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Weekly News from Around the World - 18-Sep-2009
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Primera Edición del Concurso Online “Accordions on the Sea”-Italia
Richard Galliano en Concierto, St Petersburgo- Rusia
Gira de Milos Milivojevic-Inglaterra, Australia
Concierto en Honor a Faithe Deffner-USA

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

The Occasionals ‘The Full Set’ CD and DVD, Scotland – UK

Future events

David Yengibarjan at the MOL Jazz Festival, Budapest – Hungary
Rafael Luc Charity Concert, London – UK
Mika Väyrynen Master Class, Frosinone - Italy
Lydie Auvray Tour Dates - Germany
Edmonton Accordion Extravaganza, Alberta – Canada
Bernadette Conlon-Zabawa Concert, Milwaukee - USA
Walter Perrie Concert, Ellesmere Port – UK
‘Echoes of Erin’ Tour – Canada
Pärnu Accordion Music Festival, Pärnu - Estonia

New and Updated Sites

Coupe Mondiale Daily Reports Online
Available 2009 Coupe Mondiale Video Download
2009 Coupe Mondiale Results Online
Coupe Mondiale Program Download

CD Reviews

"Tango Nuevo"

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Primera Edición del Concurso Online “Accordions on the Sea”-Italia

Frank Marocco
Romano Viazzani, Giancarlo Caporilli and Gennaro RuffoloFotos: Frank Marocco, Romano Viazzani, Ruffolo Gennaro y Caporilli Giancarlo.

Este certamen ha sido diseñado para solistas, grupos de cámara y orquestas de acordeones. La categoría de solo, esta dividida en dos dependiendo de la edad de sus participantes: por debajo de 17 años de edad y más de 18. Los participantes deben grabar sus actuaciones en video y descargarlas en la página web de Youtube y enviar el link a: redazione@accordionplanet.net

Un jurado evaluará las actuaciones, informando posteriormente a los concursantes las calificaciones obtenidas. La ceremonia de los premiados dará lugar en el “Accordions Cruise Festival”, a bordo del crucero Costa Victoria de los días 17 al 24 de abril del próximo año. Los participantes ganadores, si lo desean, pueden recibir el premio en el mismo barco. El “Accordions Cruise Festival” zarpará en Venecia, visitando Ancona, Santorini (Grecia), Mykonos, Atene/Pireo, Corfu y Dubrovnik (Croacia), regresando otra vez a Venecia. El organizador del evento es Donato Di Tullio. Los artistas invitados al festival son Frank Marocco, Romano Viazzani, Giancarlo Caporilli, Heather Smith, Ricccardo Taddey, Gianni Mirizzi y Gennaro Ruffolo.

Este festival flotante incluye conciertos todos los días, talleres, master clases, demostración de productos de la mano de MusicTech, Acordeones Vignoni , Acordeones Beltrami, etc.

Esta competición para acordeones acústicos y MIDI dará lugar solamente si hay un mínimo de 50 candidatos. Las tasas de inscripción son 50 Euros siendo la fecha límite para los concursantes, el 31 de diciembre.
Para más información: redazione@accordionplanet.net


Richard Galliano en Concierto, St Petersburgo- Rusia

Richard GallianoRichard Galliano ofrecerá un concierto en el Yury Temirkanov Grand Philarmonic Hall de St. Petersburgo el 2 de octubre a las 7pm.

Richard Galliano (1950) es uno de los acordeonistas con más renombre en el panorama musical internacional, teniendo siempre sus conciertos una enorme acogida. Galliano es un músico que innovó la música tradicional francesa con el llamado desde hace unos años “Nuevo Musette”.
La sala en la que Galliano actuará fue abierta en 1802, celebrándose en la misma actuaciones de famosos músicos como Franz Liszt, G. Berlioz, Richard Wagner, Gustave Mahler, Artur Rubinstein, P. Viardo y P. Sarasate entre otros.

Para más información: redazione@accordionplanet.net


Gira de Milos Milivojevic-Inglaterra, Australia

Milos MilivojevicEl acordeonista Milos Milivojevic actuará en tres conciertos en el área de Londres para luego trasladarse a Australia. Las críticas de la última gira en Australia fueron excelentes, por lo tanto animamos a todos nuestros lectores de ese país a acercarse a disfrutar de estos conciertos.

18-9-09 Kosmos ensemble, “Muisc in Quiet” como parte del Oundel Festival, Northamptonshire
19-9-09 Paprika Balkanicus, dentro del WOMAD Festival, Torre de Londres, Londres
23-9-09 Concierto con Taro Hakase (Violin) y Maciej Janas (piano) en el Cadogan Hall, Londres
28,29-9-09 QUT Spiegeltent, Brisbane Festival (19:00pm)
1-10-09 QUTSpiegelteng, Brisbane Festival (19:00pm)
2-10-09 Coorabell Hall, Coorabell, NSW (18:00pm)
3-10-09 Global Carnival, Bellingen, NSW (20:00pm)
4-10-09 Global Carnival, Bellingen, NSW
6-10-09 The Clarendon Theatre, Katoomba, Blue Mountains, NSW
7,8-10-09 The Studio, Sydney Opera House (20:00pm)
9-10-09 Lizotte’s, Kings Theatre Newcastle, NSW (20:00pm)
10-10-09 Heritage Hotel, Bulli, NSW (20:00pm)

11-10-09 The Street Theatre, Canberra (18:00pm)

15-10-09 Forum Theatre, Melbourne Intenational Arts Festival (21:00pm)

para más información: milosmusic@hotmail.com


Concierto en Honor a Faithe Deffner-USA

Faithe DeffnerEl 20 de Septiembre en la Tavern on the Green, Central Park Best y 67, ciudad de Nueva York, La asociación americana de acordeón rindió homenaje a la antigua presidenta de la (American Accordionists' Association ) AAA Faithe Deffner por su extraordinaria contribución al acordeón mundial (Lifetime Achievement).

El comité del evento esta presidido por Dr. Salvotore Febbraio, Frank Busso, Joseph Ciccone, Kevin Friedrich, Joan Grauman, Marilyn O´Neil, Dr. William Schimmel y la actual presidenta de la AAA Linda Soley Reed.
En el concierto actuará The Busso Trio, Beverly Roberts Curnow, Karen Fremar, Guy Klucevsek, Dee Langley, Alexander Poeluev, el campeón de la Coupe Mondiale 2004, Dr. William Schimmel, Mary Tokarski y Strolling Trio.

Faithe Deffner fue presidente de la AAA desde 1085 hasta 1986 y desde 1995 hasta el 2000. Recientemente coordinó la 2007 Coupe Mondiale.

En las próximas semanas más información sobre este histórico evento será expuesta en esta sección.

Este año también marca el 75 aniversario de Ernest Deffner Inc, fabricante de Titano y Pancordion y el distribuidor norteamericano de Acordeones Pigini. Además, la firma mantiene un catálogo de piezas de acordeón, accesorios y música de acordeón.

Habrá un informe completo de este evento, con fotos adjuntas a la noticia de la próxima semana.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

The Occasionals ‘The Full Set’ CD and DVD, Scotland – UK

The Full Set CDThe Occasionals, led by accordionist Freeland Barbour, are one of Scotland’s most admired ceilidh bands. ‘The Full Set’ is a combined CD and DVD package, featuring Scottish dance music plus a booklet providing complete dance instructions.

Included on the CD/booklet: 12 Dance Sets & 4 Bonus Tracks (CD of the music features ‘Alec & Hazel Barbour’, ‘Tinker's House’, ‘Nineteenth Century Set’, ‘American Set’, ‘Old Victoria’, ‘Dashing White Sergeant’, ‘Soor Milk Cairt’, ‘Wild Colonial Boy’, ‘Lake Louise’, ‘Soldier's Dance’, ‘John MacDonald & Old Favourites’; bonus tracks include ‘The Friendly Waltz’, ‘The Russian Ballet’, ‘The Full Set Polka’, and ‘The Orkney Eva Three Step’.

The DVD includes demonstrated instructions for 12 of the dances Set plus a one hour documentary of The Occasionals on tour.

For further information email: info@concordemusic.com


Future events

David Yengibarjan at the MOL Jazz Festival, Budapest – Hungary

David YengibarjanThe 6th MOL Jazz Festival takes place from September 17th to 21st. The Big Tent and the jazz-boat, anchored at the Nehru Embankment, are the main venues, although the opening and the final concerts will be staged at Budapest’s state-of-the-art Palace of Arts (MÜPA). Other performances will take place in the Ráday Street cafés and the Pinceszínház (Cellar Theatre), the Sanyi és Aranka Theatre and at the Hotel Ibis.

Amongst the many guest artistes will be the virtuoso Armenian-Hungarian accordionist David Yengibarjan.

David Yengibarjan (born 1976) moved from Armenia to Hungary in 1995, and is one of the most well-known and sought-after accordionists. He has participated in a great number of theatrical and film productions both as a performer (Bertold Brecht: ‘Jungle of the Cities’, Andor Lukáts: ‘Portugal’, Joye Sergent: ‘Crime and Punishment’) and as a composer (Ferenc Molnár: ‘Liliom, András Szoke’: ‘Three’, György Farkas: ‘Blood Line’, András Fésos: ‘Street Heart Beat’, Zoltán Egressy: ‘Blue, Blue, Blue’, Tamás Sas: ‘Struck by Love’, Kinga Rófusz: ‘Harlequin’, Andor Szilágyi: ‘Letters Unsent’).

He has played in Paris, London, Amsterdam, Vienna, and Edinburgh. He founded his own group, the Trio Yengibarjan, in 1999, after recording the film music of ‘Holstein Lovers’ (which has a tango theme). His aspiration is to create a fusion of the Argentinean tango, the ‘New Tango’ of Astor Piazzolla, and various types of folk music. On his CD, ‘Tango Passion’, he plays with József Horváth Barcza (bass) and Gábor Juhász (guitar.


Rafael Luc Charity Concert, London – UK

Rafael LucPolish accordionist Rafael Luc, a student at London’s Royal Academy of Music, and the Brooks Quartet, a string quartet (also students at the RAM), are in concert at Lauderdale House, Highgate Hill, London, on September 20th, 11.30am.

Rafael, aged 22, from Wroclaw, Poland, began performing concerts when he was 10, and had given over 200 recitals by the time he was 13. He has since performed in recitals and with orchestras in Poland, the Czech and Slovak Republics, Hungary, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and England.

The concert is to raise funds for the Elias Fawcett Trust. The trust was set up by the family of Elias Fawcett, a promising guitarist, after his death at the age of 18. The trust uses its funds to create concert opportunities for promising young musicians.


Mika Väyrynen Master Class, Frosinone - Italy

Mika VäyrynenFinnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen will conduct a Master Class at the “L. Refice Conservatory of Music” in Frosinone, Italy from September 21st – 24th.

The Master Class is in conjunction with the accordion program at the Conservatory under the direction of Adriano Ranieri.

In recent months, Mika has conducted Master Class sessions in Spain, Serbia and France, in addition to his regular teaching position at the Sibelius Academy of Music in Helsinki.

For more information, please visit the Mika Väyrynen website.


Lydie Auvray Tour Dates - Germany

Lydie AuvrayLeading German accordionist Lydie Auvray performs as follows:

September 30th - Rex-Theater, Wuppertal, Germany
October 1st – Weberei, Gütersloh
2nd - KuZ Eichberg, Eltville (am Rhein)
3rd – Kaue, Gelsenkirchen
29th – Kammgarn, Kaiserslautern
30th – Museum, Helmbrechts

For further information email: Scala.Weissenberger@t-online.de


Edmonton Accordion Extravaganza, Alberta – Canada

Ulster Accordion Band
The 14th Accordion Extravaganza Festival runs from September 25th to 27th in Edmonton, Alberta, organised jointly by Enes Upright and Gloria Grainger. The main venues are the Central Lions Seniors Recreation Centre and the South East Edmonton Seniors Centre (SEESA).

The festival includes competitions, and musical styles range from polkas to classical. "Our youngest person competing is six years old," Upright says. "Our oldest is in their 80s." Aside from the competitions, the Accordion Extravaganza Festival also features a trade show, open stage, a workshop, Saturday dance with The Cimarrons and a concert by the acclaimed Ulster Accordion Band (which has played at the Disney World Christmas Parade, Branson Missouri Veterans Concert and Juno Beach ceremonies, France).

For further information email: accordion@gerl.ca


Bernadette Conlon-Zabawa Concert, Milwaukee - USA

Milwaukee Accordion Club
Bernadette Conlon-ZabawaBernadette Conlon-Zabawa, originally from Australia, now living in Illinois, is the guest at the Milwaukee Accordion Club on September 28th, 8pm. She was born with an eye disease and has achieved the status of a world class accordionist in spite of her visual handicap. She will be performing a Las Vegas style program with her husband, Ed Zabawa, at the September 28th meeting of the Milwaukee Accordion Club.

For further information email: gsmeiska@wi.rr.com


Walter Perrie Concert, Ellesmere Port – UK

Walter PerrieEx-All Scotland Champion Walter Perrie is in concert at Chester Accordion Club on September 29th, 8pm. The venue is the Castro Sports & Social, Chester Road, Whitby, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire.

For further information email: limccallum@dsl.pipex.com


‘Echoes of Erin’ Tour – Canada

The ‘Echoes of Erin’ tour of Canada takes place from the end of September, through October. Organised by the Irish based Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann, the tour party includes players of the accordion, concertina, fiddle, banjo, flute and harp, plus singers and dancers. The accordionist is Darren Breslin, 2008 All Ireland Senior Button Accordion Champion. The concertina player, Aisling McMahon, is also one of the dancers.

The tour dates are:

September 30th, 7.30pm - Community Centre, Shannon, Quebec
October 1st, 7.45pm - Centre for Performing Arts, Montreal
2nd, 8pm - National Library and Archives, Ottawa, Ontario
3rd, 7.30pm - Navy League Hall, Sudbury, Ontario
4th, 2pm - West Ferris High School, North Bay, Ontario
5th, 7.30pm - Bear Creek Sec. School, Barrie, Ontario
7th, 7.30pm - Holy Cross High School, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
8th, 7.30pm - Canadian Christian College, Regina, Saskatchewan
9th, 8pm - Manitou Opera House, Manitou, Manitoba
10th, 8pm - West End Cultural Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba

For further information email: enquiries@comhaltas.com


Pärnu Accordion Music Festival, Pärnu - Estonia

Parnu Accordion MusicThe 27th Pärnu Accordion Music Festival, originally a one day event, has over the years grown into an international festival held over several days. During the festival a competition for bands and orchestras takes place, and the number of contestants has grown to over 200.

For further information email: onnelateearu@hot.ee


New and Updated Sites

Coupe Mondiale Daily Reports Online

Coupe Mondiale Daily Reports banner
The Coupe Mondiale website has been updated to include full reports and results of the 2009 Coupe Mondiale event. The reports include extensive photos and information.


Available 2009 Coupe Mondiale Video Download

Coupe Mondiale videoThe Coupe Mondiale website has the 7 categories of the 2009 Coupe Mondiale available for video download. Every performance of every competitor. You download to your computer and you can watch it at your leisure as often as you like.


2009 Coupe Mondiale Results Online

The 2009 Coupe Mondiale site has all the results of the 2009 Coupe Mondiale online. The marks of every adjudicator for every candidate are listed online.


Coupe Mondiale Program Download

Coupe Mondiale program coverAvailable for free download is the Souvenir Coupe Mondiale program. This full color high quality 60 page publication is available in two formats.

Lower resolution (lo-res - 15MB) for viewing on your computer and high resolution (hi-res - 88 MB) for printing. Free from the Coupe Mondiale website.


CD Reviews

"Tango Nuevo"

AusTrio CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Tango Nuevo” by Alessandro Mugnoz. Performer is AusTrio.


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