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Weekly News from Around the World - 18-Jul-2008
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Особенности Highlights

Концерты Юрия Медяника – Москва, Россия
5-й аккордеонный фестиваль Lasarte-Oria’, Gipuzkoa – Испания
Расписание деятельности Ф. Липса в 2008 г. – Хорватия, Китай, Россия
«Accordions Now!» - Нью-Хэмпшир, США

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Corrado Rojac at the Philharmonic Academy, Bologna – Italy
New Tom Alexander CD, Scotland – UK

Будущие события

Richard Galliano Concert Schedule - Europe and Japan
Frank Marocco Jazz Accordion Workshop, Bassano del Grappa – Italy
Qualifications for the Coupe Mondiale and CMA - France
Festival D'Accordeon Eoleon, Toulouse – France
John Kirkpatrick’s Gig List, England – UK
Emily Smith Summer Gigs – Canada, USA, Denmark
John Petrie Passes Away - New Zealand

Новые и обновленные сайты

Gary Dahl releases new music

CD Отзывы

J.S. BACH, "I quaderni"

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Особенности Highlights

Концерты Юрия Медяника – Москва, Россия

Yuri MedianikЮрий Медяник (Yuri Medianik) в Новом сезоне продолжает серию концертов в Рахманиновском Зале Московской Консерватории, которые организовываются благотворительным фондом «Новые имена». В прошлом году аналогичным абонементом Юрий руководил вместе с известной скрипачкой Алёной Баевой (Alena Baeva).

В концертном сезоне 2008-09 президент фонда Иветта Воронова (Ivetta Voronova) поручила вести абонемент одному Юрию. Концерты этой серии пройдут 19 октября, 1 марта и 5 апреля. Вместе с молодыми начинающими музыкантами (стипендиатами фонда) Юрий Медяник (Yuri Medianik) пригласил таких известных музыкантов как джазовый пианист Даниил Крамер (Daniil Kramer), классический Денис Мацуев (Denis Matsuev) и виолончелист Александр Бузлов (Alex Buzlov). Юрий будет представлять каждого исполнителя, вести концерты, а также играть в каждом из концертов со всеми участниками.

За более подробной информацией, пожалуйста, пишитеart@pluriart.com


5-й аккордеонный фестиваль Lasarte-Oria’, Gipuzkoa – Испания

Zoltan Orosz5-й фестиваль пройдет в аудитории «Manuel Lekuona» дома культуры муниципалитета Ласарте-Ория в провинции Гипускоа, Испания, 27 сентября. На фестивале выступят: Золтан Орош (Zoltan Orosz) – Венгрия, аккордеонный оркестр Sabadell – Франция, и аккордеонный оркестр Zero Sette – Испания.

З. Орош (Zoltan Orosz) учился по классу аккордеона и органа в консерватории им. Б.Бартока в Будапеште, а позднее – в колледже им. Ф.Листа (Будапешт).
В возрасте 13 лет он принял участие в Международном конкурсе в г. Клингенталь (Klingenthal), где поразил зрителей своим талантом. С 1992 г. З. Орош (Zoltan Orosz) выступает как профессиональный музыкант, гастролируя по всему миру – от Сингапура до Парижа, исполняя музыку различных стилей. На сегодняшний день З. Орош (Zoltan Orosz), без сомнения, является ведущим аккордеонистом Венгрии.

Since 1992 Zoltan Orosz has played professionally, appearing at venues from Singapore to Paris, performing a wide variety of music. He is undoubtedly Hungary’s leading accordion virtuoso at the present time.

За более подробной информацией обращайтесь по эл. почте: 07ao@zerosette.es


Расписание деятельности Ф. Липса в 2008 г. – Хорватия, Китай, Россия

Friedrich Lips18 ноября 2008 г. Ф. Липс (Friedrich Lips) отметит две знаменательные даты: 60 лет со дня рождения, а также 40-летний юбилей творческой деятельности.

В ближайшие месяцы в графике Ф.Липса множество важных событий:
- 20-27 сентября: мастер-классы в г. Пула, Хорватия;
- 2-6 октября: Международный конкурс в г. Тяньджин, Китай;
- 17-25 октября: Председатель Жюри на Всероссийском конкурсе в г. Владимир; Е. Подгайц – «Липс-концерт» для баяна и камерного орк-ра;
- 30 октября – 5 ноября: Председатель Жюри на конкурсе «Кубок Ф. Липса», г. Челябинск;
- 16 ноября: Г. Канчели – «Kapote» для баяна-соло и камерного орк-ра (дир. – Ю. Башмет, Большой зал Московской консерватории им. П.И. Чайковского);
- 10-14 декабря: Международный фестиваль «Баян и баянисты» - Москва. 13 декабря: Г. Канчели – «Kapote» для баяна-соло и камерного орк-ра; Е.Подгайц – «Viva Voce» для баяна-соло и камерного орк-ра (мировая премьера в Большом зале РАМ им. Гнесиных).


«Accordions Now!» - Нью-Хэмпшир, США

Gary Morin, Mary Tokarski and Tony Lovello
Фестиваль «Accordions Now!» будет проходить 2 августа в отеле Рэдиссон (Radisson Hotel, 700 Elm Street, Manchester, NH 03101) с 9 до 18 часов. Он проводится при спонсорской поддержке New Hampshire Accordion Association и Accordion Connection LLC.

На фестивале будут звучать различные инструменты – как аккордеоны и баяны, так и диатонические гармоники. Также пройдут различные семинары, посвященные миди-системам и др. Танцы, призы, выставочные стенды, продажа аккордеонов и открытые jam-sessions для всех зарегистрированных гостей.

Концерты и семинары пройдут с участием Tony Lovello, Nils Lundin, Gary Morin, Mary Tokarski, Chad Huval, John Leeman, а также фестивального оркестра под рук-вом Donna Maria Regis. Другие исполнители: Bob Abrams, Joe Maciejowski, Frank Padula и Jerry Tramontozzi, Anita и Bob Siarkowski, Carmen Vitanza.

За доп. информацией обращайтесь по эл. почте: regisdonna@yahoo.com


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Corrado Rojac at the Philharmonic Academy, Bologna – Italy

Corrado RojacOn June 19th Maestro Azio Corghi held the final concert of the advanced composition course at the Philharmonic Academy of Bologna. Performing were the members and soloists of the Ensemble FontanaMix Bologna, directed by Francesco La Licata, also Corrado Rojac presenting the first performance of two new pieces for accordion.

The first piece for solo accordion, ‘Shift’ by Gianluca Verlingieri in which the young composer from Cuneo has fully exploited the possibilities and sound of the accordion, bringing together the piece in its most disparate effects that this instrument can give. The second piece - a first execution of ‘Liturgy’ – in which Corrado attended the course as a composer - for violin, accordion and piano. The piece, dedicated to Messiaen, the French composer, is intended to be a cathartic journey.

A very interesting evening, with as many as seven premieres, with the accordion alongside traditional instruments such as piano, flute, violin, giving an interesting touch of colour, and also demonstrating that it has found its own dimension of culture. The latest developments of the instrument, then, do presage a future in contemporary music still full of novelty and excitement.

This event took place in the Mozart Room, where in 1770 Mozart himself played counterpoint that allowed him to become a member of the Academy.


New Tom Alexander CD, Scotland – UK

Tom Alexander CDAccordionist Tom Alexander MBE has released a new CD, ‘More Bits and Pieces’, a sequel to his previous recording ‘Bit and Pieces’, another great collection of musical all sorts. Tom, the accordion playing half of the renowned Alexander Brothers (who, incidentally, celebrate 50 years in show business in 2008) takes time out once more to enjoy himself as an accordion soloist.

About half of the tracks are Scottish tunes, performed as concert pieces rather than in dance settings. The other tracks include melodies, old and new, such as ‘Snow Train Shuffle’, an accordion solo made famous in the 1950s by America’s John Molinari, ‘Veronique’ - a valse musette, ‘Rumbango’ - a cha cha, a Beatles medley, and ‘Tea For Two’, originally written as a song in the1920s, but here played in a jazzy style. Tom Alexander’s classy playing and ability to use MIDI with great taste are much in evidence throughout this splendid recording.

For further information email: tommynewcomen@hotmail.com


Будущие события

Richard Galliano Concert Schedule - Europe and Japan

Richard GallianoFamous French jazz accordionist Richard Galliano continues to be very active, performing concerts with his Tangaria Quartet in many places around the world. Galliano, who created a style he calls New Musette, a blend of styles ranging from samba, salsa, and reggae to waltz, tango, and bolero, recently performed in concert at New York’s prestigious Carnegie Hall on June 28th, as part of the JVC Jazz Festival.

Galliano’s tour schedule includes:

July 19th - Tangaria Quartet, Verruchio, Rimini, Italy
20th - duo with clarinettist Michel Portal, Carthagena, Spain
21st – solo concert, Albertville, France
22nd - guest of the Solis Quartet, Pozzuoli, Italy
24th - Tangaria Quartet, Marseille, France
25th - Tangaria Quartet, Venice, Italy
26th - Tangaria Quartet, Cuneo
27th - solo concert, Valtournenche, Aoste
29th - Tangaria Quartet, Vannes, Brittany, France
August 2nd - Tangaria Quartet, Kaliningrad, Russia
4th – solo concert, Brentonico, Alto Aldige, Italy
5th - Mare Nostrum, Ospedaletti, San Remo
6th - Tangaria Quartet, Vasto, Pescara
7th - Mare Nostrum, Laurino, Salerno
8th - Mare Nostrum, Gordes, Avignon, France
13th - concert with trumpet player Wynton Marsalis, Marciac
14th - duo with Lundgren, Oslo, Norway
15th - duo with Michel Portal, Fenetrange, France
16th - guest of Trio Hoboken, Limoges
17th - guest of Thierry Caens, Le Vigan
21st - guest of Mimo Calopresti, Rocella Jonica, Italy
23rd - Tangaria Quartet, Taranto
30th - Tangaria Quartet, Tokyo Jazz Festival, Japan


Frank Marocco Jazz Accordion Workshop, Bassano del Grappa – Italy

Frank MaroccoAmerican accordionist Frank Marocco leads this year’s Veneto jazz summer workshop, organised by the Associazione Culturale Veneto Jazz. The jazz accordion workshop is organised with the support of Victoria Accordions, and takes place in Bassano del Grappa from July 21st to 25th.

The lessons include: general approach of using the accordion in different jazz styles; explanation of the various ways of combining the left and right hand, harmony/rhythm; advanced techniques for jazz chords; accompaniment techniques.

Frank Marocco is one of the world’s most accomplished accordionists, with soundtracks recorded for hundreds of Hollywood movies and television programmes. He has performed with Frank Sinatra, Pink Floyd, Prince, Madonna, Luciano Pavarotti, Liza Minnelli, and many others.

For further information email: jazz@venetojazz.com


Qualifications for the Coupe Mondiale and CMA - France

Frédéric DeschampsThe French Qualifications for the 2008 Coupe Mondiale and the CMA Trophée Mondial will be held at La Selle sur le Bied, 100 kms south of Paris on Sunday 20th July 2008.

This competition is where the French contestants for these two international accordion competitions are selected. There will also be other concert performances during the weekend and the event is being organized by Frédéric Deschamps (picture left).


Festival D'Accordeon Eoleon, Toulouse – France

Roman JbanovThis accordion festival, at Espace Ribatel 31660, Buzet-Sur Tarn, Toulouse, has free entrance, and is from 10am until 6pm, on August 23rd and 24th. The event includes a Grand Concert, on Saturday evening, August 23rd, 9pm, featuring Sergei Voitenko (Bayan Mix), Roman Jbanov (picture left), Nicolas Massoutié Jazz Quartet, le quatuor Toulouse accordéon, and Thierry Capdeville.

For further information email: festivaleoleon@gmail.com


John Kirkpatrick’s Gig List, England – UK

John KirkpatrickJohn Kirkpatrick, one of the British folk scene’s leading singers and players of free reed instruments, is also one of the hardest working accordionists around today, playing concerts, dances and leading workshops throughout the year. John K, as he is often known, plays the 3-row diatonic button accordion, 1 and 2 row melodeons, and the Anglo concertina. Specialising in English folk music, he has recorded over 70 albums, and produced a two-volume DVD tutor for the melodeon.

July 20th - Bothy Folk Song Club, The Park Golf Club, Park Road West, Southport, Lancashire, PR9 0JS
29th - Ringwood Folk Club, The Elm Tree, High Town, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 3DY
August 15th to 17th - Bideford Folk Festival, North Devon
September 2nd - The Hoy at Anchor Folk Club, The Ship Hotel, Leigh on Sea, Essex
16th - Great Knight Folk Club, The Old Black Lion, Marefair, Northampton
18th - Lymm Folk Club, Lymm Rugby Club, Crouchers Lane, Lymm, Cheshire, WA13 0AT
19th to 20th - Deal Maritime Festival – 25th Anniversary, Kent; Friday evening concert spot, Saturday lunchtime workshop

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Emily Smith Summer Gigs – Canada, USA, Denmark

Emily SmithScottish singer/accordionist Emily Smith appears as follows:

July 19th – guest on the Bob Harris after midnight show on BBC Radio 2; you can listen online:http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2
August 4th to 9th – Celtic Roots Festival, Goderich, Ontario, Canada
August 12th, 7.30pm – Rum Runner, Kitchener, Ontario
14th, 7pm - Emmanuel Howard Park United Church, 214 Wright Ave, Roncesvalles, Toronto
16th, all day event - Amherst Museum Scottish Festival & Highland Games, Amherst, New York, USA
29th to 31st – Tonder Festival, Denmark

For further information email: info@emilysmith.org


John Petrie Passes Away - New Zealand

John PetrieOne of the longest playing accordionists in Auckland, New Zealand, John Petrie, was a player in the North Shore Musicale Accordion Orchestra for over 25 years, unexpectedly passed away on 8th July 2008.

John is survived by his wife Frances who said that John had a very happy last day playing with the Mandolinata Orchestra and a lovely dinner. He was then reading a book and watching the TV when he passed away.

The funeral on the 15th July was a ceremonial event as John Petrie was a Scots Guard. The last post was played, each guard coming individually to the coffin, standing to attention then a bow, and when the cofin was taken out they formed a honour guard.

Our thoughts are with Frances at this sad time. John and his Scottish accent will be sadly missed by accordionists in New Zealand.


Новые и обновленные сайты

Gary Dahl releases new music

Gary Dahl - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator, release 1 new work for accordion available for purchase online, ‘Crazy’, catalog:DH0209. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Crazy has continued to be as popular as it was in the late 1940's as a billion seller recording. This arrangement follows the original Patsy Cline billion seller and it still remains the best version.


CD Отзывы

J.S. BACH, "I quaderni"

Quaderni CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of "J.S. BACH, "I quaderni" by Alessandro Mugnoz. Performer is Riccardo Centazzo.


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