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Weekly News from Around the World - 17-Feb-2012
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Friedrich Lips Terminplan für 2012 - Großbritannien, Russland, Niederlande, Österreich
Brendan Power und Tim Edey gewinnen den BBC Radio 2 'Best Duo' Award - GB
Kimmo Pohjonen 'Soundbreaker' Filmpremiere und Tour - Australien, Neuseeland, Singapur
2012 Nationale Akkordeon-Convention Dallas - USA
XIV Kokkola Winter-Akkordeon-Festival - Finnland

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

NAO North Central Area Festival, West Yorkshire – UK
Gordon Pattullo ‘Out Of My Hands’ CD, Scotland – UK
‘14 Years Ago’ Massimiliano Pitocco in the News - Italy

Future events

Ludovic Beier at CNIMA J.Mornet, Auvergne – France
‘Piaf: The Songs’ On Tour, Spring 2012 Dates – UK, Barbados
Orkestar Bez Ime and EDT Concert, Minnesota – USA
RASSEGNA GRANDI INTERPRETI della Fisarmonica - Italy
Milos Milivojevic Concert, London – UK
Delphine Lemoine Plays For Dancing, Avallon – France
Brandon McPhee Trio Concert, Scotland – UK
Melbourne Accordion Orchestra Concerts – Australia

New and Updated Sites

Klaus Paier releses new CDs
Gary Dahl Releases 4 New Arrangements - USA
Donato Santoianni selling his new CD
Klaus Paier selling new CD Packs
Rebecca Oliver releases new music

CD Reviews

Kein Schöner Land CD by Leuchter - Melrose

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Friedrich Lips Terminplan für 2012 - Großbritannien, Russland, Niederlande, Österreich

Friedrich LipsDer bekannte und beliebte russische Akkordeonist und Lehrer Friedrich Lips hat für das erste Halbjahr 2012 folgenden Engagements:

20. Februar, 10.00 bis 05.00 - Meisterklasse im Recital Room der Royal Academy of Music, London mit Werken von Sofia Gubaidulina, welche großteils dem Künstler Friedrich Lips gewidmet sind.
12.-15.März - Meisterkurs in Kasan, Russland
19. März - All-Russian Day of the Bayan, Akkordeon und Mundharmonika in Moskau
22. März und 23. - Leiter der Jury in Tver, Russland
29 März - 3 April - Meisterkurs in Petrosovodsk, Russland
10-14 April - Konzerte mit Kammerorchester (Bronner, Piazzolla) in Kurgan und Magnitogorsk, Russland
28. April - Meisterklasse am Konservatorium in Den Haag, Niederlande
08-12 Juli - Workshop bei "Musikforum Viktring", Kärnten, Österreich

Friedrich Lips (geboren 1948) ist Leitender Professor der Abteilung für Akkordeon am Gnessin-Institut, Moskau. Die Liste seiner Erfolge als Lehrer und als Performer ist beeindruckend, er tourte weltweit und wurde mehrfach aufgezeichnet . Seine 23 CD’s sind unter Friedrich Lips online verfügbar.

Zahlreiche Werke für Orgel und Piano wurden von ihm bearbeitet und für das Akkordeon arrangiert. Er fungiert bei den wichtigsten internationalen Akkordeon Wettbewerben als Juror und ist der Organisator und künstlerischer Leiter des internationalen Festivals "Bajan und Bajanisten ', das jährlich in Moskau seit 1989 stattfindet. Im Jahr 1994 Lips wurde als "Volkskünstler" Russlands geehrt.

Für weitere Informationen per E-Mail: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


Brendan Power und Tim Edey gewinnen den BBC Radio 2 'Best Duo' Award - GB

Tim Edey and Brendan PowerBrendan Power, aus Neuseeland, ist einer der weltweit führenden Mundharmonika-Spieler und der in England geborene Tim Edey ein feiner Spieler sowohl auf dem 2-reihigen diatonischen Akkordeon und der akustischen Gitarre.

Brendan Power und Tim Edey gewannen den BBC Radio 2 Folk Award für das "Beste Duo ', Tim Edey wurde außerdem in einer im Fernsehen übertragenen Veranstaltung am 10. Februar in Manchester, UK zum " Besten Musiker " gewählt.

Das gerade erschienene Debüt-CD ", Wriggle und winden", zeigt brillant die harmonische Kombination von Mundharmonika und diatonischem Akkordeon.

Am 17. Februar, 23.00 Uhr, kann das Duo auf der "World On Three"-Programm von BBC Radio 3 zu hören.

Zukünftige Konzerttermine sind:

18. Februar - The Globe, Glossop, Derbyshire
19. Februar - Frome Folk Festival, Somerset
24. Februar - Petruskirche, Berlin, Deutschland
26. Februar - Kulturhaus Centre Bagatelle, Falkensee, Deutschland

Für weitere Informationen per E-Mail: bren@brendan-power.com


Kimmo Pohjonen 'Soundbreaker' Filmpremiere und Tour - Australien, Neuseeland, Singapur

Kimmo Pohjonen
'Soundbreaker' ist ein 86 minütiger Musik Dokumentarfilm über das Leben und die Karriere des finnischen Akkordeonisten Kimmo Pohjonen, mit Interviews, Geschichten, Fotos, Musik-, Video-und Archivmaterial aus Pohjonen 35-jährigen Musik Karriere. Ein Film von Kimmo Koskela und produziert von Kimmo Koskela und Klaus Heydemann.

'Soundbreaker' Premieren in vier Städten:
22. und 23. Februar - Film Archive, Wellington, Neuseeland
9. März - WOMADelaide, Adelaide, Australien
9. März - Film Festival, International Documentary Competition, Tampere, Finnland
15 bis 25 März - FIFA (International Festival of Films on Art, Wettbewerbs-Abschnitt), Montreal, Kanada

Solo-Konzert Tourdaten:
3. und 4. März - New Zealand International Arts Festival, Wellington, NZ
8. März - Elisabeth Murdoch Hall Recital Centre, Melbourne, Australien
10. März und 11. - WOMADelaide, Adelaide, Australien
16. März - Mosaic Music Festival, Singapur

Für weitere Informationen per E-Mail: pap@hoedown.com


2012 Nationale Akkordeon-Convention Dallas - USA

NAA 2012 artists
NAA logo, Norman & Sharon SeatonDie 2012 Convention findet vom 15-17 März im Westin Park Central Hotel, Dallas, Texas statt. Zu den wichtigsten Gästen zählen MURL Sanders, "Squeezebox" (Molly B und Ted), Betty Jo Simon, und Tatiana Semichasnaya.

Veranstalter Norman Seaton fügt hinzu, daß 'House Concerts" mit in das Programm aufgenommen werden und soll ein neuer Weg für Akkordeonisten sein, um etwas besser honoriert zu werden, was sie am besten können: Akkordeonspielen.

Für weitere Informationen per E-Mail: NatlAccordion@SBCGlobal.net


XIV Kokkola Winter-Akkordeon-Festival - Finnland

XIV Kokkola Winter Accordion
Raimo VertainenDas 14. jährliche Kokkola Winter-Akkordeon-Festival findet vom 19-26 Februar und wird von Raimo Vertainen organisiert.

Das Kokkola Winter-Akkordeon-Festival zeigt die große Vielseitigkeit des Akkordeons, mit Klassik, Folk, sakrale und moderne Werke, Jazz, Tanz, Chanson, und Unterhaltungsmusik aller durchgeführt. Das Programm wird auch Outdoor-Events. Besucher können auch erwarten, zeitgenössischen Tanz und Theater zu sehen und Clubs, Filme, die Great Light Music Concerts 'In the Name of Love "und" Squeezebox " zu genießen. Nicht zu übersehen sein wird der Heißluftballon auf dem Kokkola Marktplatz!

Die diesjährigen Gäste sind Renato Borghetti (Brasilien), Pasi Kaunisto, die Guardia Nueva Tango-Orchester mit Solisten Matti Lepänhaara und Angelika Klas, Matti Esko & Kapris und viele mehr.

Das Werk "Petite Messe Solennelle" für Chor, Akkordeon, Klavier und Solisten des italienischen Komponist Gioacchino Rossini steht auf dem Programm, worin Sari Viinikainen, Professor am Konservatorium Osthrobothnian, den Harmonium Teil auf dem Akkordeon vortragen wird.

Für einen Eintrag in dem Guinness Buch der Rekorde wird Kokkola versuchen, das größte Schnee-Akkordeon in der Welt zu vollbringen!

Für weitere Informationen per E-Mail: raimo.vertainen @ pp.inet.fi


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

NAO North Central Area Festival, West Yorkshire – UK

Roland UK Representative Dean Lawrence, Alexander Bodell, Graham Laurie adjudicator
2012 NAO National Championships posterThe NAO North Central Area Festival, a qualifier for the NAO UK Championships was held on Saturday February 11th in Saltaire West Yorkshire. Picture above is: Roland UK Representative Dean Lawrence, winner Alexander Bodell, Graham Laurie adjudicator.

The venue with 4 competition halls and a trade area proved to be a great success – with over 250 entries in accordion classes – all adjudicators commented on the high standard of performance with the highest mark of the day in NAO sections 94, being awarded to Alexander Bodell, who was placed first in the 4 solo categories he entered.

It was good to see that the new initiative in a number of local schools in this area led to many young accordionists attending an accordion festival for the first time. Next year’s event is already being organised with the plan of moving the festival to November.

The NAO UK Championships will be held at the Adelphi Hotel in Liverpool, April 27th to 29th.  Entry closing date is February 28th 2012 and rules and entries forms are on the NAO website.

Results of the NAO North Central Area Festival may be found at www.accordions.com/nao


Gordon Pattullo ‘Out Of My Hands’ CD, Scotland – UK

Gordon PattulloGordon Pattullo, from Blairgowrie, Perthshire, is one of Scotland’s best known and most admired accordionists, with a career dating back to the 1970s when he became an All Scotland Accordion Champion.

‘Out Of My Hands’ is the title of Gordon Pattullo’s latest CD. Accompaniment is provided by Angela MacEachern (fiddle), John Crawford (piano), Brian Cruickshank (bass guitar) and Billy Young (guitar, banjo).

The tracks include: Matthew & Karen's Wedding March, Da Shetland Set, Medley, Lady Elizabeth's Air, Bagpipe Medley, The Tennessee Waltz, Edwin Flawes of Wyre, Water Sound Shore, Irish Hornpipes, Up Beat, Celtic Connections, To The West, Waltzes, French Canadian Polka.

For further information email: info@concordemusic.com


‘14 Years Ago’ Massimiliano Pitocco in the News - Italy

Massimiliano PitoccoMassimiliano Pitocco, currently Professor at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome, had a memorable New Year in 1998 by appearing on TV in Italy, then jetting off to Japan for two concerts with Yukary Nakayama. The Accordions Worldwide news for February 13th 1998 included two short items about these activities.

Contributed by Paolo Picchio

On January 9th Massimiliano Pitocco (bandoneon) and Rosario Mastroserio (piano) appeared on the television show ‘The Flying Carpet’, hosted by Luciano Rispoli and broadcast by Telemontecarlo. They performed pieces by Astor Piazzolla (including ‘Jeanne’, ‘Paul’, and ‘Libertango’) and took part in a talk show discussing Astor Piazzolla and the history of the bandoneon.

Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Massimiliano Pitocco and Yukary Nakayama recently gave two concerts in Japan, on January 18th at the Yabakey Sunny Hall, Oita, and January 28th at the Tokamachi Town Hall, Niigata. Both concerts received warm praise by the critics and audience. On the day of the second concert, even a heavy snowfall couldn't prevent a large audience attending and enjoying the performance of the two musicians.


Future events

Ludovic Beier at CNIMA J.Mornet, Auvergne – France

CNIMA seminar poster
Ludovic Beier will lead an accordion techniques course, Tuesday March 6th to Thursday 8th, at CNIMA J.Mornet.

The course will include practical tips and instrumental techniques, MIDI and digital accordions, playing and improvising in the gypsy jazz style, stress management, and more.

The course includes full board at CNIMA J.Mornet, in the beautiful area of the Auvergne.

In June 2011 Ludovic Beier ran a course, ‘Gypsy swing in the digital world’ at CNIMA, supported by Roland, which was fully subscribed within days of being announced.

For further information email: cnima@wanadoo.fr


‘Piaf: The Songs’ On Tour, Spring 2012 Dates – UK, Barbados

Eddy Jay and Fiona Barrow.
Eve Loiseau‘Piaf: The Songs’ is a tribute concert starring French vocalist Eve Loiseau, accompanied by accordionist Eddy Jay and violinist Fiona Barrow.

Edith Piaf (1915-63) went from being a Paris street urchin to a legendary international star. Many of her performances and recordings feature accordion accompaniment.
Tour dates:
February 18th – Bridge House Theatre, Warwick School
February 23rd -  Alnwick Playhouse
February 24th – Tolbooth, Stirling
March 2nd – Lighthouse, Poole, Dorset
March 14th to 17th – Pleasance Theatre, Islington, London
March 28th – Holders Season, Barbados
April 15th – Quecumber, Battersea, London
April 18th – City Varieties Theatre, Leeds
April 26th – Square Chapel, Halifax
April 27th – Junction, Goole
May 4th – Uppingham Theatre
May 11th – Ashcroft Arts Centre, Fareham 
May 12th – The Neeld Hall, Chippenham
May 16th – Norbreck Castle, Accordion Festival, Blackpool
June 13th – Harrogate Theatre
June 25th - Proms at St Jude’s, London
June 28th – Brewhouse, Taunton
July 14th – Petworth Festival
For further information email: adrian@uktouring.org.uk


Orkestar Bez Ime and EDT Concert, Minnesota – USA

Dee LangleyOn February 18th, 7pm to 11pm, the Orkestar Bez Ime and Ethnic Dance Theatre (EDT), featuring accordionist Dee Langley, perform at the CSPS Hall, 383 Michigan St., St Paul, Minnesota.

Dee Langley writes, “Break out of the winter doldrums with OBI and EDT! It's the time for Carnival celebrations and Masquerade balls!

For further information email: dlangley@airaccordion.com


RASSEGNA GRANDI INTERPRETI della Fisarmonica - Italy

Information: info@biasin.com


Milos Milivojevic Concert, London – UK

Milos MiliojevicAccordionist Milos Milivojevic performs with the Orion Orchestra, conducted by Toby Purser, in a concert at the Cadogan Hall, Sloan Terrace, Chelsea, London, on February 20th, 7.30pm. The concert is billed as a ‘Concert for Peace and Prosperity Eastern Voices, Western Echoes’.

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


Delphine Lemoine Plays For Dancing, Avallon – France

Delphine LemoineMusette accordionist Delphine Lemoine and her band play for dancing at the village hall in Avallon, Burgundy, on Sunday February 18th, from 3pm until 8pm.


Brandon McPhee Trio Concert, Scotland – UK

The Brandon McPhee Trio perform at the Wick Accordion and Fiddle Club, Mackay's Hotel, Wick, in the north of Scotland on Tuesday February 21st, 7.30pm.

Teenager Brandon McPhee, a Shand Morino player, has emerged as one of Scotland’s brightest young accordion talents.


Melbourne Accordion Orchestra Concerts – Australia

Melbourne Accordion Orchestra
The Melbourne Accordion Orchestra (picture above) will be performing as follows:

February 25th, 1pm - community stage, Moonee Valley Festival, Queens Park, Moonee Valley

March 4th, 2.45pm - Knox Festival, Wally Tew Recreation Reserve, Brenock Park Drive, Ferntree Gully, Melway

March 25th - Arty Farty Festival, Warringal Park, Heidelberg, Banyule

The Melbourne Accordion Orchestra, formed in 2002, consists of accordions, drums, bass guitar, xylophone, guitar, keyboard and percussion. The orchestra, conducted by Iryna Stepko, has a repertoire which includes classical, popular, ethnic, international, and traditional music.

For further information email: melbaccordion@gmail.com


New and Updated Sites

Klaus Paier releses new CDs

Klaus Paier selling new CDs titled 'Movimiento CD', catalog: kpaier103 and 'Vibrations'. catalog:kpaier104 with sound samples. Music performed by Klaus Paeir. Purchase online.


Gary Dahl Releases 4 New Arrangements - USA

Gary Dahl - performer, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following new music titles for purchase on-line. 'Clair de Lune', catalog:DH0233, 'Piano Concerto No.2', catalog:DH0234, 'Funiculi Funicula', catalog:DH0235 and 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra', catalog:DH0236.

Samples for this music is now available at the MusicForAccordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


Donato Santoianni selling his new CD

Donato Santoianni selling new CDs titled 'That's Mine ', catalog: donato501 with sound samples. Music performed by Donato Santoianni. Purchase online.


Klaus Paier selling new CD Packs

Klaus Paier selling new CD Packs, catalog: kpaier3Packs, catalog:kpaier6Packs and catalog:kpaier8Packs with sound samples. Music performed by Klaus Paier. Purchase online.


Rebecca Oliver releases new music

Rebecca Oliver - accordionist, arranger, writer, releases 3 new pieces for accordion, available for purchase online. 'Brosna and Mary Willie’s Slide Set', catalog:ro402, 'Pigtown Fling and Ger the Rigger Reel Set', catalog:ro403 and 'Chief O’Neill’s and Sweep’s Hornpipe Set', catalog:ro404. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

Kein Schöner Land CD by Leuchter - Melrose

Kein Schöner Land CD by Leuchter - MelroseCD Reviews Index for the Review of Kein Schöner Land CD, Italian and English, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz. Artist is Manfred Leuchter and Ian Melrose.


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