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Weekly News from Around the World - 10-Jan-2014
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51. Internationaler Akkordeonwettbewerb Klingenthal 2014 - Deutschland
Welt Akkordeon Tag Termine - Finnland
"Martynas ' Classic FM als CD des Jahres bewertet & Tour Daten - USA, Mexiko
Coupe Mondiale Webseite Aktualisiert in deutscher Sprache - Finnland
Krist Novoselic, Nirvana in Rock’n Roll Hall of Fame - USA

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Happy New Year 2014 gift video - Netherlands
Marco Lo Russo in Poland
Video: Armando Rizzo at Mengascini Accordions - Italy
Video: Gianluca Pica Performs his Composition "Silhouette" - Italy
Video: Aydar Gaynullin Performing in Novosibirsk - Russia
Video: Jérôme Robert - The Zimbola - France
Video and Updated Website: Yury Kazakov (Retired) Concert Artist - Russia
Video: "Aproksimato br 5"-Bashkim Shehu (Albanian Accordions) - Albania
Video: TVP Polonia, Ryszard Rynkowski Performs "Gdybym miał gitarę" - Poland
‘14 Years Ago’: Accordions Worldwide staff meeting in New Zealand

Future events

‘The Bellows Ball’, New York – USA
‘Accords des Montagnes’ Festival, La Bresse - France
Marco Lo Russo Concert, Piacenza – Italy
Marko Kassl January Diary Dates, Dortmund, Nuremberg - Germany
Mairtin O’Connor Band Concert, Lancashire – UK
Jean Dauvain on ‘Sur Un air D’Accordeon’ TV Show – France
Paul Chamberlain Recital, Scotland – UK
Harry Hussey & Lily’s Weepers @ North Staffs Accordion Club – UK
Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA
Motion Trio Concert, Krakow – Poland
Sergio Scappini Digital Accordion Course - Italy

CD Reviews

Accordion - Black Orpheus CD by Nihad Hrustanbegovic, Accordion

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Rob HowardWillkommen im 2014. Akkordeons Weltweit wird sich auch in diesem neuen Jahr bemühen alle Akkordeon-Enthusiasten über Events, wo immer diese auch stattfinden, zu informieren. Bitte halten Sie uns auf dem Laufenden über Ihre Akkordeon-Aktivitäten und stellen Sie diese unserer großen Akkordeongemeinschaft wöchentlich vor! Alle Einträge bei Akkordeon Weltweit sind kostenlos – nützen Sie diese Gelegenheit!
An alle unsere Leser – ein gutes, gesundes und erfolgreiches neues Jahr!


51. Internationaler Akkordeonwettbewerb Klingenthal 2014 - Deutschland

Klingenthal header
51st International Accordion Competition Klingenthal BookletMayor of Klingenthal Thomas Hennig and Klingenthal Competition Director Manfred GàblerDer 51. Internationale Akkordeonwettbewerb Klingenthal wird vom 12. bis 18. Mai 2014 stattfinden. Bild rechts : Bürgermeister von Klingenthal Thomas Hennig und der langfristig amtierende Klingenthal Wettbewerbsletier Manfred Gäbler.

Die Veranstaltung bietet :
- Internationale Wettbewerbskategorien für Solisten und Gruppen, für Konzert-und Unterhaltungsmusik, für Kinder und anderen Kategorien.

Information über die Regelungen der Kategorien unter: 2014Kling

Die Veranstaltung bietet auch Konzerte mit bekannten Künstlern und einer internationalen Jury von angesehenen Lehrern.

Klingenthal, ist bekannt als Musikstadt, am Fuße des Aschberges in der wunderschönen r-Region Vogtland nahe der Grenze zur Tschechischen Republik.

Klingenthal ist die Wiege des deutschen Akkordeonbaus und im Mai 2014 lädt die Stadt Klingenthal wieder Akkordeonisten aller Nationalitäten und Länder , sowie ihre zahlreichen Freunde ein, am traditionellen Klingenthal Internationale Akkordeonwettbewerb teilzunemen.


Welt Akkordeon Tag Termine - Finnland

CIA header
Patent pictureDer Welt Akkordeon Tag ist eine Initiative der Confederation Internationale des Accordeonistes (CIA) und findet ab 16:30 Uhr GMT Dienstag, den 6. Mai bis 17:00 Uhr Dienstag 7. Mai 2014 statt.

Dieser Zeitplan wurde deshalb so ausgewählt, damit alle Künstler und Verein die Möglichkeit haben, entweder am Nachmittag oder Abends live zu sein.

Der Welt Akkordeon Tag wird von Frederic Deschamps und Grayson Masefield, dem CIA- Präsident Raymond Bodell , dem CIA Generalsekretär Kimmo Mattila und dem CIA- Botschafter Kevin Friedrich unterstützt und gemeinsam präsentiert werden.

Der erste Welt Akkordeon Day fand am 6. Mai 2009 zum Anlass des 180. Geburtstages des Akkordeons statt, als ein Instrument namens " Akkordeon " wurde zum ersten Mal in Wien im Jahre 1829 von Cyrill Damian (Bild links) patentiert wurde.

Dies ist der fünfte Tag des CIA World Akkordeons und das 3. Jahr an dem der Welt Akkordeon Tag mit einem 24-Stunden Streaming Web-TV live Programm von rund um die Welt präsentiert wird.

Bitte besuchen Sie uns für diese jährliche Feier und sehen Sie, wie Akkordeonisten aus aller Welt unseren wunderbares Instrument verehren. Diese globale Veranstaltung dient als spannendes Mittel, um uns gemeinsam in unseren Bemühungen zu unterstützen, das Bewusstsein zu erhöhen um den Status des Akkordeon zu dienen und zu födern!

Ansprechpartner für die Veranstaltung ist Grayson Masefield, CIA Musik Ausschussmitglied unter: gmasefield@gmail.com


"Martynas ' Classic FM als CD des Jahres bewertet & Tour Daten - USA, Mexiko

Martynas Levickis CD coverMartynas LevickisDer Litauische Akkordeonist Martynas Levickis '(der jetzt in London lebt) wurde mit seinem meistverkauftem Album' Martynas " (im Jahr 2013 veröffentlicht) von den Hörern der britischen Radiostation Classical FM zur besten CD des Jahres erkoren.

Martynas Levickis hat gerade erst begonnen mit seiner USA Tour sowie einem Termin in Mexiko mit dem Geiger David Garrett und ist zu sehen:

10.Jänner - Fox Theater, St. Louis, Missouri
12.Jänner – The Midland, Kansas City, Missouri
14.Jänner – Winspear Opera House,Dallas, Texas
15.Jänner – Cullen Theater, Houston, Texas
18.Jänner – Aladdin Theater, Portland, Oregon
19.Jänner – Paramount Theater, Seattle, Washington
21.Jänner – San Jose Civic Auditorium, San Jose, California
22.Jänner – Crest Theater, Sacramento, California
23.Jänner – City National Grove, Anaheim, California
26.Jänner – Balboa Theater, San Diego, California
29.Jänner – Auditorio Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico
12.März - State Theater, Minneapolis, Minnesota
14.März – Riverside Theater, Milwaukie, Minnesota
15.März, 3pm and 8pm - Chicago Theater, Chicago, Illinois
18.März and 19th March – Best Buy Theater, New York
21.März – Benedum Theater, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
22.März – Oakdale Theater, Wallingford, Connecticut
23.März – Hanover Theater, Worcester, Massachusetts
27.März – Symphony Hall, Woodruff Arts Center, Atlanta, Georgia
28.März – Palladium Theater, St Petersburg, Florida
30.März – Center for the Arts, Coral Springs, Florida


Coupe Mondiale Webseite Aktualisiert in deutscher Sprache - Finnland

CIA 2014 Coupe Mondiale header
Raymond Bodell, CIA posterDie Coupe Mondiale Webseite wurde von Kevin Friedrich mit deutscher Übersetzung der wichtigsten Seiten aktualisiert.

Dies war besonders wichtig, als 2014 der 67. Coupe Mondiale und die CIA International 132. Generalversammlung des Delegierten-Kongresses in Salzburg, Österreich vom 27. October bis 2. November 2014 stattfinden wird.

Updates gibt es auch über das 2014-Programm sowie den zusätzliche Leistungen.

Der Coupe Mondiale 2014 wird vom CIA Mitglied aus Österreich, dem Harmonikaverband Österreichs (HVO) gehostet werden. CIA Präsident Raymond Bodell (Bild links) "möchte alle Akkordeonisten aus aller Welt dazu willkommen heißen und verspricht, dass der 2014 Coupe Mondiale sicherlich ein besonderer Event sein wird."

Ausführliche Information über Regeln, Vorschriften gibt es online unter: Coupe Mondiale


Krist Novoselic, Nirvana in Rock’n Roll Hall of Fame - USA

Krist Novoselic, Nirvana
Ein Ausschnitt aus einem Artikel des "The Atlantic", von Hallie Goldene, sagt:

Wenn die Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, später in diesem Jahr Krist Novoselic prämiert, wird es eine gut getimte Anerkennung sein. Nicht für seine Band - Nirvana braucht diesbzüglich keine Werbung mehr, jedoch für sein Instrument.

Krist Novoselic wird wohl der erste dort integrierte Akkordeonist sein, eine Ehre, die zu einer Zeit kommt, wo das Akkordeon ein markantes Wiederaufleben in seiner Popularität erlebt.

Stolze Akkordeon-Exzentriker wie wie Mumford & Sons, Arcade Fire und The Lumineers gewinnen Grammys und sind in den Top-Charts. Ältere wie Flogging Molly, They Might Be Giants, und Neutral Milk Hotel, genießen jetzt den gehegten-Kult-Status-Symbol.

Akkordeon „Ewiggestrigen“ und Einzelhändler sagen, es fühlt sich wirklich wie ein Comeback für das Instrument an, dessen früheren Blütezeit in den 60er Jahren endete.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Happy New Year 2014 gift video - Netherlands

Happy New Year 2014 gift video from Domonique Paats (accordion), Noah Schaefer, Romino Gruenholz and Paulus Schaefer. A special wish for you all from our heart.


Marco Lo Russo in Poland

Marco Lo RussoItalian accordionist Marco Lo Russo ended 2013 with a successful tour of Poland, where he and the singer Agnieszka Chrzanowska, promoted a new single ‘Nostalgia The Ty’, taken from the album ‘Piosenki do mezczyzny’ (Songs for the man).

The single, produced by the East Polskie Nagrania record label, has also reached Italy, thanks to intense programing carried on Radio RAI-3.

The concerts held in Poland during the first days of December were the forerunners of a forthcoming European tour, which will start from Poland, and which will see the two artists engaged for most of 2014.

Marco Lo Russo ended the year by performing on December 27th at the Collegiate Church of San Michele Arcangelo, in Sermoneta, Italy, an event that was part of ‘Inferences D'Arte’ - an exhibition of visual arts and cultural events.

The concert saw Marco Lo Russo perform with the duo La Boquita - Silvia Basurto (vocals and percussion) and Paulo Uccelli (stringed instruments and flutes). The concert was a mix of flamenco, Arabic music, Hindu, Mexican, Argentine tango and Latin American music.

Marco Lo Russo first met the duo in Cuba last October, during the IV Festival de Música de Cámara Leo Brouwer, and they also met later in July during a tour of Mexico.

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Video: Armando Rizzo at Mengascini Accordions - Italy

Armando Rizzo accordionist at Mengascini Accordions test the Mengascini f21 wood, double bassoon (16ft - low) treble reeds model accordion.


Video: Gianluca Pica Performs his Composition "Silhouette" - Italy

The irrepressible and popular Gianluca Pica made this teaching example video for his student (Alessio Giaccherini). The work is a variete style composition by Gianluca Pica, titled "Silhouette".


Video: Aydar Gaynullin Performing in Novosibirsk - Russia

International competition winner Aydar Gaynullin is a musician with many talents, and I was most surprised to learn that he is also an opera tenor as you can hear in this video of an October 2008 concert in Novosibirsk.

Aydar Gaynullin is now a well known composer, winner of several prestigious international accordion competitions, winner of many awards, Academy of Motion Picture Arts, and the composer of award winning film music.


Video: Jérôme Robert - The Zimbola - France

Published on Sep 24, 2013. Extract from his DVD - The Zimbola - CD, DVD and sheet music available on the website: www.jerome-robert.fr


Video and Updated Website: Yury Kazakov (Retired) Concert Artist - Russia

Video above: Yury Kazakov performing "Variations on a Ukrainian Theme".

Yury Kazakov website: Håkan Widar (Sweden) has just made many updates and improvements on the website for his friend, very famous Russian bayan player Yury Kazakov. The site inludes unique private sound clips, photos etc. all given to Håkan Widar by Yury Kazakov.

Yury Kazakov is now 89 on 24th December 2013, so while he is no longer actively performing, he surely a living legend!
Yuri Kazakov website


Video: "Aproksimato br 5"-Bashkim Shehu (Albanian Accordions) - Albania

Published on Dec 26, 2013. "Albanian Accordions" is an instrumental formation created in 2009, but its beginnings are earliest and related with the school of arts "Onufri", Elbasan.

The Passion of the pedagogue of accordion at the University of Arts Tirana Mr. Elton Balla aroused the interest of many young instrumentalists to be part of the "Albanian Accordions".

The main players of the "Albanian Accordions" are:
Elton Balla, Renato Kodra, Gersian Shero, Armand Ferra, Klajdi Cerriku, Enrik Topçiu, Erand Kurani, Mirjan Sulovari.

In this video they're performing "Aproksimato br5" a composition by Bashkim Shehu.


Video: TVP Polonia, Ryszard Rynkowski Performs "Gdybym miał gitarę" - Poland

Ryszard Rynkowski Performs Gdybym mial gitare (If I had a Guitar) on TVP Polonia.


‘14 Years Ago’: Accordions Worldwide staff meeting in New Zealand

AWW logoThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending January 14th 2000 – the first of the new millennium – included news of a meeting of AWW staff in New Zealand. Since 1996 AWW has worked hard on behalf of accordionists around the globe, and continues happily to the present time.

Accordions Worldwide Team Meets Down Under - New Zealand

Several members of the Accordions Worldwide staff met in the far north of New Zealand, at the tiny summer resort, Bayly's Beach. Discussions covered all the Accordions Worldwide sites including Accordions Worldwide (the largest accordion site on the internet), Accordion Links (the world's largest accordion links site), Search-Accordion (a search engine dedicated to accordion sites) and the Accordion Yellow Pages, which includes tens of thousands of listings of instruments, teachers, performers, etc.

Another exciting venture on the news front is the development of the National News sites. Accordions Worldwide is sponsoring sites in several countries including the USA, France, Germany and Italy, with more on the way.

Attendees included AWW founder and owner Harley Jones, Web Master Wayne Knights, News Coordinator Christine Adams, Office Manager Tatiana Lanchtchikova, Europe Manager Holda Paoletti-Kampl, German representative Uli Ebner and US Manager Kevin Friedrich.


Future events

‘The Bellows Ball’, New York – USA

‘The Bellows Ball’ poster‘The Bellows Ball’ takes place on Saturday January 11th, 9pm, at Sobs, 204 Varick St, New York.

Performing will be the accordion-driven bands Banda Magda, Matuto, and Jeffrey Broussard and The Creole Cowboys.


‘Accords des Montagnes’ Festival, La Bresse - France

‘Accords des Montagnes’ Festival programme
‘Accords des Montagnes’ Festival posterThe 7th ‘Accords des Montagnes’ festival takes place from January 12th to 17th at La Bresse, France, involving concerts and dancing.

Accordionists performing include James Leseur, Frederic Buch, Zinzin, Thierry Bonnefous, Pierre Peribois, Laurent Micelotto, and Johann Rich & Beltuner.


Marco Lo Russo Concert, Piacenza – Italy

Marco Lo RussoOn Sunday January 12th, 5pm, accordionist and composer Marco Lo Russo performs with an orchestra at the Fonfazione Teatri di PIacenza, Italy. The programme includes ‘Jazz Suite No 2’, by Dimitri Shostakovich.

For further information email: biglietteria@teatripiacenza.it


Marko Kassl January Diary Dates, Dortmund, Nuremberg - Germany

Marko KasslAustrian accordionist Marko Kassl performs as follows during January:

January 16th, 7.30pm – ‘Fiddler on the Roof’, Opernhaus Dortmund, Theaterkarree 1-3, D-44137 Dortmund
January 19th, 11.15am – New Museum, Luitpoldstr. 5, D-90402 Nuremberg
January 24th, 7.30pm - ‘Fiddler on the Roof’, Opernhaus Dortmund, Theaterkarree 1-3, D-44137 Dortmund
January 26th, 5pm – accordion-piano duo concert (with Shuri Tomita), Evangelical Church Moers-Repelen, An der Linde, D-47445 Nuremberg. For this concert the duo will perform music by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Bernhard Molique, Astor Piazzolla, Olivier Manoury, and two world premieres by Hans-Josef Winkler and Shunsuke Azuma.   

For further information email: info@marko-kassl.de


Mairtin O’Connor Band Concert, Lancashire – UK

Mairtin O’ConnorMairtin O’Connor (diatonic button accordion), Cathal Hayden (fiddle, banjo) and Seamus O’Dowd (guitar, vocals) perform at The Met, Bury, Lancashire, on Thursday January 16th, 8pm.

Máirtín O’Connor, from Galway, is one of Ireland’s leading button accordionists. He was a member of De Danaan in the 1980s, and has also played with Midnight Well, De Dannan, The Boys of the Lough, and Skylark.

His first solo album ‘A Connachtman's Rambles’ (1979) established O’Connor as a top flight solo traditional musician and proved a major critical success, and his further solo recordings ‘Perpetual Motion’ (1990), ‘Chatterbox’ (1993) and ‘The Road West’ (2001) revealed O’Connor to be a composer with great imagination and diversity.

He has worked as a session musician with Rod Stewart, Elvis Costello, Mark Knofler, The Chieftains, The Dubliners, Davy Spillane, Maire Brennan, and the Waterboys.

For further information email: simon.tradmusic@gmail.com


Jean Dauvain on ‘Sur Un air D’Accordeon’ TV Show – France

Jean DauvainOn January 15th, 2.30pm, musette accordionist Jean Dauvain, from Avranches in Normandy, is the guest on the TV show ‘Sur Un air D’Accordeon’ (channel 30 on TNT), presented by Michel Pruvot.


Paul Chamberlain Recital, Scotland – UK

Paul ChamberlainPaul Chamberlain performs a recital at the Old Church of Rannock, Kinloch, Rannock, Perthshire PH16 5GA, Scotland, on Friday January 17th, 7.30pm. His program includes music by JS Bach, Scarlatti, Franck Angelis, von Weber, Khachaturian, Piazzola, and Zolotariev.

Paul Chamberlain was one of the first classical accordionists to graduate from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow, where he studied with Djordje Gajic. He gained a BMus (Hons) degree and has recently graduated from RCS with a Master of Music Performance, with Distinction.

Paul has performed at festivals such as Baltica Harmonica in St. Petersburg, Russia, and Sata-Häme Soi Accordion festival in Ikaalinen, Finland. He has also performed in France, Italy, Greece, Bahrain and the USA.

In 2011, Paul released his debut solo album, ‘Classical Accordion’. This spring he will be making a new recording which will include a mixture of chamber works and solo repertoire, and will be released in July 2014.

For further information email: paul@theaccordionist.com
CD and compositions online at: Paul Chamberlain


Harry Hussey & Lily’s Weepers @ North Staffs Accordion Club – UK

Harry HusseyThe inimitable and popular Harry Hussey joins forces with local jazz group, Lily’s Weepers, for an evening of jazz, at the North Staffs Accordion Club on Tuesday January 21st, 8pm. Admission £4. Venue: The Holditch Miners’ Welfare Club, London Road, Chesterton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire ST5 7PT.

Lily’s Weepers are Peter Robinson (guitar/banjo), Pete Brown (trumpet/vocals), Terry Brunt (trombone/vocals), Lily Lynch (double bass) and Dave Timmis (drums). Oh, yes, there will also be the post-Christmas sherry, mince pies and Christmas cake.

For further information email: stevehg0@gmail.com


Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA

Victor PrietoThe Victor Prieto Trio continue their long running jazz residency on Thursday January 22nd, 9.45pm, at Terraza 7 Live Music, 40-19 Gleane Street, Elmhurst, New York.

With accordionist Victor Prieto for this gig are Jorge Raeder - bass, and Eric Doob – drums.

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Motion Trio Concert, Krakow – Poland

Motion TrioThe Motion Trio perform at the University of Krakow, Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków, Poland, on Thursday January 23rd, 7pm. The members of the trio are accordionists Pawel Baranek, Janusz Wojtarowicz, and Marcin Galazyn.

The Motion Trio’s latest CD, ‘Polonium’, contains music by Polish composers, including Witold Lutoslawski, Krzysztof Penderecki, Wojciech Kilar, Henryk M. Gorecki, and Marty Ptaszynska (a composition dedicated to the Motion Trio).


Sergio Scappini Digital Accordion Course - Italy

A digital accordion course, led by Sergio Scappini, takes place on Saturday January 25th, 2.30pm until 5.30pm, at Aula Magna Scuoli Elentari Nord, via Guisan 7, Bellinzona.

The course includes: welcome to all participants, a brief history of the digital accordion, presentation of technical/construction aspects, musical features, application and development possibilities, a short demonstration concert, and hands-on/questions & answers.


CD Reviews

Accordion - Black Orpheus CD by Nihad Hrustanbegovic, Accordion

Accordion - Black OrpheusCD Reviews Index for the Review of Accordion - Black Orpheus CD by Nihad Hrustanbegovic, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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