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Weekly News from Around the World - 11-Mar-2011
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"Intocable" gewinnen Grammy in Los Angeles - USA
Gwyneth Paltrow Konzertinaspielerin, Sängerin und Schauspielerin - USA
Internationale Akkordeonmeisterschaften in Sydney – Australien
Richard Galliano und Yehuda Oppenheimer treffen einander nach 45 Jahren - Israel
John Nixon (1927-2011), Cheshire – UK

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Virtuoso Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Performs in Yerevan - Armenia
39. Kleine Tage der Harmonika in Klingenthal
Paul Chamberlain’s Latest News, Scotland – UK
‘Focus On Accordion Music’ DVD, Edinburgh – UK
‘14 Years Ago’ – Peter Gerter Visits Austria

Future events

Carmen Carrozza's 90th Birthday Celebrations, New York – USA
Omagh St Patrick’s Day Festival, Tyrone – Ireland
Bulgarian Virtuoso Petar Ralchev on Tour – USA, Canada
Martin Lubenov Concerts – Bulgaria, Austria, Switzerland
Accordion Course, Haute Savoie – France
‘AccordDuo’ Record for BBC Radio 2, London – UK
Michigan Irish Music Festival St Pat's Party, Muskegon – USA
Hannah James & Sam Sweeney Concert, Glossop – UK

New and Updated Sites

NZAA Website Updates for 2011 Championships & Festival and 40th Anniversary
Updated Website for Yulia Amerikova
Updated 2011 International Australian Accordion Championships - Australia

CD Reviews

Tango CD by “Lo Que Vendrà” Ensemble

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"Intocable" gewinnen Grammy in Los Angeles - USA

Ricardo Munoz of ‘Intocable’"Intocable ', aus Texas haben am 13. Februar im Staples Center, Los Angeles den 2011 Grammy Award für das beste Norteño Album mit der CD"Classic " erhalten. Der Grammy ist in der Musikindustrie die renommierteste Auszeichnung, ehrt und unterstützt Leistungen der Musikbranche.

"Intocable" wurde in den frühen 1990er Jahren vom Akkordeonist und Sänger Ricardo Munoz und Rene Martinez aus Zapata, Texas gegründet. In nur wenigen Jahren gelang es der Band „die Gruppe“ für Tejano und Norteño mit einem diatonischen Akkordeon angetrieben Sound zu werden.

Im September 2010 veröffentlichte die Band ihre erste Online-exklusive Single "Robarte un beso“ – das Video der Single wurde in Monterrey gedreht.

Ihre 2011 USA Tour:
26. März - Pharr, Texas
6. Mai - Lubbock, Texas
7. Mai - Odessa, Texas
16. September - El Paso, Texas
29. September - San Manuel, Kalifornien


Gwyneth Paltrow Konzertinaspielerin, Sängerin und Schauspielerin - USA

Gwyneth Paltrow at the recent Academy AwardsGwyneth Paltrow‘s Mutter, Schauspielerin Blythe Danner, sagte das Gwyneth Paltrow’s erster Musikauftritt 1995 stattfand, als sie eine Konzertina für die Gäste einer Filmvorführung spielte, in dem sie die Hauptrolle in "Jefferson in Paris" inne hatte.

Eine Musikkarriere stand Gwyneth Paltrow bevor, denn sie hatte einen Plattenvertrag für ein Debütalbum bei Atlantic Records. Die Oscar-prämierte Schauspielerin gewann Aufmerksamkeit für ihr musikalisches Talent, als sie "Coming Home " während der jüngsten Oscar-Verleihung, den Titelsong ihres kommenden Film " Country Strong’" sang.

Das neue Album ist Berichten zufolge Country-Pop –und man hofft, Gwyneth Paltrow bald wieder mit der Konzertina zu hören.


Internationale Akkordeonmeisterschaften in Sydney – Australien

AATA logo
AATA President Tania Lukic-MarxAls Teil der 2011 Internationale Akkordeon Meisterschaften, 11. und 12. Juni im Club Marconi, Sydney, NSW, hat die australischen Akkordeon Teachers Association Inc nun eine neue Kategorie in ihren internationalen Wettbewerb für Ensemble Music aufgenommen. Regeln finden Sie online unter: www.aata.org.au

Um Schritt zu halten mit den neuesten Entwicklungen und Tendenzen der internationalen Akkordeon-Szene, bietet die AATA nun dieses neue internationale Klasse. AATA Präsident ist Tania Lukic-Marx (Bild rechts).

Große internationale Kategorien sind:
• International Open Akkordeon Meisterschaften - 12 Jahre oder jünger solo;
• International Open Akkordeon Meisterschaften - 15 Jahre und jünger solo;
• International Junior Virtuoso Akkordeon Meisterschaften - 20 Jahre oder jünger solo;
• International Open Championships Akkordeon solo.
• Internationale Ensemble Music.

Tägliche Berichte von Ereignissen der Vergangenheit an: Australian International Championships

Wettbewerbsanträge sind bis zum 1. Mai 2011 einzureichen. Weitere Informationen und alle Regeln auf: www.aata.org.au


Richard Galliano und Yehuda Oppenheimer treffen einander nach 45 Jahren - Israel

Richard Galliano and Yehuda Oppenheimer meeting
Newspaper article 21 January 2966Im Jahr 1966 fand der CMA Trophée Mondial in Valencia, Spanien statt und sah den erst 16-jährigen Richard Galliano als Gewinn der Junioren Kategorie. Er spielte für diesen internationalen Wettbewerb die Ciaccona Variationen von Yehuda Oppenheimer. 21. Januar 1966 Zeitung links scannen.

1966 war Oppenheimer Yehuda auch Jurymitglied und erinnert sich daran "18 Konkurrenten seine Ciaccona mit ganz unterschiedlichen Interpretationen angehört zu haben – und - wenn man die außergewöhnliche Karriere des international anerkannten Künstlers Richard Galliano seit 1966 betrachtet, dann muß man eingestehen, daß die damalige Jury sicherlich richtig entschieden hat“… sagt Yehuda Oppenheimer.

Nach 45 Jahren trafen sich Richard Galliano und Yehuda Oppenheimer wieder bei Galliano’s Konzert letzte Woche in Israel, die Teil einer 6 Konzertereise mit dem Kibbutz Chamber Orchestra. Wie man den Bilder entnehmen kann wurden ohne Zweifel auch Geschichten, CD's und Musik dabei ausgetauscht. Zwei weitere Zeitungen Scans: cma1966_01.jpg and cma1966_02.jpg

Yehuda Oppenheimer Kompositionen, Arrangements und CD's sind online verfügbar:
Lesen Sie auch 2008 news: "Festival Honors Yehuda Oppenheimer - Israel"


John Nixon (1927-2011), Cheshire – UK

John Nixon
John NixonJohn Nixon in 1935John Nixon, einer der weltbesten Konzertina Spieler, starb am Samstag 5. März, im Alter von 84, nach einem langen Kampf mit Anämie und Herzkrankheiten.

Geboren in Bolton, Lancashire, im Jahre 1927 spielte John Nixon bei seinem Vater mit der 24 köpfigen Bolton Concertina Band in den 30er Jahren und im Jahr 1940 hatte er seine erste Solo-Radiosendung bei BBC Manchester.

John Nixon wurde weithin als einer der weltbesten Konzertina Spieler anerkannt, mit einer außergewöhnlichen Begabung für Jazz. Er verbrachte viele Jahre als Studiomusiker und kooperierte mit Aufnahmen von absoluten stars wie Henry Mancini, Barbara Streisand, Paul McCartney, George Martin, Michel Legrand und Akkordeonisten Frank Marocco, Jack Emblow, Harry Hussey, und Marcel Azzola. Seine Musik war auf vielen Soundtracks von BBC Fernsehprogrammen zu hören.

Im Jahr 1984 spielte John auf Paul McCartney's "We All Stand Together", eine Nummer Eins Chart Hit zu Weihnachten. Bei einer anderen Gelegenheit spielte John im Studio, wieder mit George Martin einen Tophit sowie mit dem Französischen Akkordeonist, Marcel Azzola für die Aufzeichnung einer Filmmusik.

Für weitere Informationen lesen Sie bitte die längeren Nachruf in Englisch oder E-Mail: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Virtuoso Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Performs in Yerevan - Armenia

Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi
On March 10th, virtuoso accordion player Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi will perform in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia.

Pietrodarchi is performing in the concert dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the legendary Astor Piazzolla with Armenia’s State Youth Orchestra, conducted by Sergey Smbatyan and Italian conductor Roberto Molinelli.

Pietrodarchi and Armenia’s State Youth Orchestra first performed a concert in Yerevan in March 2010. Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi is a tutor at the Conservatory Vibo Valentia, Italy.


39. Kleine Tage der Harmonika in Klingenthal

Accordion Orchestra Hofer Symphoniker
Marie Luise KuhnertAm 26. und 27. Februar 2011 fanden in Klingenthal die 39. Kleinen Tage der Harmonika statt. In diesem Jahr waren 68 junge Akkordeonisten aus Sachsen, Thüringen, Bayern und der Tschechischen Republik zum Wettbewerb angetreten. Als Gastbundesländer waren Sachsen-Anhalt und Brandenburg vertreten.

Die Wettbewerbe fanden im Sitzungssaal des Rathauses und im Gliersaal statt. Am Samstag gab das Akkordeonorchester der Musikschule der Hofer Symphoniker unter Leitung von Torsten Petzold ein Konzert in der Schalterhalle der Sparkasse am Markt.

Das Konzert bot eine breite Palette von klassischen Werken bis zu Musik der Gegenwart. Das Publikum dankte für diesen Konzertgenuss mit langem Beifall.

Marie-Luise Kuhnert aus der Nachbargemeinde Zwota erspielte den ersten Platz in der Kategorie 3. Sie erhielt auch den Sonderpreis des Deutschen Akkordeonlehrer-Verbandes als punktbeste sächsische Teilnehmerin.

Die 40. Kleinen Tage der Harmonika finden am 3. und 4. März 2012 statt.
Competition Winners


Paul Chamberlain’s Latest News, Scotland – UK

Paul ChamberlainPaul Chamberlain, recently reached the keyboard section final of the Royal Overseas League Competition, held in London. This prestigious annual competition brings together the best musicians from the UK, and the Commonwealth.

Making a strong impression with the judges, Paul demonstrated the capabilities and potential of the accordion with a program that included pieces by Bach, Nagayev, Angelis and Moszkowski.

On February 17th, Paul performed in the world premiere of a composition by Gareth Williams, for mixed chamber ensemble. Entitled ‘Home from Home’, it was commissioned by the Paragon Ensemble for their 30th anniversary concert held in the Centre for Contemporary Arts in Glasgow.

The Paragon Ensemble are renowned for their contribution to the generation and promotion of new music, so it was very positive, to see the accordion being included in their latest commission.

See the compositions online of Paul Chamberlain.

For further information email: paul@theaccordionist.com


‘Focus On Accordion Music’ DVD, Edinburgh – UK

‘Focus On Accordion Music’ DVD‘Focus On Accordion Music’ is a DVD featuring leading Scottish accordionists Jimmy Cassidy, Billy McGuire, Peter Bruce, Donny and Diane's Highland Ceilidh Band, Davie Stewart & His Band, Wayne Robertson, and the Tandem Ceilidh Band. The material is a compilation from previous DVD and video releases, and is in PAL (Region 2) format.

The 16 tracks include: Morino Polka / O Donal Abu / Follow My Highland Soldier / The Dashing White Sergeant / Hull's Victory / The Tullamore Piper / Bonnie Banchory / Memories of Grant / Marche des Patineur / Rakes Of Kildare / Nell Flaherty's Drake / A Dram Before You Go / My Native Highland Home / My Own Lass / Hey Ho My Bonnie Lass / Renfrewshire Militia / P/M George Ross' Farewell to the Black Watch / Glenbirnie Rant / The Blackberry Bush / The Rookery / Colonel MacLeod's Reel / Rattle the Cash / Mr Charles Don's Favourite / Johnny Depp In Never-Neverland / Rob and Mary McCombie's Jig / MacGregor of Rora / Jim and Flora Best of Cardross / The Gentle Milkmaid / Merle Siffleur / Loch Lomond / The Rowan Tree / Bonny Gallowa' / The Devils in the Kitchen / Miss Drummond Of Perth / A A Cameron / Clarinet Polka / Farewell To The Tay / Innes King's Jig / Drummond Castle.


‘14 Years Ago’ – Peter Gerter Visits Austria

Peter GertaThe Accordions Worldwide news on March 14th 1997 featured a report of some concerts given by the still active Peter Gerter, written by Dr Herbert Scheibenreif, one of AWW’s most frequent and reliable contributors.

Contributed by Dr Herbert Scheibenreif

In the beginning of March Peter Gerter performed four concerts in Bad Schallerbach, Graz, Klagenfurt and Neunkirchen, Austria. While in Klagenfurt he also enjoyed teaching at the conservatory there.

His programme consisted of transcriptions for organ, cembalo and piano (works by Vivaldi, Bach, Scarlatti, Schostakovitch, Rubinstein, Daquin) as well as original works for the accordion (Brehme, Olczak, Takahashi, Londonov, Derbenko). Peter Gerter charmed his audience not only with his brilliant technical skills, but also with his great musicianship.

Peter Gerter, born in Karaganda (Kasachstan) in 1953, studied with Friedrich Lips and graduated from the Gnessin's Musical Pedagogical Institute in Moscow. After his studies he taught in Wladiwostok where he became a Professor in 1992. Peter Gerter has also won many national and international competitions, including Moscow (1975), Pula (1975) and Klingenthal (1981). Since 1994 he has been living in Neu-Ulm (Germany), where he is currently teaching at the music school.

He has also taught at international seminars and taken part in many accordion festivals. He has enjoyed performing in many countries including Russia, Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Austria and Germany where his first CD was released.


Future events

Carmen Carrozza's 90th Birthday Celebrations, New York – USA

Carmen Carrozza Scholarship
Carmen CarrozzaCarmen Carrozza's 90th birthday will be celebrated when the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) presents the 9th annual ‘Afternoon of Music, Food, and Fun’ at the Magnanini Farm Winery in Wallkill, NY. This takes place on Sunday March 27th, 12 noon until 5pm, to benefit the Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Fund for the advancement of promising young accordionists. Tickets are still available.

Carmen Carrozza, born in Calabria, Italy, on July 20th 1921, emigrated to the USA with his family when he was nine years old, settling in Chappaqua, Westchester, NY, where Carmen began studying music, becoming proficient on the violin, piano and accordion.

In 1937, Carmen Carrozza graduated from the Pietro Deiro Accordion Conservatory in Greenwich Village, NYC, where he was awarded the highest honors and a gold medal for his performance. He furthered his studies at the New York Academy of Music. Carrozza’s professional debut took place in 1947 at the Philadelphia Academy of Music, and he went on to appear at major concert halls throughout the USA, Canada and Europe.

Carrozza was the first accordionist to perform as featured soloist with major symphony orchestras, including The Boston Pops Symphony Orchestra, under Arthur Fiedler, premiering Paul Creston’s ‘Concerto for Accordion and Orchestra’, National Symphony, New York Philharmonic, Cincinnati Orchestra, Buffalo Symphony Orchestra, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, Philadelphia Pops Orchestra, and the US Navy Band.

Carrozza considers solo concerts in Town Hall, New York City, as one of the high points in his career, premiering original accordion works - a milestone in the history of the accordion.

Throughout the years Carrozza has received numerous awards and honorees from many different organizations, associations and clubs. Carrozza is a Past President and an active governing board member of the AAA. He continues to promote the accordion through educational workshops at schools, universities and private music studios.

Carrozza currently resides in the town of Thornwood in Westchester, NY, with his wife Jean and has two grown children and two grandchildren.

Much has been written about the unique artistry of concert accordionist, composer, arranger and educator Carmen Carrozza, but one critic summed up he proclaimed, “the violin has its Pagannini, the piano its Chopin – the accordion its Carrozza” - So be it!

For further information about Carmen or the AAA Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Fund, email: drjciccone@aol.com


Omagh St Patrick’s Day Festival, Tyrone – Ireland

Omagh StThe annual St Patrick’s Day Festival, ‘Connecting Cultures’, takes place on Thursday March 17th in Omagh, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland. The outdoor music concert begins at 1pm in High Street with the Clogherney Scottish dancers, accompanied by Malcolm Cathers on accordion, followed by musicians from Dun Uladh and sean nos dancers, Gillian McElroy and Arlene McCarroll.

Malcolm Cathers is a well known teacher of both button and piano accordion, teaching classes at the Dooneen Community Education Centre, Fermanagh BT94 3GW.


Bulgarian Virtuoso Petar Ralchev on Tour – USA, Canada

Petar Ralchev is one of Bulgaria's best known and most highly regarded accordionists. He is an artist who is respected for his versatility as a performer, improviser and composer, and has remained at the forefront of the Bulgarian folk music scene for more than three decades.

The Petar Ralchev Quartet will be touring the US from April-June 2011, and details are as follows:

April 21st - Serendipity Martiny Bar, Bloomington, Indiana
April 22nd - ‘Mehanata’ Restaurant, Chicago, Illinois
April 27th/28th - Old Town School of Folk Music, Chicago
April 29th - Hungarian House, New York City
April 30th, 2 until 3.30pm - master class, NYC
May 1st - Center Madara, Boston, MA
May 3rd - Drom/East Village Music Club, New York
May 7th – Igranka, Toronto, Canada
May 8th – Zornica, Montreal
May 11th - Crossroads Music, Philadelphia, PA, USA
May 12th - Mockingbird Restaurant, Staunton, Virginia
May 13th - Serbian Club, Pittsburgh, PA
May 14th - Bulgarian Association, Washington DC
May 15th - Folk Dance Center, San Diego, California
May 21st - Cafe Aman, Los Angeles, CA
May 25th - Ashkenaz Music & Dance Community Center, Berkeley, CA
May 27th - Subterranean Art House, Berkeley, CA
May 28th - Ss Cyril & Methodius Festival, Croatian American Cultural Center, San Francisco, CA
May 31st - Eugene, Oregon
June 1st – Portland, OR
June 3rd - Balkan Dancers, Russian Cultural Center, Seattle, WA
June 4th - Vancouver, BC, Canada

For further information email: svetolaur@yahoo.com.


Martin Lubenov Concerts – Bulgaria, Austria, Switzerland

Martin Lubenov is touring to:
31 March, Andelsbuch (A), Kulturverein Bahnhof, Martin Lubenov's Jazzta Prasta
01 April, Klosters (CH), Kulturschuppen Klosters, Martin Lubenov's Jazzta Prasta
02 April, Uster (CH), Jazzclub Uster, Martin Lubenov's Jazzta Prasta

Further information on the Martin Lubenov website.


Accordion Course, Haute Savoie – France

Jean-Louis NotonAn accordion course led by Jean-Louis Noton, Matthieu Chaussalet, Jean-Pierre Andréani and Sylvie Bossi takes place from July 10th to 17th at the Hotel de la Poste, Haute Savoie, France.

For further information email: jl.noton@wanadoo.fr


‘AccordDuo’ Record for BBC Radio 2, London – UK

‘Friday Night is Music Night’
Milos Miliojevic and Zivorad Nikolic‘AccordDuo’ – accordionists Zivorad Nikolic and Milos Miliojevic - will be recording for BBC 2 Radio next Tuesday March 15th as part of the long running weekly program ‘Friday Night is Music Night’, to be broadcast in May 2011.

Music to be played includes compositions by Viatcheslav Semionov, Franck Angelis, Precz and Piazzolla. The producer is Neil Varley, accordionist and former student of Professor Owen Murray.

More information about the program is on the BBC website.


Michigan Irish Music Festival St Pat's Party, Muskegon – USA

Michigan Irish Music FestivalThe Michigan Irish Music Festival? are organizing a St. Pat's Party on March 11th and 12th at the Fricano Event Center in Muskegon. There will be music and dancing, and The Kreellers, featuring Paul Bruno on accordion, and singer/comedian Scott Sheldon perform on both nights.


Hannah James & Sam Sweeney Concert, Glossop – UK

Hannah James and Sam SweeneyThe accordion/fiddle duo Hannah James and Sam Sweeney are the guests at the ‘Goblins in the Ginnel’ folk club at The Globe, Glossop, Derbyshire SK3 8HJ, on Saturday March 19th, 8.15pm. The organizer is Sara Kirkham, and all profits go to the Willow Wood Hospice.

For further information email: bowsnarrows22@hotmail.com


New and Updated Sites

NZAA Website Updates for 2011 Championships & Festival and 40th Anniversary

NZAA logoNew Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) Website Updates for 2011 Championships & Festival and NZAA 40th Anniversary Celebration Plans. Earlybird specials online for those booking early.


Updated Website for Yulia Amerikova

Yulia AmerikovaUpdated Yulia Amerikova website with new photos and text.


Updated 2011 International Australian Accordion Championships - Australia

AATA logoUpdated site. A new international competition category for Ensemble Music for the 2011 International Accordion Championships, June 11th and 12th. Rules online at: www.aata.org.au


CD Reviews

Tango CD by “Lo Que Vendrà” Ensemble

Tango by Ensemble “Lo Que Vendrà”.CD Reviews Index for the Review of “Tango” CD, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz. Performers are “Lo Que Vendrà” with Simone Marini on bandoneon.


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