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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 16-Apr-2021
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2021年 Belles Bretelles 音乐节 - 法国
2021年世界手风琴日,世界手风琴博物馆 - 美国
免费:免费提供“老式手风琴”和“手风琴:绘画历史” 的PDF文件 – 英国
Radu Ratoi 赢得丹麦皇家音乐学院比赛 - 丹麦
点评:第14届Kevin Friedrich和朋友们的午后音乐会 - 新西兰


在线:第一届“Russian Expanse”全俄比赛,鄂木斯克 - 俄罗斯
在线:第一届全国手风琴比赛 – 土耳其
Sofia Ros 在伦敦年度最佳青年音乐家比赛中获得金奖
2021年黑色铅笔奖 – 荷兰
Nick Ariondo 创作的新作品和视频展示了手风琴的“老歌”
在线课程:Forro-Akkordeon in German
Cicinho Silva 接受“Ritmo Melodia”采访 - 巴西
“Good Habits”好评如潮 – 新西兰
在线:Accordion Babes 应邀参加 Weltmeister 周三音乐会


“Solo for Two” Concert, Khabarovsk - Russia
线上:John Kirkpatrick “什罗普郡的民间音乐”音乐会将举行 - 英国
现场活动:中央德克萨斯手风琴协会会议,德克萨斯州 - 美国
在线:世界手风琴日 - Sharon Schrul 在惠斯勒公共图书馆活动中演出 - 加拿大
手风琴家在 Crooners 新户外场地“The Belvedere”演出,明尼阿波利斯 - 美国
在线:Chester and Chippenham 民间音乐节 – 英格兰
献给 Manigod 手风琴的一周 - 法国


Updated Site: About "Play the Accordion Without Pain" by John Bonica - USA
Updated Site: Heather Gladstone QSM, Christchurch - New Zealand


新文章:Astor Piazzolla 100年:文章

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2021年 Belles Bretelles 音乐节 - 法国

Belles Bretelles 2021
尽管2021年 Hainaut Belles Bretelles 音乐节因疫情原因而取消了其2020年的活动,但2021年 Hainaut Belles Bretelles 音乐节的组织者 Leo Lagrange Hergnie 俱乐部对今年的活动充满信心。



•严格遵守时间安排: 周六下午2点至午夜,周日上午9点至午夜,周一中午至晚上8点

该活动的入场费是免费的。详情请发邮件至 contact@bellesbretelles.com
2021 Belles Bretelles Festiva


2021年世界手风琴日,世界手风琴博物馆 - 美国

WAD poster
Harrington ARTS中心(HARTS)和世界手风琴博物馆 World of Accordions Museum (AWAM) 将于2021年5月6日至8日在威斯康星州苏必利尔市举办一场现场音乐手风琴节。该活动将与手风琴世界博物馆 (World of Accordions Museum) 和第九届年度帕尔默节一起举行。

•5月6日:世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 音乐会,音乐和讲座将于上午10点至晚上7点进行,并提供茶点。
•5月7日:从上午10点开始举行的第9届年度 Willard Palmer 博士节介绍会,包括音乐会,演示,讲习班和音乐会。
•5月8日:向公众开放的特别活动 – The Norsk Hostfest Polka Service 乐队将提供一个小时的民间音乐表演。

AWAM’s large concert hall allows for 6 foot seating distances, and masks will be required.

Tickets can be ordered or paid at the door for US$75 per day, or US$125 for the first two days. The polka service is free.

许多表演将在线上进行。详情请登录: 2021USWAM

更多信息,请在此查看: A World of Accordions Museum (AWAM)
AWAM header


免费:免费提供“老式手风琴”和“手风琴:绘画历史” 的PDF文件 – 英国

Rob Howard
Vintage Accordions book coverAccordion A Pictorial History book coverRob Howard 的两本绝版(已售完)书
目录 robaccord05 'Vintage Accordions'
目录 robaccord06 'Accordion: A Pictorial History'


Included are 19th Century flutinas, early diatonic, chromatic and piano accordions, the British Chromatic Shand Morino, 1930s curved keyboards, the 1940s Uniform keyboard, bandoneons, concertinas, and many rare designs that make up the accordion family. 'Accordion: A Pictorial History' includes a unique article about Constant Busson, the Paris-based prolific accordion designer and maker whose instruments dominated the European market until the rise of Paolo Soprani. If you want either or both books you can private message Rob Howard your email address.

Rob Howard has played the accordion since 1968. He has played in a folk group, in accordion bands, was the resident entertainer in an Italian restaurant, plays for French-themed evenings, has performed in several stage musicals, accompanied Irish step-dancing and clog dancing, been a member of a Bavarian Oompah Band and a Polish dancing team, played in several ceilidh bands, and with fellow accordionist John Jones MBE leads 'wartime sing-a-alongs' at Stockport Air-Raid Shelters.

He is the Concert Secretary of Stockport Accordion Club, based in NW England. Since 1983 he has frequently contributed articles and reviews to accordion magazines, and was the News Editor of Accordions Worldwide for many years. He is the author of ten books, most of which are available via MusicForAccordion.com at Rob Howard.

非常感谢 Rob Howard 送给全世界手风琴家的这一慷慨礼物。
电子邮件: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Radu Ratoi 赢得丹麦皇家音乐学院比赛 - 丹麦

Radu RatoiRadu RatoiRadu Ratoi (上图)赢得了本周在丹麦腓特烈堡举行的 Det Kongelige Danske 音乐学院(DKDM - 丹麦皇家音乐学院)独奏比赛。

他的老师 Geir Draugsvoll 向他和其他决赛入围者,Johanna Nylund (女高音),Cansin Kara(大提琴)和 Kendzsi Tanaka (钢琴)表示祝贺。

Radu Ratoi 将于6月18日晚上7:30在温室音乐厅与DKDM交响乐团举行的音乐会上表演他的获奖作品 "Ole Schmidt's Symphonic Fantasy and Allegro"。


点评:第14届Kevin Friedrich和朋友们的午后音乐会 - 新西兰

Dargaville新西兰达尔加维尔的灯塔功能中心挤满了人,以迎接第14届“ Kevin Friedrich 和朋友们的午后音乐会”,这是一场由来自新西兰各地的手风琴艺术家和艺人表演的综艺性节目。

手风琴家 Kevin Friedrich 于2021年3月28日举办了一场名为“美国之旅”的广受欢迎的众筹音乐会。由达尔加维尔博物馆主办的第14届年度“ Kevin Friedrich 和朋友们的午后音乐会”以各种各样的美国音乐或受美国启发的音乐为特色。

Covering a diverse array of genres the show included Vaudeville to Vegas, Ragtime to Rock n' Roll, Cajun to Country, Broadway to Bluegrass, the Golden Oldies to Gospel and more! Moving to the United States in 1980 to study accordion at the University of Missouri – Kansas City (UMKC) with renowned accordion teacher Joan Cochran Sommers, Kevin’s concert showcased a variety of musical styles and some of the popular pieces that pertain to his country of residence, the USA.


下图:Grayson Masefield (左)和 Kevin Friedrich (右)与乐团合作演出。
Grayson & Kevin



在线:第一届“Russian Expanse”全俄比赛,鄂木斯克 - 俄罗斯

poster2021年4月20日,俄罗斯鄂木斯克市将举办第一届全俄(III区域)民乐演奏比赛,他们将演奏俄罗斯民间乐器“Russian Expanse”。

The competition is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Omsk Region and organised by BOW "DSH No. 2 named after A.A. Tsygankov" in Omsk and PI Gil Nadezhda Yuryevna.

Competition categories for bayan include solo age groups for 4 to 6 years, 7 to 9 years and 10 to 11 years:
• People's Instrumental Performance: 2 different works
• Solo Performance: own choice
• Ensembles, Orchestras of Russian Folk Instruments: program of up to 20 minutes of several different works.

The competition jury will include Alexander Tsygankov (Chairman), Alferova Tatiana Valeryevna, Evgenia Komarovskaya and Mironov Nikolai Mikhailovich (concertmaster of the Bayan Group of the National Academic Orchestra of Folk Instruments of Russia named N.P. Osipov).

Entries close on April 19th, 2021.

在此处下载俄语竞赛规则: 2021OmskRules.pdf


在线:第一届全国手风琴比赛 – 土耳其

Aziz Ali ElyagutuAkorder logo第一届全国手风琴和风箱大赛将于2021年5月1日至18日在线上举行。比赛由 Akorder 手风琴协会主席Aziz Ali Elyagutu (图左)组织。

Video entries are now open for this competition. There are a variety of age group and ability categories available in the following classes for soloists, duos, trios, quartets, quintets and sextets:

• Classical
• Jazz
• World Music
• Composition

Applications close on April 30th, 2021

For details email: info@akorder.com


Sofia Ros 在伦敦年度最佳青年音乐家比赛中获得金奖

LYM logoSofia Ros手风琴家 Sofia RosGonzález (西班牙)在2021年伦敦青年音乐家国际音乐线上比赛的青年大师(18岁及以下)类别中获得金奖。

The competition was open to all young musicians under the age of 28 and is open to all classical musical instruments and vocals. It also supports the worldwide learning and creation of classical music.


2021年黑色铅笔奖 – 荷兰

Black Pencil
下一届“2021年黑铅笔奖”现在开始接受申请,该奖项活动将于2021年12月1日至5日在阿姆斯特丹的 Orgelpark 举行,期间有音乐会和作曲家比赛,名为“Prix Annelie de Man”。

“黑铅笔奖”将颁予给由“黑铅笔”合奏团演奏的新作品: 竖笛、盘笛、中提琴、手风琴和打击乐器。允许使用扩音器、(现场)电子设备、视频和/或戏剧元素。所有年龄和国籍的作曲家都被邀请参加。参选作品时长不应超过10分钟,并且不收取报名费用。

The competition jury consists of all members of the the Ensemble Black Pencil (picture above), Jorge Isaac (blockflutes & Artistic Director), Matthijs Koene (panflute), Esra Pehlivanli (viola), Marko Kassl (accordion) and Enric Monfort (percussion).

The jury will choose 3 to 5 works to be performed during the festival Prix Annelie de Man, from which the winning composition will be selected.

The winner of the 2020 competition was Andys Skordis (Cyprus) for his piece entitled “Uz...u” which is a lament for harpsichord, recorder, panflute, viola, accordion and percussion.


详情请发邮件至 info@blackpencil.org
Prix Annelie


Nick Ariondo 创作的新作品和视频展示了手风琴的“老歌”

Nick Ariondo作曲家和手风琴家 Nick Ariondo (右图)刚刚发行了一个新的乐曲和视频,名称为“Bellowtranz”(中东风格)。

The composition is based on middle-eastern influences and experiences over the years performing in nightclubs on keyboards and accordion with musicians, belly-dancers, oud, doumbek, clarinet, guitar and bouzouki virtuosos.

The rhythm played on the left-hand button side of the accordion is a popular slow 'tsifteteli' style usually played for belly-dancers where the dancer moves in an improvisational sensual manner, sometimes using small finger-hand cymbals. The music gradually moves into an invigorating upbeat two-four tempo.

The video showcases the 'bellows' of the accordion, which controls sound, dynamics and accents. Nick Ariondo also applies additional percussive techniques to the right & left-hands with hand-slap effects, sound clusters and fast-finger glissandos gliding across the buttons & keys, all in character with the musical style.

For details email: accomusic@nickariondo.com


在线课程:Forro-Akkordeon in German

Forro Accordion
Alex Almeida手风琴手 Alex Almeida (图左)和 Philip Faderl 计划开设一门名为“Forro-Akkordeon in German”的新的在线课程,将用德语授课。

The course is for accordionists who would like to try something different and play Forro rhythms such as Xote, Baio, Arrasta-Pé, Forro, Rojoo & Xaxado.

The course will be run over several weeks in 6 modules. Participants can learn at their own pace, planning for at least one module per week.

For details email: alexalmeida.keys@gmail.com


Cicinho Silva 接受“Ritmo Melodia”采访 - 巴西

Cicinho Silva视频:NeideGara-pé 的 "Oh saudade"。

2021年4月8日,“Ritmo Melodia”记者 Antonio Antonio Carlos da Fonseca Barbosa 采访了手风琴家 Cicinho Silva。

Cicinho Silva 是 NeideGara-pé 的节目“Oh Saudade”的音乐总监(上面的视频)。

The interview included information on Silva’s accordion studies right up to 2010 when he began classes with well known Brazilian accordionist Oswaldinho do Acordeon.

In 2016 he began studying classical music and techniques with Italian conductor and accordionist Emanuelli Rastelli, followed by the study of harmony and arrangement with pianist Débora Gurgel.

In 2020 he graduated in Harmonia, Improvisation, Music Theory and Accordion in EAD from the Federal College of Rio Grande do Norte (FestivalFimuca).


“Good Habits”好评如潮 – 新西兰

Good Habits
“The 13th Floor” 评价了“Good Habits” 2021年4月5日在新西兰奥克兰德文波特民间俱乐部的演出。

包括手风琴手 Pete Shaw 和大提琴手 Bonnie Schwarz 在内的二人组在活动中演奏了各种曲目。

The review included comments such as: “Pete is a virtuoso accordionist who can sound like a whole band. Has a genuine Folk background but besides the Celtic and Gaelic rhythms, his playing is filled with wider European Folk and Gypsy Jazz textures” and “Their closing number is Raising the Hour Hand - A rousing number which is Folk but swinging with a Pop beat. The accordion sounds like massed violins.”

The duo (from the UK) have been in New Zealand since the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020 and have utilised their time playing in pubs, clubs and festivals around the country.


在线:Accordion Babes 应邀参加 Weltmeister 周三音乐会

Accordion Babes Header
Renee de la PradeWeltmeister 的 Amy Simpson 邀请了 Renee de la Prade 和“Accordion Babes”为“Weltmeister Wednesday” 在线视频系列提交表演视频。

Amy was so impressed by the Accordion Babes calendar that she offered Renee an entire show to themselves.

5月6日,她将播放来自 Accordion Babes 的60分钟手风琴音乐。

For details email: accordionpinupcalendar@gmail.com



“Solo for Two” Concert, Khabarovsk - Russia

Alexander VeretennikovAlexander Veretennikov will host a concert entitled “Solo for Two” in Khabarovsk, Russia on April 20th, 2021. The concert features the winner of the 2020 Governor’s Competition, “Persona DV”, which is a significant project. Their goal is to support and popularize professional Far Eastern Russian musicians in the field of academic music.

Guest accordionist Stanislav Gerasimov (Vladivostok) and artist of the Russian Philharmonic Orchestra, Mikhail Mitsura (bayan) will perform. Host, Alexander Veretennikov will also perform at the event.

This concert is part of a planned series, the first of which was held on March 19th and 20th, 2021. Performers at this concert included a symphony orchestra with Alexander Veretennikov (accordion).


线上:John Kirkpatrick “什罗普郡的民间音乐”音乐会将举行 - 英国

John KirkpatrickJohn Kirkpatrick 将于2021年4月22日,英国夏令时时间下午7:30举行线上音乐会,名为“什罗普郡的民间音乐”。

John has been exploring the songs and tunes of Shropshire since he came to live there in 1973. In this programme you will hear music collected by Charlotte Burne in the 1880s, George Butterworth in the 1900s, Cecil Sharp in the 1910s, Fred Hamer in the 1960s, and Gwylym Davies in the 1970s.

“There will be ballads whose origins are lost in the mists of time, and songs taken from recordings by Fred Jordan, May Bradley, Bill Smith, Ray Driscoll, and Arthur Lane. And you'll hear a smattering of glorious dance tunes spanning three centuries.”

For details email: squeezer@johnkirkpatrick.co.uk


现场活动:中央德克萨斯手风琴协会会议,德克萨斯州 - 美国

Chapala logo德克萨斯中央手风琴协会(CTAA)很高兴地宣布,他们的第一场2021年现场直播会议将于2021年4月26日晚上7点举行。

All are welcome to bring their instruments for a fun night. The meeting will be held at the Casa Chapala Mexican Cuisine & Tequila Bar in Austin, Texas.

Coronavirus controls will be practiced so please enter via the main doors, wearing a mask. The host(ess) will take your temperature, and then you can come down past the bar to the Fiesta Room.

For details email: austinaccordion@gmail.com


在线:世界手风琴日 - Sharon Schrul 在惠斯勒公共图书馆活动中演出 - 加拿大

Sharon SchrulSharon Schrul(左图)将于2021年5月6日在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省惠斯勒的惠斯勒公共图书馆在线活动中演出。

The music is aimed at young children aged up to 5 years old and includes classical pieces in a non-traditional, casual setting.

The Whistler Public Library (pictured above) scheduled this performance to fall on World Accordion Day, so it's the perfect day to celebrate this instrument.

For details email: publicservices@whistlerlibrary.ca


手风琴家在 Crooners 新户外场地“The Belvedere”演出,明尼阿波利斯 - 美国

Crooners logo
HTJumpCAOPopular venue “Crooners” are moving with the (Covid) times and are opening a new outdoor venue “The Belvedere’ this month in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This new venue will feature “elegant tented table seating with choice views of Moore Lake, expanded patio flooring, a large custom-built stage and aesthetics reminiscent of an Italian outdoor music amphitheater.”

“Honky Tonk Jump” will entertain at this new venue on May 16th, 2021, and Café Accordion Orchestra will perform on May 27th, 2021. Both groups include accordionist Dan Newton.

For details email: daddysqueeze@yahoo.com


在线:Chester and Chippenham 民间音乐节 – 英格兰

今年,Chester and Chippenham 民俗音乐节将在2021年5月28日至31日在英格兰威尔特郡的奇本汉姆举行联合在线活动。

John Kirkpatrick MBE 将参加5月29日的 Patron 线上音乐节音乐会。这将是一个所有人都很期待的表演。

请将您的请求发送到: concerts@chippfolk.co.uk


献给 Manigod 手风琴的一周 - 法国

Noton poster
Jean-Louis Noton 先生将与 Roman Jbanov ,Frédéric Buch 和 Michel Madeira 一起在法国Manigod 的 Les Sapins 酒店和餐厅举办手风琴课程和大师班。

The course offers a 4 day or 7 day option, which will include private lessons each day as follows:

• 4 day: July 18th to 22nd, 2021
• 7 day: July 18th to 25th, 2021

The course is suitable for amateur and professional accordionists.

Bookings are now open. Please phone Christophe Pessey (stating that you are coming for the course): 04 50 44 90 29).



Updated Site: About "Play the Accordion Without Pain" by John Bonica - USA

John Bonica bookJohn BonicaUpdated Site: John Bonica , PT CMP NZRP (New Zealand and USA), author of the book "Play the Accordion Without Pain" site updated to include new information.

The book was written just prior to his unexpected passing in March 2018.


Updated Site: Heather Gladstone QSM, Christchurch - New Zealand

Heather GladstoneAn updated site for known performer Heather Gladstone QSM, honored by the New Zealand Government for her services to music. Pictures of her investiture and also being admitted as a Bard of the Gorsedh in Cornwall, UK.



新文章:Astor Piazzolla 100年:文章

Astor Piazzolla一篇新文章《 Astor Piazzolla 的100年》( "100 years of Astor Piazzolla" )现在已在以下位置在线发布:Articles
这篇文章是为庆祝阿根廷作曲家 Piazzolla 诞辰100周年而写的,该书由 Edizione Curzi 撰写。


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