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Weekly News from Around the World - 11-Apr-2014
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Sergey Voytenko / Auszeichnung als „Verdienter Künstler der Region Samara“ – Russland
Terrance Simien & The Zydeco Experience 2014 Grammy Award - USA
Bericht / Videos: 2014 V International Festival "Akkordeon Plus" - Russland
Yuri Schischkin Aufführung der Neuen Sonate Nr. 3 von Semionov - Russland
II. Internationaler Akkordeonwettbewerb und zeitgenössische sFestival 'S. Cecilia‘ - Italien

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Dona Eugénia Lima Passed Away, 4th April 2014 - Portugal
Paul Chamberlain Writes for ‘Gramophone’ – UK
Video: Server Abkerimov performing "Breeze" (G. Moten) - Russia
‘Django's Castle’ Jazz Download Album, Oregon - USA
Video: Patryk Walczak Accordion Frument Project - Poland
Video: Ian Rubcov, 10 Years, Performs Flik Flak, Novosirbirsk - Russia
Video: Gennaro Ruffolo Demonstrating MusicTech Accordion - Germany
‘14 Years Ago’: German Accordion Orchestra reaches 40th Anniversary

Future events

New date for Accordion Pops Orchestra & Håvard Svendsrud is November 2nd - USA
Paddywhack Reunion, Nebraska – USA
Paris-Moscow Duo Concert, Lorraine – France
Frank Petrilli Concert, Seattle – USA
Tynedale Accordion and Fiddle Club Concerts, Northumberland – UK
2014 South Pacific Accordion Championships Entries Closing – New Zealand
Group and Private Accordion Tuition, Istanbul – Turkey
A Lifetime Tribute to Buckwheat Zydeco, New Orleans - USA
Torkest Accordion Orchestra Concert, Guildford – UK
8th Accordion Art Festival & Contests, Orpheus Award 2014, TE – Italy

New and Updated Sites

Australian Accordion Teachers Assoc (AATA) Website Updated - Australia
Updated Site of Harley Jones Recording of the 1990's - New Zealand
Site Updated: Gary Dahl eBooks Collections #1 to #6 Special Price - USA

CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

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Sergey Voytenko / Auszeichnung als „Verdienter Künstler der Region Samara“ – Russland

Nikolai Merkushin and Sergey Voitenko
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Nikolai Merkushin and Sergey VoitenkoVideo 1: Sergey Voytenko und Orchester " Akademie " (Regie B. Crow ) - Rossini (final) .
Video 2: Bayanmix ( Voytenko & Dmitry Chramkov ) Leistung - Pure Teiche
Video 3: Laimonas Salijus von Kaunas , Litauen Darstellende Offenbarung von Sergey Voitenko zusammen

Am 25. März 2014 dem "Tag der Kultur " wurde der renommierte Musiker, Komponist und Produzent Sergei Voytenko, speziell bekannt geworden als " Bayanmix ' Duo, mit dem Ehrentitel " Verdienter Künstler der Region Samara ausgezeichnet.

Die Auszeichnung wurde ihm von Nikolai Merkushin, Gouverneur der Samara Oper und Ballett-Theater (Bild oben) präsentiert und ist eine Auszeichnung, die Personen für ihren " langfristigen Einsatz zur Entwicklung im künstlerischen Bereich" verliehen wird.

Sergei Voytenko war der erste Musike, der den Ehrentitel „Verdienter Künstler der Region Samara“ erhielt.


Terrance Simien & The Zydeco Experience 2014 Grammy Award - USA

Terrance SimienVideo: Konzert in Dnipropetrowsk, Sommertheater im Gorki-Park , Kiew, Ukraine, 25. April 2012 .

Terrance Simien (picture left) und Zydeco Experience gewannen beim 56th Grammy 2014 Preis am 6. April 2014 in Los Angeles, CA in der Kategorie “ Best Regional Roots Music Album”. Die Nominierten Künstler waren:
- The Life & Times Of ... von The Hot 8 Brass Band Hot 8 Brass Band
- Hula Ku'i von Kahulanui
- Le Fou von Zachary Richard
- Apache Blessing & Crown Dance Songs von Joe Jr. Tohonnie

Die Grammy Awards, sind seit mehr als 50 Jahren die einzigen Auszeichnungen in der Musikindustrie, die nicht von Album-Verkäufen oder Chart- Positionen abhängig sind.

Am 4. Juni 2013 veröffentlichte Simien sein 9. CD Grammy-Award CD ' Dockside Sessions "mit vier traditionellen Zydeco -Songs ( auf Französisch gesungen ), mit zeitgenössischen französisch Melodien, drei Bob Dylan Songs und ein Lied von Grateful Dead und Toots & The Maytals.

Terrance Siimiien, ein in 8. Generation Louisiana Creole hat sich zu einem, am meist respektierten Künstler in der amerikanischen Roots-Musik von heute avanciert. Er und seine Bandkollegen haben während ihrer bewegten Karriere über 7.000 Konzerte in 45 Ländern aufgeführt.

Einen ausführlichen Artikel über Terrance Simien Brombeeren können Sie in der 1. Mai Akkordeon USA News nachlesen.


Bericht / Videos: 2014 V International Festival "Akkordeon Plus" - Russland

Video 1
Video 2
Video 2
International Musical Center 'Harmony' logoVollständiger Bericht und viele der Videos Highlights vom 2014 V Internationalen Festival "Akkordeon Plus" in Rostow-am-Don, organisiert vom Internationalen Center Musical "Harmony": 2014RostovReport

Diese Veranstaltung ist eine der größten Akkordeon-Festivals in Russland mit zahlreichem Publikum. Siehe Fotos und viele Videos auf Englisch und Russisch.

Video 1: Yuri Schischkin und Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra von Rostow, Dirigent Alexander Polyanichko.
Video 2: Alexander Poeluev mit dem Jazz Orchestra und russischen Folk Orchestra
Video 3: Eugene Derbenko


Yuri Schischkin Aufführung der Neuen Sonate Nr. 3 von Semionov - Russland

29. März in der Rostov Philharmonic Hall - Jubiläumsabend für Yuri Schischkin.

Yuri Schischkin führte zum ersten in Rostow-am-Don die neue Sonate Nr. 3 von Viatcheslav Semionov mit dem Titel "Erinnerung an die Zukunft" vor.


II. Internationaler Akkordeonwettbewerb und zeitgenössische sFestival 'S. Cecilia‘ - Italien

Massimiliano PitoccoDas Konservatorium von Santa Cecilia , Massimiliano Pitocco (Bild links) organisiert den II. Internationalen Akkordeonwettbewerb " Santa Cecilia " und das II Zeigenössische Akkordeon-Festival in Rom vom 15. bis 18. September 2014.

Es wird Konzerte, internationale Wettbewerbe, Ausstellungen und Akkordeon Meisterklassen geben.

Wettbewerbskategorien sind:
Kategorie A - Solisten bis 12 Jahre alt - nach 2002 geboren 1. 200 €
Kategorie B - Solisten bis 15 Jahre alt - nach 1999 geboren 1. 300 €
Kategorie C - Solisten bis 18 Jahre alt - nach 1996 geboren 1. 400 €
Kategorie E - Concert - Darsteller - keine Altersgrenze , 1. 1.500 € 2. 800 € , 3. 500 €
Regeln und Entry -Anwendung in Englisch und Englisch an : 2014Contemporary

Das Festival ist in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Internationalen Akkordeon Wettbewerb und Festival Castelfidardo vom 18-21 September 2014.

Weitere Informationen unter: 2014Contemporary


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Dona Eugénia Lima Passed Away, 4th April 2014 - Portugal

De Eugénia LimaVideo: Documentary about Dona Eugénia Lima.

The accordionist Dona Eugénia Lima, 88, died on Friday in the late afternoon at her home in Rio Maior.

Eugenia Lima was the daughter of a tuner of accordions and made her stage debut at age four, at the Cinema Theatre Vaz Black on White Castle. Professionally, her debut date was 1935 at the Variety Theatre, Lisbon, reported in the magazine Peixe-Espada.

In 1943, she began recording solo and recorded throughout her career, more than one dozen discs that have recorded popular themes, various composers and compositions of her own.

In 1947 she won the accordion competition Emissora Nacional e (National Radio) and in 1956, founded the Typical Orchestra Albicastrense, touring nationally and internationall and became popular with themes Picadinho da Beira, Minha vida e Fadinho de Silvares.

Having been refused entry at the Conservatório Nacional de Lisbon, she went to Paris where she achieved the Diploma Degree in Accordion at the Conservatório of Paris.

In September 1986, she was awarded by the Ministry of Culture with the Medal of Cultural Merit. Throughout his career totaled several prizes and awards, including the Oscar Press in 1962 , the degree of Knight of the Military Order of Saint James of the Sword in 1980, and the degree of Grand Officer of the Order of Infante D. Henrique in 1995.

In December 2011, aged 85, the accordionist , a native of Castelo Branco, was honored in Castro Marim, Algarve, a full room, as reflected in the regional press, attended by 81 accordionists.

On occasion , Eugenia Lima revealed that she suffered from Parkinson's disease . The accordionists interpreted during the performance of her own compositions .

"The songs I did were done for the love of art and reflect my state of mind at the time. Over eighty percent of my songs were born on stage , impromptu."

The name Dona Eugénia Lima appears in the World Dictionary of Notable Women.


Paul Chamberlain Writes for ‘Gramophone’ – UK

Grammophone logo
Paul ChamberlainAccordionist Paul Chamberlain has been asked to write a blog for ‘Gramophone’, the classical music magazine also published as a website. His first article, ‘The accordion's time has come’, is reproduced below for your interest.

Paul Chamberlain is currently recording a new CD, which will be launched in London on July 1st at the 1901 Arts Club, to be followed by a tour across the UK. Full concert tour details will be published soon on Accordions Worldwide.

‘The accordion's time has come’

Paul Chamberlain's blog explains why this versatile instrument is finding a place in our concert halls.

The origins of the accordion can be traced back to the Chinese Sheng, yet the instrument we know as an accordion today, was patented in Vienna in 1829, by Cyrillius Demien. Popular the world over in various forms as a folk instrument, it is only in the latter half of the 20th Century that the development of the 'free-bass' system (which allowed for the freedom to move away from the arrangement of pre-set chords on the left-hand side of the instrument) gave accordionists the opportunity to cross into the world of mainstream classical music. My first visit to Russia as a teenager to perform in the Baltic Harmonica Festival in St Petersburg had a profound effect on me, as this was where I first encountered the free-bass accordion. The range of colours, richness of sound and array of repertoire was a revelation to me and on my return home, I decided to change systems not only to ‘free-bass’, but also from piano accordion to the five-row chromatic button keyboard. Many arrangements I had previously played were in some way compromised by the left hand of the instrument, so this new form enabled me to perform complex polyphonic keyboard works such as those by Bach, Mozart and Franck; as well as being able to delve into the ever-growing library of original repertoire which is virtually unknown to the general public.

I have always considered the accordion to be a very expressive instrument and, being a synthesis of both a keyboard and a wind instrument, is capable of sustaining sounds, producing a wonderful variety of timbres from its registers. It has a large dynamic range from ppp to fff.

Much of the Baroque keyboard repertoire can be successfully performed on the accordion, in particular, works by composers such as Bach, Scarlatti, Rameau, and Couperin. Having included works by Bach and Rameau on an earlier disc, my latest CD will feature two sonatas by Domenico Scarlatti. They are typical of the lively virtuoso style that characterises much of his output and requires lightness and clarity, which, surprisingly to many, can be achieved very successfully with the accordion.

In effect, the accordion can be thought of as a small portable organ, but unfortunately it has long suffered from not being taken seriously by the classical music establishment. However, it is gaining academic credit and with an ever growing original repertoire as well as a vast number of transcriptions, the instrument has an exciting future ahead as it comes to the fore on the concert stage.

Having only in recent years been included into the syllabus of institutions such as Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and St Mary's Music School, I became the first classical accordionist to graduate from the RCS with a BMus Honours degree and subsequently completed a Masters in Performance there also. Being incorporated into the keyboard department, I felt that there was a lot to prove in demonstrating that the accordion could stand on a par with the piano.

In 2013 I became the first accordionist to perform a solo recital in Manchester's Bridgewater Hall as part of the long established 'Manchester Midday Concerts’ series. Through bringing the accordion and its repertoire to fresh audiences (many of whom are astonished at its capabilities), I am striving to continue to build its reputation as a fine concert instrument.

Vladislav Zolotaryov was one of the key innovators who really pushed for the accordion to be accepted by the union of composers in Moscow in the 1970s and his catalogue of original accordion works will ensure that his legacy continues to inspire other players and composers to take an interest in this amazing instrument. My new disc features Zolotaryov's Sonata No 2, a delightful work accessible to all audiences, written in the spirit of a classic Viennese Symphony. In fact, it was one of the first works that attracted me to the classical accordion. The opening melodic theme is beautifully simple, and the whirlwind of excitement in the final movement calls for a technique specific to the accordion called a 'richochet', which results in a four times repetition of the chord by means of the bellows moving primarily up and down as opposed to in and out. In doing this, I maintain the energy right up to the final chord. The use of a similar technique can be seen in this recent video where I perform Khachaturian’s Toccata:

There is a great body of original chamber work for the accordion with many European composers taking an avid interest in writing for the instrument. It has been included in works such as Shostakovich’s ‘Jazz Suite’ and Hindemith’s ‘Kammermusik No 1’. More recently composers such as Sofia Gubaidulina and Sally Beamish have also written for the accordion. Other pieces on my disc are from the repertoire of Argentinean composer Astor Piazzolla, the original exponent of the ‘Tango Nuevo’ style, which brought the music of the Tango dance halls to the concert stage. Originally written for the bandoneon (a very close relative of the accordion), his ‘Tango Sensations’, three of which I am recording with the Maxwell String Quartet, transfer effectively onto the accordion and the integral rhythmical accentuations are easily maintained.
I believe that the accordion has an exciting future not only as a solo instrument, but also in chamber ensembles. The accordion opens up an interesting multi-textural sound world to composers and I have plans for a future project that focuses on creating new chamber repertoire for the instrument.

For further information email: paul@theaccordionist.com


Video: Server Abkerimov performing "Breeze" (G. Moten) - Russia

Server Abkerimov performing "Breeze" (G. Moten).


‘Django's Castle’ Jazz Download Album, Oregon - USA

‘Django's Castle’ Jazz Download Album coverLegendary guitarist Hank Marvin, of The Shadows fame, in collaboration with accordionist Nunzio Mondia and guitarist Gary Taylor, have recorded ‘Django's Castle’, an album of Gypsy jazz swing music, in the style of Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelli. Available as a download only from cdbaby.com

The 14 tracks, which include 7 compositions by Reinhardt and Grappelli, are: Swing 42, Swingtime in Springtime, Noto Swing, After You've Gone, Si Tu Savais, Honeysuckle Rose, Coquette, Micro, Viper's Dream, Django's Castle, Minor Swing, Swing Guitars, I Can't Give Anything but Love, and Belleville.

For further information email: cdbaby@cdbaby.com


Video: Patryk Walczak Accordion Frument Project - Poland

Patryk Walczak Accordion Frument Project - Poland


Video: Ian Rubcov, 10 Years, Performs Flik Flak, Novosirbirsk - Russia

Published on Mar 26, 2014 Ian Rubcov Performs Flik Flak (A. Vossen). He is only ten years old and learns from the Novosibirsk Conservatory teacher Mikhail Ovchinnikov.

Video by Victor Rakshevsky https://www.youtube.com/user/7264951
who has some 559 videos, many of them accordion for your viewing.


Video: Gennaro Ruffolo Demonstrating MusicTech Accordion - Germany

Video: Gennaro Ruffolo Demonstrating MusicTech Accordion, 2014 Musikmesse, Frankfurt, Germany. Published 22nd March 2014


‘14 Years Ago’: German Accordion Orchestra reaches 40th Anniversary

German Accordion Orchestra 1860
The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending April 14th 2000 included a report concerning the Accordion Orchestra 1960 Müllekoven e.V., soon to celebrate their 40th anniversary in June 2000. This well established orchestra happily continues to make great music and entertain audiences in Germany.

40th Anniversary of Accordion Orchestra 1960 Müllekoven e.V. - Germany
Contributed by Christine Stiller

The Accordion Orchestra 1960 Müllekoven e.V. will celebrate their 40th anniversary with a concert on June 2nd in the Community Hall Troisdorf-Müllekoven. The orchestra was formed in 1960 by Hans-Rudi Peters together with 18 local village students. Hans-Rudi conducted the orchestra for 22 years.

They will perform a mixed repertoire, which includes classic, folk music, popular pieces, and also rock and pop.


Future events

New date for Accordion Pops Orchestra & Håvard Svendsrud is November 2nd - USA

Lenny FeldmannThe date for the New Jersey based Accordion Pops Orchestra's tribute to the late great classical accordionist Carmen Carrozza has been changed from Sunday, April 27th to the new date of November 2nd, at 2 pm at the Hunterdon Hills Playhouse in Hampton, New Jersey.

Lenny Feldmann will be the commentator and master of ceremonies. Norway's accordion virtuoso Håvard Svendsrud, who performed with the orchestra at Kean University in October 2013, will return as a featured soloist.

Dinner and concert tickets are $50. All proceeds will benefit the Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Fund. For tickets and information: Rosemarie Cavanaugh 732-257-8198
For information about the Accordion Pops Orchestra: alterzo@hotmail.com


Paddywhack Reunion, Nebraska – USA

Dan NewtonThere is a reunion concert for the members of ‘Paddywhack’ at 7th Street, Loft, Lincoln, Nebraska, on Saturday April 12th, 7.30pm. This will be an evening of songs and tunes from the British Isles and the U.S. The concert is part of the LAFTA music series.

Paddywhack, featuring accordionist Dan Newton, first started to play over 30 years ago and was the only group in the state of Nebraska playing Celtic music.


Paris-Moscow Duo Concert, Lorraine – France

Paris-Moscow DuoOn Sunday April 13th, 4pm, the Paris-Moscow Duo, Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov, perform in concert at Homecourt, Centre Culturel Pablo Picasso, for an event celebrating 30 years since the formation of l'Accordéon Accordéon Club Lorraine.

For further information email: accordeon-club-lorrain@orange.fr


Frank Petrilli Concert, Seattle – USA

Frank PetrilliFrank Petrilli, from Los Angeles and taught by the late, great Frank Morocco, will be the guest of the Northwest Accordion Society, for a concert on Monday April 14th, 7.30pm, at 4217 S.W. Oregon St, Seattle, WA 98116 (the corner of Oregon St & California St). Admission is by donation of $10.


Tynedale Accordion and Fiddle Club Concerts, Northumberland – UK

Tynedale Accordion and Fiddle Club
Tynedale Accordion and Fiddle Club present as guests The Charlie McIntee Scottish Dance Band on Thursday April 17th, 7.30pm. The venue is Hexham Ex-Servicemens Club, I Hallstile Bank, Hexham, Northumberland NE46 3PQ.

Tynedale’s 2014 concert dates include:
May 15th - Scott Band Trio
June 19th - Wayne Robertson/AGM
July 17th - Jim Cleland Band
August 21st -   Willie MacFarlane Band
September 18th - Robert Whitehead Band
October 16th - Brandon McPhee Trio
November 20th - John Morgan


2014 South Pacific Accordion Championships Entries Closing – New Zealand

NZAA banner
NZAA President Sonja PalinichEntries close on April 20th for the 2014 South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival, held in Auckland on Saturday 31st May and Sunday 1st June 2014. Download the rules and entry information at: 2014 NZ Prospectus.

New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) President Sonja Palinich (picture left) writes: “The NZAA is delighted to welcome Mirco Patarini as Special Guest Artist at the outstanding Raye Freedman Arts Centre, a venue with excellent acoustics, lighting and all its ‘state of the art’ facilities under one roof."

For 2014, the rules for the international categories closely follow the rules of the Coupe Mondiale. The South Pacific solo Championship category has exactly the same rules as the Coupe Mondiale Masters category and the South Pacific entertainment category has exactly the same rules as the Coupe Mondiale Virtuoso Entertainment category.

Past events reports at: South Pacific Daily Reports Rules and full information, download: 2014 NZ Prospectus


Group and Private Accordion Tuition, Istanbul – Turkey

Esra OvaliOn Sunday April 20th, 7.30pm, the quintet ‘Shoeshine’, featuring accordionist Esra Ovali, perform a ‘world music’ programme that includes jazz, Latin, and Balkan dance music at GÜRCÜ SANAT EVI (Georgian Arts Hall), Cafer Aga Mh, Kadiköy, Istanbul. The concert is organized by the Turkish accordion association Iberya Özkan Akordeon Tölyesi.

For further information email: ibeka@mynet.com


A Lifetime Tribute to Buckwheat Zydeco, New Orleans - USA

Buckwheat ZydecoTerrance Simien & The Zydeco Experience, 2014 Grammy Award winners, join the line up to celebrate Buckwheat Zydeco at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation Gala on April 24, 2014. The theme is "Zydeco and All That Jazz: A Lifetime Tribute to Buckwheat Zydeco."

In addition to the legendary Stanley “Buckwheat Zydeco” Dural, the stellar roster of performers features a who’s who of zydeco greats paying tribute to Buckwheat, including Terrance Simien, C.J. Chenier, Nathan Williams, Rockin’ Dopsie Jr., Rosie Ledet and Li’l Buck Sinegal.


Torkest Accordion Orchestra Concert, Guildford – UK

On Saturday April 25th, 7pm, Guildford Accordion Club presents a special concert featuring the Torkest Accordion Orchestra from the Netherlands, a talented and lively young orchestra, with a wide and varied repertoire of music.
Ripley Village Hall, High Street, Ripley, Surrey GU23 6AF.
Guildford Accordion Club meets at Ripley Billage Hall, High St, Ripley, Surrey GU23 6AF. The £5 admission includes refreshments, and there is ample parking. The club organizer is John Cumiskey.


8th Accordion Art Festival & Contests, Orpheus Award 2014, TE – Italy

Renzo RuggieriThe 8th Accordion Art Festival & Contests and the Orpheus Award 2014 is a critics' prize for productions (CD, DVD, MP3) during the previous year where the accordionist (also bandoneon, harmonica, diatonic) leader or co-leader is Italian. The Orpheus is an award similar to Oscar for film, dedicated to the production companies of accordion productions.

The 8th Accordion Art Festival and Orpheus awards prize giving takes place in Roseto degli Abruzzi, TE, Italy, on June 14th and 15th. The Artistic Director is the music journalist Gerlando Gatto and the event organiser is Renzo Ruggieri.

The sponsors are the Associazione Promozione Arte in collaboration with the City of Pineto (TE, Italy), the Club Voglia D'Arte, and others.

For further information email: info@accordionartfestival.com


New and Updated Sites

Australian Accordion Teachers Assoc (AATA) Website Updated - Australia

AATA logo
Australian Accordion Teachers Assoc (AATA) website has ben updated with a schedule of events for their international competitions being held 7th and 8th June 2014. This will be the 20th Anniversary of the AATA.


Updated Site of Harley Jones Recording of the 1990's - New Zealand

Harley Jones CD coverA updated site of Harley Jones Recording of the 1990's is now online at: Harley Jones Collection
The recordings are available online as eTracks mp3 files, album € 6.00


Site Updated: Gary Dahl eBooks Collections #1 to #6 Special Price - USA

Gary Dahl eBooks covers
Gary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces that the Gary Dahl eBooks collections (numbers 1 -6) are now being sold as a complete set for a special price of only US$185 or the € equivalent. Cat No: DH01-06eB
Gary Dahl eBooks covers


CD Reviews

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air

Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minorCD Reviews Index for the Review of Johann Sebastian Bach - Volume 2 - The French Suites 4 – 6 Prelude and Fugue in A minor Air CD by Mika Väyrynen, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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