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Weekly News from Around the World - 19-Apr-2013
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Особенности Highlights

Программа международного фестиваля “World of Accordion” («Мира аккоредона») – Италия
Обнадеживающие новости с места большого взрыва в Техасе – США
Новая книга Клаудио Якомуччи (Claudio Jacomucci) ‘Mastering Accordion Technique’, Рим – Италия
Грэйсон Мейсфилд (Grayson Masefield) сделал записи для двух ТВ-шоу 'Le Kiosque a Musique' («Музыкальный киоск») – Швейцария

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Frankfurt Musikmesse / final report 2013 - Germany
Creative Keyboard Club Concert, Auckland - New Zealand
Jacques Pellarin’s latest composition, ‘Momco’, Chambéry – France
'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', New Chapter Released – USA
Richard Galliano Septet, Piazzolla Forever -- In Concert
Video: Patty Abarno Prezioso Fox
‘14 Years Ago’ – Brent Buswell makes his TV debut in 1999

Будущие события

Salvatore Cauteruccio & Más en Tango In Concert, Calabria - Italy
Contemporary Accordion Lecture, Moscow – Russia
‘Accordion Babes’ Concert Dates, West Coast – USA
‘Le Printemps de l’accordéon’, Chablais – France
‘Squeezebox Mania 7’, Texas – USA
Roberto Lucanero Concert, Genoa – Italy
11th Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Fund Event, New York – USA
Pearl Fawcett-Adriano Concerts, England – UK
Helen Maher @ ‘Poetry Spoke Night’, Merseyside – UK
Lácides Romero ‘Duo Nuevo Mundo’ Concert, Bogota – Colombia
3rd Festival d’Accordéon, Bastogne – France
Neapolitan Songs Concert, London - UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

Claudio Jacomucci new CD

CD Отзывы

Duo Feast CD by Stas Venglevski and Misha Litvin

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Особенности Highlights

Программа международного фестиваля “World of Accordion” («Мира аккоредона») – Италия

The World of Accordion International Festival
Программа Международного фестиваля “World of Accordion” включает в себя участие многих солистов и ансамблей со всего мира, а также семинары, выставки, рынок подержанных инструментов, первую помощь по ремонту аккордеонов и баянов, фотовыставку, продажу нот и компакт-дисков.

Вся информация доступна на сайте: 'The World of Accordion'
The World of Accordion International Festival Program


Обнадеживающие новости с места большого взрыва в Техасе – США

NAA logo
President of the National Accordion Association (NAA) - Norman SeatonNAA logoПрезидент Национальной Аккордеонной Ассоциации (NAA) пишет:

Мощный взрыв прогремел в городе Вест, штат Техас, который благодаря средствам массовой информации известен многим любителям аккордеона во всем мире. Вест также известен как Чешская столица Техаса. Национальная Аккордеонная Ассоциация уходит своими корнями глубоко в историю этого города.

Наши молитвы и беспокойство сейчас с нашими друзьями и членами их семей, которые живут в этом прекрасном городе.

До сих пор мы получали хорошие новости: «Наши друзья и их семьи отделались швами, порезами, а некоторые из них только синяками». Следите на главной странице сайта Национальной Аккордеонной Ассоциации за последними новостями, касающимися наших друзей аккордеонистов и членов их семей. Мы будем держать вас в курсе».


Новая книга Клаудио Якомуччи (Claudio Jacomucci) ‘Mastering Accordion Technique’, Рим – Италия

‘Mastering Accordion Technique’ book cover‘Mastering Accordion Technique’ («Освоение баянной техники») – новая книга Клаудио Якомуччи и Кэтлин Дилэни (Kathleen Delaney) – предлагает новый подход к игре на баяне и аккордеоне, основанный на методе, известном как Alexander Technique («Александер Техника»).

Клаудио Якомуччи – известный итальянский баянист и педагог, а Кэтлин Дилэни – профессиональная танцовщица, практикующая метод «Александер Техника».

Метод «Александер Техника» предназначен для того, чтобы помочь людям забыть плохие физические привычки, и эта книга призывает применять в жизни эти принципы, чтобы помочь баянистам и аккордеонистам играть в спокойной, более эффективной и верной манере.

В первой части книги речь идет о конкретных баянных и аккордеонных вопросах, а вторая часть посвящена самому методу и его практическому применению при игре на баяне или аккордеоне.

Презентация книги Клаудио Якомуччи и Кэтлин Дилэни состоится 25 апреля в 18.30 школе ArtEZ Hogeschool, город Арнем, Нидерланды. Вход свободный.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: info@claudiojacomucci.com
‘Mastering Accordion Technique’ book


Грэйсон Мейсфилд (Grayson Masefield) сделал записи для двух ТВ-шоу 'Le Kiosque a Musique' («Музыкальный киоск») – Швейцария

Jean-Marc RichardВ минувшую пятницу и субботу известный новозеландский аккордеонист Грейсон Мейсфилд записал два выступления для радио и телевидения для швейцарского шоу ‘Le Kiosque Musique’, организованного Жан-Марком Ричардом на RTS (Radio Televison Suisse).

Радио-шоу транслировалось в прямом эфире, а телепрограмма будет транслироваться в двух шоу в течение следующего месяца. Видео выше: пьеса Клода Тома “Notes Vagabondes”, записанная на концерте в России, одна из пьес, которые прозвучат на RTS.

Также на шоу выступил оркестр Société des Accordéonistes Crescendo Estavayer-le-Lac (фото внизу), дирижер Марианна Тьеррин (Marianne Thierrin). Этот аккордеонный оркестр был основан в 1993 году Роландом Сотю (Roland Sautaux), который передал эстафету Марианне Тьеррин в 2000 году.

Грейсон Мейсфилд в ближайшее время едет в Боснию, чтобы выступить на фестивале баянно-аккордеонного искусства “Akordeon Art Festival”, который состоится с 24 по 27 апреля в Восточном Сараево. Президент организации, проводящей этот фестиваль, является профессор Зоран Ракич, декан Академии музыки Университета Восточного Сараево, где состоится это мероприятие.

Грейсон Мейсфилд выступит с разнообразной программой на концерте-открытии, а также станет одним из членов жюри.
Société des Accordéonistes Crescendo Estavayer-le-Lac


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Frankfurt Musikmesse / final report 2013 - Germany

Frankfurt_Musikmesse_2013_Accordion_Live_Report - with impressions from the exhibition.

The leading international trade fair for the musical-instrument industry and the live-entertainment sectors, Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound, closed their doors after setting a new visitor record of 113,000 visitors from 142 countries (2012: 109,481 visitors, 120 countries1). “This veritable flood of visitors exceeded by a wide margin not only our expectations but also those of the exhibitors”, said Detlef Braun, Member of the Executive Board of Messe Frankfurt GmbH, on the final day.“ 113,000 visitors beats not only last year’s result by three percent but also the previous visitor record set in 2009 (112,478 visitors1).

The increase in visitor numbers was spread evenly over the trade and public days. Accordingly, there was also even growth in the numbers of German and foreign visitors. Visitors to the two leading fairs came primarily from Germany (71,200 visitors; 2012: 68.2671), as well as from The Netherlands, France, Italy, Switzerland, Great Britain, Belgium, Austria, the Russian Federation, Sweden and Poland. The bulk of new visitors came from Italy, Belgium, Austria and Russia.

The accordion exposers moved this year from Hall 3.1 to Hall 4.1 with a new Stage positioned near all exhibitors with many events entertaining the public. Many new instruments and products were presented to all accordion enthusiasts who had a great chance to try directly all innovations.

Next years appointment is 12-15th March 2014

Frankfurt_Musikmesse_2013_Accordion_Live_Report - with impressions from the exhibition.


Creative Keyboard Club Concert, Auckland - New Zealand

1. Maurice Jones
2. Lionel Reekie and Maurice Jones
On Sunday April 14th the North Shore Accordion Orchestras were asked to provide the second half of a monthly concert hosted by the Creative Keyboard Club in Browns Bay. 

The Music Makers were the group selected with 12 young players ranging in age from 6 to 11 years performed ‘Break My Stride’ and ‘Donawellan’. 

Most of the young players played one or two solos, and to finish, Maurice Jones and Lionel Reekie, New Zealand professional musicians, also performed to the delight of the audience.

For further information email: ghia@ihug.co.nz


Jacques Pellarin’s latest composition, ‘Momco’, Chambéry – France

Jacques PellarinFrench composer and accordionist Jacques Pellarin has written a new piece, ‘Momco’, set in a cinematic style and arranged for accordion and string orchestra.

After a long and successful performing career (with accordionist Jean-Luc Brunetti) in the ‘Baikal Duo’ and the Jacques Pellarin Jazz Trio, Jacques Pellarin has recently become involved in writing and production for cinema and TV.

The music of Jacques Pellarin has also been broadcast on national radio in France and abroad, including National Public Radio (USA), and a number of radio classic, jazz, world music stations around the world.

For further information email: jacques.pellarin@wanadoo.fr


'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', New Chapter Released – USA

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', book coverJohn Bonica PT CMP NZRPThis is an ebook (able to be emailed to you, Acrobat pdf format). John Bonica PT CMP NZRP has released the 4th Chapter of his book 'Play Your Accordion Without Pain'. The chapter is titled: 'Neck and Neck-Related Symptoms'.

This exciting ebook is being published chapter by chapter, at least one chapter per month. Released to date is:
Chapter 1 - An Overview
Chapter 2 - Learning to Read Your Body’s Signals
Chapter 3 - Neck and Neck-Related Symptoms
Chapter 4 - The Shoulder (the most complex joint in your body)

There will be a minimum of 24 chapters. As a special introductory offer, you can purchase the whole book for US$22 (or Euro equivalent) and be sent each chapter by email as it is released. Purchase at: John Bonica>


Richard Galliano Septet, Piazzolla Forever -- In Concert

Richard Galliano Septet, Piazzolla Forever -- In Concert.

Over 1 hour of musical magic, published on Nov 24, 2012 by Pavel Levin.
Performers are: Richard Galliano, Jean-Marc Phillips-Varjabedian, Sebastien Surel, Jean-Marc Apap, Henri Demarquette, Stephane Logerot, Herve Sellin.

1. Verano portero
2. Primavera portena
3. Sur -- Regreso al amor
4. Concerto pour bandoneon et orchestre -- 1er mouvement allegro
5. Concerto pour bandoneon et orchestre -- 2eme mouvement moderato
6. Concerto pour bandoneon et orchestre -- 3eme mouvement presto
7. Milonga del angel
8. Michelangelo 70
9. Milonga sin palabras
10. Libertango
11. La valse a Margaux
12. Extrait du prelude pour piano : Leija's game
13. Laura and Astor
14. Escualo
15. Milonga du concerto pour guitare bandoneon et orchestre
16. Opale concerto (New York tango)
17. Tango pour Claude
18. Invierno porteno
19. Otono porteno
20. Oblivion
21. Michelangelo 70

A tribute to the genius of Richard Galliano and Astor Piazzolla.


Video: Patty Abarno Prezioso Fox

Not much detail about this video. Title: Patty Abarno Prezioso Fox, Published on Mar 30, 2013, Scritta ed elaborata dal Enzo Scacchia. Enjoy


‘14 Years Ago’ – Brent Buswell makes his TV debut in 1999

Brent BuswellThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending April 23rd 1999 reported that Brent Buswell had just appeared on TV in America for the first time. It is good to note that Brent has progressed steadily as an accordionist, has made several recordings, and now has his own website.

National TV Debut for Blind Accordionist – USA
Contributed by Sara Fuller

Eighteen year old blind accordionist Brent Buswell appeared on the Sally Jesse Raphael Show on the ABC TV network recently, performing ‘Dance of the Comedians’. Show host, Sally has been featuring ‘Sally's Most Talented Kids’ on her program.

Brent is a student at Black River High School in Ludlow and is currently studying with the aim of entering the Berkley College of Music in Boston. He regularly plays as a soloist and with 20 other accordionists in the Nils Lundene Accordion Jamboree band, in clubs and lodges around Massachusetts. His repertoire includes over 400 polkas, marches and classical pieces.


Будущие события

Salvatore Cauteruccio & Más en Tango In Concert, Calabria - Italy

Más en Tango in concert at Syracuse in Reggio Calabria, 19th April. Special Guest is well-known trumpet player Luca Aquino. Más en Tango players are: Salvatore Cauteruccio (accordion), Sasa Calabrese (double bass), Fabrizio La Fauci (drums).


Contemporary Accordion Lecture, Moscow – Russia

Contemporary Accordion Lecture, Moscow posterFor the first time in the history of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory a lecture on contemporary accordion will be held.

The event is organized by the Contemporary Music Department of the university and will take place at the Conference Hall on Friday April 19th, 12pm.

The lecture and master class for composition and musicology students will be conducted by Sergej Tchirkov.

For further information email: info@tchirkov.eu


‘Accordion Babes’ Concert Dates, West Coast – USA

‘Accordion Babes’
The ‘Accordion Babes’ - accordionists Renee de la Prade, Skyler Fell, Amber Lee Baker, Lux Gaxiola, Joan Rueter, and Aharon Wheels Bolsta on drums – have been busy recently, touring the western side of the USA and into Canada. Their remaining dates are:

April 19th, 8pm – Rancho Nicasio, California
April 20th, 11am to 4pm - Renee de la Prade will do some solo busking outside the Castro Theater, 429 Castro St,  San Francisco, to celebrate the screening of the cartoon classic ‘The Last Unicorn’.
April 25th, 9pm - Smiley's Schooner Saloon, 41 Wharf Rd, Bolinas, CA
April 27th, 5pm and 8.30pm - Nova Albion Steampunk Convention, Hyatt Regency, Santa Clara, CA

For further information email: squeezeboxgoddess@gmail.com


‘Le Printemps de l’accordéon’, Chablais – France

Promotional video above.

The festival ‘Le Printemps de l’accordéon’ takes place in the Chablais area of Haute- Savoie, in the Rhône-Alpes region in south-eastern France, from April 19th to 27th.

Organised by Les Amis de l'Accordéon Perrignier, the guests include Jean Robert Chappeletet, Carole Montmayeur, Davide Paule, Trio Czardas, the Denis Croisonnier Electric Jazz Quartet, Albert Rollin, Karrouselles Duo, Matthieu Chaussalet, and the Orchestre d’accordéons Les Gais Matelots de Lausanne.

The events include dances and concerts, and accordions will be present in the town’s streets from 11.30 am until 5pm daily.


‘Squeezebox Mania 7’, Texas – USA

‘Squeezebox Mania 7 posterThis year’s ‘Squeezebox Mania 7’ takes place on April 20th, 8pm, at Threadgill’s World Headquarters, 301 West Riverside Drive, Austin, Texas. Performers include Augie Meyers & Joel Guzman, The Flying Balalaika Brothers, Johnny Degollado y su conjunto, Zydecowgirl, Gabriel Guzman, plus thee will be an all-out Squeezeboxmaniacs Jam.

For further information email: Guzmanfox@gmail.com


Roberto Lucanero Concert, Genoa – Italy

Roberto Lucanero Concert posterDiatonic button accordionist Roberto Lucanero performs on April 20th, 2.30pm, at Sala Chiamata del porto, piazzale San Benigno, Genoa.

Video: Television del Bergueda filmed in July 2012. Roberto Lucanero (diatonic accordion), Domenico Candellori (percussion), Francesco Tesei (bass guitar) and Chacho Marchelli (guitar).


11th Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Fund Event, New York – USA

11th Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Fund Event poster
Carmen CarrozzaThe 11th annual Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Fund Event, organized by the American Accordionists’ Association, takes place on Sunday April 21st, 12midday until 5pm. The event takes place at the Villa Barone Hilltop Manor, 466 U.S. 6, Mahopac, New York, and all proceeds raised are for the The Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Fund for the advancement of promising young accordionists.

The concert performers this year include Mary Tokarski, Frank Carrozza, Manny Corallo, Mario Tacca & Mary Mancini, Frank Toscano, Anita & Bob Siarkowski, Ray Oreggia & Dominic Karcic, Beverly Roberts Curnow, Emilio Magnotta, the Connecticut Accordion Orchestra (MD Linda Soley Reed), and more. The organizer is Dr. Joseph Ciccone.

For further information email: drjciccone@aol.com


Pearl Fawcett-Adriano Concerts, England – UK

Pearl Fawcett-AdrianoVirtuoso accordionist Pearl Fawcett-Adriano performs in concert this month, as follows:

April 23rd - White Rose Organ Society, Dodworth Central Social Club, Station Rd, Dodworth, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S75 3JA
April 26th, 7.30pm - Guildford Accordion Club, Ripley Village Hall, High St, Ripley, Surrey GU23 6AF
April 28th, 2pm-5pm - South Hampshire Accordion Club, St Luke’s Church, Hedge End, Southampton SO30 2US

Pearl’s latest CD, ‘Pearl – The Jewel of the Accordion’, is available via www.musicfor accordion.com

For further information email: pearladriano@hotmail.com


Helen Maher @ ‘Poetry Spoke Night’, Merseyside – UK

Helen MaherAccordionist and vocalist Helen Maher is the guest musician for Wallasey’s ‘Poetry Spoke Night’ at La Gondola, Liscard Rd, Wallasey on Tuesday April 23rd, 8pm. Free entry

For further information email: coaster.coey@googlemail.com


Lácides Romero ‘Duo Nuevo Mundo’ Concert, Bogota – Colombia

Lácides Romero ‘Duo Nuevo Mundo’The highly accomplished Duo Nuevo Mundo, Lácides Romero (accordion) and Francisco Rivera (clarinet) perform in concert on Thursday April 25th, 6pm, at la Casa Arpeggio, Bogota, Colombia. Entry is free.

Their programme includes classical music by Handel, Dvorak, Haydn, some pieces by Latin American composers, and specialties such as ‘Hora Staccato’ – G. Dinicu, and ‘La Cumparsita’, by M. Rodriguez.

Duo Nuevo Mundo are amongst the guests performing at the 5th ‘World Meeting of Accordion Music’ in Valledupar, Colombia, June 19th to 22nd.

For further information email: lacidesromero@gmail.com


3rd Festival d’Accordéon, Bastogne – France

3rd Festival d’Accordéon, Bastogne poster
The 3rd Festival d’Accordéon takes place on Sunday April 28th, 2pm, at Le Calypso, Losange, Bastogne, northern France. Accordionists performing include Erika, Jose Hyat, Laura Namur, Olivier Verdi, and others.


Neapolitan Songs Concert, London - UK

Charles Castronovo  - 'Dolce Napoli, the Neopolitan Songs’, CD coverInternationally-acclaimed tenor Charles Castronovo takes to the King's Head stage on Monday April 29th, 7.15pm and 11pm, to perform songs from his CD ‘Dolce Napoli, the Neopolitan Songs’, which features new interpretations of classic songs from Italy with his band. Romano Viazzani plays accordion in the band.

Charles captures the spirit of Naples in English and Italian, introducing these songs to new audiences in the same manner as the great Italian-American singers of the last generation, but with a beautiful operatic voice that does them justice.

The Kings Head Theatre is situated at 115 Upper St,  Islington, London N1 1QN.

For further information email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk


Новые и обновленные сайты

Claudio Jacomucci new CD

Beyond CD cover by Claudio JacomucciClaudio Jacomucci releasing his new CD with eTracks titled 'Beyond', catalog: CJ201 with sound samples. Music performed by Claudio Jacomucci. Purchase online.


CD Отзывы

Duo Feast CD by Stas Venglevski and Misha Litvin

Duo Feast CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Duo Feast CD by Stas Venglevski and Misha Litvin, in English language, reviewed by Joan C Sommers.


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