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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 13-Apr-2018
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Gunther Stoll 指挥HHC-Nufringen50周年庆典-德国




Reedblocks - 1st International Accordion Festival in Thessaloniki - Greece
Nemanja Potparic Concerts, Zemun – Serbia
Victor Prieto Trio, 2018 Frankfurt Musikmesse Festival - Germany
L’Ensemble D’Accordeons Concert, Marly – France
The No 1 Ladies Orchestra Concerts, Dorset - UK
Gala D’Accordeon, Mamers - France
LAO Concert @ RAM, London – UK
WMAS Sunday Concert, Virginia – USA
Ian Muir SDB @ Beith Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK
Ivan Filipchyk Concert @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA
Norvic Concordia Concert, Norwich – UK
New Video Clip Release by Zoe Tiganouria - Greece


Updated Site: Video of Popular Libertango Arrangement - Italy
Updated site: Competition Information Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC) - USA
Updated Site: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips


CD Review: Two CD's Reviewed, Performer Bjarke Mogensen

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Musikmesse 2018 poster


- 4月11日星期三至2018年4月14日(星期六)上午10时至下午6时
- Prolight + Sound:周二,4月11日星期三至4月14日星期六,位于法兰克福的东部地区。


今年所有的 "free reed instruments" Hall 8.0展厅里展出——所以,为这个活动做好准备,千万不要错过!!!

Frankfurt Musikmesse Entrance



2nd IOAC Category 5 presentations
Akkordeon grenzenlos2nd International Open Accordion Contest今年,手风琴节日“grenzenlos”又一次在Trossingen举行,与第二届国际公开手风琴比赛(IOAC)一起举行。这个节日由Hohner音乐学院承办,DHV和EAF合作组织的。规章制度:2018 ioac.pdf


比赛已经报名的有63人。今年,尤其是较年轻的群体(15岁/12岁),也有很好的代表。比赛项目的亮点之一是"band battle",乐队中有一个手风琴,目前的音乐有不同的风格,还包括他们自己的作品。

研讨会上讨论了各个领域的问题,参加者与志趣相投的人士交换意见,并获得专业人士的新经验的平台。一些典型的主题有:室内乐,2拍或者不是2拍-节奏,适合初学者"Jazz you can"。

完整比赛结果:2018ioac - result .pdf。
1a组:独奏“古典”18岁以上。Radu Ratoii(摩尔多瓦)
1b组:独奏“流行”18岁以上。Felix Fritschi(德国)
2a组:独奏”古典”18岁以下。Nikodem Sobek(波兰)/ Martin Kot(捷克共和国)
2b组:独奏”流行”18岁以下。Angelika Vogel (德国)
3组:15岁以下的独奏者。Kamil Borsuk(波兰)
4组:12岁以下的独奏者。 Patrick Meier (德国)
5a组:世界音乐/乐队。 Duo Joe Kenney / Felix Fritschi (德国)
5b组:世界音乐/乐队(未满18岁)Duo Cora Jergler / Jiayi Liu(德国)


Gunther Stoll 指挥HHC-Nufringen50周年庆典-德国

Günther Stoll 50th Jubilee
Günther Stoll视频:HHC-Nufringen,指挥家Gunther Stoll在50周年庆典上表演"Don't Know Much"。

Jochen Haußmann,世界最大手风琴协会之一—德国手风琴协会(DHV)主席。3月17日写道:“成为今天Handharmonika-Club 的一部分是一份非常特殊的荣誉。指挥家Gunther Stoll做了50年的指挥家,这是一个非常罕见的周年纪念日,我代表DHV和Ingolf Welte市长一起向他表示祝贺。非常感谢你给我们带来了令人印象深刻的的音乐会。

我们的手风琴世界的发展,在很大程度上归功于不停奉献的的教师,如很受重视的Günther Stoll ,他一生为手风琴奉献出了一切。

50年来,Günther Stoll 一直是一名专业手风琴老师,每周的管弦乐队排练,无数的音乐会,学生参加比赛,管弦乐队的巡演,国家和国际手风琴比赛的陪审工作等等。

我要向我的好朋友Günther Stoll 和世界各地的其他手风琴老师致敬,他们以奉献精神和专业精神为手风琴付出了那么多。

如果你认识一位像Günther Stoll 这样的老师,请记得替我说声谢谢,我希望有一天,他们也会像我们在《Handharmonika-Club Nufringen》的这篇新闻文章中看到的那样,享受一场美好的周年庆典。

Günther Stoll



South Pacific Accordion Championships header
Prospectus, 2018 South Pacific Accordion Championships报名截止日期为2018年4月14日,将于2018年6月第二个周六和第三个周日在奥克兰举行。

大纲(规则和条例):2018 NZ Prospectus。



事件报道:South Pacific Daily Reports


图片下方是新西兰高质量的Raye Freedman艺术中心场地,灯光和音响效果极佳。
Raye Freedman Arts Centre




Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 3:
2018年3月23 - 29日西伯利亚的节日“巴扬和现在”,是全俄罗斯的巴扬日,手风琴和口琴,以及亚历山大·维塔利耶维奇教授的生日,献给克鲁辛。开幕音乐会是3月23日,克虏伯教授的生日。对他丰富的创造力的记忆和在“新西伯利亚国家音乐学院”的“民间乐器”教员的发展。它曾经帮助过他和他们的学生。

视频1。上图:罗西尼“Figaro骑兵”Vladislav lov(13岁)

视频2。上图:A. Musichini“直到……”A. Rubin(老师),Jan Rubtsov, W. Shumilov和A. Dolmatov。在接下来的几天里,还会有来自Novosibirsk的国际优胜者的音乐会:Aleksey Dolmatov (a类A. Rubin), the Menuhin competition in Japan Artem Davtyan (Domra)和Nikolai Prokopiev (Accordion)的获奖者。大师班是由Nizhny Novgorod /莫斯科的Nikita Vlasov主持的。最引人注目的是魅力非凡的手艺人Nikita Vlasov的最后一场演唱会,他已经赢得了许多国际奖项——最近的一次是2016年在CMA Trophee Mondial举办的2016年双门冠军和2017年冠军。技术掌握对他来说当然是一件重要的事,但是音乐,微妙地控制演奏作品是一种真正的乐趣。幸运的是,演奏视频被记录下来了。享受吧!



Joan Grauman, AAA Historian《美国新闻》编辑丽塔·巴尼亚:这是AAA琼·格劳曼(图右)与《美国新闻》合作的第四篇文章,旨在帮助宣传80年代的AAA周年庆典。从1938年3月9日到2018年,每一个月都有一篇文章包含了AAA历史的一部分。非常感谢琼·格劳曼的这些文章。


阅读Joan Grauman的完整文章:80年的AAA标志。



Grayson Masefield poster
Grayson Masefield来自新西兰的Virtuoso accordionist Grayson Masefield,刚刚完成了他在NAA德州、洛杉矶、旧金山、尤金、阿什兰和斯波坎的NAA大会的巡回演出。Grayson Masefield是近年来世界上最成功的竞争对手之一,赢得了美国中央电视台(CIA)的Mondiale经典和娱乐类,Primus Ikaalinen国际比赛(芬兰),罗兰国际V-Accordion比赛(意大利罗马),以及CMA Trophee Mondial经典和娱乐类。他去法国参加了弗雷德里克·德尚的研讨会和学费,去了瑞士洛桑大学(University of Music Lausanne),他和斯特凡·查乌斯(Stephane Chapuis)一起去了巴和马。巡回演出的每一场音乐会都有转录本、原创古典手风琴作品和艺术大师作品。他每场演出都受到观众的喜爱并全场起立鼓掌。他在德州做了两个小时的大师班,展示手风琴技术,并给学生们授课。他还在斯波坎(Spokane)教授私人课程,并做了一场关于如何处理舞台焦虑和表演前神经的演讲。他在法国、西班牙、德国、英国、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、意大利、美国、加拿大、俄罗斯、立陶宛、葡萄牙、中国、瑞士、奥地利、新西兰、澳大利亚、芬兰等多个国家演出过。对于音乐会/大师班或教学(skype)的查询请电邮格雷森:gmasefield@gmail.com



Reedblocks - 1st International Accordion Festival in Thessaloniki - Greece

Reedblocks - The organizers turned to the inside of the instrument in naming the first international festival in northern Greece based around the accordion. Thessaloniki has a vibrant cultural life in which the accordion, during the last several years, has played an important role - both in classical and contemporary music and in folk music.

From 13th to 15th of April 2018, we invited musicians from the most different musical environments to present some of the faces of the instrument.

Performers include Matti Pulkki, Iraklis Vavatsikas, Ander Tellería and Mateja Zenzerovic in three concerts, accompanied by four different workshops/seminars:

The event is organised by the Reedblocks Team of Panagiotis Andreoglou, Stamatis Pasopoulos, Konstantinos Raptis who want to thank Pigini Srl Italy for their "generous support".


Nemanja Potparic Concerts, Zemun – Serbia

The Duo NeSte – accordionist Nemanja Potparic and pianist Stevan Savic – perform in concert on Friday April 13th, 8pm, at Kosta Manojlovic, Zemun. Zemun is a municipality of the city of Belgrade, Serbia. The programme includes music by Astor Piazzolla, Franck Angelis, Gorka Hermosa, Dukic, and Nikolic.

On Monday April 16th, 7.30pm, Nemanja Potparic and the guitarist Zoran Anic perform in concert at the Kosta Manojlovic, Zemun.

The concerts are events in the 6th Internacionalni Festival Harmonike, a competitive festival from April 13th to 16th, organised by Milos Zivic. French composer and accordionist Franck Angelis is a special guest, holding a master class and performing in concert. Other accordionists performing at this festival include Danijela Rakic, Dr. Zoran Rakic, Gvozden Erakovic, Ramona Dimitrijevic Balac, Slobodan Stanic, Dušan Novcic, Nenad Ljubenovic, Slobodan Ðuric, Dejan Milkunic, Martin Težak, and Damir Toskic Vasiljevic.

Nemanja Potparic, from Pijevija, Montenegro, studies the accordion at the Muzicka Akademika, Zagreb, Croatia.

For further information email: milos.zivic@gmail.com


Victor Prieto Trio, 2018 Frankfurt Musikmesse Festival - Germany

Victor Prieto
On the14th and 15th of April, Victor Prieto is performing with his European Trio in the Frankfurt Musikmesse Festival. He will be accompanied by his European Trio of Hanns Höhn (bass), Benno Sattler (drums).

Performing at 20:00 hours, 14 April at Die Fabrik in Frankfurt

Performing at 20:00 hours, 15 April at Jazz Keller in Frankfurt

Further information at: info@victorprieto.net


L’Ensemble D’Accordeons Concert, Marly – France

On Saturday April 14th, 3pm, the local accordion club L’Ensemble D’Accordeons will present a concert at the Eglise Saint-Jacques, rue Jean Jaurès, 59770 Marly, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, northern France.


The No 1 Ladies Orchestra Concerts, Dorset - UK

This weekend The No 1 Ladies Orchestra Concert performs two concerts in Dorset in the English West Country, as follows;

Saturday April 14th, 7.30pm – Bridport United Church, St Andrews Rd, Bridport DT6 3NN
Sunday April 15th, 3pm – Charmouth Village Hall, The Street, Bridport DT6 6QT

Founded in 2010 by Karen Tweed, The No 1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra has 16 members, all passionate accordion players from around the UK, with a shifting line-up of up to sixteen performers. This all-squeezing, cake-loving, tea-drinking band of lovely talented ladies has enthralled audiences across the country, in village halls, ballrooms, festivals, fetes, parties, piers and pavilions. With the unexpected sounds of multiple accordions played with sensitivity, versatility and a unique style of charming idiosyncrasy, many an accordion-phobe has been made to think twice!

For further information email: no1ladiesaccordion@gmail.com


Gala D’Accordeon, Mamers - France

The Gala D’Accordeon is a one day event that takes place on Sunday April 15th, with lunch at 11.30am and continuous dancing from 2pm until 8pm, at Salle Saugonna, 2 rue de la Gare, Mamers. The orchestra of Cedric Saillard will play for dancing, and the event includes the accordionists Gilou, Zinzin, Angelique, Chantal Soulou, and Cedric Saillard.

Mamers is a commune in the Sarthe department in the region of Pays-de-la-Loire in north-western France.


LAO Concert @ RAM, London – UK

On Monday April 16th, 7pm, The London Accordion Orchestra (MD Ian Watson) presents five world premieres in the magnificent Duke's Hall at the Royal Academy of Music, Marylebone Rd, London NW1 5HT. Admission is free (unreserved seating), there will be no interval and the concert will finish around 8pm.

The orchestra has been working with Academy composers to develop 5 new pieces for accordion orchestra, and will also play 2 pieces from their album ‘Flight’ - 'Rhapsody' by Stuart Hancock and 'Clowns' by Ian Watson. The new pieces range from a ‘Lullaby’, based on traditional Scottish bagpipe music, to a deconstruction of Astor Piazzolla's 'Oblivion'.

For further information email: iwatson99@googlemail.com


WMAS Sunday Concert, Virginia – USA

On Sunday afternoon April 15th, 4pm, the Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society presents the duo Peregine Road – accordionist Rachel Bell and pianist and accordionist Karen Axelrod. The poster tells about what this duo can do in their performances.

The venue is Sleepy Hollow United Methodist Church, 3435 Sleepy Hollow Rd, Falls Church, Virginia 22044.

For further information email: joangrauman@verizon.net


Ian Muir SDB @ Beith Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK

On Monday April 16th, 7.30pm to 11pm, the Ian Muir Scottish Dance Band are the guests at the Beith Accordion & Fiddle Club. The venue is the Beith Bowling Club, Boghead, Beith KA15 1DZ, Scotland. Admission is £7, Musicians £3 - (Members free); admission includes Buffet Supper each month.

Accordionist Ian started his professional playing career aged 14 at the Gaiety Theatre, Ayr, and since then, as well as his busy schedule in Scotland, has travelled throughout Europe, USA, and the Middle East. He formed his own Scottish Dance Band in 1984 and broadcasts regularly for BBC Radio Scotland. Every year the band visits a different location for an annual Scottish Country Dancing trip. With 160+ country dancers eager to swap the good old British weather for sunnier climes, desperate to get their dancing shoes on to dance the night away. Cyprus, Portugal, Majorca, Lanzarote, and Malta are some of the locations visited by this group.

For further information email: suzmacf@hotmail.com


Ivan Filipchyk Concert @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA

On Sunday April 15th, 8pm until 9pm, Brooklyn Accordion Club presents ‘Mostly Bach: Piano & Accordion Concert’, an evening concert featuring accordionist and pianist Ivan Filipchyk. Admission is free.

Ivan Filipchyk (born 1991), is a New York-based artist and musician. He graduated from the Gnessin Academy of music in Moscow, with a Master's degree in music. He acquired his music foundation in Belarus and Russia. As a musician (accordion, piano) he takes part in various competitions and gives recitals performing (as a soloist and participant of an ensemble) on the stages of some European countries, Russia, Japan, USA and Canada.

Brooklyn Accordion Club now meets at the Great Room at the LuEsther T. Mertz South Oxford Space/A.R.T., 138 South Oxford Street (between Atlantic Avenue and Fulton Street), Brooklyn, NY 11 217.

For further information email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Norvic Concordia Concert, Norwich – UK

Norvic Concordia (MD Peter Ayers) are an acoustic accordion quintet who play a varied programme of light music. Their next concert takes place on Thursday April 19th, 7.45pm, at the Chapel Field Road Methodist Church, Wessex St, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 1SD. The admission price of £10 includes a buffet. Proceeds are in aid of Autism Anglia.

The concert programme includes: Sharpshooters March (G. Mettelo), Begin the Beguine (Cole Porter), Childhood Memories (Andy Anderson), Melody in F (Anton Rubinstein), An Irving Berlin Song Medley (Irving Berlin), Introduction – Chorale from Gothic Suite (Leon Boellmann), Toccata from Gothic Suite (Leon Boellmann), Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (WA Mozart), A Whiter Shade of Pale (Gary Brooker), It’s All Right With Me (Cole Porter), Last Spring (Edvard Grieg), Serenata (Enrico Tosselli), There’s A Place In My Heart For You (Lyn Larsen), Whistling Rufus (Kerry Mills).

For further information email: peter.ayers@tesco.net


New Video Clip Release by Zoe Tiganouria - Greece

Zoe TiganouriaOn Monday, April 23, at 12:30, at Ianos Cafe (Stadiou 24) Athina, will be a press conference for the 10 Years of the composer & accordion virtuoso Zoe Tiganouria and official projection of her new video clip entitled “Last Tango by Zoe”. Free Entrance.

The main presenters of the event will be the journalist Eleni Chrona, the actor Yiannis Vouros, the actor Panagiota Vladi, the journalist Nikos Thrasyvoulou and the director of the video clip Manos Antoniou.

At the end of the event they will be presented live by the accordion singer / songwriter Zoe Tiganouria with a little orchestra, performing compositions and songs.

Singrers/Soloists (alphabetical order):
Agathonas, Arvaniti Sophia, Volakos Nikos, Vassiliou Lambros, Voudouraki Eleni (Mezzo soprano of the National Opera), Gantzouras Stathis, Pelagia, Polytimi, Sevastopoulos Yiannis (Lute), Tiganis Kostas.

Participating musicians:
Giannis Tavlas (guitars), Stefanos Hadjianagnostou (flute), Dimitris Kazanis (violin), Giorgos Politis (bass), Stelios Generalis (percussion).



Updated Site: Video of Popular Libertango Arrangement - Italy

Ivano BattistonThe video of this very popular sheet music Libertango composed by Astor Piazzolla, arranged by Ivano Battiston has been updated.

An extremely popular arrangement by Ivano Battiston
Catalog: battiston101 7 Euro eSheet, sent to you by email
about which Battiston writes: My Libertango arrangement wants to have the features of a concert piece. The accordion is used in many of its expressive and virtuous possibilities and this arrangement is also rich in quotes from Piazzolla himself (Adios Nonino, Que Vendré, Escualo, Angel's Muerte).


Updated site: Competition Information Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC) - USA

Header Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration
logo 25th Anniversary, Leavenworth International Accordion CelebrationCompetitions information now online: 2018 is the 25th Anniversary of the Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC) sponsored by the Northwest Accordion Society. The event is held, June 21 - 24 in picturesque Leavenworth.

The competitions include categories for Classical, Old Time, Diatonic instruments, Bands, Duets, as well as a range of categories for amateurs only, from children to 19-45 and 46 plus. A total of $5,525 prize money is being offered.

Rules and entry information at: 2018LIAC-Rules.pdf
Entry closing date: 08 June 2018

So book your calendar to visit beautiful Leavenworth, 21-24 June for a fun event with lots of excellent music of all styles.

For further information, visit the website: Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration


Updated Site: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips

Cover of The Art of Arranging Classical Music for AccordionPrinted books are in stock. The site at kslips03 has been updated to include that printed copies are in stock and that a book review by Willoughby Ann Walshe has been added to the site.



CD Review: Two CD's Reviewed, Performer Bjarke Mogensen

CD cover: CD Cover: Mogensen - LohseCD Reviews Index to read the Review of
1. "Bjarke Mogensen plays Domenico Scarlatti" CD
2. "Mogensen – Lohse: Mobile, Works for Solo Accordion" CD

Review in Italian and English languages.

Review by Alessandro Mugnoz.


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