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Weekly News from Around the World - 10-Apr-2009
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Editors Note:
" accordion-space4U.com " neues Akkordeon-Internetportal!
Frankfurt Musikmesse 2009 - Deutschland
Mika Väyrynen mit dem Tampere Philharmonic Orchestrer - Finnland
Akkordenkonzert-Kritik in der New York Times - USA
Erfolgreiche Akkordeonistin - New Zealand
UNI-Abschlüsse von Akkordeonisten - Australien

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Minna Weurlander’s New CD, Malmö - Sweden
Competition “Debut” in Rostov Art College - Russia
Gala d'accordéon‏, Belley – France

Future events

CNIMA Courses, Saint-Sauvres d’Auvergne – France
Motion Trio’s First UK Concert Tour
Accordeon Melancolique Concerts – Netherlands
Akkordeon-Sound-Orchester at Guildford AC, Surrey – UK
Paprika Balkanicus at Royal Albert Hall, London – UK
Accordion and Violin Courses, Serre-Eyraud – France
AMISAD 2009, San Benedetto del Tronto - Italy
Accordion Jazz Course, Northamptonshire – UK

New and Updated Sites

H S Production New Music Releases
Yehuda Oppenheimer release 1 arrangement for Acccordion
H S Production New Music Releases

CD Reviews

“Dreams, Music of Davor Bobić”

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Editors Note:

Easter Greetings
Rob HowardI note with real pride, the many successes that young accordionists have both in the accordion field and outside it – see articles below about young New Zealand and Australian accordionists.

Somehow, successful young accordionists also learn to achieve in so many other fields of endeavour – is this a real and powerful testament to the value of a fine musical education?

Rob Howard


" accordion-space4U.com " neues Akkordeon-Internetportal!

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accordion-space4u.com...neues Akkordeonweb-Portal online - Internet

es ist GRATIS und der ganzen Akkordeonwelt gewidmet...4U

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Es ist GRATIS - es macht SPASS - und es kommt noch MEHR!
Komm auch DU - mach mit - und schreib Dich ein!


Frankfurt Musikmesse 2009 - Deutschland

Frankfurt Musikmesse1.560 Aussteller über 4 Tage mit 300 Konzerten und 1.200 Special Events!
Die internationale Musikmesse in Frankfurt am Main, die vom 1. bis 4. April 2009 stattfand, berichtet eine Steigerung der Zahl teilnehmender Länder, von 47 Ländern 2008 auf 51 Länder in 2009 und somit ein erfreulicher Trend. Die Anzahl der einzelnen Länder kann als ein Indiz gewertet werden, dass die MI-Branche nach anderen Spielregeln funktioniert als die restliche Wirtschaft: Handelt es sich bei Musikinstrumenten doch nicht nur um Wirtschaftsgüter, sondern auch um Kulturgüter. Leichte Zuwächse bei Ausstellern kann die Musikmesse aus Italien (+4), Finnland (+5) und Belgien (+3) sowie aus Lettland und osteuropäischen EU-Staaten wie etwa Rumänien, Kroatien, Slowenien und Bulgarien erzielen.

Die Rückgänge verteilen sich gleichmäßig auf die übrigen Länder Westeuropas, Asiens und Nordamerikas. Mit 582 Unternehmen stellt Deutschland die größte Beteiligung auf der Musikmesse. Weitere Top 10-Ausstellernationen sind die USA (145), Italien (122), VR China (104), Großbritannien (71), Spanien (66), Frankreich (54), Schweiz (40), Taiwan (35) und die Niederlande (34).

Treffpunkt für das kommende Jahr: 24-27. März 2010.
Eine 2009 Frankfurt Musikmesse Montage gibt es online von Holda Paoletti-Kampl


Mika Väyrynen mit dem Tampere Philharmonic Orchestrer - Finnland

Mika VäyrynenDer Akkordeonist Mika Väyrynen spielt am 17. April 2009 in Tampere, Finnland mit dem Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra unter der Leitung von Okko Kamu. Das Programm: Konzert für Akkordeon und Sinfonieorchester von Erkki-Sven Tüür "Die Prophezeiung".

Der regelmäßig als Solist mit Sinfonie-Orchestern auftretende Künstler hat dieses Werk im Oktober 2007, zusammen mit dem Turku Philharmonic Orchestra unter der Leitung von Olari Elts uraufgeführt.

Ein voll geplanter Terminkalender wartet in diesem Frühlung auf den Künstler, darunter zwei Reisen nach Spanien - Zaragoza und Oviedo, eine Aufnahme mit dem Bandoneon für NBC und viele andere Auftritte. Für weitere Informationen, besuchen Sie bitte www.accordions.com/mika


Akkordenkonzert-Kritik in der New York Times - USA

David Starobin and Poul RudersDer finnische Akkordeonist Mikko Luoma gab am 26. März in New York ein Konzert und Anthony Tommasini schrieb in der New York Times einen sehr ausführlichen Bericht über das Akkordeon und seine Möglichkeiten.
Es kommt nicht so häufig vor, dass ein bekannter (klassischer) Musik-Kritiker über das Akkordeon kommentiert...lesen Sie hier den Bericht: Luoma NY Times Review

Für weitere Information schreibenn Sie bitte via email an den Künstler: mikko.luoma@turkuamk.fi


Erfolgreiche Akkordeonistin - New Zealand

Governor-General Group
Stephanie PanzicAm Samstag, 4. April wurde Stephanie Panzic mit dem Gold Award des Herzogs von Edinburgh/General-Gouverneur von Neuseeland, seiner Exzellenz dem Herrn Sir Anand Satyanand im Rahmen einer Zeremonie am Government House Auckland ausgezeichnet.

Dies war das Ergebnis ihrer 5jährigen Teilnahme in verschiedenen Aktivitäten wie Sport, Wohltätigkeitsarbeiten in der Gemeinde und Outdoor-Expeditionen. Stephanie wurde auch ausgewählt die Dankesrede im Namen der anderen 32 Empfänger zu halten, für die sie viel Beifall und persönliche Glückwünsche auch vom General-Gouverneur erhielt.

Auch am 20. März promovierte sie mit dem „ATCL“ für Flöte in der Trinity Guildhall in Auckland.

Stephanie Panzic begann erst kürzlich mit ihrem erstes Studienjahr an der Auckland University für Rechtswissenschaften und in ihrer Freizeit singt sie mit dem Greater Auckland Chorus. Sie ist Mitglied im North Shore Akkordeon-Orchester und bereitet sich für den Wettbewerb des Coupe Mondialeßs im August vor.

Nur Akkordeonisten sind besser...


UNI-Abschlüsse von Akkordeonisten - Australien

Nick Shcherbakov, Lina Chegodaev and Ivan Liashenko
Lina Chegodaev und Nick Shcherbakov haben erfolgreich ihre AMEB A. Mus Akkordeon Abschlussarbeiten bestanden und die Promotione fand am 8. März an der Universität von New South Wales statt.

Ivan Liashenko, Vize Präsident der Australian Accordion Teachers Association, erhielt sein „Bachelor of Music Performance-Studium“ an der University of Western Sydney. Ivan wird seine Ausbildung an der UWS mit dem Ziel Master of Music Performance fortsetzen.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch allen drei Akkordeonisten.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Minna Weurlander’s New CD, Malmö - Sweden

Minna Weurlander CDMinna Weurlander (born in 1971 in Finland) studied at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki. As a solo accordionist she plays all kinds of music,from contemporary to Argentinean ’Tango Nuevo’. Her first solo CD ’Usva’, was released in 1999.

She has performed as a soloist with chamber and symphony orchestras and has been involved in a large number of dance, opera and theatre performances, both as musician and as composer.

Weurlander’s new CD ’ Señora del Destino’ includes South American and Russian music: it contains music by the two bandoneon master Luis di Matteo (Uruguay) and Astor Piazzolla (Argentina).

Also included are ’Kalina Krasnaja’ and ’Don Rhapsody’ by the Russian bajan virtuoso Viatcheslav Semionov, ’Milonga en cinco’, by the Swedish composer Erik Uddunge - written especially for Trio Fatale, a trio that Minna started with Berit Hesing and Berit Johansen Tange almost ten years ago.

’Frida’ was written by Minna for a theatre performance about the Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. Minna says that this recording is ”a little journey through memories and dreams...I dedicate my CD to my grandfather who showed me how to play the accordion thirty years ago”.

For further information email: minna.weurlander@telia.com


Competition “Debut” in Rostov Art College - Russia

A competition for young performers of Russian folk instruments and was held on the 28 and 29 March at the Rostov Art College. All lecture rooms and the concert hall's of the College were given to the young musicians attending this competition.

More than two hundred young musicians from 60 towns and villages of Rostov Region and Krasnodar Territory, ages 7 to 17 years, were divided into four age categories. The competitions took place using five halls at the same time. The young performers on the guitar, domra, balalaika, accordion, bayan demonstrated their skills.

Of special interest was the bands category, where 49 groups of different instrument composition and numbers were competing. The repertoire for young performers included works from all periods and genres, from the Baroque to the latest pop music.

The closing concert featured orchestras of accordion and national instruments, the best competitors as well as accordionists of the Rostov College of Art, who performed for a crowded hall.

The winner of the bayan category was Peter Panyushkin, a student of Rassvet music school, teacher Ludmila Eraksina. The winner of the accordion category was Alexander Aksenov, a student of Tsimlyanskoe music school, teacher Elena Sidonians.

Each contestant received a commemorative CD of the "Debut" with videos of speeches and leading performers including accordion players plus prizes and gifts for the competition winners.


Gala d'accordéon‏, Belley – France

Trio (Jean Louis Noton, Mady & Peter Soave)
Accordion GroupOver 500 people in Belley, in the Rhône-Alpes region of South East France, recently enjoyed a gala concert featuring an impressive line up of accordionists.

These included Alexander Skliarov (Russia), Quartet Azztango, Trio (Peter Soave and Mady Soave, Jean Louis Noton), Alain Musichini and his Orchestra.

The concert was organized by the Accordion Club of Bugey, MD Annie Mougel.


Future events

CNIMA Courses, Saint-Sauvres d’Auvergne – France

Nathalie Boucheix and Jacques MornetTraining courses organized by CNIMA J.Mornet run from April 13th to 18th, and from 20th to 25th. The CNIMA teachers will include Jacques Mornet, Nathalie Boucheix, Stéphanie Methot, Claude Sauvage, Pascal Meurge, and Amélie Castel. These dates also include courses for Roland Virtual Accordion and keyboards.

For further information email: cnima@wanadoo.fr


Motion Trio’s First UK Concert Tour

Michael Nyman and Motion TrioThe Motion Trio, from Poland, tour the UK for the first time during April, and their debut took place April 8th in a concert with the British pianist and composer Michael Nyman at The Barbican, London. This concert, titled ‘Music to write films to’, was the closing event in the Kinoteka Film Festival.

Founded by Janusz Wojtarowicz in 1996 as street performers on the sidewalks of Krakow, Motion Trio have since become regulars on concert stages around the world. Ripping up clichés and cultural stereotypes,

Motion Trio have changed the way that the accordion is perceived as an instrument, pushing the boundaries of its musical capabilities to the limit. A very special superb group.

Their tour dates include:
25th - The Gulbenkian Theatre, Canterbury
26th - The Gulbenkian Theatre, Canterbury
27th – Master class, Duke’s Hall, Royal Academy of Music, London
28th - St.George’s, Bristol
29th - Wesley Memorial Church, Oxford
30th - Turner Simms Concert Hall, Southampton

For further information email: karolina.kolodziej@polishculture.org.uk


Accordeon Melancolique Concerts – Netherlands

Accordeon MelancoliqueThe highly accomplished duo Accordeon Melancolique perform as follows:

April 19th, 1am until 12noon - concert in Antonius Hospital, Bolswarderbaan 1, Sneek

April 19th, 2pm until 4pm - Inn Greate Paired, Greate Pierwei 9, Kimswerd, by Harlingen; entrance includes light refreshments

May 3rd, 5pm until 7pm - The Waarhuis, Zijlsterweg 20, Aduarderzijl (18 km from Groningen)

July 5th, 2.30pm until 4.15pm - Opening of the Cultural week of Aardenburg, Galerichel, Weststraat 38, Aardenburg (26 km from Bruges)

July 26th - matinee concert in the Petruskerk, main street Pieterburen

August 9th - ‘Day of Romantic music’, The Park (not far from the Euromast), Rotterdam

September 19th, 8.15pm - Museum Vosbergen, Vosbergerlaan 35, Eelde

October 25th, 3pm - Walloon church, Catharinastraat 83 b, Breda

November 8th, 3pm - The Toonzaal, 5211 HE, Prince Bernhardstraat 4-6'S-Hertogenbosch

For further information email: info@acmel.nl


Akkordeon-Sound-Orchester at Guildford AC, Surrey – UK

The Akkordeon-Sound-Orchester, from Walslode, Germany, are the guests at Guildford Accordion Club, Ripley Village Hall, Guildford, Surrey, on April 17th, 8pm.

The evening will begin with a reception attended by the Mayor of Guildford, Councillor Jennifer Jordan, who will welcome the guests. Refreshments will be included.

For further information email: myrabee@btinternet.com


Paprika Balkanicus at Royal Albert Hall, London – UK

Milos Milivojevic, Zivorad Nikolic and Bogdan Vacarescu
Vlad Jocic and Jozef SecnikThe Balkan group Paprika Balkanicus, following their very successful trip to Australia and New Zealand, perform at the Café Consort, Door 12, Royal Albert Hall, London, on April 17th, 12 noon. This is a great group and a must see for those able to be in London on this date. Admission is free.

The line up of Paprika Balkanicus is Milos Milivojevic (Serbia) – accordion, Zivorad Nikolic (Serbia) – accordion, Bogdan Vacarescu (Romania) – violin, Vlad Jocic (Serbia) – guitar, and Jozef Secnik (Slovenia) – bass.

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


Accordion and Violin Courses, Serre-Eyraud – France

Marie-Laurence RoccaJohn Marc MarroniAccordion and violin courses, organised by the association Europe Accordeon Arts and Cultures, will take place from April 18th to 24th at Serre-Eyraud in the Hautes-Alpes. The courses will be run by John Marc Marroni and Marie-Laurence Rocca, Professors at the Conservatory d'Aix-en-Provence.

For further information email: veronique.marroni@wanadoo.fr


AMISAD 2009, San Benedetto del Tronto - Italy

Hotel Philosophy
AMISAD logoThe 5th Festival dell’Adriatico (AMISAD 2009), a competition for players of diatonic accordions, takes place at the Hotel Philosophj in San Benedetto del Tronto on April 25th. This festival is organized by the Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, and Diatonici (AMISAD) di Maiolati Spontini, Ancona.

This competition includes a range of sections for junior and senior contestants.

For further information email: roncogia@libero.it


Accordion Jazz Course, Northamptonshire – UK

Bert SantillyAn annual Accordion Jazz Weekend Course takes place at Knuston Hall, Northamptonshire, May 29th to 31st. The course is led by Bert Santilly, one of Britain’s best jazz accordionists and teachers.?

For further information email: bert@santilly.co.uk


New and Updated Sites

H S Production New Music Releases

H S Production releases 9 new pieces, 'Morning Arrangement, catalog:hs454', 'The Old Acquaintance, catalog:hs455', 'Game Arrangement, catalog:hs456', 'Song 3, catalog:hs457', 'March Arrangement, catalog:hs458', 'Little Melody, catalog:hs459', 'Solemn Arrangement, catalog:hs460', 'Song 4, catalog:hs461' and 'Two Canons, catalog:hs462'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Yehuda Oppenheimer release 1 arrangement for Acccordion

Yehuda Oppenheimer releases 1 arrangement for acccordion - 'Mini Valse (Duet), catalog:OY597'. Samples of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


H S Production New Music Releases

H S Production releases 8 new pieces, 'Leave, Masha, catalog:hs444', 'Eastern Melody, catalog:hs447', 'Good Night Arrangement, catalog:hs448', 'That Snowflakes, As Fuzzes, catalog:hs449', 'Spring Waltz, catalog:hs450', 'The Cheerful Girl Lena, catalog:hs451', 'The Doll Dance Krakovyak, catalog:hs452' and 'Who Takes The Tambourine Faster, catalog:hs453'. Samples of the music are available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews

“Dreams, Music of Davor Bobić”

Dreams - Music of Davor Bobić” CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Dreams, Music of Davor Bobic” by Alessandro Mugnoz


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