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Weekly News from Around the World - 17-Jun-2022
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2022 Festival Mundial del Acordeón, Québec - Canadá
Seminario Internacional de Acordeón 2022 en Lusławice - Polonia
La Orquesta de Acordeones de Londres actúa en el Teatro Broadway, Inglaterra - Reino Unido
“Sirius Trio” gana el "X Concurso Internacional de Música de Cámara Antón García Abril" - España
Duo Vilda Entertains at 33rd Haapavesi Folk Music Festival - Finland
JAPC Accordion Summer Festival 2022 - Japan

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Renzo Ruggieri lanza un nuevo arreglo, Birdland de Zawinul - Italia
4th Cyprus International Accordion Festival – Cyprus
Australian Accordion Teachers Association International Video Project
Black Pencil in Schokland Prize 2022 - Netherlands
Video: Naomi Harris performing “Vires Acquirit Eundo” - Canada

Future events

CD Presentation of “Compositions” by Eddy Flecijn - Belgium
8th Festival dell'Organetto Diatonic Accordion Competition - Italy
Henry Girls Entertain at Galway Folk Festival – Ireland
16th Make Music New York Festival – USA
Accordion Chamber Music Recital, England – UK
Victor Prieto Trio Entertains at "Terraza 7" - USA
Shane Brogan Entertains at 2022 Langtoun Jazz Festival - Scotland
14th Accordion Festival – France
Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling Rheinparkkonzert - Germany
Haifa Cabaret Trio Perform at Hakol Kora Festival - Israel

Links to Previous News Still Current

List of Links

New and Updated Sites

2022 South Pacific y New Zealand Accordion Association Informes diarios de campeonatos y festivales - Nueva Zelanda

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2022 Festival Mundial del Acordeón, Québec - Canadá

Carrefour poster
La 33ª edición del Festival Mundial del Acordeón de Carrefour se celebrará en Montmagny, Quebec, Canadá, del 2 al 4 de septiembre de 2022.

El programa del festival acaba de ser publicado e incluye detalles de los intérpretes, actividades, fechas, patrocinadores, datos de contacto y un mapa de eventos.

Descargue el programa aquí: 2022CarrefourProgram.pdf
Carrefour performers


Seminario Internacional de Acordeón 2022 en Lusławice - Polonia

Seminar poster
El Seminario Internacional de Acordeón 2022 se celebrará en el Centro Europeo de Música de Krzysztof Penderecki en Luslawice, Polonia, del 13 al 18 de julio de 2022.

El evento está organizado por la Asociación Polaca de Acordeonistas y el Centro Europeo de Música Krzysztof Penderecki de la Universidad Chopin.

Entre los conferenciantes se encuentran Klaudiusz Baran (Polonia - Director del curso), Marie-Andrée Joerger (Francia), Rafal Grzaka (Polonia), Daniel Lis (Polonia) y Grzegorz Palus (Polonia).

El programa de las clases magistrales consistirá en clases individuales o de música de cámara. Todos los participantes podrán participar en conciertos durante el curso.

Las inscripciones se cierran el 1 de julio de 2022. Para más detalles, envíe un correo electrónico a: warsztatyakordeonowe@gmail.com


La Orquesta de Acordeones de Londres actúa en el Teatro Broadway, Inglaterra - Reino Unido

LAO concert poster
LAO venueLa London Accordion Orchestra, dirigida por el acordeonista Ian Watson, actuará en el Broadway Cinema and Theatre de Letchworth, Inglaterra, Reino Unido, el 2 de julio de 2022 a las 15:00 horas.

Ofrecerán un "programa divertido con música de la escena y la pantalla, así como música original escrita para la orquesta".

"Se trata de un concierto edificante y de una actuación para recaudar fondos, ya que parte de la recaudación ayudará a la organización benéfica local Letchworth Educational Settlement a recaudar fondos. La actuación también ayudará a que la música en vivo vuelva a ponerse en pie, después de un par de años castigados por Covid-19".

Ian Watson, lleva muchos años tocando con el grupo "Divine Comedy" y así es como la London Accordion Orchestra ha llegado a figurar en el álbum "Best of" de la Divine Comedy, recientemente publicado, titulado "Charmed Life".

Las entradas estarán a la venta en breve en el Cine y Teatro Broadway. Para más detalles, envíe un correo electrónico a: mail@londonao.co.uk


“Sirius Trio” gana el "X Concurso Internacional de Música de Cámara Antón García Abril" - España

Vídeo: Actuación de Sirius Trio en la final del "X Concurso Internacional de Música de Cámara Antón García Abril" en España.

El Trío Sirius (Italia) ha ganado el X Concurso Internacional de Música de Cámara Antón García Abril, celebrado en Baza, España, del 1 al 3 de junio de 2022.

El trío, formado por Michele Bianco, Alberto Nardelli y Pietro Secundo (foto de abajo) interpretó un programa final de:

Revis Fairy Tale – Schnittke
- Ouverture
- Official
- The Ball
- The Greatcoat Polka

First Day of Spring - Baranek
Maestoso Mesto — Olczak
Toccata Barbara —Semionov

La Directora Artística del concurso fue Paqui García Vázquez, el Presidente del Jurado - Enrique García Asensio y los miembros del jurado - Isabel Villanueva, Javier Herreros Díaz, Esther López Caballol y Manuel Gil De Gálvez.
Sirius Trio


Duo Vilda Entertains at 33rd Haapavesi Folk Music Festival - Finland

33rd fest header
Duo VildaHCBDuo “Vilda” which includes accordionist Viivi Maria Saarenkylä and indigenous Samí singer Hildá Länsman (Finland – picture above left) will perform at the 33rd Haapavesi Folk Music Festival will take place from June 30th to July 2nd, 2022 in Haapavesi, Finland.

The 3-day music event includes a variety of concerts of Finnish and international folk music and world music, along with classical, jazz and pop as well as seminars and Folk Courses.

Other accordionists performing at the festival include:
Helsinki Ceilidh Band (picture above right), Nope folk group with accordionist Virve Yli-Savola, Duo Hannu Oskala (accordion) and Paula Susitaival (violin), Jaakko Laitinen & Väärä Raha which includes accordionist Marko Roininen, Laitakaupungin orkesteri (picture below) which includes accordionist Antti Paalanen, Loiskis which includes accordionist Marianne Oivo and Jaakko Laitinen & Väärä Raha Band which includes accordionist Marko Roininen.

Viivi has a CD for sale titled Carnevale at: Viivi Maria Saarenkylä

For details email: folk@haapavesifolk.com
Laitakaupungin orkesteri


JAPC Accordion Summer Festival 2022 - Japan

Japan poster
The JAPC (Japan Accordion Promotion Conference) will hold their 2022 Accordion Summer festival on July 9th, 2022, at the Nippori Sunny Hall in Tokyo, Japan from 12 midday.

Guest performers include Yuta Mizutani, with further guest performers to be announced soon.

See poster for details.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Renzo Ruggieri lanza un nuevo arreglo, Birdland de Zawinul - Italia

Video 1: Birdland acoustic accordion
Video2: Birdland digital accordion
Renzo RuggieriRenzo Ruggieri (foto de la derecha) ha lanzado un nuevo arreglo en solitario de la famosa canción Birdland compuesta por Joe Zawinul (grupo Wheater Report).

Vídeo: Escucha esta interpretación especial, en la que Leonardo Rondolone interpreta el mismo arreglo en dos versiones, Vídeo 1 para acordeón acústico y Vídeo 2 para acordeón digital.

Abajo hay una foto del Diploma 1er Lugar que recibió Leonardo Rondolone cuando hizo la primera interpretación pública de este arreglo de Birdland y ganó con él. Birdland ya está disponible en línea en: Catálogo: rrenzo526 - Birdland

Además, a principios de este mes, Renzo Ruggieri actualizó su popular arreglo rrenzo502 - Volo Degli Angeli Solo. Se trata de una famosa melodía compuesta por Carmen Carozza. "Hice este arreglo especialmente para los concursos internacionales y con este arreglo, mis alumnos ganaron muchos concursos".

Otros arreglos virtuosos de Renzo Ruggieri.

rrenzo500 - Song For S.B (Accordion and Orchestra) and (Accordion and String Orchestra)
rrenzo501 - Song For S.B (Solo)

rrenzo503 - Tango Italiano (Solo) this very successful solo has been updated in February 2021 (ver. 1.3). Tango Italiano for 5 types of ensembles rrenzo522 (ensemble)

rrenzo504 - Carnevale (Solo)
rrenzo505 - Roma Tango (Solo)
rrenzo506 - Cinema (for 4 parts and drums, electronic accordion)
rrenzo507 - Variations on Säkkijärven Polka (Solo)
rrenzo508 - Medley Disco (Solo)
rrenzo509 - Acquarelli Italiani (Solo)
rrenzo510 - Grande Jo (Solo)
rrenzo511 - Figaro (Solo) or (Solo with string orchestra)
rrenzo512 - Accordion Kids (10 pieces) simple and modern compositions
rrenzo514 - La Vita Delle Cose (The Life of Things)
rrenzo515 - Peccatum et Gratia for electronic (hybrid) accordion
rrenzo516 - Lo Scuro e il Chiaro (accordion duo)

rrenzo517 - Il bosco incantato (for free bass accordion, solo) This work for free bass accordion and string orchestra is catalog rrenzo524

rrenzo518 - Valentango (Solo)
rrenzo519 - The Jackson Medley (Solo)
rrenzo520 - Acquarelli Italiani for Accordion and Orchestra
rrenzo521 - ll Tuo Sguardo (solo)

rrenzo522 - Tango Italiano (ensemble) (full score and individual parts). The solo version is catalog rrenzo503

rrenzo524 - Il Bosco Incantato for free bass accordion and string orchestra (full score and individual parts). The solo version is catalog rrenzo517


4th Cyprus International Accordion Festival – Cyprus

Cyprus fest
Cyprus performersWorkshop with Iraklis VavatsikasThe successful 4th Cyprus International Accordion Festival was held in Agios Theodore, Larnaca, Cyprus from June 3rd to 5th, 2022.

The event included performances by Zoe Tiganouria (Greece), Iraklis Vavatsikas (Greece), Arthur Bacon (France), “Duo Fueye” which includes Iraklis Vavatsikas (accordion & bandoneon) and Chrysa Chatziantoniou (accordion) and the Music Moments Accordion Band.

In addition there was “Free Playing” by accordionists in various parts of the village (picture above left), workshops, an accordion seminar entitled "An Educational Seminar on All Matter" held by Iraklis Vavatsikas (picture above right), an accordion seminar “Musette Waltz from Gus Viseur to Django” by Arthur Bacon, and an open Accordion Exhibition and Technical Support by Panagiotis Zafeiriou (picture below).


Australian Accordion Teachers Association International Video Project

AATA logoVideo: The Australian Accordion Teachers Association (AATA) is thrilled to present this showcase of the accordion. 180 video clips were submitted by players from all over Australia and around the globe for us to unite together through music.

With the current geo-political events, and the on-going impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic making a competition event very difficult this year, this video project was an opportunity for enthusiastic accordionists, both amateur and professional, of all ages and levels to share their performances and celebrate the accordion.

A premiere voting member of the world accordion governing body, Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) - IMC UNESCO the AATA is proud to represent Australian accordionists on the world stage and encourage top performers to share their talents with our audience.

Visit AATA for further information including their international online events and activities in Australia.


Black Pencil in Schokland Prize 2022 - Netherlands

Video: Trailer about the selection of the compositions.

In collaboration with Museum Schokland, Black Pencil (which includes accordionist Marko Kassl) asked composers from all over the world for a short solo composition of approximately 60 seconds. The inspiration was drawn from the former island of Schokland, and the compositions must be for one of the instruments of the ensemble: recorder, pan flute, viola, accordion or percussion.

“Black Pencil received a total of 174 submissions from 36 countries, and were delighted with this massive success. Thanks to all participating composers”.

The winning composition along with four honorable mentions will be announced at the end of June, and performed live at Sound Walk Schokland on July 10th and August 28th, 2022, and again in the summer of 2023.
Black Pencil


Video: Naomi Harris performing “Vires Acquirit Eundo” - Canada

Naomi HarrisVideo: “Vires Acquirit Eundo” - Naomi Harris, accordion

Naomi Harris is a music student at the University of Victoria in Canada, currently studying accordion performance.

The composition, “Vires Acquirit Eundo” is an artistic contribution to the Equity Action Plan “Safety to be One’s True Self.” This is expressed through this three-movement accordion and vocal performance meaning “we gather strength as we go”.

This piece includes reflections taken directly from members of the UVic community and addresses tensions that arise from individuation in society. The piece was composed with traditional influences of accordion composition while also utilizing contemporary accordion techniques.

The first movement expresses the formation of identity; discovering one’s capabilities and limitations. Progressing into the second movement, the individual is elated and driven to find meaning and purpose. The piece concludes with confusion and frustration. Losing parts of oneself to mold into a collective, but ultimately rediscovering and returning to one’s true self.


Future events

CD Presentation of “Compositions” by Eddy Flecijn - Belgium

CD Compositions
On June 19th, 2022, Eddy Flecijn will present his new CD “Compositions” at the Ringtheatre in Hamme, Belgium.

This CD is the ultimate result of years of composing and working together with a new generation of splendid musicians. During the months of April, May and June 2021, three live concerts were recorded and broadcast in the Hamme Ringtheater.

This was a heart warming cooperation with an astonishing result. The compositions are an anthology of Flecijn‘s accordion achievements. Each work has its history and has originated mostly as a complement to a growing repertoire of Belgian accordion music.

Elke De Meester, Bram Van Weverberg, Jef De Haes, Ward Ginneberge, Jeroen Vrancken, Mart Flecijn & Eddy Flecijn himself will take part in the concert. CD Track information: 2022EddyFlecijnCD.pdf


8th Festival dell'Organetto Diatonic Accordion Competition - Italy

8th Fest header
The 8th Festival dell'Organetto Diatonic Accordion Competition will be held in Armento, Potenza, Italy on June 19th, 2022.

The event is organised by the C.D.M.I. of Recoaro Terme, Vicenza and the Music Association "Amici della Musica" APS of San Benedetto del Tronto, Ascoli Piceno.

This is a national Italian competition for accordions of any type and brand and will include age group categories from under 9 years up to over 50 years.

The event will conclude with the announcement and presentation of winners.

For details email: roncogia@alice.it


Henry Girls Entertain at Galway Folk Festival – Ireland

Galway poster
Video: Information about this concert at the Galway Festival

The Henry Girls will entertain on the final day of the Galway Folk Festival in Galway, Ireland on June 19th, 2022 from 2pm to 4.30pm.

They will perform on the Monroe's Live Mainstage with guests Les SalAmandas.


16th Make Music New York Festival – USA

Make Music orchestra
MM logoThe 16th Make Music New York event will be held throughout the five boroughs of New York City on June 21st, 2022, the first day of summer and the longest day of the year in the USA.

The festival is open to anyone who wants to take part. From ten in the morning to ten at night, every kind of musician, young and old, amateur and professional, of every musical persuasion, pours onto streets, sidewalks, parks and plazas to share their music with friends, neighbors, and strangers.

New York City based accordionist Melissa Elledge will lead an all accordion outdoor performance of “In C” by Terry Riley in Battery Park at 6pm for one hour.

For details email: melissaknowsbest@gmail.com


Accordion Chamber Music Recital, England – UK

Mingyuan RuanThe Royal Academy of Music Accordion Department will complete its academic year with a chamber music concert at the Angela Burgess Recital Hall, Royal Academy of Music in London, England on June 23rd, 2022 at 7.30pm.

Performers include Mingyuan Ruan (picture left) and Jinjie Kang who will give world premiere performances of 200 pieces by Des Oliver - Iconoclast and 200 Pieces by Vykintas Baltakas - New work for solo accordion.

For details phone: +44 20 7873 7373


Victor Prieto Trio Entertains at "Terraza 7" - USA

VP TrioThe Victor Prieto Trio will entertain at "Terraza 7" in Queens, New York, USA on June 23rd, 2022, at 7pm.

The trio includes Victor Prieto (accordion), Ricky Rodriguez (bass) and Juan Felipe Mayorga (drums) – pictured left.

“As a New York-based accordionist and a native of Galicia, Spain, Victor naturally combines sounds and ideas from different genres. His compositions are not only the culmination of this idea but he takes it to another level”.

For details email: info@victorprieto.net


Shane Brogan Entertains at 2022 Langtoun Jazz Festival - Scotland

Langtoun festival poster
Accordionist Shane Brogan will entertain at The Langtoun Jazz Festival 2022, which will take place from June 24th to 26th, 2022.

A variety of concerts will be held in the following venues: Kirkcaldy Old Kirk, Live Lounge at Kings Theatre Kirkcaldy and Merchants House Cafe, all in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland.

See poster for details.


14th Accordion Festival – France

June Fest poster
The Accordion Club Lorraine (ACL) will hold their 14th Accordion Festival at the Centre Culturel in Homécourt, France on June 26th, 2022, at 3.30pm.

The event features “Special Young Accordionists”.

Jean-Baptiste Baudin will entertain with his trio (accordion, double bass & guitar).

See poster for details.


Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling Rheinparkkonzert - Germany

Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling
The Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling (Accordion Orchestra Wesseling) conducted by Anita Brandtstäter will perform at the annual Rheinparkkonzert in Cologne, Germany on June 26th, 2022, at 4pm.

During this "Music Day", professional and amateur musicians celebrate the diversity of musical life nationwide in Germany.

The orchestra will perform a varied program from original music for accordion orchestras to film music, German hits and world hits, folk to Cologne songs by Willi Ostermann.


Haifa Cabaret Trio Perform at Hakol Kora Festival - Israel

Nika KushnirThe Haifa Cabaret Trio, which includes accordionist Nika Kushnir (picture right) will perform at the Hakol Kora Festival (Everything Happens Festival) held at the Sirkin, Talpiot Market in Haifa, Israel on July 7th, 2022.

Their program will include an evening of French music and songs.

Hakol Kora is a series of diverse cultural events created and produced by Haifa artists. “The Haifa Boston Partnership has partnered with the Culture Department of the Haifa Municipality and together they have set themselves the goal of supporting and promoting Haifa cultural events, strengthening connections between young people and creating community networks in the city.”


Links to Previous News Still Current

List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland News Link
Friedrich Lips book Buy last stock at old price, "The Art of Accordion Playing" by Friedrich Lips News Link
ATG logo 80th Anniversary ATG: July 20-24, Chicago News Link
ATG logo Steirische Harmonika WM 2022  News Link
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
2021 Coupe Mondiale 2021 Coupe Mondiale Report and Video of all contestants Report Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Dr William Schimmel 2022 Dr William Schimmel’s Accordion Seminars, July 29-31, NY  News Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link


New and Updated Sites

2022 South Pacific y New Zealand Accordion Association Informes diarios de campeonatos y festivales - Nueva Zelanda

Video 1:

Video 2:
Vídeo 1: La North Shore 50th Anniversary Orchestra interpreta el Beatles Medley, arreglado por Gary Daverne y utilizado en numerosos conciertos tanto en Nueva Zelanda como a nivel internacional, dirigido por Heather Masefield.

Vídeo 2: Grayson Masefield interpreta Tango for Claude de Richard Galliano

La Asociación de Acordeón de Nueva Zelanda organizó el Campeonato Internacional del Pacífico Sur y el Festival de Acordeón Nacional de Nueva Zelanda en el Takapuna War Memorial Hall, Takapuna, Auckland, los días 4 y 5 de junio.

Los informes diarios y las fotos están en línea con el vídeo del concierto final en: 2022SouthPac


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