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Weekly News from Around the World - 11-Nov-2022
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Coba à l’affiche pour célebrer la veillée de Noël et le Nouvel An - Japon
Nouvelles de mariage : Mirco Soprani épouse Catia Andreani - Italie
Tournée de concerts de Noël de Brandon McPhee - Écosse
Association finlandaise d'accordéon 2023 "Croisière d'accordéon" - Finlande
CNIMA_ Ludovic Beier 2022 Masterclass Jazz Manouche - France
XIII Festival Strumenti&Musica, Spolète - Italie

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: XXVII Kotlin Accordion Festival - Viva Academy - Poland
Video: Alexander Poeluev Performing Moldavian Rhapsody – Russia
Hanzhi Wang Appointed To Yunnan Arts University - China
Christmas Presents for an Accordion Enthusiast - UK
Kirkjuvagr Ceilidh Band Nominated Scottish Dance Band of the Year at Scots Trad Music Awards 2022 - Scotland

Future events

Klingenthal Accordion Orchestra End of Year Concerts – Germany
John Kirkpatrick Performs "Tunes from the Trenches" Concert - England
Landes-Akkordeon-Ensemble Sachsen-Anhalt Concert – Germany
Ferran Martinez Concert, Catalonia - Spain
Michael Bridge: “From Bach to Benny Goodman” Free Concert – Canada
Veronika Todorova Band “Revival Konzert” – Germany
No.1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra Concert, England – UK
Accordion Pops Orchestra (APO) Concerts - USA
Akkordeonverein Oedheim 1991 e.V. Annual Concert - Germany
Canterbury Accordion Association Jam Session – New Zealand

Links to Previous News Still Current

List of Links

New and Updated Sites

Site mis à jour : Publicité pour les concerts de l'Aotango Quintet - Nouvelle-Zélande
2023 Accordion Days, Sursee - Switzerland

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Coba à l’affiche pour célebrer la veillée de Noël et le Nouvel An - Japon

Coba poster
Coba se produira pour le plaisir des amoureux du soufflet, pour une veillée Noël qui se tiendra au Live Hall Club Moon Sekai à Kobe City, préfecture de Hyogo, au Japon, le 24 décembre 2022 à 18 heures.

Il y’aura comme invité spécial, Kida Taro.

Cela sera suivi d'une deuxième soirée pour les amoureux du soufflet, le 31 décembre 2022 (réveillon du Nouvel An) au Shibuya Red Brick Warehouse Hall à Yokohama, au Japon, à partir de 15h30.

Voir les affiches pour plus de détails.
Coba 31st


Nouvelles de mariage : Mirco Soprani épouse Catia Andreani - Italie

MS car
MS weddingMS weddingMirco Soprani, ancien maire de Castelfidardo, Italie, et président de l'Association Music Marche Accordions (AMMA), a épousé sa compagne, Catia Andreani au Salone degli Stemmi du Palazzo Comunale à Castelfidardo le 5 novembre 2022.

La cérémonie s'est déroulée en présence de l'actuel maire de Castelfidardo, Roberto Ascani et d'un autre ancien maire, Tersilio Marotta.

Mirco Soprani travaille depuis longtemps – depuis l’âge de ses 19 ans jusqu’à aujourd’hui, en étroite collaboration avec l'industrie de l'accordéon. Accordions Worldwide souhaite au couple, une longue vie pleine de bonheur, de bonne santé et de moments de joie.


Tournée de concerts de Noël de Brandon McPhee - Écosse

BMcP dates
B McPheeLes billets se vendent rapidement pour la tournée de concerts de Noël de l'accordéoniste et chanteur populaire Brandon McPhee, en Écosse, le mois prochain.

Au répertoire des morceaux de son dernier album "Mr Country", son nouveau single de Noël "Christmas in Scotland" et des chants de noel.

Les dates sont :
• Lundi 5 décembre : British Legion, Thurso. Téléphone 01847 892945
• Mardi 6 décembre : Église paroissiale de Pultneytown, boîte-cadeau de Wick Gail. Téléphone 01955 604411
• Mercredi 7 décembre : St John's Church, Perth. Téléphone 01738 621818
• Jeudi 8 décembre : Royal Hotel, Portree, Ile de Skye. Téléphone 01478 612525
• Vendredi 9 décembre : British Legion Club, Dingwall. Téléphone 01349 863278, 01349 862346
• Samedi 10 décembre : Église St Giles, Elgin. Téléphone 01343 543778
• Dimanche 11 décembre : Oldmeldrum British Legion, spectacle l'après-midi, RBL Club. Téléphone 01651872527


Association finlandaise d'accordéon 2023 "Croisière d'accordéon" - Finlande

Baltic Princess
FAA logoAleksi LaukkonenLa "Croisière d'accordéon" 2023 à bord du "Baltic Princess" (photo ci-dessus) aura lieu les 25 et 26 mars 2023, organisée par l'Association finlandaise d'accordéon Suomen Harmonikkaliitto (SHL).

Le bateau de croisière contenant 2 000 passagers "est entièrement réservé aux accordéonistes et est comme un immense paradis musical d'accordéon pendant près de 24 heures". Il partira de Turku le 25 mars 2023 à 18h30 et se rendra à Kapellskär avant de retourner à Turku à 16h30 le 26 mars 2023.

Une variété de musique à l'accordéon sera proposée tout au long du voyage dans les salles de spectacle et sur les passerelles du navire. Les animateurs incluent "l'artiste d'accordéon de l'année 2022" Aleksi Laukkonen (photo de droite).

Pour plus de détails, téléphonez au 044 493 6113 ou envoyez un e-mail à toimisto@harmonikkaliitto.fi
Cruise poster


CNIMA_ Ludovic Beier 2022 Masterclass Jazz Manouche - France

Ludovic BeierLudovic BeierVidéo : Information promotionnelle sur la Masterclass CNIMA Jazz Manouche 2021 par Ludovic Beier.

Ludovic Beier animera une Masterclass Jazz Manouche à l’école d’accordéon le CNIMA du 14 au 16 décembre 2022.

La masterclass abordera tous les secrets de la musique jazz manouche : comment improviser, accompagner et développer son répertoire.

Le formateur Ludovic Beier est un accordéoniste de jazz bien connu. Il a joué avec Stochelo Rosenberg, Angelo Debarre, Dorado Schmitt, San Severino, Thomas Dutronc et Guy Marchand pour n'en nommer que quelques-uns et est titulaire d'un doctorat en jazz manouche.

Il vient de rentrer d'un concert au Birdland NYC, aux États-Unis, pour le festival Django Reinhardt de six jours qui s'est tenu début novembre.

Pour plus de détails email : cnima@orange.fr


XIII Festival Strumenti&Musica, Spolète - Italie

Strumenti Musica header
La XIII édition du Festival Strumenti&Musica se tiendra au Palazzo Leti Sansi à Spoleto, Italie du 20 au 28 novembre 2022.

L'événement Strumenti&Musica comprendra une variété de concerts dont un concert de Simone Zanchini (accordéon) et Gabriele Mirabassi (clarinette) pour la cérémonie d'ouverture du 20 novembre 2022.

Le 25 novembre 2022, Pietro Roffi donnera un concert de musique classique avec son quintette à cordes.

Pour plus de détails, envoyez un courriel à: info@strumentiemusica.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: XXVII Kotlin Accordion Festival - Viva Academy - Poland

Video: XXVII Kotlin Accordion Festival - Viva Academy solo and group performances live on October 23rd, 2022. The concert featured graduates and students of the Accordion Department of the Academy of Music Karol Szymanowski in Katowice House of Culture in Kotlina, Poland.


Video: Alexander Poeluev Performing Moldavian Rhapsody – Russia

Video: Video: Alexander Poeluev performing Moldavian Rhapsody by Alexander Dorensky with the Volga Russian Folk Orchestra named after N. Kalinin conducted by Galina Ivankova held recently in Volgograd 2022.


Hanzhi Wang Appointed To Yunnan Arts University - China

Yunnan Arts University
Hanzhi WangcertificateHanzhi Wang is honoured to be appointed Guest Professor to the Yunnan Arts University Music Department in Chenggong District, Kunming, China.

Hanzhi Wang won First Prize in the 2015 40th Castelfidardo International Accordion Competition in Italy, has served on various international accordion competition juries, and performed extensively internationally. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree at the China Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, China and her Master’s degree at the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen, Denmark.


Christmas Presents for an Accordion Enthusiast - UK

Anthology 1Anthlogy 2Rob Howard has a special Christmas offer for his Anthology books.

The first book – “Accordion Anthology”, presents a variety of articles and biographies, such as ‘Getting to Know the Accordion’, ‘Accordion Tips and Hints’ (Steve Roxton), ‘Be a Better Player’ (Rosemary Wright), ‘Use of the Couplers’, ‘Playing For Others’ (Rosemary Wright), ‘The Accordion Concerto’, ‘The Accordion and Popular Music’, ‘Accordion Dynasties’, ‘Manfrini Accordions’ (Robert Rolston), ‘Tales & Trivia’, ‘Polka and the Accordion’, and biographies such as André Verchuren, David Vernon, Brandon McPhee, Marcosignori, Gordon Pattullo, Freeland Barbour, Helen Maher, Helen Rich, Jack Emblow, Joe Cooley, John Jones MBE, John Leslie, Ksenija Sidorova, Leonard Brown, Paul Chamberlain, Martynas Levickis, Pearl Fawcett-Adriano and William Hannah.

"Accordion Anthology 2" includes more articles such as ‘Castelfidardo’, ‘Diatonic Accordion Musings’, ‘Accordion Festivals’, ‘Looking After Your Accordion’, ‘Using the Accordion for Vocal Accompaniment’ (Jack Emblow), ‘Midland Accordion Festival’ (Barry Smith), ‘Scotland’s Accordion Heritage’, ‘Ireland’s Accordion Heritage’; and biographies, such as Gary Blair, Julie Best, Gina Brannelli, Mario Conway, Harry Hussey, Bert Santilly, Roy Hendrie, Yvette Horner, Nigel Pasby, Karen Street, Karen Tweed, Seamus O’Sullivan, Gordon Shand, and Dermot O’Brien.

Each book contains well over 300 colour photos and is a near A4 sized high quality hardback.

For special offer details email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Kirkjuvagr Ceilidh Band Nominated Scottish Dance Band of the Year at Scots Trad Music Awards 2022 - Scotland

Kirkjuvagr Ceilidh Band
Scots Trad awards logoVideo: The Kirkjuvagr Ceilidh Band performance at Hogmanay 2019/2020 with Pan Records at Carrbridge Hotel in Carrbridge, Scotland.

The Kirkjuvagr Ceilidh Band have been nominated in the Scottish Dance Band of the Year category at the 20th MG Alba Scots Trad Music Awards 2022.

The Kirkjuvagr Ceilidh Band are a five-piece family band from the Orkney Islands and includes accordion, fiddle, drums, guitar and keyboard. Their “pride and passion is promoting all aspects of Scottish traditional dancing and music”.

The Scots Trad Music Awards event is sponsored by the National Association of Accordion and Fiddle Clubs in the UK.

The awards ceremony will be held at Caird Hall in Dundee, Scotland on December 4th, 2022.


Future events

Klingenthal Accordion Orchestra End of Year Concerts – Germany

KAO poster
The Klingenthal Accordion Orchestra conducted by Richard Wunderlich will hold their End of Year Concerts at the Gasthof Zum Walfisch Zwota in Klingenthal, Germany this month.

Dates are:
November 12th, 2022 at 7.30 pm
November 13th, 2022 at 3 pm


John Kirkpatrick Performs "Tunes from the Trenches" Concert - England

JKposterJK farmJohn Kirkpatrick will perform a concert entitled "Tunes from the Trenches" (picture left) at the Market House in Minchinhampton, Stroud, Gloucestershire, England on November 12th, 2022 at 7.30pm.

His program will feature songs from the First and Second World Wars that were sung at the time by frontline troops and the folks back home. John “will perform in a glittering array of authentic period costumes.”

The following day on November 13th at 3pm, John will dress up again to perform a programme of songs and stories about farming life at the end of the nineteenth century (picture above right).

This concert, entitled The Victorian Farmer’s Year in Song, is part of the Valley Arts Fringe Festival 2022 and will be held at the Baptist Church, in Chew Magna, Bristol.


Landes-Akkordeon-Ensemble Sachsen-Anhalt Concert – Germany

LAES concertLAES posterThe Landes-Akkordeon-Ensemble Sachsen-Anhalt (LAESA) will hold their final 2022 concert at the Festival Hall (Festsaal) of the Kurhause in Bad Schmiedeberg, Germany on November 13th, 2022 at 3pm.

Their program will include works by Ian Watson, Gerhard Mohr and Astor Piazzolla among others.

For details phone: 034925 62010


Ferran Martinez Concert, Catalonia - Spain

Ferran Martinez concert posterFerran Martinez will perform a concert at the Casal del Jubilat L´Escala in Girona, Catalonia, Spain on November 17th, 2022 at 5pm.

His program will include works by Mozart, Piazzolla, Vivaldi, Bach, Semionov and Scarlatti.

For details email: ferranacordio@gmail.com


Michael Bridge: “From Bach to Benny Goodman” Free Concert – Canada

Bach to Benny concert
Michael Bridge (accordion) and Kornel Wolak (clarinet) will peform a free concert entitled “From Bach to Benny Goodman” at the West Vancouver Memorial Library in West Vancouver, BC, Canada on November 18th at 7.30pm.

The duo will “use virtuosity, comedy, and musical sensitivity to bring their custom repertoire to life. “From Bach to Benny Goodman” features modern rearrangements of baroque and classical music using the digital accordion, all the way to good old Benny Goodman swing tunes. Be ready for an evening of entertainment, laughter, and serious music-making.”

For details email: info@westvanlibrary.ca


Veronika Todorova Band “Revival Konzert” – Germany

Todorova poster
The Veronika Todorova Band will perform a “Revival Konzert” in Diez an der Lahn, in Diez, Germany on November 18th, 2022 at 8pm.

The band, which includes accordionist Veronika Todorova, Detlef Görke (bass) and Axel Spreitzer (drums), play a mix of “Balkan meets Jazz and Tango” music.

For details email: Veronika_Todorova@web.de


No.1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra Concert, England – UK

No1 Ladies
The No.1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra will perform a concert at the Bridport United Church in Bridport, East Street, England on November 19th, 2022 at 7.30pm.

Their program will include a variety of “tunes from around the world”.

See poster for details.


Accordion Pops Orchestra (APO) Concerts - USA

Accordion Pops
The Accordion Pops Orchestra have two upcoming concerts for your enjoyment. The first will be held on November 20th, 2022 at the Conlon Hall Auditorium in Bergenfield, New Jersey.

The second concert will be held on December 4th, 2022 at the Hillsborough Elks Club for the benefit of disabled children.

The Accordion Pops Orchestra was founded in 1970 by the Accordion Teachers Association of New Jersey and is currently under the direction of Al Terzo, one of the original members.

2022 members of the Accordion Pops Orchestra:
AnnaRene Jeremiah, John Modrowsky, Anne Marie Eagan, Joyce Ganderberger, Annette Marinelli, Julie Amerman, Bob Patterson, Kalman Zilberman, Dante Giamarco, Kelly Grove, Denise Koncelik, Mary Thomas, Denise Szabo, Mike Marchese, Diane Ashenfalder, Paul Koslowski, Diane Squillace, Phyllis Edamatsu, Don Nowicki, Ray Haines, Erika Perez, Henry Mikol, Rosemarie Cavanaugh, Ines Csulak, Sandra Perez, Joanna Darrow, Tatiana Slowik, John Andrews and Theresa Rehberg.

For further details email: accordionpopsorchestra@outlook.com


Akkordeonverein Oedheim 1991 e.V. Annual Concert - Germany

Concert poster
The Akkordeonverein Oedheim 1991 e.V. will hold their Annual Concert in the Kochana saaloffnung, Oedheim, Germany on November 20th, 2022 at 4pm.

For details email: info@avoe.de


Canterbury Accordion Association Jam Session – New Zealand

CAA flyer
The Canterbury Accordion Association will hold their next Jam Session at St Paul’s Church in Christchurch, New Zealand on November 20th, 2022 at 3pm.

Everyone is welcome. Bring your instrument or just come along and enjoy the music.

See poster for details.


Links to Previous News Still Current

List of Links

2022 Coupe Mondiale 2022 Coupe Mondiale, October 04 - 09, Switzerland Daily Reports from 05 October
PIF Castelfidardo PIF Castelfidardo 2022  Daily Reports
Voci Armoniche logo Accordion Reed Production  Article Link
Beniamino Bugiolacchi Chronology of Production of Italian Accordions Article Link
Serenellini Know the People Interview Serenellini Know the People Interview News Link
2022 aaa online Festival Competition 2022 AAA Recent publications, USA  News Link and Article


New and Updated Sites

Site mis à jour : Publicité pour les concerts de l'Aotango Quintet - Nouvelle-Zélande

Site mis à jour : Vidéo de l'Aotango Quintet faisant la promotion de leur prochaine série de concerts comme suit :

21 novembre à l'hôtel de ville de Warkworth
22 novembre au Westlake Girls Events Centre à Takapuna
2 décembre à l'église anglicane All Saints à Howick, Auckland
Le 3 décembre à la chapelle du Christ Roi à Hamilton.

Aotango met en vedette Andrew Beer (premier violon de l'Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra - APO), le pianiste Somi Kim (NZTrio), le contrebassiste Gordon Hill (chef de section de l'APO), le guitariste de jazz Sam Swindells et le multi-champion du monde d'accordéon Grayson Masefield.
Aotango concert poster


2023 Accordion Days, Sursee - Switzerland

Ian Watson
accordeon.chThe 2023 Accordion Days Switzerland will be held from January 20th to 22nd, 2023 in Sursee, Lucerne, Switzerland organised by accordeon.ch

The events will include accordion courses by Lionel Chapuis (Switzerlnd), Silke D'Inka (Germany), Johannes Münzner (Austria) and Ian Watson (England).

Conducting Course: by Stefan Hippe (Germany).
Solo master class: by Fanny Vicens (France/Switzerland).

Ian Watson (picture above) will hold an Advanced Orchestra course with the theme of "Drama". Pieces covered will be "Sinfonietta Dramatika" (by Stevan Divjakovic) and Ian Watson's own composition "On Aldeburgh Beach".

Registration deadline is December 11th, 2022.

Download event program information here: 2023Sursee.pdf


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