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Weekly News from Around the World - 15-May-2009
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Roland Italy National Selection (Selezione Nazionale) - Italy
2009 Strumente & Musica Spring Festival, Spoleto-Italia
Concurso Nacional de Acordeón de Shanghái-China
46 Edición del Concurso Internacional de Acordeón de Klingenthal-Alemania
World Accordion Day in Skopje – Macedonia
Fallece Ove Hahn, Estocolmo-Suecia
Oferta para la Coupe Mondiale-Brunei Air

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Peter Machajdik’s New Concerto, Berlin – Germany
‘The Gem of the Kaipara’, Auckland – New Zealand
Exhibition of Vintage Accordions & Concert - Russia
‘Les Virtuoses 6’ Festival, Touraine – France
John Kirkpatrick’s New CD, Shropshire – UK
Regional Jazz and Popular Music Competition - Russia

Future events

‘Souvenir of Italy’, Cosenza – Italy
Próximos Conciertos Rejoice!, Madrid, Valencia – Spain
Marco Lo Russo Concerts – Italy
Isle of Skye Accordion & Fiddle Festival, Scotland – UK
Festiv’Accordéon des Etangs, Chatonnay - France

New and Updated Sites

Rob Howard new book release
Franco Cambareri new works
Salvatore Cauteruccio new CDs
Semion Shmelkov new CDs

CD Reviews

Accordeon Obsession

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Roland Italy National Selection (Selezione Nazionale) - Italy

2009 Italy National Selection (Selezione Nazionale) for the Roland International Festival, in Rome, 21 November 2009.


2009 Strumente & Musica Spring Festival, Spoleto-Italia

2009 Strumenti & Musica Spring Festival, Spoleto banner
Este festival ha sido celebrado del 15 al 17 de mayo, el cual incluyó un seminario y conciertos de la mano de Viatcheslav Semionov y Renato Borghetti con su banda. Los dos mejores concursantes italianos serán representados por la IAC (Italian Accordon Culture) en concepto de dietas y desplazamientos para la CIA Coupe Mondiale 2009 que se llevará acabo en Auckland, Nueva Zelanda.

Artículos diarios sobre la 2009 Strumenti & Musica Spring Festival han sido publicados via online.


Concurso Nacional de Acordeón de Shanghái-China

Shanghai National Accordion Competition banner
Información diaria sobre la 2009 Shanghai Spring National Accordion Competition esta ya disponible via online.


46 Edición del Concurso Internacional de Acordeón de Klingenthal-Alemania

Grayson Masefield, Aleksandar Nikolic, Petar Maric, Frédéric Deschamps and Julien ‘Speedy’ Gonzales.
Foto (de derecha a izquierda): Grayson Masefield, Aleksandar Nikolic, Petar Maric, Frédéric Deschamps y Julien ‘Speedy’ Gonzales.

La última edición de este prestigioso concurso tuvo lugar del 8 al 14 de Mayo (Klingenthal). Los resultados de la categoría 6, Virtuoso Entertainment Music, Accordion solo, sin límite de edad son : 1st Petar Maric (Serbia), 2nd Grayson Masefield (Nueva Zelanda), 3rd Nicolas Koch (Francia).

El profesor de origen Francés Frédéric Deschamps ha contemplado el gran éxito durante los últimos dos años de su alumno Pete Maric como ganador (también alumno del famoso leader del Beltango, Aleksandar Nikolic) y a Grayson Masefield.

El pasado año, Julien ‘Speedy’ Gonzales, ganó esta categoría siendo también alumno de Frédéric Deschamps. El tercer puesto fue para Nicolas Koch, actual alumno de la famosa escuela de Francesa CNIMA J.Mornet.

Todo el 2009 Klingenthal Resultados del Concurso Internacional
2009 Kingenthal categoría 2 Resultados (2009 Kingenthal Category 2 Results)
2009 Kingenthal categoría 3 Resultados (2009 Kingenthal Category 3 Results)
2009 Kingenthal categoría 4 Resultados (2009 Kingenthal Category 4 Results)
2009 Kingenthal categoría 5 resultados (2009 Kingenthal Category 5 Results)
2009 Kingenthal Categoría 6 Resultados (2009 Kingenthal Category 6 Results)
2009 Kingenthal Categoría 7 Resultados (2009 Kingenthal Category 7 Results)


World Accordion Day in Skopje – Macedonia

Macedonian Association of Accordionists “Ljubiteli na klasicnata muzika” Skopje celebrated World Accordion Day with many different activities to promote this global event and elevate the awareness and status of the accordion.

2009 Macedonia WA Day photos.

An article with the information about the first World Accordion Day being held on the 180th birthday of the accordion was published in all the main newspapers in Macedonia. Professor Zorica Karakutovska, President of the Macedonian Association of Accordionists, was guest, live on the programs of the National TV stations.

She and her youngest students were guests on the popular show "Five plus", an educational program for children. With the host Mina and the dog Petko as moderator, the show provides a lot of useful information from different fields with very interesting moments. The episode was an excellent presentation of the accordion and a great start to our association’s promotion campaign of World Accordion Day.

On May 6th, accordion students from the SMBSC ‘Ilija Nikolovski-Luj‘ Skopje and the Faculty of Music Skopje, class of Prof. Zorica Karakutovska, performed an amazing concert at the City Museum of Skopje in honour of the celebration of the World Accordion Day.

The concert started with the welcome speech from Prof. Karakutovska about World Accordion Day, and why it was May 6th. High quality performances, solo, duet, trio and ensembles, newly original works including 2 works from Macedonian composer Elizabeta Ilievska with various instrumentation were very well received by the large audience.

On May 13th at the City Gallery in Vranje, Serbia & Macedonian accordion students performed a beautiful concert as part of the city’s manifestation “May, Month of Music”. According to the organizer it was one of the most visited and popular events.

During this month we are planning to continue with the concert activities in other cities in Macedonia.

2009 Macedonia WA Day photos.


Fallece Ove Hahn, Estocolmo-Suecia

Kevin Friedrich, Walter Maurer and President Ove HahnOve Hahn (1934-2009), falleció el pasado 6 de Mayo a la edad de 75 años. Gran entusiasta del acordeón, alentó por muchos años a la radio y televisión sueca para retransmitir más música para acordeón.

Hanh fue presidente de la Confederation Internationale des Accordeonistes desde 1982 hasta 2001, siendo sucedido posteriormente por Kevin Friedrich. Además fue también antiguo presidente de la Asociación Sueca de Acordeonistas.

En 1986 Ove Hanh escribió la biografía “Anthony Galla-Rini, su vida y el acordeón“, publicada por Nils Fläcke Music, Estocolmo. En 1990 escribió el libro ‘Bengts dragspel: äkta svenskt dragspelshantverk’ . Hahn además contribuyó con el “Milagro de la música Sueca, 75 años desde el invierno de nuestra época”, libro publicado en 2001 en el cual plasma un análisis de la escena musical Sueca desde 1930.


Oferta para la Coupe Mondiale-Brunei Air

Coupe Mondiale PosterLa compañía Brunei Air dispone de interesantes ofertas en sus vuelos desde Londres para asistir a la Coupe Mondiale en Nueva Zelanda del 25 al 29 de Agosto. www.bruneiair.com/
Fans de todas las partes de mundo están invitados a asistir y participar en la "World Accordion Orchestra III". Esta sugerente oferta puede ser adquirida solamente por 537 GBP (Libra Inglesa), siendo 596 Euros aproximadamente.

Si los participantes de la Coupe Mondiale disponen de un presupuesto ajustado, es posible arreglar su estancia en Nueva Zelanda con familias de la zona.

Nunca ha sido tan barato poder viajar a Nueva Zelanda y tocar en una fantástica sala de conciertos con una excepcional acústica.
Para más información visitar la página web de la Coupe Mondiale.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Peter Machajdik’s New Concerto, Berlin – Germany

Peter Machajdik’s New Concerto, Berlin – GermanyOne of Slovakia's most admired and respected living composers Peter Machajdik has recently finished a 20 minute ‘Concerto for Two Bayans and Orchestra’. Commissioned by AccoDuo from Croatia, the work will be premiered at the Ignacy Padarewski Philharmony in Bydgoszcz, Poland, on June 4th 2009. The Symphony Orchestra of the Pomorian Philharmony will be conducted by José Maria Florêncio. Machajdik's double bayan concerto is dedicated to all those who helped to remove the ‘iron curtain’ and the communist regimes in the central and eastern part of Europe twenty years ago.

Peter Machajdik, born 1961 in Bratislava, Slovakia, now lives in Berlin, Germany. He has composed numerous concert works for accordion and other instruments, and has also worked extensively in the realms of cinema, theatre and dance productions.

The complete score of the work is available from the composer's management.

For further information email: bluedeepmusic@online.de


‘The Gem of the Kaipara’, Auckland – New Zealand

soloist Kevin Friedrich, conductor Gary Daverne & the Auckland Symphony Orchestra‘The Gem of the Kaipara’ photos. This musical work, written in honor of Dargaville's longtime accordion and arts supporter, the late Jenny Cocurullo, featured at two Auckland Symphony Orchestra concerts and will go to the USA later in the year.

Held at the Bruce Mason Centre in Takapuna on May 10th, and the Auckland Town Hall the week before, the concerts were conducted by composer Gary Daverne and featured Dargaville-born Kevin Friedrich as accordion soloist.

Gary Daverne had been commissioned to write the music as a tribute to Mrs Cocurullo, a former district councillor, who died in 2001. The work was premiered on May 11th 2002 by the Auckland Symphony Orchestra with Kevin Friedrich in Dargaville Town Hall.

Former Dargaville Mayor Graeme Ramsey said at the time: "Jenny always promoted the Kaipara as 'Gem of the North' while she in turn was considered the 'Gem of the Kaipara', thus the title of the composition."

As with the premiere performance, beautiful images of the Kaipara region were projected on to giant screens behind the orchestra during last week’s concerts. These concerts coincided with World Accordion Day, co-ordinated by the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes.

Kevin Friedrich will perform ‘The Gem of the Kaipara’ at a concert by the (UMKC) Community Accordion Orchestra conducted by Prof. Joan Sommers on May 31st in Kansas City, USA.


Exhibition of Vintage Accordions & Concert - Russia

Alexander Poeluev, vintage accordionOn May 15th, at 6pm in the Museum of Contemporary Art , Rostov-on-Don, the International Foundation for Music "Harmony" presents an exhibition of vintage harmonica's, accordions and bayans, in honor of the 180th anniversary of accordion and World Accordion Day.

Also presented are the paintings and graphic works of the artist Yuri Rostov Larioshkin.

- opening of the exhibition of vintage bellows instruments
- opening of the exhibition of Yuri Larioshkina
- concert by Alexander Poeluev, Laureate of international competitions.

The exhibition will run from the 16 to 25 May 2009.


‘Les Virtuoses 6’ Festival, Touraine – France

Ludovic Beïer Trio
Domi Emorine and Roman JbanovThe 6th annual festival ‘The Virtuosos 6’, founded by Jean Brun, took place recently in the cultural center Oésia, Notre-Dame of Oè, Touraine. Highlights included The Paris-Moscow Duo, Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov, performing a concert that was a musical trip involving entirely French and Russian compositions. After their brilliant performance, the young local accordionist Alexis Lambert took over, presenting a repertoire of musette party music. Accordionist Ludovic Beïer and guitarist Angelo Debarre charmed everybody with their improvisations of gypsy jazz and French songs.

Extracts of this concert are on: www.accordeon.com/duo


John Kirkpatrick’s New CD, Shropshire – UK

The Dance of the Demon Daffodils CDDiatonic accordionist John Kirkpatrick has this month released a CD of his own instrumental compositions, ’The Dance of the Demon Daffodils’. Using 3-row British chromatic button accordion, 1 and 2 row melodeons, and Anglo concertina, Kirkpatrick performs pieces with such colourful titles as ‘The Dance of the Demon Daffodils’, ‘The Three Piece Suite’, ‘Leaping Jack’, ‘Living in Sin’, ‘Puddleglum's Misery’, ‘Accordionism’, ‘Jump At The Sun’, ‘Unchristmas’, ‘Fishing on a Bicycle’, plus many others.

The music on this CD will all be included in a soon to be published book ‘Jump at the Sun - the John Kirkpatrick Tunebook’.

For further information email: john.kirkpatrick2@virgin.net


Regional Jazz and Popular Music Competition - Russia

On May 10th in Bataisk, near Rostov-on-Don, there was a competition for Jazz and pop music using folk instruments and singers.

The event included lots of accordionists playing as soloists or in groups and orchestras. There was a total of 134 competitors. The history of this competition began in 1999 and its different from most competitions involving accordion in Russia, because it was for Jazz and popular music.


Future events

‘Souvenir of Italy’, Cosenza – Italy

Renzo RuggieriAccordionist Renzo Ruggieri and vocalist Antonella Ruggiero perform together a concert titled ‘Souvenir d'Italie" on Saturday, May 16th, 8pm, and Sunday May 17th, 8pm, at the Teatro Rendano, Cosenza.


Próximos Conciertos Rejoice!, Madrid, Valencia – Spain

Rejoice posterThe quartet Alio Modo Música performs in concert as follows:

May 16th, 8.30pm – Sala Al Artis, Alapardo, Madrid
22nd, 6pm – Teatro Talia, Festival ENSEMS, Valencia

Alio Modo Música are David Del Puerto - guitar, Angel Luis Castaño – accordion, David Apellániz - cello, and Carmen Gurriarán – soprano.

For further information email: infoaliomodo@gmail.com


Marco Lo Russo Concerts – Italy

Marco Lo RussoAccordionist Marco Lo Russo performs at the Association-Academy Musical International (A.M.I.), Rome, on May 15th, 16th, 18th and 22nd.

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Isle of Skye Accordion & Fiddle Festival, Scotland – UK

Isle of Skye Accordion & Fiddle Festival banner
The 2009 Isle of Skye Accordion & Fiddle Festival takes place from May 21st to 23rd in The Royal Hotel and other venues in Portree. The guest artistes include the Scottish dance bands of Iain MacPhail, Gary Sutherland, Andrew MacDonald, and Craig MacFadyen.

For further information email: info@skyemusic.co.uk


Festiv’Accordéon des Etangs, Chatonnay - France

Peter Soave, Mady Soave and Jean Louis NotonThe first Festiv’Accordéon des Etangs takes place on June 13th and 14th in Chatonnay, a commune in the Jura department in Franche-Comté in eastern France.

The guests include Peter and Mady Soave, Jean Louis Noton, Norbert Pignol, Quatuor à Cordes Rucner, l’Accordéon Club Chatonnay, and the dance orchestra of Robert Chappelet.

For further information email: pitcok@wanadoo.fr


New and Updated Sites

Rob Howard new book release

Rob Howard new book now released titled "An A to Z of the Accordion and related instruments - Volume 4". Purchase online.


Franco Cambareri new works

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 5 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'La Baiana, catalog:cfranco90', 'La Joya (The Jewel), catalog:cfranco91', 'Maria Luiza, catalog:cfranco92', 'Moments of Sadness, catalog:cfranco93' and 'Tender Feelings (Sentimento Amoroso), catalog:cfranco94'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Salvatore Cauteruccio new CDs

A new site selling 2 CDs titled "NOVA 4TET Tangout" and "Acoustic Music Ensemble" with sound samples. Music performed by Salvatore Cauteruccio. Purchase online.


Semion Shmelkov new CDs

A new site selling 2 CDs titled "The Poem" and "Sempre Majore! (Flute and Bayan)" with sound samples. Music performed by Semion Shmelkov and Olga Zmanovskaja. Purchase online.


CD Reviews

Accordeon Obsession

CD Reviews Index for the Review of “Accordeon Obsession” by Sergiu Popa


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