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Weekly News from Around the World - 14-Dec-2018
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Editor’s Note
XXX International Festival "Bayan and Bayanists", Moscow - Russia
XXX International Festival "Bayan and Bayanists", Moscow - Russia
U.S. Army Accordionist SGM Manny Bobenrieth Retires - USA
Registration Deadline 31 December for World Music Festival, Innsbruck - Austria
Massimiliano Pitocco Awarded "Cento Eccellenze" (100 Excellence Italian) - Italy
No.1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra Meets Famous Writer, London – UK

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

John Jones reaches £80,000 for East Cheshire Hospice, Macclesfield – UK
Book: Accordion Anthology, Cheshire – UK
‘Accordion Revolution’, Vancouver – Canada
Donation to ‘A World of Accordions Museum’, Wisconsin – USA
Robaccord Publications by Rob Howard - UK

Future events

‘Verso I Confini Del Suono’ Concert, Nocera Superiore (Sa) – Italy
6th Festival D’Accordeon, Beloeil - Belgium
Phil Cunningham’s Christmas Songbook Tour, Scotland – UK
Argentinean Folk Music Concert, Salto – Uruguay
WMAS annual Holiday Concert and Potluck Dinner, Virginia - USA
Rob Howard and John Jones @ Stockport Air Raid Shelters, Cheshire – UK
Marco Valenti Christmas Concert, Arcore (MB) – Italy
Annual Concert for Saint Nicholas, Kiev – Ukraine
Larry McEvoy Christmas CD Launch, Ennis – Irish Republic
Mariel Martinez and Fabian Carbone Tango Shows, Cologne, London – Germany, UK
Damian Poyard Christmas Dinner-Dance, Courpière – France

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Editor’s Note

Rob HowardChristmasIf you are still seeking Christmas presents, why not investigate the pages of Accordions Worldwide, where can be found many CDs, DVDs, books, music books, sheet music, instruments, accessories, etc, for sale. Check out the reviews section.

Please support our loyal advertisers, whose quality products have been tried and appreciated by accordion enthusiasts everywhere.

Although Christmas draws ever closer, there are many concerts and other events taking place around the world before the big day. If you wish to publicise an event, please let us know at Accordions Worldwide. It’s free. Old show business saying – if they don’t know, they won’t go!

Rob Howard


XXX International Festival "Bayan and Bayanists", Moscow - Russia

Video 1: Opening Concert 12 December

Video 2: Concert 13 December
The XXX International Festival "Bayan and Bayanists" started in Moscow on December 12th with the Opening Concert. 46 page program (34MB): 2018MProgram.pdf

Video 1 above: Opening Concert 12 December
10:30 video starts: 60th anniversary of Yuri Sidorov, Honored Artist of Russia
State Academic Russian Folk Ensemble “Russia”, artistic director and conductor Dmitry Dmitrienko

1:10:43 End of 1st half:
1:29:00 Start of 2nd half: Duo "Bayan-mix", Sergey Voitenko, Sergey Kotkov

Video 2 above: Concert 13 December
10:06 Concert starts: Maria Vlasova laureate of international competitions, Maria Vlasova with others.

1:01:38 End of 1st half:
1:20:45 Start of 2nd half: Puritz Quartet: Joseph Purits (bayan), Mikhail Mehring (clarinet), Igor Nikiforov (contrabass), Alexey Budarin (drums), also Cecilia Bignall (cello), Andrei Lebedev (guitar).

A full report of this event will be published next week.


XXX International Festival "Bayan and Bayanists", Moscow - Russia

Video 1: Concert 14 December

Video 2: Concert 15 December
Video from 14th and 15th December concerts


U.S. Army Accordionist SGM Manny Bobenrieth Retires - USA

Captain Emily Bobenrieth, Maureen Bobenrieth (Manny’s wife), Sergeant Major Manuel (Manny) Bobenrieth, and Captain Vincent Bobenrieth.
SGM Manny BobenriethPicture above: Captain Emily Bobenrieth, Maureen Bobenrieth (Manny’s wife), Sergeant Major Manuel (Manny) Bobenrieth, and Captain Vincent Bobenrieth - photo by Lou Coppola.

Video above: 2015 AAA Festival - U.S. Army Strolling Strings, My One and Only Love & The Trolley Song

AAA Governing Board member, Sergeant Major Manuel (Manny) Bobenrieth, accordionist for the U.S. Army Strings, will retire on December 31 after a stellar 32-year career.

On December 7, in a ceremony recognizing Manny’s many achievements throughout his career, he was presented with multiple awards and gifts from the Army, members of the Strings, and his two children who are both Captains in the U.S. Army.

The large auditorium was filled to capacity with members of the military including some of the U.S. Army's highest ranking officers, alumni of the various Army bands, family and friends, including many friends from the accordion community.

A full article with additional photos and video will follow in January.
U.S. Army Strings


Registration Deadline 31 December for World Music Festival, Innsbruck - Austria

World Music posterThe World Music Festival in Innsbruck, Austria is held every 3 years and is next being held May 30th to June 2nd, 2019.

The event, organised by the Deutscher Harmonika Verband e.V (DHV) features concert performances by groups and orchestras and international competitions for:
• Harmonica and accordion instruments in orchestras, ensembles and bands
• Solo categories for harmonica and diatonic accordion

Download Invitation and Entry Information in German and English: 2019WMF.pdf
Registration deadline is: 31 December 2018


Massimiliano Pitocco Awarded "Cento Eccellenze" (100 Excellence Italian) - Italy

Massimiliano PitoccoAccordion performer and university tutor Massimiliano Pitocco has been awarded the Premio "Cento Eccellenze" (100 Excellence Italian) for Montecitorio presented on November 29th at Palazzo Montecitorio in Rome.

Massimiliano Pitocco has performed in many countries of the world with bayan and bandoneon with many famous musicians, given masterclasses and many international juries. Massimiliano Pitocco is also the accordion tutor at the "Santa Cecilia" Academy of Music in Rome and has taught many students who have enjoyed success in international competition.


No.1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra Meets Famous Writer, London – UK

Alexander McCall SmithThe members of the No.1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra were introduced to the crime novelist Alexander McCall Smith (picture right) at a recent concert in London. He was delighted to learn about this all-squeezing, cake-loving, tea-drinking band of lovely talented ladies and sent each of them a signed book.

On social media: “We were so excited to receive a lovely letter of support from Alexander McCall Smith, author of the No.1 Ladies Detective Agency stories and prolific author of so many books. He also sent a signed copy of one of his books to each of us in the orchestra. Thank you so much”.

Alexander McCall Smith is the author of the international phenomenon ‘The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency’ series, the ‘Isabel Dalhousie Series’, the ‘Portuguese Irregular Verbs’ series, and the ‘44 Scotland Street’ series. He is Professor Emeritus of medical law at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and has served on many national and international bodies concerned with bioethics. He was born in Rhodesia and he was a law professor at the University of Botswana.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

John Jones reaches £80,000 for East Cheshire Hospice, Macclesfield – UK

John JonesAccordionist John Jones MBE, from Macclesfield, Cheshire, has been recognised by the East Cheshire Hospice for raising £80,000 for them over several years.

John is very well-known locally for fund raising with his accordion for various charitable causes, and in 2011 was awarded the MBE (member of the British Empire) by Princess Anne at Buckingham Palace.

He continues his fund raising to this day, and is a familiar sight, especially at Macclesfield General Hospital. He has met several famous people there, including Sir Alex Ferguson, former manager of Manchester United, who booked John to play at his golden wedding celebration.


Book: Accordion Anthology, Cheshire – UK

Accordion Anthology book cover‘Accordion Anthology’ is a near A4 sized high quality hardback that picks up where the 4-volume ‘An A to Z of the Accordion’ series left off, presenting many more accordion related articles and biographies. There are 330 colour photographs, and the book is aimed at enthusiasts, including those who are new to the accordion.

The articles include: Getting to Know the Accordion; Making a start; Useful Contacts; Accordion Tips and Hints (Steve Roxton); Be a Better Player (Rosemary Wright); Use of the Couplers (James Sexton); Playing For Others (Rosemary Wright); The Ken Hopkins Accordion Collection; Manfrini Accordions; Evolution of the Accordion (Colin Norton); Melodica, Accordina, Steirische Harmonica; The Accordion Concerto; The Accordion and Popular Music; Accordion Festivals; Accordion Dynasties; Northern Ireland Open Championships; Zuckerbrod & Peytsche; Tales & Trivia; Polka and the Accordion; CD/DVD/Book Reviews; Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

Biographies: André Verchuren, Brandon McPhee, David Vernon, Freeland Barbour, Gervasio Marcosignori, Gordon Pattullo, Helen Maher, Helen Rich, Jack Emblow, Jackie Hearst, Joe Cooley, John Leslie, Ksenija Sidorova, Leonard Brown, Martynas Levickis, Paul Chamberlain, Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, Will Hannah, and more.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


‘Accordion Revolution’, Vancouver – Canada

Accordion Revolution book cover‘Accordion Revolution’ is a new book about the history of the accordion in North America, written by Canadian accordionist Bruce Triggs and due to be published in the Spring of 2019.

The book has chapters on the accordion in Rock ’n’ Roll and the Folk Revival, and sections about Jazz, Ethnic Music, African American accordion, and 150 Country and Western accordionists. The book will be an eye-opener for readers and a fun new take on a lot of different music.

Part I: The Dawn of the Accordion Revolution
Chapter 1: The Accordion Conquers the World
Chapter 2: The Accordion’s Family Tree
Chapter 3: Blackface Minstrelsy
Part II: The Golden Age
Chapter 4: Vaudeville and the Dawn of the Golden Age
Chapter 5: Polka and ‘Ethnic’ Music
Chapter 6: Jazzing the Accordion
Chapter 7: The Closing Acts of the Golden Age
Part III: Roots Music: An Outsider’s Canon
Chapter 8: Acordeón: Mexican and American Roots
Chapter 9: Creoles, Cajuns, and Zydeco: French Music in the American South
Chapter 10: Irish and Scottish Accordion: Immigration, Transition and Tradition
Chapter 11: Canadian Accordion: Northern Traditions
Chapter 12: Klezmer: a Restoration with Accordion
Part IV: American Wheeze: A Pre-History of Rock
Chapter 13: African Americans Played Accordion Before They Played the Blues
Chapter 14: Country & Western: Cowboys and Squeezeboxes
Chapter 15: The Folk Revival: The Accordion Betrayed
Part V: Accordion Exile: The Rise of Rock
Chapter 16: Rockin’ the Accordion

For further information email: accordion.noir@gmail.com


Donation to ‘A World of Accordions Museum’, Wisconsin – USA

‘A World of Accordions Museum’ is proud to announce receipt of George Curletto’s musical estate on November 9th 2018. George, who lives in Washington D.C., arrived with his driver to personally deliver a first van-load of items. Further portions of his estate are promised for the near future. These unique pieces include hand-made samples of George’s copyrighted MIDI holding devices, multiple amps, speakers, keyboards, digital devices and reedless Electronic Vertical Keyboards. These “were created for the modern performer to minimize weight related discomfort and as an unsurpassed ergonomic alternative to traditional full sized accordions, keeping in step with the ongoing technological evolution of digital instruments.”
Helmi and George met about 25 years ago when he was at the forefront of developments in electronic accordion inventions. Now, decades later, the invitation to preserve evidence of his genius at AWAM is becoming reality.
We are currently discussing further cooperative efforts in biographical documentation recording his observations of, and participation in, MIDI developments during the last 50 years.


Robaccord Publications by Rob Howard - UK

Rob Howard booksRob HowardUK accordionist and author Rob Howard has written several books, most of which are about the accordion, and would make ideal presents for accordion enthusiasts. The 4 volumes of ‘An A to Z of the Accordion’ contain a combined total of about one thousand varied articles and biographies. These are now offered at a reduced price.

The more recently published
‘Accordion Anthology’ catalog robaccord07
is a large page sized hardback that picks up where the earlier series left off, presenting numerous more articles and biographies of interest to the accordion. The book is aimed at accordion enthusiasts, including those who are new to the instrument – many articles and biographies, hardback, 330 colour photographs. 17 Euro (or the US$ equivalent) plus postage.

‘Vintage Accordions’ and ‘Accordion: A Pictorial History’ are now out of print, but are still available for half price in printable PDF format sent to you by email.

Accordion: A Pictorial History, catalog robaccord06
by Rob Howard is fully illustrated throughout with over 300 colour photographs of many types and models of accordions, each with information, plus interesting articles. Now available only as a pdf; only 6 Euro (or the US$ equivalent).
Vintage Accordions - Vintage Accordions catalog robaccord05
is a unique and very popular book - a beautifully illustrated all-colour history of the accordion, in its various forms, with over 300 pictures of instruments. Now available only as a PDF; only 6 Euro (or the US$ equivalent).
An A to Z of the Accordion and Related Instruments by Rob Howard, contains 300 articles and biographies; hardback, now only 11 Euro (or the US$ equivalent) plus postage. catalog robaccord01

An A to Z of the Accordion and Related Instruments Volume 2, now only 11 Euro (or the US$ equivalent) plus postage, catalog robaccord02
An A to Z of the Accordion and Related Instruments Volume 3, now only 11 Euro (or the US$ equivalent) plus postage, catalog robaccord03
An A to Z of the Accordion and Related Instruments Volume 4, now only 11 Euro (or the US$ equivalent) plus postage, catalog robaccord04


Future events

‘Verso I Confini Del Suono’ Concert, Nocera Superiore (Sa) – Italy

Poster, ‘Verso I Confini Del Suono’ ConcertAccordionist Armando Rizzo is one of the performers in a concert titled ‘Verso I Confini Del Suono’ on Saturday December 15th, 7.30pm, at Battistero Paleocristiano di Santa Maria Maggiore, Nocera Superiore (Sa). Others involved include Aleksandra Dyma – soprano, Pavio Prystai – baritone, Bogna Dulinska – pianist, and Annunziata D’Alessio – compere.

Armando Rizzo graduated with honours in accordion from the conservatory ‘Licinio Refice’ of Frosinone, and also competed successfully in many competitions in Italy. He has since become a renowned concert accordion soloist, and often also performs with ensembles and orchestras.


6th Festival D’Accordeon, Beloeil - Belgium

Poster, 6th Festival D’Accordeon, BeloeilThe 6th Festival D’Accordeon takes place on Saturday December 15th, 3pm, at the Centre Culturel “Jean Degouys”, Rue Joseph Wauters, 20 a Quevaucamps, Beloeil, Belgium. Admission is 12 Euro.

The chief guests are musette accordionists Delphine Lemoine (France), Yves Laynaert, Romain Pruvost (France), and Anthony Basilico and his orchestra.


Phil Cunningham’s Christmas Songbook Tour, Scotland – UK

Phil Cunningham’s Christmas Songbook Tour,Next week accordionist Phil Cunningham takes his ‘Christmas Songbook’ show on tour around Scotland, visiting Stirling, Perth, Inverness, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh. The details are on the poster.

Performing alongside Phil Cunningham are Karen Matheson (vocals), Eddi Reader (vocals), John McCusker (fiddle), Kris Drever (vocals, guitar), Kevin McGuire (vocals, guitar), Ian Carr (guitar), and the Songbook Brass Ensemble.

Phil Cunningham MBE is a composer and a multi-instrumentalist, playing accordion, piano, harmonium, violin, guitar, tin whistle, and the Irish bouzouki. Best known as a member of Silly Wizard and Relativity, and his duo with diddle player Aly Bain, he has also worked with numerous other musicians and singers. He has presented several folk music shows on BBC radio and television, most notably a 4-part TV series ‘The World Accordion to Phil’, in which he visited many parts of the world to show how the accordion thrives internationally.


Argentinean Folk Music Concert, Salto – Uruguay

Argentinean Folk Music Concert, SaltoThe Centro Cultural Academias Previale, Lavalleja 48, Salto, Uruguay, presents a concert on Sunday December 16th, 8.30pm. The guests, visiting from Argentina, are the Instituto Urquiza Orquesta Linares Cardoso. This ensemble presents folk music Argentinean folk music, song and dance, involving various instruments including accordionists. Free admission.

For further information email: academiaspreviale@hotmail.com


WMAS annual Holiday Concert and Potluck Dinner, Virginia - USA

The Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society (WMAS) present their annual Holiday Concert and Potluck Dinner on Sunday December 16th 4pm. The venue is the Sleepy Hollow Methodist Church, 3435 sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church, Virginia.

All are welcome to attend this popular and fun annual event. The hall will be beautifully decorated for Christmas. Entertainment will be an accordion orchestra, small group, soloists, and sing-alongs, followed by dinner.

Admission by $8 donation. WMAS members and children under 12 years old are free.

For further information email: joangrauman@verizon.net


Rob Howard and John Jones @ Stockport Air Raid Shelters, Cheshire – UK

Accordionists Rob Howard and John Jones MBE will be performing at the Stockport Air Raid Shelters on Chestergate, Stockport SK1 1NE, on Tuesday December 18th. The evening includes an interesting guided tour of the underground air raid shelters system at 7pm, followed at 8pm by refreshments and a jolly singsong of war songs and carols; booking is essential - to book call (0161) 474 1940.

The Stockport Air Raid Shelters were opened in October 1939, shortly after the outbreak of World War Two, and during the Manchester Blitz, which began on December 22nd 1940 until May 1941, provided night-time shelter for up to 7000 people. Accordionists were amongst the entertainers who performed in there to keep spirits up.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Marco Valenti Christmas Concert, Arcore (MB) – Italy

Marco ValentiMarco Valenti concert listAccordionist Marco Valenti, from Milan, performs a solo classical concert for Christmas at the Auditorium Don Oldani, Arcore (MB), on Tuesday afternoon December 18th, 3pm. The concert programme details are on the poster.


Annual Concert for Saint Nicholas, Kiev – Ukraine

Annual Concert for Saint Nicholas,
On Wednesday December 19th, 7pm-9pm, an Annual Concert for Saint Nicholas takes place at the National Philharmonic of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, presenting a program of national folk music.

The performers include the Mykola Quartet Quartet (MD Igor Sayenko), Ensemble of People's Instruments MD Vadim Cornokondratenko), Ensemble of People's Instruments "Family Members" (MD Yuri Karnauh), Vokal'ne Trio "Kozacka", Inna Karzanova, Elena Sirotûk, Tatiana Škol'na, Sergei Gríncenko (bayan), Vladimir Pol'ovcik (cymbal), Junior Folklore Ensemble "Rajgorodok" (MD Susana Karpenko), The Ensemble of the People's Song and the "Gromicâ" Art (MD Eugene Pihtín), and Svetlana Korec'ka (Artistic Word).


Larry McEvoy Christmas CD Launch, Ennis – Irish Republic

Larry McEvoy Christmas CD LaunchIrish accordion entertainer Larry McEvoy presents his new 23 track Christmas CD, ‘Christmas Memories’, at an official launch on Wednesday December 19th, 8.30pm, at the Auburn Lodge Hotel, Gort Road, Ennis, County Clare in the Irish Republic. All proceeds from the sale of this CD will be donated to the Crumlin Hospital for Sick Children.

Special guests also performing include accordionists Alan Kelly and Dermot Lyons.


Mariel Martinez and Fabian Carbone Tango Shows, Cologne, London – Germany, UK

Mariel Martinez (vocals) and bandoneon player Fabian Carbone perform their tango show on Wednesday December 19th, 7.30pm, at the Deutsch-Spanischer Kulturkeis Antonio Machado, Severinsmühlengasse 1, 50678, Cologne. Free admission.

They will also perform their show on Friday December 21st, 6pm-11pm, at The London Jukebox, 206 Upper Street, London N1 1RQ.

Mariel Martínez is one of the finest performers in the current international tango scene. Her highly expressive and passionate vocals have the perfect companion in the hands of the Fabián Carbone Sextet; Carbone is a leading Argentine bandoneon player.

‘Templanza’ is the duo's latest, gracefully elegant album, and is an impeccable example of exceptional tango craftsmanship. Mariel and Fabián recovered the original handwritten arrangements of the groundbreaking orchestra of the Golden Decade of the Argentine tango: the ensemble led by acclaimed bandoneonist and composer Anibal ‘Pichuco’ Troilo.


Damian Poyard Christmas Dinner-Dance, Courpière – France

PosterMusette accordionist Damian Poyard performs for a Christmas Dinner-Dance on Thursday December 20th, 12noon until 8pm. Entrance is 38 Euro. The venue is Les Arcades de Barjavelle, 11 bis, AV Pierre et Marie Curie, Courpière 63120. Courpière is a commune in the Puy-de-Dôme department in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes in central France.

Born in 1979 in Moulins, Damian Poyard began learning the accordion at the age of 5 and was taught by Christian Reverdy, who entered him in competitions throughout France. He won twelve first prizes, and went on to become a popular dance musician with several CDs and DVDs to his name.


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