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Weekly News from Around the World - 11-Mar-2022
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Akordeon Art Plus 2022: 12ème Festival International d'Accordéon - Bosnie-Herzégovine
Martin Šulc présenté au 49e Festival de musique Preludium Aloise Motýla – République tchèque
Tournée printanière "Music From The Movies" - Royaume-Uni
Concert du 75e anniversaire de Guy Klucevsek – États-Unis

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Accordionists Perform at St. Casimir's Day Celebrations - Lithuania
Three Expanded Historical and Analytical Articles by Dr Robert Young McMahan - USA
Styrian Harmonica Orientation Day – Germany
Video: Global Accordion Music Festival Akkordeon Akut 2021 – Germany
Video: Sibelius Academy Accordion Class Concert - Finland
Online: 2022 Not Just Oompah! Workshop and Concert Series – USA
Video: Alessandro Mugnoz channel - Italy
“New Sads Tango Quintet” Perform Piazzolla Concert - Serbia
Donal Ring (1935-2022), Cork - Republic of Ireland
Cancelled: "Les Étoiles Sancyberie" Competition - France
Marcus Matuszewski Passes Away – Germany

Future events

“No.1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra” Concerts - England
“Scythian” Benefit Show - USA
Brandon McPhee Internet Concert - Scotland
Accordion Course at Instituto Chileno del Acordeón - Chile
2022 Winter Alps Tour - France
Richard Galliano New Jazz Musette Quartet Concert - Switzerland
Stefan Persson Performs Two Solo Concerts - Sweden

Childrens Corner

Video: Klara Prevodnik Fast Fingers - Slovenia

New and Updated Sites

CNIMA Avril 2022 Cours d'Accordéon – France
AAA Composers’ Commissioning Committee Information - USA

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Akordeon Art Plus 2022: 12ème Festival International d'Accordéon - Bosnie-Herzégovine

Akordeon Art 2022
L'Akordeon Art Plus 2022 : 12e Festival international d'accordéon et le 4e Concours international de piano se tiendront du 31 mai au 3 juin 2022.

Le concours comprend des catégories pour accordéon solo, variété, orchestre d'accordéon, piano, duo de piano, stage de piano et ensembles de chambre sous la direction artistique de l'Académie de musique, de l'Université de Sarajevo Est (République de Srpska, Bosnie-Herzégovine) et de l'Association pour Favoriser la musique académique "New Sound" East Sarajevo.

Le Festival se déroulera dans le respect de toutes les mesures de protection contre la propagation du virus Covid 19.

Les inscriptions se clôturent le 20 mai 2022.

Téléchargez le règlement du concours ici : 2022ArtRules.pdf


Martin Šulc présenté au 49e Festival de musique Preludium Aloise Motýla – République tchèque

Martin Sulc
CZ churchMartin concertVidéo : Martin Sulc et Aneta Majerov (piano) interprètent Song of the far North composée par Gary Daverne.

L'accordéoniste de concert Martin Šulc a été présenté au 49e Festival de musique Preludium Aloise Motýla qui s'est tenu au Klášterní Kostel Zvestování Panny Marie (Église - photo ci-dessus) à Šumperk, République tchèque, le 8 mars 2022.

Le festival a été organisé avec le soutien financier de la ville de Šumperk et de la région d'Olomouc et comprenait une représentation du chœur d'enfants de Šumperk et de deux pianistes locaux Pavla Šimová et Karolína Dolecková.

Le programme de Martin comprenait Preludium A flat Major (Bach), Moto Perpetuo (Laburda), Partita Concertante 2 (Zubitsky), Sonata C Major, K. 513 (Scarlatti), Without a Title (Olsen) et Sentido Unico (Piazzolla).

Martin présentera presque le même programme à Prague le 23 mars 2022 lors de la première d'un nouveau film, où il a enregistré la musique et joué le rôle principal.

Pour plus de détails, envoyez un courriel à: martinsulc999@gmail.com


Tournée printanière "Music From The Movies" - Royaume-Uni

London Concertante
Ilona SuomalainenRomano ViazzaniLe Concertante de Londres (photo ci-dessus) se joindra aux accordéonistes Edward Hession (photo ci-dessous), Romano Viazzani (photo de droite) et Ilona Suomalainen (photo de gauche) pour présenter leur tournée printanière "Music From The Movies".

Leur programme « promet d'être une exploration passionnante du pouvoir de la musique de film, remplie de favoris familiaux rendus célèbres par Hollywood. Ce programme exceptionnel comprendra des extraits éblouissants de l'emblématique Jurassic Park de Steven Spielberg, La Liste de Schindler et E.T., ainsi que d'autres chefs-d'œuvre cinématographiques tels que Raging Bull, Skyfall et The Godfather, pour n'en citer que quelques-uns ».

Dates comme suit :
• Samedi 12 mars à 19h30 - Cathédrale de Chichester, Chichester avec Romano Viazzani
• Vendredi 18 mars à 19h30 - Cathédrale de Derby, Derby avec Edward Hession
• Samedi 19 mars à 19h30 - Cathédrale de Norwich, Norwich avec Edward Hession
• Samedi 20 mars à 19h30 - St George's Hall, Liverpool avec Edward Hession
• Vendredi 25 mars à 20h - Cathédrale St. Giles, Édimbourg avec Ilona Suomalainen
• Samedi 26 mars à 20h - Cathédrale Saint-Patrick de Dublin avec Ilona Suomalainen
• Samedi 2 avril à 19h30 - Cathédrale de Newcastle, Newcastle avec Ilona Suomalainen
Edward Hession


Concert du 75e anniversaire de Guy Klucevsek – États-Unis

Guy KlucevsekUn concert pour célébrer le 75e anniversaire de Guy Klucevsek aura lieu à la Roulette à Brooklyn, New York, USA le 14 mai 2022 à 20h.

Le concert célébrera la musique de Guy Klucevsek, interprétée par les accordéonistes Alan Bern, Will Holshouser, Nathan Koci et Bachtopus ainsi que Jenny Lin (piano) et Todd Reynolds (violon).

Leur programme comprendra des solos, duos et pièces d'ensemble écrits entre 1980 et 2021, dont cinq premières.

Pour plus de détails, envoyez un e-mail à : gklucevsek@mac.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Accordionists Perform at St. Casimir's Day Celebrations - Lithuania

Feroce Trio
St. Casimir's Day celebrations are held annually in Anykšciai, Utena, Lithuania.

This year’s event was held in the lobby of the Anykšciai Culture Center on March 4th in conjunction with the Kaziukas Fair, which features an array of hand made products, local artists, musicians etc. entitled "Made in Anykšciai".

Accordion performers included the Feroce Trio, who entertained with a varied program. See picture above for details.


Three Expanded Historical and Analytical Articles by Dr Robert Young McMahan - USA

AAA Header
Dr Robert Young McMahanDr Robert Young McMahan, Chair of the AAA Composers’ Commission Committee, has written historical and analytical articles about AAA commissioned works from 1997 to 2019.

The original version of each article published annually in the AAA Journal is listed in pdf format for historical purposes at: http://www.ameraccord.com/aaacommissions2.php

Dr McMahan is pleased to announce that three of the twenty-two articles he wrote have been updated and expanded by the author to include additional information, commentary, and musical examples.
These are:
- AAFJ1998 Prelude and Dance, by Paul Creston;
- AAFJ2010 Sonata-Fantasia, by Normand Lockwood;
- AAFJ2011 Introduction and Scherzo, by Nicholas Flagello.

Future revisions of the remaining articles will be announced as they are completed.


Styrian Harmonica Orientation Day – Germany

Alexander MaurerVideo: Danke composed by David Frank, performed by Alexander Maurer.

The Styrian Harmonica Orientation Day for
Course number: 22_23_ZL_1
will be held at the Hohner Conservatory in Trossingen on May 14th, 2022 from 10am to 5pm.

The course, with Alexander Maurer (picture left) prepares you for your work in artistic and/or pedagogical fields, to acquire skills to teach different musical styles in different formats, to develop new ways of musical mediation and to present yourself as a stylistically versatile musician soloist or in ensembles.
• Solo Repertoire
• Improvisation
• The Instrument
• Basics on the Instrument
• The Pedagogy
• FAQ – The Craftsmanship

Course registrations close on May 1st, 2022.

For details email: info@hohner-konservatorium.de


Video: Global Accordion Music Festival Akkordeon Akut 2021 – Germany

Akut 2021
Video: Concert recording at the Global Accordion Music Festival Akkordeon Akut 2021 on October 21st, 2021 at Object 5, Halle (Saale).

Bukowski - a musical reading with Rainer Huppenbauer, Thomas Wittenbecher and Patrick Zörner.

After a two-year break, the Global Accordion Music Festival Akkordeon Akut returned to Halle's stages from October 10 to 21, 2021. We would like to thank all partners who made this small but sustainable festival edition possible. The next festival awaits you in the fall of 2023.


Video: Sibelius Academy Accordion Class Concert - Finland

Video: The Sibelius Academy Accordion Class concert which was held in the Musiikkitalo on March 3rd, 2022 in Helsinki, Finland.

View the concert program below.


Online: 2022 Not Just Oompah! Workshop and Concert Series – USA

The online 2022 Not Just Oompah Workshop and Concert Series will be held on April 23rd and 27th, 2022.

The workshops will include:
• “Music of Albania” presented by Raif Hyseni on April 23rd, 2022
• “Music of Eugene Ettore” presented by Rita Davidson Barnea on April 27th, 2022

Concerts will be held as follows:
• April 23rd at 7pm Central Time: Raif Hyseni
• April 27th at 7pm Central Time: Rita Barnea

See poster below for details.
NJO workshops


Video: Alessandro Mugnoz channel - Italy

Alessandro MugnozA historical video from the youtube channel of Alessandro Mugnoz (picture left).

"Onde di veli" (Waves of veils) is one of several pieces written for accordion by the distinguished musician Luigi Ferrari Trecate (1884-1964), who with his work was one of the first to feature the accordion. The piece, published in the early fifties by Farfisa (later Bérben), was immediately adapted for accordion ensemble by Felice Fugazza. This is one of the rare recordings of this characteristic piece.

Alessandro Mugnoz, I accordion
Miriam Mugnoz, II accordion
Andrea Carnevalini, III accordion
Fabrizio Sbacco, IV accordion
Edgardo Mugnoz, accordion bass.

The recording, was made in Potenza Picena (MC) in the summer of 1983, when the quintet recorded an entire concert/discography program in a single sitting, practically live. Subsequently, it was included in the CD "Fisarmoniche in concerto", published and distributed by the Prendinota editions.


“New Sads Tango Quintet” Perform Piazzolla Concert - Serbia

Concert Serbia
Dragana KuzmanovicThe “New Sads Tango Quintet” performed a concert on March 9th, 2022 in the Concert Hall of the Banski Palace in Banjaluka, Republic of Serbia to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Piazzolla.

The quintet includes accordionist Dragana Kuzmanovic (picture left), Vladimir Cukovic (violin), Vladimir Jakovljevic (guitar), Fedor Ruskuc (contrabass) and David Klem (piano).

Their program included some of the most beautiful works of Piazzolla originally written for his quintet such as Concierto para Quinteto, Escualo, Milonga del Angel and Solitude.


Donal Ring (1935-2022), Cork - Republic of Ireland

Ceili band
Donal RingDonal Ring born 1935 in Cork, Republic of Ireland, came from a musical family. Young Donal was very much influenced by his father, a renowned melodeon and button accordionist. At school in Rathduff, a deep regard for the language, culture and heritage of Ireland was instilled in Donal, and his love of Irish dance music was the main motivating factor that enabled him to undertake an intense practice routine on the accordion. Practice, coupled with natural ability, made him a very fine player. At the age of 13, he was playing in concerts, and by 15, he was playing in a ceili band.

Having admired the music of Jimmy Shand, Donal (pictured above) purchased a Shand Morino button accordion. In 1956, the price of this accordion was £215 - a fortune in those days. Donal Ring and Jimmy Shand became lifelong friends

In 1958, Donal Ring formed his own ceili band, with the original line-up: Noel Crowley, Paddy Carey, Eamon Long, Gary Crowley and Florrie McCarthy. The present line-up is a family affair that includes sons Dermot Ring (5 row button accordion and vocals), Donal Ring junior (5 row accordion), daughters Mary (Ring) Devereux (piano and bass), Breda (Ring) Cashman (drums & vocals), and Pat Riordan (vocals).

BBC radio and Radio Luxembourg did regular broadcasts of Scottish dance bands in the late 1940s and 1950s, and these were popular in Ireland. The strict tempo and tight band sound of the Scottish players significantly influenced the style and sound of many of the emerging Irish ceili bands of the time such as Donal Ring, Jackie Hearst, and the Gallowglass Ceili Band.

Once established in Ireland through gigs, recordings, radio and television appearances, Donal Ring and his band performed overseas many times in Britain, Canada, Holland, and other places. His ceili band, renowned for its unerring strict tempo, recorded many albums, such as Dance and Sing with Donal Ring; Always Irish with Donal Ring - 30 years on; 40 Years on Stage; An Irish Hooley; Donal Ring Plays On; Unique Irish Dance Music; Echoes of Ireland; Irish Favourite: 70 Years of Music..

Donal Ring was also an expert accordion tuner and repairman. Apart from playing the accordion and Irish music, Donal’s other great passion was Gaelic Football (GAA).

Donal Ring, who passed away on March 5th 2022 at the age of 87, was very well liked and respected and his passing is seen by many as the end of an era.
Donal Ring


Cancelled: "Les Étoiles Sancyberie" Competition - France

Sancyberie poster
cancelledSancyberieOrganisers of the Sancybérie French-Russian themed festival and competition have regretfully announced that due to the world situation, the international contest "Les Étoiles Sancyberie" will not be held from April 28th to May 2nd, 2022 as planned.

They very much hope that peace and understanding will be restored, and music will unite the hearts of people again.

Dates of the 2023 event will be announced later this year.

For further details email: info@plidacordio.com


Marcus Matuszewski Passes Away – Germany

Marcus MatuszewskiOrchestra conductor, musician, vocalist, composer and arranger, Marcus Matuszewski has died after a long illness at the age of only 59.

He was well known in the Ruhr area, through his music school in Wuppertal, through conducting the Wuppertal Accordion Orchestra and the AO-Recklinghausen Orchestra.

Marcus was also involved in the Villakkordeon e.V. association orchestras and conducted many choirs.

He was regularly seen at the continuing education courses for the Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. North Rhine-Westphalia in Remscheid.

Many of his works are published by Jetelina.


Future events

“No.1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra” Concerts - England

Ladies poster
This week featured International Women’s Day on March 8th, 2022, and what better time for the “No.1 Ladies Accordion Orchestra” to perform for the first time in over two years in Youlgreave, Derbyshire, England.

The orchestra will give two concerts as follows:

• March 12th: Youlgreave Village Hall, Youlgreave, Bakewell at 7.30pm
• March 13th: Youlgreave Village Hall, Youlgreave, Bakewell at 2pm

The orchestra led by Musical Director Jane Ward will perform a variety of “waltzes and tangos, film music and hornpipes, bellows and banter, jollity and jigs!”

For details email: no1ladiesaccordion@gmail.com


“Scythian” Benefit Show - USA

Scythian“Scythian”, which includes accordionist Dan Fedoryka, will perform at a special fundraiser at Scaffidi's Restaurant & Tavern in Steubenville, Ohio on March 13th, 2022.

Proceeds from the show and casino night will benefit Steubenville's homeless.

For details email: scythianmail@gmail.com


Brandon McPhee Internet Concert - Scotland

Brandon McPhee
Scottish accordion entertainer Brandon McPhee and the Brandon McPhee Band will perform a live stream internet concert directly from the Pentland Hotel in Thurso, Scotland on March 14th, 2022.

The concert, organised by Pan Records, will also feature special guests Manson Grant (from "Manson Grant and the Dynamos"), Addie Harper (accordion, violin & guitar) and Geoffrey McCook (vocals).

This show is a variety of Scottish, Folk and country music.

See poster for details.


Accordion Course at Instituto Chileno del Acordeón - Chile

Chile poster
The Instituto Chileno del Acordeón is offering a beginners accordion course in Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile starting on March 17th, at 7pm.

The course will include 10 sessions with tutor Karla Ponce.

See poster for details.


2022 Winter Alps Tour - France

2022 Winter Alps Tour
Accordionist Maxime Vauthier will perform his 2022 Winter Alps Tour with Maty Saki (guitar) and Benoît (drummer) from 19th to 26th March, 2022.

Tour dates are:
• March 19th: La Fabrik Brides Restaurant & Bar in Brides-les-Bains
• March 21st: L'Alti 16 restaurant in Meribel
• March 23rd: Les Pierres Platesin Saint-Avertin
• March 25th: Downtown Bar Meribel in Meribel
• March 26th: Auberge Du Boucanier Restaurant in Doussard

Their program will include the presentation of and pieces from their debut album.

For details email: m.vauthier88@gmail.com


Richard Galliano New Jazz Musette Quartet Concert - Switzerland

Galliano poster
Richard Galliano and his New Jazz Musette Quartet will perform in concert at the CO2 Room in La Tour-de-Trême, Fribourg, Switzerland on March 26th, 2022 at 8pm.

The concert will open with a performance by three accordion orchestras from the Gruyère region - Bulle, La Roche and Marsens (directed by Lionel Chapuis), who will accompany Galliano.

The Richard Galliano New Jazz Musette Quartet also has concerts planned in Saumur, France on March 15th and Palermo, Italy on March 21st.

See poster for details.


Stefan Persson Performs Two Solo Concerts - Sweden

Stefan Persson
Video: Stefan Persson performing his own composition dedicated to his wife titled Sofia's Party Polka.

Stefan Persson will perform two solo concerts at Medborgarhuset, Eslöv, Sweden on April 10th, 2022 at 1pm and 4pm.

The duration of each concert is 1 hour 30 minutes. Bookings essential.

For details email: dragspelskonsert@live.se


Childrens Corner

Video: Klara Prevodnik Fast Fingers - Slovenia

Video: Enjoy this performance by young accordionist Klara Prevodnik from Slovenia, showing off her fast fingers.


New and Updated Sites

CNIMA Avril 2022 Cours d'Accordéon – France

Aurélien NoëlAlain PennecLe CNIMA dirigé par Nathalie Boucheix propose des stages d'accordéon variés en avril comme suit :

• 11 au 15 avril 2022 : Cours d'Accompagnement d'Accordéon avec Aurélien Noël (photo ci-dessus à gauche). Aurélien a accompagné des artistes de variétés comme Eddy Mitchel, Céline Dion et Roberto Alagan et vous apprendra à accompagner des solistes à l'accordéon.

• 18 au 22 avril 2022 : Cours d'accordéon diatonique avec Alain Pennec (photo ci-dessus à droite). Figure incontournable de la musique celtique, Alain Pennec vous propose un travail technique (doigté & ornementation), harmonique et rythmique.

• 18 au 22 avril 2022 : Cours d'Accordéon Musette & Swing avec Eric Bouvelle. Lauréat du concours international, Eric Bouvelle propose une immersion dans la musette et le swing avec un travail sur le répertoire, les arrangements et la composition.

• 25 au 29 avril 2022 : Cours d'accordéon avec Franck Angelis, compositeur de l'accordéon d'aujourd'hui, Franck anime un atelier autour de ses oeuvres.

Pour plus de détails email : cnima@orange.fr


AAA Composers’ Commissioning Committee Information - USA

AAA Header
Dr Robert Young McMahanAAA Composers’ Commissioning Committee continues to expand its information on the AAA website at: http://www.ameraccord.com/aaacommissions.php

1. Information about the 2022 Elsie Bennett Composition Competition for Aspiring Composers is now online. Information, Awards, Regulations and Entry Form at: 2022Bennett.pdf

2. The AAA Composers’ Commissioning History has been updated and expanded.

3. The Composers Guide for Accordion has been updated and is a free download to assist all accordionists to work with composers. Download at: http://www.ameraccord.com/commissions/ComposersGuide.pdf

4. The historical and analytical series of articles about the AAA commissioned works was originally appearing every year from 1997 through 2019 in the AAA Festival Journal. These Journal articles are now all available to download at: http://www.ameraccord.com/aaacommissions2.php

5. The articles are also being expanded with additional musical examples and historic photographs and then added to the AAA website in html format.


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