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Weekly News from Around the World - 18-Nov-2011
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1. Internationales Akkordeon Festival CCOM, Beijing - China
Planen Sie einen Event zum Weltakkordeontag 2012? - Weltweit
Geir Draugsvoll mit dem LSO, London - GB
Akkordeon Weihnachts-Geschenksideen für Freunde und Familie - Weltweit

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

‘Accordions International 2011’, Norfolk – UK
Donna Maria Regis’ Midwest Concert Tour - USA
Paris-Moscow Duo ‘Franck Angelis’ CD, La Montagne – France
‏14 Years Ago’ – Accordion Concert in Puerto Rico

Future events

‘Accordion Babes’ Concerts, NW States – USA
Marco Lo Russo Concert, Rieti – Italy
Roberto Palermo in ‘Quello che prende gli schiaffi’, Rome - Italy
Squeezebox Circle, Vancouver – Canada
Duo Mares Concert and Premiere, Amsterdam – Netherlands

New and Updated Sites

Oivind Farmen selling his new CD
Neues Buch 'Vintage Akkordeons ", Stockport - GB
New Book, ‘Vintage Accordions’ Available from MusicForAccordion.com
Jeff Lisenby - accordionist, composer, arranger, releases 7 new composition
Zevy Zions - accordionist,arranger, solo musician, release 1 new music

CD Reviews

“Russian Favourites” CD by Alexander Sevastian

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1. Internationales Akkordeon Festival CCOM, Beijing - China

Cao Xiao-Qing and Franck AngelisMika Väyrynen and Elsbeth MoserDas 1. Internationale Akkordeon Festival, organisiert vom Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM), Beijing, findet an der Universität, vom 15. bis 20. November statt. Intenationale Gäste werden aus vielen Ländern, einschließlich den USA, Russland, Deutschland, Finnland, Kasachstan und Österreich anreisen. Das Festival umfasst einen Wettbewerb, Konzerte, Meisterkurse, Seminare, sowie dem ersten Asien-Europa-Dialog mit Akkordeon Experten aus China, Korea, Vietnam und Hong Kong und den europäischen Experten. Veranstalter ist Cao Xiao-Qing, Professor an der CCOM.

Internationale Stargäste sind: Frank Marocco (USA), Franck Angelis (Frankreich), Elsbeth Moser (Schweiz), Mika Väyrynen (Finnland), Damir Sultanow (Kasachstan), Iosif Purits (Russland) und andere.

Das Festival wird auch von Tianjin University, Xi'an Conservatory of Music, Shanghai Conservatory of Music, Sichuan Conservatory of Music, Shenyang Conservatory of Music, Wuhan Conservatory of Music und dem Volksbefreiungsarmee Art Institute unterstützt.


Planen Sie einen Event zum Weltakkordeontag 2012? - Weltweit

World Accordion Day logoAn alle Künstler, Akkordeon-Orchesters, Festivals-,Konzert-und Wettbewerbs-Organisatoren: Was sind Ihre Pläne um das Akkordeon in Ihrer Region zum Weltakkordeontag am 6. Mai 2012, zu fördern?

Der Weltakkordeontag wird am 6. Mai abgehalten, weil dies der Tag ist, an dem ass Akkordeon erstmals 1829 in Wien patentiert wurde. Der Weltakkordeontag wurde im Jahr 2009 ins Leben gerufen und alle Akkordeon Enthusiasten sind aufgefordert, ihre Weltakkordeontag -World Accordion Day Aktivitäten auf der dafür vorgesehenenWebseite zu registrieren und einen Bericht (und Bilder) nach der Veranstaltung einzuschicken.

Der Weltakkordeontag ist ein Promotion der Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) internationale und der CIA Präsident Raymond Bodell sagte: "ALLe Akkordeon Veranstaltungen, die den Weltakkordeontag feiern, sind willkommen. Dies ist eine optimale Werbung für das Akkordeon, in dem jeder Akkordeon-Enthusiasten teilnehmen kann und soll um dazu beizutragen, die Aufmerksamkeit aller Menschen seines Land es oder Region dem Akkordeon zu schenken. Ganz besonders bitten alle wichtigen Verbände und Veranstalter eine spezielles Augenmerk auf das Wochenende vom 6. Mai 2012 zu richten. "


Geir Draugsvoll mit dem LSO, London - GB

Geir DraugsvollGeir Draugsvoll wird am 24. November um 19.30 mit dem London Symphony Orchestra (LSO), dirigiert von Valery Gergiev, in der Barbican Hall, London, in einer bereits ausverkauften Halle auftreten.

Das Programm umfasst "Symphony No 5" - Tschaikowsky, "Fachwerk" - Sofia Gubaidulina, und "Symphony Nr. 1" - Prokofiev.
Geir Draugsvoll (geboren 1967) ist Norweger und lebt zur Zeit in Kopenhagen, wo er Associate Professor an der Royal Academy of Music, Dänemark ist. Geir Draugsvoll tourte mit den Orchestern wie Russian National Orchestra, den Niederlanden Symphony Orchestra, Kremerata Baltica, Moscow Soloists, Norwegian Radio Symphony Orchestra, in Konzerte durch ganz Europa bis nach China und Japan.


Akkordeon Weihnachts-Geschenksideen für Freunde und Familie - Weltweit

Christmas giftsAkkordeon Weihnachts-Geschenksideen für Freunde und Familie auf: 2011 Xmas Gift Ideas

Eine gute Idee um zu Weihnachten alle Akkordeonkünstler, Komponisten, Arrangeure und Verleger mit originellen Geschenken aus der Akkordeonwelt, zu unterstützen.

Wählen Sie aus über 1.900 eSheet Stücken, 350 CD / DVD 's, sowie cia 1.700 gedruckten Musiknoten und zahlreichen Büchern (Text), die zur Auswahl stehen. 2011 Weihnachts-Geschenksideen.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

‘Accordions International 2011’, Norfolk – UK

Italian duo Cristiano Lui (accordion and bandoneon) and Stefano Ciotola (guitar)
Vintage Accordion book cover‘Accordions International 2011’, at Seacroft Holiday Village, Hemsby, Norfolk, November 11th to 14th proved to be a resounding success, with concerts and workshops all well supported, and a happy atmosphere prevailing throughout the weekend.

The music heard in the concerts was wide ranging, including the varied programs of Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, Rosemary Wright, Roy Hendrie, and David Price, the mainly tango and Italian repertoire of Italian duo Cristiano Lui (accordion and bandoneon) and Stefano Ciotola (guitar - photo above), the classical and avant garde styles of solo stars Ksenija Sidorova (Latvia) and Martynas Levickis (Lithuania), the jazz of Jack Emblow & Tony Compton, and the Scottish music of Wayne Robertson. The ever dependable Harry Hussey entertained at mealtimes and at his late night jazz sessions in the bar, and Wayne Robertson played for Scottish dancing following the evening concerts each night.

During the day there were various orchestral workshops, ‘meet the artist’ concerts, and a talk by Professor Owen Murray about the Royal Academy of Music. The trade show included a new accordion brand, Diamond Accordions, presented by Greg Doyle, and the book launch of ‘Vintage Accordions' (picture left) by Rob Howard. Full book information in New and Updated sites below.

The festival, organized by Heather Smith, next year, moves back to Pakefield, Suffolk, September 6th to 10th.

For further information email: heather@accordions.karoo.co.uk


Donna Maria Regis’ Midwest Concert Tour - USA

Donna Maria RegisDonna Maria Regis has returned from a very successful Midwest concert tour.

She was extremely honored to be the first female concert soloist to perform at A World of Accordions Museum/Harrington ARTS Center in Superior, Wisconsin.

Her October 2nd performance won standing ovations and garnered TV coverage by ABC, NBC, and Fox affiliates. The ABC and NBC evening newscasts aired video clips from the actual concert. Fox ran an entire segment featuring a pre-concert interview with her.

Donna Maria's appearance in Superior was part of a recent concert tour in which she paid musical tribute to several composers/arrangers for the accordion, among them Aldo DeRossi (her late cousin), Tony Lovello, Charles Magnante, and Frank Ricchio.

At the museum not only did Regis perform DeRossi's music, she also presented significant archival materials - recordings, unpublished manuscripts, sheet music, etc, to augment the existing DeRossi exhibit. On behalf of the museum Helmi Strahl Harrington, Ph.D., was delighted to accept these important contributions to the museum.

Friendly audiences and standing ovations greeted Donna Maria Regis throughout her tour, which added 3619 miles to her car's odometer.


Paris-Moscow Duo ‘Franck Angelis’ CD, La Montagne – France

Franck Angelis CD tracks listDomi Emorine and Roman Jbanov, known as the Paris-Moscow Duo, have released ‘Franck Angelis’, a CD of the works of the well-known composer. Track list left.

The Paris-Moscow Duo can also perform a concert program of popular Franck Angelis music.

Solo and Duet eSheet music is available online at Franck Angelis.

For further information email: domi.emorine@libertysurf.fr


‏14 Years Ago’ – Accordion Concert in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Accordionists Association OrchestraThe accordion is perhaps the most international of instruments, and is popular because it adapts so very well to musical traditions worldwide. Accordions Worldwide reports on accordion activity in lots of countries, but there are some places we rarely hear from.

Two weeks ago we included a report of a concert in 1997 in one such place, Tibet, and this time we note a concert in Puerto Rico, advertised in the news for November 21st 1997. It would be good to know more about accordion activity in Puerto Rico today.

Contributed by Juan Casanas

The Puerto Rico Accordionists Association Orchestra will be holding its pre-Christmas concert on November 21st at 1pm. The concert will take place at the Puerto Rico Conservatory of Music under the direction of its Director Esther Eugenia Bertieaux and guest Director Joan Cochran Sommers.

During November Professor Joan Cochran Sommers will be giving master classes for interested members.

For further information write to: Asociación de Acordeonistas de Puerto Rico, P.O. Box 195373, San Juan, Puerto Rico or email: juancasa@caribe.net


Future events

‘Accordion Babes’ Concerts, NW States – USA

Accordionists Amber Lee Baker and Renee de la Prade are presently touring to sell the 2012 Accordion Babes Album and Pin-Up Calendar. Their remaining dates are:

November 18th, 8pm - Beery House, Seattle, Washington
November 19th, 8pm - Troubadour Music Center, Corvallis, Oregon
November 20th, 7pm - Alex's Restaurant, Ashland, Oregon

For further information email: accordionpinupcalendar@gmail.com


Marco Lo Russo Concert, Rieti – Italy

Marco Lo RussoAccordionist Marco Lo Russo and guitarist Marco Pennese play at a traditional event known as “Castagne, vino e….” or in English “Chesnuts and wine ….. on Saturday November 19th, 4.30pm, in Rieni, central Italy.

For further information email: dina.tomezzoli@alice.it


Roberto Palermo in ‘Quello che prende gli schiaffi’, Rome - Italy

Roberto PalermoAccordionist Roberto Palermo performs on stage in a play ‘Quello che prende gli schiaffi’, by Russian dramatist Leonid Nikolaevic Andreev, at the Teatro Argentina, Via di Torre Argentina, Rome, November 29th to December 11th.

For further information email: rob.palermo@yahoo.it


Squeezebox Circle, Vancouver – Canada

Squeezebox Circle logoThe next Squeezebox Circle accordion get together takes place at Spartacus Books, 684 E. Hastings, Vancouver, on December 1st, 8pm.

The circles are hosted by Bruce Triggs and Rowan Lipkovits, co-hosts of Vancouver Coop Radio (CFRO)'s Accordion Noir radio show (every Wednesday, 10 - 11 pm on CFRO 102.7 FM or anytime online at http://accordionnoir.org).

For further information email: alan@zisman.ca


Duo Mares Concert and Premiere, Amsterdam – Netherlands

Duo MaresOn December 7th, the Duo Mares will perform a full evening concert at the Kleine Zaal of the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam.

The program will consist of transcriptions by John Dowland, Benjamin Britten, Manuel de Falla, Igor Stravinsky and Astor Piazzolla as well as original pieces by Nico Huijbregts, Chiel Meijering and Roderik de Man, whose new work ‘Tangente’ will be premiered at this concert.

The Duo Mares are the unusual combination of Marko Kassl (accordion) and Esra Pehlivanli (viola), who have been performing together since 2004.

The unique sound of the combination viola and accordion is amazingly versatile and has surprising aural possibilities.

To date, there have been over 20 compositions dedicated to the Duo Mares. Their concert programs include works from early till contemporary music, next to interdisciplinary performances.

For further information email: marko@duomares.com


New and Updated Sites

Oivind Farmen selling his new CD

Oivind Farmen CD cover titled 'Scandinavian Accordion FavouritesOivind Farmen selling his CD titled 'Scandinavian Accordion Favourites'.
Titles are:
1. Gronn Pastell;
2. Gromgutten
3. Amaryllis
4. Bryllupstoner i Selbu kirke
5. Fredag den 13de
6. Kjhakala
7. Prelude from " Scandinavian Suite"
8. Valse Elegance
9. Toppsy mazurka
10. Scherzo in A minor
11. Halsning Fran Sodern
12. Valse Brilliante
13. Spitfire
Sound samples and credit card purchase online at Oivind Farmen.


Neues Buch 'Vintage Akkordeons ", Stockport - GB

Vintage Accordions book cover'Vintage Akkordeons ", ein neues Buch ist eine bildliche Geschichte des Akkordeons, in seinen verschiedensten Formen, aus dem frühen 19. Jahrhundert bis hin in die Gegenwart und ist ab dem 1. November erhältlich. Darin gibt es 300 Bilder sowie Informationen und einige Artikel. Das Buch von Rob Howard ist eine limitierte Auflage, A4, 60 Seiten, in Hardcover. Es kostet £ 10 + £ 2p / p (UK), 42 Avondale Rd, Edgeley, Stockport, Cheshire SK3 9NY, UK.

Für weitere Informationen E-Mail: robaccord5@hotmail.com


New Book, ‘Vintage Accordions’ Available from MusicForAccordion.com

Available online with secure server credit card purchase in Euro or US$
Catalog No: robaccord05 ‘Vintage Accordions’

The new book, ‘Vintage Accordions’ is an all-colour pictorial history of the accordion, in its various forms, from the early 19th Century onwards up to the present time.

There are 300 pictures plus information and some interesting historical articles. This book is a limited edition, A4 sized, 60 pages, and in hardback.


Jeff Lisenby - accordionist, composer, arranger, releases 7 new composition

Caruban Knights eSheet musicJeff Lisenby - accordionist, composer, arranger, releases 7 new composition for accordion available for purchase online. 'Caruban Knights', catalog:jlisenby001, 'Ease On Down The Road', catalog:jlisenby002, 'Yesterdays', catalog:jlisenby003, 'Soliña', catalog:jlisenby004, 'Ring Of Fire', catalog:jlisenby005, 'Out Of Nowhere', catalog:jlisenby006 and 'A Spy In Tortuga', catalog:jlisenby007. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Zevy Zions - accordionist,arranger, solo musician, release 1 new music

eSheet music sampleZevy Zions - accordionist,arranger, solo musician, release 1 new music for accordion available for purchase online. 'Haydn's Serenade', catalog:zzions016. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

“Russian Favourites” CD by Alexander Sevastian

“Russian Favourites” CD by Alexander SevastianCD Reviews Index for the Review of ““Russian Favourites" CD, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers. Artist is Alexander Sevastian.


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