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Weekly News from Around the World - 18-Jan-2013
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38. Internationaler 'Citta di Castelfidardo "Wettbewerbe - Italien
14. Internationales Akkordeonfestival Wien- Österreich
Inna Pilipenko Wohlwollend, Poeluev & Molinelli Konzerte in Rostov-on-Don - Russland
Vera Trick (1921-2013), Florida - USA
Yuri Shishkin / CD-Projekt und Konzerte - Russland

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Zoltan Orosz Performs Libertango with the Savaria Symphonic Orchestra - Hungary
Updated PlayHohner.com Website, Trossingen – Germany
Video: Ivan Sverko Performs J. S. Bach, Goldberg Variations - Croatia
Video: Accordion Brasil
Accordion Teachers Association Inaugural Meeting, London – UK
Video: Milos Milivojevic Recording Session, London - UK
Lionel Reekie Concert Brings International Accordionists Together, Novosibirsk - Russia
Video: Duo Naranjo & Weurlander. Piano & Accordion
Bartosz Glowacki Contemporary Music Concert Success, London - UK
Accordion: Frode Haltli and Arne Nordheim Complete Accordion Works
‘Accordéon de toujours’ DVD – France
Video: Anathema I (2011) for Contrabass Tuba and Accordion by Dimitris Andrikopoulos
‘14 Years Ago’ – Danielle Pauly’s 1999 Tours

Future events

‘The World Goes Round’ Cabaret, London - UK
Paulo Jorge Ferreira in Remix Ensemble, Porto - Portugal
Ludo Mariën Concert, Neerpelt – Belgium
‘Accordion Babes’ @ San Francisco AC, California – USA
Erika & Jean-Marie Play for Dancing, Pondrome – Belgium
Pascal Contet’s International Concert Schedule – Germany, Turkey, Luxembourg, France, Portugal
Gianni Mirizzi Project, Rome – Italy
Zolton Orosz Concert, Baja – Hungary
Entrance Exam 2013 Pôle Sup'93, Paris – France

New and Updated Sites

Xu Xiaonan eTracks Album
Antonio Spaccarotella and Alberto La Neve New CD Site

CD Reviews

Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski

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38. Internationaler 'Citta di Castelfidardo "Wettbewerbe - Italien

2013 Castelfidardo Rules and RegulationsDie Castelfidardo Stadtverwaltung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Pro-Loco Touristenverband und Ideazione Eventi präsentiert und organisiert den Internationalen "Città di Castelfidardo" Award, für Solisten und Akkordeon Bands für klassische und Unterhaltungsmusik.

Der 38. Castelfidardo FIF findet vom 19. bis 22. September 2013 statt. Alle Regeln und Vorschriften der Broschüre gibt es als Download unter: 2013castelfidardo

Die Kategorien sind:
Klassische Musik Abschnitt
Cat. Premio für Akkordeon-Konzert-Solisten (ohne Altersbeschränkung) - 2 Runden
Cat. A, Solisten bis zum Alter von 12 - 1 Runde
Cat. B Solisten bis zum Alter von 15 - 1 Runde
Cat. C Solisten bis zum Alter von 18 - 2 Runden
Cat. D Solisten (ohne Altersbeschränkung) - 2 Runden
Cat E Orchestra 2-15 Mitglieder, keine Altersgrenze - 1 Runde

Light Music Section
Cat. G Solisten bis zum Alter von 18 - 1 Runde
Cat. H Solisten (ohne Altersbeschränkung) - 2 Runden
Cat. Ich Orchestern und Gruppen ohne Altersbeschränkung - 1 Runde

Anmeldungen sind bis einschließlich 31. Juli 2013 möglich. Die Registrierung ist für das Jahr 2013 zur Feier des 150. Jubiläums der Akkordeon Herstellung in Castelfidardo, kostenlos

Download unter unter: 2013castelfidardo


14. Internationales Akkordeonfestival Wien- Österreich

14th Vienna International Accordion FestivalWieder ist es soweit – das 14. Internationale Akkordeonfestival Wien- beginnt am 23. Februar und geht bis zum 24. März 2013. Das Programm der Veranstaltung ist als Download verfügbar unter: 2013Wien

Das großartige Programm bietet internationale und heimische Künstler. Meistens werden pro Abend Doppel-Konzerte geboten, die zwei Akkordeons Bands an einem Abend präsentieren. Rund 40 Konzerte werden die volle stilistische Bandbreite des Akkordeons zwischen Tradition und viel Innovation den Gästen nahe bringen.

Zu den internationalen Künstlern zählen: Norwegian Guro von Germeten, Kimmo Pohjonen, Motion Trio, Denis Colin Trio, Weltmusik riesigen Bratsch aus Frankreich, Blowzabella aus Großbritannien und Melingo aus Argentinien.

Aus der österreichischen Akkordeon Szene sind vertreten: das junge Talent Paul Schuberth, , Theres Maria Stickler, Christian Bakanic, Walther Stojka, Willi Resetarits & Stubenblues, der Wiener Tschuschenkapelle, Dobrek Bistro und natürlich die österreichische mehrjährige Akkordeon Star Otto Lechner, der auch bei der Eröffnungsgala, der Dirigent des Zieharmonischen Orchesters, ist.


Inna Pilipenko Wohlwollend, Poeluev & Molinelli Konzerte in Rostov-on-Don - Russland

Inna Pilipenko
Video: Alexander Poeluev
Video: Alexander Poeluev
Alexander PoeluevBilder oben: Inna Pilipenko & Lehrer. Inna Pilipenko & Svetlana Mazhukina spielt mit Orchester Don.

Zwei Konzerte wurden von der WMC Harmony Association in Rostov-on-Don, im letzten Jahr organisiert. Yuri Shishkin, Alexander Poeluev, Alexander Zagrebelny, Svetlana Mazhukina, Sergei Troenko und dem Don Orchester.

Die Konzerte wurden aufgeführt, um Inna Pilipenko, die weithin als Akkordeon Lehrererin, als eine öffentliche Figur und Direktorin des internationalen Wettbewerbs "Accordion Plus ' bekannt ist. Bei allen Konzerten waren Studenten und Kollegen von Inna Pilipenko anwesend und das zahlreiche Publikum begrüßte die Heldin des Tages mit einer stehenden Ovation.

Zum Ende des Jahres gab es einige Solo-Konzerte von Alexander Poeluev in der großen Halle des Rostov State Drama Theatesr. Siehe die beiden Videos oben. Im ersten Teil, ein Soloprogramm, mit Musik aus der Barockzeit, Abschriften der Balalaika Musik von Alexei Arkhipovsky und der Weltpremiere von 'Stars', eine neue Komposition.

Im zweiten Teil gab es hervorragende italienische Musik vom Dirigenten , Komponist und Arrangeur Roberto Molinelli, präsentiert vom Rostov Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra.

Zum Abschluss führten Alexande und Roberto Molinelli 'Tango' von Molinelli auf, mit vielen neuen Sound-Effekten, von denen sich Publikum besonders angesprochen fühlte.

Bilder unten von Alexander Poeluev und Roberto Molinelli am Ende des Konzerts.


Vera Trick (1921-2013), Florida - USA

Vera Trick 90th birthday
Akkordeon Rose, Rose Oliver schreibt: mit großer Trauer geben wir bekannt, unsere liebe Mutter Vera Trick am Sonntag 6. Januar 2014 von uns gegangen ist. Bild oben an ihrem 90. Geburtstag, vor fast zwei Jahren.

Aufgewachsen auf einer Farm in Ohio, gewann sie ihren ersten Akkordeon Wettbewerb in Findlay, Ohio im Alter von 15 Jahren. Sie musiziert während der High School und zog nach dem Schluabshluss nach New York. Arbeitete bei Eastman Kodak und studierte Akkordeon mit Paul Billotti in der Carnegie Hall.

Vera zog später nach Toledo, Ohio und nahm den Lehrunterricht am Trick Brothers Accordion Institute. Sie unterreichtet sowohl private Schüler als auch Klassen für mehrere Jahre und heiratete letztendlich den Chef - unser Vater, Al Trick.

Gemeinsam förderten sie Konzerte und Workshops mit renommierten Akkordeon Künstlern. Sie und mein Dad waren Offiziere in den ersten Jahren der Akkordeonisten & Teachers Guild, International (ATG).

In ihren späteren Jahren liebte Mom es zu den jährlichen Tagungen des Nationalen Akkordeon Association (NAA) zu kommen um ihre alten Freunde zu treffen. Vor kurzem besuchte sie deie Florida Accordion Association in Orlando, wo sie 28 Jahre lang gelebt hatte. Sie ging am vergangenen Sonntag Abend friedlich von uns.

Akkordeon Rose, Rose Oliver - Corpus Christi


Yuri Shishkin / CD-Projekt und Konzerte - Russland

Yuri ShishkinIn diesem Winter bereitet Yuri Shishkin ein Programm für seine Solo-Konzerte und für seine nächste CD "Appliques", die im Frühjahr 2013 veröffentlicht werden soll, vor. Diese CD wird Stücke von Gershwin, Copland, Semionov, Gontarenko und Gortschakow beinhalten.

Zusätzlich zu diesen Stücken präsentiert Yuri Shishkin auch Musik von Glasunow, Mendessohn, Hellmesberger, Kusiakov, Korndorf. Dieses Programm hat Yuri am Rocci und in der Ukraine bei den großen Festivals in Odessa, Almaty, Simferopol, Naltschik, Tscheljabinsk aufgeführt .

In diesem Jahr wird Yuri Shishkin 50 und wird aus diesem Anlass mehr als 100 Konzerte auf der ganzen Welt geben, darunter Auftritte bei Festivals in Rostov-on-Don, Kiew, Surgut und Moskau (11. Dezember beim 11. "Bajan und Akkordeon Festival“)

Laut Yuri Shishkin ist es ihm fast unmöglich ein Lieblingsstück in diesem Programm auszuwählten. Er betrachtet alle Stücke als seine Edelsteine und sein Programm ist führ ihn ähnlich wie ein sehr guter Freund.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Zoltan Orosz Performs Libertango with the Savaria Symphonic Orchestra - Hungary

30th December New Years Concert, Zoltan Orosz performs Libertango with the Savaria Symphonic Orchestra conducted by Aldo Sisillo. The concert was in Szombathely, near Austria, about 3 hours drive from Budapest. Sound engineer was Attila Vincze.

4 CD's available online at: Zoltan Orosz


Updated PlayHohner.com Website, Trossingen – Germany

Hohner's global network of websites have been completely refurbished.

At www.playhohner.com music lovers can find comprehensive information on the entire range of Hohner products (harmonicas, accordions, guitars, recorders, melodicas, chlidren's instruments and more). There are also lots of news features about Hohner artists including stars such as Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Steven Tyler (Aerosmith) or Hank Williamson (The BossHoss).

The Media Section is a highlight of the site with thousands of videos, photos and pdf documents (catalogues, tutorials, fingering charts, manuals etc.) relating to Hohner musical instruments and the artists who play them, as well as the company itself and its 155 year history.

A sophisticated filter navigation makes it quick and easy to find the article you're looking including galleries of historic Hohner photos.

The updated Hohner websites for Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, USA and Canada are now online and there is a ‘worldwide’ version, with an overview of Hohner's global activities. Further languages and versions for different countries, as well as great new features, are planned for 2013.

The marketing theme of Enjoy Music - Play Hohner is strongly featured throughout this new website.

View at: www.playhohner.com


Video: Ivan Sverko Performs J. S. Bach, Goldberg Variations - Croatia

Published last week was this video of Ivan Sverko, well known successful international accordion competitor performing Goldberg Variations. This video was recorded at a concert in Pula during the summer of 2012.

Aria, var. 1., 8., 13., 14., 15., 19., 25., 30., Aria da Capo.


Video: Accordion Brasil

Enjoyable Brazilian popular music featuring accordion.


Accordion Teachers Association Inaugural Meeting, London – UK

Accordion Teachers Association Inaugural Meeting
On Sunday January 13th, some 40 accordion teachers, accordionists and supporters met at the Royal Academy of Music in London with a view to forming an association for accordion teachers in the UK. 

They came from as far as Scotland in the north to the south coast, and from Exeter in the west to East Anglia. The atmosphere was one of enthusiasm and the meeting, chaired by Janet and Romano Viazzani discussed a constitution and a way forward during some five hours of debating, broken only for a coffee break.

A short musical interlude was given by Bartosz Glowacki and Xian Gao, two of the students at the RAM.

A further meeting is planned in the next 6-7 months to elect an executive committee and approve a constitution. It is hoped that the association will enable teachers to refresh their skills through training programs as well as provide a voice for teachers in the wider musical spectrum.

For further information including a list of attendees, email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk


Video: Milos Milivojevic Recording Session, London - UK

Behind the scenes footage from Nikhil Paul George of Milos Milivojevic recording accordion for 'Lat Lag Gayi' from 'Race 2' for composer Pritam and while in the recording studio, playing an excerpt from his accordion transcription for Mendelssohn's Organ Sonata No. 6 in D minor.


Lionel Reekie Concert Brings International Accordionists Together, Novosibirsk - Russia

Popular New Zealand accordionist and singer Lionel Reekie performed to a sell out crowd at the Novosibirsk Philharmonia, on Friday 4th January. Singing with the Russian Academic Orchestra, the concert featured songs from Lionel's album "From Russia With Love" (songs from stage and screen).

Picture above is: head of the Russian Academic orchestra Vladimir Gusev, Lionel Reekie and accordion soloist Vladimir Efimov.

The Russian Academic Orchestra, under the baton of Rustam Dilmukhametov is primarily made up of traditional Russian instruments including featuring accordionists. Picture left is conductor Rustam Dilmukhametov, Elena and Lionel Reekie.

The concert also included a few instrumental items featuring soloists from the orchestra. Vladimir Efimov performed a well received solo to conclude the first half of the concert, although it was Lionel's performance of "Esli y vas netu teti", the theme from the beloved Russian movie "Irony of Fate" that bought the audience to it's feet demanding an additional encore.

The Lionel Reekie vocal and orchestral accompaniment album 'From Russia with Love' is available on iTunes and Lionel's album featuring accordion and vocals is available online at: 'Starlight'

Picture lower is all the orchestra accordionists with Lionel.


Video: Duo Naranjo & Weurlander. Piano & Accordion

First song of the upcoming music film of the duo Duo Naranjo - Wuerlander published January 11th. On piano is Tania Naranjo and on accordion is Minna Weurlander.


Bartosz Glowacki Contemporary Music Concert Success, London - UK

Bartosz Glowacki accordionist
As part of the Park Lane Group’s young artist concert series Bartosz Glowacki, a Polish student at the Royal Academy of Music shared an evening program on January 8th in the Purcell Room at London’s South Bank Centre with the percussion duo Aurora, Delia Stevens and Le Yu.

The program included Luciano Berio’s Sequenza XIII ‘Chanson’, a new work by Richard Causton, ‘Ricercar’ for solo accordion, ‘Prelude No13’ for solo accordion by Edward McGuire, and ‘Jeux d’anches’ by Magnus Lindberg. Composers, Richard Causton (recently appointed Professor of Music at Cambridge) and Magnus Lindberg (prominent Finnish composer) attended and enthusiastically congratulated Glowacki.

Bartosz Glowacki obtained an excellent review from the music critic of the Guardian newspaper who wrote as follows: “….for me the coup de foudre was Bartosz Glowacki. By instinct, a solo accordion is not my top choice for a good evening out. Life deals its shocks however. The poetry and intensity of Glowacki’s playing proved compelling. Whether in Berio’s baroque-inspired Sequenza XIII (‘Chanson’) or in the sinewy, nervy energy of Magnus Lindberg’s ‘Jeux d’anches’, the young Pole created a poignant and distinctive sound world….”.

High praise from the music critic of a major UK newspaper.


Accordion: Frode Haltli and Arne Nordheim Complete Accordion Works

On this video you hear excerpts of a live version of Arne Nordheim's "Spur" performed by Frode Haltli and the Norwegian Radio Orchestra conducted by Miguel Harth-Bedoya (copyright NRK).

Accordionist Frode Haltli discusses and demonstrates the compositions of Arne Nordheim as a promotion for the CD Arne Nordheim Complete Accordion Works which Frode Haltli recently recorded. Released by SIMAX.


‘Accordéon de toujours’ DVD – France

‘Accordéon de toujours’ DVD cover‘Accordéon de toujours’ is a compilation DVD featuring TV archive performances by many of the great French musette accordionists, past and present, such as Yvette Horner, Gus Viseur, Andre Verchuren, Edouard Duleu, Jo Privat, Maurice Larcange, Aimable, Marcel Azzola, Tony Murena, Emile Prud’homme, Louis Ferrari, and others. The clips are in both black and white and in colour, and there are 22 tracks plus 13 bonus tracks. The DVD is available via Amazon France.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Video: Anathema I (2011) for Contrabass Tuba and Accordion by Dimitris Andrikopoulos

Published January 15th is the work Anathema I (2011) for Contrabass Tuba and Accordion by Dimitris Andrikopoulos. Performers are: João Barradas (accordion) and Sérgio Carolino (contranbass tuba).

This work was the Winner of the 2012 Harvey Phillips Award for Excellence in Composition - ITEA. Promotional Video by Gonçalo Traquínio


‘14 Years Ago’ – Danielle Pauly’s 1999 Tours

Danielle PaulyThe Accordions Worldwide news of January 22nd 1999 reported that French accordionist Danielle Pauly had several international appearances lined up. At that time Danielle Pauly was a frequent worldwide traveler, and very popular wherever she performed. Now married and living in Paris, Danielle no longer tours and involves herself in her husband’s wine business.

Contributed by Christine Pauly

French accordionist Danielle Pauly is currently preparing for several tours during 1999. In early March, she will be in Frankfurt, Germany, for the MusikMesse. Danielle will present demonstrations for the firm ‘Accordéons de France Maugein’, the French accordion maker who are celebrating their 80th anniversary this year (1919-1999).

Following this Danielle will tour England from March 19th to 27th, organized by Bert Santilly.

From April 9th to 13th, Danielle will attend The Paris Music Salon with ‘Maugein’, then travel to the USA for a concert tour of the east coast in June.


Future events

‘The World Goes Round’ Cabaret, London - UK

Jazz singer Joanna Strand presents ‘The World Goes Round’, a cabaret involving accordionist Romano Viazzani, on Friday January 18th, 8.30pm, at The Pheasantry, Kings Road, London.

The show embraces everything from the sublime to the profane, including a glimpse of Paris through the eyes of Poulenc, Rome with Yeston, Guettel  and Rodgers, and a flying visit to Nina, a very disagreeable girl from Argentina.

For further information email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk


Paulo Jorge Ferreira in Remix Ensemble, Porto - Portugal

Paulo Jorge FerreiraAccordionist Paulo Jorge Ferreira guests with the Remix Ensemble (MD Peter Rundel) in a concert on Saturday January 19th, 6pm, at the Sala Suggia, Casa da Música, Porto.

The concert programme includes:
Giorgio Battistelli – ‘Truth’
Luca Francesconi – ‘Inquieta limina, un omaggio a Berio’
Salvatore Sciarrino – ‘Da un divertimento’
Luciano Berio – ‘Folk Songs’

For further information email: pjorgef@hotmail.com


Ludo Mariën Concert, Neerpelt – Belgium

Ludo MariënAccordionist Ludo Mariën performs in concert on January 20th, 4pm to 5.30pm, at the Neerpelt Niko Muziekacademie, Neerpelt, situated on the Belgian-Dutch border.


‘Accordion Babes’ @ San Francisco AC, California – USA

‘Accordion Babes’The ‘Accordion Babes’ perform at the San Francisco Accordion Club on January 20th, 2pm, at The Oyster Point Yacht Club, 911 Marina Blvd,South San Francisco. The 2013 Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar will be available at the concert.

Appearing will be Renée de la Prade, Jet Black Pearl (aka Jetty Swart), Maggie Martin, Diana Strong, and Skyler Fell.

Future SFAC concerts include: February 17th - Mike Zampiceni, March 17th - Iosiph Purits (Russia), April 21st - Bonnie Birch, May 19th - The Frank Petrilli Trio.

For further information email: info@sfaccordionclub.com


Erika & Jean-Marie Play for Dancing, Pondrome – Belgium

Erika & Jean-MarieOn Sunday January 20th, 3pm, Erika, known as ‘The Princess of the Accordion’ and her keyboard accompanist Jean-Marie play for dancing at la salle esperance, rue de Wellin, Pondrome, Belgium.

For further information Ph: 0032(0)475.20.58.04


Pascal Contet’s International Concert Schedule – Germany, Turkey, Luxembourg, France, Portugal

Pascal ContetFrench accordionist Pascal Contet’s concert schedule for January and February includes:

January 21st, 8pm - Première of Fabien Lévy’s ‘Après tout’, with Ensemble 2e2m and the Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart, Festival Ultraschall, Volksbühne, Berlin – live broadcast on Deutschland Radio.

January 22nd, 8pm - Première of Fabien Lévy’s ‘Après tout’, with Ensemble 2e2m and the Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart, Theaterhaus, Stuttgart.

January 24th, 8pm – solo concert, programme: Philippe Hurel , Pierre Jodlowsky, Bruno Mantovani , Franck Bedrossian, Boruhan Center, Istanbul, Turkey.

January 31st, 8pm - Ciné- concert, ‘L' Aurore’, by F.W. Murnau, Grand Auditorium, Philharmonie, Luxembourg.

February 5th, 8pm - with Graciela Pueyo (guitar), Evelyne Alliaume (violin), Jérôme Lirola (double bass), Académie Supérieure de Musique, Strasbourg, France.

February 15th – with Catherine Lara and  the Sirba Octet, ‘Au cœur de l'âme yiddish’, La Verrière, northern France.

February 16th, 8pm - Ciné-concert, ‘La chute de la maison Usher’, by Jean Epstein, Institut Français, Portugal.

For further information email: pascalcontet@wanadoo.fr


Gianni Mirizzi Project, Rome – Italy

Gianni MirizziOn January 24th, 9pm, accordionist Gianni Mirizzi performs jazz at Ruck, Via A. Bertini, Rome.

For further information email: giannimirizzi@libero.it


Zolton Orosz Concert, Baja – Hungary

Zolton OroszHungarian accordionist Zoltan Orosz with a rhythm section performs a charity concert on January 25th, 7pm, at Bácskai Kultúrpalota , Baja, Hungary.

4 CD's available online at: Zoltan Orosz


Entrance Exam 2013 Pôle Sup'93, Paris – France

Entrance Exam 2013 Pôle Sup'93 posterThe entrance exam 2013 Pôle Sup'93 will take place in Paris from April 29th to May 26th 2013.

After 3 years of training, this Centre of higher education allows to obtain the ‘Diplôme National Supérieur Professionnel  de  Musicien’, registered in the National Register of Professional Certifications and recognized by foreign countries with a possibility of getting equivalent diplomas.

This DNSMP includes licensed University and training of education (DE). Classes of interpretation are held by Frédéric Guérouet.

The deadline for application is February 8th 2013.

All information is available on the website of the Pole Sup'93:


New and Updated Sites

Xu Xiaonan eTracks Album

Xu XiaonanXu Xiaonan releasing his eTracks Album titled

'Sunrise', catalog: xxu500eT

with sound samples. Music performed by Xu Xiaonan. Purchase online.


Antonio Spaccarotella and Alberto La Neve New CD Site

Antonio Spaccarotella and Alberto La neve CD coverAntonio Spaccarotella and Alberto La Neve New CD Site titled

'Non ce Tempo CD', catalog: albertoantonio101

with sound samples. Music performed by Antonio Spaccarotella and Alberto La Neve. Purchase online.


CD Reviews

Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski

Stas & Sam - Two Step CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of Stas & Sam - Two Step CD by Stas Venglevski, in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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