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Weekly News from Around the World - 19-Feb-2016
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2016 Strumenti & Musica Festival, Spoleto - Italien
Video: Jörgen Sundeqvist, „Akkordeon king“ Norrlandsoperan - Schweden
Video: Viivi Maria Saarenkylä & Savonlinna Orchester – Finnland
Duo Nebl & Nebl auf Tour in „A“ und beim Akkordeonfestival - Österreich

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Valentines Pictures Featuring Accordion
Video: Zoltán Orosz & Mihály Borbély - Libertango/Hungarian folk song/Balkan Boogie - Hungary
John Torcello with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Los Angeles - USA
Video: Having Fun with the Accordion - Peru
14 Years Ago: Emily Smith Wins BBC Young Traditional Musician Award 2002
Video: Natalie Emmons from EnterTalk Radio Interviewing at NAMM, Los Angeles - USA

Future events

Tony Kearney Gigs, London, Warrington, Manchester – UK
Jane Christison Entertains, Kansas City – USA
Roberto Lucanero & Marco Meo Concert, Torreglia - Italy
Claudio Allodi @ Harlow Accordion Club, Essex - UK
Guy Klucevsek Concerts, New York - USA
Video: Alan Kelly Gang’s American Tour Dates – USA
Vincent Lhermit’s Final Doctorate Recital, Paris – France
2016 AAMS Festival, New Jersey – USA

New and Updated Sites

Historical Composition 'Loganola' Released - New Zealand
CIA Winter Congress Site Updated
Site Updated: American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Site Updated - USA

CD Reviews

CD Review: Fachwerk | Kapote CD by Friedrich Lips

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2016 Strumenti & Musica Festival, Spoleto - Italien

2016 Strumenti & Musica Festival header
Mirco Patarini, Michele RossettiVom 18. bis 22. Mai 2016 wird in der schönen und bekannten Kulturstadt Spoleto, im Zentrum von Italien, das 2016 Strumenti & Musica Festival veranstaltet.

Im Programm ist der Premio Strumenti & Musica (nationale Wettbewerbe für junge Akkordeonisten) sowie Qualifikationsbewerb zur Teilnahme am 69. Coupe Mondiale (CIA), der vom 7. bis 11. September in Rostov-on-Don, Russland stattfindet.

Der Premio Strumenti & Musica Wettbewerb wird im Teatro Nuovo Giancarlo Menotti durchgeführt und vom italienischen Akkordeon Kulturverein (IAC), italienisches Mitglied der CIA in Zusammenarbeit mit Ars Spoletium Verlag und Aufnahme gesponsert.

Regeln, Vorschriften und Anmeldung in italienischer und englischer Sprache: 2016 Spoleto.pdf

Die Akkordeon und Klavierwettbewerbe (Premio Internazionale Pianistico "Città di Spoleto") werden voraussichtlich wieder eine erhebliche Zahl von jungen und talentierten Musiker anziehen.

Die beiden künstlerischen Leiter (Bild links), Mirco Patarini (Akkordeon) und Michele Rossetti (Klavier) heben immer wieder die Bedeutung und das Prestige hervor, das Spoleto in der musikalischen und kulturellen Welt, der Region spielt.

In Kürze werden die Konzerte und auftretenden Künstler des 2016 Strumenti & Musica Festivals bekanntgegeben.
Für weitere Informationen email: federica.celesti@arspoletium.com


Video: Jörgen Sundeqvist, „Akkordeon king“ Norrlandsoperan - Schweden

Fredrik Högberg, Jörgen Sundeqvist, Elim Chan
Einige übersetzte Auszüge aus dem Akkordeon Magazin "Dragspelsnytt" Nr. 2, 2016 von Curt Ivan Ericsson.

Akkordeon-King (komponiert von Fredrik Högberg), ein innovatives Multimedia-Werk für Akkordeon und Sinfonieorchester – eine erfolgreiche Aufführung vor einem zahlreichen Publikum in der Norrland Opera in Umeå, am 4. Februar 2016.

Das Konzert begann mit der Musik des Norrland Opera Symphony Orchesters unter der Leitung von Elim Chan, der ersten weiblichen Gewinnerin des Donatella Flick London Symphony Orchester-Dirigentenwettbewerbes.

Der Akkordeon-Virtuose Jörgen Sundeqvist, Solist im Akkordeon-King war in der Lage, das auffällig junge Publikum im voll besetzten Konzertsaal für das Werk Akkordeon-King von Fredrik Högberg Azu begeistern.

Ein ausverkauftes Konzert - ungewöhnlich für das Akkordeon, aber wunderbar erfreulich. Das Publikum mit einer Menge von Musikern aus nah und fern waren speziell dafür nach Umeå gekommen.

Akkordeon-King ist abwechslungsreich und Fredrik Högberg‘s Akkordeon Teil erfordert phänomenale Technik, von Jörgen Sundeqvist meisterhaft ausgeführt. Ein tolles Orchesterspiel mit überraschenden Klängen, ehrfürchtig und schnelllebigen. Jörgen machte es elegant und verdiente eine standing Ovationen des Publikums.

Die Uraufführung dieses Werkes, auch von Jörgen Sundeqvist, fand im Jahr 2015 statt. Mehr über dieses sehr interessante Arbeit: http://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=30-Jan-2015&lang=en#art9881
Jörgen Sundeqvist, Fredrik Högberg and Elim Chan


Video: Viivi Maria Saarenkylä & Savonlinna Orchester – Finnland

Video 1:
Video 2:
Viivi Maria SaarenkyläVideo 1: Uraufführung der sinfonischen Fassung von 'Anantango ", komponiert vom aussergewöhnlichen spanischen Akkordeonisten Gorka Hermosa, wurde von Viivi Maria Saarenkylä und dem Savonlinna Orchester dirigiert von Hannu Veskioja am Sonntag, 31. Januar, 03.00 Uhr aufgeführt.

Video 2: Tango Italiano komponiert von Renzo Ruggieri

Auszüge aus einem Konzertbericht in der lokalen Zeitung Itä-Savo von Esko Alanen, ins Deutsche übersetzt:

"Scheint, ein gut gewählter Sonntagnachmittag im Januar für ein Konzert des Savonlinna Orchestra und der Akkordeon-Virtuosin Viivi Maria Saarenkylä, da das Konzert ausverkauft war.

Kein Zweifel, die Mehrheit des Publikums ist gekommen um das Akkordeonspiel der Künstlerin Saarenkylä zu hören waren, die ursprünglich aus Savonlinna ist und bereits erfolgreich internationale Erfolge erreichten konnte. Die Erwartungen waren hoch und nicht umsonst.

Saarenkylä spielte anmutig und ausdrucksvoll. Schnelle Muster und Motive waren Saarenkylä Markenzeichen in jedem Stück. Allerdings stand Virtuosität nicht an erster Stelle. Saarenkylä gab ihre Priorität der Interpretation einer jeden Zusammensetzung und das Publikum konnte die lateinamerikanischen Rhythmen hören - reibungslos und nuancenreich.

Das Zusammenspiel mit dem Orchester war problemlos auch trotz einiger ziemlich schwierigen Rhythmen. Die Größe des Orchesters war perfekt zur Begleitung des Akkordeons und die Balance war aufgrund der Raumakustik gut.

Besonders in Erinnerung blieb, Renzo Ruggieri‘s Komposition Tango Italiano. Es war schön, den bekannten klassischen Libertango (Piazzolla) und das letzte Stück Tico Tico (Z. Abreu) zu hören, welche die Konzerthalle in eine wahre Karnevalfreude versetzte! "

Akkordeon-CD online verfügbar unter: Viivi Maria Saarenkylä
Viivi Maria Saarenkylä, Hannu Vesioja


Duo Nebl & Nebl auf Tour in „A“ und beim Akkordeonfestival - Österreich

Video: Tango 1 composed by Andreas Nebl
Video: Performance at the 2014 XXV International Moscow Festival, Russia
Es gibt nur sehr wenige professionelle klassische Ensembles mit Akkordeon, die über eine lange Zeit zusammen erfolgreich sind und Frank und Andreas Nebl als "Duo Nebl & Nebl sind diesbezüglich eine Ausnahme.

Seit vielen Jahren ist Frank Nebl Soloklarinettist beim Baden Staatsoper in Karlsruhe und sein Bruder Andreas Nebl Professor für Akkordeon und Kammermusik am Hohner Konservatorium in Trossingen.

Ihr "blindes Vertrauen" (Harmonika International) basiert sicherlich auf ihre gemeinsame familiäre Wurzeln. Aufgrund ihrer zahlreichen Konzerten in den letzten Jahren ist ihr gemeinsamer Weg irgendwie freier und schwungvoller geworden.

Die beiden international renommierten Kammermusiker haben ein Konzertrepertoire klassischer und zeitgenössischer Musik, Nebl Arrangments, Tango und Weltmusik, das ihr Publikum fesselt.

Ihre Österreichtour ist:
26. Februar Neunkirchen, Sparkassensaal der Musikschule, 07.30

27. Februar Rathaussaal der Marktgemeinde St. Paul / Lav., 07.30 Uhr

28. Februar Harmonikazentrum Graz, 05.00

29. Februar Wiener Akkordeonfestival, Ehrbar Saal, 08.00


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Valentines Pictures Featuring Accordion

Happy Valentine
The Great MorganiDing Peng, Manager, Hohner China published a very nice Valentines graphic above.

The Great Morgani (USA), picture left, had made a wonderful costume for Valentines Day. Just amazing.

Below left, the inscription reads: My heart is in "tune" with yours My Valentine. Below right is a very stylized accordion-heart.
Valentines with accordion


Video: Zoltán Orosz & Mihály Borbély - Libertango/Hungarian folk song/Balkan Boogie - Hungary

Video: Published on Feb 17, 2016, Libertango/Hungarian folk song/Balkan Boogie.

These two internationally renowned performers, Zoltan Orosz & Mihály Borbély, have had a long friendship for decades and played together on many occasions in larger formations.

Now they have formed a duo that retains all the flare, diversity and complexity that is so much a part of their individual musical skills.

Accordion Orosz CD's available online at: Zoltan Orosz


John Torcello with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Los Angeles - USA

Los Angeles Philharmonic
John TorcelloJohn Torcello, 1972 Coupe Mondiale Champion, performed the accordion role in 'Correspondances' by Henri Dutilleux (1916-2013) with the Los Angeles Philharmonic under the direction of Esa-Pekka Salonen from February 12-14th, at The Walt Disney Concert Hall, in Los Angeles. The 22 minute work ‘Correspondances’ is a song-cycle for soprano and orchestra written by the French composer Henri Dutilleux in 2002–2003. It consists of five episodes and an interlude. The work was premiered by Simon Rattle and Dawn Upshaw with the Berliner Philharmonic on September 5th 2003 and has since been performed all over the world.
The five movements: I – ‘Gong I (Rilke)’, II – ‘Danse cosmique (Mukherjee)’, ‘Interlude’, III – ‘A Slava et Galina... (Soljenitsyne)’, IV – ‘Gong 2 (Rilke)’, and V – ‘De Vincent à Théo (Van Gogh)’ are based on various letters and poems on texts by Rainer Maria Rilke, Prithwindra Mukherjee, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, and Vincent van Gogh. Although they come from disparate sources, they are unified by their mystical inspiration and especially their concern about the place of humanity in the Cosmos.
Each episode highlights a particular family of instruments. For instance, woodwinds and brass are prominent in ‘De Vincent à Théo’, echoing the painter's use of color while the accordion and strings dominate in ‘A Slava et Galina’ (that letter was addressed to legendary cellist Rostropovich and his wife, soprano Galina Vishnevskaya). ‘Danse Cosmique’ opens with timpani and pizzicato strings before the whole orchestra surrounds the singer. During an interview with famed Soprano Barbara Hannigan for whom Dutilleux worked closely with on the piece, Dutilleux explained that the use of the accordion to him provided an important bridge between the Far East and the West.
Dutilleux composed slowly and meticulously: he was undisturbed if a score took twenty years to complete, it being said that he valued perfection over facility. ‘Correspondances’ was commissioned by the Berliner Philharmoniker in 1983 and premiered in its final form on September 5th 2003, some twenty years later.
Beginning to play the accordion at age 7, John Torcello was a student of Al Cirrillo at Roxy's Music Store in Batavia, NY. His subsequent studies were with the great accordionist and an early proponent of the chromatic free bass instrument, Joseph Robusto, who subsequently introduced John to the late, great jazz accordionist Russ Messina in Buffalo, NY.
It was under Messina's tutelage that John Torcello became the USA - ATG Champion in 1971 and 1972. John travelled to compete in the CIA Coupe Mondiale in Bruges, Belgium, where he attained 3rd place, and then one year later, went on to win the coveted Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Championships held in Caracas, Venezeula. John later completed his undergraduate Music Composition degree at the University of Toronto where he studied accordion with Joseph Macerollo.
John has enjoyed an accomplished career playing with orchestras including the Los Angeles Philharmonic as well as for other important musical events. Career highlights for John include appearances with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Los Angeles Philharmonic New Music Group, Pasadena Pops/Symphony, Pacific Symphony, Long Beach Opera, Jacaranda Music and Idyllwild Arts Orchestra under conductors including Michael Tilson Thomas, Simon Rattle, Zubin Mehta, Andreas Mitisek, Rachel Worby, Carl St. Clair, John Williams, Esa-Pekka Salonen and Gustavo Dudamel in works by composers including DelTredici, Berg, Ades, Weill, Piaf, Kagel, Ortiz, Golijov, Bernstein, Piazzolla, Shostakovitch, Dean, Eo¨tvo¨s, Romer and Zappa.
Several of John Torcello's recordings have been re-released including: ‘TORCELLO Music of the Baroque’, ‘TORCELLO State of the Art Accordion’, and ‘Pastiche - John Torcello and Anthony Brazier (Flute)’, all of which are available on Amazon.


Video: Having Fun with the Accordion - Peru

This happened on the flight from Lima to Iquitos, Peru. The Patch Adams team from all over the world booked seats on this flight for the 2015 Clown Festival and we found ourselves sitting right in the middle of them.

One of the medical professionals dressed as a clown grabbed her accordion and soon the entire group was singing and clapping and having fun. I'll never forget it!

The clowns were part of the Belen Project which is a charity that aims to provide health care to South America’s poorest people.


14 Years Ago: Emily Smith Wins BBC Young Traditional Musician Award 2002

Emily SmithThe Accordions Worldwide News for February 15th 2002 reported that Emily Smith had won the prestigious BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician Award.

Since 2002 singer and accordionist Emily Smith, who has a degree in Scottish Music from the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, has enjoyed a very successful career in the folk world, performing around the world and with several albums to her credit.

Accordionist Wins Young Traditional Musician Award 2002 – Scotland

The finals of the BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician Award 2002 were held on January 27th at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. A capacity audience were treated to some amazing performances from seven finalists playing the accordion, violin, pipes, guitar and clarsach.

Accordionist and vocalist Emily Smith won the award and was presented with a record deal with Footstompin' Records plus invitations to various festivals including Tonder in Denmark, and next year’s Celtic Connection's BBC Radio Broadcast. Concertina player Simon Thoumire is the organizer of this annual event.


Video: Natalie Emmons from EnterTalk Radio Interviewing at NAMM, Los Angeles - USA

Natalie Emmons from EnterTalk Radio and Pitbull Audio met with Alicia Baker, Roland at NAMM in Los Angeles last month. An impressed Natalie Emmons made this interview and wrote online "and I got an incredible demo of the FR8X V Accordion."


Future events

Tony Kearney Gigs, London, Warrington, Manchester – UK

Tony KearneyLondon-based Irish button accordionist Tony Kearney performs this weekend, as follows;

Friday February 19th – Wimbledon Irish Centre, London
Saturday February 20th – Warrington Irish Centre, Cheshire
Sunday February 21st – St Ann’s Parish Centre, Stretford, Manchester
Tuesday February 23rd – English Martyrs Club, Elephant and Castle, London


Jane Christison Entertains, Kansas City – USA

Jane ChristisonOn Saturday February 20th, 2.30-3.15pm, accordionist Jane Christison will be performing her ‘Janie Next Door’ routine at the Mid-Continent Public Library, North Oak Branch, 8700 N. Oak Trfwy, Kansas City, Missouri.

Jane Christison is well-known for her ‘Janie Next Door’ show that offers playful original songs that engage children with a tuneful bounce and irresistible rhythms performed on accordion. The easy rhymes in songs like ‘I’ve Got a Loose Tooth in My Head’ will have kids singing along in no time.


Roberto Lucanero & Marco Meo Concert, Torreglia - Italy

Marco Meo & Roberto LucaneroItalian diatonic accordionist Roberto Lucanero and singer/percussionist Marco Meo perform in concert on Saturday February 20th, 3pm, and on Sunday February 21st, 1.30pm, at Cantina Bernardi Giovanni sas, via Castelletto, Torreglia, Italy. These performances are part of the Festa Continua event.

For further information email: info@festacontinua.it info@festacontinua.it info@festacontinua.it


Claudio Allodi @ Harlow Accordion Club, Essex - UK

PosterAccordion entertainer Claudio Allodi is the guest at Harlow Accordion Club on Thursday February 25th, 7.30pm. Admission is £7 in advance, £7.50p at the door. The club organiser is Jean Hanger. In support will be a spot from the Harlow Accordion Band (MD Jean Hanger).

Harlow Accordion Club meets at the Links Social Club, Parsloe Rd, Harlow, Essex CM19 4RT.

For further information email: jeanhanger@icloud.com


Guy Klucevsek Concerts, New York - USA

Guy KlucevsekGuy Klucevsek performs as follows in the next few weeks:

February 20th, 6pm - with Charles Busch, ‘The Lady at the Mic’, Bridge Street Theatre, Catskill, New York
February 21st, 7pm - with Charles Busch, ‘The Lady at the Mic’,Club Helsinki, Hudson, NY
February 26th, 8.30pm - American Songbook Series, Lincoln Center, Appel Room, NY
March 7th, 7pm - excerpts from Jason Robert Brown’s musical, ‘Parade’, Museum of Jewish Heritage, NYC
March 10th, 8pm - duo with Phillip Johnston, Barbes, Park Slope, Brooklyn, NY

Accordionist and composer Guy Klucevsek (born 1947) is a versatile musician, and frequently active in new music, jazz and free improvisation. He has released 20+ albums, and has recorded or performed with Kepa Junkera, Dave Douglas, John Zorn, Bill Frisell, Laurie Anderson, and many others. He is also a founding member of the international group Accordion Tribe. In 2010 Klucevsek won a United States Artists Fellow award.


Video: Alan Kelly Gang’s American Tour Dates – USA

Allen Kelly Gang PosterVideo above: Filmed for BBC Radio Scotland's Travelling Folk at the Celtic Connections in Glasgow, January 2015. The Snow Reels.

The Alan Kelly Gang will be on a US tour in early March, and details are below:

March 4th, 8pm – The Celtic Junction, Prior Ave, St Paul, Minnesota
March 5th, 8pm – Thrasher Opera House, 506 Mill St, Green Lake, Wisconsin
March 6th, 5pm – The Old Town School of Folk Music, N. Lincoln Ave, Chicago
March 7th, 8pm – The Ark, 316 Main St, Ann Arbor, Michigan
March 8th, 7.30pm – Duncan Hall, 619 Ferry St, Lafayette, Indiana
March 9th, 7.30pm – The Burren, Davis Square, Somerville, Massachusetts
March 11th, 5pm – Hibernian Center, 19 Temple St, Worcester, Massachusetts
March 12th, 7.30pm – Lily Pads, 27 North Rd, Peace Dale, South Kingston, Rhode Island
March 13th, 3pm – Adelphi University Performing Arts, 1 South Ave, Garden City, New York
March 17th, 5pm – Wolf Trap, The Barns, 1635 Trap Rd, Vienna, Virginia

The Alan Kelly Gang is a powerful, emotive and critically acclaimed traditional Irish music band from the west of Ireland and Scotland. Fronted by Irish accordionist Alan Kelly, the band have firmly established themselves as one of Ireland's leading contemporary traditional music groups. Their strong dynamics, driving rhythms and buoyant harmonies will draw even the most fainthearted listener into the passion that they put into the music they play.

For further information email: mattg@folkloreproductions.com


Vincent Lhermit’s Final Doctorate Recital, Paris – France

Vincent Lhermit’s final recital for his CNSMDP doctorate takes place on Tuesday March 8th, 6.30pm, at the salle Maurice Fleuret, Sorbonne University, Paris. All are welcome.

French accordionist Vincent Lhermet (born 1987) graduated from the Sibelius Academy of Helsinki, Finland, with the highest honors in the class of Matti Rantanen. He is the first ever accordionist to be admitted to the Doctorate of Music Performance (PhD) at the Paris Conservatoire/Paris-Sorbonne University, where he has been studying with Laurent Cugny and composer Bruno Mantovani.

He has distinguished himself several times internationally by winning the first prize in the Arrasate-Hiria International Competition in Spain (2006) and by being ranked finalist in the ‘Gaudeamus Interpreters’ International Competition of Amsterdam (2011). He regularly performs as a soloist with orchestras, and is very active in promoting the accordion’s contemporary repertoire.

He is currently teaching accordion at the Boulogne-Billancourt Conservatoire and the Lille (ApPSEA) and Paris-Boulogne-Billancourt (PSPBB) Higher Arts Educations Centers.


2016 AAMS Festival, New Jersey – USA

Joanna Arnold Darrow, Linda Soley ReedThe American Accordion Musicological Society announces that the 2016 AAMS Festival takes place from April 1st to 3rd at The Hanover Marriott Hotel, 1401 Route 10 East, Whippany, NJ 07981.
AAMS has released its festival itinerary, including workshops, concerts, an honoree banquet, festival orchestra, and more.

Do not miss the exciting Friday Night Irish Experience Concert featuring the Irish accordion and guitar duo of John McGillian and Darin Kelly. Also appearing are Bob & Anita Siarkowski, Dee Langley, Irish Madrigals, Westmont Accordion Club, and the WPAO, all with totally Irish programs. Lou Persic will provide pre-concert music beginning at 7.30pm for the non-Irish.

On Saturday evening we will present the AAMS Guest of Honor, Linda Soley Reed, who will conduct the Festival Orchestra 2016. Everyone is invited to participate in the orchestra. Contact Linda (lsoleyreed@gmail.com) or Joanna Arnold Darrow (acmeaccordion@comcast.net) for music.

Pre-Dinner music will be provided by Don Gerunda, Dinner Music by Lou Coppola and the Strolling Strings. Joe Natoli, Mary Tokarski, and Eddie Montiero, and the WPAO will captivate your attention with exciting performances throughout the evening.

Workshops will begin Friday evening with ‘Jigs, Reels, Politics & Religion!’ presented by Bob Lijana and Dean Ratzin. Saturday workshops include Paul Ramunni with ‘Secrets of the Accordion - What Makes the Instrument so Special’, followed by Dallas Vietty ‘Playing Off the Page’, Joe Natoli with ‘Inexpensive Studio Quality Recording at Home’, Music Educator Anthony Mazzocchi, Grammy nominated music educator, and Linda Soley Reed leading a 2 hour long Festival Orchestra rehearsal. Sunday workshops include Paul Ramunni's ‘Secrets of the Accordion - Part 2’, Dee Langley, Part One: ‘Using Your Ear to Memorize Melody’, and Part Two ‘Using your Ear to Memorize Harmony’, and Anthony Mazzocchi, Part Two: ‘The Music Parents’ Guide: Survival Kit for the New Music Parent’.’

All attendees of the AAMS are invited to attend an Open Meeting of the AAA held at 3pm.

For further information email Joanna Arnold Darrow Email: acmeaccordion@comcast.net


New and Updated Sites

Historical Composition 'Loganola' Released - New Zealand

Loganola by Clarrie BruceThe New Zealand Accordion Assocation Inc. to preserve original New Zealand accordion music has typeset and released Loganola composed by Clarrie Bruce. Purchase online and view sample page at Catalog: mfa8050

This is the first accordion music to be published and printed in New Zealand and was published by Arthur Eady, Auckland, New Zealand during the 1930's (exact date unknown).

The original copy of this music was donated to the Dargaville Museum Accordion Gems display, curator Kevin Friedrich, by Titano Accordions (NZ) Ltd Director Maurice Jones.


CIA Winter Congress Site Updated

2016 CIA Winter Congress logo
CIA Winter Congress Site Updated with the latest information and details and registration forms.

The 2016 CIA Winter Congress and 135th General Assembly of Delegates will be held in Cetraro (Italy) from 18th - 20th March 2016 hosted by SIAC (South-Italian Accordion Culture) partner of the Italian Accordion Culture (IAC), the Italian member of the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA).



Site Updated: American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Site Updated - USA

AAA Banner
Site Updated: American Accordionists' Association (AAA) have updated their site to have more information about their annual July festival including the forms for the festival.


CD Reviews

CD Review: Fachwerk | Kapote CD by Friedrich Lips

Fachwerk | Kapote CD cover by Friedrich LipsCD Reviews Index for the Review of Fachwerk | Kapote CD by Friedrich Lips. Review by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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