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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 17-Feb-2023
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National Accordion Convention(NAA)3月15-19日在美国德克萨斯州理查森市举行
Martynas Levickis(手风琴)和 Iveta Apkalna(管风琴)双人音乐会 - 台湾
第40届 Orkney 民俗节 - 苏格兰
Veronica Todorova 保加利亚普罗夫迪夫的音乐会和大师班
Anthony Schulz 三人组在蒙特萨瓦特表演爵士乐 - 澳大利亚
2023 Jean-Louis Noton 年度手风琴研讨会 - 法国


Video: Coba performing “Crimson Strings” – Japan
Now online: Latest Expanded Article About AAA Commissions - USA
New Book: 100 Children's Songs for Accordion - Germany


Accordionist Zezilho Gaetaco Duo Concert - Brazil
Renee de la Prade Concert Weekend – USA
James Delarre & Saul Rose Online Concert - UK
Orchestra Paolo Bertoli Entertains at 2023 La Baita Carnival - Italy
Duo Douyez Concert in Tauves - France
Artem Nizhnik Performs in Jerusalem - Israel
Rachel Bell Performs at Bal Folk Evenings – USA
Valentine’s Day Concert: "Romantic Musical Journey" – New Zealand
Alex Meixner Entertains at Sell-Out Cooking Demonstration – USA
Hohner Conservatory Student Quartet Concerts - Germany

以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

List of Links


2023-2025 AAA 选出的执行委员会 - 美国
2023年CIA冬季大会,3月3-5日,Paks - 匈牙利
Antonio Spaccarotella, 令人激动的 AAA 作曲家委托计划 - 美国
Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

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National Accordion Convention(NAA)3月15-19日在美国德克萨斯州理查森市举行

Norman Seaton2023年全国手风琴大会(NAA)将于2023年3月15日至19日在得克萨斯州理查森的希尔顿酒店举行。

这个以会议为导向的大会已经越来越近了! 今天就进行预订(包括酒店和大会)。时间表和相关项目都在NAA网站上。

截至2023年2月17日,距离全国手风琴协会2023年大会只有26天了! 大会为期四天,为手风琴家和手风琴爱好者提供了大量的活动,包括30多个研讨会,两场晚间音乐会,以及周五的高节奏体验,由受欢迎的勇敢组合乐队和手风琴家Alex Meixner参加。

包括两顿饭,包括星期六晚上的优雅宴会,以及由主持人提供的私人课程机会将使活动更加特别。公约的一个始终受欢迎的部分将是由迪克-阿尔布雷斯基指导的趣味乐队。这些音乐现在可以在 NAA 网站上找到。






欲了解完整信息,请访问2023年全国手风琴大会 (National Accordion Convention - NAA)
NAA 2023 teachers


Martynas Levickis(手风琴)和 Iveta Apkalna(管风琴)双人音乐会 - 台湾

Martynas Levickis & Iveta Apkalna
Martynas Levickis(立陶宛)将于2023年3月26日晚7点30分在台湾屏东市表演艺术中心大厅举行的2023年魏武英手风琴节上与管风琴演奏家Iveta Apkalna进行手风琴与风琴二重奏音乐会。

I. Lieliumoj
Il. 伊尔。 Gee up, home / Siù namo, tprù namo
Ill. 路边的菩提树低头了 /A linden by the roadside bowed / Palinko liepa Salia kelio
IV. 翠绿的街道/The verdant Rue / Ruta Zalioj
V. 黎明正在破晓/ The Dawn is Breaking / Beaustanti aurele

Léon Boellmann - Suite Gothique for Organ and Accordion, Op.
维利-库亚拉 - 风琴和手风琴的《光子》(2015年
安东尼奥-维瓦尔第 - 风琴与手风琴《四季之夏》。



第40届 Orkney 民俗节 - 苏格兰

Orkney poster
Spiers & Boden第40届 Orkney 民俗节将于2023年5月25日至28日在苏格兰的奥克尼岛举行。




图片左。将在今年的音乐节上表演的Spiers & Boden。


Veronica Todorova 保加利亚普罗夫迪夫的音乐会和大师班

Veronica Todorova
Veronica Todorova(上图)将于2023年3月10日下午5点30分在保加利亚普罗夫迪夫的NUMTI "Dobrin Petkov "礼堂大厅举办音乐会。

该活动由Alexander Marinov协调,还将包括一个大师班。



Anthony Schulz 三人组在蒙特萨瓦特表演爵士乐 - 澳大利亚

Anthony Schulz Trio
视频。Anthony Schulz 三重奏 在澳大利亚墨尔本理工学院费尔菲尔德校区举行的2021年墨尔本爵士乐合作社音乐会。

Anthony Schulz 三重奏 包括安东尼-舒尔茨(手风琴)、尤金-鲍尔(小号)和本-汉伦(低音提琴),将于2023年2月26日下午5点至7点在澳大利亚维多利亚州埃尔瑟姆的蒙萨尔瓦特的谷仓画廊举办一场爵士乐音乐会。

这场音乐会是爵士乐系列的一部分,所有收益将用于修复Lily's Cottage,Montsalvat的原始建筑之一。



2023 Jean-Louis Noton 年度手风琴研讨会 - 法国

Noton poster
Jean-Louis Noton 将于2023年7月20日至27日在法国罗纳-阿尔卑斯省马尼戈德的Le Sapins酒店举办他的2023年度手风琴讲习班。

今年的导师包括米歇尔-马德拉、弗雷德里克-布赫和罗曼-杰巴诺夫(Roman Jbanov, Duo Paris Moscou)。





AWAM repairs芝加哥手风琴学院和ATG成员在ATG主席 Mary Ann CovoneATG 董事会成员Beatrice Makdah的带领下,最近前往威斯康星州的苏必利尔,在手风琴世界博物馆帮忙。

在那里,博物馆的馆长 Helmi Harrington 博士提供了几个小时的实用手风琴维修指导,以及博物馆的参观和关于手风琴历史的讲座。


下面的图片。 CAA和 ATG 成员Mayra Martinez, Nikola Stojkovic, Leandra Ward, Kelly Smith, Alicia Rachael和其他当地志愿者Nina Ford和Tom Klein。
AWAM helpers


Video: Coba performing “Crimson Strings” – Japan

Video: Coba performing “Crimson Strings” with Mr. Toshiro (clarinet). The concert was held on January 23rd, 2023, entitled "Renaissance" at Kurobe Corale in Toyama, Japan.


Now online: Latest Expanded Article About AAA Commissions - USA

AAA Header
Elsie BennettmusicThe AAA website has newly published an Expanded Article featuring the Robert Russell Bennett composition: Quintet for Accordion and String Quartet.

Robert Russell Bennett was most famous for his brilliant orchestrations of Broadway musicals and operas but was also a wonderfully prolific composer in his own right. Elsie Bennett (picture left - not related), was the first Chair of the AAA Composers Commissioning Committee and she persuaded him to write two works for the AAA.

The first was a highly romantic though at times jazzy solo titled Four Nocturnes (1959), and later a delightfully intricate, highly crafted, and stylistically varied quintet for accordion and string quartet (1961), the subject of this article. Subtitling the quintet "Psychiatry", Bennett took playful musical jabs at a science for which he apparently held some scepticism. New in this updated revision of the original 2004 article are 11 print music excerpts (example right) that are accompanied by electronic sound samples.

Come visit, listen and enjoy a fresh look at this exciting AAA Commission work:
which is part of an expanding AAA website featuring many aspects of AAA Commissions, AAA history, news and upcoming events. http://www.ameraccord.com/aaacommissions.php


New Book: 100 Children's Songs for Accordion - Germany

Children's book coverA new book: 100 Kinderlieder für Akkordeon (English: 100 Children's Songs for Accordion) is now available.

The book contains well-known and popular children's hits from film and TV by various composers.

Available from Jetelina publishing, Trossingen.



Accordionist Zezilho Gaetaco Duo Concert - Brazil

Zezilho Gaetaco
The Harrison and Gaetaco Duo which features accordionist Zezilho Gaetaco will perform a concert entitled “Super Baile” at the Clube da Amizade in Vila Xavier-Araraquara, São Paulo, Brazil on February 18th 2023 at 7pm.

See poster for details.


Renee de la Prade Concert Weekend – USA

Renee de la Prade
Accordionist Renee de la Prade performances this weekend as follows:

• Saturday February 18th at 2pm: Renee will entertain with two other Accordion Babes, Amber Lee Baker and Salane at Downhome Music in El Cerrito, CA.

• Sunday February 19th: Show with Leslie Jackson (pictured above) with very limited seating at the Monkey House on University Ave in Berkeley, CA. Email: info@themonkeyhouse.org

• Tuesday February 21st, 6:30 - 8:30pm: Mardi Gras show with David Newman (guitar) at Madrone Art Bar. “Imagine a highly energetic, raspy-voiced genius playing a bunch of blues, rockabilly, and cajuny-country songs on acoustic-electric guitar”.

For details email: squeezeboxgoddess@gmail.com


James Delarre & Saul Rose Online Concert - UK

James Delarre & Saul Rose
James Delarre (violin) & Saul Rose (melodeon) will perform an online concert on February 20th 2023 at 8pm GMT.

The duo have been making music together for many years and “are re-launching their live act after time spent focusing energies on their young families. Born out of friendship, the duo intertwine seamlessly; dancing around the tunes between the notes, finding space and air, and breathing life into the music they create together.”

Saul Rose (vocals & melodeon) has won two BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards with ‘Broken Ground’, played on numerous albums as well as soundtracks for films ‘Morris – A Life With Bells On’ and ‘Far From The Madding Crowd’.

For details email: info@livetoyourlivingroom.com


Orchestra Paolo Bertoli Entertains at 2023 La Baita Carnival - Italy

Orchestra Paolo Bertoli
Paolo BertoliThe Orchestra Paolo Bertoli (which features accordionist Paolo Bertoli – picture left) will entertain at the 2023 La Baita Dance Carnival in Borgotaro, Emilia, Italy on February 21st, 2023.

For details email: ballochesballo@gmail.com


Duo Douyez Concert in Tauves - France

Duo Douyez Concert
Duo Douyez which features accordionist Professor Oliviez Douyez from the Royal Conservatory of Mons will perform a concert at the Salle La Bascule in Tauves, Auvergne, France on February 22nd, 2023 at 8.30pm.

The concert is organised by the CNIMA. For details email: cnima@orange.fr


Artem Nizhnik Performs in Jerusalem - Israel

Artem poster
Accordionist Artem Nizhnik will perform at the Qualita HaRav Agan 10-12, Jerusalem, Israel on February 23rd, 2023 at 7pm, organised by La Traversee.

He will be joined by 12 year old Agafya Glotova-Davydova who is currently studying in his class at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance.

See poster for details.


Rachel Bell Performs at Bal Folk Evenings – USA

Brattleboro poster
Rachel BellVideo: Rachel Bell, Becky Tracy and Bethany Waickman.

Rachel Bell (picture left) will perform at Bal Folk Evenings at the Broad Brook Community Centre in Brattleboro, Vermont, USA on February 26th, March 16th, and April 9th, 2023 with Becky Tracy (violin).

Bal folk is a form of social folk dancing (French/European dancing) and the duo teach attendees “everything they need to know”.

“The dances range from energetic circle dances to groovy lines and spirals to beautiful couple dances to meditative walking dances.”

For details email: rachel@rachelbellmusic.com


Valentine’s Day Concert: "Romantic Musical Journey" – New Zealand

CAA Valentines poster
The Christchurch Accordion Orchestra conducted by David Thorne will perform a Valentine’s Day Concert entitled “Romantic Musical Journey” at St Paul's Parish Church in Papanui, Christchurch, New Zealand on February 26th, 2023 at 5pm.

The event will be held in conjunction with the St Albans Community Choir conducted by accordionist Heather Gladstone QSM.

Admission is by donation. See poster for details.


Alex Meixner Entertains at Sell-Out Cooking Demonstration – USA

Cooking demo poster
Alex Meixner will entertain at a sold out Gertexican Dinner & Cooking Demo held at Krause’s Restaurant in New Braunfels, Texas, USA on February 28th, 2023.

“Krause’s Executive Chef Boomer is rolling out a fun cooking demonstration…that brings together German, Texan, and Mexican influences! After the cooking demonstration, the courses will be paired with drinks for a special dining experience. Chef Boomer will show you how to make a Maultaschen, Pecan Crusted Trout, and Black Forest Texas Sheet Cake with some comedy and musical interludes from Alex Meixner.”


Hohner Conservatory Student Quartet Concerts - Germany

The accordion student quartet of the Hohner Conservatory in Trossingen, Germany includes Jessica Winterholler, Simon Lauenstein, Nils Aebersold and Karla Gvozden. The quartet will be giving a number of public concerts in southern Germany in spring 2023 under the direction of lecturer Andreas Nebl.

The quartet will perform works by Haydn and Dvorak.

March 10th: Herrenberg/Musikschule cooperation concert
March 26th: Stuttgart-Möhringen church concert
April 3rd: Trossingen/Bundesakademie, concert by the Hohner Conservatory during the DHV “Osterarbeitswoche” (Easter work week)
April 21st to 23rd: Bolzano/Eppan Cooperation concerts with the Institute for Music Education in German and Ladin
April 29th: Heidelberg/Villa am Werderplatz
November 12th: Schönaich, matinee concert

For details email: AndiNebl@gmx.de


以前的新闻链接 仍然是当前的

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2022 Coupe Mondiale Release of 2023 Coupe Mondiale Rules and Regulations
2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland Daily Reports from 05 October
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Daily Reports
PIF Castelfidardo XXXIV International Festival, Moscow  Daily Reports
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article



2023-2025 AAA 选出的执行委员会 - 美国

AAA Header
AAA boardAAA board随着新主席 AAA Frank Busso Jr. 的当选,还选出了2023-2025年新的 AAA 执行委员会。 他们是

Sam Falcetti - AAA第二副主席
Rita Davidson Barnea - AAA秘书
Ray Oreggia - AAA财务主管

Frank Busso Sr.和Sam Falcetti是AAA董事会中服务时间最长的两位成员,他们都是AAA的前任主席。 Rita Davidson也是AAA董事会的成员,并担任《Accordions USA》的编辑超过14年。

Ray Oreggia继续担任AAA财务主管。这是一个非常有经验的执行委员会,支持新任 AAA 主席 Frank Busso Jnr. 的工作,这将是一个非常繁忙的一年。


2023年CIA冬季大会,3月3-5日,Paks - 匈牙利

2023 CIA Winter Congress
欢迎参加 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) 冬季大会和CIA第149届代表大会将在匈牙利的帕克斯举行。冬季大会由 CIA 投票成员 "Az Ifjú Harmonikásokért" Alapítvány - "为了年轻的手风琴家 "基金会主办,主席Olga Papp,3月3日至5日。




Antonio Spaccarotella, 令人激动的 AAA 作曲家委托计划 - 美国

Antonio Spacarotella
Video 1:

Video 2:
Dr Robert Young McMahan视频1: Tango Revenga 创作 Antonio Spaccarotella 并由意大利OFC卡拉布里亚爱乐乐团演奏。指挥家 Volodymyr Runchak, 独奏者 Grayson Masefield.
视频2:Antonio Spaccarotella(手风琴),Alberto La Neve(萨克斯),BHU--第五轨专辑 "Non c'è tempo"

我非常高兴地宣布 Antonio Spaccarotella 已经同意接受AAA作曲家委托委员会(CCC)的首次国际委托。这将是CCC自1954年成立以来的第六十三首作品。

Antonio Spaccarotella 位国际知名的手风琴演奏家,也因其独特的作曲和即兴演奏而闻名,经常尝试爵士乐元素。 此外,他还以完全不同的身份,担任着著名的卡斯特尔菲达多音乐节的艺术总监。

这部新作品是一部独奏,将由另一位著名艺术家首演。Grayson Masefield 作为2023年 AAA 音乐节的一部分,将于2023年7月12日至16日在美国宾夕法尼亚州的Conshohocken举行。

Antonio Spaccarotella 将出席这场世界首演,同时还将举办一场关于他的作品和他的音乐任命的研讨会。他充满活力的个性和有趣的音乐立场将成为2023年AAA音乐节的一个非常受欢迎的补充。Grayson Masefield也将在AAA音乐节上介绍他的一个热情洋溢的研讨会。
Grayson Masefield


Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

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The Accordion Russia News has been updated with new additional articles.


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