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Weekly News from Around the World - 14-Aug-2020
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VII Concurso Internacional de Bayán y Acordeón, Moscú - Rusia
Gorka Hermosa estrena nueva composición, Segovia - España
26 ° Festival Internacional de Acordeón Palanga 2020 - Lituania
Fechas de NAO 2021 y representantes de Coupe Mondiale Portugal - Reino Unido

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Iñaki Alberdi Performs at International Panticosa Festival "Touching the Sky" – Spain
Paulo Jorge Ferreira CD Sold Out, Now Percursos eTracks Album - Portugal
Book Completed: Play Your Accordion Without Pain - USA
CNIMA Summer workshops with Accordion Composer Franck Angelis - France
€20 for 6 albums, Castelfidardo Winners 1995-2000 - Italy
Sophia Chapman and Korona Csárda Restaurant Offer Personal Concerts - Australia
Richard Noel Front Porch Concert in California – USA
Fuelles Salteños Performs "Fuelle Rhythm", Salto - Uruguay

Future events

Heather Gladstone Accompanies Choir, Christchurch - New Zealand
Vancouver Squeezebox Circle Get Together - Canada
“Skerryvore” Performs at Rams Head On Stage, Maryland - USA
"Accordeana Graz" Presents “Accordion and Dance” Concert, Weiz – Austria

New and Updated Sites

Norbert Seidel New Book, "Tango Waltz Jazz" - Germany
New Accordion Gift Website Launched – USA
Updated: Accordion Russia News, New Articles Online - Russia

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VII Concurso Internacional de Bayán y Acordeón, Moscú - Rusia

Moscow Competition banner
LipsEl VII Concurso Internacional de Bayan y Acordeón se llevará a cabo del 13 al 20 de diciembre de 2020 en la Academia Rusa de Música Gnesin en Moscú, Rusia. Los organizadores del concurso son el Ministerio de Cultura de la Federación Rusa, el Gobierno de Moscú, el Comité de Cultura de la Ciudad de Moscú, la Academia Rusa de Música Gnesin y la Fundación Benéfica Friedrich Lips (foto izquierda).

Esta competición está dirigida a competidores de 18 a 32 años.

Las solicitudes electrónicas de participación en el concurso se aceptarán hasta el 25 de octubre de 2020.

El concurso se lleva a cabo en conjunto con el XXXII Festival Internacional "Bayan y Bayanists", el Director Artístico Friedrich Lips junto con el Organizador Alexander Gataullin.

Descargue las reglas del concurso aquí en idioma ruso: 2020MoscowRules.pdf
Para más detalles envíe un correo electrónico a: moscowcompetition@gmail.com
Informe de 2019 en: 2019Moscow incluye videos de muchos conciertos


Gorka Hermosa estrena nueva composición, Segovia - España

Gorka HermosaVideo: de David Rubio - “Jota de El Navego” de Gorka Hermosa y Juan José Alonso.

Gorka Hermosa (foto derecha) estrenó su nueva composición "Jota de El Navego" el 26 de julio de 2020 en el patio del Palacio del Cardenal Espinosa (Palacio del Cardenal Diego de Espinosa), en Martín Muñoz de las Posadas, Provincia de Segovia, España .

La pieza comienza con una recitación de Juan José Alonso, con un aire nostálgico, que se transforma en una jota castellana muy folclórica llena de brío y alegría. Está escrito en memoria de los habitantes de la campiña castellana, que trabajaban las ahora abandonadas tierras de El Navego.

A esto le siguieron conciertos con el "Club Malandro" en dos lugares históricos y hermosos de Segovia: la Academia de Artillería y en el Patio de la Academia de Artillería (frente al Acueducto del Imperio Romano, un lugar mágico) en Martín Muñoz (ver imagen debajo).

Calendario de conciertos de agosto de la siguiente manera:

15 de agosto: Errenteria (Gipuzkoa), “Hezurbeltzak”
16 de agosto: Terán de Cabuérniga, Iglesia 20h, “Montón & Hermosa (Flamencantabrica)”
21 de agosto: Zestoa (Gipuzkoa), “Garikoitz Mendizabal & G. Hermosa”
23 de agosto: Getaria (Gipuzkoa), “Hezurbeltzak”

Para más detalles, envíe un correo electrónico a: gorka@gorkahermosa.com
Gorka performing


26 ° Festival Internacional de Acordeón Palanga 2020 - Lituania

Palanga poster
outdoor concertEl 26 ° Festival Internacional de Acordeón Palanga 2020 se celebró en el Museo Palanga City Resort en Palanga, Lituania, del 7 al 12 de agosto de 2020.

Los asistentes pudieron disfrutar de una variedad de conciertos gratuitos mientras se mantenían a una distancia segura de 2 metros entre sí.

El concierto de apertura incluyó actuaciones de acordeonistas de la región de Samogitia y Klaipeda en Lituania, Mantas Leonardo Lizzi (Escuela de Arte Palanga S. Vainiunas), Gabriele Kunickaite (Escuela de Música Klaipeda J. Kaczynsk), Žilvinas Šimkus & Marius Kukšta (Klaipeda S. Šimkaus Conservatorio), el conjunto de cámara Laima Junduliene (acordeón) y Žermena Frith (violonchelo), Maya Wolf (Escuela de Arte Šilute) y muchos más.

Durante los siguientes 5 días, el conocido acordeonista Jonas Vozbutas (ganador del programa de televisión "Talentos de Lituania. Super Kids" de 2020), Mstislav Rostropovich (Fondo de caridad y apoyo "Ayude a los niños de Lituania" y patrocinador del Rotary Club de Mažeikiai) y el Quinteto de Acordeón del Conservatorio Vilnius J. Tallat-Kelpša: Katažyna Basiulis, Ruslan Grimbovskij, Matas Sabaliauskas, Jordan Šanov y Lukas Lazinka.

El concierto de clausura gratuito se llevó a cabo el 12 de agosto e incluyó actuaciones de participantes del festival y ganadores de competencias internacionales como el solista Romas Morkunas, seguido de una Orquesta conjunta de Maestros de Acordeón, dirigida y dirigida por el Prof. Ricardas Sviackevicius. Los solistas incluyeron a Agne Stancikaite (soprano) y los ganadores de la competencia internacional Jonas Vozbutas, Mantas Leonardo Lizzi y Raimonds Ungurs.
guest poster


Fechas de NAO 2021 y representantes de Coupe Mondiale Portugal - Reino Unido

NAO 2021 banner
La Organización National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom (NAO) ha publicado las fechas para su evento de 2021: 23 al 25 de abril de 2021, en el Hotel Adelphi en Liverpool, Inglaterra.

La NAO también se complace en anunciar que 2 candidatos, Annalise Bodell y Ciaran Gilligan, han sido seleccionados (video) para representar a la NAO en la 73a Coupe Mondiale, que se celebrará del 6 al 10 de octubre en Castro Marim, Algarve, Portugal.

El anfitrión del evento es el miembro de la CIA Mito Algarvio - Associação de Acordeonistas do Algarve dirigida por el presidente João Pereira.

Próximamente se anunciará más información sobre los festivales del área de NAO en: NAO
NAO winners


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Iñaki Alberdi Performs at International Panticosa Festival "Touching the Sky" – Spain

Inaki at FIP posterVideo: Concert at the Church of Nuestra Señora del Carmen in Panticosa with information in Spanish language.

Iñaki Alberdi performed at the Festival Internacional Panticosa "Tocando el Cielo" - FIP (International Panticosa Festival "Touching the Sky") which was held recently at the Church of Nuestra Señora del Carmen in Panticosa, Spain.

His program included a variety of works from the Contrapuntes of J. S. Bach, so deeply intimate, contrasted with the joy and vividness of the music of Spanish composers Antonio Soler and Isaac Albéniz. However, the original formula of his program, was the combination of other more current composers such as S. Gubaidulina, J. Guinjoan and J. M. Sánchez-Verdú.


Paulo Jorge Ferreira CD Sold Out, Now Percursos eTracks Album - Portugal

Paulo Jorge Ferreira
Percursos CD CoverThe CD Percursos by Paulo Jorge Ferreira has sold out and is now being released as an mp3 eTracks Album.

The album has a number of popular concert tracks (15) including:
Steps, Sonata in C Major, K. 545, Malaguena (from Suite Andalucia), Gothique Suite for Organ, The Blue Danube Waltz (Arr. Oleg Sharov).

Tracks are available individually or purchase the album for €10, Catalog 1115eT Percursos

Read the review by Prof. Joan Sommers at: Catalog 1115eT Percursos


Book Completed: Play Your Accordion Without Pain - USA

Play Your Accordion Without PainJohn BonicaIn March 2018, John Bonica PT CMP NZRP (New Zealand and USA), suffered a heart attack and heart failure with no prior discernible symptoms. At that stage, his book Play Your Accordion Without Pain was in the final review stage.

Since that time, a colleague of John Bonica has reviewed the book completely and all the graphics in the book have been upgraded and finalised. The completed book is now available and the US$22 or Euro equivalent price has been kept the same. The book is sent to you by email in pdf format.

Previous purchasers of the book are being sent the finalised book. Some have changed email address since the purchase, so if you do not get the finalised book, please email musicforacc.com@yahoo.com for your copy.

Play Your Accordion Without Pain is an amazing book full of excellent advice. John Bonica was an accordionist for over 50 years. He has recorded four CDs of Italian and European folk music utilizing a MIDI orchestra ensemble. Other activities include writing and publishing (he was editor and publisher for the US published ‘Accordion World’ magazine from 1989 until 1994), sailing and photography.

His day job in the medical profession as a specialist in spinal, extremity joint, and soft tissue diagnosis and treatment, meaant that he made a lifetime study of mechanical pain, and had at his disposal many different treatment and prevention options. He was able to utilize not just one method or theory, but many viewpoints and techniques to suit the diagnosis.

Read all the information about the author and his book at: John Bonica Play Your Accordion Without Pain


CNIMA Summer workshops with Accordion Composer Franck Angelis - France

CNIMA banner
The CNIMA (directed by Nathalie Boucheix) international accordion school based in the heart of France, is proud of its long standing collaboration with accordion composer, Franck Angelis (picture left).

For further information about his summer workshops, email: cnima@orange.fr

Franck Angelis is one of one the most prominent accordion composers of today. His signature style draws from traditional music and jazz to which he modernizes with creativity, virtuosity and expression.

He is played by many great accordionists in different countries such as Christine Rossi (France), Mika Väyrynen (Finland), Alexander Skliarov (Russia), Grayson Masefield (New Zealand), Domi Emorine (France) and Roman Jbanov of Duo Paris Moscou, Petar Maric etc.

Among his most works is "Valse to a Clown" dedicated to Jacques Mornet, the founder of the CNIMA. Other famous pieces are listed at: Franck Angelis

Franck Angelis has been a long time friend and supporter of the CNIMA. He used to teach there full time and he now gives workshops every summer. His workshops focus on the playing of his music.

Franck Angelis also plays the accordion and he won the Trophée Mondial in 1981. He teaches at the Ecole Nationale de musique de Genevelliers that has a partnership with the CNIMA which allows CNIMA's students to get conservatory diplomas.

For further details on his upcoming workshops, email: cnima@orange.fr


€20 for 6 albums, Castelfidardo Winners 1995-2000 - Italy

The historical eTracks mp3 download of 6 albums are being made available with a great price so that every teacher and serious student can add the music to their collection.

These historic recordings of the 1995 to 2000 winners are 6 complete albums of winners for only €20. There is an album for each year, and they are sent to you by internet. This special price is available for 3 weeks only. Catalog: JL0CD6Packs Performers include many famous names.

You may purchase individual albums too. Click the catalog number to view the tracks and winners of each year.
Premio e Concorso Winners 1995 Catalog: JL009 for €9
Premio e Concorso Winners 1996 Catalog: JL013 for €9
Premio e Concorso Winners 1997 Catalog: JL012 for €9
Premio e Concorso Winners 1998 Catalog: JL010 for €9
Premio e Concorso Winners 1999 Catalog: JL011 for €9
Premio e Concorso Winners 2000 Catalog: JL014 for €9


Sophia Chapman and Korona Csárda Restaurant Offer Personal Concerts - Australia

Vardos restaurant poster
The Korona Csárda Restaurant in Wantirna, Victoria, Australia is in the midst of a Covid-19 lockdown due to a surge in cases. However the restaurant has come up with a novel idea to promote itself along with Vardos Trio members Sophia Chapman (accordion) and Alana Hunt (violin).

The restaurant is offering customers a “half hour personal online concert with amazing Hungarian music right into your living room - or video chat device of your choice! You will be treated to a selection of their classics, and even a Q&A with the vibrant musical duo”.

Customers will of course also have the opportunity to order their favourite food from the delicious traditional meals on offer from Korona Csárda, where Várdos Trio have been playing since 2009.

For details email: vardos@hotmail.com


Richard Noel Front Porch Concert in California – USA

Richard NoelAccordionist Richard Noel decided to offer a neighborhood musical event a few months ago which included his family.

The MC for the event was his daughter-in-law, Brenda Noel and the drummer was grandson Landon Noel.

The audience members were spaced across the large tree-shaded lawn and the weather was comfortable for a June evening in Bakersfield.

This video shows excerpts from the concert.


Fuelles Salteños Performs "Fuelle Rhythm", Salto - Uruguay

Video: Fuelles Salteños performs a new song “Ritmo de Fuelles” (Fuelle Rhythm) in Salto, Uruguay.

Fuelles Salteños


Future events

Heather Gladstone Accompanies Choir, Christchurch - New Zealand

Christchurch concert psoter
Heather Gladstone QSMAccordionist Heather Gladstone QSM (picture left) will accompany the St. Albans Community Choir at their August 30th concert at the St Paul’s Parish Church in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Heather is the conductor of the 60 strong choir and the Director of the event. They are combining with the New Brighton Silver Band and guest artists (on harp, organ, violin and bagpipes) for a celebration of Celtic music.

The concert will finish with an opportunity for the audience to join in and sing the last 3 pieces.

See poster for details.


Vancouver Squeezebox Circle Get Together - Canada

park pictureThe next Vancouver Squeezebox Circle will be held at MacLean Park in Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada on September 3rd from 7pm to 9pm.

There will be at least 12 accordionists “squeezing” and all are welcome to bring their instruments along and join in, or just come along to listen if you prefer.

For details email: macleanparkmusic@gmail.com


“Skerryvore” Performs at Rams Head On Stage, Maryland - USA

Skerryvore poster
“Skerryvore” (which includes brothers Daniel on accordion and Martin Gillespie on pipes, whistles and accordion) will perform at Rams Head on Stage in Annapolis, Maryland, USA on September 13th at 8pm.

The band, who won the Scottish Traditional music’s ‘Live Act of the Year’ in 2011 and 2016 play a variety of folk rock, funk and contemporary Scottish traditional music.

For details email: info@skerryvore.com


"Accordeana Graz" Presents “Accordion and Dance” Concert, Weiz – Austria

Accordeana Graz
The accordion orchestra “Accordeana Graz” invite their audience to enjoy an evening of accordion music at the Kunsthaus Weiz, Austria, on October 24th, 2020 from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Organized by the Culture Department of Weiz Town Council the concert is presented with the motto “Accordion and Dance”.

Their program will include well-known pieces such as “Tea for Two”, “Unforgettable”, “Pata Pata” and “Don’t Stop me Now” accompanied by professional dancers. In addition, a selection from various music genres, like film music by E. Morricone or Tango Nuevo underline the versatility of the instrument.

The accordion orchestra is conducted by Alexey Pivovarskiy, who originates from Ukraine and studied music in Moscow and conducting at Graz University. He has been conducting the orchestra for the past fourteen years.

Accordeana Graz is the oldest accordion club in Austria. Founded in 1936, it has existed continuously ever since, promoting accordion music, teaching students the accordion as well as taking part successfully in national and international competitions. Its aim is to show the audience that the accordion is at home in a wide variety of musical genres, classical music, swing, jazz, musicals, traditional music and compositions for accordion orchestra alike.

For concert details email: office@accordeana.at


New and Updated Sites

Norbert Seidel New Book, "Tango Waltz Jazz" - Germany

Tango Waltz JazzAccordion Jazz ChordsNorbert Seidel new music book and tutorial "Tango Waltz Jazz" for only Euro 19.50 or US$ equivalent. Catalog: 1066 This is the supplementary book to the author’s bestseller instruction book "Accordion Jazz Chords" Catalog: seidel

Tango Waltz Jazz features new compositions in modern rhythms and with stylish accompanying harmonies.
- 12 imaginative compositions – tangos, waltzes and jazz pieces – for accordion solo
for beginners as well as advanced players, button and piano keyboard players.
- With detailed text descriptions and instructive explanations for playing the compositions musically and realizing them technically.

Catalog: 1066 "Tango Waltz Jazz" 56 Pages · Format: 23 x 30.5 cm · ISBN 978-3-925572-18-0 ·


New Accordion Gift Website Launched – USA

Accordion Gifts
Dan GraumanDan Grauman (picture left) proudly announces the new website, AccordionGifts at www.accordiongifts.com has been launched.

Accordion-themed items, including clothing, jewelry, stationery, and novelties have traditionally been much more difficult to find than similar items with images of other instruments, such as violins, clarinets, drums, etc. AccordionGifts hopes to change that.  Some gift items on this website include original art by accordionist and artist, Joan Geller Grauman. Many thanks go to accordionist and artist Cody McSherry for creating our beautiful logo.

A new item in limited stock is the beautiful accordion-shaped purse with zippered compartment inside as well as on the backside. The purse includes a shoulder strap.


Updated: Accordion Russia News, New Articles Online - Russia

Accordion Russia banner
Accordion Russia News in Russian language is updated with new items


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