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Weekly News from Around the World - 13-Nov-2009
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Tercera Edición del Concurso Internacional Roland, Roma-Italia
“Sancybérie” Festival, Auvergne-Francia
“Cruzando el Muro”: Música de Acordeón desde Berlín-Alemania.
Festival NAO-Reino Unido
Nuevo DVD “LIVE in life” de Jean Louis Noton - Francia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Support Accordionists When Selecting Xmas Presents
Aidar Gaynullin Performs in festival ‘Crescendo’, Pskov – Russia
Aintzina’s Debut CD, Donastia – Spain
Yuri Shishkin Concerts and Masterclases – China
Chaconne Performance on BBC Radio 3, London – UK
Alexander Poeluev Concert in Saransk - Russia
Xu Peng & Wan Yizhong Graduation Concert - China

Future events

Mika Väyrynen Concerts in the Azores and Finland
November Dates for Pascal Contet – France
Concert, Solo Accordion Project/Renzo Ruggieri - Italy
Walter Perrie Concert, Leyland – UK
Gorka Hermosa Concerts – Coimbra, Azores, Vitoria - Portugal, Spain
Zum at Cambridge Music Festival, England – UK
Duo Double Jeu Concerts – Russia

New and Updated Sites

November Diatonic News Online 1st November
November USA News online on 1st November
Available 2009 Trophée Mondial Video Download
New CD: ‘ecLipse’, Moscow - Russia
CIA Website Updated With Winter Congress Information

CD Reviews

Acco Duo Romance

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Tercera Edición del Concurso Internacional Roland, Roma-Italia

Roland logoToda la información referente a la última edición del “V-Accordion Festival and Competition” está disponible en 2009 Rome Festival.
El evento se lleva acabo en el impresionante Auditorio Parco della Musica. En este concurso se congrega a concursantes llegados de Italia, Inglaterra, Alemania, Suecia, Estados Unidos, Polonia, Brasil, Canadá, España, Portugal, Nueva Zelanda, Francia, Belgica, Japón y China.

Los artistas invitados en esta ocasión son Ludovic Beier (Francia), Mario D'Amario (Italia) y Cory Pesaturo (USA).

Leer en detalle sobre el próximo evento, los participantes, el Jurado en: 2009 Festival de Roma (2009 Rome Festival). Ver la próxima semana los informes diarios fotografías, y los resultados en: 2009 Festival de Roma (2009 Rome Festival).


“Sancybérie” Festival, Auvergne-Francia

Domi Emorine and Roman JbanovEl festival “Sancybérie” (Auvergne) celebrado el pasado Septiembre, acogió conciertos del Duo “Double Jeu” (Félicien Brut y Pierre Laval), Duo “Paris Moscu” (Domi Emorine y Roman Jbanov), “Quartet Siberien” y los jóvenes bailarines del “Carrousel” de Leninsk-Kuznetzkii.

La fundación “Jóvenes Talentos de Kouzbass” del gobierno de Kemevoro, decidió continuar este éxito invitando al “Paris Moscú” a compartir conciertos en Kemevoro y Prokopievsk con artistas de la región.

El pasado 24 de Octubre en la escuela principal de Kemerovo, la sala estuvo al completo de público. El concierto comenzó con los jóvenes acordeonistas del Duo “Victoria” quienes ganaron el “Gran Prix de Roubaix” en Octubre de 2008.

Más tarde el Duo “París Moscú” presentó nuevas piezas para dúo escritas por el compositor Franck Angelis “Hommage á Paco”, “Comastor” y la segunda parte de la suite “Impasse”. El Cuarteto Siberien también tuvo la oportunidad de mostrar su trabajo en el escenario.

Para el próximo año, el Festival se llevará acabo durante la Competición Internacional de Acordeón de Kemerovo, del 15 al 20 de mayo con exhibiciones de artistas Franceses y diversos conciertos en la región de Kuzbass.

El Festival “Sancybérie” se celebrará a principios del 2010 en Auverge. Para más información visitar la página web del dúo “Paris Moscú”


“Cruzando el Muro”: Música de Acordeón desde Berlín-Alemania.

Accordion Orchestra Euphonia
20 años después de la caída del muro, la orquesta de acordeones Euphonia presentará el trabajo de compositores de Este y Oeste de Berlín en dos conciertos. Los 25 intérpretes de la orquesta tocarán un repertorio que versará sobre la libertad y la vida en los diferentes lados del muro.

Este inusual programa presenta obras de Hanns Eisler, Jürgen Ganzer y la premiere de una pieza escrita por el pianista de Jazz Hannes Zerbe.

Estos conciertos además incluirán la orquesta Suiza “Union Accordéoniste Mite de Genéve” dirigida por Pierre Krummenacher y la joven orquesta “Akkorde.on Fire” dirigida por Sonja Merz.

Lista de conciertos:
21 de Noviembre, 6pm-Kant-Gymnasium, Berlin-Spandau, Bismarck str. 54; entrada gratuíta
22 de Noviembre, 6pm-The Bürgersaal, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Teltower Damm 18; 7 Euros por entrada.

Para más información: mail@euphonia-berlin.de


Festival NAO-Reino Unido

Raymond Bodell, Frederick Parnell and Dorothy Brincat and many of the prize winners.
Anna Bodell (NAO Vice President), Frederick Parnell (adjudicator) and Alexander Bodell (prize-winner).Fotografía superior: Raymond Bodell, Frederick Parnell y Dorothy Brincat con los ganadores.

El Festival de la NAO comenzó el pasado 31 de Octubre con el Southern Festival de Wimborne Dorset. Este evento fue organizado por Bob Downer, continuando el 8 de Noviembre con el North West Festival de Fleetwood (Lancaster), organizado por Gina Brannelli.
Fotografía izquierda: Anna Bodell (Presidenta de la NAO), Frederick Parnell y Alexander Bodell

Ambos festivales gozaron de abundante público y Raymond Bodell (Presidente de la CIA), Colin Whitfield (Vicepresidente de la NAO), Douglas Ward y Frederick Parnell pudieron disfrutar de muchas promesas del acordeón.

La puntuación más alta fue para Aleander Bodell, quien obtuvo los premios Polka y Musette para concursantes menores de 13 años. Otra actuación de gran interés fue la realizada por Adam Smith.

El próximo Festival se desarrollará en las Midlands en Enero. Esta serie de “Area Festivals” finalizará con el Campeonato de Blackpool del 23 al 25 de Abril en el Metropole Hotel, el cual ya se encuentra lleno para esas fechas.


Nuevo DVD “LIVE in life” de Jean Louis Noton - Francia

Un nuevo DVD titulado “LIVE in life” " de Jean Louis Noton ya está disponible. Esta producción fue grabada en vivo durante su concierto en Rusia que tuvo lugar en abril de este año.

Para más información escribir a Jean Louis Noton


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Support Accordionists When Selecting Xmas Presents

xmas logo2009 Xmas Gift Ideas for ideas for Christmas presents for accordion interested friends and family. Think about supporting accordion artists and acccordion businesses by buying some of the many accordion related products that are available.

See the link 2009 Xmas Gift Ideas with a list of “Xmas Gift Ideas for Accordion Interested Friends and Family”. This list will be added to each week until Xmas.

Support the instrument you love, our artists and businesses and make Xmas a happy occasion for everyone. 2009 Xmas Gift Ideas.


Aidar Gaynullin Performs in festival ‘Crescendo’, Pskov – Russia

Aidar Gaynullin group
From among all the many major centres of Russian business and cultural life, every year a new city is chosen to organize the annual festival ‘Crescendo’ of young stars of classical music. On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of this festival, one of Russia’s most ancient cities of Russia, Pskov, a capital of invaluable historical and cultural heritage, was to be the place.

This idea was born when celebrating the 1100th anniversary of city back in 2003. Other events of the festival ‘Crescendo’ in 2009 took place in the cities of Moscow and New York.

The best young performers, stars of the 21st Century were present to honour the jubilee of the festival. From Mozart to Piazzolla, from Liszt and Shostakovich to tango, ‘The tired sun’, the concert program amazed with brightness of contrasts, masterful technique in abundance, and effective works. It’s a rare possibility to enjoy the skills of Russia’s outstanding young musicians who have won world popularity, but not often appearing on Russian stages: Georgy Garanjan (saxophone), Maxim Rysanov (alto), Boris Brovtsyn (violin), Sergey Nakarjakov (flugelhorn), Ekaterina Mechetina (piano), Aidar Gaynullin (bayan), Andrey Ivanov (double-bass), Sergey Suvorov (violoncello), Igor Fedorov (clarinet), Alena Baeva (violin), Roman Boldyrev (piano), Denis Matsuev (piano).

The leader of the concert – folk artist of Russia Svjatoslav Belza, the academic symphonic orchestra of the Moscow Philharmonic Society, MD Professor Jury Simonov, conductor and folk artist of Russia.


Aintzina’s Debut CD, Donastia – Spain

Aintzina Suitian CDThe Spanish quartet Aintzina, based in northern Spain and specialising in Basque music, has released its debut CD, ‘Suitian’. An official launch was held on November 11th at the Koldo Mitxelena, Donostia.

The line-up of Aintzina is: Zigor Sagarna - vocals, bass, tambourine; Juanjo Otxandorena - bouzouki, vocals; Arkaitz Miner - violin, mandolin, footwork; Alan Griffin - accordion, Jew's harp

For further information email: aztarna@aztarna.com


Yuri Shishkin Concerts and Masterclases – China

Yuri ShishkinOn November 10th, the famous accordionist from Rostov-on-Don, Russia, Yuri Shishkin, performed in the Concert Hall of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music (CHINA).

The concert program included the premiere in China of the Kusiakov Sonata No.5 ‘Monologue about the Eternity’.

Among the audience were the leading teachers of nearly all the conservatories in China, as well as guests from other countries. The concert was very successful with superlative comments being made.

The next day, Yuri Shishkin conducted master classes with students of the Shanghai Conservatory. The next concerts are in Shen Zhen (November 13th), Beijing (17th November ), Tianjin (18th November).


Chaconne Performance on BBC Radio 3, London – UK

The versatile brass quintet Chaconne, featuring special guest Karen Street on accordion, performed a 25th anniversary concert at the Cadogan Hall in London on November 11th. The concert was recorded for broadcast by BBC Radio 3, on a date to be announced.

For further information email: karen@karenstreet.com


Alexander Poeluev Concert in Saransk - Russia

Alexander PoeluevOn the 11 November, Alexander Poeluev, (winner of international competitions including the 2002 Coupe Mondiale) performed a concert for the Music School Saransk.

Saransk city is situated in the Republic of Mordovia, south end of the Volga basin, which is part of the Russian Federation, being about 850 km from Moscow.

Alexander Poeluev performed a full concert and also held a meeting with teachers and students of the Music School Saransk.

Picture from the left: Andrej Pivkin - Chief of the Accodion department of the College, Alexander Poeluev, Piotr Krivorotov - Director of the College


Xu Peng & Wan Yizhong Graduation Concert - China

Xu Peng and Wan Yizhong posterOn 11th November at the Shanghai Normal University College of Music was held the graduation concert of Xu Peng and other accordion students of the same year. In August 2009, at the Coupe Mondiale held in Auckland, New Zealand, Xu Peng won 2nd Prize in the International Piano Accordion category.

Her program for the concert includes:

1. Scarlatti Scarlatti Sonata K491.L164 ...........
2.Near the Portrait of N. Paganini ..... Lun Ke Cha
3. Jiemi Revelation.............S.VOITENKO
4. Spainish Suite (? ? ? movements )....... Biela Sheskey

Another Coupe Mondiale contestant Wan Yizhong will also be performing. He was also competing at the Coupe Mondiale in New Zealand achieving 3rd place in the Virtuoso Entertainment category. His program includes:
5. Basso Ostinato...... Victor Vlasov
6.Accordion Presitage ......Eric Bouvelle
7. Cowboy......Sergei Tichonov
8.Etude...... Frank Angelis
9.Les Arrivee Des Cammioneurs.....Michel Legrand
10.L'aquilon......Andre Astier,Jacky MAlfe


Future events

Mika Väyrynen Concerts in the Azores and Finland

Mika VäyrynenFinnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen performed several concerts in the Azores at including at San Miquel on November 6th and Terceira on November 10th. Mika also presented a lecture at the Ponta Delgada Conservatory on November 9th, all activities being part of the Musica Azores Festival.

This week Mika will premiere the new work ‘Preludes and Fugues for Solo Accordion Op. 95’, by renowned composer and conductor Aulis Sallinen on November 13th as part of the opening concert of festival ‘Lux Musicae’, and will be broadcasted by the NBC. The concert will also include works by Bach, Janacek and Korpijaakko.

On November 19th, Mika will perform a concert at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki. The concert will be available live at 7pm (Finland time) for online viewing and will include works by Kuzjakow, Korpijaakko, Kaipainen, Janácek, Scriabin, Sallinen, Hannikainen. To view the concert, please visit: http://www2.siba.fi/sibatv/index.php?id=2&la=en The concert will listed under ‘next broadcast’ and will also be archived for later viewing.

Several of these works are available on Mika’s new CD ‘Misterium’, which has just been released this week.

For further information please visit the webiste of Mika Väyrynen.


November Dates for Pascal Contet – France

Pascal ContetFrench accordionist Pascal Contet has the following concert performances scheduled for this month:

November 13th, 8pm – recital at the Forum, Le Blanc Messnil; works by Mantovani, Piazzolla, Nordheim, and others
November 14th, 8.30pm – Clermont Ferrand Festival, Auditorium Emmanuel Chabrier
November 19th - Bonlieu Scène Nationale, Annecy
November 20th - Bonlieu Scène Nationale, Annecy
November 24th - Scène Nationale, Arras Theatre
December 1st - L’Allan Scène Nationale

For further information email: pascalcontet@wanadoo.fr


Concert, Solo Accordion Project/Renzo Ruggieri - Italy

(Total Improvisation with Multimedia)
This project is based on total improvisation in a succession of lyricism, involving rhythmic up to noises instrumental. The effect is intense and spectacular thanks to the use of electronic (loops, environment simulators, video projection).
The second CD, "Stories of Accordion Lived" performance has been enhanced with original short films that are screened during the improvisations.

18th November 2009, h.21:30
Teatro Arciliuto,
Piazza di Montevecchio 5 (near Piazza Navona). Roma (Italy)
Tel. +39 06 6879419
For further information contact Renzo Ruggieri


Walter Perrie Concert, Leyland – UK

Walter PerrieWalter Perrie, a former All Scotland Accordion Champion, is the guest artiste at Leyland Accordion Club on Wednesday November 16th, 8pm. The venue is The Priory Club, Broadfield Drive Leyland Lancashire PR25 1QN.

For further information email: david@accordionclub.co.uk


Gorka Hermosa Concerts – Coimbra, Azores, Vitoria - Portugal, Spain

Gorka Hermosa- 14/11/2009: "Josep Sancho (clarinet) & Gorka Hermosa: Tangosophy". Coimbra (Portugal). Works by Galliano, Piazzolla, Hermosa & Germán Díaz.
- 16/11/2009: "Josep Sancho & Gorka Hermosa". Islas Azores (Portugal). III Festival de Música Contemporánea de las Azores "Música Açores". Auditorio municipal das Lajes do Pico, 21:00h. Works by Messiaen, José Manuel Fernández, Steve Reich & Gorka Hermosa.
- 17/11/2009: "Josep Sancho & Gorka Hermosa". Islas Azores (Portugal). III Festival de Música Contemporánea de las Azores "Música Açores". Auditorio municipal de Velas, 21:00h.Works by Messiaen, José Manuel Fernández, Steve Reich & Gorka Hermosa.
- 21/11/2009: "Fantangueando: Silvia Márquez (harpshicord) & Gorka Hermosa". "Festival Carmelo Bernaola". Vitoria-Gasteiz (Artium, 21:30h). Works by Bach, Scarlatti, Falla, Remiro, Tiensuu, Piazzolla & Ives Prin.


Zum at Cambridge Music Festival, England – UK

Chris Grist, Eddie Hession, Adam Summerhayes, David Gordon, Jani PensolaZUM perform at the Cambridge Music Festival on November 26th, 8pm. The concert takes place at the West Road Concert Hall.

The line-up of ZUM is: Adam Summerhayes - violin, Chris Grist - cello, Jani Pensola - bass, Dave Gordon - piano, and Eddie Hession – accordion. They describe their music as “…an acoustic meltdown - a cultural alchemy, where the world's music collides… an inspirational fusion of folk music traditions from around the world as they continue their mission to redefine world music. Salsa, bluegrass, klezmer, calypso and bebop complement masterpieces by Astor Piazzolla, music from the golden era of tango, addictive traditional gypsy melodies and dazzling virtuoso fiddling”.

At 7.15pm there will be a Pre-Concert Talk in which Charles Evans will outline the social background of Tango Nuevo.


Duo Double Jeu Concerts – Russia

Felicien Brut and Pierre Laval
The French duo Duo Double Jeu, accordionists Felicien Brut and Pierre Laval, are becoming well known in Russia. Having just performed in Moscow at a festival, they will return in December for two prestigious concerts:

December 7th – Kazan
December 9th – Gnessin Academy, Moscow

For further information email: pierre@pierre-laval.com


New and Updated Sites

November Diatonic News Online 1st November

Diatonic news banner
The November Diatonic News online 1st November.


November USA News online on 1st November

USA news logoThe USA News online on 1st November.


Available 2009 Trophée Mondial Video Download

CMA video pictureA DVD of three 2009 Trophée Mondial categories held in Portugal is now available from the Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) website.

The DVD of this competition will be sent to you by airmail, and is of youtube size picture and quality for a price of only €50 plus €5 postage from the CMA website.


New CD: ‘ecLipse’, Moscow - Russia

New CD: ‘ecLipse’ecLipse CDThe latest CD release from Russian virtuoso Friedrich Lips, ‘ecLipse’, Catalog CD021, features primarily works for bayan by some of Russia’s most highly regarded composers. Purchase online at Catalog CD021.


CIA Website Updated With Winter Congress Information

CIA logoThe Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Website has been updated with Winter Congress Information including a submit form for attendance.


CD Reviews

Acco Duo Romance

Romance CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Acco Duo Romance” by Joan C. Sommers. Performer is Miran Vaupotic and Ivana Levak Vaupotic.


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