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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 14-Feb-2020
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庆祝2020年 Musikmesse 成立40周年 - 德国
阿拉巴马州手风琴计划和奖学金计划 - 美国
Friedrich Lips 2020年的未来活动安排 - 俄罗斯,中国和德国
Proxima Srl,新成立的电子手风琴公司 - 意大利


第13届Kevin Friedrich和朋友们举行的年度音乐下午活动 – 新西兰
Gary Dahl(1937至2017)电子书特惠价 - 美国


第六届年度爱上民间音乐节,绍斯波特 - 英格兰
Reggio Emilia “Duo Ichnos”现场音乐会 - 意大利
2020年北爱尔兰公开手风琴锦标赛 – 北爱尔兰
Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi 在伦敦举行手风琴大师班音乐会 - 英国
2020 爱丁堡百年纪念活动暨音乐节 - 苏格兰
Duo Vilda Concerts in Sweden and Denmark
6th Annual St Patrick’s Day Festival, California – USA
CNIMA April 2020 Courses – France
首届表演者国际竞赛“亚历山大·斯科里亚洛夫杯”,喀山 - 俄罗斯


中文报道页面的翻译现已完成:Oleg Sharov 和 Grayson Masefield 参加新加坡中新国际音乐比赛 - 新加坡
New Website: Ivan Dyma of SaxAkkord Duo - Russia
Accordion-YellowPages.com 网站可免费登录并会发布手风琴活动 -- Cyberspace

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庆祝2020年 Musikmesse 成立40周年 - 德国





Beltuna Accordions S.r.l.
Bugari Armando and Proxima Srl
Cagnoni Srl
Dino Baffetti di Baffetti G. & C. snc
Dallape in visit
Harmonikas s.r.o.
Italcinte in visit
Mengascini in visit mengascini@tiscalinet.it
MusicTech di Sabbatini Claudio & C. snc
Orla Srl
Pasco Italia Srl E Soprani Moreschi
Pigini Srl
Scandalli accordions Srl
Zero Sette




阿拉巴马州手风琴计划和奖学金计划 - 美国

Alabama AA
Craig Funderburg阿拉巴马州手风琴协会执行理事 Craig Funderburg 博士(左图)已经建立了一个网站,接受资助手风琴主席席位和15项奖学金的担保。通过资助手风琴专业,资金将永久保留,同时其收入将用来资助奖学金,教授职位奖金,学术主席席位,图书馆和手风琴专业。

Craig Funderburg 博士和阿拉巴马州手风琴协会正在请求手风琴家们支持这一机会,以便在美国的一所重点大学开设手风琴课程。

Craig 写道:“阿拉巴马已经被众人称为“百万美元大乐队”。手风琴项目也可以是“百万美元手风琴”。该项目需要350万美元的“担保”,相当于大约7,000名手风琴爱好者每人捐款500美元。 目前还没有收到任何资助金。在做出足够的保证以保证手风琴专业取得成功之前,大学不会开始接受资金。

一些世界一流的手风琴家已经做出了口头承诺,例如 Grayson Masefield , Cory Pesaturo 和 Michael Bridge ,他们可以作为手风琴课程的活跃教授或客座教授参加。


再一次,这次您只需要做出担保。请在 https://www.accordionpledgeua.net 上做出保证。担保的面额不论多少。我们衷心感谢您的支持和考虑。”

该提案还将在德克萨斯州达拉斯的国家手风琴协会 National Accordion Association (NAA) 大会上(2020年3月18日至20日)进行讨论。 Sharon Seaton ,Ed.D 将担任特别讨论小组的主持人,讨论小组将就包括手风琴在内的音乐未来发表意见。



Friedrich Lips 2020年的未来活动安排 - 俄罗斯,中国和德国

Friedrich Lips2020年 Friedrich Lips 的活动安排如下:

2月14日至19日:在 Sotshi(俄罗斯)的 Bashmet-Festival 举办大师班
2月26日至3月1日:在 Barnaul(俄罗斯)举行大师班
3月21日:在莫斯科举行的全俄罗斯的巴扬,手风琴和口琴节。A. Tchaikovsky: Sonata 的首次演出
5月3日至10日:德国 Klingenthal 比赛

12月12日至16日,献给 Friedrich Lips 的2018巴扬和巴扬音乐节在莫斯科俄罗斯格涅辛音乐学院的音乐厅举行。所有5大音乐会的视频和 Herbert Scheibenreif 博士撰写的报道位于: 2019Moscow

Herbert Scheibenreif 撰写的有关70岁生日的最新传记可在以下网站下载: Lips Biography 。该传记详细地介绍来 Lips 的生平成就。网站的主页: Friedrich Lips 列出了他的30张CD - 令人难以置信的音乐经历。

Friedrich Lips CD covers


Proxima Srl,新成立的电子手风琴公司 - 意大利

Proxima logo
Marco Cinaglia新公司 Proxima Srl。 由 Bugari Evo 团队在本月成立。 该公司提供电子手风琴电子零件的设计,生产,开发和研究。

Proxima Srl。 由三个热爱手风琴的人经营,他们相信手风琴在数字和高科技的环境中将会越来越重要。 他们分别是:

Fiorino Capriotti - 机械工程师
Andrea Capriotti - 音乐家,测试员,汇编员
Marco Cinaglia - 技术规格,产品销售和市场营销(左图)

他们的产品将采用与 Bugari Evo 相同的生产工艺,并且将完全使用 Castelfidardo 公司的所有意大利材料制成“意大利制造”的产品,例如:木制机柜,由 Castelfidardo 的高级工匠组装的真正的机械手风琴键盘, 波纹管,手风琴配件(皮带,贝司皮带等)和产品喷漆。

该公司将于4月1日至4日在法兰克福举行展览会,由 Bugari 公司主办,Proxima 将在此展示他们的新产品:
-MIA P37带有96贝斯和和弦的钢琴型号
-MIA B46半音色模型,带有96个低音和和弦。

有关更多信息,请发送电子邮件给 Marco Cinaglia:marco.proxima@gmail.com



第13届Kevin Friedrich和朋友们举行的年度音乐下午活动 – 新西兰

Concert poster
Video: Kevin Friedrich performs Cinderella by Alexey Arkhipovskiy, arranged by Alexander Poeleuv, featuring Alina Reekie (dancer) at a previous annual concert.
Kevin Friedrich视频:在之前的年度音乐会上,Kevin Friedrich 演奏由 Alexey Arkhipovskiy 创作, Alexander Poeleuv 改编的《灰姑娘》,由 Alina Reekie (舞者)担任主角。

来自纽约的手风琴家 Kevin Friedrich (左图)将于2020年3月29日下午1点回到新西兰 Dargaville举办“美国之旅”。 由达加维尔博物馆 - Te Whare Taonga o Tunatahi 主办的第13届 Kevin Friedrich 和朋友们举行的音乐午后音乐节将会以一系列美国主题音乐作为活动特色,并以具有美国风格旋律的“Sing Along”作为活动结尾节目。

American music covers a diverse array of genres, including Vaudeville to Vegas, Ragtime to Rock n' Roll, Cajun to Country, Broadway to Bluegrass, the Golden Oldies to Gospel, music inspired by American and much more! Moving to the United States in 1980 to study accordion at the University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC) with renowned accordionist and teacher Joan Cochran Sommers, Kevin’s concert will showcase a variety of musical styles and some of the popular pieces that pertain to his country of residence, the USA.

Guest artists will include Auckland Accordion Symphonietta conducted by Lionel Reekie, Roslyn Gilmore, Jone Yelcich, Colin Horsefall and his accordion group from Keri Keri, Martin Rhodes, pianist Thomas Koloi, Lionel Reekie, Dargaville’s very own songster

这场音乐会将会是一次面向所有年龄段人群的精彩花样表演,它将社区群众和客人们汇集在一起,让大家一起度过一个充满音乐气息和情谊的美好下午。 达加维尔博物馆开放门票售卖,成人票价为25美元,儿童票价为10美元,其中包括下午茶。 所有收益将捐赠给 Dargaville 博物馆,以支持他们向下一代们展示社区的历史。

有关票务信息的电话:(09)439 7555


Gary Dahl(1937至2017)电子书特惠价 - 美国

Gary Dahl eBooks
Gary DahlGary Dahl(1937年至2017年)的主页已更新,且第一次为 Gary Dahl 第1至第10部电子书的完整收藏提供了特售价。10本书将会通过电子邮件的方式发送给您,价格为335美元,含156篇文章,特价为220美元,目录号DH01-10eB。

DH01-eB Latin Spectacular!
DH02-eB Favorite French Standards
DH03-eB The American Songbook
DH04-eB Favorite Waltzes & Polkas
DH05-eB Easy Listening Variety
DH06-eB Easy Listening Variety
DH07-eB Traditional Polish Carols
DH08-eB Italian Collection
DH09-eB Traditional Christmas Carols
DH10-eB Polka!

点击 DH01-10eB 以US$220的价格购买10本 Gary Dahl 的电子书



第六届年度爱上民间音乐节,绍斯波特 - 英格兰

Love fest logo
视频:Granny's Attic 在2018年Beardy民间音乐节上的



来自苏格兰边境的手风琴家和作曲家 Andrew Waite 将在下午12:30表演他的苏格兰,爱尔兰和英国传统音乐以及爵士,吉普赛爵士,蓝草音乐,放克音乐和古典音乐的娱乐活动。

加下来是“Granny’s Attic”(下图),其中包括 Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne(melodeon,六角琴和声乐),George Sansome(吉他和声乐)和 Lewis Wood(小提琴,曼陀林和声乐)将演奏传统的英式和原创音乐。 从2:15pm开始演奏音乐。

Granny's Attic


Reggio Emilia “Duo Ichnos”现场音乐会 - 意大利

Duo poster
视频:Ichnos 二重奏演奏 John Williams 的《辛德勒名单》。

Ichnos 二重奏将在2月16日晚上7点15分在意大利 Reggio Emilia 的 Bagnolo 举行一场现场音乐会,其中包括 Marco Lo Russo (手风琴)和 Guido Felizzi(小提琴)。

The concert is the final of a series entitled “Apertivi in Duo” (Music Aperitifs) organised by the Associazione Corale S.Francesco da Paola.

Their program will include pieces from the two albums “Ichnos” and “Dances from the World” - musical compositions ranging from world music, to jazz influences, soundtracks, reinterpretations of classic music and original songs by Marco Lo Russo and Guido Felizzi.

Admission is free. See poster for details.
Duo Ichnos


2020年北爱尔兰公开手风琴锦标赛 – 北爱尔兰

Clyde Johnston第23届北爱尔兰年度公开手风琴锦标赛将于2月22日在 Clyde Johnston 组织的北爱尔兰 Carrickfergus 的 Loughshore Hotel 举行(右图)。 今年的活动将结合 NAO 地区节,且已经吸引了来自英格兰,苏格兰,爱尔兰和德国等地的200多名报名选手,并且吸引了众多本地观众。

The event will include competition classes for solo, duet, group, orchestral and marching band sections, in a variety of age groups and abilities as well as a number of Trade Exhibitors.

A free and easy concert will be held in the Glendun Suite on the Friday night featuring accordionists Nigel Black, Gary Arnold, Tom Cruickshank, Sean O'Neill & Anne-Marie Devine, Nigel Pasby & Helen Newton and Helen Rich.

A prize presentation will take place later that night at a Gala Dance in the Hotel with entertainment by The Keith Dickson Scottish Ceilidh Group. In addition guests will be treated to a 45 minute concert featuring accordion duettists Julie Best and Jean Corrighan together with a number of prize winners from previous years.

These exciting accordion championships promise to deliver an extravaganza of accordion music catering for all tastes and have been recognised by the National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom (NAO) as a qualifying heat for the British Championships.

Daytime admission is free. For details email: clyde.johnston@hotmail.co.uk

Picture below: 2019 orchestra performer
2019 players


Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi 在伦敦举行手风琴大师班音乐会 - 英国

Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi手风琴家 Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi (意大利 Vibo Valentina 的 Torre Torrefranca 音乐学院的手风琴教授 - 右图)将于2月24日从2:30pm到5:30pm在伦敦马里波恩路皇家音乐学院的 Angela Burgessn 演奏厅举行手风琴大师班。

Mario 是一位古典手风琴家和班德琴家,他将与皇家音乐学院手风琴系的学生们一起演奏探戈。

有关详细信息,请致电:+44(0)20 7873 7373


2020 爱丁堡百年纪念活动暨音乐节 - 苏格兰

Edinburgh poster
Alena Bulatetskaya2020年爱丁堡百年纪念比赛暨音乐节第一轮爱丁堡协奏曲比赛始于1月31日至2月1日,由爱丁堡竞赛节日协会组织。

经过2天的晋级赛,手风琴家 Alena Bulatetskaya (左图)通过演奏 Galliano Opale 手风琴协奏曲成为决赛选手之一。

Further competitions for a variety of instruments and vocalists will be held from March 3rd to 14th in Edinburgh. Admission is free to over 100 classes, competitive and non-competitive, with 940 entries this year. The accordion solo class will be held on March 4th at St. Mark's Unitarian Church adjudicated by Paul Chamberlain.

The Final Concert of Highlights of the 2020 Festival, followed by the Final of the Concerto Class, accompanied by the Orchestra of the Friends of the Festival (conducted by Gordon Bragg), will be held at The Queen’s Hall on March 15th.

As this is their centenary year, organisers have planned special events and celebrations, together with normal festival classes.

These special events include:

February 1st to 28th: Exhibition in the Music Library, George IV Bridge – 100 years of the Edinburgh Competition Festival

March 15th: Highlights Concert & Concerto Final to be held in The Queen’s Hall. This will include a special Centenary Choir performance

March 29th: St Giles’ at Six - performances by some of the 2020 15 minute recital winners

May 17th: Centenary Concert at St Cecilia’s Hall - performances by distinguished former Festival winners

For details email: email@ecfest.org.uk


Duo Vilda Concerts in Sweden and Denmark

Vilda DuoVideo: Duo Vilda - Skállovárri (Live) Recorded at G Livelab, Helsinki April 2019.

Duo “Vilda” which includes accordionist Viivi Maria Saarenkylä and indigenous Samí singer Hildá Länsman (Finland) will perform concerts in Sweden and Denmark next month.

The duo play original music, composed and written by themselves, influenced by the northern nature, traditional Samí joik and Finnish folk, and pop music!

Concert dates are:

March 6th: Husets Café in Aalborg, Denmark

March 7th: Moriska Paviljongen in Malmö, Sweden

March 8th: Alice in Copenhagen, Denmark

For details email: viivi@saarenkyla.fi


6th Annual St Patrick’s Day Festival, California – USA

Flogging Molly
Seven piece Celtic punk band “Flogging Molly will entertain at the 6th annual St Patrick’s Day Festival at The Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles, California on March 17th, presented by KLOS 95.5 and sponsored by Breckenridge Brewery's Nitro Irish Stout.

The group includes Matt Hensley (accordion, concertina, vocals) along with players of a variety of instruments such as guitar, bodhran, violin, tin whistle, bass guitar, mandolin, banjo, drums, percussion and vocalists.

Leading up to this event, the band will be making the following appearances during March:

March 12th: Harrah's Resort SoCal in Funner, CA
March 13th: Harrah's Ak-Chin in Maricopa, CA
March 14th: Morongo Casino in Cabazon, CA
March 15th: Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, NV -

For details email: floggingmolly@5bam.com


CNIMA April 2020 Courses – France

CNIMA logo
Patrick BrugalièresRémi SallardRegistrations are now open for CNIMA (directed by Nathalie Boucheix) accordion music courses and masterclasses to be held in April this year.

Course dates as follows:

April 14th to 17th: Tango Course with Louise Jallu (picture below), who won the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation Award for Jazz and Classical Music this year. She is currently currently preparing a new album on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Astor Piazzolla, which will be released in January 2021 at the Philharmonie de Paris.

April 20th to 24th: Traditional Music course with Rémi Sallard (picture right) – diatonic and chromatic accordion, Rémi is a professor at the Conservatory of Tulle and inter-school music and dance Haute Corrèze. He will work on repertoire, technique and ornamentation.

April 28th to 30th: Masterclass "Accompanying the accordion" with Patrick Brugalières (picture left).
An accompaniment of a voice or a soloist means mastery of his instrument: technically, rhythmically and harmonically. The objective during this masterclass is to identify the different possibilities that the accordion offers us through listening, transcription and then original or original achievements in various styles.

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr
Louise Jallu


首届表演者国际竞赛“亚历山大·斯科里亚洛夫杯”,喀山 - 俄罗斯

Kazan trophy由喀山儿童音乐与合唱学校继续教育市预算机构主办的首届巴扬、手风琴演奏家国际比赛“亚历山大·斯克利亚罗夫杯”将于4月27日至30日在俄罗斯喀山举行。

This event will be held in four venues - Kazan State Conservatory (Academy) named after N.G. Jiganova: in the Rachmaninoff Hall and in the Chamber Hall, KDK in V.I. Lenin, "Polymer" Culture House and MBUDO Kazan "Children's Music and Choir School".

Jury members are Alexander Skliarov (Chairman of the jury), Damir Sultanov, Alexander Protasov, Rinat Galyaveev and Anton Popov.

The deadline for applications is March 30th, 2020.

Download competition rules (Russian language) here: 2020KazanRules.pdf



中文报道页面的翻译现已完成:Oleg Sharov 和 Grayson Masefield 参加新加坡中新国际音乐比赛 - 新加坡

Zhongsin International Music Competition header, Oleg Sharov
Xia GangOleg Sharov (新加坡中新国际音乐比赛委员会主席, 如上图) 和 Grayson Masefield (下图) 在新加坡中新国际音乐比赛中进行表演并担任评审。图片左夏刚(中信国际大赛委员会创始人兼秘书长)。

中文报道页面的翻译现已完成:完整的报道和更多图片,尽在该网址:英文版: 2020Zhongsin 中文版:2020-Zhongsin


New Website: Ivan Dyma of SaxAkkord Duo - Russia

Ivan DymaNew website for Ivan Dyma (saxaphone) of the SaxAkkord Duo with Arseniy Strokovskiy (accordion).

Contact: Ivan Dyma, Professor of Saxophone, A. Schnittke Institute of Music, Moscow, Russia.
Mobile: +7 9035821 529
E-mail: adyma@yandex.ru


Accordion-YellowPages.com 网站可免费登录并会发布手风琴活动 -- Cyberspace

Accordion-YellowPages.com header

Accordion-YellowPages.com 网站 (The accordion yellow pages) 的未来活动(Future Events)日程表在环球手风琴网站 (accordions.com ) 每周新闻的右手边有链接展示,共7种语言版本,也收录在美国手风琴新闻 (USA News) 和 Diatonic News 中。

每年都会有大量的读者浏览手风琴黄页 (accordion yellow pages) 的未来活动,希望所有的手风琴活动组织者都能充分利用这项免费服务,让手风琴社区了解更多的信息。

任何的不便于网上浏览的组织者可把他们的信息通过电子邮件发送至: harleyaccordion@yahoo.com


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