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Weekly News from Around the World - 09-Mar-2012
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Особенности Highlights

Фрэнк Марокко (1931-2012), Калифорния – США
21-й Большой Аккордеонный Круиз, Турку – Стокгольм – Турку – Финляндия/Швеция
Фестиваль ‘Squeezebox Spring’ – Монако
Семинар Фридриха Липса, Каринтия – Австрия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Joe Burke ‘Traditional Irish Music Collection’, Galway – Republic of Ireland
Two Beltango Quintet Concerts in Historic Teatru Manoel - Malta
eTracks MP3 Albums by Friedrich Lips, Renzo Ruggieri & Lionel Reekie Now Online – International
North Staffs Accordion Club @ Stockport, Cheshire – UK
‘14 Years Ago’ – Morris Dancing in Germany

Будущие события

Romano Viazzani in Jazz Cabaret Show ‘Transatlantic’, London – UK
Forthcoming Renzo Ruggieri CD, Castelfidardo – Italy
Women’s Day Concert, Tallinn – Estonia
Gorka Hermosa TV2, 10th March and Other Events - Spain, France, Estonia
Musical Show ‘Remember Shtetl’, Krakow – Poland
Paul Chamberlain Solo Concerts, Dewsbury, New Mills – UK
‘Whiskey and Women’ Shows, California – USA
Guildford Accordion Club’s ‘Irish Theme Evening’, Surrey – UK
Victor Prieto Trio @ Terraza 7, New York – USA
José Valadez Classical Recital, Monterrey – México
Petar Ralchev and Dimos Vougioukas Concert, Brussels – Belgium

Новые и обновленные сайты

eTracks MP3 Albums by Friedrich Lips and Renzo Ruggieri Now Online – International
eTracks Starts on MusicForAccordion.com Website - International
MP3 eTracks Album Release by Grayson Masefield

CD Отзывы

Kein Schöner Land CD by Leuchter - Melrose

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Особенности Highlights

Фрэнк Марокко (1931-2012), Калифорния – США

Frank Marocco
Аккордеонный мир скорбит в связи с кончиной Фрэнка Марокко, который умер в Лос-Анджелесе 3 марта 2012 года в возрасте 81 года.

Родившись в штате Иллинойс, свою музыкальную карьеру джазового аккордеониста Фрэнк Марокко начал в Чикаго, где в возрасте 17 лет выиграл национальный музыкальный конкурс, исполнив свое победное соло с чикагским оркестром Chicago Pops Orchestra перед аудиторией в нескольких тысяч человек на Soldier’s Field. Следующие несколько лет он провел путешествуя по США со своим квартетом, играя на аккордеоне в отелях и клубах Лас-Вегаса, Лэйк Тахо и Палм-Спрингс. В конце концов он обосновался в Лос-Анджелесе.

После периода работы в качестве пианиста со свинг группой Les Brown Марокко работал с Бобом Хоупом как аккордеонист, выступая и на телевидении и гастролируя по всему миру в подразделениях военных сил США. Он также работал с Фрэнком Синатрой, Диной Шор, Дорис Дэй, Гарри Конником-младшим, Лайзой Минелли, Рэем Коннифом, Бертом Бакара, Долли Партон, Марти Роббинсом, Джонни Кэшем, Джоном Денвером, Глен Кэмпбелл, Дадли Муром, Софи Лорен, Бобом Ньюхартом, Джорджом Бернсом и многими другими.

Фрэнк Марокко записал более 500 саундтреков к фильмм и для телевидения в Голливуде. Среди фильмов с его участием "Grease", "Пираты Карибского моря», «The Muppet Movie", "Братья Блюз", "Красавица и чудовище", "Король-лев», «Доктор Живаго», «Рокки 3», "Список Шиндлера" и "Крестный отец". Он также записывался с такими разными артистами, как Мадонна, Pink Floyd, The Beach Boys и Лучано Паваротти.

Глубоко уважаемый во всем аккордеонном мире, Фрэнк Марокко всегда восхищал публику яркой музыкальностью и ослепительной техникой, где бы он ни выступал, а его теплота и приветливость всегда располагали к нему как зрителей, так и всех, кто встречался с ним.

У Марокко осталась его жена Анна 60 лет, дочери Синтия, Венеция и Лиза, а также восемь внуков.

Соболезнования можно направлять по адресу: Anne Marocco, 7063 Whitaker Avenue, Van Nuys, CA 91406, USA.

Фрэнк Марокко будет кремирован. Через некоторое время состоится мемориальный концерт. На фото внизу некролог в итальянской газете. Ссылка на газету L A Times link:
Frank Marocco obituary


21-й Большой Аккордеонный Круиз, Турку – Стокгольм – Турку – Финляндия/Швеция

Финская Аккордеонная Ассоциация (Suomen Harmonikkaliitto - SHL) в 21-й раз организовала Большой Аккордеонный Круиз, который состоялся 4-5 марта и вновь стал крупнейшим в мире аккордеонным круизом:
- 2500 любителей баяна и аккордеона со всей Финляндии и из многих других стран;
- Сотни баянистов и аккордеонистов выступили в залах круизного лайнера;
- Состоялись полуфиналы конкурсов Golden Accordion и Silver Accordion, где были отобраны финалисты, которые будут соревноваться в финале на фестивале Sata-Häme Soi Festival в Икаалинене с 3 по 8 июля.

Фото вверху: финалисты конкурса Golden Accordion Competition 2012 во втором ряду слева направо: Tarvo Kantola, Julia Suihkola, Sanna Sällinen, Meeri Koskinen, Henriikka Santamaa и Jari Saarenpää.Финалисты конкурса Silver Accordion Competition 2012 в первом ряду слева направо: Tuukka Waris, Kalle Makkonen, Pilvi Huhta, Anna Salomaa, Linda Ullgrén, Nestori Hujala и Maija Pirinen.

Фото вверху, чуть ниже – концерт Airin Spelarit.
Фото вверху слева – Julia Suihkola играет для VIP-гостей.

Победитель конкурса Golden Accordion competition 2012 на фестивале Sata-Häme Soi в июле будет представлять Финляндию на Международном телевизионном конкурсе Primus Ikaalinen.

Это один из самых живописных зимних круизов. Смотрите фото из финского зимнего круиза 2010 года.

Фото внизу: выступление Mikko Makkonen (слева) и Timo Hautamäki (справа), ниже в Jaakko Laitinen & Väärä Raha в клубе Joe's Place Pub.


Фестиваль ‘Squeezebox Spring’ – Монако

Richard GallianoФестиваль "Squeezebox Spring" пройдет на концертных площадках Монако с 16 по 18 марта.

Фестиваль откроется в пятницу 16 марта в 17.30 в галерее Мальборо выступлением Паскаля Конте (Pascal Contet) под названием ‘Meet the Accordion’. После чего в зале Salle Empire, Hotel de Paris, состоится концерт с участием Паскаля Конте, Ришара Гальяно и бретонского музыканта Ябика Мартина (Jabick Martin).

В субботу 17 марта в числе основных мероприятий фестиваля – мастер-класс по аккордеону баскского музыканта Филиппе де Эскурры (Philippe de Ezcurra), который пройдет с 10.00 до 13.00, и презентация музыкального программного обеспечения (14.00-17.00) – оба мероприятия пройдут в театре Théâtre des Variétés. А в 20.30 в зале Chateau des Terrasses, Cap d'Ail, прозвучит аккордеонная музыка Италии и Баскского региона в исполнении Филиппе де Эскурры, а также традиционная итальянская музыка в исполнении дуэта Duo Bottasso (скрипка и диатоническая гармоника).

В воскресенье 18 марта в 15.00 состоится концерт, на котором прозвучит музыка Баха и Лигети в исполнении Германо Скурти (Germano Scurti) и традиционная ирландская музыка на диатонической гармонике в исполнении Чарли Харриса (Charlie Harris). Концерт пройдет в англиканской церкви Anglican Church, Beaulieu-sur-Mer. В 18.00 в церкви Святого Михаила St Michael's Church, La Turbie, пройдет концерт традиционной баскской музыки в исполнении Филиппе де Эскурры (аккордеон и бандонеон), а на улицах La Turbie под открытым небом пройдет выступление Макса Бонне (Max Bonnay – баян) и Клода Делангле (Claude Delangle –саксофон) под названием ‘Latin Cabaret’.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: verdure.sophie@printempsdesarts.com


Семинар Фридриха Липса, Каринтия – Австрия

Friedrich LipsС 8 по 12 июля 2012 в Каринтии недалеко от Клагенфурта, Австрия, пройдет музыкальный форум Musikforum Viktring, и впервые там проведет свой семинар Фридрих Липс.

Фридрих Липс – заведующий кафедрой баяна и аккордеона в РАМ им. Гнесиных в Москве – проведет индивидуальные уроки с участниками семинара, в процессе которых расскажет о своем видении решения музыкальных, технических и сценических проблем.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Joe Burke ‘Traditional Irish Music Collection’, Galway – Republic of Ireland

CoverJoe Burke - Traditional Irish Music Collection’ is a collection of 104 reels, jigs and hornpipes, with settings as played by this master of the 2-row diatonic button accordion. The book includes three CD, which include all the tunes played right hand only for learning purposes.

Joe Burke (born 1939), from Galway, is a legend of Irish traditional music. In 1959 and 1960 he was an All Ireland Champion on the 2-row BC button accordion, and for many years lived in the USA, where he performed with distinction at many festivals and other events. Joe Burke – also a noted flautist - now lives back in Galway, where he teaches the accordion and continues to perform and record.

For further information email: joeburkemusic@eircom.net
CD available online at: Joe Burke


Two Beltango Quintet Concerts in Historic Teatru Manoel - Malta

Aleksandar NikolicColores del Tango is a high quality dance show accompanied by the Beltango Quintet.  There were two  performances at the historic Teatru Manoel in Valletta, Malta, on February 25th and 26th (picture above).
All tickets were sold out on both consecutive nights, and it was great to see the theatre filled to capacity. The beautiful live music and the flawless execution of the dancing inspired each other, and gave the audience the chance to experience the true colours of Tango.
Barbara Elekes reported that: The dancers Johanna Kulik, Josip Bartulovic and Santiago Maciel captivated the audience and the Beltango members led by accordion and bandoneon player Aleksandar Nikolic (picture right) showed true mastery of their individual instruments and the skill with which the different sounds were bought together in the evening’s repertoire".
Aleksandar Nikolic, Ivana Nikolic (piano/vocal), Jovan Bogosavljevic (violin), Bogdan Pejic (el.guitar), Ljubinko Lazic (double bass)  vividly impressed the audience through the intensity of Tango and everybody in the theatre was touched in one way or another.

Beltango Trilogia Triple CD pack available online at Beltango.


eTracks MP3 Albums by Friedrich Lips, Renzo Ruggieri & Lionel Reekie Now Online – International

Freidrich Lips and Lionel Reekie album coversRenzo Ruggieri album coversThe eTracks part of the MusicForAccordion.com website starts its 3rd week and has already grown to over 350 MP3 tracks available. Priced at only € 0.70 a track with most albums costing € 8.00 or less its great value.

New Albums this week are:
4 albums by Friedrich Lips
Russisch und Trepak / Russia and Trepak:
Also Sprach Zarathustra
Schneefall bei Nacht / Snowfall at Night

2 albums by Renzo Ruggieri
Kramer Project

1 album by Lionel Reekie

Each week from now on, new eTracks will be released until most of the artists who currently sell their CD's through the MusicForAccordion website are listed. These will be announced each week as the eTracks are made available.

The advantage of eTracks is that you can download the MP3 files to your computer or other sound device such as ipod, iphone etc. You can purchase the sound files individually or as an album for a special price. There are no postage costs or delivery charges. You are sent the download code within 24 hours.


North Staffs Accordion Club @ Stockport, Cheshire – UK

North Staffs Accordion Club Band
Stockport Accordion Club's February 29th Club Night featured the North Staffs Accordion Club Band (MD Geoff Millward) in concert - picture above. This was the return fixture, following Stockport Accordion Clubs visit to North Staffs last November.

The evening proved to be a resounding success. There was a large attendance, and the guests did two great sets, with music that was entertaining and varied. The buffet was great too and it was all free, so everyone was a winner!

North Staffs’ long serving Geoff Millward is retiring as MD, and this was his final concert. He was presented with a copy of Rob Howard’s ‘Vintage Accordions’ as a momento.

The NSAC program included ‘Der Arnbacher March’, ‘I Dreamed A Dream’, ‘Begin The Beguine’, ‘Gallop’, ‘Largo’ (New World Symphony), ‘Yesterday’/’When I’m 64’, ‘Fiesta Espana’, ‘Mfyanwy’, ‘Big Parade’, ‘Speak Softly Love’, ‘Whistle Down The Wind’, ‘A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square’, ‘Morgens Und Sieben’ (James Last), ‘Memory’, ‘An American In Paris’ (Gershwin), ‘Oklahoma Selection’ (Rodgers & Hammerstein), and ‘Amazing Grace’

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com
North Staffs Accordion Club Band


‘14 Years Ago’ – Morris Dancing in Germany

The Accordions Worldwide news for March 6th 1998 included an item telling how German accordionist Dorothée Reuther had become so entranced by Morris dancing whilst living in England that on returning to Dresden she resolved to form her own team. Morris is one of most quintessentially English forms of dancing, and it would be interesting to know how successful Dorothée was in forming her team. If anyone reading this knows, please let me know; email robaccord5@hotmail.com

Contributed by Andrea Rautenberg

During her stay in England Dorothée Reuther (Dresden) joined a Morris-Dance Group and had so much fun, she now wants to set up a group in Dresden, Germany but needs accordionists! Morris-Dance involves groups of six men, wearing white shirts and trousers, decorated with ribbons, and bells on their legs. They stand in a two-by-three formation and begin a vigorous, athletic dance, moving up and down, back and forth, gesturing with big white handkerchiefs while performing spectacular leaps.

Dorothée is looking for interested accordionists from Dresden to join the group. There is a similar group in Leipzig and there are plans to organise a joint workshop in June. Morris-Dance is "a chance to perform in the street, to show off, to be loud, silly or raucous, to violate normal standards of behaviour and not only get away with it but be applauded for it."

Interested accordionists email Dorothée at: dr12@rcs.urz.tu-dresden.de


Будущие события

Romano Viazzani in Jazz Cabaret Show ‘Transatlantic’, London – UK

On Sunday March 11th, 7.30pm, ‘Transatlantic’ is at the Jermyn Street Theatre, 16b Jermyn St, London SW1Y 6ST.

‘Transatlantic’ is a jazz cabaret show presenting the music of composers from the 1930s to the present day, ranging from Hoagy Carmichael and Jerome Kern to Paul Simon and Sting. The vocalist is Joanna Strand, and the musicians involved include accordionist Romano Viazzani.

For further information email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk
3 CD's available online at Romano Viazzani


Forthcoming Renzo Ruggieri CD, Castelfidardo – Italy

Renzo RuggieriAccordionist Renzo Ruggieri and pianist Paolo Di Sabatino, two of the most famous Italian jazz musicians, combine on a new CD to play some universally recognized melodies from popular Italian music in captivating ways.

Starting from the National Anthem, they go through movie soundtracks (Morricone, Piovani, Ortolani), pop and folk music, opera music, etc. The CD will be released in May 2012.


Women’s Day Concert, Tallinn – Estonia

A French-themed concert to celebrate Women’s Day, organized by Corelli Music, takes place on Sunday March 11th, 7 pm, at the Toompea Music Lounge, Hall of Estonian Academy of Sciences, Kohtu str 6, Tallinn, Estonia. Performing are Silvi Vrait – vocalist, Raivo Tafenau - accordion, Jürmo Eespere – keyboards, and Liina Amon – percussion.

Corelli Music celebrates Women's Day with a particularly delicate sound world in the cozy Toompea Music Lounge, created by Silvi Vrait, a grand lady in Estonian music, and Jazz Musician of the Year 2010 Raivo Tafenau with his band. Silvi Vrait will lead us to Paris, the City of Love. The enjoyable atmosphere of Paris will be brought to us by Raivo Tafenau on accordion. Together they will perform some of the most famous French chansons, both in French and Estonian. Almost all of the Estonian lyrics have been written by Lauri Leesi.

Accordion, which is basically the first thing to represent the concept of Seine river and the famous café commotion beside it, and – of course – love have central place in this concert programme. Who could put love into music better than the French?


Gorka Hermosa TV2, 10th March and Other Events - Spain, France, Estonia

Tomorrow at 12h, 10 March, Gorka Hermosa will be on Spanish National TV (TVE2) playing with Ara Malikian, presenting my last CD "Flamenco Etxea" and premiering my last composition "Goya: Capricho 43".

Coming events:
14 &15 March 2012: Jury at Grand Prix International d`accordéon from 13 to 15th of March. Montrond les Bains (France) and premiere of my new accordion composition by Grayson Masefield.

20 March 2012: "Malandro trio". Santander. SIM

24 March 2012: "Garúa & friends". Santander. Sol Cultural

29 March 2012: "Malandro trio": La Arnía (Cantabria)

14 April 2012: "Fantangueando" (duo with the harpschicord player Silvia Márquez). Tallin (Estonia)


Musical Show ‘Remember Shtetl’, Krakow – Poland

Olga MieleszczukIsraeli singer and dancer Mendy Cahan and Poland’s singer and accordionist Olga Mieleszczuk (picture right) perform their musical show, ‘Remember Shtetl’, of Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian folk songs and dances at the Galicia Jewish Museum, 18 Dajwor St, Krakow, on Tuesday March 13th, 5pm. Free admission.

For further information email: info@galiciajewishmuseum.org


Paul Chamberlain Solo Concerts, Dewsbury, New Mills – UK

Accordionist Paul Chamberlain, from Edinburgh, will be giving two solo classical concerts in the north of England next week.
The first is a lunchtime recital in Dewsbury Town Hall, Yorkshire, on Wednesday March 14th at 12.30pm as part of the Kirklees Concert Season.

The following evening, March 15th, Paul will perform in the Providence United Reform Church, New Mills, Derbyshire, at 7.30pm.
The concerts will feature a varied programme, including works by Bach, Angelis, Repnikov and Khachaturian.
For further information email: paul@theaccordionist.com
Classical Accordion CD available at Paul Chamberlain


‘Whiskey and Women’ Shows, California – USA

Whiskey and Women trio
Whiskey and Women trioThe trio ‘Whiskey and Women’ are button accordionist Renee de la Prade, and violinists Rosie Steffi and Joan Wilson Rueter. Their music is a mixture of Cajun, Folk, Rock and Irish. Their forthcoming dates include:

March 15th, 7pm - Presidio Yacht Club a.k.a Travis Marina, Sausalito, CA.
March 17th, 4.30pm - St Patrick's Day gig at the Celtic Soul Concert, Urban Island, CA
March 17th, 9pm - The Sleeping Lady, Fairfax, CA

For further information email: squeezeboxgoddess@gmail.com


Guildford Accordion Club’s ‘Irish Theme Evening’, Surrey – UK

Bob MurphyGuildford Accordion Club’s next concert will be an ‘Irish Theme Evening’, on Friday March 18th, 7.30pm, in a nod to St.Patrick’s Day. The evening begins with a Playalong, featuring Irish tunes. Accordionists Richie Ahearne and Bob Murphy (picture left) will provide Irish entertainment. Also appearing are the Tillingbourne Accordion Orchestra, who will perform ‘Irische Suite’, by Matyas Seiber.
The evening includes an Irish Supper. Just bring a plate (with something on it) if you wish. The Club will supply tea, coffee and Porter Cake. Irish Coffee will be an optional extra.

The venue is the Ripley Village Hall, High St, Ripley, Surrey GU23 6AF

For further information email: myrabee@btinternet.com


Victor Prieto Trio @ Terraza 7, New York – USA

Victor PrietoThe Victor Prieto Trio perform at Terraza 7, 40-19 Gleane St, Elmhurst, NY, on Thursday March 22nd, 9.30pm.

Jazz accordionist Victor Prieto has recently returned to New York after what he describes as “an amazing and intense tour in Spain with my trio, Edward Perez, bass and Eric Doob, drums”.

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


José Valadez Classical Recital, Monterrey – México

José ValadezAccordionist José Valadez performs a classical recital at the Teatro del Centro de las Artes, Parque Fundidora, Monterrey, N.L., México on March 28th, 8pm.

The first half of the program – for solo accordion - includes ‘Preludio Op. 31’ (Volpi), ‘Acquarelli Cubani’ (Fancelli), and ‘La Comparsa’ (Lecuona).

The second part of the recital is accordion and chamber orchestra: ‘Concerto for Clavichord in D Major BWV 1054’ (Bach), ‘The Flight of the Bumblebee’ (Korsakov), ‘In a Persian Market’ (Ketelby), and the overtures ‘Poet and Peasant’ and ‘Light Cavalry’ (Suppé).

For further information email: joseavaladez@prodigy.net.mx


Petar Ralchev and Dimos Vougioukas Concert, Brussels – Belgium

Dimos VougioukasPetar RalchevAccordionists Petar Ralchev, from Bulgaria, and Dimos Vougioukas, from Greece, perform music of the Balkans (Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey, etc), and their own compositions in a concert at The Art Base, 29 rue des sables, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. This concert takes place on Friday March 30th, 8pm.

Petar Ralchev is one of the brightest stars on the contemporary Bulgarian music scene. The founder of a unique performing style, which he describes as "virtuosity, melodiousness, rich harmony and improvisation," he is an inspiration for many young accordionists around the world today. Having inherited a wealth of tunes, rhythms and measures from the folk tradition, he takes them into new realms and leads them to new heights.

Dimos Vougioukas is one of the young accordion soloists of Greek and Balkan traditional music. He has worked with well known soloists in the Balkans such as Ionica Minune and Petar Ralchev. Moreover, he played with performers of Greek music as Nena Venetsanou, George Dalaras, Glykeria, Nana Mouskouri, etc.

For further information email: vougioukas_dimos@hotmail.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

eTracks MP3 Albums by Friedrich Lips and Renzo Ruggieri Now Online – International

eTracks header
Lips Album coversalbum coversThe eTracks part of the MusicForAccordion.com website starts its 2nd week and has already grown to over 240 MP3 tracks available. Priced at only € 0.70 a track with most albums costing € 8.00 or less its great value.

New Albums this week are:
4 albums by Friedrich Lips
Et Exspecto
De Profundis
Six Children's Suites
Dieu Parmi Nous

4 albums by Renzo Ruggieri
Improvvisazioni Guidate
Storie di Fisarmonica Vissuta
Renzo Ruggieri Collection


eTracks Starts on MusicForAccordion.com Website - International

eTracks header
eTracks Album CoversAs a special tribute to the passing of Yehuda Oppenheimer, he will be the first artist to be featured on the new MusicForAccordion eTracks part of the site.

You can purchase the sound files individually or as an album for a special price. There are no postage costs or delivery charges. You are sent the download code within 24 hours.

As a Super Special in commemoration of Yehuda Oppenheimer, if you buy one Yehuda Oppenheimer album (7 Euro), we will also send you free of charge, another Yehuda Oppenheimer album. Just email your choice after you have ordered. This is a two week special in honor of the life of Yehuda Oppenheimer.

Other eTracks albums being released this week are a series of New Zealand albums:

- Catalog: coupe2009 featuring Coupe Mondiale 2009 World Accordion Orchestra III and the 2009 Coupe Mondiale winners concert.

Historical New Zealand accordion recordings to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the New Zealand Accordion Association.

- Catalog: Timelapse - featuring Maurice Jones, John Statham and Paul Marshall - vocals, (1980 and 1986)

- Catalog: joneshm - featuring Harley Jones and Maurice Jones (1975)

- Catalog: Silvio De Pra (1997)

- Catalog: anzao201 - featuring Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra (1992)
- Catalog: anzao1986 - featuring Air New Zealand Accordion Orchestra (1986)
- Catalog: nsao1984 - featuring New Zealand NS Accordion Orchestra (1984)
eTracks header


MP3 eTracks Album Release by Grayson Masefield

Grayson Masefield album coverFive times World Accordion Champion, 2008, 2009, 2010, Grayson Masefield has released his first album titled Grayson Masefield.

The works include both Concert music and Virtuoso Entertainment music as befits his major international competition wins.

Most tracks are only €0.70 and the 14 tracks are:
Concert Music
1. Ah vous dirai~je Maman - W.A. Mozart
2. Prophetic Dream - Viatcheslav Semionov
3. Sonata in F major - D. Scarlatti
4. Passacaglia & Fugue in C minor - J.S. Bach
5. Fragilissimo - Gorka Hermosa
6. Hommage a Paco - Franck Angelis

Virtuoso Entertainment
7. Pondichery Tango - Jérôme Richard
8. Notes Vagabondes - Claude Thomain
9. L’enfant Demon - Claude Thomain
10. Bluesette - Toots Thielemans
11. Oblivion - Astor Piazolla
12. Tico Tico - Zequinha Abreu
13. La Tempete - André Astier
14. Tango Pour Claude - Richard Galliano

The advantage of eTracks is that you can download the MP3 files to your computer or other sound device such as ipod, iphone etc. You can purchase the sound files individually or as an album for a special price. There are no postage costs or delivery charges. You are sent the download code within 24 hours.


CD Отзывы

Kein Schöner Land CD by Leuchter - Melrose

Kein Schöner Land CD by Leuchter - MelroseCD Reviews Index for the Review of Kein Schöner Land CD, Italian and English, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz. Artist is Manfred Leuchter and Ian Melrose.


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