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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 12-Jan-2018
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Message of Goodwill for the New Year
Mika Väyrynen2018名人访谈,赫尔辛基 - 芬兰
视频:2018维也纳爱乐乐团新年音乐会间隙具有手风琴特色的表演Christian Bakanic - 奥地利
Claudio Jacomucci 大师班伦敦皇家音乐学院–英国
刚刚发布: Friedrich Lips的新书--德国


Mauro Greco 逝世(1931年至2017年12月29日),卡尼,新泽西州
意大利电子手风琴新Renzo Ruggieri'Peccatum和Gratia'
Elvis Presley1月8日将迎来81生日
视频:Jean Baptiste Baudin et Friedrich Bassarak - 德国
《Stockport accordion club through the years》
Tommy Ford R.I.P.,苏格兰 - 英国


Arseniy Strokovskiy Concerts in Moscow - Russia
Die Edlseer Group Tours - Austria
Soiree Dansante with Jean Dauvin, Normandy – France
Leonard Brown @ Dalriada Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK
Teodoro Anzellotti performs ‘Goldberg Variations’, Floriana – Malta
Tango Music Concert, Prague – Czech Republic
25th Celtic Connections Festival, Glasgow – UK
Le Vent du Nord Tour Dates – France, UK, USA
World Café Trio performs ‘Four Seasons’, Western Cape – South Africa
Richard Galliano Concert, Nice – France


Renzo Ruggieri Updated: Accordion Kids (ten pieces) eBook - Italy
Karthause-Schmülling Publications Online - Germany


Mini Review of Two Frank Marocco CD's

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Message of Goodwill for the New Year

Accordions Worldwide Happy New Year
Gary DaverneA message to all our readers:

17 has gone, it didn't take long.
18 is here, let's all cheer.
Bring on the love, that we have for each other.
We are still young enough,
There is lots to discover.
Time is incessant,
It slips through our fingers.
Let's just be happy,
And hope that it lingers.

All the very best for the New Year from Gary Daverne, well known New Zealand composer, conductor and arranger.

Music and CD's available online at: Gary Daverne



Friedl PreislWien Akkordeonfestival今年的一年一度的国际手风琴艺术节,是为期一个月的大型活动,将于2月24日至3月25日在维也纳的各个场馆举行,这个艺术节中包括许多正式的和非正式的音乐会,还有一些有手风琴伴奏的无声电影。
音乐节的创始人和组织者是Friedl Preisl (图左),他说2018将有超过50位来自各个国家的艺术家,在14个不同的表演场地表演。Friedl Preisl曾在2009被CIA授予 “Honored Friend of the Accordion”奖项,以表扬他对手风琴的突出贡献。

下载: 2018Wien.pdf

今年的演奏家有: Renzo Ruggieri (意大利), Daniel Kahn & the Painted Bird (美国), Scurdia (意大利), Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic (奥地利,克罗地亚), Alexander Shevchenko (俄罗斯), Isabella Krapf (奥地利), Perce Oreille 奥地利), Marie-Theres Stickler (奥地利), Forro Miro (意大利), Israelite/Biz/Heckel (英国、俄罗斯、奥地利), Nachtcafe (意大利), Hannah James (英国), Trio EMM (奥地利), Walter Soyka (奥地利), Manuel Šavron (斯洛文尼亚), Belofour (俄罗斯,奥地利), Dobrek Bistro (俄罗斯,巴西), Antti Paalanen (芬兰), Christian Bakanic (奥地利), Cathrin Pfeifer (德国), Christian Bakanic (奥地利), Heidelinde Gratzl (奥地利), Feanziska Hatz (奥地利), Otto Lechner (奥地利), Trio Dhoore (比利时), Jean-Louis Matinier (法国), Marko Živadinovic (瑞士), Riccardo Tesi (意大利)等。
更多信息: friedl@akkordeonfestival.at


Mika Väyrynen2018名人访谈,赫尔辛基 - 芬兰

Mika Väyrynen Celebrity Interview header
Mika Väyrynen为庆祝他的五十岁生日,著名的芬兰手风琴手Mika Väyrynen在2017年后期进行了一系列的由芬兰作曲家作曲的作品的世界首演。

第一次世界首演是 Aulis Sallinen的用手风琴、小提琴、大提琴和钢琴演奏的舞蹈音乐组曲作品 'Dance Music Suite Op. 107' 献给米卡五世Mika Väyrynen, 首演时间在2017年9月8日在波尔沃教堂作为西贝柳斯节的一部分进行演出。

2017年10月11日米卡五十岁生日音乐会"Suomi 100 - Väyrynen 50" 在赫尔辛基音乐中心举办。Mika (图右)表演的都是芬兰的作品,包括六首世界首演的作品和他的最新CD,和已故的Jouni Kaipainen (1956-2015)的手风琴作品。

我真诚的邀请Mika 分享他的一些想法和见解,以更新芬兰一些优秀的作曲家的作品。

读Mika Väyrynen名人访谈: VäyrynenInterview



World Accordion Day header
World Accordion Day logo你们在世界手风琴日 做什么来促进你们国家的手风琴发展?世界手风琴日是在5月6日,那天是手风琴在1829年获得专利的日子。






视频:2018维也纳爱乐乐团新年音乐会间隙具有手风琴特色的表演Christian Bakanic - 奥地利

“Vienna Is Calling You” CD cover视频:从间隙音乐会中摘录。

2018维也纳爱乐乐团新年音乐会于2018年1月1日举行,在金色大厅由Riccardo Muti指挥。这场音乐会在全世界90多个国家播出,约有5000万名观众观看。

室内乐团"Plattform K+K Vienna" 在ORF、RIHA Filmproduktions GmbH、维也纳爱乐乐团的间隙音乐会中出现了24分钟。

Plattform K + K Vienna乐团成员有: Kirill Kobantschenko (小提琴), Christian Bakanic (手风琴), Michael Strasser (中提琴), Florian Eggner (大提琴) and Bartosz Sikorski (低音提琴).

乐团最近发行了一张专辑“Vienna Is Calling You”,其中的曲目就包括在间隙音乐会上演出的曲目。


Claudio Jacomucci 大师班伦敦皇家音乐学院–英国

在1月29日星期一上午10点到下午1点,意大利手风琴演奏家Claudio Jacomucci 为皇家音乐学院的学生们举行一场大师班(York Gate 150)。本次活动时免费的,向公众开放的,不需要门票。

Claudio Jacomucci1992年毕业于法国Grenoble Conservatory音乐学院手风琴专业。

他与Jean Luc Manca, Mogens Ellegaard和Vladimir Zubitsky学习手风琴。他的成就包括在St. Etienne, France (1988), CMA Trophee Mondial in Cuenca, Spain (1990), Premio Città di Castelfidardo, Italy (1990), 和Arrasate Hiria, Spain (1994)赢得比赛的大奖。

他也在2000年毕业于阿姆斯特丹Alexander Technique Centre,师从于Alexander Technique,在阿姆斯特丹音乐学院研究印度音乐(karnatic)。

皇家音乐学院成立于1822年,并在1830年获得皇家宪章,RAM是世界上非常著名的艺术学校。Owen Murray教授于1986年成立了手风琴系,从这里毕业的著名演奏家有(按字母顺序): James Crabb, Martynas Levickis, Milos Milivojevic, Ksenija Sidorova, Ian Watson。

进一步的信息: K.INGRAM@ram.ac.uk


刚刚发布: Friedrich Lips的新书--德国

Cover of The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion著名的Friedrich Lips教授的书"The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion"即将推出。高质量的内容和外观:奢华的印刷和精致的意大利纸、拼接、双面和度假设计的值得珍藏的叠层软皮。


15 %的价格优势



220 页•150页乐谱• 格式: 17 x 24 cm • ISBN 978-3-925572-17-3

按照目录购买: kslips03 The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion

Friedrich Lips的其他书:
kslips00 The Art of Bayan Playing & Playing the Accordion Artistically (英语)
kslips01 Die Kunst des Bajanspiels (德国)
kslips02 Die Kunst der Bearbeitung klassischer Musik für Akkordeon (德国)
kslips03 The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion (英语)



Mauro Greco 逝世(1931年至2017年12月29日),卡尼,新泽西州

Myron Floren, Maddalena Belfiore Greco and Mauro Greco
Mauro Greco上图:Myron Floren,Maddalena Belfiore Greco和Mauro Greco。

刚刚收到Mauro Greco家人非常伤心的消息,Mauro在2017年12月29日的早上去世了。Mauro Greco和Maddalena Belfiore Grec是AAA历史十分重要的人物,会被永远铭记的

Mauro Greco家庭讣告。

图片如下:华盛顿特区2007 Coupe Mondiale的Mauro Greco与Faithe Deffner(活动组织者)合照。
Faithe Deffner and Mauro Greco


意大利电子手风琴新Renzo Ruggieri'Peccatum和Gratia'

Renzo RuggieriRenzo Ruggieri的新作品伦佐写道:“这个组合是天生的电子手风琴(混合系统与声音和数字语音)。



上面的视频演奏者是Valerio Russo,曾获国际比赛冠军,是Renzo Ruggieri的学生。曲目:“Peccatum et Gratia”。

目录:rrenzo515 Peccatum和Gratia电子(混合)手风琴。仅售10欧元
rrenzo508 - Medley Disco(独奏)
rrenzo509 - Acquarelli Italiani(独奏)
rrenzo510 - Grande Jo(独奏)
rrenzo511 - Figaro(Solo)或(Solo with string orchestra)
rrenzo512 - 手风琴儿童(10首)简单现代作品
rrenzo514 - 手风琴和交响乐团的La Vita Delle Cose(物联网)不是经典,不是爵士乐而不是世界......它是交叉音乐。
rrenzo515 - Peccatum和Gratia电子(混合)手风琴


Elvis Presley1月8日将迎来81生日

Elvis Presley
1935年1月8日是伟大的Elvis Presley的生日,如果他还在世的话,他将会是81岁。这是瑞典Karlssons Musik出版的埃尔维斯演奏手风琴的照片。


视频:Jean Baptiste Baudin et Friedrich Bassarak - 德国

Jean Baptiste Baudin et Friedrich Bassarak在德国Zollbrücke的兰德剧院表演了吉普赛爵士摇摆乐(Angelo Debarre)和即兴创作。



《Stockport accordion club through the years》

Stockport Accordion Club英国克波特手风琴俱乐部简讯说:“Stockport accordion club through the years”讲述了我们所有人:-我们是谁,以及我们多年来所做的。




Tommy Ford R.I.P.,苏格兰 - 英国

Tommy Ford CD cover来自Stirlingshire的手风琴家Tommy Ford于12月23日在苏格兰Stirlingshire的家中去世。 1955年,Tommy Ford加入钢琴家和主唱Jim McLeod的苏格兰舞蹈乐队(Scottish Dance Band)担任主要手风琴家,Scottish dance band是从20世纪60年代初到90年代末是苏格兰最知名的乐队之一。之后在邓布兰水电公司长期居住,他们经常在电视和广播露面,包括英国广播公司2台的常规电视节目。

尽管被同行认为是苏格兰战后最好的手风琴演奏家之一,但是Tommy Ford并没有单独的演唱会表演或独唱录音,但是由于Jim McLeod高质量演出,他将被人们永远铭记在心。



Arseniy Strokovskiy Concerts in Moscow - Russia

Arseniy Strokovskiy
Arseniy StrokovskiyThere are three concerts:

January 13, 2018 - "Concert for accordion and organ". Location: Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Atrium, 17:00 hours. The acccordion and organ make up an ideal pair, because the accordion is sometimes called "the younger brother of the organ". Performers are laureates of international competitions Maria Makarova (organ) and Arseniy Strokovsky (accordion).

January 17, 2018 - SaxAkkord Duo of Ivan Dimma (saxophones) and Arseny Strokovsky (accordion) with the program "Metamorphoses of the 20th century". Location: Jazz Club A. Kozlov. 20:00 hours. From Gershwin, through avant-garde, to avant-garde jazz to Galliano and Astor Piazzolla. This duo released a CD/download album last year, available online at: SaxAkkord

January 20, 2018 - Concert for chorus and animation "Romantic evening in Paris". Location: Peter and Paul Cathedral, 21:00 hours.
Performers: Master of animation (Anna Ivanova), SaxAkkord Duo, Valentin Kovalev (saxophone), Julia Ikonnikova (organ), Chamber chorus of the Academy of Choral Art named after V. Popov, Artistic director and conductor Alexey Gavdush, Honored Artist of Russia Lyubov Venzhik (organ), Children's Choir "Class-Center".
Poster SaxAkkord Duo Concert


Die Edlseer Group Tours - Austria

For the New Year, Die Edlseer are touring in Austria presenting their popular music at:

Monday, 8. January 2018 16:00 Murauer Wirte-Skitag | A-8850 Murau-Kreischberg
Saturday, 13. January 2018 21:00 Ball der Steirer in Bruck | A-8605 Kapfenberg - Hotel Böhlerstern
Saturday, 20. January 2018 20:00 Jedermann-Ball | A-8502 Lannach - Steinhalle
Saturday, 27. January 2018 - Sonntag, 28. Januar 2018 4. Edlseer Skiwochenende | A-8953 Donnersbachwald - Riesneralm
Saturday, 27. January 2018 - Sonntag, 28. Januar 2018 4. Edlseer Skiwochenende | A-8953 Donnersbachwald - Riesneralm
Wednesday, 31. January 2018 15:00 Seniorenball Kindberg | A-8650 Kindberg - Volkshaus


Soiree Dansante with Jean Dauvin, Normandy – France

Jean Dauvin posterJean Dauvin DVD coverMusette accordionist Jean Dauvin plays for dancing on Monday January 15th, 7pm, at the Salle Saint-Nicolas, Granville, Normandy. Admission is 10 Euro.

For further information email: Chloe.anne28@orange.fr


Leonard Brown @ Dalriada Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK

Leonard BrownOn Tuesday January 16th, 7.30pm, the highly accomplished accordionist Leonard Brown is the guest at the Dalriada Accordion & Fiddle Club, which meets at The Argyll Inn, 69 Lochnell St, Lochgilphead, Argyll & Bute, West of Scotland, PA31 8JN.

Leonard Brown, an All Scotland accordion champion and also a pianist, has many CDs and DVDs to his credit, most notably ‘A Toast to Scotland’, a double DVD celebrating the music of some of Scotland’s accordion legends such as Jimmy Shand and Will Starr. He has also become well-known for promoting concerts in Scotland, including lifetime achievement tribute concerts for Tom Alexander and Davie Stewart.

For further information email: leonardbrownaccordion@gmail.com


Teodoro Anzellotti performs ‘Goldberg Variations’, Floriana – Malta

Teodoro AnzellottiOn Thursday 18th January 18th, 12pm (noon), accordionist Teodoro Anzellotti will perform ‘The Goldberg Variations’ by JS Bach at Ta’ Sarria Church, Floriana, Malta.

This concert is an event in the Valletta International Baroque Festival 2018, which runs from January 13th to 27th.


Tango Music Concert, Prague – Czech Republic

Ladislav HorakThe duo Ladislav Horak (accordion) and Petr Nouzovsky (cello) perform a concert of tango music on Thursday January 18th, 7.30pm, at St Agnes Convent, Anežská 12/811, Praha 1/Staré mesto, Prague, Czech Republic.

The program includes: Lubos Sluka – ‘Con animo’ (premiere of an authorized form), Petr Fiala - world premiere of the new composition, Jan Kucera - world premiere of the new composition, Sofia Gubaidulina – ‘In Croce’, Gorka Hermosa – ‘Anantango’, and Astor Piazzolla – ‘Tango suite’,  ‘Oblivion’, ‘Cite tango’, ‘Libertango’.


25th Celtic Connections Festival, Glasgow – UK

2018 Celtic Connections Festival
‘Celtic Connections’ is an annual folk, roots and world music festival at venues in Glasgow, Scotland, from Thursday January 18th to Sunday February 4th. This festival celebrates Celtic music and its connections to cultures around the world. It is anticipated that over 2000 musicians from around the world will arrive in Glasgow for 18 days of concerts, ceilidhs, talks, art exhibitions, workshops, sessions, and free events.

‘Celtic Connections’ is organised by Artistic Director and accordionist Donald Shaw, and features more than 300 events across various musical genres. “There are situations that you’ll see where people are playing that you’ll never see again, or if you do, it’s because it worked here first” says Donald Shaw.

This year’s guest line-up featuring accordions includes Le Vent du Nord, Sharon Shannon, John Kirkpatrick, Mairearad Green, Cherish the Ladies, Cuig, John Somerville (leading a beginners accordion workshop), and the fiddle/viola/accordion duo of Andreas Tophøj & Rune Barslund.


Le Vent du Nord Tour Dates – France, UK, USA

Le Vent du Nord
Le Vent du Nord, from Quebec, Canada, performs the lively folk dance music and songs of the Quebecois tradition, which heavily influenced by Celtic music from Ireland and Brittany.

Formed in 2002, the band performs their music with a high level of energy, drawing the audience in with their enthusiasm and warmth. All of the band sing and are multi-instrumentalists with guitar, bouzouki, accordion, bass, piano, hurdy gurdy, fiddle and foot percussion.

To date they have released eight albums, two of which have received awards.

Tour dates:
January 19th, 8.30pm - Espace Paul Valéry, Le Plessis-Trévise, Paris, France
January 20th, 9pm - La Terrasse, Gif-sur-Yvette, Paris, France
January 21st, 5pm - L’Athéna, Ergué-Gabéric, Brittany, France
January 24th, 7pm – Celtic Connections, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
January 26th, 8.45pm - Salle Malesherbes, Maisons-Laffitte, Paris, France
February 2nd, 8pm – One Longfellow Square, Portland, Maine, USA
February 3rd, 7.30pm - Barre Opera House, Vermont, USA


World Café Trio performs ‘Four Seasons’, Western Cape – South Africa

World Café Trio
On Saturday January 20th, 8.15pm, the World Café Trio - accordionist Stanislav Angelov, Petrus de Beer – violin, and Schalk Joubert – bass guitar – performs Antonio Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’ at Oude Libertas Ampitheatre, Stellenbosch, Western Cape.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Richard Galliano Concert, Nice – France

Richard GallianoAccordionist Richard Galliano performs in concert on Saturday January 20th, 3pm, at the Cathedral Sainte-Reparate, 3 Place Rossetti, 06300 Nice, in the south of France.

Accordion and bandoneon virtuoso, and composer Richard Galliano performs in many genres, from classical to jazz.

He records for the prestigious classical music label ‘Deutsche Grammophon’, and has recorded more than 50 albums, many under his own name and some with other artists.

His most recent project is the recording of a CD, ‘Aria’, with the organist Thierry Escaich. The CD was launched on December 19th at the church Saint-Etienne-du-Mont, Paris.



Renzo Ruggieri Updated: Accordion Kids (ten pieces) eBook - Italy

Accordion KidsRenzo RuggieriRenowned accordionist, teacher and composer Renzo Ruggieri has updated his eBook (.pdf file able to be sent to you by email) titled Accordion Kids Catalog rrenzo512

Renzo Ruggieri writes: "Accordion Kids features progressive songs for young accordion students. From first notes, to small imitations of animals, to singular genres such as Disco, Baroque and Blues. The use of the left hand loses regularity in the accompaniment (march / waltz / tango) to bring the young player closer to the new rhythms of the present times."

Price is only 10 Euro (or USD$ equivalent) for these exciting young childrens compositions that are a "must have", for every teacher of young children. Available online at Catalog: rrenzo512


Karthause-Schmülling Publications Online - Germany

Karthause-Schmülling publications are being added online

Sheet Music Index List (Continued)
Catalog - Name
1137 - Sonate Nr. 1
1138 - Scherzo-Tokkata
1139 - Sonatine
1140 - Canon e fuga
1141 - Scherzo burlesco
1142 - Preludio rapsodistico
1143 - Chaconne und Fuge
1144 - Recitativo ed Aria
1145 - Sentenzen
1146 - Musica drammatica
1147 - Monolog in Variationen
1148 - Introduktion, Fuge und Finale
1149 - Konzertmonolog
1150 - Chromatische Variationen
1151 - Suita choreica
1152 - Sonatina facile
1153 - Tokkata burletta
1154 - Allegro rustico
1155 - Sechs litauische Bilder
1156 - Suite Nr. 4
1157 - Konzert-Triptychon
1158 - Suite Nr. 3
1159 - Sonate
1160 - Sonate
1161 - Sonate Nr. 2
1162 - Kindersuite Nr. 1
1163 - Arabeske, Toccatina
1164 - Kindersuite Nr. 2
1165 - Sonate Nr. 1
1166 - Sonata-Poema
1167 - Sonate Nr. 1
1168 - Tokkata
1169 - Figaro
1170 - Russisch und Trepak
1171 - Bilder russischer Maler
1172 - Konzert-Diptychon
1173 - Tokkata
1174 - Sonate Nr. 2
1175 - Suite
1176 - Fantasie und Fuge
1177 - Don-Rhapsodie Nr. 1
1178 - Kalina krasnaja
1179 - Sonate Nr. 3
1180 - Spanische Rhapsodie
1181 - Suite Nr. 2
1182 - Kindersuite Nr. 1
1183 - Petruschka
1184 - Volkslied-Variationen
1185 - Sonate
1186 - Sonate Nr. 1
1187 - Sonate Nr. 2
1188 - Utuschka lugowaja
1189 - Sonate Nr. 1
1190 - Partita concertante Nr. 1
1191 - Ballada
1192 - Die zertrummerte Kathedrale
1193 - Partita
1194 - Ungarischer Tanz Nr. 5
1195 - Italienische Polka
1196 - Sonatine im alten Stil
1197 - Habanera
1198 - Schön Rosmarin
1199 - Serenade
1200 - Abendlied
1201 - Kindersuite Nr. 1
1202 - Tokkata
1203 - Schaworonok
1204 - Fantasie
1205 - Elegische Fantasie
1206 - Kleine Suite
1207 - Sonate Nr. 2
1208 - Sonate Nr. 3
1209 - Litovskaya Rhapsodie
1210 - Sonata-Rhapsodia
1211 - Sonate
1212 - Konzert-Diptychon
1213 - Suite Nr. 2
1214 - Präludium und Fuge
1216 - Trauermusik
1217 - Sonate
1218 - Serenade/Nokturno
1219 - Kindersuite Nr. 2
1220 - Suite
1221 - Lyrische Suite
1222 - Fünf Kompositionen
1223 - Sonate
1224 - Fünf simple kleine Bilder



Mini Review of Two Frank Marocco CD's

Frank Marocco Ballads CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Mini Review of Two Frank Marocco CD's.

Review by Gerlando Gatto


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