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Weekly News from Around the World - 12-Apr-2024
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"Primavera de Shanghai" 2024 Semana Internacional de las Artes del Acordeón de Shanghai - China
18° Festival de Música de Acordeón de Eidgenössich – Suiza
Concierto “Black Pencil” en Estambul - Turquía
Gorka Hermosa interpreta su Suite Sinfónica Coral – España
Concierto: "Tras las huellas de los campeones finlandeses y suecos del acordeón" - Suecia
The Henry Girls se entretienen en el Earagail Arts Festival 2024 - Irlanda
¿Qué estás haciendo para el Día Mundial del Acordeón? - Internacional
Asociación de Acordeón de Canterbury: Concierto del Día Mundial del Acordeón – Nueva Zelanda

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Ingvar Karlsson, CIA "Honored Friend of the Accordion Award"
Akkordeon Grenzenlos 2024 - Germany
Results: BCA 4th International Online Festival & National Graded Solo Competition – UK
Sergio Zampolli Accordion Tutor at University of Cape Town - South Africa
Okud Istra Accordion Summer Academy Program – Croatia
RAM Student Alise Siliņa Concerts - UK

Future events

Gary Blair Entertains at Guildford Accordion Club’s 33rd Birthday Celebrations – UK
Sharon Shannon Chapel Session Concerts - France
"Accordion in Bright Colours" Concert - Switzerland
3rd Calabrian Prize for Diatonic Accordion – Italy
47 Accordionists Perform at Neumarkt Theatre – Switzerland
31st Diatonic Accordion Festival – France
HHC-Freudental e.V. Colors of Music Concert - Germany
Skipinnish Entertain at Scottish Traditional Boat Festival - Scotland

Links to Previous News Still Current

Past News List of Links

New and Updated Sites

Alex Meixner Honoured with Happy Music Ambassador Award at NAA Convention - USA

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"Primavera de Shanghai" 2024 Semana Internacional de las Artes del Acordeón de Shanghai - China

2024 Shanghai Accordion Festival header
1. Opening Ceremony and Concert
2. Closing Ceremony and Concert
Opening Concert program coverCrystal WangVídeo 1: Ceremonia de Inauguración y Concierto. Programa de color de 20 páginas: ShanghaiOpening.pdf

Vídeo 2: Ceremonia de Clausura y Concierto

Informe del evento ahora completado en: 2024Shanghai

Este año, del 23 de marzo al 5 de abril de 2024, se celebró el 6º Festival Internacional de Arte y Cultura del Acordeón "Primavera de Shanghai" y la Semana Internacional de Arte del Acordeón de Shanghai 2024.

Los eventos contaron con los mejores artistas de acordeón de Shanghai, el delta del río Yangtze, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, así como de ocho países, incluidos Italia, Rusia, Canadá, Nueva Zelanda y Bosnia y Herzegovina, se reunieron en Changning para excelentes actuaciones en 14 conciertos/actividades. . ¡Los eventos demostraron plenamente que Changning tiene la imagen y el poder cultural de un área urbana boutique internacional con influencia mundial!

La líder de la organización del Festival de Arte del Acordeón de Shanghai 2024 fue Crystal Wang. Este festival magníficamente organizado incluyó muchas actividades interactivas con la población y presentó el acordeón con gran éxito.

Asesor: Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA)
Asociación de Músicos de Shanghai
Departamento de Propaganda del Comité del Distrito de Changning de Shanghai del Partido Comunista de China
Oficina de Cultura y Turismo del distrito de Shanghai Changning
Federación de Círculos Literarios y Artísticos del Distrito de Shanghai Changning
Centro de Asuntos de Gestión Turística y Cultural del Distrito de Changning de Shanghai
Comité Profesional de Acordeón de la Asociación de Músicos de Shanghai
Centro de Arte y Cultura Changning de Shanghai
Coorganizador: Shangsheng·Xinsuo


18° Festival de Música de Acordeón de Eidgenössich – Suiza

18th Eidgenössich Accordion Music Festival
El 18º Festival de Música de Acordeón de Eidgenössich (EAMF) 2024 se llevará a cabo en Sursee, Suiza, los días 1 y 2 de junio de 2024, organizado por Accordeon.ch (Asociación Suiza de Acordeón).

El evento incluirá concursos (en los que participarán 63 orquestas), 30 conciertos al aire libre en el centro de Sursee y una exposición de instrumentos.

Los intérpretes incluyen la JAO (Orquesta Juvenil Suiza de Acordeón), Willis Wyberkapelle (Willi Valotti), Martin Soom, COM|PA|SS, Hand Organ Club Obbürgen, Orquesta con estudiantes de acordeón de Suiza Central (dirigida por Inga Piwowarska) y el Acordeón Suizo SAO. Orquesta (dirigida por Lionel Chapuis).

A finales de abril de 2024 se publicará una guía del festival que incluirá los nombres de los miembros del jurado nominados por la comisión de música de Accordeon.ch.

Para más detalles envíe un correo electrónico a: info@sursee2024.ch


Concierto “Black Pencil” en Estambul - Turquía

Black Pencil
“Black Pencil” realizará un concierto en Borusan Music House en Estambul, Turquía, el 25 de abril de 2024 a las 9 p.m.

Su programa incluirá un repertorio inspirador con obras de C Tsoupaki, Y. Kyriakides, M. Artaç, A. Strootman, J. Cage y R. de Man.

Para más detalles envíe un correo electrónico a: info@blackpencil.org


Gorka Hermosa interpreta su Suite Sinfónica Coral – España

Gorka Hermosa
Gorka Hermosa interpretará su propia composición de Suite Sinfónica Coral "De las Raíces al Mundo" (Homenaje a Iparragirre) en el gran Auditorio de Santander, Palacio de Festivales de Cantabria, España, el 27 de abril de 2024 a las 19.30 horas.

Gorka actuará con la Orquesta y Coro de la AFC (Asociación Filarmónica de Cantabria), Marina Pardo (mezzosoprano), Juanlu Escudero (actor), César Vinagrero (director) ¡y muchas sorpresas más!

Para más detalles correo electrónico: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


Concierto: "Tras las huellas de los campeones finlandeses y suecos del acordeón" - Suecia

Päivi y Jörgen Sundeqvist realizarán un concierto titulado "Tras las huellas de los campeones de acordeón finlandeses y suecos" en Gudmudrå Hembygdsgård en Kramfors, Suecia, el 15 de mayo de 2024 a partir de las 6:30 p.m.

El concierto se repetirá en Dragspelshuset Mannaminne, Nordingrå, Suecia, el 9 de junio de 2024 a partir de las 14:00 horas.

La entrada es gratuita.


The Henry Girls se entretienen en el Earagail Arts Festival 2024 - Irlanda

Earagail Arts Festival 2024
Hemry Girls accordionistLas Henry Girls actuarán en el Earagail Arts Festival 2024, que se celebrará en Wild Atlantic Way en Irlanda del 13 al 28 de julio de 2024.

El festival cuenta con el amable apoyo del Consejo del Condado de Donegal, The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon y Wild Atlantic Way y presenta una variedad de conciertos y entretenimiento.

Para más detalles envíe un correo electrónico a: info@eaf.ie
Henry Girls


¿Qué estás haciendo para el Día Mundial del Acordeón? - Internacional

World Accordion Day header
World Accordion Day logo¿Qué estás haciendo para el Día Mundial del Acordeón (World Accordion Day) para promover el acordeón en tu país? El día mundial del acordeón es el 6 de mayo, que es el día en que se patentó el acordeón en 1829.

El Día Mundial del Acordeón fue iniciado en el 2009 por la CIA y ha tenido mucho éxito, generando mucha publicidad positiva para el acordeón. Una parte clave de este evento es el sitio web del Día Mundial del Acordeón.

A cada asociación, grupo, orquesta, intérprete y maestro, se le pide que apoye activamente este evento alentando que se realicen este día actividades de acordeón nacional y local en su país o el fin de semana a ambos lados del Día del Acordeón, si eso fuera más conveniente.

Todos pueden registrar su actividad del Día Mundial del Acordeón en el sitio web y luego enviar un informe de su evento para ese sitio web.

Ningún evento es demasiado grande o demasiado pequeño. TODOS los eventos de acordeón que celebran el Día Mundial del Acordeón (World Accordion Day) son bienvenidos. Esta es una promoción de la CIA para el acordeón en el que todos los entusiastas del acordeón pueden participar y ayudar a unir nuestro mundo de acordeón y promover el acordeón.


Asociación de Acordeón de Canterbury: Concierto del Día Mundial del Acordeón – Nueva Zelanda

Canterbury Accordion Association: World Accordion Day Concert
La Asociación de Acordeón de Canterbury celebrará su Concierto de Variedades del Día Mundial del Acordeón (WAD) en el Centro Metodista en Upper Riccarton, Christchurch, Nueva Zelanda, el 5 de mayo de 2024 a partir de las 2 p.m.

Los intérpretes incluyen la Orquesta de Acordeón de Christchurch (dirigida por David Thorne), The Bellowetts (dirigida por Kim Waddell) e invitados.

Consulte los informes del Día Mundial del Acordeón en: 2024WADreport


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Ingvar Karlsson, CIA "Honored Friend of the Accordion Award"

Ingvar KarlssonCIA side bannerAt the recent CIA Winter Congress, Ingvar Karlsson, the founder of Karlssons Musik, Sweden, was awarded the CIA "Honored Friend of the Accordion Award" for his outstanding contributions to the international accordion movement.

Ingvar Karlsson was nominated for this honor by the Sveriges Dragspelares Riksförbund.

Ingvar Karlsson (b 1940) started in 1970 the company Karlssons Musik and since both he and his wife Siv played accordion, the specific choice of instrument was natural. Ingvar also had his own “gammaldans-orchestra” for many years and has performed in Swedish Television with his family too.

Ingvar was also a pioneer and he wanted to have smaller and lighter accordions long before any other company worked seriously with this matter. He put a lot of pressure on mainly the Italian manufacturer Pigini to make more compact and lighter instruments for the Swedish brand Dise from 1980.

Over the years, the family connection to the business has continued with his two sons Lars and Sven Karlsson working in the business for many years. This well known accordion business recently celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2020. News article https://www.accordions.com/news.aspx?d=09-Oct-2020&lang=en&s=16916


Akkordeon Grenzenlos 2024 - Germany

Akkordeon Grenzenlos 2024
Jury membersJury pictured left to right: Zbigniew Ignaczewski (Poland), Andreas Nebl (Germany), Eric Dann (Director of the Hohner Conservatory and manager of Akkordeon Grenzenlos), Frédéric Deschamps (France), Ladislav Horak (Czech Republic), Dr. Herbert Scheibenreif (Austria), Zoran Rakic (Serbia) and Marko Sevarlic (Serbia).

Akkordeon Grenzenlos, an event organized by the Hohner Conservatory in Trossingen, Germany, has developed into a fixture in the international accordion world in just a few years. The festival has become a widely recognized cultural highlight through a variety of concerts, workshops and forums. For the first time this year, a top-class competition was held in cooperation with the German Harmonica Association. The visit to Akkordeon Grenzenlos was a holistic experience for all participants, which provided important impulses for their further involvement with the accordion instrument.

The workshops with top-class lecturers were aimed at players of all harmonica instruments such as accordion, harmonica, Styrian harmonica, diatonic but also players of other instruments. Tian Long Li dedicated himself to the genre of jazz, Matthias Matzke took us into the world of rock and pop and Alex Almeida taught all fans of Brazilian accordion music the basics of the rousing musical style Forró. All accordion teachers were also offered the special workshop “A new technical approach”, in which the globally sought-after Frédéric Déschamps shared his expertise and gave valuable inspiration for teaching practice.

The competitors in three categories - classical, popular and ensemble - fought for their positions with great commitment and fairness, which made the festival an unforgettable experience full of excitement. The three best in each category competed in the final rounds as part of a public competition concert. All winning places were endowed with cash prizes, and the winner of the classical category also received a concert engagement at the World Music Festival 2025 in Innsbruck.

Vladimir Stupnikov (Russia), Fe Fritschi (Germany) and the Polish duo Bukojemska & Majchrowski (accordion/violin) won first prizes in their respective categories.

The evening concerts offered a variety of accordion music with the workshop lecturers, students from the Hohner Conservatory and the finalists of the competition. As part of a jam session, musicians from different styles were able to play music together on stage. In the final concert, the renowned duo Klaus Paier (accordion) and Asja Valcic (cello) presented their program “Vision for Two”.

The festival was accompanied by tours of the Harmonica Museum and Hohner and a sheet music exhibition.

Conservatory director Eric Dann and jury manager Andreas Nebl are to be warmly congratulated on the successful organization of Akkordeon Grenzenlos 2024.

Akkordeon Grenzenlos 2025 will take place from April 22nd to 26th, 2025. Save the date. (picture below).
Akkordeon Grenzenlos 2025 flyer


Results: BCA 4th International Online Festival & National Graded Solo Competition – UK

Graham LaurieResults of the BCA 4th International Online Festival & Competition have now been announced.

Graham Laurie was President of the international Jury. Full jury list is online at: https://www.accordions.com/bca/jury.2024.htm

Raymond Bodell, Principal of The British College of Accordionists says: “On behalf of the BCA Board of Administration we would like to congratulate all the contestants… with the 1st Prizewinners in the 13 Categories coming from seven different countries - Moldova, Portugal, Ukraine, France, China,Czech Republic & Khazakstan - it truly represents the International spirit of the festival and our wonderful instrument.”

“Particular mention must be made of the 1st Prizewinner in Category H -15 & Under Classical - Rachael Xu (China) who received an average score from the international jury of 96.29.

And Category B – Junior Classical winner - Maria Inês Vieira Ornelas (Portugal) who received an average score from the international jury of 96.25 Truly wonderful results!”


Senior Classical: Rostyslav Chvorsyuk (Ukraine)
Junior Classical: Maria Ines Vieira Ornelas (Portugal)
Traditional/Variety Senior solo: Vadim Panteleiciuc (Moldova)
Traditional/Variety Junior solo: Dabija Gheorghe (Moldova)
Senior Ensemble: Daria Dohah & Rostyslav Chvorsyuk (Ukraine)
Junior Ensemble: Yining Zheng /Jiani Shi (China)

Download a full list of results at:


Sergio Zampolli Accordion Tutor at University of Cape Town - South Africa

University of Capetown
Sergio ZampolliSACMSergio Zampolli (picture above) is the accordion tutor at the University of Cape Town in Rondebosch, South Africa. The University offers a Diploma in Music Performance (3 years) with accordion as the main instrument in the classical stream.

Applications open April/May 2024. For more information email: music@uct.ac.za


Okud Istra Accordion Summer Academy Program – Croatia

Okud Istra logoOkud IstraOkud Istra have announced the program for their Accordion Summer Academy held in Pula, Croatia for the 28th consecutive year. This event, held from July 8th to 13th, 2024, brings together accordion enthusiasts from around the world for a week of immersive learning and musical exploration.

• July 8th to 11th: Individual classes as follows
10:00 - 13:00 Morning Classes
16:00 - 19:00 Afternoon Classes

• July 12th: Public Concert
10:00 - 13:00 Morning Classes
16:00 - 18:00 General Rehearsal
21:00 Church of St. Francis

• July 13th: 12:00 - 14:00 Consultations

The sessions will be filled with expert guidance, personalized feedback, and a deep passion for this beautiful and versatile instrument. Whether you're an aspiring player or a seasoned musician, this masterclass is sure to take your accordion skills to the next level.

The deadline for submissions is June 3rd, 2024. For details email: accordionacademy@outlook.com


RAM Student Alise Siliņa Concerts - UK

RAM Student Alise Siliņa
Picture above: Alise Silina with viola students and Royal Academy of Music professor Peter Sheppard Skærved at a CD recording of music by Justin Connolly.

Royal Academy of Music (RAM) student and classical accordionist, Alise Silina has been given the opportunity to perform with chamber ensemble and orchestras recently.

In March 2024, Alise performed at a RAM concert with the string quintet playing: ‘Opel Concerto’ (Galliano), ‘Nocturne’ (Rolfi) and ‘Tango Sensations’ (Piazzolla).

This was followed by a research event and world premiere recording of music by Justin Connolly, Celebratio “Ter in Lyris Leo” by Lyoneli Tertis dedicated to Justin Connolly (accordion and three violas) and Concerto for harp, accordion, clarinet, and string orchestra by the Academy composition student.

In April Alise will perform Ninth Symphony (Shostakovich) with the South Bank Symphony Orchestra.

From April through to the end of August, Alise will give 84 performances at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre production of “Much Ado About Nothing”.

In addition she will perform with the RAM Symphony Orchestra at the Aldeburgh Festival in June. Their program will include “Alaraph” (Usuk Chin).


Future events

Gary Blair Entertains at Guildford Accordion Club’s 33rd Birthday Celebrations – UK

Gary Blair
Gary Blair will entertain at the Guildford Accordion Club’s 33rd birthday celebrations held at the Cobham Village Hall in Cobham, Surrey, England, UK on April 19th, 2024.

See poster for details.


Sharon Shannon Chapel Session Concerts - France

Sharon Shannon Chapel Session Concerts
Sharon ShannonSharon Shannon will perform two Chapel Session concerts in France this month as follows:

• April 17th, 2024 at 7.30pm at the Irish Cultural Centre in Paris, France
• April 18th, 2024 at Espace Keraudy in Plougonvelin, Brittany, France

Sharon will perform with Jack Maher (guitar & vocals) and Luke Dunford (keyboards).


"Accordion in Bright Colours" Concert - Switzerland

A concert entitled "Accordion in Bright Colours" will be held at the Reformed Church in Dietikon, Switzerland on April 17th, 2024 at 6.30pm.

This concert is the third in a series for musicians to present their art. "After work, before dinner" is the motto.

The concert features various works, from classical to folk music.


3rd Calabrian Prize for Diatonic Accordion – Italy

3rd Calabrian Prize for the Diatonic Accordion
The 3rd Calabrian Prize for Diatonic Accordion will be held in Aieta, Cosenza, Calabria, Italy on April 21st, 2024.

The event is organised by the International Diatonic Alliance.

See poster for details.


47 Accordionists Perform at Neumarkt Theatre – Switzerland

47 Accordionists Perform
47 accordionists will perform at the Neumarkt Theatre in Zurich, Switzerland on April 20th and 21st, 2024.

“Three Zurich accordion orchestras; HC Stadt Zürich, AO Zürichsee, AO Zürich Altstätten take a step behind the scenes of a theatre at the Theater Neumarkt.”

Accordionists will be “situated in the make-up, in the director's office and backstage, some grouped around the centre stage, others are hidden in the farthest corner.”

Their program of music entitled “All you can hear” was composed especially for the occasion and the audience is invited to come and go and linger between 4pm and 7pm.

The event is supported by the Canton of Zurich's Department of Culture, the Ernst Göhner Foundation, the Elisabeth Weber Foundation, the Landis & Gyr Foundation, the Suisa Foundation, the Dr. Adolf Streuli Foundation, the Migros Culture Percentage, the Swiss Interpreters' Foundation, and accordeon.ch
47 accordionists


31st Diatonic Accordion Festival – France

31st Diatonic Accordion Festival
The 31st Diatonic Accordion Festival will take place in Nanterre, Hauts-de-Seine, France from April 26th to 28th, 2024, in partnership with the City of Nanterre and the Hauts-de-Seine Department.

The event will feature a variety of diatonic accordion workshops, traditional dance workshops, a Fest-Noz and s Grand Bal Trad.

Performances will be given by Duo Erwann Tobie and Heikki Bourgault, Oriaz (picture below), Gwenfol, Duo Bottasso, Tribal Jâze and Ma Petite.


HHC-Freudental e.V. Colors of Music Concert - Germany

HHC-Freudental e.V. Colours of Music Concert
The HHC-Freudental e.V. accordion orchestra (conducted by Carmen Buchgraber) will perform an entertainment concert entitled “Colors of Music” in Freudental, Germany on May 4th, 2024 at 7.30pm.

The orchestra are looking forward to entertaining their audience together with the Musikverein Sersheim orchestra.

Admission is free.
HHC-Freudental e.V.


Skipinnish Entertain at Scottish Traditional Boat Festival - Scotland

Angus MacPhailSkipinnish will entertain at the Scottish Traditional Boat Festival, held at The Salmon Bothy in Portsoy, Scotland on June 21st, 2024.

The group features accordionist Angus MacPhail (picture right).

The Scottish Traditional Boat Festival attracts 13,000 visitors every year, to celebrate the north east’s rich maritime heritage.

A flotilla of heritage boats from across the country will drop anchor for a weekend of live music and dance, Scottish food and drink and age old crafts.

For details email: info@skipinnish.com


Links to Previous News Still Current

Past News List of Links

2023 Coupe Mondiale 2024 Coupe Mondiale Information
2023 Coupe Mondiale Daily Reports, Video
World Accordion Day Information 2024 World Accordion Day, 2023 World Accordion Day Report, 6th May each year
Articles Articles Index page
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2023  2023 PIF Castelfidardo Daily Reports, Video
2023 Festival and Competitions 2023 AAA Festival Daily Reports 2023 AAA Festival Daily Reports
Interviews Interviews Index page
2023 Festival and Competitions 2023 ATG Competition and Festival Photo Report 2023 ATG Competition and Festival Photo Report
Bayan and Accordion Festival, Moscow 2023 XXXV International Festival, Moscow  News and Daily Reports and videos
Ship Cruise Finland 2023 Accordion Cruise, Finland Information, News article
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
News article about Beniamino Bugiolacchi Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
Accordion Study Produces Community Benefits Accordion Study Produces Community Benefits Article Link
Playing the Accordion Benefits Your Brain Playing the Accordion Benefits Your Brain News Link


New and Updated Sites

Alex Meixner Honoured with Happy Music Ambassador Award at NAA Convention - USA

Click each picture to see full size
Alex MeixnerPictures above: 1. Presentation: Norman Seaton, Sharon Seaton & Alex Meixner
2. Normal Seaton, Alex and Johnny Young
3. Norman Seaton, Sharon Seaton, Alex, Johnny Young,

A packed house of conventioneers and members of the community gathered at the National Accordion Association convention in Lewisville, Texas on March 22nd, 2024, to celebrate internationally renowned virtuoso Alex Meixner as he was presented with the Happy Music Ambassador recognition award.

Happy Music Center President, Johnny Young, together with NAA president Norman Seaton and NAA board member Sharon Seaton, presented Meixner with the Happy Music Ambassador trophy and plaque, honoring his dedication and commitment to music, happiness and community.

“This recognition award symbolizes appreciation for those with an unwavering commitment and dedication to creating, performing, teaching, and advocating as a catalyst for positive change through the universal language of music,” said Sharon Seaton.

Johnny Young said, “Your unyielding dedication and passion for music have created a lasting impact, resonating not only within your community but also reaching far beyond. Your musical contributions have bestowed joy, positivity, and kindness upon the lives of many, serving as a poignant reminder of the transformative influence inherent in melodies and harmonies.”

After the presentation, Meixner took the standing room only crowd through a musical journey showcasing the many varied styles and influences that helped shape his musical vision, set against the backdrop of a powerful Texas thunderstorm brewing outside.

The Happy Music Ambassadors program proudly acknowledges and celebrates individuals who epitomize the spirit of happiness and inspire others through their musical pursuits.

For full report see: USA News


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