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Weekly News from Around the World - 15-Nov-2019
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Resultados: 5to Día Internacional del Acordeón en Praga - República Checa
Reconocimiento especial desde fuera del mundo del acordeón - Rusia
XXII Festival Internacional de Acordeón Vilnius 2019 - Lituania
Mika Väyrynen regresa al escenario de concierto con estreno mundial y clases magistrales en Lituania

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Franck Angelis New Composition Romance No. 2 - France
Closing Date for 100th Edinburgh Competition & Festival - Scotland
Hank Thunander Performs at A World of Accordions Museum - USA
Duo Paris Moscow Tours Canada

Future events

Chaika Band Perform in Sydney – Australia
Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling Annual Concert – Germany
London Accordion Orchestra Concert and Calendar Release - UK
“Puritz Band” Plays Tchaikovsky to Piazzolla Concert in Moscow – Russia
Accordionist Bartosz Glowacki, New Album Launch Concert - England
Auckland Accordion Symphonietta Concert - New Zealand
Accordionist Geoff Berner Tours Austria then Germany
Broken Cross 2019 Charity Concert in Macclesfield - England
Orquestra Basarab Concert in Barcelona – Spain

New and Updated Sites

Franck Angelis New Composition "valse du clown" - France
Updated AAA Site: Historical Articles about the AAA by Joan Grauman, AAA Historian
New Music by Gary Daverne - New Zealand

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Resultados: 5to Día Internacional del Acordeón en Praga - República Checa

Prague banner
Mirco Patarini, Andreas NeblLa quinta competencia "Días internacionales del acordeón" se celebró en el Conservatorio de Praga, del 31 de octubre al 3 de noviembre de 2019, organizada por "Club Tours Agentur Praha" en asociación con la Asociación Checa de Acordeón y el departamento de acordeón del Conservatorio de Praga.

El objetivo principal de este evento es mantener la continuidad y el desarrollo de la fuerte tradición de tocar el acordeón en la República Checa.

Mirco Patarini, (imagen superior izquierda) Presidente de la CIA (Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes) en esta ocasión también fue el Presidente del jurado internacional, que estaba compuesto por:
Jörgen Sundeqvist, Stefan Hippe, László Ernyei, Jirí Teml, Ladislav Horák, Josef Hrebík, Anibal Freire y Olivier Douyez (Algunos miembros del jurado se muestran a continuación).

Durante la ceremonia de entrega de premios, Mirco Patarini pronunció un discurso en nombre de la CIA, para agradecer al Conservatorio de Praga por organizar un evento tan importante y de alto nivel.

Más de 300 competidores de la República Checa, Eslovaquia, Polonia, Hungría, Croacia, Eslovenia, Noruega y España participaron en categorías de competición para solistas, conjuntos de cámara y orquestas de acordeón.

Imagen inferior izquierda: Ganadora de la Categoría VI Jessica Winterholler (Alemania) con el maestro Andreas Nebl.

Haga clic aquí para ver los resultados completos: 2019PragueResults.pdf
Jury members


Reconocimiento especial desde fuera del mundo del acordeón - Rusia

Lips Pure Sound Certificate
Friedrich LipsComo parte del Premio Internacional "Pure Sound" a la mejor grabación de audio de una obra de música académica rusa en la categoría "Concierto para instrumento y orquesta solista", la grabación del concierto "Double Mirror" de Efrem Podgaits para bayan, cello y La orquesta sinfónica fue premiada.

Este trabajo fue realizado por la Orquesta Nacional de Rusia bajo su director Mikhail Pletnev. Los solistas fueron Friedrich Lips (bayan - imagen derecha) y Aleksandr Buslov (violonchelo) con el director de sonido Viktor Osadtchev.

La grabación tuvo lugar en el famoso Salón Tchaikovsky de Moscú el 4 de octubre de 2018.

El 28 de noviembre de 2019, Lips volverá a presentar "Double Mirror" en un concierto en Moscú.

Para más información envíe un correo electrónico a: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


XXII Festival Internacional de Acordeón Vilnius 2019 - Lituania

Lithuania festival poster
concert posterEl XXII Festival Internacional de Acordeón Vilnius 2019 comenzó en Vilnius el 12 de noviembre y se extenderá hasta el 20 de noviembre. El festival está organizado por la Asociación Lituana de Acordeonistas con el Director Artístico, Raimondas Sviackevicius.

El 12 de noviembre se celebró un concierto de apertura en el Museo Judío Estatal Vilna Gaon con una actuación de "Philharmonie de poche" (Filarmónica de bolsillo, imagen a continuación).

Su programa incluía piezas de compositores franceses como Richard Galliano: Concierto de Opale, Olivier Urbano: Bethléem doloris para violonchelo y acordeón, Gaël Lozac'h: Medley de valses (estreno mundial) entre otros.

El concierto de “Orchestras Fiesta - LMTA Student and Graduate Orchestras” es el 18 de noviembre a las 7pm en el St. Catherine's Church Hall. Este concierto incluirá actuaciones de la actual Academia de Estudiantes y Orquesta Profesional "Consona" y la Orquesta de Acordeón LMTA. Este es un concierto gratuito.

Mika Väyrynen, Duo Klaus Paier y Asja Valcic, Charm Trio y Radu Ratoi darán más conciertos.

Marie-Andrée Joerger (Academia de Música de Estrasburgo, Francia) llevó a cabo una Masterclass en la Academia de Música y Teatro de Lituania el 14 de noviembre que cubrió piezas de repertorio.

Otras clases magistrales se llevarán a cabo de la siguiente manera:

15 de noviembre: 10am a 6pm Alexander Dmitriev (Conservatorio Estatal de San Petersburgo, Rusia)

16 de noviembre: 1pm a 5pm Mika Väyrynen (Academia de Música Sibelius, Finlandia)

16 de noviembre: 1pm a 5pm Alexander Dmitriev (Conservatorio Estatal de San Petersburgo, Rusia)

17 de noviembre: 12 del mediodía a 3:30 p.m. Eduardas Gabnys (Catedral de acordeón LMTA)

17 de noviembre: 12 del mediodía a 3:30 p.m. Raimondas Sviackevicius (Catedral de acordeón LMTA)

Para más detalles, escribir a: info@akordeonofestivalis.lt
Lithuania ensemble


Mika Väyrynen regresa al escenario de concierto con estreno mundial y clases magistrales en Lituania

Mika Väyrynen
El acordeonista finlandés Mika Väyrynen vuelve a tocar después de un bien sabático de dos años desde el escenario del concierto. Originalmente, su regreso fue planeado para una actuación en PIF Castelfidardo, pero debido a un grave accidente de tráfico de un familiar cercano, no pudo asistir.

Su concierto de regreso se llevará a cabo en el Festival de Acordeón de Vilna en Lituania el 15 de noviembre.

Realizará el estreno mundial de la versión en acordeón de la obra de Nicolas Economou "Childhood Whims", que incluye 12 movimientos. Nicolas Economou (1953-1993) fue un virtuoso pianista y compositor chipriota que murió en un accidente automovilístico a la edad de solo 40 años.

Nicolas estudió piano en Moscú en el famoso Conservatorio Tchaikovsky, y tomó lecciones de composición de Vladislav Zolatariev. La familia ha dado permiso a Mika Väyrynen para organizar y realizar este trabajo casi olvidado en el acordeón.

Otros trabajos en el programa de conciertos incluirán Paavo Korpijaakkos Sonata nr. 2 "Dead on Time" (estreno lituano), "Velocitá" (estreno lituano) de Eero Hämeenniemi y obras de Ravel, Shurbin, Podgorny y arreglos de 5 melodías finlandesas.

Eventos futuros de la siguiente manera:

29 y 30 de noviembre: clase magistral en Dunajska Streda, Eslovaquia

13 de diciembre: concierto en la famosa sala de conciertos Gnessin Russian Academy of Music. Este concierto será parte del festival internacional "Bayan and Bayanists".

2020 verá el estreno mundial de la Sonata nr.3 del compositor finlandés Paavo Korpijaakko - "Testamento". Esta monumental obra es posiblemente la Sonata más grande jamás escrita para el acordeón, con una duración de aproximadamente 45 minutos.

Paavo Korpijaakko es bien conocido en los círculos de acordeón. Sus obras de acordeón son conocidas por sus grandes requisitos técnicos y su magnetismo musical. Los trabajos anteriores de Korpijaakko para acordeón incluyen "Metamorfosis" para acordeón y cuerdas, Sonata nr. 1 "Ultra", Sonata nr. 2 "Dead on Time", Peer Gynt Fantasy, "Niin kauan minä tramppaan" para acordeón y quinteto de cuerda.

Todos estos trabajos han sido presentados por Mika Väyrynen, cuya colaboración con Korpijaakko comenzó hace unos 15 años cuando el maestro de composición de Paavo Korpijaakko, Jouni Kaipainen (1956-2015) se los presentó.

Para detalles del concierto, correo electrónico: mikaaccordion@gmail.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Franck Angelis New Composition Romance No. 2 - France

The video above is the world premiere of "Romance No. 2" at the PIF 2019Castelfidardo. The concert was titled "Christina Rossi (France) Plays Angelis".

This concert was quite unique and historical with composer Franck Angelis (picture above) attending and also speaking at the concert, including introducing two new compositions world premieres. View video of all the concert at: http://www.accordions.com/pifcastelfidardo/2019/21.htm

Catalog ang571 Romance No. 2 by Franck Angelis is also now available, only €8.00


Closing Date for 100th Edinburgh Competition & Festival - Scotland

Edinburgh posterThe closing date for the 100th Edinburgh Competition & Festival is November 30th, 2019.

The festival will be held from March 3rd to 15th, 2020.

Accordionist and teacher Paul Chamberlain will again adjudicate the 2020 competition accordion classes which were introduced by the Edinburgh Competition Festival for the first time this year.

There are four levels for solo accordion players age 17 and under as well as an Open Class for any age, including adults. Traditional or classical pieces are welcome - all at the performer's own choice.

As part of the 100 year celebrations, a Final Concert of Highlights of the 2020 Festival, followed by the Final of the Concerto Class, accompanied by the Orchestra of the Friends of the Festival conducted by Gordon Bragg, will be held on Sunday March 15th at The Queen’s Hall.

The syllabus for the Centenary Festival has just been published and is available online. Download 2020 Syllabus: 2020ECFestRules.pdf


Hank Thunander Performs at A World of Accordions Museum - USA

Hank duo
HankHank Thunander (picture left) took the stage at A World of Accordions Museum on October 27th and thrilled the audience by performing over 3 hours of music.

His program included a number of popular medleys including a tour of European and American favorites, especially Big Band pieces.

Accordionist Paul Vargason (picture above) also joined Hank in a few duets.

The event was sponsored by Barbara and Dennis Vargason, long standing friends of AWAM and admirers of Hank. The Vargasons wanted to do something special for the museum and this was a most generous decision.


Duo Paris Moscow Tours Canada

Video: Duo Paris Moscou of Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov perform a Russian medley.

Duo Paris Moscow (which includes Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov) have just completed a tour of Canada. The duo entertained in Vancouver, Nanaimo, Salt Spring Island and Victoria from November 8th to 11th.

They also took part in the World Accordion Tango Festival in Victoria where they played “Moscou-Paris” by Franck Angelis. They also gave a workshop at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on November 11th.
Duo poster


Future events

Chaika Band Perform in Sydney – Australia

Chaika poster
Chaika Band (which includes accordionist Emily-Rose Šárkova) will perform at a concert with the Broadland Trio to celebrate the launch of their debut album “Airs of Places Passed”. The concert will be held at The Newsagency in Sydney, NSW on November 15th at 7pm.

Chaika’s latest album “Arrow” launched this year (recorded and produced by ARIA) has received heartfelt reviews. Their music is influenced by Bulgarian Womens Choir, Folk, Jazz, Traditional and Celtic.

The following day, November 16th, accordionist Emily-Rose and the Wild Things (Emily-Rose's new jazz quintet) will perform at the Sydney Women's International Jazz Festival held at Foundry 616 in Ultimo, Sydney.

For further concert information email: info@chaikaband.com


Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling Annual Concert – Germany

The Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling will hold their popular annual concert at the Aula Gartenstraße in Wesseling on November 16th at 4.30pm.

Their program will include original compositions as well as well-known melodies from operetta and musical, dance music, world hits and rock-pop songs.

Performances will also be given by young players and the Akkordeon-Trio Plus.

For details phone: +49 2236 61 503


London Accordion Orchestra Concert and Calendar Release - UK

LAO poster
The London Accordion Orchestra will entertain at the Norwich Accordion Club’s 50th anniversary at Hellesdon High School, Norwich, Norfolk on November 17th at 3pm.

Their program will include many classical favourites including the Suite from Masquerade by Khachaturian and the much loved Nutcracker Suite by Tchaikovsky.

On the following day (November 18th) the orchestra will officially release their 2020 calendar. The calendar includes photos of the past 5 years in concerts, recording in studios and having fun together. They will be available to buy at the concert on November17th or from their online store from November 18th.

For details email: mail@londonao.co.uk


“Puritz Band” Plays Tchaikovsky to Piazzolla Concert in Moscow – Russia

Video: Jewish melodies.

The Puritz Band will perform a concert in the Chamber Hall of the International House of Music in Moscow on November 20th at 7pm organised by GBUK Moscow.

The band consists of leader Joseph Puric (bayan), Michael Mering (clarinet), Igor Nikiforov (double bass) and Alexey Budarin (drums). These players are all young virtuosos, winners of international competitions, pupils of the International Charitable Foundation Vladimir Spivakov, who have achieved recognition both in Russia and abroad.

Their program will include works by Tchaikovsky, Ravel, Prokofiev, Piazzolla, Schnittke, Diniku, Vlasov as well as some Klezmer music.
Puritz Band


Accordionist Bartosz Glowacki, New Album Launch Concert - England

Genesis CD coverAccordionist Bartosz Glowacki will hold a concert to launch his new album “Genesis” on November 29th at 7.30pm. This concert will take place at The Old Church, Stoke Newington in London.

The album includes works by Scarlatti, Bach, Pärt, Gubaidulina and the recording concludes with the Double Concerto by Astor Piazzolla, featuring the guitarist Rob Luft and Elias Peter Brown conducting the chamber orchestra.

“Genesis” will be released worldwide on November 22nd, 2019 by the record label DUX. Bartosz is very grateful for the generous support of the City Music Foundation who funded the recording of the album.

For details phone: +44 7414 693 123


Auckland Accordion Symphonietta Concert - New Zealand

AAS poster
The Auckland Accordion Symphonietta, conducted by Lionel Reekie will perform their final 2019 concert at St Georges Church in Takapuna, Auckland on November 24th at 6pm.

Their program is entitled "Own Choice" as it is made up of favourite pieces chosen by orchestra members.

The audience will also be entertained by guest tango dancers, vocalists and five times World Accordion Champion, Grayson Masefield who will play with a newly formed concert group of well known professional musicians, this being their debut performance.

For details email: heathermasefield@yahoo.com


Accordionist Geoff Berner Tours Austria then Germany

Geoff BernerAccordionist Geoff Berner (Canada) will perform at the Vienna Klezmore Festival at Sargfabrik in Vienna, Austria on November 19th before touring Germany during November and December 2019 with his klezmer band.

As a musician, Berner is mainly known as a practitioner of the “klezmer-punk” style, which combines the traditional folk music of Eastern European Jews with punk’s aggressive energy and disdain for slick perfection.

He has just released his 8th studio album entitled "Grand Hotel Cosmopolis" with Producer Josh Dolgin, on COAX Records - GiveUsYourGOLD (Orchard Distribution). Geoff's last album with Josh Dolgin was awarded the German Critics Circle Bestenlist prize.

Germany concert schedule:
November 20th: Viechtach - Altes Spital
November 21st & 22nd: Augsburg - Grandhotel Cosmopolis
November 24th: Mainz – Hafeneck
November 25th: Aachen - Domkeller
November 26th: Cologne - Hängende Gärten von Ehrenfeld
November 27th: Speyer – Eckpunkt
November 28th: Stuttgart – Laboratorium
November 30th: Munich - Bellevue di Monaco
December 2nd: Mannheim - Brandherd Germany
December 3rd: Erfurt - Offene Arbeit
December 4th: Dusseldorf - Kit Café
December 5th: Hannover - Feinkost Lampe
December 7th & 8th: Kiel - Hansa48
December 9th: Bamberg - Gaststätte Stilbruch
December 10th: Dresden – Societätstheater
December 11th: Bremerhaven – Pferdestall
December 12th: Hamburg – Betahouse
December 13th: Bremen - Creative Hub (Bundeswehrhochhaus)
December 14th: Berlin – Supamolly

For details email: bernergeoff@gmail.com


Broken Cross 2019 Charity Concert in Macclesfield - England

Stockport concert
The Stockport Accordion Club will hold their 20th annual “Broken Cross 2019” charity fundraising concert in aid of the East Cheshire Hospice on December 6th at 7.45pm organised by John Jones MBE.

This year’s event will be held at the Broken Cross Club in Broken Cross, Macclesfield.

Entertainers include the Stockport Accordion Band, Walter Perrie, Helen Rich, Phil Watson, Accordion Spice, Scottish Quartet, and Pearl Fawcett-Adriano.

Tickets are £8, and available from John Jones, phone: 07871 767708. All are welcome.


Orquestra Basarab Concert in Barcelona – Spain

Norok album coverVideo: Basarab Orquestra at the Festival de Mudehares "Teruel" 2015 Anatol Eremciuc (accordion), Joao Silva (violin), Juan Carlos Buchan (double bass) and Albert Enkaminanko (percussion).

Orquestra Basarab will present their new album “Norock” at a concert at La Lleialtat Santsenca in brcelona, Spain on December 13th at 8pm.

The group, which includes accordionist Anatol Eremciuc who is also the group founder, play a mix of differing styles of folk music such as klezmer, gipsy and Balkan.

All group members are professional musicians with prolific careers. The objective of this project is to spread awareness of traditional folk music and all the different nuances of its many and varied styles.

Album tracks include “Norock”, “Sanie cu zurgalaI”, “Apel in absenta” and “Basarab fusio”.

For details email: orquestrabasarab@hotmail.com


New and Updated Sites

Franck Angelis New Composition "valse du clown" - France

World premiere of "valse du clown" by Franck Angelis performed by Christina Rossi.
Franck AngelisThe video above is the world premiere of "valse du clown" at the PIF 2019Castelfidardo. The concert was titled "Christina Rossi (France) Plays Angelis".

This concert was quite unique and historical with composer Franck Angelis (picture left) attending and also speaking at the concert, including introducing two new compositions world premieres. View video of all the concert at: http://www.accordions.com/pifcastelfidardo/2019/21.htm

The pdf music of "valse du clown" which is dedicated: "For my friend Jacques Mornet", catalog ang570 is now available online, also page sample online, only €9.00

Franck Angelis and Jacques Mornet of the famous music school CNIMA J.Mornet have a long history of musical collaboration and many students successfully performing Angelis compositions in international competition.

Catalog ang571 Romance No. 2 by Franck Angelis is also now available, only €8.00


Updated AAA Site: Historical Articles about the AAA by Joan Grauman, AAA Historian

AAA Header
Joan GraumanUpdated AAA Site: AAA History - A Series of Articles by AAA Historian Joan Grauman at:

1. What Events Led to the Formation of the American Accordionists’ Association?

2. Documenting the Fascinating History of the AAA

3. 80 Years of AAA Logos and Promotional Materials

4. Joseph Biviano and Charles Magnante – A Lifetime Commitment to the American Accordionists’ Association (AAA)

5. Growing up in the accordion schools: The 1950s through the 1970s

6. Women in the AAA Through the Decades, Beverly Roberts Curnow – Accordion Queen and World Accordion Champion still bringing joy with her beloved instrument!


New Music by Gary Daverne - New Zealand

Gary DaverneGary Daverne ONZM has composed a new version of his popular Margarita duet, this time for accordion and piano. Catalog ED0050 - Margarita - accordion and piano

Gary Daverne after several requests, has also composed the accordion solo with piano accompaniment for his 2nd Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra. Catalog ED0082d

The 2nd Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra is composed for accordion solo with accordion orchestra or accordion solo with symphony orchestra. Full details at: Gary Daverne

These new works can also be used for the "Teachers - Win a trip to New Zealand" competition. Full information at:

Other Margarita duets are:
ED0051 - Margarita - accordion duet
ED0052 - Margarita - accordion & flute
ED0053 - Margarita Revisited - accordion solo & piano accompaniment
ED0054 - Margarita - accordion & soprano saxophone Bb
ED0055 - Margarita - accordion & viola
ED0056 - Margarita - accordion & violin


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