, founded by Dominican monks back in 1 246.

See poster for details.


Online: Day of the Accordion - USA

The Day of the Accordion annual event, usually held in the greater Seattle (USA) area, will be held online this year due to Covid-19.

With events still shutdown in early 2021, chairman Bonnie Birch did not want to miss doing something for DOTA.

Online performances will be posted for all to enjoy on February 27th, 2021.


Online: John Kirkpatrick “Morris Music Special” - UK

John KirkpatrickFollowing his sell-out online concert on January 24th, 2021 and by popular demand, John Kirkpatrick will present his “Morris Music Special” concert on February 28th, 2021 at 7.30pm.

The concert will feature tunes and songs from his CD’s “Morris On”, “Plain Capers”, “Sheepskins”, “The Duck Race” as well as lots of Cotswold Morris from his days with Hammersmith Morris Men, a dip into the repertoire of the Shropshire Bedlams and Martha Rhoden's Tuppenny Dish, and a few surprises.

For details email: squeezer@johnkirkpatrick.co.uk


Tracey Collins Entertains at Auckland Fringe Festival - New Zealand

Tracey CollinsAuckland accordionist Tracey Collins will entertain at the Auckland Fringe Festival, Tapac Performing Arts Centre in Western Springs at 3pm and 6pm on February 28th, 2021. The 2021 festival runs from February 14th to March 6th and includes a variety of exhibitions, workshops, theatre, music, comedy, art and children's events.

Tracey will perform at Voyagers “An Epic Journey”, which is a collective of award-winning and International musicians who feature "traditional and World sounds colliding with contemporary and popular forms."

For details email: tracey@traceycollins.co.nz


Online: Talisk Features in CCM Live Music Festival - Scotland

TaliskScottish trio Talisk (which includes concertina player Mohsen Amini) will feature in a live broadcast from Capture Works in Glasgow, Scotland on February 28th, 2021 at 10.30am GMT+13.

The festival is presented by CCM Live and will run from February 26th to 28th, 2021, featuring nine artists from Scotland, Finland and Canada.

Attendees are welcome to “tune in from the comfort of your sofa as we stream live, full-length, full production and fully covid-safe festival sets to your homes!”

For details email: taliskmusic@gmail.com


Online: Ian Lowthian “Eastern European Tunes” Music Weekends – UK

Ian LowthianIan Lowthian (picture left) will run an online Eastern European Tunes music weekend on February 27th and 28th, 2021.

Ian believes much of the Eastern European music uses some more unusual time signatures and as we are currently living in “interesting times” perhaps we can spend some time de-stressing these “difficult times”!

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


Online: Music From Before the Accordion was Invented - USA

Daddy Squeeze
Daddy Squeeze (Dan Newton) will give an online concert with a difference on March 1st, 2021 at noon CT.

The concert is one of a regular series of lunchtime online concerts and will feature “Music from before the invention of the accordion”.

Requests are welcome.

For details email: daddysqueeze@yahoo.com


1st International Conducting Festival - Italy

conducting poster
The 1st International Conducting Summer Academy and Festival will be held from July 5th to September 30th, 2021 in Brescia, Italy, presented by the Master Orchestra Artematica.

The festival will give attendees the opportunity to work with conductors and professors as listed in the above poster. They will also be given the opportunity to conduct the Master Orchestra Artematica.

Applications close on May 30th, 2021.

For further information email: info@masterorchestra.it


Childrens Corner

Kokkola Childrens Concert - Finland

The first concert of the XXIII Kokkola Winter Festival featured young people.

Here are the very youngest beginners, Anna Hirvinen and Joel Koivisto, playing a traditional melody Lumiukkojen tanssi. View the excellent concert of many young performers of different levels at:
Childrens Concert


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Jeff Lisenby

Jeff LisenbyUpdated information and videos on the new page about Jeff Lisenby who passed away on January 6th, 2021.

Heinz Siemens has generously made available a video of the full 20 minute concert by Jeff Lisenby on August 11th, 1990 "to honor and remember this great talent and kind and giving gentleman." View it at: Jeff Lisenby


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