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Weekly News from Around the World - 10-Apr-2015
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Cérémonie d’ouverture de l’Année de l’Accordéon pour la Jeunesse Chinoise 2015 - Pékin
Concours international d’accordéon “Arrasate Hiria”, Arrasate-Mondragón – Espagne
Brandon McPhee félicité par le parlement écossais – Ecosse, Royaume-Uni.
Salon de la Musique de Francfort 2015 - Allemagne
Clôture des inscriptions pour les championnats accordéon du pacifique sud – Nouvelle Zélande

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Motion Trio Perform Balcan Dance - Poland
Calum MacLean (1934-2001), Scotland - UK
Video: Accordion Rock Orchestrion Perform Don't Stop Me Now - Russia
Marco Lo Russo New CD ‘Il grande cinema versione Jazz’, Rome – Italy
Video: Accordion Masterclass, Bach BWV 1060
‘14 Years Ago’: London Accordion Festival announcement in April 2001

Future events

Milos Milivojevic in ‘Swanhunter’, London – UK
Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham’s Tour, England, Isle of Man - UK
Rencontre de l’Accordeon, Halluin – France
Erika’s Tea Dance, Lessines – Belgium
Craven Accordion Orchestra Open Rehearsal, West Yorkshire – UK
Pierre Laval Tango Concert, Bethany – France
Pearl Fawcett-Adriano Concert Dates, Guildford, Barnsley, Stockport – UK
Silvia Olari and Romano Viazzani Concert, London – UK
Shane Brogan French Restaurant Residency, Edinburgh – UK

New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Franco Cambareri New Work Fantasia Rumbesca
Work Titled Koriana Released for Online Sale by Gary Daverne - New Zealand

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Cérémonie d’ouverture de l’Année de l’Accordéon pour la Jeunesse Chinoise 2015 - Pékin

2015 China Youth Accordion Year
CAA and 2015 Youth logosVidéo: Cérémonie d'ouverture chinoise Youth Orchestra Dirigé par Accordéon Chen Weiliang interprétation de la musique de thème pour la Chine 2015 Année de la Jeunesse Accordéon intitulé "We All Love the Accordion" composée par Zhang Tianyu.

La Cérémonie d’ouverture de l’Année de l’Accordéon pour la Jeunesse et du Symposium pour le Développement et l’Innovation dans l’Enseignement de l’Accordéon s’est tenue le 6 avril au Beijing Childrens Palace. Voir le programme complet de 28 pages couleur : 2015ChinaYouth

Le concert présentait des jeunes de 9 à 17 ans qui avaient été invités depuis toute la Chine à rejoindre plus de 100 jeunes accordéonistes de la région de Pékin pour jouer dans des groupes et orchestre d’accordéon lors de ce concert. Les chefs d’orchestre étaient Chen Weiliang et Ji Yuchen du Beijing Childrens Palace et Zhao Wei de la Yong Tai Primary School.

Se produisit également un orchestre composé des professeurs d’accordéon participant au symposium sur l’enseignement de l’accordéon.

Kimmo Mattila, secrétaire général de la Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) (son discours à lire ici : 2015April.pdf ) et le Président de la China Accordion Association (CAA) ainsi que le Vice-Président, le Prof. Li Cong ont ouvert l’évènement devant une salle bondée de parents-supporters et de public.

Un compte-rendu complet du concert avec des vidéos sera joint aux news des prochaines semaines.

Photo ci-dessous : Crystal Wang lit l’inscription sur le beau chandelier tenu par Li Cong et que Kimmo Mattila avait présenté, puis l’allume pour signifier l’ouverture de l’Année de l’Accordéon pour la Jeunesse chinoise.
Presentation, 2015 China Youth Accordion Year Opening


Concours international d’accordéon “Arrasate Hiria”, Arrasate-Mondragón – Espagne

“Arrasate Hiria” International Accordion CompetitionHauspoz Euskal Herriko Akordoei Elkartea annonce le 23ème concours international d’accordéon “Arrasate Hiria” qui se tiendra à Arrasate-Mondragón (pays basque espagnol) en tre les 4 et 7 décembre 2015.

Des prix en cash, des diplômes et trophées seront remis aux trois premiers. Le gagnant sera invité à donner un concert lors de l’édition 2016.

La clôture des inscriptions est le 30 septembre 2015. Téléchargez toutes infos et règlement ainsi que le formulaire d’inscription à : 2015Arrasate


Brandon McPhee félicité par le parlement écossais – Ecosse, Royaume-Uni.

Brandon McPheeLe jeune accordéoniste prodige Brandon McPhee à eu l’honneur unique d’être officiellement félicité par le parlement écossais. A l’origine du mouvement, Rob Gibson, Caithness, Sutherland et Ross MSP. La citation dit :

Félicitations à Brandon McPhee, jeune champion d’accordéon du Caithness.

Le parlement félicite Brandon MacPhee, accordéoniste de 18 ans de Caithness après qu’il ait affiché complet à l’ Eden Court Theatre d’Inverness le 28 février 2015, ce qui fait de lui le plus jeune habitant de Caithness a avoir accompli cet exploit.

Nous le félicitons pour avoir été le All Scotland Senior Accordion Champion 2014, le premier accordéoniste boutons à avoir remporté ce prix à 17 ans, à côté de nombreux autres prix dont le All Scotland Junior Accordion Champion, Junior Perth All Scotland Accordion and Fiddle Champion, All Scotland Button Key Accordion Champion three years in a row, National Association Accordion and Fiddle Competition Open Button Box Champion, Guest Artist of the Year at the Annual Box and Fiddle Fellowship Input Awards, winner of the Duncan Campbell Memorial Trophy. Il a été le gagnant de l’Open Accordion Championship des moins de 19 ans de la Royal National alors qu’il n’avait que 15 ans. Il a reçu la Royal National Mod Senior Gold Medal trois fois ainsi que plusieurs prix locaux ; nous reconnaissons sa contribution à la musique écossaise et folk.

Le parlement considère qu’il est un excellent modèle pour tous les jeunes qui veulent poursuivre le rêve de jouer d’un instrument de musique et lui souhaite le meilleur pour le futur.

Signé de : Kenneth Gibson, Stuart McMillan, Bill Kidd, Jean Urquhart, Roderick Campbell, David Stewart, Joan McAlpine, Mary Scanlon, Christina McKelvie, Mike MacKenzie, Adam Ingram, Dennis Robertson, Richard Lyle, Jamie McGrigor, John Finnie, Angus MacDonald, David Torrance, Nigel Don, Gil Paterson, Colin Beattie, Dave Thompson, Sandra White


Salon de la Musique de Francfort 2015 - Allemagne

Frankfurt Musikmesse
2015 Musikmesse posterSoyez-là du 14 au 18 avril quand s’ouvriront les portes du Salon de la Musique 2015 de Francfort, l’esprit de la musique ! Une foire internationale aux instruments de musique, à l’édition, à la production et aux relations commerciales.

Journées professionnelles : 15 et 16 avril – de 9h0 à 18h00
Journées grand public : 17 et 18 avril – de 9h00 à 18h00

Le salon de la musique de Francfort et la plus grand foire mondiale pour le monde de la musique. Vous trouverez là une gamme complète de produits et tout ce qu’il faut pour faire de la musique, sans oublier les innombrables ateliers, concerts, démonstrations et table-rondes.

Cette année tous les instruments à anches libres reviennent dans le beau hall 3.1 et il y aura aussi une grande expo d’accordéons et diatoniques dans le hall 5.0, stand B.38 (Roland).
Alors de manquez pas cela !

Reportage complet dans de prochaines news.


Clôture des inscriptions pour les championnats accordéon du pacifique sud – Nouvelle Zélande

NZAA banner
NZAA ProspectusLes inscriptions sont closes le 12 avril pour les championnats et le festival du pacifique sud 2015 qui se tiendront à Auckland samedi 30 et dimanche 31 mai. Téléchargez réglement et conditions d’inscriptions à : 2015 NZ Prospectus

La présidente de la New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) Sonja Palinich écrit : « La NZAA se réjouit de disposer une fois de plus du Raye Feedman Arts Centre, un lieu qui est idéalement équipé, avec une acoustique excellente, des éclairages et divers moyens regroupés sous un seul toît ».

Pour 2015, le règlement des catégories internationales, se rapproche beaucoup celui de la Coupe Mondiale. La catégorie South Pacific solo Championship a exactement les mêmes règles que la catégorie Masters de la Coupe Mondiale et la catégorie South Pacific entertainment a exactement les mêmes règles que la catégorie Virtuoso Entertainment de la Coupe Mondiale.

Reportage sur les éditions précédentes : South Pacific.
Réglement et toutes informations en téléchargement ici : download: 2015 NZ Prospectus


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Video: Motion Trio Perform Balcan Dance - Poland

Motion Trio released 12 March 2015 this video performing Balcan Dance.


Calum MacLean (1934-2001), Scotland - UK

Calum McLeanCalum MacLean, one of Scotland’s finest accordionists and composers of music in both Scottish and Continental genres, passed away on April 3rd at the age of 80.

Calum MacLean was born in Tobermory, Isle of Mull in 1934. The youngest of a family of eight, he was given a single row melodeon at the age of nine, progressed to a 2-row Hohner diatonic, and then took up the 5-row Continental chromatic at the age of fourteen, which Calum persevered with, teaching himself to read and write music. In his formative years, Bobby MacLeod, the Isle of Mull’s other great accordion star player, influenced Calum’s playing. In 1970 Calum won the Coupe d' Europe (European Championship) in Bad Godesberg, Germany, and went on to establish himself as one of his nation’s finest musicians, performing many times on BBC TV and radio.

Essentially a solo accordionist rather than part of the dance band scene, Calum was also a great composer of music for accordion, and was particularly adept at writing pieces that are pastiches of French musette, Swiss, Latin, Italian, etc. Many of his 300+ compositions have been published, and also recorded. The composers Calum MacLean particularly admired over the years include Pietro Frosini, Pietro Deiro, and Scotland’s Ian Holmes. The range of music featured on Calum MacLean’s recordings is varied and impressive, and his style is much admired.

Calum and his wife Jean were married for over 50 years and his son Calum Jnr is now keeping up the family musical tradition.


Video: Accordion Rock Orchestrion Perform Don't Stop Me Now - Russia

Accordion Rock Orchestrion (Live) - Don't Stop Me Now
This cover version of the great Queen song was recorded live at Saint Petersburg JFC Jazz Club 13th March 2015.


Marco Lo Russo New CD ‘Il grande cinema versione Jazz’, Rome – Italy

Marco Lo RussoAccordionist Marco Lo Russo and pianist Gino Marcelli have combined their respective talents on a brand new recording, ‘Il grande cinema versione Jazz’ (Big screen version Jazz), which is a collection of jazz versions of famous motion picture soundtracks, performed “with an Italian twist”.

The CD ‘Il grande cinema versione Jazz’ is available from April 9th via Marco lo Russo’s website www.marcolorusso.com

For further information email: dina@marcolorusso.com


Video: Accordion Masterclass, Bach BWV 1060

Published on Mar 22, 2015
Bach - Concerto for 2 Harpsichords in C minor BWV1060 1 / 3 Allegro filmed at rehearsal

Performers are:
Rada Petrovic, accordion (class Grzegorz Stopa)
Georgel Popa, accordion (class Grzegorz Stopa)
Mirjam Nill, violin (class Dominika Falger)
Irene Malizia, violin
Antonio Chorbadzhiyski, violoncello (class Georg Baich)
Anna Frisanova, viola (class Alexander Zemtsov)


‘14 Years Ago’: London Accordion Festival announcement in April 2001

The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending April 13th 2001 included an announcement that in December that year there would be the London Accordion Festival, to be held at Wembley Conference Centre. Organised by Romano Viazzani, this would be a large-scale accordion spectacular, featuring a large roster of international accordionists.

This event followed, in quick succession, accordion festivals in Bridlington and Pakefield, and the CIA Coupe Mondiale held in London – an impressive sequence of accordion events in the UK.

London Accordion Festival – England
Contributed by Romano Viazzani

The London Accordion Festival will be held on December 8th and 9th in Wembley, London. The event will include two Gala Concerts featuring the BBC Concert Orchestra accompanying various accordionists playing everything from newly commissioned works to Piazzolla and soloists Vladimir Zubitsky, Gervasio Marcosignori and Simone Zanchini with Hallo Mr Sax (a 12-piece saxophone ensemble with percussion). "Jazz After Hours" will follow the two gala concerts with Jack Emblow and Frank Marocco.

Other events include daytime mini concerts, an afternoon Tea Dance, Trade Fair, competitions for players and composers, masterclasses and workshops. Performers include Romano Viazzani, Owen Murray, Frederic Deschamps, Corrado Medioli, Gary Blair, David Lukins, David Farmer, Jean Pierre Goncalves Lima, Veli Kujala, Susanne Kohler, Mauro Carra, Vincenzo Abbracciante, Djordje Gajic, Jerome Richard, Marielle Roy, KODA, The Czardas Duo, The High Society Dance Orchestra and students of the Royal Academy of Music.


Future events

Milos Milivojevic in ‘Swanhunter’, London – UK

Milos MilivojevicMilos Milivojevic will be performing alongside the Opera North in ‘Swanhunter’ in April and May. ‘Swanhunter’ is an inventive fusion of opera, puppetry and live action, based on a tale from the Finnish folk epic ‘The Kalevala’. It is suitable for ages 7+, lasts approximately 1 hour 10mins (no interval), and sung in English.

April 10th, 7pm – Linbury Studio Theatre, Royal Opera House, London
April 11th, 2pm and 7pm - Linbury Studio Theatre, Royal Opera House, London
April 16th, 7pm – Howard Assembly Room, Leeds
April 17th, 7pm - Howard Assembly Room, Leeds
April 18th, 2pm and 7pm - Howard Assembly Room, Leeds
April 21st, 7pm – Lighthouse, Poole, Dorset
April 22nd, 7.30pm – Cambridge Junction
April 24th, 7.30pm – Cast, Doncaster
April 25th, 7pm – The Lowry, Salford Quays, Manchester
April 26th, 7pm – Alnwick Playhouse
April 27th, 1.30pm - Alnwick Playhouse
April 29th, 7pm – Queen’s Hall Arts Centre, Hexham  
April 30th, 11am – Queen’s Hall Arts Centre, Hexham  
May 1st, 7pm – Gulbenkian, Canterbury
May 2nd, 2pm – Gulbenkian, Canterbury
May 3rd, 7pm – Harrogate Theatre

The London-based Serbian accordionist Milos Milivojevic now publishes his own newsletter containing news of his activities.

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham’s Tour, England, Isle of Man - UK

Aly Bain & Phil CunninghamAly Bain & Phil CunninghamThe highly popular Scottish fiddle/accordion duo Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham have just begun an April tour of venues in England, which includes:

April 10th – The Maltings Theatre, Berwick-on-Tweed TW15 1AJ
April 11th – Victoria Hall, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD19 3AS
April 12th, 8pm - Waterside Arts Centre, Sale, Cheshire M33 7ZF
April 13th, 7.30pm – Theatre by the Lake, Keswick CA12 5DJ
April 14th, 7.30pm – Queens Hall Arts Centre, Hexham NE46 3LS
April 15th – Firth Hall, Sheffield University S10 2DG
April 18th – Centenary Centre, Isle of Man IM5 1HQ
April 20th, 7.30pm – Uppingham Theatre LE15 9UD
April 21st – Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9AG
April 22nd – Anvil Arts, Churchill Way, Basingstoke RG21 7QR
April 23rd – Turner Sims Concert Hall, University, Southampton SO17 1BJ
April 25th, 7.30pm – Marsham Town Hall, Little Market Place, Ripon HG4 4DY

Aly Bain has long been one of Scotland’s finest traditional fiddle players, and Phil Cunningham is similarly one of Scotland’s finest accordionists, pianists and composers. Both Aly and Phil have presented music programmes for BBC television.

For further information email: chris@adastra-music.co.uk


Rencontre de l’Accordeon, Halluin – France

Jerome RichardFrom 4pm on Saturday April 11th

"Rencontre de l’Accordeon" a regional festival, takes place at the Salle de Fetes ‘Le Manege’, Halluin.

This will be a concert, featuring the highly accomplished accordionist brothers Jerome and Michael Richard, and L’orchestra d’accordeons d’Halluin.

On Sunday April 12th, 2.30pm until 7pm, Jerome Richard and his orchestra will play for dancing.


Erika’s Tea Dance, Lessines – Belgium

ErikaThe busy and popular Erika, known in Belgium as ‘The Princess of the Accordion’ and her keyboard accompanist Jean-Marie play for a tea dance on:

Sunday April 12th
at the 2.30pm
at the Centre Culturel Rene Magritte


Craven Accordion Orchestra Open Rehearsal, West Yorkshire – UK

Craven Accordion Orchestra
The Craven Accordion Orchestra (MD Harry Hinchcliffe) will hold a final rehearsal, open to the public, on Tuesday April 14th, 7.45pm, at the Old Chapel Rooms, Glusborn Institute, West Yorkshire. Free admission, all are welcome.

This will be an opportunity to see the Craven Accordion Orchestra going through their final rehearsal before playing at this year’s NAO UK Championships at The Adelphi Hotel in Liverpool on Saturday April 18th.

For further information email: cravenschoolofmusic@hotmail.co.uk


Pierre Laval Tango Concert, Bethany – France

Piere LavalAccordionist Pierre Laval

performs in concert with his quintet El Truco

on Friday April 17th
at Salle Diapason
26 rue Alain Cosas
51450 Bethany

The concert includes many of Astor Piazzolla’s tangoes

Admission is 8 Euro.

For further information email: info@eltruco.fr


Pearl Fawcett-Adriano Concert Dates, Guildford, Barnsley, Stockport – UK

Virtuoso accordionist Pearl Fawcett-Adriano performs in April and May, as follows:

Friday April 17th, doors open 7pm – Guildford Accordion Club, Ripley Village Hall, Ripley, Surrey GU23 6AF

Tuesday April 28th, 7.30pm – White Rose Organ Society, Dodworth Central Social Club, 5 Station Road, Dodworth, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S75 3JA

Wednesday May 6th, 7.30pm – a World Accordion Day event: concert starring Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, featuring a tribute to the late Adrian Dante; supporting spots by the Stockport AC Band (MD Derek Stubbs) and the Stockport AC Orchestra (MD Brian Jenkins); venue – Woodley Methodist Church, Chapel St, Woodley, Stockport SK6 1NF.

For further information email: pearladriano@hotmail.com


Silvia Olari and Romano Viazzani Concert, London – UK

Romano ViazzaniSilvia OlariLondon-based Italian singer/songwriter Silvia Olari, who has had considerable success in Italy where she was signed by Warner after reaching the final stages of Amici, an Italian TV talent show, performs in concert with accordionist Romano Viazzani on Saturday April 18th, 9.30pm, at Brasserie Toulouse Lautrec, 140 Newington Butts, Kennington, London SE11 4RN. Some of her songs have been already successfully translated into English and this will be Silvia Olari’s UK concert debut. The music will feature many of Silvia’s own songs in English and Italian as well as songs by other composers. Brasserie Toulouse Lautrec is a wonderful French restaurant with a lovely upstairs cabaret room. One could even go and have supper in the restaurant then attend the concert afterwards. Don’t miss this concert. It promises to be a real treat.

For further information email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk


Shane Brogan French Restaurant Residency, Edinburgh – UK

Accordionist Shane Brogan is now resident at the Pierre Victoire Restaurant, 18 Eyre Place, Edinburgh EH3 5EP, on Saturdays from 6.30pm to 9.30pm.

Shane Brogan comes from the west coast of Scotland, where he was born along with his twin brother Paul in 1971. His late father, Neil Brogan, who played the accordion, was a huge influence on Shane’s desire to learn the accordion, and he studied with Jim Hutcheon, from Ayr.

Shane went on to study music at Napier University, Edinburgh, where he graduated with a diploma in music, specialising in the accordion, piano and composition. He was the very first accordionist ever to be accepted by the university. Shane went on to study jazz improvisation and also began writing music.

He began performing with his twin brother, Paul, who plays keyboards and drums, and later joined The Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra as one of their accordionists, which led to him going with them on three major tours abroad to Canada, USA and all around Europe, performing on TV and radio, whilst recording albums and videos.
For further information email: s.b.m.p.ltd@gmail.com


New and Updated Sites

Updated Site: Franco Cambareri New Work Fantasia Rumbesca

Fantasia Rumbesca by Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released a new work:
Catalog No: cfranco195 - Fantasia Rumbesca (solo)
as an eSheet, able to be purchased online with credit card and sent to you by email.

Fantasia Rumbesca is a simple piece of Latin Style Music


Work Titled Koriana Released for Online Sale by Gary Daverne - New Zealand

Gary DaverneComposer, conductor Gary  Daverne OMNZ has released his solo composition Koriana for sale online. This work includes standard bass and free bass segments. Catalog No: ED0270_D

This work won the 2009 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Award for Best New Original Work.

The soundtrack of the 2009 Coupe Mondiale prize giving performance by Edward Giffney is available online at: Catalog No: coupe2009

Updated Site: Gary  Daverne Homepage and eTracks (mp3) Page


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