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Weekly News from Around the World - 13-Oct-2017
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55º Concurso Internacional de Acordeón de Klingenthal 2018 - Alemania
Coba fue honrado por la ciudad de Castelfidardo - Italia
Guy Klucevsek se realiza con la orquesta de la universidad, Pittsburgh - Estados Unidos

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Ronnie Brown (1954-2017), Scotland – UK
Alexander Sevastian’s JS Bach CD, Ontario - Canada
Vishtèn Trio Tour of New Zealand - Canada
2018 Accordion Babes Pin Up Calendar, California - USA
Corey Jeffries Entertaining at Accordion Musuem, Dargaville - New Zealand

Future events

Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival, England – UK
‘Soiree Accordeon’, La Châtaigneraie - France
No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra Concerts, Liverpool - UK
Ezequiel Tatich Concerts, Paso Del Rey, Tigre - Argentina
Richard Galliano’s October Dates – France, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Switzerland, Hungary, Czech Republic
Monheim-Bamberg Accordion Orchestra Concert, Baumberg - Germany
Stockport Accordion Club’s Anniversaries Concert, Cheshire - UK
‘World Café’ Concert, Western Cape – South Africa

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55º Concurso Internacional de Acordeón de Klingenthal 2018 - Alemania

International Accordion Competition Klingenthal
International Accordion Competition Klingenthal bookletMayor of Klingenthal Thomas Hennig & Jörg KünzelEl 55º Concurso Internacional de Acordeón de Klingenthal será desde el 29 de abril al 5 de mayo de 2018.

Características del evento:
-Categorías del concurso internacional: para solistas y grupos, para conciertos y música de entretenimiento, para niños y hasta categorías abiertas.

La información sobre las reglas completas y categorías está en: 2018Kling.pdf

El evento también cuenta con conciertos de famosos artistas y un jurado internacional de reconocidos maestros. La fecha de inscripción es hasta el 31 de enero de 2018.

Ve reportes diarios de resultados, fotos y videos 2017 en: 2017 Klingenthal

Klingenthal, es conocida como una ciudad de música al pie de la montaña Aschberg en la hermosa región de Vogtland. El alcalde de Klingenthal Thomas Hennig (foto derecha) invita a los acordeonistas de todas las nacionalidades y países y sus amigos al Concurso Internacional de Acordeón de Klingenthal 2018.


Coba fue honrado por la ciudad de Castelfidardo - Italia

Coba Castelfidardo Concert
CobaFoto: El alcalde Roberto Ascani presentanfo a Coba.

El famoso acordeonista japonés Coba y su banda japonesa actuaron el 7 de octubre por la noche en el Teatro Astra de Castelfidardo.

Más temprano ese día, Yasuhiro Kobayashi, nombre de pila de Coba fue honrado por la Ciudad de Castelfidardo con Ciudadanía Honorífica por sus logros musicales que incluyen:

-37 discos con millones de copias vendidas.
-Colaboración y visitas a lugares muy prestigiosos con artistas y los cantantes pop más famosos del mundo.
-Un innovador que ha transformado radicalmente la imagen del acordeón al insertarlo con mucho éxito en el mundo del pop.
-Uno de los músicos japoneses más importantes en escenarios internacionales.

El alcalde Roberto Ascani dijo: "Celebramos a un músico estrella y también a un modelo, uno grandioso, que honra su presencia con la sencillez y el cariño de un amigo".

Coba con ojos brillantes agradeció los dichos: "En el momento en que no había teléfonos inteligentes, Internet o incluso fax, la información era muy poca, pero cuando vi el texto hecho en Castelfidardo en la parte posterior del acordeón, decidí venir aquí. A los 18 años, llegué a la estación de Ancona. Esperé dos horas para que los agentes de Excelsior comenzaran ese día y empecé a entender cómo funcionaban las cosas en Italia: ¡tenía que organizarlo!

Al entablar una fuerte amistad con Peppino Principe, Valentino Lorenzetti, Wolmer Beltrami y Gervasio Marcosignori en ese momento en la cresta de la ola, estudiando la música de Adamo Volpi, este fue un período increíble.

Italia ha cambiado mi vida y me ha dado todo, especialmente Castelfidardo, la patria del acordeón, en donde construí mi cultura musical".

La imagen a continuación es Coba con su club de admiradores y debajo de eso, Coba actuando con su banda. También estuvo presente la cadena de televisión asiática Nhk que lo siguió en este viaje.
Coba Fan Club and band


Guy Klucevsek se realiza con la orquesta de la universidad, Pittsburgh - Estados Unidos

Guy KlucevsekEl acordeonista y compositor Guy Klucevsek actuó en concierto con la Orquesta Sinfónica de la Universidad de Pittsburgh el 11 de octubre, en el Auditorio Bellefield Hall.

El programa de conciertos incluyó las composiciones “Ratatatatouille” de Guy Klucevsek para acordeón y orquesta, “Wave Hill”, “Flying Vegetables of the Apocalypse”, “Stolen Memories” y Anton Dvorak – “Largo: Variations and Theme” (solo de acordeón).

El programa también incluyó “Concerto in D” para orquesta de cuerdas de Igor Stravinsky y “Variations on a Theme” de Johannes Brahms, de Haydn, op. 56a '.

Guy Klucevsek (nacido en 1947) es un músico versátil y frecuentemente activo en nuevas canciones, jazz e improvisación libre. Ha lanzado más de 20 álbumes y ha grabado o interpretado con Kepa Junkera, Dave Douglas, John Zorn, Bill Frisell, Laurie Anderson y muchos otros. También es miembro fundador del grupo internacional Accordion Tribe.

En 2010, Klucevsek ganó un premio Fellow Artists de Estados Unidos.

Para más información, correo electrónico: gklucevsek@mac.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Ronnie Brown (1954-2017), Scotland – UK

Ronnie BrownRonnie BrownRonnie Brown, from Paisley, Renfrewshire, was for many years one of Scotland’s stalwart figures in the National Accordion Organisation, and was very well liked and respected by many.

He was an accordion teacher, MD of the JR Brown Accordion Orchestra, member of the NAO Executive, and organiser of the NAO South of Scotland Area Festival. His JR Brown Accordion Orchestra regularly competed in the UK championships during the 1980s and 90s.

Ronnie Brown passed away on October 10th 2017 after suffering for some time with Motor Neurone Disease. Our thoughts at this sad time are with his beloved wife Shelia, children Johnathan, Peter and Kristina.


Alexander Sevastian’s JS Bach CD, Ontario - Canada

Alexander Sevastian CDAlexander Sevastian has released a new solo CD presenting music composed by Johann Sebastian Bach.

The CD includes ‘Prelude and Fugue a-minor BVW 543’, ‘Chaconne BVW 1004’, ‘Toccata and Fugue D-minor BVW 565’, ‘Passacaglia and Fugue c-minor BVW 582’, and ‘Badinerie’, Choral f-minor BVW 639 and Air’.

Born in Belarus, now living in Canada, Alexander Sevastian has won several international competitions, most notably the CIA Coupe Mondiale in Washington DC in 2007. He has performed throughout Canada, the USA, and also Serbia, Italy and Russia.

Order the CD at Alexander Sevastian.
For further information email: sevastian2004@gmail.com


Vishtèn Trio Tour of New Zealand - Canada

Pastelle LeBlancThe Trio Vishtèn (Canada) featuring Acadian and Celtic genres with rock and indie-folk influence is touring in New Zealand. The trio comprises multi-instrumentalists Emmanuelle and Pastelle LeBlanc (twins) from the Evangeline Region of Prince Edward Island, and Magdalen Islands’ native, Pascal Miousse.

Pastelle LeBlanc: accordion, piano, percussive dance, vocals
Emmanuelle LeBlanc: whistles, octave mandolin, bodhrán, piano, jaw harp, percussive dance, vocals
Pascal Miousse: fiddle, mandolin, guitars, vocals

The band has performed thousands of shows at international events and venues in Canada, USA, UK, Europe, New Zealand and won a number of awards.

New Zealand tour dates:
08 October: Cafe One2One, Ponsonby
11 October: 4th Wall Theatre, New Plymouth
12 October: St Peters Village Hall, Paekakariki
13 October: Kokomai Creative Festival, Wairarapa
14 October: Wellington Museum, Wellington
15 October: Nelson Arts Festival, Nelson
Vishtèn Trio


2018 Accordion Babes Pin Up Calendar, California - USA

2018 Accordion Babes Pin Up CalendarThe Accordion Babes 2018 Album & Pin-Up Calendar is now available for pre-order.

Renee de la Prade, the organiser, writes: “Our theme for next year is Calling All Muses. The front cover features Meredith Pangrace of Cleveland, Ohio. In the 2018 edition we'll have artists from the USA, Canada, Germany, France and Portugal. We're an international crew now and I have to say it feels very exciting to not just be a local project anymore...”.

The accordionists pictured are all professional players, and not models, and the calendar comes complete with a CD featuring each of them.

For further information email: squeezeboxgoddess@gmail.com


Corey Jeffries Entertaining at Accordion Musuem, Dargaville - New Zealand

Corey JeffriesAccordionist Corey Jeffries has been entertaining around Dargaville town during the school holidays.

On Saturday October 7th, Corey was busking outside the local supermarket playing a variety of well known melodies and much to the delight of shoppers, many of whom could be seen dancing the Birdie Dance in the car park area.

The following Monday Corey (picture right) was entertaining locals and visitors in the Accordion Gems area of the Dargaville Museum, which includes a collection of over 200 accordions largely organised by Kevin Friedrich.


Future events

Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival, England – UK

This year’s Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival takes place from October 13th to 16th. The venue is The Folk House, 40a Park St, Bristol BS1 5JG

The chief festival guests this year are The Po’ Boys, Rough Chowder, Acadian Strings, The Cajun Roosters, and The Flatville Aces. The festival includes Cajun dance tuition with Dennis & Liz, and Zydeco dance tuition with Kay, and jam sessions in the bar. Home cooked food will be available during lunchtimes and early evenings.

For further information, tickets, etc, google the Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival website.

For further information email: lists@simplicityweb.com


‘Soiree Accordeon’, La Châtaigneraie - France

The ‘Soiree Accordeon’ is week-long event, from Saturday October 14th to Saturday 21st at the holiday village La Châtaigneraie, Cantal, in south-western France. The event offers lots of accordion music, dancing, culture, aperitifs, excursions, relaxation activities, from 620€. The price includes accommodation in full board, dinner on Saturday 14th to breakfast on Saturday 21st, all evening entertainment, daily dance aperitifs, access to the Spa, an excursion to Jacky Carles (restaurant and transport), discovery of museum of the Vénazès (transport and entry), archery, aqua gym, orientation course, etc.

Accordionists performing include Lionel Beluard, Benedicte Gamba, Patrice Jounier, Florian Lagarde, and the brothers Mickael and Jerome Richard.


No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra Concerts, Liverpool - UK

posterThe No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra (MD Jane Ward) performs in concert twice in Liverpool this weekend, as follows:

Saturday October 14th, 9pm – The Baltic Social, Parliament St, L8 5RN
Sunday October 15th, 2.30pm – The Nordic Church, 138 Park Lane, L1 8HG

Founded in 2010 by Karen Tweed, The No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra has 16 members, all passionate accordion players from around the UK, with a shifting line-up of up to sixteen performers. This all-squeezing, cake-loving, tea-drinking band of lovely talented ladies has enthralled audiences across the country, in village halls, ballrooms, festivals, fetes, parties, piers and pavilions. With the unexpected sounds of multiple accordions played with sensitivity, versatility and a unique style of charming idiosyncrasy, many an accordion-phobe has been made to think twice!

For further information email: no1ladiesaccordion@gmail.com


Ezequiel Tatich Concerts, Paso Del Rey, Tigre - Argentina

Ezequiel Tatich, known as ‘El Gringo de la Acordeon’, performs in concert on Saturday October 14th, 9pm, at La Clandestina, El Fogon, Tigre, Argentina.

On Sunday October 15th in Paso Del Rey, Ezequiel Tatich is one of the entertainers at The Gran Festival Norteno, a one day celebration of Norteno music and culture.


Richard Galliano’s October Dates – France, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Switzerland, Hungary, Czech Republic

Richard Galliano’The well-travelled French accordion virtuoso Richard Galliano performs concerts around Europe this month, as follows:

October 14th – 22nd International Guitar Festival, Montpellier, France
October 15th – New Jazz Musette, Roubaix, France
October 21st – Concerto, Yerevan, Armenia
October 24th – Mare Nostrum, Tbilissi, Georgia
October 25th – solo and with symphony orchestra, Baku, Azerbaijan
October 26th - New Jazz Musette, Ermatingen, Switzerland
October 28th – solo and Mikael on Opale Concerto, Budapest, Hungary
October 31st – concerto, Prague, Czech Republic

For further information email: solathierry@gmail.com


Monheim-Bamberg Accordion Orchestra Concert, Baumberg - Germany

On Sunday October 15th, 5pm, the Monheim-Bamberg Accordion Orchestra performs in a concert titled ‘Inspirations’ at the Ev.Frierichskirche, Baumberg, Schellingstraße 13 40789 Monheim am Rhein, Germany. Admission is free.

The concert includes ‘Revirado’, ‘Fuga 9’ and ‘S'il vous plaît’ - Astor Piazzolla, ‘Sway’ – Pablo Ruiz, ‘Summertime’ (variations) – George Gershwin, ‘Frank Sinatra in Concert’ – arranged by Hans-Günther Kölz, and ‘Classic meets Fööss’ arranged by Matthias Hennecke.


Stockport Accordion Club’s Anniversaries Concert, Cheshire - UK

Stockport Accordion ClubStockport Accordion Club's 30th & 80th Anniversary Concert takes place next week on Wednesday October 18th, 7.30pm, at Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel St, Woodley, Stockport, Cheshire SK6 1NF. Admission is £5. All are welcome.

The first Stockport AC was formed in 1937, disbanded during WW2, reformed in 1948 and disbanded again in 1953. In 1956 there was another revival with the formation of the Clifford Wood Accordion Orchestra, disbanded in 1974 and revived in 1987. This band morphed into the present club in 1994, hence the double anniversary. In conjunction with these anniversaries a high quality fully illustrated hardback book, ‘Stockport Accordion Club through the years’ has been written, tracing the club's history, and loaded with members' anecdotes and memories.

The concert programme includes
Rob Howard – Selection from ‘Oliver’
Stockport Accordion Band - 'Liberty Bell', 'Amapola', 'My Way'
Brennan Wilson & vocalist Stella - Piaf songs 'L'accordeoniste', 'Autumn Leaves', 'No regrets'
Accordion Spice (quartet) - 'Harmonica', 'Amazing Grace', 'Katyusha'
John Curvis & Adrienne Sharpe - 3 Scottish reels
Chris Green & Helen Rich - 'Ashokan Farewell'
Helen Rich - set to be announced
Interval and raffle - with entertainment with John Jones MBE
Pearl Fawcett-Adriano - set to be announced
Dorothy Brincat - a Scottish medley
Phil Watson - set to be announced
Dennis Pepler – ‘Gourmand Polka’ (Waldteufel)
Chris Green & Betty Molloy - 'Unity March', 'Granada'
Scottish Quartet - set to be announced
Stockport AC Band - 'Wien bliebt Wien', 'Simple Gifts', 'La Chipanecas'

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


‘World Café’ Concert, Western Cape – South Africa

On Sunday October 22nd, 12.30pm-1.30pm, the trio World Café performs their programme of European music, including some of Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’, at Mountain Shadows Country Manor, Paarl, Western Cape, South Africa.

The members of World Café are Stanislav Angelov – accordion, Petrus de Beer – violin, and Schalk Joubert - bass guitar.

Stanislav Angelov studied the accordion in his native Bulgaria, and received a degree in accordion in 1991, after which he taught at the ‘Constantine Preslavsky’ University, Shumen. In 1992 he moved to Cape Town, South Africa, where he performs, records and teaches.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za



Popular at Oktoberfest events, Polka Joel Kiekhaefer is headed our way. Come to our October 23rd meeting to get the feel and sounds of a good old fashioned ‘bierfest’. Tim, our bartender can fix you up with and appropriate beverage and it will be easy to “fall into the feeling of fall”. Polka Joel starts at 7:30 p,. but come early because… Ralph Novacek will be doing premeeting music from 6:15 pm. Ralph is a former student and friend of the late Frank Ricchio and lives in Union Grove. He is playing one of Ricchio’s classic 140 bass premium accordions. As this is being written we do not know what the weather will be that evening, but unless there is a hurricane or blizzard, you will NOT want to stay home that night.

Next Regular Meeting October 23, 2017 At Knights Of Columbus Hall, 1800 S. 92nd St. West Allis, WI 6:15 pm Doors Open 6:15 pm Pre Meeting Entertainment -Ralph Novacek 7:30 pm “Polka”Joel Kiekhaefer Band Admission: • Members $3 NonMembers $5


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