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Weekly News from Around the World - 10-Oct-2014
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Mika Väyrynen Rekorde spielt mit dem Helsinki Philharmonic - Finnland
Video: Aidar Gainullin spielt für Russlands größte Zeitung "MK" - USA & Russland
7. Strumenti & Musica Festival Spoleto - Italien
Video: Petra Mayer gewinnt erste Runde der TV Show "Die Große Chance" - Austria

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Flo Brannigan (1920-2014), Lancashire – UK
Video: Alexander Selivanov and Denis Chefanov Performing in Castelfidardo - Italy
Video: Xu Xiaonan Performing at the 2014 Castelfidardo Festival - Italy
Irina Grigoryeva new CD ‘Women's Musical Portrait’, St Petersburg – Russia
Kosmos Concert Report, Scotland – UK
‘14 Years Ago’: Bandoneon Festival held in Germany in October 2000

Future events

Feliksas Bajoras Celebration Concert, Vilnius – Lithuania
Video: Marc Pircher, October Performances - Austria
World War One Commemorative Show, Québec – Canada
Festival of Saltarello, Paliaroli - Italy
Erika plays for dancing, Rochefort – Belgium
Motion Trio Concert, Krakow – Poland
Mario Tacca in Concert in New York - USA
Mary Tokarski and Nathan Chapeton at Brooklyn Accordion Club - USA
Declan Aungier plays for dancing – Irish Republic
Vincent LHermet ‘L'Harmonie selon Rameau’ Recitals, Lille, Puteaux – France
Fundraising Event for Coupe Mondiale Competitor Alexandra Reekie - New Zealand
Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society’s Oktoberfest, Virginia - USA
Soraya Ravenle and Libertango Concert, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
John Conolly @ Midway Folk Club, Stockport – UK

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Mika Väyrynen Rekorde spielt mit dem Helsinki Philharmonic - Finnland

Mika VäyrynenDer finnische Akkordeonist Mika Väyrynen feiert die Veröffentlichung seiner neuen CD unter dem Label Ondine ODE 1234-2 mit 'Prophecy für Akkordeon und Orchester ", von Erkki-Sen Tüür,zusammen mit dem Helsinki Philharmonic Orchester, unter der Leitung von Olari Elts .

Neben seiner Aufnahmen, einem kürzlich gefeierten Konzert in Castelfidardo, Italien, führte Mika die Akkordeon-Version von Aulis Sallinens "Adagio Nr. 1, Op. 102 ' vor, die ursprünglich für Orgel komponiert wurde und von Sallinen für Akkordeon transkribiert wurde. Im November wird Mika die Akkordeon-Version seines "Adagio Nr. 2" premieren.

In den kommenden Monaten wird Mika Gast Professor für Akkordeon an der Universität von Pula, Fakultät für Musik (Kroatien) sein, wo er regelmäßig Seminare für Studenten der Universität halten wird. Eine weitere Aktivität zu seiner aktuelle Lehrtätigkeit an der Sibelius-Akademie in Helsinki.

Während des Castelfidardo Festivals wurde Mika Väyrynen mit dem preziosen "Voce d'Oro" Preis ausgezeichnet. Ein Award von der Firma Cagnoni, den in den vergangenen Jahren auch Künstler wie Frank Marocco, Richard Galliano, Art Van Damme, Astor Piazzolla u.a. erhielten und der an Künstler für ihre außergewöhnliche und bedeutende Beiträge zur Stärkung und Förderung des Akkordeons in der Welt, vergeben wird.
Für Informationen zu aktuellen Aufnahmen und Premieren Mika, besuchen Sie bitte www.accordions.com/mika


Video: Aidar Gainullin spielt für Russlands größte Zeitung "MK" - USA & Russland

Im Jahr 2007 organisierte Washington Post-Reporter Gene Weingarten ein soziales Experiment mit dem berühmten Geiger Joshua Bell. Würde einer der größten Geiger der Nation in Straßenkleidung während der Hauptverkehrszeit in einer DC Metro (U-Bahn) bemerkt werden? Das Ergebnis - fast keine Leute stoppten, um zu hören und finanziell sehr schlecht – Einnahme nach 43 Minuten spielen war $ 32,17.

Wechseln wir zu 2014: Video veröffentlicht am 4. Oktober 2014 - Experiment der größten Zeitung Russlands "MK" mit dem renommierten Akkordeonisten Aidar Gainullin vor einem Moskauer U-Bahn-Eingang.

Wir freuen uns zu berichten, dass sich für das Akkordeon in Moskau ein kleines Publikum ansammelte, einige machten sogar Videos mit ihren Handys und es war etwas besser kompensiert als im Jahre 2007 - Einnahme 2.178 Rubel (55,13 $).

Es scheint, dass Master-Musiker auf jeden Fall besser daran sind, sich auf r Konzertbühnen zu präsentieren!
Genießen Sie das Video von Aidar Gainullin Musik und dem U-Bahn-Zeitung MK Experimentes!
Aidar Gainullin Busks


7. Strumenti & Musica Festival Spoleto - Italien

Trio Contemp
7th Strumenti&Musica Festival posterDas 7. Strumenti & Musica Festival zieht im typischen Musikwettbewerbstempo ihr Programm durch. Am Mittwoch Abend ein herrliches Konzert mit dem Trio Contemp (Bild oben) aus der Ukraine, mit einem Repertoire, das von Klassik, Folk bis zur zeitgenössischen Musik reicht.

Im Publikum hochklassige Musiker der Wettbewerbe, einschließlich Juroren und Gäste aus verschiedenen Teilen der Welt, haben das Trio Contemp mit Vitalii Kozytskyi (Akkordeon), Tetiana Kozytska (Domra) und Natalia Geri (Domra Bass) und ihr Programm mit Werken von Beloshinski, Zubitsky, Runchac, Terim Quartet, sehr genossen.

Klavier Ergebnisse für die Auszeichnung "Alfonso Rendano" waren:
1. Kulagin Maxim (Russland),
2. Fiumara Antonino (Italien),
3. Yu Mi Hyang (Japan).

"Die Strumenti & Musica Festival hat sich zu einem künstlerischen Festival unserer Stadt etabliert", sagte der Bürgermeister von Spoleto, Fabrizio Cardarelli. "Neu im Jahr 2014 ist die Auszeichnung in Erinnerung an Maestro Gian Carlo Menotti." Diese Auszeichnung wird am Samstag um 18.00 Uhr in einem Konzert präsentiert, indem die Klavier und Ensemble Gewinner auftreten werden.

Die Wettkämpfe finden im Palazzo Leti Sansi bis Sonntag 12. Oktober statt: Akkordeon Kategorien sind Samstag und Sonntag. Das Festival wird am Sonntagabend mit den Klavier und Akkordeon Gewinner zusammen mit dem Orchestra Sinfonica della Calabria um 21h im Teatro Nuovo G. Menotti beendet.

Tickets für die Konzerte im Palazzo Leti Sansi mit Informationen und Reservierungen: +39.338.7692369, 39,334868180.

Bild unten: Künstlerischer Leiter Mirco Patarini wurde TV interviewt.
Mirco Patarini interview


Video: Petra Mayer gewinnt erste Runde der TV Show "Die Große Chance" - Austria

Petra MeyerPetra Mayer aus Bad St. Leonhard eroberte bei der Talente-Show mit dem Lied "Wilds Wasser" von den "Seern" und der Steirischen Müller Harmonika die Herzen der Jury und des Publikums.

"Wos i im Holbfinale sing, des kenn ma uns jo noch ausreden, gell." Und erneut war Juror Peter Rapp sprachlos. Mit ihrer herzerfrischen ehrlichen Art hat Petra Mayer (24) aus Bad St. Leonhard in der ersten Runde der ORF-Show "Die große Chance" die Herzen der Jury und von ganz Österreich im Sturm erobert. Mit dem Lied "Wilds Wasser" von den "Seern" - bei dem sie sich selbst mit der Müller Steirischen begleitete - schaffte es die Bäuerin aus dem Lavanttal locker eine Runde weiter.

"I sing holt voll gern", sagt Mayer, deren Traum es immer war, einmal auf einer großen Bühne zu stehen. Der ging durch "Die große Chance" in Erfüllung. Am Ende gab es Standing Ovations und Lobeshymnen von der Jury. "Dein Charme ist unglaublich, du bist so süß", streute ihr Petra Frey Rosen. Und sogar der sonst knorrige Oliver Pocher musste gestehen: "Du hast phantastisch gesungen."

Für den Liveauftritt im Halbfinale fasst Mayer einen Song von Whitney Housten ins Auge. "Oda a Stückl mit da Steirischen." Das wird sie sich noch am Hof, auf dem sie mit ihrem Mann und ihren zwei Kindern lebt, noch überlegen.

Und am 24. Oktober ist es soweit: "Die Große Chance", ORF1, 20.15 h - unbedingt diesen Termin vormerken!

Bild links: Edith Müller von Müller Harmonikas aus Bad St.Leonhard gratuliert der sympathischen Kàrntnerin.
Petra Mayer and Edith Müller


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Flo Brannigan (1920-2014), Lancashire – UK

Florence ‘Flo’ Brannigan and Jack BranniganFlorence ‘Flo’ Brannigan, the mother of accordionist Gina Brannelli, passed away peacefully on October 5th in Blackpool, Lancashire. Gina’s father Jack also died recently, on June 23rd. They had been married for 73 years.

Flo, like Jack, was a professional accordionist, and they worked as duo for many years, from the 1930s. They performed many times at The Band on the Wall, a pub in Manchester, still a well-known performance venue for many types of music.

Picture below: A very young Flo and Jack Brannigan
Florence ‘Flo’ Brannigan and Jack Brannigan


Video: Alexander Selivanov and Denis Chefanov Performing in Castelfidardo - Italy

On the 19th September, Alexander Selivanov and Denis Chefanov performed a concert as part of the 2014 Castelfidardo Festival. Enjoy the music of these two highly acclaimed soloists / Moscow university tutors,

Video 1: Variations on a Theme of Paganini W. Lutoslawski
Video 2: Night Flowers by T. Sergeeva

The concert was sponsored by Scandalli Accordions. Download program: Selivanov-Chefanov.pdf

Last week, we published from their concert, the work 'Frescos', a concerto for accordion and symphony orchestra composed by Viatcheslav Semionov that Selivanov and Chefanov have arranged for accordion and piano.


Video: Xu Xiaonan Performing at the 2014 Castelfidardo Festival - Italy

Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 3:
Xu Xiaonan, 2012 Coupe Mondiale winner and 2012 Castelfidardo Premio winner performed a concert at the recent 2014 Castelfidardo Festival.

Above are three videos, announced by the performer, from that concert. The concert was sponsored by Pigini srl. Other works from this concert were publisher last week.


Irina Grigoryeva new CD ‘Women's Musical Portrait’, St Petersburg – Russia

CD cover Irina GrigoryevaIrina GrigoryevaRussian accordionist Irina Grigoryeva has released a new CD, ‘Women's musical portrait’, which includes compositions of composers of the French harpsichord school of the 17th and 18th centuries, and pieces by Claude Debussy and Fritz Kreisler.

The recording is dedicated to Irina’s mother, Nadezda Grigoryeva.

A graduate of the St Petersburg Conservatory, Irina has performed in concert halls in Russia, Latvia, Finland, Lithuania, Germany and China.

For further information email: info@irinalukina.ru


Kosmos Concert Report, Scotland – UK

Kosmos EnsembleVideo above: Kosmos Ensemble performs Libertango by Astor Piazzolla. Kosmos were filmed at House Concerts, Edinburgh, Scotland. Published 21 March 2013.

Concert Report: On October 3rd, the Trio Kosmos performed at the Old Well Theatre, Moffat, Scotland.

The report, from the District Diary, Moffat, reads: Kosmos’ concert at the Old Well Theatre on October 3rd was superb; there was wonderful music-making, excellent rapport, great enjoyment and new horizons opened.

From the moment they took the stage we were caught up in a dynamic web of sound, often vaguely alien but related to the sounds with which we are familiar. The ensemble, Harriet Mackenzie (violin) and Meg Hamilton (viola), Miloš Milivojevic (accordion), introduced themselves with a wild gypsy dance. It was followed immediately by a less frenetic piece hinting strongly at Jewish Klezmer music, with its ‘sobs’, sliding notes and intricate decoration, originally played at weddings and other celebrations. Before the latter ended we had been sucked into a musical world that was emotionally compelling, strongly rhythmic even when very quiet and slow and, above all, hypnotically enchanting.

There followed a succession of fascinating arrangements of, and improvisations on Eastern European folk music together with some of their own compositions.

I could write reams, but the words of Richard Morrison, chief music critic of The Times, on a concert Kosmos gave some years ago, sum up this concert perfectly: telepathic rapport, dazzling virtuosity, serious scholarship, intellectual curiosity and impeccable musicianship. Introductions to the music played were helpfully informative and often humorous.

In response to the audience’s enthusiastic applause, we were treated to a lively encore. Thus, we left with the magic of their music-making lingering in our heads whilst wondering where their apparently inexhaustible energy came from.

Kosmos perform on Thursday October 23rd, 8pm, at The Band on the Wall, 25 Swan St, Manchester M4 5JZ.


‘14 Years Ago’: Bandoneon Festival held in Germany in October 2000

The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending October 13th 2000 included an article about the forthcoming 4th Bandoneon Festival. Invented in Germany in 1834 by Heinrich Band, the bandoneon – a first cousin of the accordion – was adopted by tango musicians in South America, particularly Argentina. There are some accordionists worldwide who also play the bandoneon.

4th Bandoneon Festival – Germany
Contributed by Jürgen Eichendorf

The 4th Bandoneon Festival, organized by the Krefeld Office for Cultural Affairs, will take place in the Cultural Centre ‘Fabrik Heeder’, from October 21st to November 10th featuring South American tango music. Events include a photo exhibition by Cologne photographer Simone Szymanski, a free lesson by the ‘La Cumparasita’ Tango School and a variety of concerts. Performers include ‘Trio Pantango’ (with Guillermo Destaillats - bandoneon), who will play tango dance music, ‘Tipica Veritango Sextet’ (with bandoneon player Alfredo Marcucci) performing ‘Epoqua de Oro’ - Tango Argentino music with its strong rhythm and warm melancholic sound, ‘Quinteto Locura Tanguera’ (Rotterdam Conservatory) playing Astor Piazzolla works and who also intertwine elements from jazz and classical music with new compositions. This group won the ‘Erasmus Jazz Award 1999’.

On the final day the ‘Grupo Porteno’ quartet (headed by Argentinean bandoneon player Miguel Fernandez) will play original music from the 1920s, traditional milongas and waltzes, with lots of rhythm and feeling.


Future events

Feliksas Bajoras Celebration Concert, Vilnius – Lithuania

Raimondas Sviackevicius with Lithuanian Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra
Feliksas BajorasPicture above: Raimondas Sviackevicius and the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra.

On Friday October 10th, 7pm, there will be a symphonic concert at the Lithuanian National Philarmonic Hall, Vilnius, which will be a celebration of the music of the composer Feliksas Bajoras (picture right), in his 80th year.

The concert involves Rusne Mataityte, Raimondas Sviackevicius, Asta Krikšciunaite, Nora Petrocenko, Tomas Pavilionis, Tadas Girininkas, LNSO, choir Aidija, the choir of the National M. K. Ciurlionis School of Arts, and maestro Robertas Šervenikas, the promoter of Lithuanian music.

Among other important symphonic works, the program includes a performance of ‘Promise’, a concerto for accordion and symphony orchestra commissioned and premiered by accordionist Raimondas Sviackevicius in 2007. This will be performed by Raimondas Sviackevicius with the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Robertas Servenikas.


Video: Marc Pircher, October Performances - Austria

Video 1
Video 2
Video 1: 2014 concert performance, Die Musi und du 2014.
Video 2: Published on Mar 3, 2012
1) Marc Pircher: Hit-Medley
- Hey Diandl Spürst Es So Wie I
- Ich Schwör
- Lady Unbekannt
- Sieben Sünden
2) Zellberg Buam: He Nachbarin
3) Marc Pircher, Zellberg Buam & Andy Borg : Heut' Kommen D'Engerln Auf Urlaub Nach Wien

The very popular Austrian entertainer Marc Pircher even has his own festival. The annual Marc Pircher festival takes place from 9th to 17th June 2015 in the holiday region of Mayrhofen-Hippach im Zillertal, Tirol statt, with the main dates being 12th to 14th June.

In addition to the concerts of Marc Pircher & Band in the Festhalle Berghof in Mayrhofen, other groups are performing including: Stargäste Kastelruther Spatzen, Zellberg Buam, Die fidelen Mölltaler, Claudia Jung, Die Amigos, Stefan Roos, Pfundskerle.

October performances by Marc Pircher:

Sa, 11. Oktober 2014 - 11:00 Uhr, A-1160 Wien - Ottakring, Interspar - Sandleiten - Center, Weiters mit dabei: Orig. Zillertaler
"Oktoberfest 2014" (Solo).

Sa, 11. Oktober 2014 20:00 Uhr, A-3341 Ybbsitz (NÖ), GH "Zum goldenen Hirschen" mit Stargast: Francine Jordi, "Volkstümlicher Abend mit Marc Pircher 2014" (Duo).

Mo, 13. Oktober 2014 -20:00 Uhr, Kastelruth (Südtirol), Riesen-Festzelt, "Musik-Gala für Stoll-Reisen" (Solo + Moderation).

Mi, 15. Oktober 2014 - 12:30 Uhr, A-6271 Uderns (Zillertal), Hotel Pachmair, "Marc Pircher - Stimmungsauftritt" (Solo).

Fr, 17. Oktober 2014 - 21:15 Uhr, CH-7243 Pany i. Prättigau (Schweiz), Festhalle "MZH", "4. Hitschi's Musikanten Strauss" (Solo).

Sa, 18. Oktober 2014 - 20:00 Uhr, B-8370 Blankenberge (Belgien), Casino, "Schlagerparade 2014" (mit Orchester).

Mi, 22. Oktober 2014 -12:30 Uhr, A-6271 Uderns (Zillertal), Hotel Pachmair, "Marc Pircher - Stimmungsauftritt" (Solo).

Fr, 24. Oktober 2014 - 20:00 Uhr, D-66386 St. Ingbert, Stadthalle, Infos u. Karten bei Knut Schubert - Tel.: +49(0)170/307 40 27,
"Benefizveranstaltung für die Lebenshilfe St. Ingbert e.V." (Duo).

Sa, 25. Oktober 2014 - 22:00 Uhr, NL-6442 PB Brunssum (Niederlande), Festzelt, "Brunssumse Oktoberfest 2014" (Solo).

Mi, 29. Oktober 2014 - 12:30 Uhr, A-6271 Uderns (Zillertal), Hotel Pachmair, "Marc Pircher - Stimmungsauftritt" (Solo).

Fr, 31. Oktober 2014 - 20:00 Uhr, A-6290 Mayrhofen (Zillertal), Europahaus, "Ball der Lebenshilfe Ramsau im Zillertal" (Duo).


World War One Commemorative Show, Québec – Canada

Steve NormandinOn Saturday October 11th, 8pm, at the salle D'Youville, Palais Montcalm, Québec, the trio Steve Normandin (accordion and vocals), Maxim Bernard (piano), and Éric Leblanc (narrator), will perform songs and literary extracts from the 1914-18 First World War years.

For further information email: info@palaismontcalm.ca


Festival of Saltarello, Paliaroli - Italy

Festival of Saltarello, Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th October, Paliaroli.


Erika plays for dancing, Rochefort – Belgium

Erika – “the princess of the accordion” – and Jean-Marie on keyboard, play for dancing on Sunday October 12th, 3pm, at the Salle Le Velodrome, Rochefort, Belgium.


Motion Trio Concert, Krakow – Poland

Motion Trio
The Motion Trio perform on Sunday October 12th, 7pm, at Kijow Centrum (a cinema), Krakow, Poland. This concert is part of the Grechuta Festival.

Formed in 1996, the highly successful Motion Trio are Janusz Wojtarowicz, Pawel Baranek, and Marcin Galazyn. They continually explore the new possibilities of the accordion in their performances and recordings, changing the way that it is perceived. Their concerts are musical performances that contain action and drama.

For further information email: kijow@kijowcentrum.pl


Mario Tacca in Concert in New York - USA

Mario TaccaPopular accordionist Mario Tacca, and his wife, acclaimed vocalist Mary Mancini, will perform all styles of music from Broadway, standards, pop to opera with guitarist Mike Caruso and drummer Ricci Saracino on Friday, 10th October, 8 to 10:30 PM.

The concert takes place at the Bean Runner Cafe on 201 South Division Street,
Peekskill, New York. Admission is $15.00.

Enjoy the intimate setting and have a little dinner while you are lavishly entertained.

For reservations: 914-737-1701

For further information: marytmancini@msn.com


Mary Tokarski and Nathan Chapeton at Brooklyn Accordion Club - USA

Mary Tokarski and Nathan ChapetonThe Brooklyn Accordion Club write: Save the date for this October meeting! We will have two special guests: Concert accordionist Mary Tokarski and her student Nathan Chapeton (14 years old), who will be representing the U.S. and competing in the Junior Virtuoso Entertainment category at the 2014 Coupe Mondiale late October, in Austria.

Sunday, October 12th, 2-4pm at 61 Local (61 Bergen Street, Brooklyn)
Suggested donation: 1-3 dollars (pay what you can!)

Mary Tokarski will provide us a workshop "Technic - Your Style, Your Way", and Nathan will perform his program for the competition.

If you are interested in performing a piece or two at the meeting, please email us! Beginners and first timers are also welcome.


Declan Aungier plays for dancing – Irish Republic

Declan AungierAccordionist Declan Aungier plays for dancing this weekend, as follows:

Friday October 10th - Ballykelly Community Centre, New Ross, County Wexford
Saturday October 11th - Old Brog Bar, Killimer, County Clare
Sunday October 25th, 3.30pm until 6pm - Walter Raleigh Hotel, Youghal, County Cork
Sunday October 26th, 9pm until 12pm – Premier Ballroom, Thurles, County Tipperary

Declan Aungier became All-Ireland Under 18 Piano Accordion Champion in 1987. He then switched to the 5-row Continental button accordion, and works as a solo entertainer, with many recordings to his credit, providing music ranging from Country and Irish, Irish traditional music, and music from the present day, including some jazz. Also skilled on keyboards, piano and guitar, Declan is church organist in his home village of Rathangen, County Kildare.

For further information email: declan@declanaungier.com


Vincent LHermet ‘L'Harmonie selon Rameau’ Recitals, Lille, Puteaux – France

Vincent LHermetFrench accordionist Vincent LHermet performs two recitals in mid-October to honour the 250th anniversary of the death of the composer Jean-Philippe Rameau. The details are:

October 15th, 6pm - world premiere of 5 new works for solo accordion by Tomas Bordalejo, Philippe Hersant, Martin Iddon, Florent Motsch and Mikel Urquiza; works by Jean-Philippe Rameau (e minor suite, g minor suite, Pièces de clavecin en concert), Opera Lille, 2 Rue des Bons Enfants, Lille

October 16th, 12.15pm until 1.15pm – Tours Société Générale, Auditorium, 17 cours Valmy, La Défense, Puteaux, same programme as above

Vincent LHermet (born 1987) graduated from the Sibelius Academy of Helsinki, Finland, and is the first ever accordionist to be admitted to the Doctorate of Music Performance (PhD) at the Conservatoire at Sorbonne University, Paris.

He has many competition successes to his credit, regularly performs worldwide as a soloist with orchestras and ensembles, and is currently teaching accordion at the Boulogne-Billancourt Conservatoire and the Pôle Supérieur d’Enseignements Artistiques in Lille.

For further information email: lhermet.vincent@gmail.com


Fundraising Event for Coupe Mondiale Competitor Alexandra Reekie - New Zealand

Basso Ostinato by Viktor Vlasov
Video above of 2014 South Pacific Junior Accordion Champion Alexandra Reekie (13 years) performing Basso Ostinato by Viktor Vlasov.

Fundraiser on the 18th October 2014. These are a great fun night, so have a good time in support of a worthy cause.


Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society’s Oktoberfest, Virginia - USA

‘Bayrisch and Steirisch
Cody McSherryOn October 19th the WMAS will host its 10th annual Oktoberfest in Falls Church, Virginia. This year’s celebration should be a real delight with the German/Austrian dance group ‘Bayrisch and Steirisch’ performing for us, our members playing Bavarian waltzes and polkas, playing together with music from our club’s Oktoberfest Music Book, and enjoying our special guest artist, eleven-year-old Cody McSherry.

Cody plays the Austrian diatonic accordion, the ‘Steirische Harmonika’, and the piano accordion beautifully, plus he is an accomplished Bavarian folk dancer. If you are in the Washington, DC area, please join us for good food, great music and dancing!

For further information email: joangrauman@verizon.net


Soraya Ravenle and Libertango Concert, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil

Soraya Ravenle and her band Libertango
Brazilian singer and actress Soraya Ravenle and her band Libertango perform a concert of Argentine tango songs and music on October 20th, 9pm, at the Theatre NET Rio, Rua Siqueira Campos, Rio de Janeiro.

The band Libertango group, formed by Argentinean pianist Estela Caldi and two of his sons, Alexander Caldi (saxophones and flutes) and Marcelo Caldi (accordion), both Brazilian and renowned instrumentalists and arrangers in Rio de Janeiro. Libertango have recently released their 4th album, ‘Tangos hermanos’.


John Conolly @ Midway Folk Club, Stockport – UK

John Conolly, singer, songwriter, button accordionist and guitarist, is the guest at the Midway Folk Club on Monday October 20th, 8.30pm. The venue is The Midway public house, 263 New Bridge Lane, Stockport, Cheshire SK1 2NX.

Conolly’s best known song is 'Fiddlers Green', written in 1966. Since then he has been a stalwart of the Grimsby, Lincolnshire and UK folk scenes, contributing many more classics to the folk repertoire; songs such as 'The Grimsby Lads', 'The Trawling Trade', 'Punch and Judy Man' and 'Send Us A Postcard'. His well-crafted songs and his easy-going charm and sense of humour, make him a firm favourite with audiences.


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