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Weekly News from Around the World - 11-Feb-2022
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Reporté : World Music Festival Nouvelles dates 2025 - Allemagne
Friedrich Lips et Radomir Tomic Masterclass - Serbie
Réimpression : Livre de Friedrich Lips The Art of Accordion Playing - Allemagne
Agora International Summer Academy - Suisse
Mollie B sera intronisée au Minnesota Music Hall of Fame 2022 - États-Unis
Reporté : Nouvelle date pour le concert du 20e anniversaire de Guardia Nueva à la patinoire de Kokkola - Finlande

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Online: Daruvar Accordion Award International Competition - Croatia
All-Russian Forum of Young Cultural Workers “Youth, Creation, Mastery”, Khanty-Mansiysk - Russia
Video: Matthias Matzke Performs “Pokemon” Games Music - Germany
Informations sur le concours de composition 2022 Elsie M. Bennett - USA
Cancelled: Fairbridge Festival - Australia
Leo Aquino Passes Away - Canada

Future events

Ville Hiltula Performs with Pianist Asako Yada - Japan
Online: Kickstart Accordion Weekend - UK
Online: Valentine’s Concert of “Love Songs” – USA
Vojtech Szabó Performs Jazz Concert - Czech Republic
Benjamin Durafour Entertains at Newswing - France
Bridge and Wolak February & March Tour Dates - USA
Davide Vendramin Accompanies Orchestras – Italy
Tournée de concerts de l'Orchestre Didier Laurent - France
Danny O'Mahony Performs with Steve Cooney - Ireland
Sofia Ros Performs with Irving Symphony Orchestra, Texas - USA

Childrens Corner

Young Accordionists in Children's Palace - North Korea

New and Updated Sites

Updated Composers Guide to the Piano Accordion on the AAA Site
Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

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Reporté : World Music Festival Nouvelles dates 2025 - Allemagne

World Music Festival 2025
DHV logoL'Association allemande d'harmonica (DHV) avait reporté le 14e Festival de musique du monde prévu cette année à 2023 en raison de la pandémie. La pandémie continue à présenter des défis considérables en matière de répétitions et de concerts pour nos clubs et orchestres.

Ainsi, le 14e Festival des musiques du monde aura désormais lieu du 29 mai au 1er juin 2025 à Innsbruck.

Autres nouvelles dates : Pour la première fois le jour de l'Ascension, le Prix de la musique d'accordéon (AMP) aura lieu à Ettlingen du 9 au 12 mai 2024. Cela permet aux musiciens des États fédéraux dans lesquels l’ascension n'est pas un jour férié de participer à l'AMP.

Veuillez noter ces deux dates dès maintenant.

Pour plus de détails, envoyez un e-mail à : info@dhv-ev.de


Friedrich Lips et Radomir Tomic Masterclass - Serbie

Lips masterclassÀ la fin de l'année dernière, le professeur Friedrich Lips a donné une masterclass à Kragujevac, en Serbie. La masterclass a été organisée conjointement par la Faculté de philologie et des arts (FILUM) de Kragujevac et le Centre de musique Ad Libitum.

Ce fut une opportunité unique et un privilège pour les accordéonistes de Serbie de travailler avec les professeurs Prof Friedrich Lips (Moscou) et Radomir Tomic (Serbie).

Les professeurs, enseignants et étudiants présents furent heureux de profiter de cette opportunité éducative.


Réimpression : Livre de Friedrich Lips The Art of Accordion Playing - Allemagne

Cover: The Art of Accordion Playing
Prof. Friedrich LipsCatalogue : kslips00 Cette réimpression de haute qualité d'un livre indispensable que chaque professeur, enthousiaste et étudiant chérira est maintenant disponible.

L'Art de l'Accordéon du Prof. Friedrich Lips est l'un des livres éducatifs les plus populaires pour l'accordéon, avec pour thème principal : Technique, interprétation et performance pour jouer de l'accordéon de manière artistique.

Le contenu de haute qualité correspond maintenant à l'aspect extérieur du livre : impression en quatre couleurs sur une couverture rigide de haute qualité au design exclusif avec pelliculage et reliure en papier avec couture en fil de fer durable.

L'impression sur papier sans chlore, blanchi, sans acide, stable et résistant au vieillissement, de haute qualité, mat et non réfléchissant pour une lecture sans fatigue, utilise un papier de haute qualité fabriqué en Allemagne. La principale différence technique du nouveau tirage par rapport à l'ancien est la couverture, la qualité du papier et la reliure : couverture rigide de haute qualité avec pelliculage au lieu d'une couverture souple simple auparavant et couture au fil au lieu d'un simple collage.

Le livre est d'un excellent rapport qualité-prix : 29 euros, soit le même prix que l'ancienne version imprimée de qualité inférieure.


Agora International Summer Academy - Suisse

Agora logoL'Association Agora, fondée par Marie-Andrée Joerger, Vincent Lhermet et Sylvain Tissot tiendra une International Summer Academy au "Gartenhaus" à Adelboden en Suisse du 24 au 30 juillet 2022.

L'association a pour but de promouvoir l'accordéon et de participer à sa diffusion au niveau international, notamment par l'organisation de masterclasses, concerts, séminaires et autres projets pédagogiques.

Ce cours est ouvert aux accordéonistes de tout âge et convient à tous les niveaux (du niveau débutant au niveau professionnel) et à de nombreux styles musicaux différents. Les langues d'enseignement sont l'anglais, le français et l'allemand.

Le cours comprendra des cours individuels deux fois par jour, des cours de groupe, des ateliers et un "concert final" le 29 juillet à 20h.

Le tuteur du cours Raimondas Sviackevicius (Lituanie - photo ci-dessous) donnera un récital solo le 26 juillet à 20h à l'église réformée d'Adelboden. Son programme comprendra des œuvres lituaniennes de Ramunas Motiekaitis, Osvaldas Balakauskas, Vytautas Germanavicius, Diana Cemeryte et Zibuokle Martinaityte.

Les candidatures se clôturent le 30 mai 2022. Téléchargez la brochure du Festival Agora ici : 2022Agora.pdf
Raimondas Sviackevicius


Mollie B sera intronisée au Minnesota Music Hall of Fame 2022 - États-Unis

Mollie B (Mollie Busta Lange) est intronisée en 2021 au Minnesota Music Hall of Fame. La cérémonie d'intronisation aura lieu à New Ulm, Minnesota, États-Unis, le 22 avril 2022.

Mollie a consacré une grande partie de sa vie à la musique entre la pratique instrumentale, les voyages, les concerts avec divers ensembles, son émission télévisée "Mollie B Polka Party" avec son mari Ted Lange, son documentaire ‘Polka ‘ sur PBS, son enseignement à des étudiants de tout âge, la promotion d'événements, de musiciens et d'enregistrements, ses arrangements musicaux et composition, son apparition au côté de Clint Eastwood dans le film de Warner Brothers en jouant une de ses compositions, "The Mule" et récemment la création de plus de 75 vidéos et 65 émissions de variétés de 90 minutes sur Youtube.com/mollieb avec Ted Lange, produites de manière hebdomadaire.
Pour plus d'informations, envoyez un e-mail à : bustamollie@yahoo.com


Reporté : Nouvelle date pour le concert du 20e anniversaire de Guardia Nueva à la patinoire de Kokkola - Finlande

Guardia Nueva poster
Le prochain concert de la série Guardia Nueva 20th Jubilee qui devait se tenir à la patinoire de Kokkola en Finlande le 19 février 2022 a été reporté.

La nouvelle date de cet événement est : le 21 mai 2022.

Un concert aura toujours lieu le 18 février. Ce jour-là, la première d'un nouveau concerto pour accordéon composé par Minns Leinonen sera diffusée en direct par YLE Finlandais Radio 1.

Lors de leur concert de mai, Guardia Nueva, dirigé par Raimo Vertainen, interprétera des arrangements pour orchestre avec les solistes Jarkko Ahola, Arja Koriseva, Jennie Storbacka et Teemu Roivainen.

Leur programme comprendra également de la musique finlandaise, des tangos, de la musique argentine et de la musique de film.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Online: Daruvar Accordion Award International Competition - Croatia

DAA poster
The online Daruvar Accordion Award International Competition will be held on May 14th, 2022, organised by the Harmonikaški Centar (Croatian Accordion Centre).

This year’s event has expanded from being a state level competition in the past, to an international competition for the accordion entitled "Daruvar Accordion Award".

Competition classes will be available for soloists and chamber groups in a variety of age categories.

The highest rated first prize soloist within categories D, E and F will be awarded the Main Award of the competition: three concerts in Croatia during summer 2022, with paid travel expenses and accommodation.

Jury members include Belma Šarancic, Nemanja Potparic and Mateja Zenzerovic.

Download competition rules here: 2022DaruvarRules.pdf


All-Russian Forum of Young Cultural Workers “Youth, Creation, Mastery”, Khanty-Mansiysk - Russia

forum logo
The Open All-Russian Forum of Young Cultural Workers “Youth, Creation, Mastery” will be held in Khanty-Mansiysk at the Ugra-Classic Concert and Theater Center and the Arts Center for Gifted Children of the North from April 11th to 16th, 2022.

The Forum program provides for group and individual master classes on all types of musical instruments; round tables on art education, concert performance and the development of educational programs for gifted children; creative meetings with artists and teachers; individual and group consultations with Forum participants; as well as concerts and creative meetings.

The program of the forum will include the Russian competition of young concert performers in the age categories from 12 to 17 and from 18 to 26 years old in the following categories: wood and brass wind instruments, piano, and folk instruments.

The Forum is organised by the Regional public organization "Philharmonic Society of Yugra" (Surgut), with the support of the Department of Culture of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra and AU "Concert and Theater Center "Ugra-Classic" (Khanty-Mansiysk).

Applications close on February 19th, 2022.

Download competition rules here: 2022RussianForumRules.pdf


Video: Matthias Matzke Performs “Pokemon” Games Music - Germany

Video: Matthias Matzke performs Junichi Masuda's "Gym Leader Battle" out of the first generation of Pokémon Games for GameBoy with his brother Fabian Matzke on drums, guitar & bass.

The Stage in the background is the Pokémon Stadium2 from "Super Smash Bros Ultimate" and was captured by screen recording.


Informations sur le concours de composition 2022 Elsie M. Bennett - USA

AAA Header
Elsie M. BennettInformations sur le concours 2022, prix, règlements et formulaire d'inscription à l'adresse : 2022Bennett.pdf

Elsie Bennett a créé le Comité de commande des compositeurs de l'AAA en 1954, Elsie en étant la présidente. Elsie a occupé ce poste pendant 51 ans, réalisant l'incroyable exploit d'avoir commandé 33 compositeurs qui ont composé collectivement 55 œuvres. Elise n'a quitté la présidence que peu de temps avant son décès en 2005. Mémorial pour Elsie M. Bennett.

Les candidatures de tous les pays sont les bienvenues. La date limite de dépôt des candidatures est le 1er juin 2022 auprès de Mary Tokarski, présidente du concours.

Les gagnants seront informés par e-mail le ou vers le 1er juillet 2022.


Cancelled: Fairbridge Festival - Australia

Fairbridge poster
cancelledFolkWorld Inc. has made the difficult decision to cancel the Fairbridge Festival 2022 which was due to be held in April. “The team has been trying to find solutions to the multitude of challenges that we (and our colleagues in the music and events industry) are currently facing due to COVID-19, but there are just too many uncertainties for us to confidently and safely proceed with an event of this magnitude, at this time.”

Organisers say their “hearts are heavy, but our passion remains the same – to unite and bring people together, create unique experiences and memories, as well as support a thriving music and arts scene. With every challenge comes growth; and we are working tirelessly behind the scenes to find creative new ways for us to all come together soon.”

All tickets purchased will be automatically refunded.For further information email: hello@fairbridgefestival.com.au


Leo Aquino Passes Away - Canada

Leo AquinoVideo: Leo Aquino performing "Gitanerias" by Cuban composer Ernesto Lecouna. Transcription by Galla Rini.

Accordions Worldwide is sad to report that Leo Aquino passed away at the age of 91 in February 2022.

Excerpts from BC Entertainment Hall of Fame:
“Leo has been hailed by music critics and accordion enthusiasts as one of the finest concert accordion artists in the world. His talent was so enduring that recordings made on his Scandinavian tour in 1959 are still aired in radio broadcasts in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden! In 1978, Leo received rave reviews for his performances in a solo concert tour in the Soviet Union. He has appeared on radio and TV in the U.S., Canada, England, and Scandinavia. With his feather-light touch & perfect but powerful technique, he offered his audience an uplifting and inspiring musical experience whenever & wherever he performed.”

“His concert tours included transcriptions of piano, violin, and orchestra works of Bach, Handel, Wagner, Debussy, Mendelssohn, Liszt, Rachmaninoff, and others. His concerts were always greeted with standing ovations from the audiences. In 1991, Leo toured the United States, giving performances for accordion clubs and festivals in several major cities.”

“In 1995, Leo sat in the Opera Orchestra for Pavarotti’s Concert at GM Place, in Vancouver, and played the Introduction to the last piece in the program…18,000 people attended the concert. Leo lived in Vancouver, BC, playing occasional gigs and continuing to impress listeners with his outstanding musical skills. Leo performed at the Las Vegas International Accordion Convention in 2007.”

“Leo Aquino was one of a select few accordionists chosen to study with the great musical educator, Alf Carlson as a student in 1940. The instruction was very intense...5 days a week for 6 months & included rigorous written exams. The others in this exceptional group were Joe Morelli, Horace Lazzari, Len Holland, Ernie Rilling, & Irvin Lang.”

Leo Aquino will be sadly missed.


Future events

Ville Hiltula Performs with Pianist Asako Yada - Japan

Ville poster
Ville Hiltula (bandoneon) will perform a concert with Asako Yada (piano) at the Amadeus Classic Salon in Motomachi, Kobe, Japan on February 13th, 2022 at 2pm.

Their program will include a variety of tango styles such as Piazzolla works, classic tango, modern tango, and two original songs.

Tickets are limited. For details email: villehiltula@gmail.com


Online: Kickstart Accordion Weekend - UK

Ian LowthianIan Lowthian will hold his first 2022 online event entitled “Kickstart Accordion Weekend” from February 12th to 13th.

The event is designed for "those of you who have resolved to do a bit more playing this year. Some slightly easier tunes and a few bits of technique advice".

This Zoom weekend will run from 10am to 5pm on Saturday and 10am to 12.30pm on Sunday. Attendees will have time to practise on their own during the event.

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


Online: Valentine’s Concert of “Love Songs” – USA

Dan NewtonAccordionist Daddy Squeeze (Dan Newton) will entertain with an online Valentine’s Day concert entitled “Love Songs” on February 14th from 12 noon.

Dan entertains regularly in Minnesota as a soloist and with his group Cafe Accordion Orchestra.

For details email: daddysqueezenewton@gmail.com


Vojtech Szabó Performs Jazz Concert - Czech Republic

Vojtech Szabó poster
Video: Short clips of music by Vojtech Szabó.

Accordionist Vojtech Szabó will perform a Jazz Concert at the House of Professionals in Prague, Czech Republic on February 15th, 2022 at 7pm.

Vojtech will perform his own compositions, movie tunes, jazz and works by Piazzolla. Guest musicians include some of his pupils and Pavla Sporcla (violin).

For details email: office@pavelsporcl.com


Benjamin Durafour Entertains at Newswing - France

Benjamin poster
Accordionist Benjamin Durafour will entertains at Newswing La Dansant Restaurant in Verze, France on February 17th from 2.30pm. The venue features a disco style dance floor.

For details email: le.new.swing@wanadoo.fr


Bridge and Wolak February & March Tour Dates - USA

Bridge and WolakVideo: Bach/Rachmaninoff: “Partita in E Major, BWV 1006” CBC Music
Clarinettist Kornel Wolak and accordionist Michael Bridge (Double-Double Duo) play a transcription of Sergei Rachmaninoff's arrangement of Bach's “Violin Partita No. 3 in E Major, BWV 1006”: Prelude, Gavotte, Gigue. Recorded at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Comedy duo Michael Bridge (accordion) and Kornel Wolak (clarinet) will tour the USA beginning on February 17th, 2022.

They will perform their own uniquely re-imagined repertoire of classical, world and jazz fusion.

Performance dates:
• February 17th at 7.30pm: Borrego Springs Performing Arts Center organised by the Borrego Springs Community Concert Association.
• February 23rd at 7.30pm: College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, Idaho
• February 24th at 7.30pm: Carthage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin
• February 25th at 7.30pm: LuCille Tack Center for the Arts, Spencer, Wisconsin
• February 27th at 7pm: Stroede Center for the Arts, Defiance, Ohio
• March 4th at 7.30pm: Rose Center For The Arts as part of the Longview-Kelso Community Concerts
• March 6th at 7pm: Wenatchee High School, Washington

For details email: michael@michaelbridgemusic.com


Davide Vendramin Accompanies Orchestras – Italy

Davide VendraminDavide Vendramin (bandoneon) will perform concerts in Italy this month accompanied by orchestras as follows:

• February 19th and 20th: Concert at the Teatro del Giglio di Lucca with the Orchestra LaCorelli conducted by Jacopo Rivani. Their program will feature “Maria de Buenos Aires” by Piazzolla.
• February 24th: Concert at the Auditorium Rai di Torino with the Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della Rai conducted by Roberto Polastri. Their program will feature works by Berio & Weill.

For details email: davide@davidevendramin.it


Tournée de concerts de l'Orchestre Didier Laurent - France

concert tour poster
Vidéo : Medley Féte de Pampelonne 2019

L'Orchestre Didier Laurent entame une tournée de concerts en France intitulée "Retour vers le futur".

La tournée débutera le 19 février et se poursuivra jusqu'au 30 avril 2022.

Voir l'affiche ci-dessus pour plus de détails.


Danny O'Mahony Performs with Steve Cooney - Ireland

concert poster
Accordionist Danny O’Mahony will join Steve Cooney on the Siamsa Tíre stage in Tralee, Co Kerry, Ireland on February 25th, 2022 at 8pm.

“This concert promises to be one of the highlights of the traditional music calendar 2022 and a wonderful night of story and music is promised.

For further details phone: 066-7123055


Sofia Ros Performs with Irving Symphony Orchestra, Texas - USA

Sofia RosSofia Ros (Spain) will perform in concert with the Irving Symphony Orchestra conducted by Hector Guzmán at the Irving Arts Centre in Irving, Dallas, Texas, USA on February 26th, 2022.

The concert, entitled “Musical Treasures from the World” will include a world premiere by Irving Symphony Orchestra’s SMU composer in residence as well as music from Argentina, Armenia, Mexico, Ireland, Italy, Germany, and Hungary.

For details phone: 972-252-2787


Childrens Corner

Young Accordionists in Children's Palace - North Korea

This group of young players are performing a selection of tunes at the Pyongyang School Children's Palace in Pyongyang, North Korea.


New and Updated Sites

Updated Composers Guide to the Piano Accordion on the AAA Site

AAA header
Composers Guide coverCover, Composers Guide to the Piano AccordionThe updated and expanded “Composers Guide to the Piano Accordion,” by Prof. Robert Young McMahan is a free download on the AAA site at: http://www.ameraccord.com/commissions/ComposersGuide.pdf

The guide is to help accordionists encourage composers who may not play the accordion, to compose for our favourite instrument.

A shorter version of the guide was published in 2016 in the 4th edition of the widely used textbook The Study of Orchestration, by Samuel Adler.


Updated Site: Accordion Russia News

Russia header
The Accordion Russia News has been updated with new additional articles.


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