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Weekly News from Around the World - 17-Jul-2020
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_2020 Coupé Mondiale in Castro Marim findet statt - Portugal
Allrussischer Unterhaltungswettbewerb "Merry Accordion", Nischni Nowgorod - Russland
3. Akkordeon Festival in Cremona Musica - Italien
TV-Sendung am 21. Juli./BBC informiert:

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Kevin Friedrich Presents Sell Out “Mid Winter Melodies” Concert – New Zealand
Accordionists Featured on Television Culture Channel - Russia
CNIMA Full Year Accordion Studies Information - France
Rebel Reed Summer Sessions 2020 – USA
Accordionists Entertain at 90th Birthday Celebrations in Brühl – Germany
Kallis Bengtsson Summer Evening Church Concerts - Sweden
Cancelled: Fairport Cropredy Convention - England
Martina Jembrišak “Ave Maria” Video - Croatia
Dr William Schimmel’s New CD: “Dragonfly”

Future events

Stas Venglevski Performs World Premiere, Superior – USA
August Accordion Summer School Seminar – Czech Republic
"Milonga De Cuatro" Five Tango Sensations, Auckland – New Zealand
Melodeon Study Week at Halsway Manor, Somerset – UK

New and Updated Sites

Stas Venglevski’s Twelve Hot Tango Compositions Released - USA
New Compositions for Accordion Orchestra Released by Gary Daverne

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_2020 Coupé Mondiale in Castro Marim findet statt - Portugal

2020 Coupe Mondiale header
2020 Coupe Mondiale posterm Donnerstag, den 16. Juli, präsentierte CIA-Präsident Mirco auf einer Online-Sitzung des Exekutivkomitees der Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) (Bild oben) die Covid-19-Situation in Portugal. Er berichtete am Montag, dem 13. Juli, über das Videotreffen von CIA, Mito Algarvio (CIA Portugal-Mitglied und Gastgeber 2020) und Beamten der Gemeinde Castro Marim.

Nach einer Analyse der Coronapandemie wurde festgestellt, dass Mito Algarvio und die Gemeinde Castro Marim bereit sind, das 2020 Coupé Mondiale im Oktober sicher zu organisieren. Es wird einige Einschränkungen geben und ein bestimmtes Sicherheitsprotokoll muss befolgt werden, aber solche Details können sicher organisiert werden.

Die Reisebeschränkungen, insbesondere in Europa, sind größtenteils aufgehoben, obwohl einige Länder noch geschlossen sind. In der Zeit bis Oktober wird das Reisen voraussichtlich einfacher. Flugverbindungen öffnen sich stetig.

Aus China sind die Flugtickets momentan sehr sehr teuer. Von Russland erwarten wir in einigen Wochen weitere Informationen. In den USA und Südamerika ist die Situation immer noch sehr schlecht. Die Koronapandemie ändert sich kontinuierlich, aber zum Glück meist in eine positive Richtung.

Daher hat das CIA-Exekutivkomitee einstimmig beschlossen, Teilnehmer, Jury und Live-Publikum herzlich zum 73. Coupé Mondiale 2020 in Portugal willkommen zu heißen!

In der nächsten Woche wird ein Interview mit CIA-Präsident Mirco Patarini viele weitere Details bekannt geben.
CIA Executive meeting picture


Allrussischer Unterhaltungswettbewerb "Merry Accordion", Nischni Nowgorod - Russland

Merry posterDer allrussische Wettbewerb "Merry Accordion" findet vom 3. bis 6. Dezember 2020 in Nischni Nowgorod statt.

Der Wettbewerb umfasst Kategorien für Solisten, Gruppen und Orchester. Die Bewerbungen werden am 1. September 2020 geöffnet und am 1. November 2020 geschlossen. Um an der Qualifikationsrunde teilnehmen zu können, müssen die Einsendungen bis zum Einsendeschluss bei folgender Adresse eingehen: vesakkordeon@gmail.com

Die Wettbewerbsjury besteht aus Yuri Viktorovich Brusentsev (Vorsitzender der Jury), Gennady Vasilyevich Mamaykov, Vitaly Dmitriev, Eduard Akhanov und Venedikt Vladimirovich Veneun.

Laden Sie hier das Merry Akkordeon Regeln und Anmeldeformular in russischer Sprache herunter: 2020MerryAccordionRules.pdf


3. Akkordeon Festival in Cremona Musica - Italien

Cremona poster
Die dritte Ausgabe des neuesten italienischen Akkordeonfestivals wird vom 25. bis 27. September 2020 in Cremona, Norditalien, bestätigt. Sicherheitsregeln für soziale Distanzierung für alle, Aussteller und Besucher werden gelten.

Die Veranstalter haben einen Saal für „The Accordion Show“, der dem Akkordeon und anderen Instrumenten mit Balgbetrieb gewidmet ist und Raum für Veranstaltungen, Konferenzen, Demonstrationen, Live-Musik usw. bietet.

Für Details senden Sie bitte ein Email an: info.turismo@comune.cremona.it


TV-Sendung am 21. Juli./BBC informiert:

TV poster
YolanDa Brown und ihre Hausband The Band Jaminals unterhalten ein Publikum von Kindern - die Band Jammers - mit Live-Musik und besonderen Gästen!

Zu YolanDa in dieser Episode gehört der großartige Akkordeonspieler Martynas Levickis. Martynas erklärt, wie das Akkordeon funktioniert - wir schauen uns die Tasten, die Knöpfe und die Squeezebox an.

Martynas zeigt den Band Jammers die Holzblöcke im Akkordeon, die wie ein eigenständiges Musikinstrument sind. Der Fact Jam erforscht dann das Akkordeon weiter.

Martynas spielt dann The Tango auf dem Akkordeon, bevor er von YolanDa und den Band Jammers eingeladen wird, am Ende des Programms am Big Band Jam teilzunehmen, wenn sie alle mit einer energiegeladenen Aufführung von Despacito in Bewegung bringen.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Kevin Friedrich Presents Sell Out “Mid Winter Melodies” Concert – New Zealand

Kevin Friedrich
Kevin FriedrichThe Lighthouse Function Center at the Dargaville Museum (New Zealand) was filled to capacity for a variety show featuring accordionist Kevin Friedrich. With New Zealand having been free of Covid 19 in the community for almost three months, large group events have been allowed to resume to pre-Covid levels, enabling a full house concert setting, something that is a rarity in today’s world.

Kevin has hosted many such shows in his home town of Dargaville, and always attracts a sellout crowd who enjoy the variety of performances in many musical genres. This particular concert was offered as a thank you to all the Essential Service workers in numerous capacities as well as the friends, family and community as a whole for uniting together during the ever changing challenges faced in dealing with the global pandemic.

The shows always feature the accordion in a variety of settings accompanied by guest artists. For this concert, Kevin was joined by Thomas Koloi (piano), Jone Yelcich, Ros Gilmour and Lynn Walters (Vocalists) and the popular local vocal sextet ‘Take Six’.

A highlight of the afternoon was the unveiling of one of the newest additions to Kevin’s Accordion Gems accordion exhibition, a stunning Maga Ercole Dimascio Florentino double keyboard,160 bass accordion (picture above). Maga Ercole is one of the oldest continuing accordion companies from Stradella, Italy dating from 1895. Performing a work by New Zealand composer Gary Daverne, Kevin gave a glimpse into the century old history of this unique and beautifully designed instrument.

Another feature of the show was a moving tribute to the late Dame Vera Lynn who recently passed away at age 103. Vera Lynn gave her life to supporting the armed forces and other causes such as Disabled Children and Breast Cancer and the cast and audience joined together for rousing performances of two of her signature pieces ‘The White Cliffs of Dover’ and ‘We’ll Meet Again’.

As is customary for the Dargaville shows, the concert concluded with a finale of New Zealand traditional pieces with audience participation.

Kevin’s next scheduled accordion show is on November 29th when he will present his Christmas Extravaganza.
Kevin Friedrich concert audience, Finale


Accordionists Featured on Television Culture Channel - Russia

LipsMaria VlasovaVideo: The recording of the broadcast from 29th June, in Russian language.

Russian television culture channel program The Observer featured accordionists in their program entitled “A Word about Harmonica” on June 29th, 2020, hosted by Yulia Pankratova.

Guests included Friedrich Lips (picture left), People's Artist of Russia, Professor, Head of the Bayan and Accordion Department at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesin; Maria Vlasova (picture right), musician, assistant professor of bayan and accordion of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesin; Andrey Ustinov, musicologist, editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Musical Review"; and Joseph Puritz, musician.


CNIMA Full Year Accordion Studies Information - France

Video: Seong Hui, Korean student from 2015 to 2018 performs and talks about her time at CNIMA.

CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix and Jacques Mornet offers a full year accordion program (renewable as needed). This program is catered for “want-to-be” professionals and “in-the-making” international virtuosos.

But it also accepts people from all level, all background and all ages, who are passionate about the instrument.

The 20 hours a week program, is divided between individual accordion classes (2 to 3 per week) and group classes in harmony, music theory, accordion technique, chamber music etc

The school gives the possibility to pass French national music conservatory diplomas (Certificat d'Etudes Musicales - CEM end Diplome d'Etudes Musicales - DEM), enabling students, through the intense studying, to accomplish in one year, what they would usually do in 4 years.

Students can live full board at the school, or rent an apartment in the local village. Set in the beautiful volcano region of Auvergne the school is known for its family spirit and very affordable fees.

Jacques Mornet's teaching approach has proved itself through time, with a unique success rate of 104 first international prizes in accordion competitions around the globe.

Upcoming classes as follows:

Accordion technique with Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix
July 20th – 25th 2020
July 27th - August 1st 2020
August 3rd – 8th 2020

Accordion repertoire:
July 20th -24th 2020 - Celtic music with Alain Pennec

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr


Rebel Reed Summer Sessions 2020 – USA

Dallas ViettyVideo: “Anniversary Song” performed by Dallas Vietty (accordion) and Michael Nikolidakis (guitar).

Accordionist Dallas Vietty (picture left) will tutor the Rebel Reed summer classes which will be offered live on Zoom throughout July, August and September, 2020.

Fun and engaging, these classes smoothly guide the student building music theory (melody, harmony and rhythm) and musicianship (ear training, singing, clapping).

Dallas is an accordion player and teacher, who works from the approach that “music is a language that we need to: speak, hear, read and write."


Accordionists Entertain at 90th Birthday Celebrations in Brühl – Germany

AO duoThe Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling duo of Anita Brandtstäter and Elena Taran entertained at the 90th birthday celebrations of the Kaiserbahnhof Brühl Restaurant in Brühl, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany last week.

The duo gave a popular one hour varied program which included “Happy Birthday” (of course) as well as some sing-a-long tunes "Two Little Italians", "Caprifischer" and "Heimweh nach Köln".


Kallis Bengtsson Summer Evening Church Concerts - Sweden

Kallis BVideo: Kallis Bengtsson (picture left) has been performing Summer Evening Music Concerts during July at the Sandhult Church in Borås, Sweden.


Cancelled: Fairport Cropredy Convention - England

cancelledVideo: Neckbelly/Gaffo's Ball performed by Sharon Shannon & Alan Connor 'In Galway' recording at O'Connors Bar Salthill.

Popular accordionist Sharon Shannon (picture left) and her band were due to perform at the annual Fairport Cropredy Convention in Cropredy, Oxfordshire, England in August, however the 2020 event has been cancelled due to Covid-19.

Organisers are currently organising the 2021 event and all tickets from 2020 will be honoured at the 2021 event.


Martina Jembrišak “Ave Maria” Video - Croatia

Martina JCroatian accordionist Martina Jembrišak (picture right) has teamed up with Divna Šimatovic (guitar) to bring you this beautiful version of Ave Maria (Franz Schubert).


Dr William Schimmel’s New CD: “Dragonfly”

DragonflyWilliam Schimmel (accordion) and Peter Jarvis (percussion) have combined their talents to create a new CD, “Dragonfly”. The CD is a collection of duos, composed and improvised music for accordion, percussion, and voice. The digital release on NAXOS will be on September 6th, 2020.

Dr William Schimmel is a leading accordionist, composer and academic, based in New York, USA, where he organizes the annual “Master Class and Concert Series (The Seminars)” sponsored by the American Accordionists' Association. He received a Merit Award from the AAA for his contributions spanning fifty years plus the "Accordionist of the Year" Award in 1988 and the CIA Merit Award in 2003. He has performed with many major symphony orchestras in the US, many chamber groups, as well as with rock), jazz, and avant-garde groups.

Peter Jarvis is a percussionist, drummer, conductor, composer, music copyist, print music editor and college professor as well as the Director of New Music at William Paterson University.

For further information: accordionbill@gmail.com

Picture below: CD track list
CD track list


Future events

Stas Venglevski Performs World Premiere, Superior – USA

Stas VJosh SchmidtStas Venglevski (picture left) will perform the world premiere of Josh Schmidt's composition "Eleven for Accordion" at the Hanni Strahl Concert Hall, Harrington Arts Center, A World of Accordions Museum (AWAM) in Superior, WI on July 19th. Josh Schmidt (picture right) has chosen Stas to present this world premier composition and he will be present at the concert.

In addition to Schmidt’s compositions, Stas will perform his charmingly picturesque “Petting Zoo Suite”, several new compositions (and a few of our favorites), followed by “Taquito Militar”, a milonga by Mariano Mores, and “Rocky Top” by Felice and Boudleaux Bryant.

The following day, July 20th, Stas will give a Tango Workshop from 2pm at the same venue.

All attendees are requested to wear masks and social distancing will be in place along with disinfecting wipes and gloves.

For details phone: 218-393-0245


August Accordion Summer School Seminar – Czech Republic

Czech poster
The Summer Accordion School Dobrany will hold a seminar with tutors Ladislav Horák and Petr Vacek in Dobrany, Czech Republic from 21st to 23rd August, 2020.

See poster above for details.


"Milonga De Cuatro" Five Tango Sensations, Auckland – New Zealand

Quartet "Milonga De Cuatro" (which includes accordionist Lian Jones) will perform "Five Tango Sensations" by Astor Piazzolla at a concert on August 30th, 2020 at the Nathan Homestead in Manurewa, Auckland at 5pm.

Astor Piazzolla's "Five Tango Sensations" is a suite of works written in Tango Nuevo style and is a "work of tragic beauty". This is the last piece that the composer wrote and recorded in his life.

The concert will also include other works by Piazzolla as well as music of Eduardo Rovira (Argentina).

For details email: nataliameyta@yahoo.com


Melodeon Study Week at Halsway Manor, Somerset – UK

Melodeon week
Video: Petit Piment - Belle dans ton jardin - Ronde du Quercy
Lucas Thébaut: accordion
Arnaud Bibonne: vocals
Léo Danais: drums
Florian Huygebaert: percussion

A melodeon study week will be held from October 12th to 16th at Halsway Manor, Halsway Lane, near Crowcombe, Somerset, UK. The event organisers welcome two of Europe’s most exciting exponents of the diatonic button accordion to teach this extended course for advanced, and advanced-intermediate level players. Benjamin Macke (Belgium) and Lucas Thébaut (France) are consummate performers and teachers, and this week offers a rare opportunity to study with them in the UK.

This will be an intensive week of skills-based learning focusing on your development as a musician, discovering new ways to interpret and play, and to make the music your own.

Halsway Manor has deliberately chosen two musicians with a lot in common, but also with quite different backgrounds and repertoire so you’ll benefit from contrasting approaches in their playing and teaching. You need to be open to trying new things, and to be prepared to work hard. It will be intensive but also an enjoyable and rewarding week, with time to relax in the evenings and enjoy informal sessions.

The group, limited to approximately 20 students, will be split in two by the tutors at the start of the course; you’ll spend roughly the same amount of time with each tutor. This will be done according to ability level but there’s plenty of informal time to meet, chat and play with others.

This course is for advanced and advanced-intermediate level players of the DG melodeon (If you also have a box in GC, bring it as well).

For details email: office@halswaymanor.org.uk


New and Updated Sites

Stas Venglevski’s Twelve Hot Tango Compositions Released - USA

Stas VenglevskiTwelve Hot Tango CompositionsStas Venglevski has just released:
Catalog vstas063 "Twelve Hot Tango Compositions For Solo Accordion" as a pdf book able to be emailed to you:
01. Busy Fingers Tango
02. Elephants Tango
03. Meg Tanguera
04. Invite Tango
05. Tango for Two
06. Lonely Dancer
07. Tango Pasadena
08. Tango Mobile
09. Ecstasy Tango
10. One Tulip
11. Yellow Roses
12. Meg Tango.

View music sample pages online for each tango at Catalog vstas063
Price US$25 or Euro equivalent

View CD's and mp3 albums and other compositions by Stas at: Stas Venglevski


New Compositions for Accordion Orchestra Released by Gary Daverne

Gary DaverneGary Daverne releases two new accordion orchestra compositions.

ED0091a - Bob the Bandsman March for accordion ensemble/orchestra Score
ED0091b - Bob the Bandsman March for accordion ensemble/orchestra all parts

ED0092a - Hokianga Hornpipe Accordion ensemble/orchestra Score
ED0092b - Hokianga Hornpipe Accordion ensemble/orchestra All Parts

Free download of the score so the Conductor or the Music Director can view the complete score.


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