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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 11-Oct-2019
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“ Coba” 出席在Castelfidardo举行的100周年音乐会- 意大利
俄罗斯表演者参加 2019 PIF Castelfidardo - 意大利
第70届珀斯全苏格兰手风琴和小提琴节即将举行 - 苏格兰


第六届世界音乐论坛在巴黎举行 - 法国
视频:2019年世界手风琴日演讲和演奏会:“The Life and Music of the Brothers Deiro”
"Papa Joe" De Clemente Brings Accordions to the Philippines
Bugari EVO 全新“碳白色”着色,Castelfidardo - 意大利


2019年第15届 Bristol Cajun & Zydeco 音乐节 – 英格兰
斯托德40周年啤酒节,宾夕法尼亚州 - 美国
Celtic Colours International Festival – Canada
“Milonga De Cuatro” Perform at Heritage Festival in Birkenhead - New Zealand
2019 Manchester Folk Festival - UK
9th Annual Fairfax Irish Festival in California – USA
CNIMA 10月手风琴课程即将举办 - 法国
Nuevo Tango Quintet Concert at Royal Academy of Music – England
视频:手风琴家 Igor Zavadsky 举行古典音乐会 - 乌克兰

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“ Coba” 出席在Castelfidardo举行的100周年音乐会- 意大利

Coba poster
Video 1: Coba performs Libertango

Video 2: Antonino de Luca with Nikolai Ovchinnikov and his trio
日本流行手风琴明星 Coba 将于10月16日晚9点在位于 Castelfidardo 的 Salone degli Stemmi 举行的Victoria 100周年音乐会上进行演出。

与 Coba 一同演奏的还有 Amakura Masanori(鼓手),Itami Masahiro(吉他)和 Tanaka Shingo(低音提琴)。 上方是 Coba 表演 Libertango 的视频,由日本哥伦比亚音乐公司提供。

晚上的音乐会将开幕,由意大利的安东尼奥·德·卢卡(Antonino de Luca)表演。 安东尼·德·卢卡(Antonino de Luca)与尼古拉·奥夫钦尼科夫(Nikolai Ovchinnikov)及其三人表演的视频,来自PIF Daily Reports 2019 晚间音乐会将以意大利人 Antonino de Luca 的表演作为开场。上方是 Antonino de Luca 与 Nikolai Ovchinnikov 和他的三人组一起演奏的视频,来自 PIF 每日报道 2019Castelfidardo

以下是2017年Coba被 Castelfidardo 市授予荣誉称号的照片


俄罗斯表演者参加 2019 PIF Castelfidardo - 意大利

SaxAkkord Duo, Charm Trio
Video 2: Nikolai Ovchinnikov and his trio.

Video 3: Vladimir Stupnikov

Video 4: SaxAkkord Duo

Video 5: SaxAkkord
Video 6:
Trio Charm
Vladimir StupnikovArtem Malhasyan今年的第44届国际PIF竞赛上,来自俄罗斯的参赛选手成功赢得了8个奖项! 除参赛者外,来自俄罗斯的音乐会演奏者也参加了PIF手风琴节。

9月20日,Artem Malhasyan(左图)在 Binci 礼堂举行了独奏音乐会,这也是 Daily AperiPIF 音乐节的一部分。

第二天,9月21日,Nikolai Ovchinnikov 和他的三重奏组(如下图)在 Piazza della Republica 举办了一场音乐会。

在音乐节的最后一天,去年 PIF 比赛的获胜者 Vladimir Stupnikov(右图)在 AperiPIF 上进行了独奏表演。

当天晚上, SaxAkkord Duo(Ivan Dyma 和 Arseniy Strokovsky,如上图)在主要的节日广场 Piazza della Republica 上演奏了音乐会,三重奏 Charm(Arthur Adrshin,Arkady Shkvorov 和 Vladimir Stupnikov,如上图)在圣弗朗西斯科进行了表演。

Nikolai Ovchinnikov and his trio


第70届珀斯全苏格兰手风琴和小提琴节即将举行 - 苏格兰

Perth logo
Graeme Mitchell band第70届珀斯全苏格兰手风琴和小提琴音乐节将于10月26日在苏格兰珀斯举行,活动由 Audrey Fenton Events 组织。节日的场地包括著名的 Salutation 酒店和珀斯的圣马修斯教堂。



活动将于10月25日星期五晚上举行欢迎仪式,届时会伴有 Graeme Mitchell 和他的苏格兰舞蹈乐队的音乐。 (左上方的图片)。

比赛将于第二天上午9点开始举行,比赛分为手风琴,小提琴,乐队和三重奏组。手风琴评委包括Iain Cathcart,Iain MacPhail,Jim Lindsay 和 Jim Cleland。

总决赛将在周六下午晚些时候举行,届时将公布苏格兰高级锦标赛的结果。Gary Sutherland, Sandy Lindsay 和他的苏格兰舞蹈团 Hjaltibonhoga 和 Alan Small 都会进行表演。到时候在 Salutation 酒吧和 The Venue 还会有一些全天候的非正式会议。

星期六晚上还有最后的一场舞,由珀斯和地区手风琴和小提琴俱乐部主办。今年的乐队是 Neil Hardie 和他的苏格兰舞蹈乐队(下图)。

有关更多详细信息,请致电:01738 492949
Neil Hardie and his Scottish Dance Band



第六届世界音乐论坛在巴黎举行 - 法国

6th Forum Ian Smith
5 Music Rights上图:Ian Smith(英国),EMC 主席(欧洲音乐委员会)。


IMC 世界音乐论坛被认为是一个极具影响力的全球平台,可以分享21世纪有关音乐和社会的知识,该平台从文化,政治和经济等不同角度探讨各种主题。些主题超越了音乐创作的美学层面,探讨了促进或抑制人们积极参与文化体验的机制。

今年的论坛再次为 IMC 成员提供了一次重要的机会,让他们可以与其他领域的同事见面并互动,以此来拓宽视野,并为新项目和实施项目的合作伙伴寻找灵感。

除了 IMC 全球网络的成员外,该论坛还向所有从事音乐工作的人以及能够为更好的音乐庆祝条件作出决定——创造、解释、传播和学习、保存、交流等——的广大听众开放。


第一权利 – 表达自由
第二权利 – 全民音乐教育
第三权利 – 全民音乐参与
第四权利 – 通过所有媒体和适当设施进行艺术发展和交流
第五权利 – 公正的认可和公平的报酬


图片中 IMC 的70年历史

一场特别的音乐会在庆祝 IMC 成立70周年的同时,也庆祝了国际音乐日,这是由当时的 IMC 主席 Yehudi Menuhin 在1975年发起的。

与巴黎音乐馆的合作伙伴关系使论坛的观众可以观看一系列标有“ WFM”的音乐会,也使与会人员可以一览巴黎音乐的丰富性和带宽。

下图:IMC 主席 Alfons Karabuda(瑞典);即将离任的 IMC 主席 Emily Akuno(肯尼亚)
Alfons Karabuda (Sweden), IMC President; Emily Akuno (Kenya), outgoing IMC President


视频:2019年世界手风琴日演讲和演奏会:“The Life and Music of the Brothers Deiro”

AWAM header
Video: Henry Doktorski presents "The Life and Music of the Brothers Deiro"
Henry Doktorski视频:Henry Doktorski 在2019年世界手风琴日( World Accordion Day )活动上的演讲和独奏会,主题是“The Life and Music of the Brothers Deiro”。

他的演讲包括20世纪早期两位手风琴家的原创作品:Guido Deiro(1886-1950)和 Pietro Deiro(1888-1954)。

Henry 还谈到了两兄弟的精彩生活:他们在意大利度过了青年时代,然后移民到美国,他们以杂耍明星的身份迅速成名,他们的妻子(包括 Guido 与 Mae West 的动荡婚姻),杂耍的结束,Deiro 兄弟之间的不和与和解,Guido 陷入贫穷和晦涩以及 Pietro 作为音乐出版商的获得的财富和名声。

Henry Doktorski 演奏了:
• Guido Deiro: My Florence Waltz
• Pietro Deiro: Quicksilver Novelty
• Guido Deiro: Lido Tango
• S. Falco (后归属于Pietro Deiro): Beautiful Days (Giorni Belli) Waltz
• Guido Deiro: Sharpshooter’s March

这是一个免费链接,也请您考虑向“手风琴世界博物馆”( World of Accordions Museum )捐款,以帮助支持这些类型的演讲和表演能够继续进行。

下图: Helmi Harrington 博士(博物馆馆长),Henry Doktorski, Stas VenglevskiJane Christison
Dr. Helmi Harrington, Henry Doktorski, Stas Venglevski and Jane Christison.


"Papa Joe" De Clemente Brings Accordions to the Philippines

“Papa Joe” De Clemente, who lives in Queens, New York, USA, was brought up in an Italian family environment and started playing the accordion at the age of nine years old.

He volunteers once a week early in the morning to assist at an elementary school music program in Bayside, Queens which may be one of the only elementary schools in the five boroughs of New York City that has a student accordion band.

Papa Joe’s friend, Pastor Jack Wilson has a popular music ministry to the children in the Philippines, which includes violins, piano, guitars and flutes, however no one there plays the accordion. So he decided to try to get some accordions and some music books to donate to their church.

During the next few months he was able to acquire and fix a few accordions which were suitable for the younger and older children.

He arrived in the Philippines on July 26th, where he gave the instruments to the church, which is now using the accordion to accompany their services!

Since that time, several children have started to learn how to play the accordion and have played at their Sunday morning worship service.

Papa Joe is an inspiration and example to all of us on how to share our love of the accordion and music, with the world.

For further information email: Joedeclemente@yahoo.com


Bugari EVO 全新“碳白色”着色,Castelfidardo - 意大利

Carbon White Bugari-evo
Bugari EVO 团队宣布将在 Haria P41 / B55 产品线中添加新的颜色“碳白色”。 这种创新的绘画技术为产品赋予了新的口碑。

Bugari EVO 团队向绘画公司 Artistic Paint SRL 表达了感谢。 多亏了他们出色的创新绘画技术。 Artistic Paint SRL 的整个团队成员包括 Davide Cerino,Antonio Cerino,Nunzia Esposito,Vincenzo Esposito,Zeus e Maya。



2019年第15届 Bristol Cajun & Zydeco 音乐节 – 英格兰

Joe le taxi bandBristol banner2019年第15届 Bristol Cajun&Zydeco 音乐节将于10月11日至13日在布里斯托尔公园街42a号的“ Bristol Folk House”举行。

活动将以BAL4的表演(上图)作为开始,BAL4 将用源自美国路易斯安那州 bayous 的传统卡津“巴尔”舞曲欢迎大家的到来。乐队的成员包括 Dennis Parnham(手风琴,小提琴和人声),Liz Manners(tifer,frottoir和人声),Richie Wild(原声吉他和人声)和 John Trimble(小提琴和人声)。该小组还将在周六和周日举办即兴演奏会。

音乐节期间的其他表演者还包括 Cajun / Zydeco 的热门 Joe Le Taxi(手风琴)和 Zydeco 乐队(左上图),他们混合了活泼的原始 Zydeco 舞蹈音乐,正宗的克里奥尔蓝调,低俗的曳步舞曲和古老的 Cajun waltzes 音乐。

演奏来自路易斯安那西南部的传统Cajun音乐,是小提琴和手风琴、法国歌唱和富有感染力的舞蹈节奏的有力组合,“ Flatville Aces”(下图)是英国最受欢迎的传统Cajun乐队。手风琴家 Gavin Lewery 先生还担任了备受赞誉的 Z-Funk 的指挥,路易斯安那州的几位音乐家已录制了他的作品。

“Cajun Roosters”包括来自三个国家的三人:英格兰的 Chris Hall,比利时的 David Buyle 和苏格兰的 Hazel Scott 演奏手风琴,他们用声音演奏手风琴、小提琴和吉他。

“ Double Shots”包括Chris Hall(手风琴),Hazel Scott(吉他和滑板),Ben Topley(低音),Murray Brailsford(吉他)和Andy Watson(鼓)。他们演奏克里奥尔和“老斯科尔”早期的Zydeco并搭配上一些自己的作品。

有关更多信息,请致电:01 634 532157
Flatville Aces


斯托德40周年啤酒节,宾夕法尼亚州 - 美国

Stoudts poster
Alex Meixner 乐队将于10月12日在宾夕法尼亚州亚当斯敦的 Stoudts 慕尼黑啤酒节40周年庆典上进行演出。




Celtic Colours International Festival – Canada

Farewell, from Talisk's latest album, Beyond, released October 26, 2018
Stewart McNeilThe 2019 Celtic Colours International Festival will be held at 850 Grand Lake Road, Suite 8, Nova Scotia, Canada from October 11th to 19th.

The festival will showcase performances by various accordion soloists and groups including “Talisk” (picture above - Scotland) who will entertain at 2pm on October 12th at St. Matthew's United Church in Inverness. The band first played at this festival in 2017 and their return to the Festival this year is something everyone is very much looking forward to.

“Ùr: The Future of our Past” (Scotland) is made up of a group of students from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and were chosen to showcase some of the talent and skills being nurtured by the staff of the traditional music degree course in Glasgow. This is the fourth year in a row that the group has been performing at Celtic Colours and although it’s a different group of students each year, they never fail to delight and impress audiences wherever they play.
Their performances are:
October 13th at 7.30pm at Membertou Trade and Convention Centre in Membertou
October 14th at 7.30pm at North Sydney Firefighters Club in North Sydney
October 16th at 7.30pm at Louisbourg Playhouse in Louisbourg

Accordionist Stewart MacNeil (picture above left - Cape Breton) will entertain at 7.30pm on October 18th at the Greenwood United Church in Baddeck. Stewart MacNeil is best known for being a member of the international recording group the Barra MacNeils – six siblings who have recorded and toured extensively for more than 30 years.

The Dardanelles (Newfoundland and Labrador) includes accordionist Aaron Collis. They will entertain on October 18th at 7.30pm at the Inverness Education Centre in Inverness.

“The Outside Track” (picture below - Scotland) includes accordionist Fiona Black. The group hail from Scotland, Ireland, and Cape Breton, its five members are united by a love of traditional music and a commitment to creating new music on this as a foundation. This will be their fourth time performing at Celtic Colours.
Their performances are:
October 17th at 7.30pm at Cape Breton Highlands Academy in Belle Côte
October 18th at 2pm at Marion Bridge Recreation Centre in Marion Bridge

For ticket information phone: 1-888-355-7744
Outside Track


“Milonga De Cuatro” Perform at Heritage Festival in Birkenhead - New Zealand

Birkenhead poster
The Auckland Heritage Festival will run throughout October in all Auckland areas and feature a variety of entertainment, talks, workshops, movies and concerts. Birkenhead Village will host a special movie entitled “Jean Batten Journeys” regarding New Zealand’s first lady of flight and her remarkable story.

"Milonga De Cuatro" are proud to be invited to perform at the festival on October 13th at 11am. They will play famous music from the beginning of the 20th century such as “The Entertainer” (1902), “Maple Leaf Rag” (1899), Lagrimas y Sonrisas (1913), “Poema” (1925) and many others.

The group includes Lian Jones (accordion), Irina Lgotkina (violin), Marija Durdevic (contrabass) and Natalia Meyta (piano).

For further information email: nataliameyta@yahoo.com


2019 Manchester Folk Festival - UK

Demon BarbersThe annual urban 2019 Manchester Folk Festival will be held in Manchester from October 15th to 20th.

Over four autumn days the festival presents an exhilarating range of events, with the spotlight on English folk, roots and acoustic music. The festival will bring some of the biggest names in folk to Manchester, and will introduce you to your future favourites.

Events include outdoor entertainment, a large variety of workshops, street theatre, concerts and films.

This year's entertainment line up includes The Demon Barbers (picture left - Will Hampson on melodeon), Talisk (who will perform on October 19th following their return from Canada) and Sam Kelly & The Lost Boys.

For further details email: access@manchesterfolkfestival.org.uk


9th Annual Fairfax Irish Festival in California – USA

Renee and the Hounds
Renee de la PradeThe 9th annual Fairfax Irish Festival of Music and Dance will take place from October 18th to 20th in the town of Fairfax in Marin County, California.

The event will include musicians and dancers performing jigs, reels, hornpipes, polkas, waltzes and more.

Accordionist Renee de la Prade will join Culann's Hounds at Peri's Silver Dollar Bar, 29 Broadway Blvd, Fairfax on October 19th for an awesome night of Irish and Cajun dance music.

Come and enjoy an Irish Fleadh Cheoil (festival of music), Fairfax style.

For details phone: +1 415-459-9910


CNIMA 10月手风琴课程即将举办 - 法国

CNIMA logo
Nathalie Boucheix 指导的 CNIMA 将在2019年10月举办两次手风琴改进课程。这些课程面向 Jacques Mornet 认可的世界各地的所有年龄,各种风格和水平的教育系统。





Nuevo Tango Quintet Concert at Royal Academy of Music – England

Royal Academy
The Nuevo Tango Quintet will perform a concert at the David Josefowitz Recital Hall, Royal Academy of Music in London on October 25th at 7.30pm.

The quintet includes Qianyu Zhang (accordion), Rebecca Bell (violin), Rhys Lovell (double bass), Plinio Fernandes (guitar) and Gus Tredwell (piano).

They will play a variety of Piazolla works such as Piazzolla Libertango; Decarisimo; Milonga del Ángel; Concierto para quinteto; Contrabajisimo; Tanguedia; Gran Tango; Invierno Porteño; Michelangelo ‘70; Mumuki; Adiós Nonino; Escualo; Nuestro Tiempo; Soledad and Oblivion.

For details phone: +44 (0)20 7873 7373


视频:手风琴家 Igor Zavadsky 举行古典音乐会 - 乌克兰

Igor Zadavsky手风琴家 Igor Zavadsky 先生将于10月27日在乌克兰基辅的演员 Yaroslaviv Val 的家中举行音乐会。 这将是一场由 Andriy Brygida 举办的古典音乐会。


上方视频:Performance of Vivaldi’s - The Four Seasons(完整版)。 手风琴(Igor Zavadsky)与管风琴和乐队合作。这是 Igor zavadsky 第14张专辑 “The Seasons” 的演奏会上的录音。 基辅演员之家,2019年1月21日。

01) Allegro (3'20)
02) Largo e pianissimo sempre (3'48) - 3:20
03) Allegro Pastorale (4'18) - 7:09
04) Allegro non molto (5'30) - 11:26
05) Adagio e piano - Presto e forte (2'25) - 16:58
06) Presto (2'50) - 19:24
07) Allegro (3'30) - 22:48
08) Adagio molto (2'15) - 26:17
09) Allegro (2'00) - 28:35
10) Allegro non molto (3'10) - 30:34
11) Largo (2'04) - 34:01
12) Allegro (3'12) - 36:09



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