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Weekly News from Around the World - 14-Feb-2014
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Online-Ticketing -Service für Veranstaltungen des 67.Coupe Mondial's - Salzburg/Austria
Fred Hanna (1923-2014) Nordirland - UK
16. Kokkola Winter- Akkordeon-Festival - Finnland
Nationale Akkordeon Association ( NAA) Convention Convention , Texas - USA

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Performances by RAM Student Bartosz Glowacki, London – UK
Video: Beltango Quintet and Dancers Santiago and Erna Giachello - Serbia
Finbarr Dwyer (1946-2014), Cork – Republic of Ireland
Video: Alexander Hrustevich Performs Summer from the Four Seasons - Russia
Bob McQuillen (1923-2014), New Hampshire - USA
Video: Svetlana Stavitskaya Performs Spanish Suite - A. Beloshitsky - Russia
Luke Carver Goss “on the run with an accordion”, London – UK
Video: Accordions Voyage Documentary, 2014 Columbian Film Festival
Video: Stojan Bojic at 2013 Akordeon Art Festival - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Video: Janna Morozova, Vocal Examination - Russia
‘14 Years Ago’: Frank Marocco Performs with Luciano Pavarotti in 2000

Future events

Barry Bless Valentine’s Day Gig, Virginia – USA
Stanislav Angelov Gigs – South Africa
Erika & Jean-Marie Dance Gigs, Tubize, Rochefort – Belgium
NHAA Meeting, New Hampshire – USA
Marcelo Caldi Concert, Grenoble - France
Alla Misura Trio Concert, Liverpool – UK
David Vernon and Dick Lee @ Harlow AC, Essex – UK
Marco Lo Russo opens ‘Folk a Metà’ Festival, Latina – Italy
Shane Brogan Concert Dates, Edinburgh – UK

New and Updated Sites

Renzo Ruggieri Release a New CD and eTracks Album - Italy
Renzo Ruggieri Releases New Solo Virtuoso Arrangement - Italy
Gary Dahl Updated Arrrangement - USA
Amy Jo Sawyer releases her new eSheet music

CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

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Online-Ticketing -Service für Veranstaltungen des 67.Coupe Mondial's - Salzburg/Austria

2014 Coupe Mondiale header

2014 Coupe Mondiale posterDer österreichische Akkordeon Verband ( Harmonikaverband Österreichs - HVO ) gibt bekannt, dass ein Online-Ticketing -Service für alle Veranstaltungen des bevorstehenden 67. Coupe Mondiale verfügbar ist.

Vom 27. Oktober - 2. NOVEMBER 2014 findet die Veranstaltung in Salzburg, Österreich statt und einige der besten jungen Akkordeonisten aus aller Welt werden sich in sieben Wettbewerbs-Kategorien messen. Das außergewöhnliche Welt Akkordeon-Orchester VIII und eine unglaubliche Vielfalt an Gastkünstler werden bei diesem Event ihr Bestes geben.

Teilnehmer können zwischen einzelnen Event-Tickets, Tageskarten oder ein komplettes Kombi-Paket wählen.

Tickets sind für folgende Events zu bestellen:
- Klavitoniker / Akkorde -on- Bühne ( Marek Suchan , Robert Ebner, Horst Tanzer, Birgit Suchan , Verena Tanzer )
- Duo- Kontakt (Roman Pechmann und Hubert Kellerer - Akkordeon ) ,
- Les Cascadeurs (Bernd Kohlhofer - Akkordeon und Michael Leitner - Violine) ,
- " Stubenmusi " aus Salzburg (Ensemble der regionalen Volksinstrumente) ,
- Ars Harmoniae ( Akkordeon, Klavier, Geige, Flöte , Saxophon , Vibraphon und Schlagzeug) ,
- Klezmer Reloaded ( Maciej Golebiowski - Klarinette und Alexander Shevchenko - Akkordeon),
- Klaus Paier Trio ( Klaus Paier - Akkordeon / Bandoneon, Stefan Gfrerrer - Bass und Roman Werni - Schlagzeug),
- Trio Akk : Zent (Paul Schuberth und Johannes Münzner - Akkordeons und Victoria Pfeil - Saxophon) ,
- Wolfgang Dimetrik (klassische Akkordeon),
- Klak (Stefan Kollmann - Akkordeon und Markus Fellner - Klarinette) ,
- Gottfried Hubmann ( Steirische Harmonika ) ,
- Tango meets Jazz ( Martin Veszelovicz - Akkordeon und Martin Schaberl - Gitarre),
- Wiener Akkordeon- Kammer- Ensemble ( Werner Weibert - Director) ,
- Wiener Neustädter ZiehHarmoniker - Das ist stark! ( Friederike Steiner - Director) ,
- Wettbewerb Winners,
- World Akkordeon-Orchester VIII ( Joan C. Sommers und Werner Weibert - Directors )
- Musikum - Orchester Salzburg (Robert Ebner - Director) .

Die österreichische Akkordeon Assoziation wird den Coupe Mondiale zum vierten Mal austragen( zuvor 1960 in Wien, 1970 Salzburg und 1983Linz) unter der Schirmherrschaft der Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA - IMC eine NGO offizielles Mitglied der UNESCO). Mit dem diesjährigen Coupe Mondiale feiert der Harmonikaverband Österreichs ( HVO ) seinen 60 Jahrestag.

Für aktuelle Informationen, Regeln und Vorschriften in deutscher und englischer Sprache, Links für das Online - Ticketing-System, sowie den aktuellen Terminen aller Veranstaltungen und Gastkünstler finden Sie unter: Coupe Mondiale


Fred Hanna (1923-2014) Nordirland - UK

Fred HannaDer Nordire Fred Hanna (geb. 1923) studierte sowohl Klavier und Akkordeon bereits als kleiner Junge und spielte seine ersten Akkordeon Gig im Alter von 10 Jahren. Seinen Akkordeon Unterricht erhielt er von Alec Martin in Bainbridge,County Down.

Während des 2. Weltkrieges diente Fred Hanna in der Royal Navy und im Jahre 1945 nach der Demobilisierung hatte er seine erste Sendung für das BBC Nordirland in Belfast. Dies geschah durch Zufal , denn BBC nahm fälschlicherweise an, dass sie den bekannten schottischen Akkordeonisten Will Hannah gebucht hätten, führte aber danach zu vielen Sendungen über mehrere Jahrzehnte, sowohl mit dem BBC, als auch Radio Éireann.

Ab Mitte der 40er Jahre bis Anfang der 60er-Jahre spielte er im Fred Hanna Trio (Akkordeon. Bass und Schlagzeug) und Sextett (Akkordeon, Geige, Klavier, Schlagzeug, Bass und Saxophon) und zählten zu den führenden Ceili Bands in Irland um später die Fred Hanna Showband zu gründen.

Er gibt eine Reihe von Aufnahmen mit ihm in verschiedenen Formaten: 10 " LPs, 12" LPS , 78s , 45s, und CDs, die sowohl unter seinem eigenen Namen und auch als " The Diamond Akkordeon- Band ' präsentiert wurden.

Fred Hanna war in erster Linie ein Tanzmusiker mit einem untrüglichen Sinn für Tempo, spielte für ceili und Gesellschafts-Unterhaltungen seit den 30er Jahren, bis er von Arthritis -und Mobilitätsproblemen erst vor ein paar Jahren gezwungen wurde, seine Auftritte abzusagen.

Eine seine Meistereschülerin, die er in seinem Haus in Newtownabbey, Belfast, unterrichtete ist Amanda Robinson, Gewinnerin vieler NAO und anderer Wettbewerbe.

Fred verstarb am 9. Februar im Alter von 89 Jahren im Krankenhaus in Belfast.


16. Kokkola Winter- Akkordeon-Festival - Finnland

16th Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival banner
Raimo Vertainen.Der diesjährige Winter- Kokkola Akkordeon-Festival findet vom 16 bis 23 Februar statt und präsentiert ein vielfältiges Angebot von Aufführungen und Veranstaltungen. Künstlerischer Leiter ist Raimo Vertainen (Bild links).

Das Festival begann mit einem Festgottesdienst in der Stadtkirche. Zu den Events gehören ein Kinderkonzert von Loiskis mit jungen Akkordeon -Virtuosen. Für die Zuschauer Events in Neristan ( Altstadt von Kokkola ) sowie Konzerte Kallentori.

Das Festival ist in diesem Jahr am Pietarsaari / Jakobstad Tag, wobei Vestersundsby Spelmän in der kürzlich neu renovierten Schauman Halle auftreten wird. Am gleichen Tag in Pietarsaari / Jakobstad gibt es Jazz im O'Leary Pub. Weiters werden auftreten: Lars Holm, aus Schweden, das Motion Trio aus Warschau mit polnische Akkordeon Melodien.

Der Juwel in der Krone dieser ereignisreichen Woche wird das Guardia Nueva (Bild unten) mit ihrem großen Auftritt- Konzert am Samstagabend, 22. Februar sein. Solisten in der Snellman Halle sind: Mari Palo , Mika Pohjonen und Jonna Pirttijoki . Letzter Höhepunkt ist am Sonntag Nachmittag im Freien, während die Nacht das Festival-Finale mit dem Sonntag Grand -Tanz abschliessen wird.

Für weitere Informationen E-Mail : talviharmonikka@gmail.com
Guardia Nueva


Nationale Akkordeon Association ( NAA) Convention Convention , Texas - USA

National Accordion Association logo
Norman SeatonDie 28. Nationale Akkordeon Association ( NAA) Convention findet im Southfork Hotel und Convention Center, Plano, Dallas, Texas, von März 05-09 statt. Präsident Norman Seaton ( Bild links ) führt mit einem zehnköpfigem Team, die Convention sicherlich wieder zu einer hervorragenden Veranstaltung.

Akkordeonisten für die 2014 Convention kommen aus China und Neuseeland und sind Yiru Liu, Wang Shusheng, Yuanan Fan, Rui Liu und Annie Gong.

Am Programm stehen Konzerte, Workshops, Jam-Sessions, Tanz, Messe, neue Instrumente sowie ein " Tausch-Geschäft" .

Ausgewählte Mitglieder der Nationalen Akkordeon Association ( USA) werden Unterricht in Klassik, Jazz und Volksmusik geben.

Für Schnellentschlossene gibt es bei Vorab-Buchung dieses Wochenende Sonderpreise. Für vollständige Informationen, Anmeldung und detailliertes Programm: Nationale Akkordeon Association ( NAA) oder E-Mail: NatlAccordion@SBCGlobal.net


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Performances by RAM Student Bartosz Glowacki, London – UK

Bartosz GlowackiBartosz Glowacki’s performance on February 6th of ‘Concerto Classico’ by Mikalaj Majkusiak in the Duke's Hall of the Royal Academy of Music with the Sinfonia Londinium, conducted by Florent de Bazelaire, received rapturous applause.

On February 11th Bartosz Glowacki will give the first performance with the RAM Soloists, conducted by Trevor Pinnock, of an arrangement by Christopher Austin of Alexander Zemlinsky's 'Six Songs op 13' to texts by Maurice Maeterlinck for medium voice and chamber orchestra. It will be repeated in Bristol on February 16th and also recorded.

These are some of the many performance opportunities open to RAM accordion students who are performing a wide range of concert work.

For further information email: o.murray@ram.ac.uk


Video: Beltango Quintet and Dancers Santiago and Erna Giachello - Serbia

Beltango Quintet perform Felicia. Published on Feb 11, 2014, filmed at the 10th Belgrade Tango Festival, Kolarac Concert Hall, Belgrade, Serbia on the 1st of November 2013.

Beltango Quintet members are: Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon/accordion), Ivana Nikolic (piano/vocal), Jovan Bogosavljevic (violin), Bogdan Pejic (el.guitar), Ljubinko Lazic (double bass).

Available online, Triple CD Pack by Beltango


Finbarr Dwyer (1946-2014), Cork – Republic of Ireland

Finbarr DwyerFinbarr Dwyer, one of Ireland’s most highly regarded 2-row diatonic button accordionists and also a composer, passed away on February 8th at the age of 67. He was born in Castletownbere, County Cork, on September 20th 1946, and came from a musical family. Both of his parents played accordion and his father also played fiddle. His brothers Richard and Michael (died 1996) likewise played accordion, while his brother John, born in 1933, played fiddle. In 1969 he won the All-Britain Irish traditional accordion title, and went on to record numerous albums.

Finbarr Dwyer was an enigmatic musician who performed extensively until around 1990, when he took an extended break from live performance. Then in 2007 he surprised many by returning to live performance for a couple of years, after which he was overtaken by illness. These live performances varied from stunning displays of his accordion musicianship to unpredictable shows where he would forsake the accordion to play electric guitar.


Video: Alexander Hrustevich Performs Summer from the Four Seasons - Russia

Alexander Hrustevich Performs the ever popular music of Summer, from the Four Seasons by Vivaldi. Published on Nov 19, 2013. For bookings or CD's contact: info@nmgeneration.com


Bob McQuillen (1923-2014), New Hampshire - USA

Bob McQuillenAccordionist, pianist, composer and dance caller Bob McQuillen, from New Hampshire, died peacefully following a stroke on February 6th at the age of 90. Bob McQuillen, a much loved and respected figure, was the doyen of musicians in the New England contra dance scene, with a lifetime of playing in various bands behind him. He composed approximately 1,300 tunes and songs, and was also well known as a teacher. In 2002, Bob was awarded the National Heritage Fellowship by the National Endowment for the Arts, the highest award for traditional and folk arts in America.

After serving in the Marines during World War II, McQuillen started attending contra and square dances, which led him to playing the tunes he heard on an accordion. He joined the band led by Ralph Page, known as the “dean” of dance callers, and also began playing accompaniment on the piano.

A Facebook group, Remember Mac, created in his memory already has more than 2,000 members. "But the thing that really drew people to him was that he was just such a positive guy. He treated everyone like they were his best friend,” said fellow musician Dave Eisenstadter.

Bob McQuillen’s wife died on the same day as him, 29 years ago. He is survived by three children.


Video: Svetlana Stavitskaya Performs Spanish Suite - A. Beloshitsky - Russia

Svetlana StavitskayaPublished on Feb 11, 2014. Svetlana Stavitskaya Performs Spanish Suite composed by A. Beloshitsky.

Born in Latvia, completed her studies in Lithuania, and now based in St Petersburg, Svetlana Stavitskaya is the creator and leader of the instrumental trio "Milonga" (violin, accordion, piano). "Milonga" is the participant of many international festivals and competitions.

Since 2000 Svetlana is soloist of the St. Petersburg Musette Ensemble and member of the instrumental duet with Vladimir Ushakov. Since 2001 S. Stavitskaya is the member of the Baltic International Accordion Quintet ''Excelsior''.


Luke Carver Goss “on the run with an accordion”, London – UK

Luke Carver GossThe following appeared in this week’s Sheffield Telegraph newspaper:

Sheffield-based composer and music educator Luke Carver Goss will play the accordion while running the London Marathon on April 13th on behalf of local dementia charity ‘Lost Chord’.

Luke, aged 47, of Meersbrook, is one of a team of professional musicians who make regular visits to care homes and day centres across the region. It is his first marathon.


Video: Accordions Voyage Documentary, 2014 Columbian Film Festival

Published on Feb 11, 2014, and titled, El Viaje del Acordeon (Accordion's Voyage). This documentary premiered at the International Festival of Film, Cartagena, FICCI, 2013 and has been selected for the 2014 Columbian Film Festival.


Video: Stojan Bojic at 2013 Akordeon Art Festival - Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stojan Bojic, filmed at the 2013 Akordeon Art Festival competitions in East Sarajevo.
Video 1: Sonata in B minor by D Scarlatti
Video 2: Tango-Tokkata by P. Makkonen
Published on Feb 3, 2014


Video: Janna Morozova, Vocal Examination - Russia

Published on Dec 30, 2013. Janna Morozova, vocal examination, accompanist: Alexey Popov


‘14 Years Ago’: Frank Marocco Performs with Luciano Pavarotti in 2000

Frank MaroccoThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending February 18th 2000 included mention of a concert where the late Frank Marocco performed with the late Luciano Pavarotti. This was a meeting of two maestros, coming from different yet compatible musical genres.

Frank Marocco Performs with Pavarotti in LA – USA
Contributed by Ralph Stricker

Another accordionist has had the honor of performing with Pavarotti, this time in the USA. Acclaimed accordionist Frank Marocco appeared in concert with Pavarotti on February 11th at the Great Western Forum in Los Angeles. Frank has played background music for many movies, television shows and commercials.

Ed. It is great to see the positive exposure the accordion receives in performances with Pavarotti.


Future events

Barry Bless Valentine’s Day Gig, Virginia – USA

Barry BlessBarry Bless will be playing love songs plus musette, tango, Eastern European, and Latin American on the accordion at Al Dente, 4401 W. Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia, on Valentine’s Day, February 14th, from 6.30pm – 9.30pm. The food is Italian, Lebanese and other Mediterranean Cuisine.


Stanislav Angelov Gigs – South Africa

Stanislav AngelovBulgarian-born accordionist Stanislav Angelov performs this weekend, as follows:

February 14th, 7pm until late - performing at a wedding with some great musicians, Cavalli
February 15th, 12 until 3pm - Longridge Wine Estate & Restaurant, Stellenbosch
February 15th, 8pm until 10pm – private function, Riebeek Kasteel Hotel


Erika & Jean-Marie Dance Gigs, Tubize, Rochefort – Belgium

Erika & Jean-MarieOn Saturday February 15th, 2pm, Erika, known as ‘The Princess of the Accordion’ and her keyboard accompanist Jean-Marie, play for dancing at the Foyer du centre Culturel, Tubize, Belgium.

On Sunday February 16th, 3pm, Erika and Jean-Marie, play for dancing at the Salle le Velodrome, Rochefort, Belgium.


NHAA Meeting, New Hampshire – USA

The next New Hampshire Accordion Association monthly meeting takes place on Saturday February 15th, 12.30pm until 4pm. The agenda includes:

Informal Pre-meeting Jam Session/Warm-up
Open Mike – all accordionists are welcome to play solo, duet, trios, etc
“Just-for-Fun” Play-Along – Please bring selections to share with the group
Social Time and Business Meeting
Orchestra Rehearsal

NHAA meets at Accordion Connection, LLC, 136 Route 106, Gilmanton, NH 03237.

For further information email: regisdonna@yahoo.com


Marcelo Caldi Concert, Grenoble - France

Marcelo Caldi Concert poster
Brazilian accordionist Marcelo Caldi performs on Monday February 17th, 8pm, at La Table Ronde, 7 Place St André, 38000 Grenoble, France.

Marcelo Caldi is an accordionist, pianist, singer, composer, arranger, and has worked with many of the biggest names in Brazilian music such as Chico Buarque, Gilberto Gil, Mart'nália, Hamilton de Holanda, Zelia Duncan, Elza Soares, and Rodrigo Maranhao.


Alla Misura Trio Concert, Liverpool – UK

Alla Misura Trio
The Alla Misura Trio perform at Hopskotch Street Kitchen & Bar, Matthew St, Liverpool L1 6AU, on Thursday February 20th, 8pm. Enjoy a varied evening of jazz with a nice glass of wine and a lovely meal in Hopskotch.

Alla Misura are a three piece ensemble from Liverpool, featuring John Mooney on guitar and vocals, Helen Maher on accordion and vocals, and Billy Stratton on bass. They draw their influence from old time jazz, blues, country and continental music.


David Vernon and Dick Lee @ Harlow AC, Essex – UK

David Vernon and Dick LeeDavid Vernon (accordion) and Dick Lee (clarinet) perform in concert at Harlow Accordion Club, Links Social Club, Parsloe Road, Harlow, Essex, on Thursday February 27th, 7.30pm. There will be a Charity Raffle for Julie Ben and Oliver's Three peaks Climb Cancer Research UK.


Marco Lo Russo opens ‘Folk a Metà’ Festival, Latina – Italy

Marco Lo RussoAccordionist Marco Lo Russo is the opening act at the month long ‘Folk a Metà’ music and arts festival in Pontinia, Latina, Italy. His concert takes place at the Teatro Fellini, Pontinia, on Friday February 28th, 9pm.

Marco Lo Russo will soon be engaged in a tour that will see him peform in Romania, Mexico and Brazil.

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Shane Brogan Concert Dates, Edinburgh – UK

Shane BroganScottish accordionist Shane Brogan has the following concert dates in his diary:

May 6th, 7.45pm - Edinburgh Music Club Concert
May 11th, 5pm - C.H.A.R.M. Concert
May 31st, 7.45pm - The Edinburgh Society of Musicians
June 10th, 7.45pm - The Edinburgh Society of Musicians
August 7th, 1pm - St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh

For further information email: s.b.m.p.ltd@gmail.com


New and Updated Sites

Renzo Ruggieri Release a New CD and eTracks Album - Italy

Renzo Ruggieri new CD  'Inni D'Italia'Renzo Ruggier releases a new CD and eTracks album titled
catalog: rruggieri10, 'Inni D'Italia'
with sound samples. Music performed by Renzo Ruggieri. Purchase online.


Renzo Ruggieri Releases New Solo Virtuoso Arrangement - Italy

Renzo Ruggiericatalog: rrenzo503, 'Tango Italiano'
This newly available virtuoso solo arrangement by Renzo Ruggieri can now be purchased online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.

Video above is Renzo performing the same work with his group. This is NOT the solo arrangement.


Gary Dahl Updated Arrrangement - USA

Gary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following updated music title for purchase on-line.

catalog:DH0245 - 'Crimson Tide'

Sample for this music is now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


Amy Jo Sawyer releases her new eSheet music

Amy Jo SawyerAmy Jo Sawyer - accordionist, composer, performer, soloist, releases 3 new compositions for accordion available for purchase online.

catalog: sawyer01, 'Diggin' Dorian',
catalog: sawyer02, 'Elida',
catalog: sawyer03, 'Juntos ("Together")',

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air CD by Mika Väyrynen, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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