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Weekly News from Around the World - 10-Aug-2012
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Comptes-rendus quotidiens 6-10 août pour 2012 Harbin International - Chine
13ème convention internationale annuelle de Las Vegas - USA
All Ireland Fleadh Cheoil, Cavan - Irland
AAA September Valtaro Celebration to Honor Magnanini Family - USA

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Emmanuel Gasser Wins 16 Trophies in Three Competitions - Canada, USA
Jukka-Pekka Kuusela at Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival – Finland
‘14 Years Ago’ – Henry Doktorsi Recording Marks Gershwin Centenary - USA

Future events

João Gentil Concerts - Portugal
Accordions Now! 2012 on August 17-18 in New Hampshire - USA
Quadro Nuevo Concert, Cento (FE) – Italy
Polland’s ‘Akordissimo’ @ Twin City Polish Festival, Minnesota – USA
Erika & Jean-Marie Play for Dancing, Honnelles – Belgium
Lecture Demonstration, Durbanville - South Africa
Victor Prieto Trio Jazz Concert, New York – USA
7th International Avsenik Music Workshop, Begunje - Slovenia
Virginie and Cyril Danrey: DVD filming, Bourgneuf - France

New and Updated Sites

Don Grzanna updated his site
Gary Dahl New and Updated Music - USA
Charnwood Publications Releases New Pieces

CD Reviews

Richness of the Tones CD by Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion)

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Comptes-rendus quotidiens 6-10 août pour 2012 Harbin International - Chine

2012 Harbin International
Prof. Wang HongyuDes comptes-rendus quotidiens avec les résultats des concours de la semaine international de Harbin 2012, qui a eu lieu du 6 au 10 août 2012, sont en ligne sur le site web de Harbin 2012.

Cet important festival international d’accordéon comprenant également des concours remercie ses importants sponsors:

Le Ministère de la Culture de Chine, La République populaire de Chine
Le Gouvernement municipal de Harbin
Le Département de l’Education de la Province de Heilongjiang

Université normale de Harbin

Ressponsable de l’organisation:
Zhang Yongzhou, fu Junlong

Comité d’organisation et directeur artistique Prof. Wang Hongyu (image de gauche)

Vous pouvez lire les comptes-rendus quotidiens sur le site web de Harbin 2012.


13ème convention internationale annuelle de Las Vegas - USA

Las Vegas International Accordion Convention poster
La 13ème convention international anneulle aura lieu du 24 au 27 septembre 2012 à l’hôtel Gold Coast à Las Vegas, Nevada.
De nombreux accordéonistes d’importance seront presents à cette occasion:
Dick Contino, Jeff Lisenby, Stas Venglevski, Mary Tokarski, The Accordion Kings, Amy Jo Sawyer, Peter & Mady Soave, Mario Pedone, Gordon Kohl, Gina Brannelli, Liz Finch, Pete Barbutti ainsi que le 5ème orchestre international d’accordéon Las Vegas, dirigé par la Professeure Joan Cochran Sommers.

Les raisons d’aller à la Convention internationale:
1. Prendre du plaisir et se faire de nouveaux amis internationaux.
2. Voir les dernières nouveautés des fabriques d’accordéon
3. Les nuitées à l’hôtel sont bon marché
4. Se laisser inspirer par les meilleurs
5. Apprendre des Maîtres
6. Participer à l’orchestre international de Las Vegas et jouer lors de la cérémonie de cloture.
Des chambres sont disponibles au gold Coast à partir de 29$/nuit (dim-je) si vous mentionnez LVAC

Tél: +01 801-486-1695

Toutes les informations, l’inscription en ligne et les informations de paiement sont disponibles ici: Las Vegas Accordion Convention


All Ireland Fleadh Cheoil, Cavan - Irland

Le All-Ireland Fleadh Cheoil 2012 a lieu dans la ville de Cavan, County Cavan, du 10 au 20 août.

Organisé par Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (CCE), le Fleadh Cheoil est le plus grand festival du musique irlandaise du monde, avec plus de 200000 personnes attendues d’Irlande et de nombreux autres pays.

Il y aura environ 10000 concurrents et musiciens invites, dont un grand nombre d’accordéonistes, joueurs de melodeon, concertina et harmonica, ainsi que des groupes de ceili et d’accordéon.

Les 170 catégories de concours vont de la dance aux defilés de fanfares – un festival d’une taille olympique. Des petits concerts auront lieu partout, dans chaque pub, hotel, café, rue et tente de rue, tout au long du festival.

Cette année, durant le festival, il y aura un concert de l’accordéoniste Sharon Shannon, accompagné par un orchestre de 40 musiciens, et le groupe irlandais Altan. On pourra aussi assister au lancement du double CD d’accordéonistes jouant de la musique irlandaise sur accordéon piano, ainsi que la lecture et le vernissage d’un livre : ‘Companion to Irish Traditional Music’, écrit par Dr Fintan Vallely.

On estime que ce festival annuel génère entre 20 et 25 millions d’Euros pour l’économie locale de la ville hôte.

Pour plus d’information: info@fleadhcheoil.ie


AAA September Valtaro Celebration to Honor Magnanini Family - USA

Photo du haut: Rachel et Rick Magnanini
Photo de droite: le fondateur de la cave Magnanini, Galba Magnanini
Photo du bas: Les accordéonistes de Valtaro Gelso Pelligrini, Willy Brunelli, Ugo Nati, Peter Spagnoli. 1989

La celebration AAA Valtaro, le 8 septembre 2012, à la cave Magnanini, Wallkill, NY, honorera la Famille Magnanini pour leur soutien continu à l’accordéon et aux concerts d’accordéon dans leur établissement.

J’ai récemment interviewé Rick et Rachel Magnanini au sujet de l’histoire de la cave Magnanini. La vision du père de Rick était d’avoir une entreprise offrant de la bonne nourriture, du bon vin et de la bonne musique accordéonistique. En compagnie de Galba Magnanini, il a pu faire de ce projet une réalité pleine de success. Aujourd’hui, la tradition familiale se perpétue avec baucoup d’engagement grâce à Rick et Rachel Magnanini, avec l’aide de leurs deux fils Robert et David.

Le passé familial est fascinant et vous pouvez en apprendre plus en lisant les nouvelles américaines ici: USA Accordion News: http://www.accordionusa.com/default.aspx?d=01-Jul-2012#art1093

De nombreux accordéonistes se sont produits là-bas, dont: Galba et Gelso Pelligrini, Manny Carallo, Angelo Di Pippo, Charles Nunzio et Ray Oreggio. Rick dit, "Les gens aiment vraiment l’accordéon et apprécient particulièrement la place donnée à l’accordéon à la cave Magnanini.

Mario Tacca, accompagné de Frank Carozza, Dominic Karcic et Frank Toscano jouent actuellement à la cave.

Informations sur la cérémonie du 8 septembre, avec le bulletin d’inscription disponible ici:
AAA or email: AAA1938@aol.com


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Emmanuel Gasser Wins 16 Trophies in Three Competitions - Canada, USA

Emmanuel-GasserEmmanuel Gasser with trophies15 year old Emmanuel Gasser returned home to St.Charles, Ontario, just recently after winning some 15 competitions during the last month.

Emmanuel competed and entertained in Kimberley BC at the International Old Time Accordion Championships, where he won 5 first prizes in the following categories: Intermediate, Junior, Light Classical I, Jazz and Junior Duets with Sonja Hungerford.

After this intensive competition week, he flew to Victoria BC to compete and entertain at the Victoria Accordion Festival where he won 1st prize in all four categories he entered: Category C (Classical) – 18 years old and younger, Category D (Open) – 18 years old and younger, Category E (Classical) – no age restriction and Category F (Open) – no age restriction.

Following that busy week, he proceeded to compete and perform at Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International - ATG in Chicago where he won seven times 1st prize in the following categories: ATG US Solo Junior Championship, ATG Original Solo, ATG Open Solo, ATG Ethnic/Folk Solo, ATG Polka Solo, ATG Jazz Solo, and The 2012 Frank Marocco Competition. He also performed concerts in Edmonton, Alberta, and Eureka, Illinois.

Emmanuel Gasser, in addition to playing, also composes music for the accordion music, and has to date written 36 pieces. He has also been taught to tune and repair accordions by the highly reputed accordion repairman and tuner, Leo Niemi of Sudbury, Canada.

Emmanuel Gasser says “In Music Festivals, the object is not to gain a prize, nor defeat fellow competitors, but to pace one another on the the road to excellence, but that does not mean that the winner should not be happy about his accomplishments and share his joy with others”.


Jukka-Pekka Kuusela at Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival – Finland

Daniel Bonilla-Torres, narrator, Angelika Klas, mezzo-soprano, Jukka-Pekka Kuusela, conductor, and Martin Alvarado, tenor (Astor Piazzolla's María de Buenos Aires)
Recently Jukka-Pekka Kuusela had two important appearances at the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival. On July 25th he was conducting Astor Piazzolla’s famous opera ‘Maria de Buenos Aires’ with an outstanding Finnish bandoneonist, Henrik Sandas, and solo singers Angelika Klas and Martin Alvarado, with Daniel Bonilla-Torres as the narrator.

Picture above from left: Daniel Bonilla Torres (narrator), Angelika Klas (mezzosoprano), Jukka-Pekka Kuusela (conductor), Martin Alvarado (tenor).

On July 28th he performed Edison Denisov’s ‘Des ténèbres à la lumière’ as a solo accordionist. Both performances were very well acclaimed by the public with standing ovations. When he performed Denisov, the world famous string quartets Enesco Quartet and Danel Quartet were playing in the same concert.


‘14 Years Ago’ – Henry Doktorsi Recording Marks Gershwin Centenary - USA

Henry DoktorskiThe centenary of the birth of the composer and pianist George Gershwin (1898-1937) came in 1998, and the Accordions Worldwide news for August 14th featured an article by the American accordionist Henry Doktorski announcing a new CD of Gershwin’s music.

Contributed by Henry Doktorski

U.S. concert accordionist Henry Doktorski and eleven Duquesne University music students recently recorded a compact disc in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Gershwin's birth. Titled ‘A Ragtime Rendition of Gershwin's Rhapsody In Blue’, it includes a ragtime rendition of ‘Rhapsody in Blue’, selections from ‘Porgy and Bess’, as well as selections from his greatest Broadway shows and Hollywood films.

The accordion has a long historical connection with Gershwin's music, from in the early 20th Century. In this CD Doktorski continues this tradition by making what is believed to be the first ever recording of the unabridged Rhapsody featuring accordion with chamber orchestra.


Future events

João Gentil Concerts - Portugal

João GentilAccordionist João Gentil performs this weekend, as follows:

August 10th, 11pm – Praia da Tocha, Piolho
August 11th, 9pm - Grande Hotel Caldas da Felgueira
August 12th, 4pm – Festas Seixo, Mira
August 12th, 6.30pm – Sitio do Cartaxo, Lagoa, Mira

For further information email: joaogentil1@gmail.com


Accordions Now! 2012 on August 17-18 in New Hampshire - USA

Accordions Now!! 2012 Poster
ACCORDIONS NOW! Music Festival is proud and delighted to announce that Paul Ramunni and the New England Accordion Museum, which opened October 2011 in Canaan, have been added to the roster and will be a special part of the festival’s fifth annual celebration August 17-18 at the beautiful Courtyard Nashua, New Hampshire.

ACCORDIONS NOW! 2012's roster is outstanding: Tony Lovello, Christopher Gorton, Brent Buswell, Jeremiah McLane & pianist Annemieke Spoelstra, the 40th anniversary Lowell Accordion Orchestra conducted by Donna Michael, the first ACCORDIONS NOW! Just-for-Fun Play-Along (No Rehearsal) Ensemble, Nancy Leonard, Sam Falcetti, Donna Maria Regis and the Accordions Now Festival Orchestra.

To encourage broader public interest in the accordion, ACCORDIONS NOW! is offering a special 2-for-1 Friday Night Only admission $20.

DEADLINE: Register no later than 11:59 PM EDT Monday, August 13. For further information phone: (603) 216-9582 or Email: AccordionsNow@yahoo.com


Quadro Nuevo Concert, Cento (FE) – Italy

Quadro Nuevo QuartetQuadro Nuevo perform in concert on August 14th, 9.30pm, at the Piazzale della Rocca, Cento, Ferrara, Italy.

Founded in 1996, Quadro Nuevo is a German quartet, composed of Andreas Hinterseher (accordion, vibrandoneon, piano), Robert Wolf (guitar), Mulo Francel (sax, clarinet, mandoline, vibraphone), and D.D. Lowka (acoustic bass, percussion).

For further information email: ogiolda@quadronuevo.de


Polland’s ‘Akordissimo’ @ Twin City Polish Festival, Minnesota – USA

Twin City Polish Festival Banner
The Twin City Polish Festival takes place this weekend, August 11th and 12th, in Minnesota, Minneapolis. Special guests appearing this year will be ‘Akordissimo’, a classical accordion quintet from Poland, part of the larger, renowned Accordion Orchestra ‘CHORD’, of Koszalin. The award winning ‘Akordissimo’ has toured in Poland, Europe and China.

This festival is a celebration of Polish culture and heritage. Entertainment involving accordion players include The Jolly Zuks Polka Band, Kid Polka, Live Wire, Mosaica Folk Ensemble, Polonia Polish Folk Dance Ensemble (Canada), Doctor Kielbasa, Craig Ebel & DyVersaCo, and the Dolina Polish Folk Dancers.

For further information email: information@tcpolishfestival.org


Erika & Jean-Marie Play for Dancing, Honnelles – Belgium

Erika MarieLe dimanche 12 août 2012 à 19h00 sous chapiteau à Honnelles (Belgique) retrouvez la princesse de l'accordéon Erika & Jean-Marie pour un thé dansant Info: 0032(0)475.20.58.04


Lecture Demonstration, Durbanville - South Africa

Stasnislav AngelovThe Durbanville Music Society presents ‘The Accordion - the past, the present and the future’, presented by accordionist Stasnislav Angelov. This takes place at the Rust-en-viede, Restaurant, Durbanville, on August 13th, 7pm until 8.30pm.

Bulgarian-born Stasnislav Angelov has been active in promoting the accordion in South Africa in recent years.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Victor Prieto Trio Jazz Concert, New York – USA

Victor Prieto TrioThe Victor Prieto Trio continue their long running jazz residency at Terraza 7 Live Music, 40-19 Gleane Street, Elmhurst New York, on Thursday August 16th, 9.45pm.

With accordionist Victor Prieto for this gig are Scott Robinson - sax, Jorge Roeder – bass, and Clarence Penn – drums.

Victor says, “Stop by Terraza 7 and enjoy the music of this powerful and unique project. The night will be full of intensity. I am featuring a different artist at Terraza 7 every month, and it is a pleasure and honor to share my music with them”.

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


7th International Avsenik Music Workshop, Begunje - Slovenia

7th International Avsenik Music Workshop Poster
The 7th International Avsenik Music Workshop takes place from August 22nd – 24th at 4275 Begunje na Gorenjskem, Begunje, Slovenia. The workshop includes tuition for piano and button accordion, including diatonic instruments, and other instruments. The event is run by the ethnic folk music organisation Zavod Glasbena Šola Avsenik.

For further information email: gsa@avsenik.com


Virginie and Cyril Danrey: DVD filming, Bourgneuf - France

Virginie and Cyril DanreyTournage du DVD du duo "Virginie et Cyril" le dimanche 26 Aout 2012 de 15h à 18h à la Taverne de l'Arc à Aiton (73). Entrée gratuite pour l'enregistrement ! Merci !


New and Updated Sites

Don Grzanna updated his site

Don GrzannaDon Grzanna updated his site. Video was added to 26 of his music selections available online so you can see and hear the video of the music.


Gary Dahl New and Updated Music - USA

Gary DahlGary Dahl - performer, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following new music titles for purchase on-line.
'Clair De Lune', catalog:DH0233.

Samples for these music are now available at the MusicForAccordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


Charnwood Publications Releases New Pieces

'Carnival in Napoli' sample pageCharnwood Publications releases 5 new pieces by composer Sue Coppard titled,

'Carnival in Napoli', catalog:M680,
'If Only', catalog:M681,
'Lime Daquiri', catalog:M682,
'Lullaby for a Cool Babe in a Hammock', catalog:M683,
'Off to the Ball', catalog:M684.

Samples of the music are available online. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

Richness of the Tones CD by Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion)

Richness of the TonesCD Reviews Index for the Review of Richness of the Tones CD by Esra Pehlivanli (Viola) and Marko Kassl (Accordion), in English language, reviewed by Joan Cochran Sommers.


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