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Weekly News from Around the World - 13-Jul-2012
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65ème Coupe Mondiale, Excellence Musicale à Spoleto - Italie
8ème festival d’accordéon jazz 2012 - Italie
25 ème anniversaire du department accordéon la RAM, Londres - GB
Comptes-rendus journaliser et Web TV: 40 ème anniversaire Sata-Häme Soi - Finlande
Championnats 2013 NAO UK Liverpool - GB

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

La Vie en Rose Introduction at Bruce Springsteen Concert, Paris - France
International Composition Competition by Jetelina and DHV - Germany
TV show 'Bonheur de Nacre' Presents Deschamps, Grama, Laxgang & Gourdy - France
Canterbury Accordion Association Celebrates 50 Years – New Zealand
Amazing 927 Accordion Players Record Attempt, Ransäter - Sweden
Massimo Andreotti Tango Composition 'Intesa de Amor' - Italy
Video of Tweed New Album, "Tweed, The First Weave" - UK
João Gentil Aguada de Cima Concert - Portugal
San Pedro Squeeze Accordion Festival, California - USA
Tornado Composed by Semir Sammy Hasic - Croatia

Future events

Accordion Babes Calendar Calls for Sponsors - USA
Salvatore Cauteruccio in Mariella Nava Concert, Morano Calabro - Italy
Symphony Career Developing Program Offered for Accordion Soloists - Austria

New and Updated Sites

Gary Dahl New and Updated Music - USA
Don Grzanna Promotional Videos of his eSheet Music - USA

CD Reviews

Richness of the Tones CD by Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion)

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65ème Coupe Mondiale, Excellence Musicale à Spoleto - Italie

65th Coupe Mondiale Banner
65th Coupe Mondiale PosterDu 21 au 25 août 2012, la 65ème Coupe Mondiale pour les accordéonistes en categories variété et classique auront lieu à Spoleto, près de Prugia, dans le magnifique cadre du Teatro Nuovo “Giancarlo Menotti”.

Le concours retourne en Italie après plus de 60 ans d’absence et accueillera les meilleurs musiciens et ensembles. L’évènement est organisé par la Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA-IMC-UNESCO) et accueilli par la IAC (Italian Accordion Culture) et Strumenti & Musica Festival. Il y a aura beaucoup d’invités pour compléter le haut niveau artistique des participants en compétition, qui représenteront leurs pays respectifs.

Le fameux orchestra à cordes de Kiev "Kievskaya Kamerata” a déjà confirmé sa présence. Il donnera trois concerts, dont un dédié à la musique du compositeur et accordéoniste ukrainien Vladimir Zubitsky

Le concert du vendredi 24 août sera assuré par le WAO VI (World Accordion Orchestra), qui permet à tous les candidats à la Coupe Mondiale de jouer ensemble, et qui peut déjà compter sur la participation de l’orchestre d’accordéon de Brusque (Brésil), du Hof Akkordeon Orchester (Allemagne) et de Town of Castelfidardo « Fisorchestra », qui est probablement le plus ancien orchestre d’accordéon du monde.

Les concours de la Coupe Mondiale auront lieu du 22 au 25 août, avec la cérémonie de remise des prix le 25 août au soir, après le concert de l’orchestre de Kiev "Kievskaya Kamerata".

Toutes les informations sur la Coupe mondiale, le voyage jusqu’à Spoleto, et l’accomodation sur le site web de la Coupe Mondiale.


8ème festival d’accordéon jazz 2012 - Italie

8th Pineto Acordion Jazz Festival 2012
Du 12 au 14 juillet 2012.


25 ème anniversaire du department accordéon la RAM, Londres - GB

Owen MurrayLe thème principal utilisé par Owen Murray lors de la célébration du 25ème anniversaire pour le départment d’accordéon à la Royal Academy of Music, le dimanche 10 juin, était l’enseignement de l’accordéon.

Son invité spécial pour l’occasion était Lars Holm, professeur d’accordéon de Suède, bien connu à travers le monde. Le grand talent de Holms est lié à son enthousiasme contagieux pour l’enseignement aux jeunes enfants. Il a développé plusieurs méthodes d’enseignements pour les jeunes enfants, qui doivent par-dessus tout, selon lui, prendre du plaisir.

Après le repas, un magnifique concert a été donné par des étudiants actuels, accompagnés par une ancienne étudiante: Ksenija Sidorova. Un magnifique niveau musical était démontré dans des œuvres baroques, classiques (Scarlatti, Mozart, Grieg) et des œuvres modernes (Lorentzen, Angelis, Londonov).

Après une pause, les étudiants ont donné un concert avec de nombreuses oeuvres contemporaines solo, ainsi que de la Musique de chambre, terminant le concert par une magnifique interpréatation de Goulag de Vlasov, par l’ancien étudiant Milos MIlivojevic. La session finale de la journée était nommée ‘Raising playing standards in the UK’.

Owen Murray a intégré le département de l’accordéon avec succès dans la vie de l’académie et des 21 étudiants gradués, 10 l’ont été avec distinction, et 7 sont en train d’achever le prestigieux diplôme de la Royal Academy. Ses élèves ont obtenu de nombreux prix dans le monde de la musique classique, joué avec de nombreux orchestres et dans toute une série de festivals et évènements.

Sincères félicitations à Owen Murray pour ces 25 ans!


Comptes-rendus journaliser et Web TV: 40 ème anniversaire Sata-Häme Soi - Finlande

40th Anniversary Concert: Video directed by Mike Rossi for the www.DeschampsCHANNEL Web TV
Les deux derniers jours du festival de Sata-Hâme Soi sont en ligne. Ces jours comprennent le concert de Grayson Masefield, le concert du 40ème anniversaire, l’évènement musique et danse dans le parc, et la cérémonie de clôture.

Jour 5, 2012 Ikaalinen 7 juillet, compte-rendu, photo et web TV en direct
Jour 6, 2012 Ikaalinen 8 juillet, compte-rendu, photo et web TV en direct


Championnats 2013 NAO UK Liverpool - GB

UK Accordion Championship Flyer
Après le success des championnats 2012, ceux de 2013 seront à nouveau tenus à l’hotel Adelphi à Liverpool du 26 au 28 avril 2013.

La NAO a réussi à obtenir un “package” pour deux ou trois nuits :

Séjour de 3 nuits : adultes £135 enfants £67.50 en dessous de 2 ans gratuit.
Séjour de 2 nuits : adultes £99 enfants £49.50 en dessous de 2 ans gratuit. Idéal pour ceux qui doivent rentrer à la maison pour le travail et l’école le lundi matin.

Il faut utiliser le code de réservation NAO pour avoir ces prix spéciaux. Contactez directement l’hotel (Jackie Carte), n’utilisez pas le central des réservatios.

Durant le week-end, il y aura les competitions de Grande-Bretagne, le concours Roland V-Accordion, ainsi que des demonstrations.

Réservez rapidement !

Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site NAO.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

La Vie en Rose Introduction at Bruce Springsteen Concert, Paris - France

Roy Bittan and Charlie Giordano play 'La Vie En Rose' as an accordion instrumental to introduce to the audience the enormously popular rock star Bruce Springsteen and his group at their concert at Bercy, Paris, on 4 July 2012.


International Composition Competition by Jetelina and DHV - Germany

Stefan Hippe congratulates Frank-Udo Fräbel. Right: Peter Helmut Lang
Philipp HaagThe Jetelina International Composition Prize for new accordion music held its Award Ceremonies at the the DHV Deutscher Akkordeon-Musikpreis in Bruchsal in June.

Picture above left: Stefan Hippe congratulates Frank-Udo Fräbel, above right Peter Helmut Lang, left Philipp Haag.

In 2011, music publisher Jetelina announced the 3rd Inernational Composition Prize for new accordion music in cooperation with the DHV, asking for a solo work in the upper level of difficulty. All the award winning works were performed by students or graduates of the Hohner Conservatory Trossingen.

Entries were received from Germany, Switzerland, Russia and the USA and the winners selected by a jury, the jury chairman being Stefan Hippe.

The results were:
- Frank-Udo Fräbel composition 'Sonata Chromatica'
- Philipp Haag composition 'Szenen' (Scenes)
- Peter Helmut Lang composition 'Mobile'

Frank Udo Fräbel came all the way from Texas arrived for the premiere of his award-winning Sonata Chromatica, held at the opening concert of the Deutscher Akkordeon-Musikpreis. Szenen was also performed in the Opening Concert and Mobile performed in concert two days later.

The concert performances in the Civic Center of Bruchsal were a worthy setting for the Jetelina International Composition Competition and the thunderous applause from the audience, a measure of the success of this excellent initiative.


TV show 'Bonheur de Nacre' Presents Deschamps, Grama, Laxgang & Gourdy - France

Le Mans TV show 'Bonheur de Nacre' presenter Pascal Savard, on the 29th June, interviewed Frederic Deschamps and performers Dorin Grama, Radu Laxgang, Elsa Gourdy, who are all students and Primus ikaalinen 2012 (Finland) contestants.


Canterbury Accordion Association Celebrates 50 Years – New Zealand

CAA 50th Anniversary Programme
On 5th and 6th July, the Canterbury Accordion Association held a weekend long 50th Anniversary celebration.  The CAA is the oldest existing accordion association in New Zealand.

A major effort had been made by CAA committee members to contact past members which was hampered by the recent earthquakes that have devastated the city of Christchurch, with many people being killed, tragically including one CAA accordion member. Several CAA members had left permanently or moved house several times due to continuing earthquakes and house damages.

On Friday the 6th July, as visitors were arriving for this event from around New Zealand, Christchurch experienced a large 4.9 earthquake.

Before all events a safety plan was outlined and publicly announced in case a further earthquake took place. All events were held in the very pretty town of Lincoln, about 20 kms out of Christchurch.

A page report of photos and information is online at: CAA50th

Photo Below of 2012 CAA Committee: Front: Meg Fidler, Lynette Kelcher, Jeanette Perry. Back: John Arthur, Mark Perry, Heather McCausland, David Thorne, Rosalie Taylor, Denise Hammersley, Merle Kershaw
CAA committee


Amazing 927 Accordion Players Record Attempt, Ransäter - Sweden

An amazing 927 Accordion players attempted to break the World Record last week in Ransäter, Sweden. The song "Finska Polka" on this video is one of several songs played on that day. The 3rd part of Finska Polka was composed by Walter Eriksson. Enjoy.


Massimo Andreotti Tango Composition 'Intesa de Amor' - Italy

Massimo Andreotti has released in June a video of a beautiful tango he composed, 'Intesa de Amor' which is featured on his CD titled 'Genius'.

For further information email: info@massimoandreotti.it


Video of Tweed New Album, "Tweed, The First Weave" - UK

After we wrote an article two weeks ago about Tweed releasing their new album, the group have sent us a video performing one of the tracks on their new album.

The band is a trio from the highlands of Scotland. All 3 members have different musical backrounds.

Graeme Mackay is the 3rd generation of a Scottish dance band, Jim Mackay's dance band. He has a pedigree upbringing of old time & Scottish country dance music. The self taught button accordion player has been competing since the age of 13 and has won multiple button accordion trophies, 2 major traditional championships and recently came 2nd place in the national accordion masters championship.

Duncan Farquhar has been playing the fiddle since he was 8. Playing in various bands through school and later studying acting in Edinburgh, he moved back to his hometown of Aviemore where he joined Graeme on the road.

Sam Mcleod is originally from Grantown on Spey. He has a degree in music from Napier University and has learned his drumming trade from playing in various bands.

So listen to them play. The new album "Tweed, The First Weave" was released on 5th July.

The band are set for a Europe tour in November to take the album on the road and look ahead to next year where they aspire to head for Australia, New Zealand, America & Canada.


João Gentil Aguada de Cima Concert - Portugal

On the 12th July, João Gentil (accordion), Miguel Calhaz (double bass), Miguel Duarte (guitar), Luis Formiga (drums) with invited singer Rita Marques were performing for the anniversary of the town Aguada de Cima, Águeda Municipality in Portugal.


San Pedro Squeeze Accordion Festival, California - USA

Above is a video of Jelena Milojevic performing the ever popular Flight of the Bumble Bee at the California Plaza, San Pedro Squeeze Accordion Festival on the 6th July.

Also featured at the event was Joel Guzman’s traditional Mexican music fused blues, rock, country, and salsa; digital accordion champion Cory Pesaturo and accordion diva Gee Rabe.


Tornado Composed by Semir Sammy Hasic - Croatia

Well known accordionist Semir Sammy Hasic has released on June 29th the above video of his composition Tornado. The music depicts a Tornado warplane taking off and rushing through the clouds like a tornado.

For further information email: semirsammyhasic@yahoo.com


Future events

Accordion Babes Calendar Calls for Sponsors - USA

Renee de la Prade writes to us that "Accordion lovers from around the world buy this calendar, so it's a great place to advertise your accordion business, music lessons, festival/event, or just to give a shout-out to your favorite accordion organization.

Please note that the early-bird ad and pre-sales deadline is July 23rd 2012."

The Accordion Babes 2013 Calendar is due to be released in August at the Cotati Festival.

For further information and full advertising rates, email: accordionpinupcalendar@gmail.com


Salvatore Cauteruccio in Mariella Nava Concert, Morano Calabro - Italy

Salvatore Cauteruccio and Mariella Nava latest CDSalvatore Cauteruccio (accordion) and Sasà Calabrese (bass) will be two prominent musicians performng with Italian Singer Mariella Nava on16th July in Morano Calabro, Cosenza Province. Mariella Nava will present her latest CD titled “Tempo Mosso” at this concert.

Salvatore Cauteruccio, professional accordionist has made ??numerous tours (Russia, Germany, Holland, Italy), playing in festivals such as: Peperoncino Jazz Festival, Premio Peppino Principe, Festival di Castelfidardo, Accordion Art Festival, Lamezia Jazz and many others. Salvatore has made ??records as a player and leader, including "Tangout" which was nominated for Best Orpheus disc for jazz accordion in 2008.


Symphony Career Developing Program Offered for Accordion Soloists - Austria

Master Orchestra Production, Vienna
The business Master Orchestra Production in Vienna are offering a career developing program with symphony orchestras.
Soloists can choose a program of their own to perform with one selected professional symphony orchestra. The career developing program includes 3 rehearsals and the concert.

The organization price ranges from € 2000 including transfer from the airport and back, excluding hotel and travel costs and that sponsorship needs to be secured by the soloist.
HD video recording is included -- with a full right to be used by the soloist as professional promotional material. Orchestras are available in Eastern and Central Europe, as well as in the United States.
For further information contact Master Orchestra Production management at:mop.vienna@gmail.com


New and Updated Sites

Gary Dahl New and Updated Music - USA

Gary DahlGary Dahl - performer, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following new music titles for purchase on-line.
'The Swan', catalog:DH0244.

Samples for these music are now available at the MusicForAccordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


Don Grzanna Promotional Videos of his eSheet Music - USA

Donald GrzannaDon Grzanna just upgraded his eSheet music pages with promotional sample videos so you can hear the sound.


CD Reviews

Richness of the Tones CD by Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion)

Richness of the TonesCD Reviews Index for the Review of Richness of the Tones CD by Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion), in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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