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Weekly News from Around the World - 11-Jun-2010
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Semaine Internationale d’Été d'Art Accordéon, Harbin - La Chine
Roland V-Accordéon National Festival, Los Angeles - USA
Trio Orosz Zoltan à 'accordéon dans Jazz Festival, Tallinn - Estonie
4ème Festival Art Accordéon, Pineto - Italie
Svendsrud Håvard Concerts les émissions de radio - Norvège, Suède
AATA Championnats d'Australie Accordéon International, Sydney - Australie

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New CD featuring Mikko Luoma, Helsinki – Finland
Ken Hopkins Helps out Snow Patrol, Northern Ireland – UK
South Pacific Accordion Championships, Auckland - New Zealand

Future events

Accordion Concerts This Saturday, London – UK
Mika Väyrynen to appear at renowned Naantali Music Festival, Naantali – Finland
Emmanuel Gasser CD-Release-Concert, Ontario - Canada
Accordion Concert: ‘PURE & MORE’, Vienna - Austria
Stroud Arts Festival: ‘Accordion Day’, Gloucestershire – UK
‘Unerhörte Music’ Concert Series for Contemporary Music, Berlin - Germany
Jack Emblow in ‘Spirit of Django’ Tour/CD – UK, Italy, Ireland
Rafal Luc and Jessica Hayes Concert, Chichester Festival - UK

New and Updated Sites

Dan and Kim Christian 4 new CDs
Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni releases new pieces of her new work
HS Production releases new music
MusicForAccordion.com releases new music
HS Production releases new music

CD Reviews

"Conversation of the Muses"

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Semaine Internationale d’Été d'Art Accordéon, Harbin - La Chine

La (Harbin 2010) Semaine Internationale d’Été d’Art Accordéon est organisée par le Ministère de la Culture de Chine et le gouvernement populaire de Harbin, avec des co-organisateurs de la Direction de l'éducation de Musique, de la Société chinoise de l'éducation musicale et Association des musiciens de la province du Heilongjiang et le principal commanditaire est Harbin Normal de Université de Harbin, en Chine. Harbin 2010

Du 7 au 10 août 2010, certains des meilleurs accordéonistes du monde entier seront en compétition et sur scène à la salle de concert de l'Université Normale de Harbin. Il y aura des concerts, des ateliers et un concours d'accordéon d'envergure internationale, qui est divisé en 13 catégories de sections solo et de groupe pour tous les âges.

L' (Harbin 2010) organisateur en chef de l'événement est professeur Wang Hongyu, le chef du département de clavier, Musique College, l'Université Normale de Harbin. Professeur Voulez Hongyu est professeur, enseignant maître, et célèbre joueur d'accordéon, un éducateur, qui a été invité à la Russie, la France et autres compétitions internationales d'accordéon comme membre du jury environ 10 fois ces dernières années, a donc l'expérience et les connaissances nécessaires pour exécuter ce grand événement international.

Des informations complètes sur le site www.accordions.com/china/harbin/2010/index.htm (Harbin 2010) y compris les règles et le formulaire de demande de concours.


Roland V-Accordéon National Festival, Los Angeles - USA

Steven AlbiniRoland V-Accordion logoRoland États-Unis sont fiers d'annoncer la US National V-Accordion Festival qui aura lieu à Los Angeles le samedi 18 Septembre 2010.

Cet événement de plus en plus populaire aura lieu au siège de Roland Corporation US et réunira quelques-unes des accordéonistes les plus talentueux d'Amérique. Le vainqueur du grand prix remportera un accordéon Roland FR-7x et un voyage à Rome, en Italie pour participer au concours pour le titre mondial (prix - 5.000 euros) au 4ème Festival International d'Accordéon en Octobre (Division Senior Soliste seulement).

Les participants doivent envoyer leur audition initiale qui peut se présenter en DVD d'eux-mêmes sur scène sur un accordéon traditionnel ou d'un Roland V-Accordéon (V-Accordion). La performance d'audition ne doit pas dépasser 10 minutes et peut être de n'importe quel genre musical. Medleys ou plusieurs chansons sont permis, pourvu que la longueur totale de la performance n'est pas plus de 10
minutes. Les inscriptions doivent être postées avant le 15 Juillet 2010. Les amateurs et les professionnels sont admissibles à la compétition. Les finalistes nationaux choisis devront alors jouer sur un V-Accordéon (V-Accordion), via accords spéciaux de Roland Corporation des États-Unis et ses concessionnaires.

Pour de plus amples informations email: steven.albini @ rolandus.com


Trio Orosz Zoltan à 'accordéon dans Jazz Festival, Tallinn - Estonie

Zoltan Orosz Trio
Le dernier jour du festival «Vision VIII accordéon dans le Jazz, tenue du 2 Juin au 5e Tallinn, en Estonie, clôturée par un concert les invités d'honneur, de la Hongrie, le Trio Zoltan Orosz. Comme dans la plupart des spectacles du trio bien connu, également, à Tallin, ils ont été récompensés par des ovations.

La veille de leur concert, Zoltan Orosz a organisé un atelier sur le thème: «Comment puis-je utiliser l'accordéon comme un instrument de jazz? Un lien vers la vidéo que vous pouvez trouver ici: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v = gxbBoUtYh40 et fonctionnalité nouvelle

Pour de plus amples renseignements Csirmaz Szilvia: csirmaz@harmonika.hu


4ème Festival Art Accordéon, Pineto - Italie

Accordion Art Festival banner
L'édition 2010 de l'Accordéon Festival d'art (Accordion Art Festival), directeur artistique Renzo Ruggieri, a lieu à Pineto (TE, Italie) le 12 et 13 Juin. Virtuose russe Vitali Dmitriev se produit en concert le 13 Juin. Le festival comprend:

• le Prix Italia - un concours international pour accordéon, piano, clavier, guitare, chant, jazz, composition de musique électronique, et les ensembles
• le prix d'Orphée - un prix de la critique pour la CDS 2009 accordéon et MP3, divisé en classique, jazz et musiques du monde
• la sélection nationale pour le Trophée Mondiale CMA, qui se tiendra en Espagne

Pour de plus amples informations email: info@accordionartfestival.com


Svendsrud Håvard Concerts les émissions de radio - Norvège, Suède

Håvard Svendsrud and Jon Inge SigerlandLe Norvégien Håvard accordéoniste Svendsrud (Håvard Svendsrud) a donné un concert à Oslo Concert Hall le 30 Janvier de cette année, ce qui a été enregistré pour la radio suédoise P2. Le concert sera diffusé le samedi Juin 26 à 12h03 (heure locale) dans un programme appelé «Dragspel. (Dragspel est le mot suédois pour accordéon) (Lien vers sr.se suédoise Web Radio: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/default.aspx?programid=2400)

Le 26 avril Håvard Svendsrud en concert à la Salle Modum Culture, et le Norvégien Broadcast Corporation Radio P2 diffusera ce concert d'accordéon le 8 Juin à 7h30 pm (heure locale) dans le programme intitulé «Kammertjenerne. Les auditeurs seront en mesure de trouver un lien vers ce programme également, quelques jours après le concert a été diffusé.
(Lien vers nrk.no norvégienne Broadcast Corporation http://www.nrk.no/programmer/sider/kammertjenerne/).

Le programme comprend: «Mosaico Español - Felice Fugazza», suite de concert Asturias - Isaac Albeniz (arr F. Lips), «Pohádky (pour accordéon et piano) - Vaclav Trojan


AATA Championnats d'Australie Accordéon International, Sydney - Australie

AATA logoLe programme complet de l'événement est disponible sur le site Web à l'AATA Australian International Championships

Des informations complètes sur les artistes invités et des activités de l'accordéon d'autres ce week-end sont également sur le site.

Rapports quotidiens des Championnats d'Australie AATA International de l'accordéon, y compris des photos et résultats complets seront en ligne au cours du week-end.
report_2010_june_12th et report_2010_june_13th.

Pour de plus amples informations email: info@aata.org.au


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New CD featuring Mikko Luoma, Helsinki – Finland

Tiensuu CD‘Tiensuu’ is the title of a new CD by ‘Plus Ensemble’, released on the Finnish lable Alba.

‘Plus Ensemble’ is a trio comprising Mikko Luoma – accordion, Erkki Lahesmaa – cello, and Christoffer Sundqvist - clarinet. The compositions are by Jukka Tiensuu, who also performs on the CD as a pianist.

Jukka Tiensuu (born 1948) is among the most important Finnish composers, and he has written a substantial amount of music for the accordion since 1977: two concertos, solo pieces and chamber music. Mikko Luoma has recorded previously his solo pieces ‘Aufschwung’ and ‘Zolo’, and his recording of the accordion concerto ‘Spiriti’, by Tiensuu (together with the Avanti! chamber orchestra, conducted by Susanna Mälkki) was given the title ‘CD of the Year’, by the Finnish broadcasting company Yle in 2009.

For further information email: mikko.luoma@turkuamk.fi


Ken Hopkins Helps out Snow Patrol, Northern Ireland – UK

Snow Patrol
Snow Patrol are an alternative rock band who have become commercially very successful since signing for Polydor Records in 2002, having sold over ten million albums worldwide.

On June 5th Snow Patrol played at Ward Park in Bangor, Northern Ireland, to a crowd of over 40,000. Well known accordion collector Ken Hopkins, who lives locally, was surprised to receive a phone call from them beforehand, saying they wanted to hire an accordion. The band borrowed a Marinucci musette tuned piano accordion, which had previously belonged to Coco the Clown and has the original clown stickers on it. The accordion was played by a girl in the backing orchestra, thus giving some exposure to the instrument.


South Pacific Accordion Championships, Auckland - New Zealand

NZAA daily reports banner
South Pacific Daily Reports including results and photographs are online.

The South Pacific Accordion Championships, which includes the New Zealand Accordion Championships, were held at Epsom, Auckland, on June 5th and 6th.

Enjoy the cute video of Alanah Jones (7 years) and Maurice Jones performing at the Farewell Dinner. http://www.accordion-space4u.com/user.aspx?user=6&item=6&id=136

South Pacific Daily Reports including results are available online.


Future events

Accordion Concerts This Saturday, London – UK

Owen MurrayThere’s a busy time ahead for accordionists here in London this Saturday. If you're in London next weekend don't miss these events:

Firstly Owen Murray's phenomenal accordion students from the Royal Academy of Music Ksenija Sidorova, Amadej Herzog, Trang Nguyen, Martynas Levickis and Rafal Luc, who have had a cracking year to date, will be playing at a lovely summer concert at Our Lady and St Thomas of Canterbury Church, 22 Roxborough Park, Harrow on the Hill, HA1 3BE. It's at 7.30pm on Saturday June 12th. The tickets cost £10 and include a Smoked Salmon supper and Strawberries and Cream. The concert should end at around 9.30pm. The bar is open from 7pm and for the supper. You could always get these tickets from the parish office directly on 020 8869 6896.

The same night, June 12th, sees excellent Brazilian Jazz accordionist Chico Chagas play with the amazing pianist Simon Mulligan and Eduardo Mendonça - drums, Gili Lopes - bass and Special Guest - Caroline Sant’Anna - percussion. Quite a few of us are already planning to go from Harrow straight after the classical concert down to The Hideaway for some Jazz. The set starts at 9.30pm or a little later so those who go to both may only catch the later set. Definitely worth seeing though as Chico, Simon and the gang are jaw-droppingly amazing together.

For further information email: romanoviazzani@btconnect.com


Mika Väyrynen to appear at renowned Naantali Music Festival, Naantali – Finland

Mika VäyrynenFinnish accordionist Mika Väyrynen will appear in concert at the renowned 31st Naantali Music Festival, in Naantali, Finland. One of the oldest and most highly esteemed of the Finnish music festivals, the festival has featured recitals by top world artists including Vladimir Ashkenazy, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Barbara Hendricks, Isaac Stern, Krzysztof Penderecki and many more.

Mika will perform at the Merimasku Church on Sunday June 13th, when he presents Aulis Sallinen´s ‘Preludes and Fugues Op. 95 for Solo Accordion’. On June 14th he will perform on Prof. Aulis Sallinen’s 75th Anniversary Concert. On this celebration program, Mika will perform his ‘Chamber Music V- Barabbas Variations’ for Accordion and Strings with the ‘Virtuosi di Kuhmo’ orchestra, under the direction of Ralf Gothoni.

For more information, please visit www.naantalinmusiikkijuhlat.fi/en


Emmanuel Gasser CD-Release-Concert, Ontario - Canada

Emmanuel Gasser13 year old Canadian accordionist Emmanuel Gasser releases ‘Bringing Happiness To You’, his second recording, at a CD Release Concert on Sunday, June 13th, 1.30pm – 3.30pm, at the Jubilee Center, 195 Applegrove St, Sudbury, Ontario.

The CD contains ten of Emmanuel’s own compositions as well as a collection of international and traditional accordion music.

Emmanuel Gasser intends to compete in the Kimberley International Old Time Accordion Championships, which take place in British Columbia, Canada, July 5th to 10th.

For further information email: juniormaestro01@yahoo.ca


Accordion Concert: ‘PURE & MORE’, Vienna - Austria

Kaleta's accordion orchestra
On Saturday June 19th, 6pm at the Volksheim Jedlersdorf, Siemensstrasse 17, 1210 Vienna, Hermi Kaleta’s accordion ensemble performs an entertaining concert, featuring solo and orchestral arrangements, including some vocal numbers.

For further information email: kaleta.hermi@aon.at
Kaleta's accordion orchestra


Stroud Arts Festival: ‘Accordion Day’, Gloucestershire – UK

Accordion Day posterAccordionists Mike Adcock and Pete Rosser present an ‘Accordion Day’ in Stroud, Gloucestershire, on Sunday June 20th, which includes a workshop and concerts.

In the afternoon, 2pm until 5pm, there is an accordion workshop, held at The Space, Lansdown. The workshop will be catered to suit all levels of ability and cover a range of musical styles with the emphasis on ensemble playing.
At 8pm, in The Imperial Hotel, Stroud, there is a concert, described as “an evening of accordions, improvisation and surprises”, featuring the Mike Adcock Group, an ensemble performance of accordion workshop participants, musicians from the Cheltenham Improvisers’ Group, plus guests to be confirmed.

For further information email: info@mikeadcock.com


‘Unerhörte Music’ Concert Series for Contemporary Music, Berlin - Germany

Uwe Mahnken and Jorgen BrillingOn Tuesday June 22nd, 8.30pm, an evening concert with the duo Brilling & Mahnken (Uwe Mahnken - accordion and Jorgen Brilling - classical guitar and electric guitar) takes place in the BKA-Theater, Mehring Damm 34, Berlin. This concert is part of the ‘Unerhörte Music’ Concert Series for Contemporary Music.


Jack Emblow in ‘Spirit of Django’ Tour/CD – UK, Italy, Ireland

Martin Taylor and Jack Emblow
Last Train to Hauteville CDTo mark the 100th Anniversary of the birth of the legendary Django Reinhardt, leading jazz guitarist Martin Taylor has reformed his award winning group, ‘Spirit of Django’, featuring accordionist Jack Emblow, for a new CD, 'Last Train to Hauteville', and a tour.

Concert dates include (with more to follow soon):
June 18th, 7.30pm – radio broadcast on ‘Friday Night Is Music Night’, BBC Radio 2.
23rd – Spa Pavilion, Strathpepper, Scotland
24th, 7.30pm - Old Fruitmarket, Glasgow Jazz Festival
July 7th – Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona, Italy
21st – The Model, Sligo, Republic of Ireland
23rd – North Gallery, Petworth House, Petworth, West Sussex, England
27th – Auden Theatre, Holt, Norfolk

Martin Taylor first came to prominence in the 1970s through his work with violinist Stephane Grappelli, and has gone on to collaborate with artists as diverse as Jeff Beck, Jamie Cullum, Bill Wyman and Bryn Terfel.

Jack Emblow has long been acknowledged as Britain’s leading jazz accordionist, but is also well known for his session work on films, television and on recordings.


Rafal Luc and Jessica Hayes Concert, Chichester Festival - UK

Jessica HayesRafal LucRafal Luc - accordion and Jessica Hayes – cello perform together in a ‘Lewis Brownlee Lunchtime Concert’ at St John's Chapel, Chichester, on June 25th, 1.10pm. This concert is part of the annual Chichester Festival in West Sussex, and is presented in association with the Royal Academy of Music, London.

Their programme includes:
JS Bach – ‘Viola da Gamba Sonata in G major BWV1027’
Saint-Saëns – ‘Prière in G Op 158’
Mendelssohn – ‘Chorale and Variations from Organ Sonata No 6in D minor Op 65/6’ (accordion solo)
David Gorton – ‘Tahtela, Place of the Stars’
Rachmaninov – ‘Vocalise Op 34 No 14’
Piazzolla – ‘Le Grande Tango’

For further information email: info@chifest.org.uk


New and Updated Sites

Dan and Kim Christian 4 new CDs

Dan and Kim Christian selling 4 new CD titled 'USA Tour', catalog:dkchristian01, 'World Tour', catalog:dkchristian02, 'Polka Power', catalog:dkchristian03 and 'Squeeze Play', catalog:dkchristian04 with sound samples. Music performed by Dan and Kim Christian. Purchase online.


Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni releases new pieces of her new work

Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni releases 4 new pieces of her new work, 'Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring (Chorale from Cantata 147)', catalog:etc201, 'Behold the Lamb of God (Chorus from “The Messiah”)', catalog:etc202, 'Hallelujah Chorus (from “The Messiah”)', catalog:etc203 and 'Pastoral Symphony (from “The Messiah”)', catalog:etc204. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


HS Production releases new music

H S Production releases 6 new pieces, 'Shadow - Shadow', catalog:hs339, 'The Crane', catalog:hs340, 'Slovenian Song',catalog:hs341, 'The Kind Scallywag', catalog:hs394 and 'A Green Meadow', catalog:hs365. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit


MusicForAccordion.com releases new music

MusicForAccordion.com site release 1 new music 'All Hands For'ard! Tout Le Monde A Bord Alle Mann An Deck', catalog:mfa8022. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


HS Production releases new music

H S Production releases 6 new pieces, 'Russian Song (Solo and Duet)', catalog:hs389, 'Etude 11', catalog:hs387, 'Etude 9', catalog:hs384, 'Etude - Waltz', catalog:hs385, 'Etude 5', catalog:hs380 and 'Etude 6', catalog:hs381. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

"Conversation of the Muses"

Borregaard CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of "Conversation of the Muses" by Alessandro Mugnoz. Performers are Andreas Borregaard (accordion -fisarmonica classica) and Asbjorn Norgaard (viola-track7).


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