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Weekly News from Around the World - 18-Jan-2019
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2019 Veranstaltungen im A World of Accordions Museum, Wisconsin - USA
Val Tidone Internationale Musikwettbewerbe - Italien
PIF Castelfidardo Classical Komposition Kategorie - Italien
Akkordeonwettbewerb Vilnius 2019 Konkursas - Litauen

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Auditions: Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne (Lausanne University of Music) - Switzerland
Video: Phileas Rogue Performs Theme from "Black Sails"
Yllas National Park Concert – Finland
Video: Sergey Petrov Performs Sambaleiro - Russia

Future events

“The Eight Seasons” Concert - South Africa
Jazz at the Goldenhill Workingmens Club – UK
University of Music and Performing Arts Concert in Germany and Vienna Museum Concert in Austria
Argentinian Accordionist Visits USA
2019 Australian International Accordion Championships and Festival – Australia
ArtAccA Europa Concert – Germany
Poblado Accordion Tour - Spain
Accordions: Expanding Voices in the USA Exhibition - USA
Accordion Masterclass with Alfred Melichar – England

New and Updated Sites

2019 South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival Prospectus – New Zealand
Gary Daverne New Releases of Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra

CD Reviews

CD Review: Hymn to Aphrodite CD by Friedrich Lips

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2019 Veranstaltungen im A World of Accordions Museum, Wisconsin - USA

A World of Accordions Museum
Helmi HarringtonHier die Termine für 2019 für das A World of Accordions Museum in Superior, WI (Wisconsin):

4. Mai - Weltakkordeon-Tag: Joan Sommers, Stas Venglevski, Mary Tokarski, Betty Jo Simon, Murl Allen Sanders, (UMKC) Gemeinschaftliche Akkordeonkammergruppe

5. Mai - Willard Palmer Festival: Dee Langley, Aydar Salahof, Stas Venglevski, Mike Middleton, Paul Vargason, ACM-Band Weltakkordeonmusik

Weitere Künstler stehen noch aus und werden in zukünftigen Artikeln bekannt gegeben.

Der MC für die Events wird Kevin Friedrich sein. Zusätzlich gibt es ein Video der CIA-Site, wichtige Spendenanerkennung und mehr.

Dr. Helmi Harrington (Bild links) gründete das A World of Accordions Museum und das Harrington Arts Center. Wowie den Lehrplan für die Reparatur- und Technikerschule für Akkordeon-Ziehharmonika in Duluth, MN.

Helmi Harrington wurde in verschiedenen Who’s Who-Listen durch regionale Auszeichnungen geehrt und 2006 mit dem Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) als Freund des Akkordeons ausgezeichnet.

Geplante Öffnungszeiten sind: Samstag, Sonntag und Montag von 10 bis 14 Uhr. Andere Zeiten sind nach Absprache möglich.

Bild unten: Weltakkordeon-Tag 2018
Für weitere Informationen senden Sie bitte ein Email an: accordion@sprynet.com


Val Tidone Internationale Musikwettbewerbe - Italien

Val Tidone International Music Competitions
Raimondas SviackeviciusDie 22. Val Tidone International Music Competition findet vom 7. bis 16. Juni in Val Tidone statt. Die diesjährige Veranstaltung umfasst sechs internationale Musikwettbewerbe für verschiedene Instrumente, darunter Akkordeon, Solo und Gruppe sowie Kategorien wie Klassik und Zeitgenössische Musik, Pop, Rock, Welt und Jazz.

Zur internationalen Jury gehören Akkordeonisten wie Teodoro Anzellotti, Radzap Shaykhutdinov, Jacques Mornet (Bild unten rechts, Vojin Vasovic, Ricardas und Raimondas Sviackevicius (Bild rechts)). Künstlerischer Leiter ist Livio Bollani (Bild unten links) .

Wettbewerbsregeln herunterladen: 2019ValTidone.pdf
Livio Bollani and Jacques Mornet


PIF Castelfidardo Classical Komposition Kategorie - Italien

PIF Classical Category Composition header
PIF logoUm ein neues Akkordeon-Repertoires zu fördern, werden Komponisten eingeladen, ein Werk für Accordion & Orchestra zu komponieren, inspirierend an das Thema des PIF-Festivals 2019: Es war einmal… das Akkordeon“.

Besetzung: Akkordeon, Violinen I, Violinen II, Violen, Celli, Kontrabässe, Flöte I-II, Oboe I-II, B-Klarinette I-II, Fagotte I-II, F-Horn I-II, B-Trompete I-II, Posaune,
Schlagzeug 1 (2 Pauken, C Glockenspiel),
Percussion 2 (Suspended Cymbal, Snare, Tambourine).

Andere Wettbewerbsanforderungen sind:
- Die Komposition darf vorab nie in der Öffentlichkeit aufgeführt warden, sonst wird man vom Wettbewerb ausgeschlossen.
- Der Komponist muss bedenken, dass das Gewinnerstück von den Kandidaten aufgeführt wird, die zur 3. Runde der Kategorie PIF Premio klassischer Wettbewerb (2019) zugelassen sind.
Die Gesamtdauer beträgt mindestens 5 bis maximal 8 Minuten.
Die Komposition muss mindestens einen "Solisten" für Akkordeon enthalten.
Die Solisten führen vor der Abschlussaufführung „nur eine Probe“ mit dem Orchester auf.
Kostenlose Anmeldung.

Komponisten werden gebeten, sich online auf der PIF-Site anzumelden. Für weitere Informationen senden Sie bitte ein Email an: info@pifcastelfidardo.it


Akkordeonwettbewerb Vilnius 2019 Konkursas - Litauen

2019 Konkursas Accordion Competition
Raimondas SviackeviciusDer Konkursas-Akkordeonwettbewerb in Vilnius 2019 wird vom 21. bis 23. März in Vilnius stgattfinden und vom litauischen Akkordeon-Verband organisiert.

Diese nationale Veranstaltung umfasst 12 Kategorien für Solisten, Ensembles und Orchester mit internationalen Wettbewerbern und Jurymitgliedern aus Finnland, Dänemark, Italien, China, der Slowakei, Deutschland, Portugal, Estland, Polen, Russland, der Ukraine, Österreich, Serbien, Lettland, Montenegro , Kroatien, Weißrussland, Tschechien, Bosnien und Herzegowina und Litauen.

Klicken Sie hier für die Wettbewerbsregeln: 2019VilniusRules.pdf

Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an den Wettbewerb Künstlerischen Leiter Raimondas Sviackevicius E-Mail: konkursas@laas.lt


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Auditions: Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne (Lausanne University of Music) - Switzerland

Stéphane ChapuisThe entrance exam of the accordion class at Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne (Lausanne University of Music, Switzerland) will take place the 30th of April, 2019.

The application deadline is 1st of March 2019.

If you are interested in studying at HEMU to obtain:
- Bachelor's degree
- Master's degree in concert interpretation
- Master's degree in pedagogics
- Master of soloist
you can contact me directly and I will be able to reply to all your questions and to provide any information concerning our university.
Contact : Stéphane Chapuis

The HEMU accordion class 2018-2019 is composed by:
- Shiyi Zhang (China) Master of concert 2
- Anja Jagodic (Serbia) Master of concert 2
- Valentin Claivoz (Switzerland) Master of concert 1
- Augustinas Rakauskas (Lithuania) Master in pedagogics 2
- Lauréne Dif (France) Master in pedagogics 2
- Laure-Lyne Richard (France) Master in pedagogics 1
- Jean-Baptiste Baudin (France) Bachelor 3

The HEMU’s Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees are accredited by the Swiss Confederation and the ‘Musique et arts de la scène’ division of the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES -SO), Switzerland’s largest professional training network.

Studies at the HEMU lead to Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, which in turn lead to a professional career. Additional continuing education courses for advanced students are also offered.

For further information (in French and English): 2019HEMU.pdf


Video: Phileas Rogue Performs Theme from "Black Sails"

Main Theme from the original STARZ TV show "Black Sails".
This composition by Bear McCreary, arranged for accordion and performed by Phileas Rogue.


Yllas National Park Concert – Finland

Veikko Ahvenainen and CarinaConcert accordionist and composer, Veikko Ahvenainen and his wife Carina Nordlund performed a variety of duets at the Yllas National Park in Ylläs recently. Their program included a Shostakovich Valse, Trish Trash Polka (Johann Strauss), Finlandia Hymn (Sibelius), Finnish tangoes and polkas, plus Veikko Ahvenainen’s own compositions.

During his career, Veikko has played in numerous famous concert halls and theatres. He began his concert performances as a soloist in the 1950´s and has played about 5,000 concerts round the world.

He is well known in the USA, England, Japan, China, throughout Europe and Scandinavia. Since 1955 he has recorded over 1,000 pieces and has written hundreds of compositions and arrangements for the accordion, including orchestral works for symphony and numerous books for the accordion.

For details on future concerts email: veikko.ahvenainen@nic.fi


Video: Sergey Petrov Performs Sambaleiro - Russia

Enjoy the Sambaleiro dance music performance by composer Sergey Petrov. Published 09 January 2019


Future events

“The Eight Seasons” Concert - South Africa

8Seasons Poster
“The Eight Seasons” concert - Vivaldi vs Piazzolla will be held at the Oude Libertas Amphitheatre in Stellenbosch on January 27th. “The Eight Seasons” is a compilation of Antonio Vivaldi’s Four Seasons Concertos (Le Quattro Stagioni) for violin & string orchestra, together with Astor Piazzolla’s Four Seasons of Buenos Aires (Cuatro Estaciones Porteñas). These would be normally played with a solo violin & string orchestra which is the original intention of Vivaldi, but not of Piazzolla. Piazzolla’s original version was for his Tango Quinteto.

Instead the performers will be the Cape Town Tango Ensemble which includes Stanislav Angelov (bandoneon and accordion), Petrus De Beer (violin), Albert Combrink (piano) and Charles Lazar (double bass) who will play Piazzolla’s Four Seasons version for a Tango Quartet, combined with an arrangement of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons played by the World Café Trio which includes Stanislav Angelov (accordion), Petrus de Beer (violin) and Schalk Joubert (bass guitar).

For concert details email: info@ctconcerts.co.za
CT Tango


Jazz at the Goldenhill Workingmens Club – UK

Goldenhill posterThe North Staffs Accordion Club will host their Post Christmas Jazz event at Goldenhill Workingmens Club in Stoke on Trent on January 22nd at 7.30pm.

This concert will feature Glasgow jazz accordionist Harry Hussey and local traditional jazz band Lily's Weepers. Entry fee includes a glass of sherry, mince pie and Christmas cake!

For ticket details phone Steve on 01782 787935 or email: stevehg0@gmail.com


University of Music and Performing Arts Concert in Germany and Vienna Museum Concert in Austria

KrassimirAccordion students of Krassimir Sterev will perform at the Reaktorhalle, University of Music and Performing Arts in Munich on January 23rd at 8pm. This concert will include 4 world premier pieces by Dorothea Hofmann, Sarah Nemtsov, Ventzislav Dikov and Maximilian Zimmermann.

Accordion performers include Maria Dafka, Aleksandar Popovic, Marko Trivunovic, Georgios Lolas and Djordje Njedic.

On January 27th, Krassimir Sterev (picture right) will perform 2 x solo works at the Vienna Museum in Vienna, Austria. The first piece by Rebecca Saunders is “Flesh”. It has just been announced that Rebecca has been awarded the Siemens Stiftung Prize for 2019, one of the most important prizes in Europe for this composition. The second piece is “Play on Words” by Greek composer Michalis Lapidakis.

For further details on these concerts email: krassimir.sterev@gmail.com


Argentinian Accordionist Visits USA

Ezequiel Tatich posterArgentinian accordionist Ezequiel Tatich will perform in Miami and New York from January 14th to 27th. Ezequiel, who is known as ‘El Gringo del Acordeon’, is one of Argentina’s most popular young accordionists, entertaining the public in and near Buenos Aires.


2019 Australian International Accordion Championships and Festival – Australia

AATA header
Modern Trio BandTania Lukic-MarxThe 2019 Australian International Accordion Championships and Festival will be held on June 8th and 9th at Club Marconi in Bossley Park, Sydney organised by the AATA led by their President Tania Lukic-Marx (picture right).

2019 guest performers are the "Modern Trio Band" (picture left) from Poland featuring accordionist Elwira Sliwkiewicz-Cisak. Their program will include Bulgarian Suite (Siemionov), Czardas and the world premiere of a composition specially written for them by Volodymir Runchak.

The weekend concludes with the AATA Gala Concert at the Marconi Club.

The closing date for entries is 1st May 2019. Rules and regulations at: www.aata.org.au

For further information email: tats64@gmail.com


ArtAccA Europa Concert – Germany

ArtAccA PosterThe ArtAccA 40 piece accordion orchestra (conducted by Tobias Dalhof) will perform their ArtAccA Europa concert at the Theater Marl on February 10th. The concert is dedicated to the creation of Europe and will include songs from different European countries. The aim is to show the different genres that can be played on the accordion.

Works include 1812 Overture (Tchaikovsky), Finlandia (Sibelius), Live and Let Die from the James Bond film (McCartney) plus many others.

For details email: karten@artacca.de


Poblado Accordion Tour - Spain

Poblado posterBasque accordionist and composer Gorka Hermosa will take part in a Poblado Tour from January 26th to April 13th. Tour details are:

26 January: Barañain (Bertso Eguna)
15 February: Zumaia (Aita Maria Aretoa)
21 February: Bilbao (Kafe Antzokia)
23 February: Azpeitia (San Agustin KG)
12 April: Durango (Plateruenea)
13 April: Pamplona (Civibox)

For details email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


Accordions: Expanding Voices in the USA Exhibition - USA

Exhibition logo
Banda MagdaThe Museum of Making Music’s special exhibition, “Accordions: Expanding Voices in the USA,” will run until August 31st, 2019 in Carlsbad, CA. The event will include an accordion exhibition concert series which will begin on February 21st with a performance by Banda Magda.

The group is led by Greek-born composer, orchestrator, singer, and accordionist Magda Giannikou. They play a variety of samba to French chanson, from Greek folk tunes to Colombian cumbia and Afro-Peruvian lando, and combine South American rhythms with jazz improvisation, cinematic arranging, audience participation, mid-century classics, and world “chansons” sung in 6 languages. Banda Magda has toured in more than 22 countries and on five continents.

For details email: museum@museumofmakingmusic.org


Accordion Masterclass with Alfred Melichar – England

Alfred MelicharAccordionist Alfred Melichar (Professor of accordion at Bruckner University in Linz, Austria) will give a masterclass to Academy accordion students on January 24th from 10am to 1pm at the Concert Room of the Royal Academy of Music, London.

The masterclass will include a talk about accordion development in Austria and is free of charge.

For details phone: +44 (0)20 7873 7373


New and Updated Sites

2019 South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival Prospectus – New Zealand

NZAA header
Raye Freedman Arts CentreThe Prospectus (Rules and Regulations) for the 2019 South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival, to be held in Auckland on Saturday 1st June and Sunday 2nd June 2019, are now available at: 2019 NZ Prospectus

The rules for the international categories closely follow the rules of the Coupe Mondiale. The South Pacific international concert music category has exactly the same rules as the Coupe
Mondiale Masters category and the South Pacific entertainment category has exactly the same rules as the Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment category.

Similarly Junior (under 18 years) South Pacific entertainment category. The South Pacific Junior solo concert category has the same rules as the first round of the Coupe Mondiale Junior category.

Entry closing date is 14th April 2019.

NZAA President Sonja Palinich writes: “The NZAA will be celebrating the 10th Anniversary since hosting the 2009 Coupe Mondiale in New Zealand and we are delighted to once again have the use of the Raye Freedman Arts Centre (picture below). This outstanding modern venue is ideally suited to our requirements with excellent acoustics, lighting and full facilities all under one roof.”

Past events reports at: South Pacific Daily Reports
Raye Freedman Arts Centre


Gary Daverne New Releases of Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra

Gary DaverneGary Daverne New Releases include the Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra I orchestra parts and score fully typeset and the piano accompaniment.

This work was commissioned by New Zealand accordionist, Harley Jones, for performance in New York, August 1988, but was premiered in Auckland in 1987 with the Auckland Symphony Orchestra conducted by the composer.

In the first two years, the work received 36 performances worldwide and was recorded by the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra with Harley Jones as soloist.

Harley was soloist with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra on a C.D. of symphony orchestra works composed by Gary Daverne, recorded in 1992 that was released internationally by EMI.

Harley Jones also performed "Rhapsody" at the AAA International Piano Accordion Competition and Festival in New York (August 1988) and at the Prize Giving of the 1990 Coupe Mondiale held in Trossingen Germany.

ED00031A_D Rhapsody for Accordion and Symphony Orchestra, Score
ED00031B_D Rhapsody for Accordion and Symphony Orchestra, Parts
ED00031C_D Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra, Solo Accordion Part
ED00031D_D Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra, Piano Accompaniment
ED00031E_D Rhapsody for Accordion and Accordion Orchestra, Parts
ED00031F_D Rhapsody for Accordion and Accordion Orchestra, Score


CD Reviews

CD Review: Hymn to Aphrodite CD by Friedrich Lips

Hymn to Aphrodite CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Hymn to Aphrodite CD by Friedrich Lips. Review by Joan Cochran Sommers.

Recent years Lips CD's:
CD028 Hymn to Aphrodite CD
CD027 Fachwerk | Kapote CD
CD026 Night Flowers CD
CD025 Lips Concerto CD
CD024 Under The Sign of Scorpio CD
CD023 Cocktail "Rio Rita" CD & eTracks mp3 album
CD022 Viva Voce CD & eTracks mp3 album
CD021 ecLipse CD & eTracks mp3 album
CD020 ¡Buenos Dias, Astor! CD & eTracks mp3 album


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