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Weekly News from Around the World - 09-May-2014
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51st International Acccordion Competition Klingenthal - Germany
DONALD HULME (1920-2014) – EEUU

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Antonio Spaccarotella Concert Tour, Calcutta, Pune - India
Video: Accordionist Ligia Cipriano - Portugal
Record Entries, Accordion Orchestras/Ensembles Championships - Finland
Video: Martin Lubenov and Vladimir Karparov & Guitar - Portugal
Claudio Alho Contest Success, Johannesburg - South Africa
‘14 Years Ago’: ‘Polka King’ Walter Ostanek awarded ‘Order of Canada’

Future events

Marko Kassl Diary Dates – Germany, Netherlands, Austria
Erika & Orchestra ‘Bal Populaire’, Tintange – Belgium
“Accordion is it” Concert, Osnabruck – Germany
Charlotte Ludwig with Herbert Schònberger Concert, Vienna - Austria
Ksenija Sidorova Performs at Andalusia Festival, Andalusia - Spain
Fabio Turchetti @ Guildford Accordion Club, Surrey – UK
Guy Klucevsek 2014 Diary Dates, New York, California - USA
The 2 Karens Meet Alan Young in Concert, Isle of Wight – UK
Greek Music Concert, Istanbul – Turkey
Morley Accordion Orchestra host Nuremberg AO, London – UK
National Button Accordion Festival, Pennsylvania - USA

New and Updated Sites

Francesco Palazzo Updated Site - Italy
Friedrich Lips releases new CD
Karen Fremar New Site For 'Vivant! - Whatever You Do' CD - USA
Romano Viazzani updates sites with eTracks
Paul Chamberlain Updates Site with eTracks - UK

CD Reviews

Live in Rostov-on-Don 2013 CD Review of Alexander Poeluev

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World Accordion Day graphic
Welcome to Salzburg!
Klaus Paier and Asja Valcic - Tango Loco, Klaus Paier is one of the artists performing at the 2014 Coupe Mondiale.
World Accordion Day logosDía mundial del acordeón - ¡Celébralo!
World Accordion Day
Dos vídeos disponibles en la cabecera.

El 6 de mayo de 2014 se celebró el día mundial del acordeón por cientos de acordeonistas en todo el mundo. El proyecto de la Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), coordinado por el Miembro del Comité Musical de la CIA Grayson Masefield, fue retransmitida online, disponiendo así de vídeos, fotografías y reportajes en múltiples países.

El presidente de la CIA Raymond Bodell a través de esta plataforma quiere agradecer muy especialmente al Embajador de la CIA Kevin Friedrich y al Secretario General Kimmo Mattila por todo su trabajo en un día tan señalado.

El sitio web del WAD incluye información de la CIA, mensajes del Ejecutivo de la CIA, información de la Coupe Mondiale Austria 2014. Estás invitado a entrar y disfrutar de todos nuestros servicios: World Accordion Day.


51st International Acccordion Competition Klingenthal - Germany

51st International Acccordion Competition Klingenthal
Program, 51st International Acccordion Competition KlingenthalThe 51st International Accordion Competition Klingenthal started on the 12th May and ends 18th May, with 109 participants from 23 countries competing in categories for soloists, duos and ensembles of different styles of music.

Full competition rules and category information is at: 2014Kling

The Category VI virtuoso entertainment category will be held in concert format for the first time. The Finale round of solo Category IV with symphony orchestra will be held this Sunday afternoon (13.00 hrs) and the Prizegiving concert (17.00 hrs) will feature all the prize winners of the competitions.

Concerts by such performers as:
Mika Väyrynen, Samuele Telari, Christoph Grunert, Sexteto Obsesión Tango, Duo ViA! (Harald Oeler & Sinn Yang - violin), etc, along with the Akkordeonorchester Klingenthal (conductor Günter Herald) and symphony orchestras Stadtorchester Klingenthal (conductor Rico Schneider) and Vogtland Philharmonic (conductor Stefan Fraas).

For further details you can download the complete program at: 2014KProgram

- Jury members (country order) are: Ivan Koval (Czech), Jeanette Dyremose (Denmark), Mika Väyrynen (Finland), Jacques Mornet (France), Fritz Dobler (Germany), Stefan Fraas (Germany), Jürgen Ganzer (Germany), Tobias Morgenstern (Germany), Harald Oeler (Germany), Ulf Seifert (Germany), Krzyszof Olczak (Poland), Elsbeth Moser (Switzerland), Viatcheslav Semionov (Russia), Tibor Rácz (Slovakia).

There will be further reports of the results as they are announced in the coming days.



Krist NovoselicEl bajista y miembro fundador del célebre grupo Nirvana Krist Novoselic, de 48 años de edad, se ha declarado en una sorprendente entrevista como fanático de nuestro adorable instrumento: el acordeón.

En esa entrevista de 2012 Krist comentó: “Estoy obsesionado con el acordeón. ¿Conoces a esas personas que tienen obsesiones obscuras las cuales les resultan embarazosas y autodestructivas? Pues mi obsesión es el acordeón. Tocar el acordeón. Tengo que tocar todos los días, y lo hago durante horas. Toco polkas, canciones de los Beatles y los Rolling Stones y por supuesto, las canciones de nuestro grupo”.

El 9 de marzo Krist interpretó el éxito de Lorde “Royals” al acordeón durante un show en Takoma Park en Maryland como parte de la campaña FairVote.

Puedes ver dos vídeos de Krist Novolesic arriba. Este tipo de música tal vez no será del agrado de todos, pero acerca el acordeón a la audiencia como un instrumento de diversidad.

Hace apenas unos días Nirvana ha sido incluída en el Hall of Fame del Rock & Roll de Nueva York. Nuestras felicitaciones desde AccordionsWorldWide.


DONALD HULME (1920-2014) – EEUU

Donald HulmeDonald Hulme, el Campeón Mundial de 1961, falleció el 22 de abril de 2014 después de una corta enfermedad. Tenía 73 años.

Donald Hulme nació el 17 de octubre de 1940 en Belleville, Nueva Jersey. Su madre, que era pianista, le compró a Donald un acordeón cuanto tenía 8 años y le enseñó los primeros rudimentos de la técnica musical.

Más tarde estudiaría con Charles Nunzio haciendo su debut en el escenario el día de su 14 cumpleaños en el Carnegie Hall, Nueva York, convirtiéndose en campeón de los EEUU de acoreón en 1959, 1960 y 1961. Este último año además ganó la Coupe Mondiale en Pallanza, Italia.

Realiza un Master en Música en la prestigiosa Julliard School de Nueva York, se convirtió en un músico con mucha actividad y con muchos viajes a través del mundo, siempre rodeado de grandes amigos que le mostraban su cariño constantemente, como por ejemplo John Wayne.

Participó en programas televisivos y radiofónicos como el Show de Ed Sullivan, The Lawrence Welk Show, New York's Radio City Music Hall. Ha compartido escenario con músicos de la talla de Luciano Pavarotti y gozó de una prestigiosa carrera discográfica.

Fundó un dúo artístico con Shirley Evans llamado Evans & Hume entre 1972 y 1976, con el cual actuó a bordo del QE2 y grabó un disco en el año 1973.

Estableció su vivienda en Orlando, Florida en 1982 desde donde trabajó para la MGM Studios o el Disney World entre otras grandes compañías.

Tristemente en los últimos años atravesó numerosas dificultades, ante las cuales nunca cedió su sonrisa y su actitud positiva. Donald Hulme, uno de los grandes acordeonistas de su tiempo, fallece sin dejar descendencia. Nuestro emocionado recuerdo estará con él en estos días y desde luego que no permitiremos que su vida caiga en el olvido.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Antonio Spaccarotella Concert Tour, Calcutta, Pune - India

Antonio SpaccarotellaAmit Vaidya writes: "We are very proud of the success of Italian accordionist Antonio Spaccarotella in India. He has held 5 concerts, 2 in Calcutta and 3 in Pune for an exciting week, in which his accordion performance has fascinated Indian audiences."

The performances were held, from April 30th to May 5th, at the Calcutta Club, ‘The Sugar and Spice’, Pune Music Society, a master class at Kalmadi High School, and finally he played at the Indian Classic Music Center in occasion of the 82nd Foundation Ceremony of the Institute.

"A lot of people appreciated the shows, and for this reason we hope that more people in India will appreciate this fantastic instrument, thanks to the great contribution of Antonio. We also hope that more students will have the possibility to study the accordion in this country."

Special thanks go to Amit Vaidya, for organizing this tour, Pallab Roy for his invaluable collaboration, and obviously to Antonio Spaccarotella for his masterclasses and performances.


Video: Accordionist Ligia Cipriano - Portugal

Two videos of Ligia Cipriano, Portugal by Alberto Dâmaso who has some 155 videos, many of Portuguese accordionists on youtube.


Record Entries, Accordion Orchestras/Ensembles Championships - Finland

According to Rhythm Juniors (conductor Henna-Maija Vannemaa), Nivala
Finland hosted its national championships for accordion orchestras and ensembles, attracting a record 23 orchestras and ensembles, the most ever participating since the competition's inception in the 1970s. The Sibelius-opisto (music school) in Hämeenlinna jointly hosted the event together with the Finnish Accordion Association.

The competition featured four categories: orchestra (own category for young players born 1998 and younger), ensemble, pop/jazz and dance music, performing a wide variety of music from traditional dance music, folk to classical.

Renowned Finnish accordionist Matti Rantanen (Director of the accordion Department at the Sibelius Academy) served as Chairperson of the Jury, and he was assisted by Satu Salmenaho, Mika Hakala and Erkki Friman.

Matti Rantanen commented "It was very daring to play traditional Finnish classical music by Sibelius with an accordion orchestra, however Reijo Ahonen, the Conductor of Sibelius-opisto Accordion Orchestra presented this work in a very high level. I also liked a lot the interpretation of Pirates of Caribbean played by According to Rhythm (conductor Henna-Maija Vannemaa) and that it was very delightful to see the youngest children (5-7 years old) play. The future accordion and accordion orchestras in Finland is guaranteed!”

Accordion Orchestras (young players)
1. Sibelius-opiston Junioriharmonikat (conductor Reijo Ahonen), Hämeenlinna
2. According to Rhythm Juniors, (Henna-Maija Vannemaa), Nivala
3. Furioso, (Merja Huhta), Vihti
4. HarmoNikkarit (Marko Räsänen), Mäntsälä
5. JunnuNikkarit (Marko Räsänen), Mäntsälä

Accordion Ensembles
1. Trio Accat, (conductor Reijo Ahonen), Hämeenlinna
2. Hollolan Harmonikat, (Marko Könönen), Hollola
3. Mäntsälän Harmonikkojen trio (Marko Räsänen), Mäntsälä
4. Mäntsälän Harmonikkojen kvartetti (Marko Räsänen), Mäntsälä
5. Harmonikkayhtye Pomppaduuri (Anita Lehto), Hämeenlinna

Pop/jazz category
1. Sibelius-opiston Harmonikkaorkesteri (conductor Reijo Ahonen), Hämeenlinna
2. According to Rhythm (Henna-Maija Vannemaa), Nivala
3. Turun Harmonikkakerhon Viihdeorkesteri (Kauko Tiistola), Turku
4.TeiniNikkarit (Marko Räsänen), Mäntsälä

Accordion Orchestras
1=. According to Rhythm (conductor Henna-Maija Vannemaa), Nivala
1=. Sibelius-opiston Harmonikkaorkesteri (Reijo Ahonen), Hämeenlinna
3=. Hollolan Harmonikat (Marko Könönen), Hollola
3=. Karjalan Harmonikkaorkesteri, (Pasi Suikkanen), Imatra

Dance music category
1. Kalliolan Harmonikat (conductor Marko Könönen), Lahti
2=. Karjalan Harmonikkaorkesteri (Pasi Suikkainen), Imatra
2=. Sibelius-opiston Harmonikkaorkesteri (Reijo Ahonen), Hämeenlinna
4. Hollolan Harmonikat (Marko Könönen), Hollola
5. Mäntsälän Harmonikat (Marko Räsänen), Mäntsälä
According to Rhythm & According to Rhythm Juniors (conductor Henna-Maija Vannemaa), Nivala


Video: Martin Lubenov and Vladimir Karparov & Guitar - Portugal

Published 15 April 2014 is a video featuring acordionist Martin Lubenov, Vladimir Karparov (clarinet) and an unnamed guitarist at a performance in Portugal.


Claudio Alho Contest Success, Johannesburg - South Africa

Claudio AlhoClaudio Alho was a semi-finalist in the National Eisteddfod Academy Young Achiever’s Awards on May 6th – World Accordion Day - at the Roodepoort Theatre, Johannesburg, South Africa. This was in the Senior-to-Open Section (Grade 8 and older). He was the first accordionist to take part in the NEA.

Claudio made such a good impression on the judges, that he received a special invitation award to participate at the finals of the Classical Music section on May 17th at the Atterbury Theatre in Pretoria. Claudio Alho is a student of Sergio Zampolli.


‘14 Years Ago’: ‘Polka King’ Walter Ostanek awarded ‘Order of Canada’

Walter OstanekThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending May 12th 2000 included news of Slovenian-style polka accordionist and bandleader Walter Ostanek receiving the ‘Order of Canada’ for his long service as a professional musician. Born in Quebec in 1935, Walter Ostanek’s long list of accomplishments include 3 Grammy Awards, over 50 albums, his own TV shows (one of which ran for 14 consecutive years), and election to Canada’s ‘Walk of Fame’ and the Polka Halls of Fame in Cleveland and Chicago. He still performs locally to this day.

‘Order of Canada’ Award – Canada

Canada's ‘Polka King’ and accordionist Walter Ostanek (St. Catharines) was awarded the Order of Canada (Member) on Wednesday April 26th for over 45 years in the music business. Her Excellency, the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, Governor General of Canada, presided at the investiture ceremony in Ottawa. The Order of Canada recognizes people who have made a difference to their country.

Sixty five year old Walter has been inducted into two of North America's most renowned polka halls of fame, made numerous radio and television appearances and has won three Grammy Awards.


Future events

Marko Kassl Diary Dates – Germany, Netherlands, Austria

Marko KasslAustrian accordionist Marko Kassl performs this and next month, as follows:

May 10th, 11pm and 12.30am – ‘Sounds of the Space Age’, Nachtaktiv Mönchengladbach, Berliner Platz 10, Mönchengladbach, Germany

May 16th, 8pm – Salon für Neue Musik "Akkordeon!", Klangraum 61, Mettmannerstr. 61, D-40233 Düsseldorf, Germany

May 20th, 7.30pm - Valery Voronovs "Gottesmühlen", EL-DE-Haus Köln, Appellhofplatz 23, D-50667 Cologne, Germany

June 8th, 11am – Duo Mares concert, Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Hans-Arp-Allee 1, D-53424 Remagen, Germany

June 20th, 6.30pm – songs with Stella-Louise Göke, Concordia Enschede, Oude Markt 15, NL-7511 GA Enschede, Netherlands

June 24th, 5pm – programme: Compagnie Irene K: Die Blume und der Baum, Luaga und Losna, Raumschwagsaal, Raumschwagplatz 1, A-6710 Nenzing, Austria

For further information email: info@marko-kassl.de


Erika & Orchestra ‘Bal Populaire’, Tintange – Belgium

Erika and her Orchestra
On Monday May 12th, 8.30pm, the ‘Princess of the Accordion’ Erika and her orchestra play for dancing – a ‘bal populaire’ - at ‘Fauvillers’, Tintange, Belgium.


“Accordion is it” Concert, Osnabruck – Germany

“Accordion is it” is the title of a public concert on Wednesday May 14th, 8pm, at Gartenhaus der Hoschschule Osnabruck, Germany. Performing are students from the Hoschschule Osnabruck, and the programme includes everything from classics to modern, and tango to jazz.

For further information email: AndiNebl@gmx.de


Charlotte Ludwig with Herbert Schònberger Concert, Vienna - Austria

Singer Charlotte LudwigHerbert Schònberger accordionistSinger Charlotte Ludwig will present on May 14th, 7pm, her well-known and less well-known Viennese songs and original compositions from her new CD ‘zum Schmunzeln und G´spürn’ and will be accompanied by accordionist Herbert Schöndorfer.

The venue is Heuriger Das Schreiberhaus, Rathstraße 54, 1190 Wien, Neustift. Everybody is invited to join her! Her mother, dialect poet Anna Ludwig, will present some of her funny works. Free admission/donation.

The famous Viennese ‘Heurige’ (wine tavern in the 19th district of Vienna) ‘Das Schreiberhaus’ is also known for the good Viennese cuisine. An enjoyable evening is thus secured!


Ksenija Sidorova Performs at Andalusia Festival, Andalusia - Spain

Ksenija SidorovaLatvian accordionist Ksenija Sidorova performs at the Andalusia Festival, May 14th to 16th. Her concert takes place on May 15th, 7.30pm, at the Jesuit Church, Segura de la Sierra, and her program includes music by J S Bach, Viatcheslav Semionov, Tchaikovsky, Moszkowski, and Piazzolla.

This inaugural international festival of chamber music and traditional flamenco will take place in Segura de la Sierra, a whitewashed hilltop village deep in Andalusia, a remarkable historical venue amidst the stunning mountain scenery of the Cazorla and Segura National Park.

For further information email: arproductions@btinternet.com


Fabio Turchetti @ Guildford Accordion Club, Surrey – UK

Fabio Turchetti posterGuildford Accordion Club presents Fabio Turchetti, from Cremona, Italy, as their guest on Friday May 16th, 7.30pm. The venue is Ripley Village Hall, Surrey GU23 6AJ

Fabio Turchetti has studied classic and jazz harmony, and is a multi-instrumentalist/composer (diatonic and chromatic accordion, bandoneon, guitar and voice).

He has played and held workshops worldwide and has recorded over 20 albums. He will be playing diatonic button accordion for this concert, and offering some advice on bellows technique.

The evening also includes the club’s usual ‘Playalong’, so do bring your accordions.

For further information email: myrabee@btinternet.com


Guy Klucevsek 2014 Diary Dates, New York, California - USA

Guy KlucevsekThe highly accomplished US accordionist and composer Guy Klucevsek performs as follows:

18th May 2014, 7pm - solo concert, featuring Klucevsek's compositions ‘Altered Landscapes’, ‘Three Microids’, ‘Samba D Hiccup’, ‘The Return of Lasse’, ‘Larsong’, ‘And Then There Were None’, ‘Return of the Microids’, ‘Shimmer’ (for William Duckworth), Barbes, Brooklyn, NY.

30th May 2014, 7.30pm – concert includes excerpts from ‘Ruth Doesn't Live Here’, with Lionel Popkin Dance Company (LA), featuring Klucevsek's score for accordion and violin, performed live with Guy on accordion and Mary Rowell (violin), Walking Distance Dance Festival, San Francisco, CA

31st May 2014, 7.30pm - solo concert in which Klucevsek performs selections from his vast catalogue of solo accordion works, 1982-2012, Fifth Street Farms, Berkeley, CA

8th June 2014, 7.30pm and 9pm (separate admission) - solo concerts, Museum of Jurassic Technology, Los Angeles, CA

12th to 15th May 2014 - "Ruth Doesn't Live Here Anymore," with Lionel Popkin Dance Company, performed live with violinist Sara Parkins, Red Cat Theatre, Los Angeles, CA

2nd and 3rd August 2014 - "Ruth Doesn't Live Here Anymore," , inspired by the life and work of modern dance pioneer, Ruth St. Denis. Choreography by Lionel Popkin, music by Guy Klucevsek, performed live. Chatham, NY

For further information email: gklucevsek@mac.com


The 2 Karens Meet Alan Young in Concert, Isle of Wight – UK

Karen Tweed and  Karen StreetAlan YoungOn May 17th, 7.30pm, accordionists Karen Tweed, Karen Street and Alan Young share a concert on the Isle of Wight to fundraise for the UK Association of Accordion Teachers (UKAAT) and the Holy Trinity Church Organ Fund.

The evening promises an amazing variety of accordion music, laughter and a little nostalgia. It may well be worth bringing your dancing shoes and they will illustrate why every home needs an accordion!

Karen Tweed is highly regarded in the folk world as a player and teacher, and Karen Street is a jazz musician and composer. Incidentally, if Karen Street used her married name there would be two Karen Tweeds on the bill! Alan Young is a highly versatile accordionist and an accordion technician.

The venue is the Holy Trinity Church, Trinity Road, Ventnor, Isle of Wight PO38 1NS.

Please ensure a little extra time for parking (public car parks which are free are close by) as parking is limited and this concert promises to be a popular event.

For further information email: info@karentweed.com


Greek Music Concert, Istanbul – Turkey

GÜRCÜ SANAT EVIOn Sunday May 18th, 7.30pm, a concert of Greek folk music from Anatolia, Greece, takes place at the acoustic ensemble ‘Kafdagi’ perform in concert at GÜRCÜ SANAT EVI (Georgian Arts Hall), Cafer Aga Mh, Kadiköy, Istanbul.

The concert is organized by the Turkish accordion association Iberya Özkan Akordeon Tölyesi. The musicians performing are Asli Kurt (vocals), Aydin Ciracioglu (accordion), Ruben Tenenbaum (violin), Mikko Papadopoulos Laitinen (bouzouki), and Andreas Holzapfel (guitar).

One-to-one accordion tuition is available at the GÜRCÜ SANAT EVI, and every Wednesday, 7.30pm until 10pm, there is an accordion workshop.

For further information email: ibeka@mynet.com


Morley Accordion Orchestra host Nuremberg AO, London – UK

Morley Accordion Orchestra
The highly regarded Nuremberg Accordion Orchestra from Germany, visits London next month for the first time, to share a concert with the Morley Accordion Orchestra (MD Ian Watson) on June 8th, 5pm, at the St John's Smith Square concert hall in Westminster, SW1P 3HA.

The program includes a world premiere of Ian Watson’s new composition, 'Flight', which will open the concert. The Morley Accordion Orchestra will also play Gershwin’s ‘Rhapsody in Blue’, with concert pianist Jason Carr as soloist.

The Nuremberg Accordion Orchestra (World Champions in 2010) will play Holst's 'The Planets' and Elgar's 'Enigma Variations'.

The two orchestras will also perform together some specially commissioned original music.

For further information email: i.watson99@googlemail.com


National Button Accordion Festival, Pennsylvania - USA

National Button Accordion Festival logoThe 2014 National Button Accordion Festival takes place from May 23rd to 25th at the Croatian Club, 601 E. Poland Ave. in Bessemer, Pennsylvania. Visiting guests include the Mahonging Valley Button Box Club, Ron Pivovar, Mike Caggiano and Jack "6-pack" Preisner.

The festival has a ‘jamming’ format, with a time schedule board for performers or groups on the main stage. A formal program and concert happens on Sunday May 25th, the last day of the festival. Following the concert, the jamming format resumes for the remainder of the day.

A feature of the festival is that no bands are hired, and the music comes from the people attending the event.

For further information email: Rpivovar@verizon.net


New and Updated Sites

Francesco Palazzo Updated Site - Italy

Francesco Palazzo CD cover 'Fisarmonica Classica'Francesco Palazzo updated his site adding sample sound files and download eTracks (MP3) files for the album 'Fisarmonica Classica', catalog: fp201
Purchase online.


Friedrich Lips releases new CD

Friedrich Lips CD cover 'Night Flowers'Friedrich Lips release a new CD titled

'Night Flowers', catalog: CD026

with sound samples. Music performed by Friedrich Lips. Pu


Karen Fremar New Site For 'Vivant! - Whatever You Do' CD - USA

'Vivant! - Whatever You Do' CD cover by Karen FremarNew site for 'Vivant! - Whatever You Do' CD catalog No: kfremarCD03
Site has sound samples and eTracks MP3 downloadable files. Purchase online.


Romano Viazzani updates sites with eTracks

Romano Viazzani  'Piazzolla (Angel Suite) - Bobic (Liturgical Suite)' CD coverUpdate site for 'Piazzolla (Angel Suite) - Bobic (Liturgical Suite)' CD catalog No: vromano01
Site has sound samples and eTracks MP3 downloadable files. Purchase online.


Paul Chamberlain Updates Site with eTracks - UK

'Classical Accordion' CD cover by Paul ChamberlainUpdate site for 'Classical Accordion' CD catalog No: cpaulCD201
Site has sound samples and eTracks MP3 downloadable files. Purchase online.


CD Reviews

Live in Rostov-on-Don 2013 CD Review of Alexander Poeluev

Live in Rostov-on-Don 2013 CD cover by Alexander PoeluevCD Reviews Index for the Review of Live in Rostov-on-Don 2013 CD by Alexander Poeluev, Accordion, in English language, reviewed by Joan Sommers.


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