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Weekly News from Around the World - 11-Dec-2009
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Особенности Highlights

Зимний Конгресс Международной Конфедерации Аккордеонистов (CIA), Аррасате – Испания
Международный конкурс ‘Etnie Musicali’, Терамо – Италия
Рождественские предложения для семьи и друзей

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Lidia Kaminska performs in Merkin Concert Hall, New York- USA
Master classes by Zorica Karakutovska in Serbia
Gus Viseur ‘Compositions 1934 – 1942’ CD, Vincennes – France
Ivan Liashenko Master of Teaching Degree - Australia

Будущие события

Stockport AC Band/Orchestra Concert, Cheshire – UK
Campomarino Accordion Festival – Italy
Victor Prieto Concert, New York – USA
Harry Hussey at Uxbridge AC, Middlesex – UK
Accordionaires ‘HolidayParty’, California – USA
"... ah, Bach!" Concert, Kassel – Germany
Bulgarian Dance Workshops, Sofia – Bulgaria
Kissinger Winterzauber Festival, Bad Kissingen – Germany

Новые и обновленные сайты

Fisitalia Entirely Updated Website - Italy
December Diatonic News Online 1st December
Gary Dahl 2 New works and 5 Edited works
December USA News Online 1st December
H S Production New Music Releases
MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces
Wallace Liggett New Music Releases
2009 winner of the Castelfidardo Premio Award
Franco Cambareri new works
Available 2009 Trophée Mondial Video Download
Tian Jianan new CD
Xu Xiaonan new CD
Zhang Weiyi new CD

CD Отзывы

Acco Duo Romance

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Особенности Highlights

Зимний Конгресс Международной Конфедерации Аккордеонистов (CIA), Аррасате – Испания

CIA group
Raymond BodellМеждународная конфедерация аккордеонистов (CIA) провела свою 123 Генеральную Ассамблею делегатов в Аррасате, Испания, 5 – 6 декабря 2009 года. Зимний Конгресс был организован ассоциацией (2009 Winter Congress) - членом CIA от Испании - ‘Hauspoz’ Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea, которая также проводит ежегодный международный конкурс Arrasateko Akordeoi Lehiaketak, а также свои собственные национальные соревнования.

Недавно избранный президент CIA Рэймонд Боделл (Raymond Bodell), Великобритания, приветствовал делегатов на мероприятиях, прошедших в эти выходные, включавших официальные заседания и неофициальные рабочие встречи, музыкальные выступления и общественную работу. Во время Генеральной Ассамблеи состоялся выпуск Международных новостей CIA 2009, восьмой номер, принятие двух новых членов с правом голоса с января 2010 года – Литовской Ассоциации Аккордеона и Ассоциации Associação de Acordeão de Alcobaça, Португалия.

CIA приняла решение о введении с начала 2012 года новой категории ‘Masters Category’. Это усовершенствованная нынешняя категория ‘Piano Accordion’, которая будет переименована в категорию ‘Masters’, и станет своеобразным мостом между категорией юниоров ‘Junior Coupe Mondiale’ и основной категорией концертных исполнителей ‘Senior Coupe Mondiale’. Так же, как и другие категории, эта категория будет открыта для исполнителей на баянах, аккордеонах и инструментах с системой Кравцова.

Было утверждено, что к наградам CIA, вручаемым в знак признательности за выдающийся вклад в Международное аккордеонное движение, будут представлены Луу Куанг Минь (Luu Quang Minh),Вьетнам, Фриц Доблер (Fritz Dobler), Германия, и Юрий Иванович Казаков, Россия.

Приблизительно 10 мая 2010 года планируется провести второй ежегодный Всемирный День Аккордеона (World Accordion Day). Аккордеонные ассоциации, клубы, оркестры, ансамбли, исполнители и преподаватели всех стран приглашаются для регистрации участия в этом мероприятии с целью содействия аккордеонному искусству и его продвижения в своей стране.

Президент CIA Раймонд Бодель (Raymond Bodell) поблагодарил Иниго Аиспиолеа (Iñigo Aizpiolea) и Иняки Альберди (Iñaki Alberdi) за их работу по подготовке Зимнего Конгресса от имени Hauspoz.

Подробная информация о Зимнем Конгрессе на сайте www.accordions.com/cia
2009 Winter Congress


Международный конкурс ‘Etnie Musicali’, Терамо – Италия

Etnie Musicali poster4-й Международный конкурс 'Etnie Musicali' пройдёт 16 и 17 января 2010 года в городе Терамо, Италия. Арт-директор конкурса – Данило Ди Паолоникола (Danilo Di Paolonicola), председатель жюри – Ренцо Руджери (Renzo Ruggieri).

Конкурс будет разделен на следующие категории:

- Диатоническая гармоника (до 4 басов в левой)
- Диатоническая гармоника (свыше 4 басов в левой)
-Диатоническая гармоника (исполнители эстрадной музыки) (variety)
- Баян/аккордеон (исполнители академической музыки)
- Электронные клавишные/Современное пианино
- Современная песня
- Международный приз ‘Etnie Musicali’, финальный тур
Специальные гости:
- Серджио Скаппини (Sergio Scappini) (академический аккордеон)
- Марио Д’Амарио (Mario D'Amario) (эстрадный баян)
- Андреа Тини (Andrea Tini) (диатоническая гармоника, победитель прошлогоднего финала ‘Etnie Musicali’)

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: info@etniemusicali.com


Рождественские предложения для семьи и друзей

xmas logoПоявились новые дополнения к захватывающим идеям рождественских подарков здесь: 2009 Xmas Gift Ideas.

Эти идея были подобраны так, чтобы помочь Вам потратить деньги, предназначенные для рождественских подарков и при этом поддержать аккордеонистов – композиторов, исполнителей, аранжировщиков (2009 Xmas Gift Ideas).


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Lidia Kaminska performs in Merkin Concert Hall, New York- USA

Lidia Kaminska poster
Kevin Friedrich and Lidia Kiminska, both graduates of UMKCThe Merkin Concert Hall Kaufman Center concert series featured an outstanding performance by Polish-born accordionist Dr. Lidia Kaminska. More than 400 people packed the auditorium to hear Lidia perform works by Bach, Scarlatti, Albeniz, Zolotariev, Khachaturian and Pagannin/Liszt.

Lidia is the winner of the Astral Artists’ 2007 National Award, a concert agency that has presented her in recital around the United States. A graduate of the Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw, she came to the USA to study at the University of Missouri, Kansas City with Joan Cochran Sommers, and became the first and only person to receive a Doctorate in Accordion Performance. The winner of numerous competitions both national and international, Lidia recently performed in a concert with Placido Domingo at Constitution Hall in Washington DC. Lidia has appeared with orchestras and chamber groups throughout the country, and in addition, made her debut on bandoneon at the famed Lincoln Center in New York City in 2007.

In addition to her concert and symphonic performances, Dr. Lidia Kaminska is also on tour as the accordionist with the famed Cirque du Soleil in their production of Alegria. Picture left is with Kevin Friedrich, a fellow graduate of UMKC University before the concert.


Master classes by Zorica Karakutovska in Serbia

Zorica KarakutovskaFrom December 5th to 7th the Music School “Stanislav Binicki” Leskovac, Serbia organized the 4th International seminar for accordion students and teachers.

Organizers invited a pupils and students from each accordion school in the area to attend the training course. Master classes were given by Zorica Karakutovska, a professor of accordion and chamber music at the Faculty of Music Skopje and at the State Music and Ballet School Center “Ilija Nikolovski-Luj” Skopje.

Zorica was pleased, not only to meet these keen accordion pupils and students but also various professors who had come to share their experience.

The seminar finished with pedagogical lecture – method of accordion teaching given by Zorica which amazed the master class audience (pupils, students, professors and parents).

After the lecture, at the end of the evening, Zorica and the organizers gave the diplomas to the participants of the seminar. It was definitely a successful start of future co-operation.


Gus Viseur ‘Compositions 1934 – 1942’ CD, Vincennes – France

Gus Viseur CD
Belgian-born Gus Viseur (1915-74) established himself as one of the leading accordionists in the thriving 1930s musette scene in Paris, playing and recording with the likes of Django Reinhardt, Stephane Grappelli, and Edith Piaf. Viseur was an innovator, developing a style that incorporated jazz into the musette genre, and was also a prolific composer, whose music proved influential to future generations.

The CD ‘Compositions 1934 – 1942’ showcases Gus Viseur’s work from the 1930s, both as player and composer. Most tracks are performed by Viseur himself, with contributions on three tracks by contemporaries the Orchestra Musette, Joseph Colombo, and Les Freres Colombo.

The 18 tracks include: 'Jeannette', 'Flambee Montalbanaise', 'Andalouise’, 'Douce Joie', 'Anomalie', 'Automne', 'Soir de Venise', 'Soir de Dispute', Swing Royal’, 'Philippe's Stomp', 'Souvenir de Bruxelles', 'L'incomprise', 'Swing Accordeon', 'Swing Valse', 'Matelotte', 'Gracieusette', 'Josette', 'Sous La Direction de Boris Sarbeck L'imprevu', 'Du Bal Tabarin et Leur Orchestre’, 'Jeannette'

For further Information email: info@concordemusic.com


Ivan Liashenko Master of Teaching Degree - Australia

Ivan Liashenko
Australian Accordion Teachers Association (AATA) Vice-President Ivan Liashenko has just recently obtained a Masters of Teaching degree at the University of Western Sydney.

Ivan is an accomplished accordionist, has completed AMEB accordion A.MusA Diploma in 1997 and pursued his music teaching career by obtaining a B.A. degree in Music performance at the UWS. Ivan is teaching accordion privately as well as performing at various Club venues, mainly amongst the Uyghur community.


Будущие события

Stockport AC Band/Orchestra Concert, Cheshire – UK

Stockport Accordion Club Band
On Friday December 11th, 7.45pm, the Stockport Accordion Club Band and Orchestra perform their annual concert in aid of the East Cheshire Hospice at the Broken Cross Institute, Macclesfield. This year’s concert includes a guest sport by All Scotland Champion Walter Perrie.

The organiser is local accordionist and well-known fund raiser John Jones, whose personal efforts to date amounts to £200,000, and this is the 10th annual concert.

For further Information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Campomarino Accordion Festival – Italy

Campomarino logo
The Campomarino Accordion Festival takes place from December 12th to 19th, organised by Borgo Antico and dedicated to the accordion and its family (bandoneon, accordion, melodica, harmonica, etc.). The President of the festival is Dr. Constance Carriero and the Artistic Directors are Renzo Ruggieri and Donato Santoianni.

The program includes:
December 12th, 9.30pm - Claudio Azzaro String Quartet (classical music) and Veronika Todorov (virtuouso and world music)
December 19th, 9.30pm - Santoianni/Cauteruccio Duo, with guest Enzo Campagna (world music); Carols with Renzo Ruggieri, Mauro De Federicis, Tiziana De Angelis (jazz music)

For further information email: pressoffice@renzoruggieri.com


Victor Prieto Concert, New York – USA

Victor PrietoNew York-based Spanish-born accordionist Victor Prieto performs with the Beat Kaestli Group on December 13th, 12.30pm, at The Blue Note, New York.

For further Information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Harry Hussey at Uxbridge AC, Middlesex – UK

Harry HusseyUxbridge Accordion Club’s Christmas Party Night with musical entertainment from Harry Hussey, plus 13 year old Andrew Lukins on xylophone, takes place on Monday December 14th, 8pm.

There will also opportunities to perform party pieces or join in with the Christmas accordion play-along sessions led by David and Angie Lukins.

The venue is the Anglers Retreat, Cricketfield Road, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7HG.

For further Information email: david.lukins@btinternet.com


Accordionaires ‘HolidayParty’, California – USA

Accordionaires orchestra
The Accordionaires ‘HolidayParty’ takes place on Tuesday December 15th, 7pm, at Victorio’s Ristorante, 10901 Victory Blvd, N. Hollywood, CA 91606. This lively accordion club has its own accordion orchestra, Internet newsletter and program of events. Contact Ron Schwarz for more details.

For further Information email: ronkfb@yahoo.com


"... ah, Bach!" Concert, Kassel – Germany

Music Academy KasselThis calendar year 2009 terminates with the concert "... ah, Bach!" at the Music Academy in Kassel, with the "well-tempered piano" Preludes and Fugues of JS Bach, performed by the students of the accordion and piano classes.

This concert takes place on December 16th, 7pm, at concert hall of the Music Academy in Kassel.

The 48 preludes and fugues in major and minor keys composed in Bach's later years are highlights of the composer’s career, and today are regarded as a methodological and didactic basis for all keyboard instruments.

Winfried Michel (Music Academy Kassel, Musikhochschule Münster) and Jens Josef (Music Academy Kassel, Musikhochschule Frankfurt) will give discuss the virtues and problems of the various tonalities.

The organiser is Mirjana Petercol, Music Academy Kassel.

For further information email: mirjanapetercol@gmx.de


Bulgarian Dance Workshops, Sofia – Bulgaria

Todor YankovIliana Bozhanova – folk dance teacher and singer - and Todor Yankov – accordionist and singer teach the music and dances of their native Bulgaria in many parts of the world. Recently they have led workshops in England, Scotland and Switzerland, and at the end of this year will be working in Germany.

Their teaching program includes:

December 26th until January 2nd 2010 – Petra Bergmann’s camp in Germany
March 12th – 17th – Italy
April - Canada
May– USA
October– Alexa Candrian’s camp in Switzerland
December 27th 2010 – January 2nd 2011: Winter camp in Kiental-Association ‘Volkstanz International’, Switzerland

For further Information email: iliana33@gmail.com


Kissinger Winterzauber Festival, Bad Kissingen – Germany

Klaus PaierThe 4th Kissinger Winterzauber Festival, music and arts festival, takes place from December 12th until January 9th 2010 at venues in Bad Kissingen, Germany. The concert schedule includes two concerts involving accordionists.

A jazz concert titled ‘Expulsion From Paradise’, featuring accordionist Jean-Louis Matinier and bass player Renaud Garcia-Fons, takes place on December 15th, 8pm, in the White Hall.

Accordionist Klaus Paier (picture right) and a string quartet, from Vienna, perform the compositions of John McLaughlin, Klaus Paier, Joe Zawinul and Werner Pirchner at the Rossini Hall on Monday December 28th, 7.30pm.

For further Information email: kissingen-ticket@badkissingen.de


Новые и обновленные сайты

Fisitalia Entirely Updated Website - Italy

Fisitalia logoAccordion manufacturer Fisitalia Ci. & Emme. srl of Castelfidado/Italy, has an entirely updated web-site in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian languages.


December Diatonic News Online 1st December

Diatonic news banner
The December Diatonic News online 1st December.


Gary Dahl 2 New works and 5 Edited works

Gary Dahl - composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following titles for purchase on-line. 'Neopolitan Nights, catalog:DH0040', 'Tenderly, catalog:DH0120', 'Silent Night, catalog:DH0183', 'Auld Lang Syne, catalog:DH0214', 'Auld Lang Syne (Advance), catalog:DH0215, 'Eloise, catalog:DH0222' and 'Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, catalog:DH0223'. Samples ofthis music can be viewed at the Music For Accordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


December USA News Online 1st December

USA news logoThe December USA News is online on the 1st December


H S Production New Music Releases

H S Production releases 2 new pieces, 'Dance From The Ballet', catalog:hs597' and 'With Heart And Soul, catalog:hs598'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


MusicForAccordion.com new eSheet Pieces

MusicForAccordion.com site releases 4 new pieces - 'Ave Maria, catalog:mfa7088', 'Traumerei, catalog:mfa7089', 'Fur Elise, catalog:mfa7092' and 'The Happy Farmer, catalog:mfa7094'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Wallace Liggett New Music Releases

Wallace Liggett - accordionist, composer, releases 5 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Sandy’s Waltz, catalog:WL1041', 'Students Play, catalog:WL1043', 'Prelude And Fugue, catalog:WL1046', 'The Skaters Waltz, catalog:WL1047', and 'That’s Our Family, catalog:WL1048'. Samples of this music is available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


2009 winner of the Castelfidardo Premio Award

Iosif PuritsWinner of the Castelfidardo Premio Award Competition in 2009 Iosif Purits has a new website.


Franco Cambareri new works

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 6 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Tango For Two, catalog: cfranco105', 'Looney Bossa Nova, catalog:cfranco106', 'Danza Gitana, catalog:cfranco107', 'Calypso Beach Party, catalog:cfranco108', 'Italian Jig, catalog:cfranco109' and 'Fifi #2, catalog:cfranco110'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Available 2009 Trophée Mondial Video Download

CMA videoA DVD of three 2009 Trophée Mondial categories held in Portugal is now available from the Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) website.

The DVD of this competition will be sent to you by airmail, and is of youtube size picture and quality for a price of only €50 plus €5 postage from the CMA website.


Tian Jianan new CD

Tian Jianan CDA new site selling a CD titled "Contest Repetoire - Klingenthal" with sound samples. Music performed by Tian Jianan of China. Purchase online.


Xu Xiaonan new CD

Xu Xiaonan CDA new site selling a CD titled "Sunrise" with sound samples. Music performed by Xu Xiaonan of China. Purchase online.


Zhang Weiyi new CD

Zhang Weiyi CDA new site selling a CD titled "A Love Affair With Bayan" with sound samples. Music performed by Zhang Weiyi of China. Purchase online.


CD Отзывы

Acco Duo Romance

Romance CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Acco Duo Romance” by Joan C. Sommers. Performer is Miran Vaupotic and Ivana Levak Vaupotic.


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