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Weekly News from Around the World - 10-Oct-2008
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CMA Trophee Mondiale - Bosnia & Herzegovina
“Music Reality Show” & Concerts, Castelfidardo – Italy
New Edition of ‘Castelfidardo and the History of the Italian Accordion’ – Italy
New Degree Level Courses in Accordion, Glasgow – UK
Renaldo Capaldi Passes Away, Cheltenham – UK

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New Addition to Frosini Society Archive - Sweden
‘Mistinguett, Madonna et moi’, Paris - France

Future events

Richard Galliano at Paris Jazz Festival – France
Marocco in Moscow and Rostov – Russia
From Australia to the Mid-West, to Salt Lake City – USA
Tom & Jerry’s Cheese Cake Polka Dance, Wisconsin - USA
Gorka Hermosa Concerts – Spain
Victor Prieto’s Late October Diary, New York - USA

New and Updated Sites

New Music - 'Salut d'Amour', 'Ave Verum Corpus'
New Music - 'Jazz it Around', 'Waltz for the Young'

CD Reviews


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CMA Trophee Mondiale - Bosnia & Herzegovina

The 58th Trophée Mondiale organised by the Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) was held in Eastern Sarajevo, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina from October 1st to 5th.

The event organizer was Bosnian delegate to CMA Zoran Rakic under the auspices of the Academy of Music of the University in Eastern Sarajevo. Full report, photographs and results is on the CMA website.

The event held at the World Business Centre in Eastern Sarajevo attracted a record number of competitors and representatives from 19 countries: Italy, Serbia, France, Macedonia, Spain, Slovenia, Portugal, Montenegro, New Zealand, Russia, USA, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Croatia, Belarus, Norway, Austria, Switzerland and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Trophée Mondiale Senior Classique winner was Dimitri Bouclier (France - picture left), with Grayson Masefield (New Zealand - picture right) 2nd, and Miodrag Dordevic (Serbia), 3rd.

Grayson Masefield, the only competitor to be in two categories, won 1st in the Trophée Mondiale Senior Varieté category ahead of Adragna Pietro, 2nd (Italy), with Benoit Chabod (France) in 3rd place.

Full report, photographs and results of all the categories is on the CMA website.


“Music Reality Show” & Concerts, Castelfidardo – Italy

2008 Photographs & Results Daily Reports Coming Soon

Castelfidardo has big changes and lots of new events as we near the start of the 33rd Castelfidardo International Accordion Festival which begins on Monday 13th October. This year sees the introduction of many free shows that will be of interest to everyone - not only accordion fans.

There will be many areas around the city hosting events, and especially, there is great interest in the prefabricated beautiful exhibition house at Porta Marina, where 24 hours per day, a group of competitors will live for a week as part of the "Accordion Music" reality show. The house measures 6 meters by 5 with transparent walls allowing the audience to see what happening inside. The contestants will enter on Monday evening during the inaugural event. Each day famous musicians will enter the house to visit the contestants.

Other structures will host live concerts and free tastings: one has been built in piazzale Orfeo Burattini: it is known as the Belvedere Live Stage where every day you can listen to good music and taste good food and wine thanks to the sponsors:: Mengascini Nello, Bugari Armando , Big Air di Osimo.

Another structure known as Coffee Arte&Sound is sited in piazzetta Garibaldi, in front of the Atelier Chambre of Massimiliano Orlandoni who will provide an exhibition of his works.

Thanks to Beltuna Accordions, to Pasticceria Massimo and to Caffè Lavazza, every day will be full of music and good things to eat and drink. In Piazza della Repubblica, corso Mazzini and surrounding streets, flags of all the participating countries will be hanging to give a truly International feel to the Festival.

2008 Photographs & Results Daily Reports



Angel Luis Castaño (www.alcastano.com ) acaba de regresar de Polonia donde ha actuado en el Festival de Música de Otoño de Varsovia junto con la Orquesta de la Radio Televisión Española interpretando la obra "Jonction" de Jagoda Szmythka bajo la dirección del maestro Arturo Tamayo.

Tras este concierto, el próximo domingo 12 de Octubre el Dúo Alio Modo, formado por Angel Luis Castaño, acordeón y David Apellániz, violonchelo ( Profesores ambos del Conservatorio Superior de Música de Aragón (Zaragoza)) ofrecerán un concierto dentro del VIII Festival Internacional de Música Contemporánea de Tres Cantos (Madrid). El concierto se clebrará a las 12,00 horas en el Auditorio de la Casa de Cultura de Tres Cantos y dentro del programa se incluyen obras de Luis De Pablo (Premio Nacional de Música 1991), David del Puerto (Premio Nacional de Música 2005), Flores Chaviano y Gabriel Erkoreka. Igualmente se estrenarán dos obras: "Juegos" de Mª Dolores Malumbres y "Natura Celestis" de Carlos Perón (ambas para violonchelo y acordeón).

Angel Luis Castaño y David Apellániz también actuarán el martes 4 de Noviembre a las 19,00 horas en la Sala de Cultura de Rentería (Guipúzcoa) dentro del ciclo Eresbil Eresiak. Incluirán en el programa obras de Erkoreka, Pärt, Gubaidulina, De Pablo, Escudero y Kuusisto. Varias de estas obras aparecen en su último trabajo discográfico titulado "Perspectivas".

El estreno más importante de este otoño de Angel Luis Castaño, el Espectáculo Musical titulado "Sobre la noche", tendrá lugar el 10 de Noviembre en las Jornadas de Música del S.XX de Segovia (España). Actuarán en el escenario el Trío Rejoice! formado por David del Puerto (guitarra y composición), Carmen Gurriarán (soprano) y Angel Luis Castaño (acordeón). "Sobre la noche" incluye música en directo, electrónica pregrabada, poesía e improvisación.

Más información: infoaliomodo@gmail.com


New Edition of ‘Castelfidardo and the History of the Italian Accordion’ – Italy

On Friday October 17th a new edition of the book ‘Castelfidardo and the History of the Italian Accordion’, a guide for the International Accordion Museum, will be released. The publication, written and extensively updated by accordion celebrity Beniamino Bugiolacchi, is now available in the Italian and English languages.

The first copies will be available on October 17th at the Museum of the Accordion in Castelfidardo, Piazza della Repubblica 1.

Beniamino Bugiolacchi is the author of many publications and articles about the accordion such as: ‘Castelfidardo and the Story of the Accordion’, ‘The Fascinating Story of the Accordion’, and ‘Castelfidardo in Postcards’.

In 1981 he was a founder of the ‘nternational Museum of the Fisarmonica’ (accordion) in Castelfidardo, and is still a Director. This museum is visited by many thousands of accordion enthusiasts each year, and is one of the most important museums for accordion in the world.


New Degree Level Courses in Accordion, Glasgow – UK

The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow, Scotland, has started a degree level course for accordion, open to both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Djordje Gajic has been appointed as Professor and will be in charge of the course. All the information about the course can be obtained at www.rsamd.ac.uk. More details are available from head of keyboard studies Aaron Shore or from Djordje Gajic.

For further information email: gajic@talktalk.net


Renaldo Capaldi Passes Away, Cheltenham – UK

Renaldo Capaldi, from Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, passed away on Sunday October 5th 2008 at the age of 70.

Born in 1938 into a musical family, Renaldo (known to his friends as Ron) was the son of Carmino Capaldi, who with his brother Nick, formed the Capaldi Bothers, a leading accordion duo touring variety theatres in the late 1920s and 30s.

Renaldo Capaldi was a significant concert accordionist, teacher, Accordion Times editor, NAO adjudicator, BCA examiner during his career.

Renaldo Capaldi full CV.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

New Addition to Frosini Society Archive - Sweden

The Frosini Society, founded and organised by Swedish accordionist Lars Ek (picture right), exists to preserve and promote the music of American-Italian accordion composer Pietro Frosini (1885-1951), plus contemporaries.

The Frosini Society maintains a website containing a large amount of information, music, videos and photographs. The website information is written in English and Swedish.

The latest addition to the sheet music archive is the ‘Army and Navy March’, by Frosini.

For further information email: info@frosinisociety.org


‘Mistinguett, Madonna et moi’, Paris - France

A spectacular musical production titled ‘Mistinguett, Madonna et moi’, starring the singer Caroline Loeb and accordionist Patrick Brugaliéres, runs throughout October, November and December at the Théâtre des Blancs Manteaux,15, rue des Blancs Manteaux, Paris 75004. Performances take place on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 10pm.

Patrick Brugaliéres (born 1960) began playing the accordion aged 5, and was later taught at Jacques Mornet’s accordion school. He is well known as a composer and arranger, has led his own dance orchestra, and also plays the bandoneon.


Future events

Richard Galliano at Paris Jazz Festival – France

richard_gallianoOn October 17th, 8.30pm, the Richard Galliano 4tet performs at Salle Gaveau, 45-47 rue de la Boetie, 75008 Paris, in a concert that is part of the Paris Jazz Festival.

For further information email: jvcjazzfestival@looproductions.com


Marocco in Moscow and Rostov – Russia

On December 16th legendary American accordionist Frank Marocco will appear on stage at the Gorki State Academic Theater in Rostov, organized by the International Music Foundation ‘Harmony’. Before coming to Rostov, Frank Marocco will perform two concerts in Moscow, at the Bayan and Bayanists Festival.

With Frank Marocco will be the American accordionists John Simkus and Stas Venglevski. This duo will play in the first part of the concerts and Frank Marocco - the king of improvisation, will be performing the second part of the concert.

Frank Marocco has performed with such greats as Luciano Pavarotti, Madonna, Maxim Shostakovich, and other star soloists as well as famous jazz ensembles, symphony orchestras and pop groups.

Playing together with Frank Marocco in Rostov will be the famous Rostov Jazz Quartet ‘New Sentropezn’, led by Aram Rustamyants, to round out a concert that is expected to be sell out well before December 16th.


From Australia to the Mid-West, to Salt Lake City – USA

Former Australian and South Pacific Champion, Australia's dynamic, visually impaired virtuoso accordionist and entertainer, Bernadette Conlon, who who now performs simply as Bernadette, will perform for the Salt Lake City Area Accordion Club on October 21st.

This refreshing, young accordionist is known for her "amazing technique and heartfelt renditions", (‘Accordiana’, February 2008) is returning to the stage again after marrying and moving to the USA. Her extensive range of CD's remains available online.

For further information and to book Bernadette for an appearance, email: bernadette.zabawa@hotmail.com


Tom & Jerry’s Cheese Cake Polka Dance, Wisconsin - USA

On Saturday October 11th, 7.30pm until 11.30pm, the band Polish Connection plays for dancing at Tom & Jerry’s Ballroom, Highway 64, Gilman, WI (just north of Thorp, WI).

For further information email: mossak@popp.net


Gorka Hermosa Concerts – Spain

Spanish accordionist Gorka Hermosa performs as follows:

November 2nd – Salamanca, duo with flamenco guitarist José Luis Montón: ‘Bach by Bulerías’
November 7th - Alcañiz (Teruel), Gorka Hermosa Trío: Bach, Messiaen and Piazzolla
November 9th – Almería, Gorka Hermosa Trío: Bach, Messiaen and Piazzolla

For further information email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


Victor Prieto’s Late October Diary, New York - USA

victor_prietoNew York-based Spanish accordionist Victor Prieto appears as follows in late October:

October 27th, 11.30pm – Colbert Report, television show – a presentation of Chinese American cellist Yo-Yo Ma and Spanish bagpipes player and pianist Cristina Pato’s new CD ’Songs of Joy & Peace’, Sony Records, BMG. Victor Prieto – accordion, Carlo de Rosa – bass, and John Hadfield – percussion are featured on the recording.

October 28th - Brooks Center for Performing Arts, South Carolina Victor Prieto performs with violinist Regina Carter, and Chris Lightcap – bass, and Alvester Garnett, drums.

October 30th, 8pm – La Lanterna BND, New York; Alexis Cuadrado Trio Iberico: Alexis Cuadrado – bass, Brad Shepik – guitar, Victor Prieto – accordion.

For further information email: vpcruz@gmail.com


New and Updated Sites

New Music - 'Salut d'Amour', 'Ave Verum Corpus'

Peter Wilk - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator, releases 6 new works for accordion available for purchase online, 'Salut d'Amour', 'Ave Verum Corpus', 'Nimrod', 'Valse Romantique', 'Happy Poppa Polka' and 'Days Gone By'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


New Music - 'Jazz it Around', 'Waltz for the Young'

Peter Piccini - accordionist, composer, arranger, performer, releases 4 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Jazz it Around', 'Waltz for the Young', 'Evelyn Polka' and 'Hot Tango'. Samples of theses music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews


encore_cdRomano Viazzani is an accordion teacher and a popular performer on the UK accordion circuit.

CD Reviews Index.


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