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Weekly News from Around the World - 13-May-2022
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Особенности Highlights

Очень популярный аккордеонный круиз, проведенный во Всемирный день аккордеона - Финляндия
“Astor Piazzolla, the Father of the New Tango” Вечер "Астор Пьяццолла, отец нового танго" в музее аккордеона Кастельфидардо - Италия
Празднование 20-летнего юбилея Guardia Nueva, Коккола - Финляндия
Фестиваль Ærø Harmonika - Дания
Больше отчетов о Всемирном дне аккордеона (WAD) 2022 года в режиме онлайн - Международный

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Sylvia Pagni and Luigi Piovano New Video - Italy
Marco Lo Russo TV, Conferences and Concerts - Italy & Switzerland
Volodymyr Runchak Masterclass – Poland
World Accordion Day Double Celebration – New Zealand
Video: MusicTech Presents Amplification Systems
Masterclasses at 25th International Week of the Accordion "Alcobaça 2022" – Portugal
Applications Open for 15th Premio Andrea Parodi Competition - Italy
AATA Video Project “Bringing the World Together Through the Accordion” – Australia
National Accordion Competition - Varėna/Lithuania

Будущие события

Sam Reider Performs World Premiere of New Concerto Composition – USA
Grand Accordion Festival - France
40th Anniversary of the Tejano Conjunto Festival - USA
No.1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra Concert Tour – North Wales
Acordeones del Uruguay “Serenata de Accordeones” - Uruguay
Duo 'De Thuiskomst' Spanish Theme Concert - Netherlands

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List of Links

Новые и обновленные сайты

Сроки и правила ПИФ Кастельфидардо 2022 года опубликованы на английском и итальянском языках - Италия
Six More Titles, Julia Gordon Scottish Music Arrangements - Scotland

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Особенности Highlights

Очень популярный аккордеонный круиз, проведенный во Всемирный день аккордеона - Финляндия

cruise ship
Cruise finalistscruise photoАккордеонный круиз, организованный Suomen Harmonikkaliitto (SHL - Финская ассоциация аккордеонистов) для более чем 1200 любителей аккордеона, состоялся во время Всемирного дня аккордеона (7 и 8 мая 2022 года).

Первоначально круиз был запланирован на конец января 2022 года, но его пришлось перенести из-за Covid-19.

Круиз включает в себя разнообразную живую музыку, прекрасную атмосферу, танцы, пение и радость!

Во время круиза были отобраны финалисты для конкурса "Золотая и серебряная гармоника 2022". Финал конкурса пройдет в Икаалинене и будет транслироваться по телевидению в июле.

Финалистами конкурса "Серебряная гармоника" стали: Saima Kairimo (Asikkala), Samuel Heikola (Pori), Sofia Sankari (Vihti), Kevin Niittyviita (Hollola), Joel Koivisto (Kokkola), Maija Liedes (Kokkokkola) and Venla Tiimonen (Punkharju).

Финалистами конкурса "Золотая гармоника" стали: Marko Haapapuro (Kolari,) Ronja Pehkonen (Jyväskylä), Saana Kastelli (Pyhäjoki), Johannes Koivisto (Kokkola), Ville Vehkalahti (Lavia) and Heidi Rintamäki (Pori). (Pictured above left - photo by Markus Korpi-Hallila).
Cruise performance


“Astor Piazzolla, the Father of the New Tango” Вечер "Астор Пьяццолла, отец нового танго" в музее аккордеона Кастельфидардо - Италия

Book cover
Paolo PicchioPaolo Picchio (на фото слева), рассказывающий о книге "Астор Пьяццолла, отец нуэво танго" (Edizioni Curci - фото обложки книги выше), станет важным участником воскресенья 15 мая 2022 года в 18.30 в Музее аккордеона Museum Castelfidardo в Анконе, Италия.

Историк-музыковед и композитор Паоло Пиккио представит недавно вышедшую книгу, в которой он прослеживает биографические и творческие события гениального Астора Пьяццоллы, композитора и бандонеониста.

Книга охватывает период от Мар-дель-Платы, 11 марта 1921 года, до Буэнос-Айреса, 4 июля 1992 года, от начинаний Астора Пьяццоллы до достижения мировой популярности. Предисловие от Laura Escalada Piazzolla и Daniel Villaflor Piazzolla.

Мероприятие дополнят музыкальные выступления Кристиано Луи (бандонеон), Анналисы Бьянкофиоре (вокал) и Джорджио Фиори (виолончель).

"Непревзойденная возможность вновь окунуться в историю и музыку Астора Пьяццоллы в престижном музее Кастельфидардо, где хранятся некоторые оригинальные партитуры и бандонеон, принадлежавший артисту.

По этому случаю бандонеон Астора Пьяццоллы будет занимать видное место в музейной витрине".

Паоло Пиккио читает лекции по всему миру об аккордеоне и его репертуаре, а также регулярно публикует эссе и статьи в специализированных журналах и на веб-сайтах.

For more information, e-mail: bertolini.curci@gmail.com


Празднование 20-летнего юбилея Guardia Nueva, Коккола - Финляндия

Guardia Nueva concert poster
Raimo VertainenGuardia Nueva под управлением Раймо Вертенена (на фото справа) проведет свой концерт в честь 20-летия на катке Kokkloa в Коккола, Финляндия, 21 мая 2022 года в 18:00.

Концерт-открытие фестиваля посвящен Украине и детям Украины и включает, среди прочего, шесть украинских композиций. Концерт Guardia Nueva включает в себя новые аранжировки финской музыки, танго, мировую музыку, аргентинские произведения, музыку из кинофильмов, старые любимые и инструментальные пьесы в стиле Guardia Nueva.

Среди приглашенных исполнителей - Яркко Ахола, Арья Корисева, Дженни Сторбака и Теему Ройвайнен, а также танцор Шуичи Мураи.

Подробности концертов, посвященных 20-летию Guardia Nueva, на сайте: 2021DiamondJubilee
Guardia Nueva


Фестиваль Ærø Harmonika - Дания

Aero banner
Evert Taube27-й фестиваль Ærø Harmonika Festival пройдет в Марстале, Дания, с 20 по 22 мая 2022 года.

После отмены мероприятий 2020 и 2021 годов из-за Covid-19, организаторы с нетерпением ждут события, полного веселья, хорошей музыки, танцев и концертов.

Фестиваль начнется 19 мая с небольшого концерта солистов и групп в церкви Марсталь, а официальное открытие состоится 20 мая.

Музыка для аккордеона будет звучать на трех сценах и включать шведские песни Эверта Таубе (шведский автор, художник, композитор и певец - на фото справа), а также итальянские виртуозные произведения Фрозини, музыку из США, рок и свинг, easy listening и т.д., танцевальный шатер датской народной музыки, пение в гребном клубе или отдых и прослушивание многочисленных солистов и групп в парусном клубе с развлечениями для всех возрастов.

Скачать программу фестиваля можно здесь: 2022Aeroprogram.pdf

За подробностями обращайтесь по электронной почте: info@harmonika-festival.dk
Fest pic


Больше отчетов о Всемирном дне аккордеона (WAD) 2022 года в режиме онлайн - Международный

World Accordion Day header
World Accordion Day logoВы можете посмотреть больше докладов и видео онлайн на сайте: Всемирный день аккордеона (WAD)
Наслаждайтесь всемирным празднованием WAD.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Sylvia Pagni and Luigi Piovano New Video - Italy

Sylvia Pagni and Luigi Piovano
Sylvia PagniAccordionist Sylvia Pagni and Luigi Piovano (cello) joined on May 2nd, 2022 at the Theater of Atri in Atri, Abruzzo, Italy to record a new video entitled "Mi Pasion" by Loris Cattunar.

"Mi Pasion" is a record production of published and unpublished tango pieces created and composed by Sylvia Pagni.

The video included Italian Argentine Tango dance champions Alessandra Moro and Bruno Daniel Ciarfella (pictured below).

The unreleased tracks on the album "Mi Pasion" are R.T.I. Mediaset and the launch of the record will be done with the video shot by S.L.M. Sound Light Music at the Municipal Theater of Atri kindly granted by the municipality for the event. The recording is signed by the trio of authors, Sylvia Pagni, Elisa Riccitelli and Loris Cattunar.

The premiere of the “Mi Pasion” concert will be presented on June 18th, 2022 at the Mittelcult Cultural Center of Trieste in the Beethoven Hall for the review dedicated to the centenary of Raffaello de Banfield “RdB. 100 ".

Raffaello De Banfield Tripcovich, was a character at the center of the life and cultural and entrepreneurial history of Trieste and the Friuli Venezia Giulia region and a great man of culture of the Trieste twentieth century, who also wrote important pages in the history of Assicurazioni Generali.

Sylvia Pagni "La Gorni Kramer in Gonella" is honored to close the calendar of musical events "RdB 100" by performing a series of "Tangos Argentini" published and unpublished tangos taken from "Mi Pasion".
Alessandra Moro and Bruno Daniel Ciarfella


Marco Lo Russo TV, Conferences and Concerts - Italy & Switzerland

Vassiliki Tziveli & Marco Lo Russo
Video: La Machetera trailer directed by Yanet Pavon Bernal soundtrack music by Marco Lo Russo LeonCuba film.

From the multimedia marathon OnePeopleOnePlanet on RAI Play and Vatican News, for the World Earth Day, last April, Marco Lo Russo is again on TV this month, guest on the program L'Argonauta broadcast on Alma TV with presenter and journalist Vassiliki Tziveli (picture above) on channel 65, Italy as well as with other live events.

• In the episode of May 13th, rerun on Monday 16th at 11.00 am and on Tuesday 31st May at 7pm, with a repeat on June 1st at 11.00 am, Marco Lo Russo who, thanks to his numerous international concert tours, will give travel experiences, anecdotes etc.

• On Tuesday May 24th at 2.00 pm, at the Aula Magna of the Domenico Cimarosa Conservatory of Music in Avellino, for the musicological review Parole e Musica, Marco Lo Russo will moderate the conference meeting with Stefano Zenni regarding his publication I segreti del Jazz, Una guida all’ascolto. For the occasion, some students from the jazz courses of the Cimarosa Conservatory will also perform.

• On May 31st, at 8pm, Marco Lo Russo will perform a live solo concert on the final evening of the OtherMovie film festival in Lugano, Switzerland, on the occasion of the screening of the film La Machetera, of which Lo Russo himself edited the soundtrack, already awarded at the Monaco International film festival.

• On June 2nd at 5pm, on the occasion of the Italian Republic Day, another live solo concert at the enchanting Cistercian Abbey of Santa Maria di Piona in Colico, on the shore of Como’s Lake in the province of Lecco, Italy. Marco Lo Russo, with this appointment, confirms his love for Made in Italy, which he has been promoting for years with the will to continue to enhance places of art and culture scattered throughout the Bel Paese. The repertoire, from classical music to world music, jazz pieces, original soundtracks and compositions by Lo Russo himself, will allow you to experience an emotional journey around the world, from the nights of the African desert, to the passionate atmospheres of tango.
Marco Lo Russo


Volodymyr Runchak Masterclass – Poland

Masterclass posterstudentsVolodymyr Runchak, accordionist, conductor and composer (from the Ukrainian National Academy of Music named after Pyotr Tchaikovsky in Kiev) held a Masterclass for students of the Accordion Department of the Academy of Music in Katowice, Silesian, Southern Poland on May 11th this week.

The event was held in the Chamber Hall II of the Academy and included a lecture on personal elements in new music with examples of Runchak’s own accordion compositions, as well as individual open performance workshops with the students.


World Accordion Day Double Celebration – New Zealand

On Friday May 6th, 2022, accordionists in Auckland, New Zealand celebrated World Accordion Day.

The day was a double celebration as they were joined by the President of the New Zealand Accordion Association, Lawyer Sonja Palinich, after her capping with a Bachelors of Music from The University of Auckland.

Photo, Left to right, Jessica Chen, Grayson Masefield, Roseanne Rosario, Lionel Reekie, Sonja Palinich, Amber Masefield, Heather Masefield.

The photo has the Sky Tower and Auckland City in the background


Video: MusicTech Presents Amplification Systems

Video: Claudio Sabbatini from MusicTech Company presents different amplification systems explaining how the traditional acoustic accordion can live together with digital electronic.


Masterclasses at 25th International Week of the Accordion "Alcobaça 2022" – Portugal

Alcobaca posterThe 25th International Week of the Accordion "Alcobaça 2022" will be held from May 21st to 29th, 2022 organised by the Accordion Association of Portugal (President Aníbal Freire) together with the Municipality of Alcobaça and the Orquestra Típica e Coral de Alcobaça.

Masterclasses will be held by Raymond Keith (France), João Barradas (Portugal), Marco Gemelli (Italy), Diana Freire (Portugal) and Liliana Aparicio (Portugal).

Download Masterclass information here: 2022AlcobacaMasterclass.pdf


Applications Open for 15th Premio Andrea Parodi Competition - Italy

Premio Andrea Parodi logoApplications are now open for the 15th Premio Andrea Parodi World Music Competition in Italy.

Premio Andrea Parodi was created in honour of the distinguished Sardinian artist Andrea Parodi, who passed away 16 years ago.

The Artistic Commission established by the Foundation will select ten finalists among the applicants in an anonymous way.

Finalists will perform in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy from October 13th to 15th, 2022, at the "Premio Andrea Parodi" Festival 2022, in front of a Jury composed of authoritative industry professionals (singers, musicians, writers and songwriters, poets, managers, producers, press offices & journalists).

The prize for the winner includes concerts and performances in some of the partner music festivals in their 2023 editions, such as European Jazz Expo (Sardinia), Folkest (Friuli), not forgetting the very same Premio Andrea Parodi 2023.

In addition the winner will be entitled to a €2,500 scholarship and the winner of the Critics' Awards will have a professional videoclip of their competition song produced, offered by the Andrea Parodi Foundation.

Registration is free and the deadline for applications is May 31st, 2022.
For details email: fondazione.andreaparodi@gmail.com


AATA Video Project “Bringing the World Together Through the Accordion” – Australia

Tatjana MarxAATA logoThe Australian Accordion Teachers Association Inc. (AATA) has announced their 2022 Australian International Accordion Video project entitled “Bringing the World Together Through the Accordion”.

President of the AATA, Tatjana Marx (picture above) says the video project will give accordionists of all ages, all levels and all nations the opportunity to submit a video to be compiled together as a showcase of how when we work together, all differences can be put aside!

This event is open to accordionist soloists, duets, trios and ensembles as well as groups that feature the accordion.

The final edited video of performances will be released online in early June 2022.

The Australian Accordion Teachers Association has decided to postpone their annual international competition for 2022, and instead create a platform for accordionists from all over the world to come together in celebration of our favourite instrument.

Entries close on May 30th, 2022 and videos must be submitted by June 3rd, 2022.

For further details visit the AATA website.


National Accordion Competition - Varėna/Lithuania

Marta KomarThe national Lithuanian accordion competition in Varena is held every two years, where excellent young Lithuanian accordionists are participating. It is one of the most important accordionists’ events in Lithuania with 150 accordionists competing in different age categories.

Picture above of two winners:
Picture left: Marta Komar (winner, category up to 10 years, teacher Žana Gumenaja).
Picture lower: Simona Tamošiunaite (winner, category up to 16 years, teacher Deividas Dombovskis).


Будущие события

Sam Reider Performs World Premiere of New Concerto Composition – USA

Sam Reider poster
Sam Reider (accordionist & composer) will perform the premiere of his latest composition “Concerto for Accordion” with the Del Sol Quartet at the Center for New Music in San Francisco, USA on May 15th, 2022 at 4.30pm.

For the past two years Sam has been pursuing a graduate degree in composition and the work is part of this project.

“The piece is bright, colorful and a lot of fun to play. It draws on various types of accordion folk music and explores some unique sonic textures with accordion & strings”.

For details email: sam@samreidermusic.com


Grand Accordion Festival - France

Fest poster
A Grand Accordion Festival will be held the Centre Socio Cultural in Palluau, Pays de la Loire, France on May 15th, 2022 from 2.30pm, organised by Les Copains D’Avant.

See poster for details.


40th Anniversary of the Tejano Conjunto Festival - USA

40th festival
The 40th Anniversary of the Tejano Conjunto Festival will be held at the Guadalupe Theater and Rosedale Park in San Antonio, Texas, USA from May 16th to 22nd, 2022, presented by the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center.

The festival will include a symposium on the State and Future of Tejano Conjunto Music, a Conjunto Music in Film & Video presentation, a Free Seniors Conjunto Dance which will include a special presentation by Conjunto Music Hall of Fame accordionist Felipe Pérez, as well as a variety of concerts and performances by Santiago Jimenez, Conjunto Kingz de Flavio Longoria, Los Fantasmas del Valle, Rubén Vela Jr. y Su Conjunto, South Tx Homies, Ricky Naranjo y Los Gamblers, Los Texmaniacs with special guest Flaco Jiménez and many more.

For details phone: 210.271.3151


No.1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra Concert Tour – North Wales

No.1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra
The No.1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra will give a short concert tour to North Wales on May 21st and 22nd, 2022.

Performances will be given at the Llanfairfechan Town Hall in Llanfairfechan and the Old Courthouse in Caernarfon.

The group plays “an eclectic mix of music from all over the world, from wistful waltzes to tantalising tangos and also including some popular classical pieces and film and show themes. Something for everyone and lots of fun for all!”

See poster for details.


Acordeones del Uruguay “Serenata de Accordeones” - Uruguay

Acordeones del Uruguay poster
“Acordeones del Uruguay” will perform a concert entitled “Serenata de Accordeones” in Bella Unión, Uruguay on May 22nd, 2022 organised by Division Turismo.

Acordeones del Uruguay is an ensemble of accordionists from throughout Uruguay who perform music by Uruguayan composers.

For concert details email: silviopre@hotmail.com


Duo 'De Thuiskomst' Spanish Theme Concert - Netherlands

Duo 'De Thuiskomst'
KunstlinieDuo 'De Thuiskomst', which comprise of Quirine van Hoek (violin) and Ellen Zijm (accordion – pictured above) will perform a Spanish themed concert at the Kunstlinie Architect Studio (pictured right) in Amere, Netherlands on May 29th, 2022 at 2pm organised by Goede Rede Concerten.

Their program will include music by composers De Falla, De Sarasate, Turina, Granados and Piazzolla. “Enjoy the sultry, warm and also passionate sounds of the beautiful combination of violin and accordion.”

For details email: info@goederedeconcerten.nl


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World Accordion Day logo World Accordion Day, May 6th News Link and WAD Reports
2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland News Link
Friedrich Lips book Buy last stock at old price, "The Art of Accordion Playing" by Friedrich Lips News Link
ATG logo 80th Anniversary ATG: July 20-24, Chicago News Link
ATG logo Steirische Harmonika WM 2022  News Link
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
2021 Coupe Mondiale 2021 Coupe Mondiale Report and Video of all contestants Report Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Dr William Schimmel 2022 Dr William Schimmel’s Accordion Seminars, July 29-31, NY  News Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 ascoltate 14th International Accordion Competition & Festival "Ascoltate" 2022, April 29th - May 1st, Lithuania  News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link


Новые и обновленные сайты

Сроки и правила ПИФ Кастельфидардо 2022 года опубликованы на английском и итальянском языках - Италия

2022 PIF header
Antonio SpaccarotellaRoberto Ascani, Ruben CittadinОпределены сроки проведения ПИФ Кастельфидардо 2022 года. Со среды 28 сентября по воскресенье 02 октября 2022 года. Дата окончания приема заявок - 04 сентября 2022 года. Правила и дополнительная информация теперь на английском и итальянском языках по адресу: 2022Castelfidardo

Городской совет Кастельфидардо (регион Марке, Италия) в сотрудничестве с туристической ассоциацией Castelfidardo Pro Loco организует Международный конкурс PIF "Città di Castelfidardo" для аккордеонистов-солистов и групп, классической музыки и других жанров.

Муниципальную администрацию Кастельфидардо возглавляет мэр Роберто Аскани, Castelfidardo Pro Loco возглавляет Рубен Читтадини, а художественным руководителем PIF с 2021 года является директор Антонио Спаккаротелла. Среди его квалификаций - директор по организации мероприятий, успешный преподаватель с большим количеством международных успехов, музыкальный аранжировщик, а в последнее время - успешный композитор.

Правила на английском языке теперь доступны онлайн по адресу: 2022Castelfidardo


Six More Titles, Julia Gordon Scottish Music Arrangements - Scotland

Julia Gordon accordion sheet music
Julia GordonJulia Gordon, entertainer, teacher and arranger, has a tutor book and a large catalog of Scottish arrangements that have received very complimentary reviews. The music is in pdf format able to be emailed to you.

Six more titles, of Scottish traditional works arranged by Julia Gordon are now online. Click the link below, to view a sample of each piece, grade and other information.

Catalog No. - Name of Music
jgordon179 Loch Rannoch
jgordon169 O'er The Water To Charlie
jgordon164 Ye Banks And Braes
jgordon149 Will Ye Gang Tae Kelvin Grove
jgordon173 Màiri Bhàn Òg (Mary, Young And Fair)
jgordon189 Òran Chaluim Sgàire (Calum Sgaire's Song)


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