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Weekly News from Around the World - 12-Jun-2020
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Artículo: Este viejo acordeón - Un homenaje a Ilmar Kuljus en su 90 cumpleaños - Estados Unidos
Hour Radio Broadcast, celebrando los 25 años de Craven Accordion Orchestra - Inglaterra
Concierto en línea de Hanzhi Wang en Mainly Mozart Festival, Florida - EE. UU.
Chaika Band realiza concierto en línea en Sydney - Australia

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Transmisión final del Día Mundial del Acordeón 6 de junio - Internacional
London Accordion Orchestra Virtual Release of “Daft Punk Medley” – UK
2020 Coupe Mondiale, 5 - 11 October, Castro Marim - Portugal
Passing of Rose Marie Caccamise, Owner of Roxy’s Music, New York – USA
Paolo Picchio – New Book: The Classical Accordion and its Repertoire
Passing of John Castiglione, May 26th, 2020, Michigan - USA
Vow Accordion Band Music Continues Despite Cancellations – Northern Ireland
Dúo Kasal Online Concert - Portugal

Future events

Gypsy Jazz and Blues Accordion Weekend – UK
New Series “The Whole Note” Premiers Online June 13th - USA
Noton Masterclasses Confirmed, Manigod - France
IV International Competition - Vyacheslav Belyakov Prize in Ufa - Russia

New and Updated Sites

2020 South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Championships - New Zealand
Remembering and Honoring Eugene Ettore - USA

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Artículo: Este viejo acordeón - Un homenaje a Ilmar Kuljus en su 90 cumpleaños - Estados Unidos

Ilmar KuljusVideo: "Northwest Profiles: Accordion Icon" se utiliza con permiso de KSPS PBS, Spokane, Washington, EE. UU. Publicado el 31 de marzo de 2016.

Fundador: Mi amigo Dan Grauman escribió: "Recibí un correo electrónico de Susan Graham, esposa de Ilmar Kuljus. No sé si estás familiarizado con Ilmar. Era el maestro de Patricia Bartell, así como los campeones de la AAA Sam Thomas (2007) y Gabe Hall-Rodrigues (2010). El archivo adjunto es una verdadera historia de "sentirse bien", que pensé que podría ser digna de publicación ".

Leí esta hermosa historia y en un momento de la historia en que el mundo ha sufrido mucho por la horrible destrucción del virus Corona de la vida y los negocios, son escritos como este que nos recuerdan a los creadores de este mundo, personas maravillosas, llenas de esfuerzos humanos. , amor por la música y la educación. Asegúrate de leer: This Old Accordion by Susan Graham

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Susan Graham escribe:

El 6 de junio es el 76 aniversario del Día D (6 de junio de 1944) y el 90 cumpleaños de Ilmar. Todos conocen la historia del Día D, pocos conocen la historia de Ilmar.

Cuando le digo que necesita escribirlo todo, dice que a nadie le interesaría, que su historia es la misma que la de todos los demás inmigrantes. Siento disentir. La historia adjunta es mi intento de registrar los elementos principales tal como los he escuchado.

This Old Accordion by Susan Graham
Ilmar Kuljus and Susan Graham


Hour Radio Broadcast, celebrando los 25 años de Craven Accordion Orchestra - Inglaterra

CAO poster
A principios de 2020, había grandes planes para conmemorar el 25 aniversario de la Orquesta de Acordeón Craven en Craven, Inglaterra. Lamentablemente, el bloqueo y sus restricciones significaron que estos planes tuvieron que ser cancelados.

Sin embargo, la CAO está orgullosa y entusiasmada de revelar que se emitirá una transmisión especial exclusiva de una hora de duración en Drystone Radio, 103.5 FM el domingo 28 de junio de 2020, de 11 a.m. a 12 a mediodía.

El programa mostrará lo más destacado de la historia de 25 años de la CAO y presentará muchos de los mejores momentos de sus archivos y numerosos viejos favoritos populares.

La CAO desea extender un agradecimiento especial al presentador Steve Brown de Drystone Radio, Matt Annable y Dave Gaunt de Skipton IT Services Ltd por ayudar con la transmisión.

La CAO siempre ha sido reconocida por sus esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos y este evento especial no será la excepción. Todos los fondos recibidos serán donados al Sue Ryder Manorlands Hospice, una organización benéfica local cercana a sus corazones.

Para hacer una donación al evento, comuníquese con Harry Hinchcliffe, Secretario de la CAO, correo electrónico: cravenschoolofmusic@hotmail.co.uk


Concierto en línea de Hanzhi Wang en Mainly Mozart Festival, Florida - EE. UU.

Hanzhi poster
Video: F-Major Andante de Mozart - Transcripción de Hanzhi, 5 de diciembre de 2018, recital de posgrado en la Sala de Conciertos de Estudio de la Real Academia Danesa de Música de Copenhague.

El acordeonista Hanzhi Wang realizará un concierto en línea organizado por la Sociedad de Música de Cámara de Miami y las Bibliotecas de la Universidad de Miami el 13 de junio a las 4pm. Su programa incluirá obras de Scarlatti, Mozart, Piazzolla, Bach / Gounod y Schnittke.

El evento es parte del Festival Mainly Mozart, episodio 5 de una serie de conciertos interpretada por Zsolt Bognar. Miami Chamber Music Society es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a brindar música de cámara de primera clase y programación innovadora para el público del sur de Florida.

Para detalles envíe un correo electrónico: miamichambermusicsociety@gmail.com


Chaika Band realiza concierto en línea en Sydney - Australia

Chaika poster
Video: concierto en línea del 27 de mayo.

La popular Chaika Band ”(que incluye al acordeonista Emily-Rose Šárkova) ofrecerá un concierto en línea desde el Humph Hall en Sydney, Australia, el 13 de junio de 2020.

¡Este concierto en vivo incluirá cuatro ángulos de cámara elegantes!

Para detalles envíe un correo electrónico: info@chaikaband.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Transmisión final del Día Mundial del Acordeón 6 de junio - Internacional

WAD banner
WADUna transmisión final
6 de junio de 2020 Broadcast WAD2020

Las transmisiones anteriores, 6 de mayo, 9 de mayo, 23 de mayo están en línea en: WAD2020


London Accordion Orchestra Virtual Release of “Daft Punk Medley” – UK

Ian WatsonOn May 5th, 2020 members of the London Accordion Accordion Orchestra and London Accordion Players released their virtual performance of 'Daft Punk Medley'. This piece was arranged by Sam Cullen, principal bass player of the London Accordion Orchestra.

Those taking part were asked to play wearing sunglasses, and to send in a video clip dancing in their homes or gardens. A click track was supplied to those taking part to be able to play their part in time.

The sound was edited by Ian Watson (picture right), Music Director of the London Accordion Orchestra, and video edited by Sam Cullen.

Percussion, keys and guitar was assisted by members of The Divine Comedy.


2020 Coupe Mondiale, 5 - 11 October, Castro Marim - Portugal

2020 Coupe Mondiale header
2020 Coupe Mondiale posterMirco Soprani, former Mayor of Castelfidardo, reporter and accordion journalist of many years experience writes:

What for now seems an appointment still a long way away, is in fact, less than 4 months before the 73rd Coupe Mondiale in Portugal to be held from 5 to 11 October in the city of Castro Marim, a splendid center of the Algarve.

There is a required review of national and international health issues, including confirmation of the date.

Almost daily contacts take place with the political side and national health requirements, that see Portugal, like the majority of European nations, emerge in this period from the first phase of the pandemic crisis.

However, it is logical that, since it is a world event, it will be necessary to fulfill all Government controls and understand the evolution of COVID 19 in other parts of the globe.

"Within the next few weeks - CIA President Mirco Patarini tells us - we will be able to outline the guidelines in detail. There is a willingness on everyone's part to create a great World Coupe Mondiale competition and festival on this occasion - by ensuring everyone is safe."


Passing of Rose Marie Caccamise, Owner of Roxy’s Music, New York – USA

Rose MarieRose Marie Caccamise (Batavia, New York) passed away on June 5th, 2020, at the age of 80. Rose Marie Caccamise (picture left) owned and managed the music store, Roxy’s Music for many years.

She carried on the tradition started by her father (Orazio Frank Caccamise) supplying quality instruments, musical repairs, lessons, and service at competitive prices.

In 2009, Roxy’s Music Store won the prestigious Business of the Year Award from the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce.

Offering lessons, sales, and repairs, Roxy’s quickly became a hub for accordionists from all over the New York area.

Rose had many friends in the accordion world and was respected by all. She will be greatly missed.
Roxy orchestra


Paolo Picchio – New Book: The Classical Accordion and its Repertoire

Picchio book coverPaolo PicchioA book by Paolo Picchio (picture right) entitled “The Classical Accordion and its Repertoire” translated by Romano Viazzani (and edited by Ben de Souza) has just been released. The book is published by ZZ Music.

This long-awaited translation of Paolo Picchio’s book will be invaluable for composers wishing to write seriously for the accordion and for accordion teachers and students wishing to deepen their understanding of the kind of repertoire that is taught in conservatoires all over the world.

Publisher ZZ Music writes “In this 342-page softback tome he analyses 40 compositions for accordion since 1960s by 40 different composers including Luciano Berio, Sofia Guabidulina, Magnus Lindberg, Arne Nordheim, Davide Anzaghi, Yuji Takahashi, Per Norgard, Vladimir Zubitsky, Franco Donatoni, Vladislav Zolotariov and many more. He studies in depth their musical language and the way they wrote for the accordion taking also into account the technical feasibility of what they wrote and the difficulties encountered by the performer.

Picchio also looks at the history and the construction of the instrument, the various systems which are commonly in use today along with their possibilities and looks at how technical developments have brought us towards the modern classical instrument and the possibilities that technical development have opened up to the modern composer and which make it particularly attractive to them.”

For details email: prolococ@tiscalinet.it


Passing of John Castiglione, May 26th, 2020, Michigan - USA

John Castiglione
John Castiglione, Director and Owner of Castiglione Accordion and Distributing Co, LLC Warren Michigan passed away on May 26th, 2020.

His family said he was “A generous, loving man and always will be to us, a man to whom family was always uppermost in his mind, a man who was there for everyone of us whenever, wherever and for whatever was needed.

He supported his children and grandchildren in following their dreams, which often included education and music, in part inspired by him as he had a zest for learning and reading and was the head of a family owned accordion store.

John was 3 years old when he started playing the accordion, following in the footsteps of his father, Vincent.

John moved to California where he eventually met his wife Anne, the love of his life. They settled in the Detroit suburbs and John began his lifelong work at Castiglione Accordion Company established by his parents.

John is survived by his sister and brother-in-law Fran (Castiglione) and Jim Marshick and niece Joanna (Marshick) and husband Joe Dinello. A memorial luncheon will be held at a future date.


Vow Accordion Band Music Continues Despite Cancellations – Northern Ireland

VOW AOThe Vow Accordion Band were disappointed that the 2020 Parading Season in Northern Ireland was cancelled because of Covid-19. However, the band has continued with online performances and hope you enjoy their music.

The band, based outside Rasharkin, County Antrim, Northern Ireland was formed in 1948 with 9 accordion players. At its peak it has had as many as 45 accordionists and 15 drummers. At the present time the band now has 20 accordionists and 4 drummers. They celebrated their 70th anniversary with a parade in 2018 (see picture left).


Dúo Kasal Online Concert - Portugal

Duo KasalDúo Kasal concert June 10th. Dúo Kasal, which includes Mariline Martins (violin) & Jorge Alves (accordion) gave an online concert on June 10th at the Cine Teatro Louletano in Loule, Portugal. The event was hosted by Cine-Teatro Louletano and broadcast on Facebook.

This concert is one of an online series organised by the theatre, as all of their planned events were cancelled because of Covid-19.


Future events

Gypsy Jazz and Blues Accordion Weekend – UK

Ian pic
Ian Lowthian will hold an online Gypsy Jazz and Blues Weekend for accordionists on June 13th and 14th, 2020.

This is a new event as Ian has had a number of requests for this style of music. He will explore some tuneful jazz numbers, some Stephane Grappelli tunes and perhaps have a wee look at improvising with the blues!

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


New Series “The Whole Note” Premiers Online June 13th - USA

Gary Dahl & Tris GourOn June 13th, 2020, Tris Gour will present Episode 1 of The Whole Note live on Facebook with recordings available via YouTube channel immediately following the event.

Picture left: top - Gary Dahl; lower - Tris Gour

Gary Dahl–The Legacy Continues (GDTLC) has been working for several months to bring a new type of entertaining and educational experience to both the acoustic and digital accordion communities. Episode 2 will air on FB live on June 27th, 2020 at 7pm EST. It will be immediately available on the Youtube channel and the FB page. There will be a new episode every two weeks.

Highlights include entertainment for both the digital and acoustic accordion communities, new accordion sheet music specials, educational briefs as part of each Whole Note episode that we call “Whole Tips”. Each episode will feature a new method, technique, or topic that will help the accordion community gain a better understanding of technology and its offerings as well as guests with both the technical and industry experience that will provide the catalyst to get more people involved in “all things accordion”.


Noton Masterclasses Confirmed, Manigod - France

Noton posterThe July masterclasses organised by Jean-Louis Noton are now confirmed as going ahead. They will be held at "Les Sapins" Hotel and Restaurant in Manigod, from July 17th to 23rd. See poster left for tutors.

For details email: jl.noton@wanadoo.fr


IV International Competition - Vyacheslav Belyakov Prize in Ufa - Russia

Russia comp
The 4th International Competition of Performers on Russian Folk Instruments and National Harmonics for the Vyacheslav Belyakov Prize will be held from December 5th to 7th, 2020 at the Concert Hall. F. Chaliapin, Ufa State Institute of Arts named after Zagira Ismagilova in Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia.

The event is held in conjunction with the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan and Ufa State Academy of Arts named after Zagira Ismagilova.

The competition aims to identify and support performers on bayan, accordion, domra, balalaika and harmonica and is held to in order to improve the performance skills of young musicians.

There are a variety of age group categories available for soloists and ensembles, who will compete for the main prize: Vyacheslav Belyakov Prize

The competition jury Chairman is professor, artist of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan, V.F. Belyakov.

Download competition rules in Russian language: 2020BelyakovRules.pdf


New and Updated Sites

2020 South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Championships - New Zealand

NZAA Banner
Daily Report: Video pictures and results at: 2020SouthPac

The New Zealand Accordion Association shortened version (because of Covid-19) of the South Pacific International Championship Solo Classes were held on May 30th, 2020.


Remembering and Honoring Eugene Ettore - USA

Eugene EttoreVideo 1: “Rhapsodie Espagnol” composed by Eugene Ettore, performed by Rita Barnea at the 80th Anniversary AAA Festival in Washington DC.
Video 2: "Prelude & Scherzo” composed by Eugene Ettore, performed by Rita Barnea.

June 2, 2020 would have been Eugene Ettore’s 99th Birthday. In honor of his birthday, I am posting the link to the website I created to educate all about a unique, versatile and talented individual who made great contributions to the accordion world and musical world in general. I encourage you to visit this page at: Eugene Ettore

In honor of Eugene Ettore’s birthday, I am offering a free download of the recording of his original compositions:


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